path: root/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell')
10 files changed, 238 insertions, 477 deletions
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.cpp
index 21ee981371..e766b555bd 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.cpp
@@ -17,38 +17,49 @@
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h"
namespace Shader::Maxwell::Flow {
+namespace {
+struct Compare {
+ bool operator()(const Block& lhs, Location rhs) const noexcept {
+ return lhs.begin < rhs;
+ }
+ bool operator()(Location lhs, const Block& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return lhs < rhs.begin;
+ }
+ bool operator()(const Block& lhs, const Block& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return lhs.begin < rhs.begin;
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
static u32 BranchOffset(Location pc, Instruction inst) {
return pc.Offset() + inst.branch.Offset() + 8;
-static std::array<Block, 2> Split(Block&& block, Location pc, BlockId new_id) {
- if (pc <= block.begin || pc >= block.end) {
+static void Split(Block* old_block, Block* new_block, Location pc) {
+ if (pc <= old_block->begin || pc >= old_block->end) {
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid address to split={}", pc);
- return {
- Block{
- .begin{block.begin},
- .end{pc},
- .end_class{EndClass::Branch},
- .id{block.id},
- .stack{block.stack},
- .cond{true},
- .branch_true{new_id},
- .branch_false{UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID},
- .imm_predecessors{},
- },
- Block{
- .begin{pc},
- .end{block.end},
- .end_class{block.end_class},
- .id{new_id},
- .stack{std::move(block.stack)},
- .cond{block.cond},
- .branch_true{block.branch_true},
- .branch_false{block.branch_false},
- .imm_predecessors{},
- },
+ *new_block = Block{
+ .begin{pc},
+ .end{old_block->end},
+ .end_class{old_block->end_class},
+ .stack{old_block->stack},
+ .cond{old_block->cond},
+ .branch_true{old_block->branch_true},
+ .branch_false{old_block->branch_false},
+ .ir{nullptr},
+ };
+ *old_block = Block{
+ .begin{old_block->begin},
+ .end{pc},
+ .end_class{EndClass::Branch},
+ .stack{std::move(old_block->stack)},
+ .cond{IR::Condition{true}},
+ .branch_true{new_block},
+ .branch_false{nullptr},
+ .ir{nullptr},
@@ -112,7 +123,7 @@ static bool HasFlowTest(Opcode opcode) {
static std::string NameOf(const Block& block) {
if (block.begin.IsVirtual()) {
- return fmt::format("\"Virtual {}\"", block.id);
+ return fmt::format("\"Virtual {}\"", block.begin);
} else {
return fmt::format("\"{}\"", block.begin);
@@ -158,126 +169,23 @@ bool Block::Contains(Location pc) const noexcept {
Function::Function(Location start_address)
: entrypoint{start_address}, labels{{
- .block_id{0},
+ .block{nullptr},
}} {}
-void Function::BuildBlocksMap() {
- const size_t num_blocks{NumBlocks()};
- blocks_map.resize(num_blocks);
- for (size_t block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks; ++block_index) {
- Block& block{blocks_data[block_index]};
- blocks_map[block.id] = &block;
- }
-void Function::BuildImmediatePredecessors() {
- for (const Block& block : blocks_data) {
- if (block.branch_true != UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID) {
- blocks_map[block.branch_true]->imm_predecessors.push_back(block.id);
- }
- if (block.branch_false != UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID) {
- blocks_map[block.branch_false]->imm_predecessors.push_back(block.id);
- }
- }
-void Function::BuildPostOrder() {
- boost::container::small_vector<BlockId, 0x110> block_stack;
- post_order_map.resize(NumBlocks());
- Block& first_block{blocks_data[blocks.front()]};
- first_block.post_order_visited = true;
- block_stack.push_back(first_block.id);
- const auto visit_branch = [&](BlockId block_id, BlockId branch_id) {
- if (branch_id == UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID) {
- return false;
- }
- if (blocks_map[branch_id]->post_order_visited) {
- return false;
- }
- blocks_map[branch_id]->post_order_visited = true;
- // Calling push_back twice is faster than insert on msvc
- block_stack.push_back(block_id);
- block_stack.push_back(branch_id);
- return true;
- };
- while (!block_stack.empty()) {
- const Block* const block{blocks_map[block_stack.back()]};
- block_stack.pop_back();
- if (!visit_branch(block->id, block->branch_true) &&
- !visit_branch(block->id, block->branch_false)) {
- post_order_map[block->id] = static_cast<u32>(post_order_blocks.size());
- post_order_blocks.push_back(block->id);
- }
- }
-void Function::BuildImmediateDominators() {
- auto transform_block_id{std::views::transform([this](BlockId id) { return blocks_map[id]; })};
- auto reverse_order_but_first{std::views::reverse | std::views::drop(1) | transform_block_id};
- auto has_idom{std::views::filter([](Block* block) { return block->imm_dominator; })};
- auto intersect{[this](Block* finger1, Block* finger2) {
- while (finger1 != finger2) {
- while (post_order_map[finger1->id] < post_order_map[finger2->id]) {
- finger1 = finger1->imm_dominator;
- }
- while (post_order_map[finger2->id] < post_order_map[finger1->id]) {
- finger2 = finger2->imm_dominator;
- }
- }
- return finger1;
- }};
- for (Block& block : blocks_data) {
- block.imm_dominator = nullptr;
- }
- Block* const start_block{&blocks_data[blocks.front()]};
- start_block->imm_dominator = start_block;
- bool changed{true};
- while (changed) {
- changed = false;
- for (Block* const block : post_order_blocks | reverse_order_but_first) {
- Block* new_idom{};
- for (Block* predecessor : block->imm_predecessors | transform_block_id | has_idom) {
- new_idom = new_idom ? intersect(predecessor, new_idom) : predecessor;
- }
- changed |= block->imm_dominator != new_idom;
- block->imm_dominator = new_idom;
- }
- }
-void Function::BuildDominanceFrontier() {
- auto transform_block_id{std::views::transform([this](BlockId id) { return blocks_map[id]; })};
- auto has_enough_predecessors{[](Block& block) { return block.imm_predecessors.size() >= 2; }};
- for (Block& block : blocks_data | std::views::filter(has_enough_predecessors)) {
- for (Block* current : block.imm_predecessors | transform_block_id) {
- while (current != block.imm_dominator) {
- current->dominance_frontiers.push_back(current->id);
- current = current->imm_dominator;
- }
- }
- }
-CFG::CFG(Environment& env_, Location start_address) : env{env_} {
- VisitFunctions(start_address);
- for (Function& function : functions) {
- function.BuildBlocksMap();
- function.BuildImmediatePredecessors();
- function.BuildPostOrder();
- function.BuildImmediateDominators();
- function.BuildDominanceFrontier();
- }
-void CFG::VisitFunctions(Location start_address) {
+CFG::CFG(Environment& env_, ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool_, Location start_address)
+ : env{env_}, block_pool{block_pool_} {
+ functions.back().labels.back().block = block_pool.Create(Block{
+ .begin{start_address},
+ .end{start_address},
+ .end_class{EndClass::Branch},
+ .stack{},
+ .cond{IR::Condition{true}},
+ .branch_true{nullptr},
+ .branch_false{nullptr},
+ .ir{nullptr},
+ });
for (FunctionId function_id = 0; function_id < functions.size(); ++function_id) {
while (!functions[function_id].labels.empty()) {
Function& function{functions[function_id]};
@@ -294,35 +202,16 @@ void CFG::AnalyzeLabel(FunctionId function_id, Label& label) {
// Try to find the next block
- Function* function{&functions[function_id]};
+ Function* const function{&functions[function_id]};
Location pc{label.address};
- const auto next{std::upper_bound(function->blocks.begin(), function->blocks.end(), pc,
- [function](Location pc, u32 block_index) {
- return pc < function->blocks_data[block_index].begin;
- })};
- const auto next_index{std::distance(function->blocks.begin(), next)};
- const bool is_last{next == function->blocks.end()};
- Location next_pc;
- BlockId next_id{UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID};
- if (!is_last) {
- next_pc = function->blocks_data[*next].begin;
- next_id = function->blocks_data[*next].id;
- }
+ const auto next_it{function->blocks.upper_bound(pc, Compare{})};
+ const bool is_last{next_it == function->blocks.end()};
+ Block* const next{is_last ? nullptr : &*next_it};
// Insert before the next block
- Block block{
- .begin{pc},
- .end{pc},
- .end_class{EndClass::Branch},
- .id{label.block_id},
- .stack{std::move(label.stack)},
- .cond{true},
- .branch_true{UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID},
- .branch_false{UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID},
- .imm_predecessors{},
- };
+ Block* const block{label.block};
// Analyze instructions until it reaches an already visited block or there's a branch
bool is_branch{false};
- while (is_last || pc < next_pc) {
+ while (!next || pc < next->begin) {
is_branch = AnalyzeInst(block, function_id, pc) == AnalysisState::Branch;
if (is_branch) {
@@ -332,43 +221,36 @@ void CFG::AnalyzeLabel(FunctionId function_id, Label& label) {
if (!is_branch) {
// If the block finished without a branch,
// it means that the next instruction is already visited, jump to it
- block.end = pc;
- block.cond = true;
- block.branch_true = next_id;
- block.branch_false = UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID;
+ block->end = pc;
+ block->cond = IR::Condition{true};
+ block->branch_true = next;
+ block->branch_false = nullptr;
// Function's pointer might be invalid, resolve it again
- function = &functions[function_id];
- const u32 new_block_index = static_cast<u32>(function->blocks_data.size());
- function->blocks.insert(function->blocks.begin() + next_index, new_block_index);
- function->blocks_data.push_back(std::move(block));
+ // Insert the new block
+ functions[function_id].blocks.insert(*block);
bool CFG::InspectVisitedBlocks(FunctionId function_id, const Label& label) {
const Location pc{label.address};
Function& function{functions[function_id]};
- const auto it{std::ranges::find_if(function.blocks, [&function, pc](u32 block_index) {
- return function.blocks_data[block_index].Contains(pc);
- })};
+ const auto it{
+ std::ranges::find_if(function.blocks, [pc](auto& block) { return block.Contains(pc); })};
if (it == function.blocks.end()) {
// Address has not been visited
return false;
- Block& block{function.blocks_data[*it]};
- if (block.begin == pc) {
- throw LogicError("Dangling branch");
- }
- const u32 first_index{*it};
- const u32 second_index{static_cast<u32>(function.blocks_data.size())};
- const std::array new_indices{first_index, second_index};
- std::array split_blocks{Split(std::move(block), pc, label.block_id)};
- function.blocks_data[*it] = std::move(split_blocks[0]);
- function.blocks_data.push_back(std::move(split_blocks[1]));
- function.blocks.insert(function.blocks.erase(it), new_indices.begin(), new_indices.end());
+ Block* const visited_block{&*it};
+ if (visited_block->begin == pc) {
+ throw LogicError("Dangling block");
+ }
+ Block* const new_block{label.block};
+ Split(visited_block, new_block, pc);
+ function.blocks.insert(it, *new_block);
return true;
-CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc) {
+CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc) {
const Instruction inst{env.ReadInstruction(pc.Offset())};
const Opcode opcode{Decode(inst.raw)};
switch (opcode) {
@@ -390,12 +272,12 @@ CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Locati
AnalyzeBRX(block, pc, inst, IsAbsoluteJump(opcode));
case Opcode::RET:
- block.end_class = EndClass::Return;
+ block->end_class = EndClass::Return;
- block.end = pc;
+ block->end = pc;
return AnalysisState::Branch;
case Opcode::BRK:
case Opcode::CONT:
@@ -404,9 +286,9 @@ CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Locati
if (!AnalyzeBranch(block, function_id, pc, inst, opcode)) {
return AnalysisState::Continue;
- const auto [stack_pc, new_stack]{block.stack.Pop(OpcodeToken(opcode))};
- block.branch_true = AddLabel(block, new_stack, stack_pc, function_id);
- block.end = pc;
+ const auto [stack_pc, new_stack]{block->stack.Pop(OpcodeToken(opcode))};
+ block->branch_true = AddLabel(block, new_stack, stack_pc, function_id);
+ block->end = pc;
return AnalysisState::Branch;
case Opcode::PBK:
@@ -414,7 +296,7 @@ CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Locati
case Opcode::PEXIT:
case Opcode::PLONGJMP:
case Opcode::SSY:
- block.stack.Push(OpcodeToken(opcode), BranchOffset(pc, inst));
+ block->stack.Push(OpcodeToken(opcode), BranchOffset(pc, inst));
return AnalysisState::Continue;
case Opcode::EXIT:
return AnalyzeEXIT(block, function_id, pc, inst);
@@ -444,51 +326,51 @@ CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Locati
return AnalysisState::Branch;
-void CFG::AnalyzeCondInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc,
+void CFG::AnalyzeCondInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc,
EndClass insn_end_class, IR::Condition cond) {
- if (block.begin != pc) {
+ if (block->begin != pc) {
// If the block doesn't start in the conditional instruction
// mark it as a label to visit it later
- block.end = pc;
- block.cond = true;
- block.branch_true = AddLabel(block, block.stack, pc, function_id);
- block.branch_false = UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID;
+ block->end = pc;
+ block->cond = IR::Condition{true};
+ block->branch_true = AddLabel(block, block->stack, pc, function_id);
+ block->branch_false = nullptr;
- // Impersonate the visited block with a virtual block
- // Jump from this virtual to the real conditional instruction and the next instruction
- Function& function{functions[function_id]};
- const BlockId conditional_block_id{++function.current_block_id};
- function.blocks.push_back(static_cast<u32>(function.blocks_data.size()));
- Block& virtual_block{function.blocks_data.emplace_back(Block{
- .begin{}, // Virtual block
- .end{},
+ // Create a virtual block and a conditional block
+ Block* const conditional_block{block_pool.Create()};
+ Block virtual_block{
+ .begin{block->begin.Virtual()},
+ .end{block->begin.Virtual()},
- .id{block.id}, // Impersonating
- .stack{block.stack},
+ .stack{block->stack},
- .branch_true{conditional_block_id},
- .branch_false{UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID},
- .imm_predecessors{},
- })};
- // Set the end properties of the conditional instruction and give it a new identity
- Block& conditional_block{block};
- conditional_block.end = pc;
- conditional_block.end_class = insn_end_class;
- conditional_block.id = conditional_block_id;
+ .branch_true{conditional_block},
+ .branch_false{nullptr},
+ .ir{nullptr},
+ };
+ // Save the contents of the visited block in the conditional block
+ *conditional_block = std::move(*block);
+ // Impersonate the visited block with a virtual block
+ *block = std::move(virtual_block);
+ // Set the end properties of the conditional instruction
+ conditional_block->end = pc;
+ conditional_block->end_class = insn_end_class;
// Add a label to the instruction after the conditional instruction
- const BlockId endif_block_id{AddLabel(conditional_block, block.stack, pc + 1, function_id)};
+ Block* const endif_block{AddLabel(conditional_block, block->stack, pc + 1, function_id)};
// Branch to the next instruction from the virtual block
- virtual_block.branch_false = endif_block_id;
+ block->branch_false = endif_block;
// And branch to it from the conditional instruction if it is a branch
if (insn_end_class == EndClass::Branch) {
- conditional_block.cond = true;
- conditional_block.branch_true = endif_block_id;
- conditional_block.branch_false = UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID;
+ conditional_block->cond = IR::Condition{true};
+ conditional_block->branch_true = endif_block;
+ conditional_block->branch_false = nullptr;
+ // Finally insert the condition block into the list of blocks
+ functions[function_id].blocks.insert(*conditional_block);
-bool CFG::AnalyzeBranch(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
+bool CFG::AnalyzeBranch(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
Opcode opcode) {
if (inst.branch.is_cbuf) {
throw NotImplementedException("Branch with constant buffer offset");
@@ -500,21 +382,21 @@ bool CFG::AnalyzeBranch(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instr
const bool has_flow_test{HasFlowTest(opcode)};
const IR::FlowTest flow_test{has_flow_test ? inst.branch.flow_test.Value() : IR::FlowTest::T};
if (pred != Predicate{true} || flow_test != IR::FlowTest::T) {
- block.cond = IR::Condition(flow_test, static_cast<IR::Pred>(pred.index), pred.negated);
- block.branch_false = AddLabel(block, block.stack, pc + 1, function_id);
+ block->cond = IR::Condition(flow_test, static_cast<IR::Pred>(pred.index), pred.negated);
+ block->branch_false = AddLabel(block, block->stack, pc + 1, function_id);
} else {
- block.cond = true;
+ block->cond = IR::Condition{true};
return true;
-void CFG::AnalyzeBRA(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
+void CFG::AnalyzeBRA(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
bool is_absolute) {
const Location bra_pc{is_absolute ? inst.branch.Absolute() : BranchOffset(pc, inst)};
- block.branch_true = AddLabel(block, block.stack, bra_pc, function_id);
+ block->branch_true = AddLabel(block, block->stack, bra_pc, function_id);
-void CFG::AnalyzeBRX(Block&, Location, Instruction, bool is_absolute) {
+void CFG::AnalyzeBRX(Block*, Location, Instruction, bool is_absolute) {
throw NotImplementedException("{}", is_absolute ? "JMX" : "BRX");
@@ -528,7 +410,7 @@ void CFG::AnalyzeCAL(Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute) {
-CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeEXIT(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc,
+CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeEXIT(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc,
Instruction inst) {
const IR::FlowTest flow_test{inst.branch.flow_test};
const Predicate pred{inst.Pred()};
@@ -537,41 +419,52 @@ CFG::AnalysisState CFG::AnalyzeEXIT(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Locati
return AnalysisState::Continue;
if (pred != Predicate{true} || flow_test != IR::FlowTest::T) {
- if (block.stack.Peek(Token::PEXIT).has_value()) {
+ if (block->stack.Peek(Token::PEXIT).has_value()) {
throw NotImplementedException("Conditional EXIT with PEXIT token");
const IR::Condition cond{flow_test, static_cast<IR::Pred>(pred.index), pred.negated};
AnalyzeCondInst(block, function_id, pc, EndClass::Exit, cond);
return AnalysisState::Branch;
- if (const std::optional<Location> exit_pc{block.stack.Peek(Token::PEXIT)}) {
- const Stack popped_stack{block.stack.Remove(Token::PEXIT)};
- block.cond = true;
- block.branch_true = AddLabel(block, popped_stack, *exit_pc, function_id);
- block.branch_false = UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID;
+ if (const std::optional<Location> exit_pc{block->stack.Peek(Token::PEXIT)}) {
+ const Stack popped_stack{block->stack.Remove(Token::PEXIT)};
+ block->cond = IR::Condition{true};
+ block->branch_true = AddLabel(block, popped_stack, *exit_pc, function_id);
+ block->branch_false = nullptr;
return AnalysisState::Branch;
- block.end = pc;
- block.end_class = EndClass::Exit;
+ block->end = pc;
+ block->end_class = EndClass::Exit;
return AnalysisState::Branch;
-BlockId CFG::AddLabel(const Block& block, Stack stack, Location pc, FunctionId function_id) {
+Block* CFG::AddLabel(Block* block, Stack stack, Location pc, FunctionId function_id) {
Function& function{functions[function_id]};
- if (block.begin == pc) {
- return block.id;
+ if (block->begin == pc) {
+ // Jumps to itself
+ return block;
- const auto target{std::ranges::find(function.blocks_data, pc, &Block::begin)};
- if (target != function.blocks_data.end()) {
- return target->id;
+ if (const auto it{function.blocks.find(pc, Compare{})}; it != function.blocks.end()) {
+ // Block already exists and it has been visited
+ return &*it;
- const BlockId block_id{++function.current_block_id};
+ Block* const new_block{block_pool.Create(Block{
+ .begin{pc},
+ .end{pc},
+ .end_class{EndClass::Branch},
+ .stack{stack},
+ .cond{IR::Condition{true}},
+ .branch_true{nullptr},
+ .branch_false{nullptr},
+ .ir{nullptr},
+ })};
- .block_id{block_id},
+ .block{new_block},
- return block_id;
+ return new_block;
std::string CFG::Dot() const {
@@ -581,18 +474,12 @@ std::string CFG::Dot() const {
for (const Function& function : functions) {
dot += fmt::format("\tsubgraph cluster_{} {{\n", function.entrypoint);
dot += fmt::format("\t\tnode [style=filled];\n");
- for (const u32 block_index : function.blocks) {
- const Block& block{function.blocks_data[block_index]};
+ for (const Block& block : function.blocks) {
const std::string name{NameOf(block)};
- const auto add_branch = [&](BlockId branch_id, bool add_label) {
- const auto it{std::ranges::find(function.blocks_data, branch_id, &Block::id)};
- dot += fmt::format("\t\t{}->", name);
- if (it == function.blocks_data.end()) {
- dot += fmt::format("\"Unknown label {}\"", branch_id);
- } else {
- dot += NameOf(*it);
- };
- if (add_label && block.cond != true && block.cond != false) {
+ const auto add_branch = [&](Block* branch, bool add_label) {
+ dot += fmt::format("\t\t{}->{}", name, NameOf(*branch));
+ if (add_label && block.cond != IR::Condition{true} &&
+ block.cond != IR::Condition{false}) {
dot += fmt::format(" [label=\"{}\"]", block.cond);
dot += '\n';
@@ -600,10 +487,10 @@ std::string CFG::Dot() const {
dot += fmt::format("\t\t{};\n", name);
switch (block.end_class) {
case EndClass::Branch:
- if (block.cond != false) {
+ if (block.cond != IR::Condition{false}) {
add_branch(block.branch_true, true);
- if (block.cond != true) {
+ if (block.cond != IR::Condition{true}) {
add_branch(block.branch_false, false);
@@ -619,12 +506,6 @@ std::string CFG::Dot() const {
- case EndClass::Unreachable:
- dot += fmt::format("\t\t{}->N{};\n", name, node_uid);
- dot += fmt::format(
- "\t\tN{} [label=\"Unreachable\"][shape=square][style=stripped];\n", node_uid);
- ++node_uid;
- break;
if (function.entrypoint == 8) {
@@ -635,10 +516,11 @@ std::string CFG::Dot() const {
dot += "\t}\n";
if (!functions.empty()) {
- if (functions.front().blocks.empty()) {
+ auto& function{functions.front()};
+ if (function.blocks.empty()) {
dot += "Start;\n";
} else {
- dot += fmt::format("\tStart -> {};\n", NameOf(functions.front().blocks_data.front()));
+ dot += fmt::format("\tStart -> {};\n", NameOf(*function.blocks.begin()));
dot += fmt::format("\tStart [shape=diamond];\n");
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h
index 49b369282a..8179787b87 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h
@@ -11,25 +11,27 @@
#include <vector>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/set.hpp>
#include "shader_recompiler/environment.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/condition.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/instruction.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/opcodes.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/object_pool.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+class Block;
namespace Shader::Maxwell::Flow {
-using BlockId = u32;
using FunctionId = size_t;
-constexpr BlockId UNREACHABLE_BLOCK_ID{static_cast<u32>(-1)};
enum class EndClass {
- Unreachable,
enum class Token {
@@ -59,58 +61,37 @@ private:
boost::container::small_vector<StackEntry, 3> entries;
-struct Block {
+struct Block : boost::intrusive::set_base_hook<
+ // Normal link is ~2.5% faster compared to safe link
+ boost::intrusive::link_mode<boost::intrusive::normal_link>> {
[[nodiscard]] bool Contains(Location pc) const noexcept;
+ bool operator<(const Block& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return begin < rhs.begin;
+ }
Location begin;
Location end;
EndClass end_class;
- BlockId id;
Stack stack;
IR::Condition cond;
- BlockId branch_true;
- BlockId branch_false;
- boost::container::small_vector<BlockId, 4> imm_predecessors;
- boost::container::small_vector<BlockId, 8> dominance_frontiers;
- union {
- bool post_order_visited{false};
- Block* imm_dominator;
- };
+ Block* branch_true;
+ Block* branch_false;
+ IR::Block* ir;
struct Label {
Location address;
- BlockId block_id;
+ Block* block;
Stack stack;
struct Function {
Function(Location start_address);
- void BuildBlocksMap();
- void BuildImmediatePredecessors();
- void BuildPostOrder();
- void BuildImmediateDominators();
- void BuildDominanceFrontier();
- [[nodiscard]] size_t NumBlocks() const noexcept {
- return static_cast<size_t>(current_block_id) + 1;
- }
Location entrypoint;
- BlockId current_block_id{0};
boost::container::small_vector<Label, 16> labels;
- boost::container::small_vector<u32, 0x130> blocks;
- boost::container::small_vector<Block, 0x130> blocks_data;
- // Translates from BlockId to block index
- boost::container::small_vector<Block*, 0x130> blocks_map;
- boost::container::small_vector<u32, 0x130> post_order_blocks;
- boost::container::small_vector<BlockId, 0x130> post_order_map;
+ boost::intrusive::set<Block> blocks;
class CFG {
@@ -120,7 +101,7 @@ class CFG {
- explicit CFG(Environment& env, Location start_address);
+ explicit CFG(Environment& env, ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool, Location start_address);
CFG& operator=(const CFG&) = delete;
CFG(const CFG&) = delete;
@@ -133,35 +114,37 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] std::span<const Function> Functions() const noexcept {
return std::span(functions.data(), functions.size());
+ [[nodiscard]] std::span<Function> Functions() noexcept {
+ return std::span(functions.data(), functions.size());
+ }
- void VisitFunctions(Location start_address);
void AnalyzeLabel(FunctionId function_id, Label& label);
/// Inspect already visited blocks.
/// Return true when the block has already been visited
bool InspectVisitedBlocks(FunctionId function_id, const Label& label);
- AnalysisState AnalyzeInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc);
+ AnalysisState AnalyzeInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc);
- void AnalyzeCondInst(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, EndClass insn_end_class,
+ void AnalyzeCondInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, EndClass insn_end_class,
IR::Condition cond);
/// Return true when the branch instruction is confirmed to be a branch
- bool AnalyzeBranch(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
+ bool AnalyzeBranch(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
Opcode opcode);
- void AnalyzeBRA(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
+ void AnalyzeBRA(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst,
bool is_absolute);
- void AnalyzeBRX(Block& block, Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute);
+ void AnalyzeBRX(Block* block, Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute);
void AnalyzeCAL(Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute);
- AnalysisState AnalyzeEXIT(Block& block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst);
+ AnalysisState AnalyzeEXIT(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst);
/// Return the branch target block id
- BlockId AddLabel(const Block& block, Stack stack, Location pc, FunctionId function_id);
+ Block* AddLabel(Block* block, Stack stack, Location pc, FunctionId function_id);
Environment& env;
+ ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool;
boost::container::small_vector<Function, 1> functions;
FunctionId current_function_id{0};
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h
index 66b51a19e6..26d29eae2e 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
namespace Shader::Maxwell {
class Location {
- static constexpr u32 VIRTUAL_OFFSET{std::numeric_limits<u32>::max()};
+ static constexpr u32 VIRTUAL_BIAS{4};
constexpr Location() = default;
@@ -27,12 +27,18 @@ public:
+ constexpr Location Virtual() const noexcept {
+ Location virtual_location;
+ virtual_location.offset = offset - VIRTUAL_BIAS;
+ return virtual_location;
+ }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr u32 Offset() const noexcept {
return offset;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsVirtual() const {
- return offset == VIRTUAL_OFFSET;
+ return offset % 8 == VIRTUAL_BIAS;
constexpr auto operator<=>(const Location&) const noexcept = default;
@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ private:
offset -= 8 + (offset % 32 == 8 ? 8 : 0);
- u32 offset{VIRTUAL_OFFSET};
+ u32 offset{0xcccccccc};
} // namespace Shader::Maxwell
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.cpp
index 8cdd20804e..9fa912ed8e 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.cpp
@@ -4,57 +4,58 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/structured_control_flow.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/ir_opt/passes.h"
namespace Shader::Maxwell {
namespace {
-void TranslateCode(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool,
- Environment& env, const Flow::Function& cfg_function, IR::Function& function,
- std::span<IR::Block*> block_map) {
+IR::BlockList TranslateCode(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool,
+ Environment& env, Flow::Function& cfg_function) {
const size_t num_blocks{cfg_function.blocks.size()};
- function.blocks.reserve(num_blocks);
- for (const Flow::BlockId block_id : cfg_function.blocks) {
- const Flow::Block& flow_block{cfg_function.blocks_data[block_id]};
- IR::Block* const ir_block{block_pool.Create(Translate(inst_pool, env, flow_block))};
- block_map[flow_block.id] = ir_block;
- function.blocks.emplace_back(ir_block);
- }
-void EmitTerminationInsts(const Flow::Function& cfg_function,
- std::span<IR::Block* const> block_map) {
- for (const Flow::BlockId block_id : cfg_function.blocks) {
- const Flow::Block& flow_block{cfg_function.blocks_data[block_id]};
- EmitTerminationCode(flow_block, block_map);
- }
-void TranslateFunction(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool,
- Environment& env, const Flow::Function& cfg_function,
- IR::Function& function) {
- std::vector<IR::Block*> block_map;
- block_map.resize(cfg_function.blocks_data.size());
- TranslateCode(inst_pool, block_pool, env, cfg_function, function, block_map);
- EmitTerminationInsts(cfg_function, block_map);
+ std::vector<IR::Block*> blocks(cfg_function.blocks.size());
+ std::ranges::for_each(cfg_function.blocks, [&, i = size_t{0}](auto& cfg_block) mutable {
+ const u32 begin{cfg_block.begin.Offset()};
+ const u32 end{cfg_block.end.Offset()};
+ blocks[i] = block_pool.Create(inst_pool, begin, end);
+ cfg_block.ir = blocks[i];
+ ++i;
+ });
+ std::ranges::for_each(cfg_function.blocks, [&, i = size_t{0}](auto& cfg_block) mutable {
+ IR::Block* const block{blocks[i]};
+ ++i;
+ if (cfg_block.end_class != Flow::EndClass::Branch) {
+ block->SetReturn();
+ } else if (cfg_block.cond == IR::Condition{true}) {
+ block->SetBranch(cfg_block.branch_true->ir);
+ } else if (cfg_block.cond == IR::Condition{false}) {
+ block->SetBranch(cfg_block.branch_false->ir);
+ } else {
+ block->SetBranches(cfg_block.cond, cfg_block.branch_true->ir,
+ cfg_block.branch_false->ir);
+ }
+ });
+ return IR::VisitAST(inst_pool, block_pool, blocks,
+ [&](IR::Block* block) { Translate(env, block); });
} // Anonymous namespace
IR::Program TranslateProgram(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool,
- Environment& env, const Flow::CFG& cfg) {
+ Environment& env, Flow::CFG& cfg) {
IR::Program program;
auto& functions{program.functions};
- for (const Flow::Function& cfg_function : cfg.Functions()) {
- TranslateFunction(inst_pool, block_pool, env, cfg_function, functions.emplace_back());
+ for (Flow::Function& cfg_function : cfg.Functions()) {
+ functions.push_back(IR::Function{
+ .blocks{TranslateCode(inst_pool, block_pool, env, cfg_function)},
+ });
+ fmt::print(stdout, "No optimizations: {}", IR::DumpProgram(program));
std::ranges::for_each(functions, Optimization::SsaRewritePass);
for (IR::Function& function : functions) {
Optimization::Invoke(Optimization::GlobalMemoryToStorageBufferPass, function);
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.h b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.h
index 3355ab1299..542621a1de 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.h
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/program.h
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ namespace Shader::Maxwell {
[[nodiscard]] IR::Program TranslateProgram(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool,
ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool, Environment& env,
- const Flow::CFG& cfg);
+ Flow::CFG& cfg);
} // namespace Shader::Maxwell
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed5137f20c..0000000000
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#include <span>
-#include "shader_recompiler/exception.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/ir_emitter.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.h"
-namespace Shader::Maxwell {
-static void EmitExit(IR::IREmitter& ir) {
- ir.Exit();
-static IR::U1 GetFlowTest(IR::FlowTest flow_test, IR::IREmitter& ir) {
- switch (flow_test) {
- case IR::FlowTest::T:
- return ir.Imm1(true);
- case IR::FlowTest::F:
- return ir.Imm1(false);
- case IR::FlowTest::NE:
- // FIXME: Verify this
- return ir.LogicalNot(ir.GetZFlag());
- case IR::FlowTest::NaN:
- // FIXME: Verify this
- return ir.LogicalAnd(ir.GetSFlag(), ir.GetZFlag());
- default:
- throw NotImplementedException("Flow test {}", flow_test);
- }
-static IR::U1 GetCond(IR::Condition cond, IR::IREmitter& ir) {
- const IR::FlowTest flow_test{cond.FlowTest()};
- const auto [pred, pred_negated]{cond.Pred()};
- if (pred == IR::Pred::PT && !pred_negated) {
- return GetFlowTest(flow_test, ir);
- }
- if (flow_test == IR::FlowTest::T) {
- return ir.GetPred(pred, pred_negated);
- }
- return ir.LogicalAnd(ir.GetPred(pred, pred_negated), GetFlowTest(flow_test, ir));
-static void EmitBranch(const Flow::Block& flow_block, std::span<IR::Block* const> block_map,
- IR::IREmitter& ir) {
- const auto add_immediate_predecessor = [&](Flow::BlockId label) {
- block_map[label]->AddImmediatePredecessor(&ir.block);
- };
- if (flow_block.cond == true) {
- add_immediate_predecessor(flow_block.branch_true);
- return ir.Branch(block_map[flow_block.branch_true]);
- }
- if (flow_block.cond == false) {
- add_immediate_predecessor(flow_block.branch_false);
- return ir.Branch(block_map[flow_block.branch_false]);
- }
- add_immediate_predecessor(flow_block.branch_true);
- add_immediate_predecessor(flow_block.branch_false);
- return ir.BranchConditional(GetCond(flow_block.cond, ir), block_map[flow_block.branch_true],
- block_map[flow_block.branch_false]);
-void EmitTerminationCode(const Flow::Block& flow_block, std::span<IR::Block* const> block_map) {
- IR::Block* const block{block_map[flow_block.id]};
- IR::IREmitter ir(*block);
- switch (flow_block.end_class) {
- case Flow::EndClass::Branch:
- EmitBranch(flow_block, block_map, ir);
- break;
- case Flow::EndClass::Exit:
- EmitExit(ir);
- break;
- case Flow::EndClass::Return:
- ir.Return();
- break;
- case Flow::EndClass::Unreachable:
- ir.Unreachable();
- break;
- }
-} // namespace Shader::Maxwell
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.h b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e0445340..0000000000
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/termination_code.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#pragma once
-#include <span>
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h"
-namespace Shader::Maxwell {
-/// Emit termination instructions and collect immediate predecessors
-void EmitTerminationCode(const Flow::Block& flow_block, std::span<IR::Block* const> block_map);
-} // namespace Shader::Maxwell
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/impl/integer_shift_left.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/impl/integer_shift_left.cpp
index d4b417d14a..b752785d44 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/impl/integer_shift_left.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/impl/integer_shift_left.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void SHL(TranslatorVisitor& v, u64 insn, const IR::U32& unsafe_shift) {
IR::U32 result;
if (shl.w != 0) {
// When .W is set, the shift value is wrapped
- // To emulate this we just have to clamp it ourselves.
+ // To emulate this we just have to wrap it ourselves.
const IR::U32 shift{v.ir.BitwiseAnd(unsafe_shift, v.ir.Imm32(31))};
result = v.ir.ShiftLeftLogical(base, shift);
} else {
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.cpp
index 7e6bb07a22..f1230f58fe 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.cpp
@@ -23,14 +23,13 @@ static void Invoke(TranslatorVisitor& visitor, Location pc, u64 insn) {
-IR::Block Translate(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, Environment& env,
- const Flow::Block& flow_block) {
- IR::Block block{inst_pool, flow_block.begin.Offset(), flow_block.end.Offset()};
- TranslatorVisitor visitor{env, block};
- const Location pc_end{flow_block.end};
- Location pc{flow_block.begin};
- while (pc != pc_end) {
+void Translate(Environment& env, IR::Block* block) {
+ if (block->IsVirtual()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TranslatorVisitor visitor{env, *block};
+ const Location pc_end{block->LocationEnd()};
+ for (Location pc = block->LocationBegin(); pc != pc_end; ++pc) {
const u64 insn{env.ReadInstruction(pc.Offset())};
const Opcode opcode{Decode(insn)};
switch (opcode) {
@@ -43,9 +42,7 @@ IR::Block Translate(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, Environment& env,
throw LogicError("Invalid opcode {}", opcode);
- ++pc;
- return block;
} // namespace Shader::Maxwell
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.h b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.h
index c1c21b2782..e1aa2e0f4b 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.h
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/translate/translate.h
@@ -6,14 +6,9 @@
#include "shader_recompiler/environment.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/microinstruction.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h"
-#include "shader_recompiler/object_pool.h"
namespace Shader::Maxwell {
-[[nodiscard]] IR::Block Translate(ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool, Environment& env,
- const Flow::Block& flow_block);
+void Translate(Environment& env, IR::Block* block);
} // namespace Shader::Maxwell