path: root/src/yuzu/main.cpp
diff options
authorZach Hilman <zachhilman@gmail.com>2018-09-19 22:09:23 -0400
committerZach Hilman <zachhilman@gmail.com>2018-09-21 19:53:33 -0400
commitba0873d33cf6a08c6f52df45b45a14dcf91f4cf0 (patch)
tree496d2d640261e5e71ea438f3aa98f7957aa89c3b /src/yuzu/main.cpp
parent050547b801ccc7cfea65c142658e8d2a987472d2 (diff)
qt: Add UI elements for LayeredFS and related tools
Diffstat (limited to 'src/yuzu/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/yuzu/main.cpp b/src/yuzu/main.cpp
index 45bb1d1d12..7cfe8a32fe 100644
--- a/src/yuzu/main.cpp
+++ b/src/yuzu/main.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,22 @@
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
+// VFS includes must be before glad as they will conflict with Windows file api, which uses defines.
+#include "core/file_sys/vfs.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/vfs_real.h"
+// These are wrappers to avoid the calls to CreateDirectory and CreateFile becuase of the Windows
+// defines.
+static FileSys::VirtualDir VfsFilesystemCreateDirectoryWrapper(
+ const FileSys::VirtualFilesystem& vfs, const std::string& path, FileSys::Mode mode) {
+ return vfs->CreateDirectory(path, mode);
+static FileSys::VirtualFile VfsDirectoryCreateFileWrapper(const FileSys::VirtualDir& dir,
+ const std::string& path) {
+ return dir->CreateFile(path);
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include <glad/glad.h>
@@ -30,16 +46,18 @@
#include "common/telemetry.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/crypto/key_manager.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/bis_factory.h"
#include "core/file_sys/card_image.h"
#include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h"
#include "core/file_sys/control_metadata.h"
#include "core/file_sys/patch_manager.h"
#include "core/file_sys/registered_cache.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/romfs.h"
#include "core/file_sys/savedata_factory.h"
#include "core/file_sys/submission_package.h"
-#include "core/file_sys/vfs_real.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/process.h"
#include "core/hle/service/filesystem/filesystem.h"
+#include "core/hle/service/filesystem/fsp_ldr.h"
#include "core/loader/loader.h"
#include "core/perf_stats.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
@@ -362,6 +380,8 @@ void GMainWindow::RestoreUIState() {
void GMainWindow::ConnectWidgetEvents() {
connect(game_list, &GameList::GameChosen, this, &GMainWindow::OnGameListLoadFile);
connect(game_list, &GameList::OpenFolderRequested, this, &GMainWindow::OnGameListOpenFolder);
+ connect(game_list, &GameList::DumpRomFSRequested, this, &GMainWindow::OnGameListDumpRomFS);
+ connect(game_list, &GameList::CopyTIDRequested, this, &GMainWindow::OnGameListCopyTID);
connect(game_list, &GameList::NavigateToGamedbEntryRequested, this,
@@ -713,6 +733,12 @@ void GMainWindow::OnGameListOpenFolder(u64 program_id, GameListOpenTarget target
program_id, user_id, 0);
+ case GameListOpenTarget::ModData: {
+ open_target = "Mod Data";
+ const auto load_dir = FileUtil::GetUserPath(FileUtil::UserPath::LoadDir);
+ path = fmt::format("{}{:016X}", load_dir, program_id);
+ break;
+ }
@@ -730,6 +756,120 @@ void GMainWindow::OnGameListOpenFolder(u64 program_id, GameListOpenTarget target
+void GMainWindow::OnGameListDumpRomFS(u64 program_id, const std::string& game_path) {
+ const auto path = fmt::format("{}{:016X}/romfs",
+ FileUtil::GetUserPath(FileUtil::UserPath::DumpDir), program_id);
+ auto failed = [this, &path]() {
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("RomFS Extraction Failed!"),
+ tr("There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user "
+ "cancelled the operation."));
+ vfs->DeleteDirectory(path);
+ };
+ const auto loader = Loader::GetLoader(vfs->OpenFile(game_path, FileSys::Mode::Read));
+ if (loader == nullptr) {
+ failed();
+ return;
+ }
+ FileSys::VirtualFile file;
+ if (loader->ReadRomFS(file) != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) {
+ failed();
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto romfs =
+ loader->IsRomFSUpdatable()
+ ? FileSys::PatchManager(program_id).PatchRomFS(file, loader->ReadRomFSIVFCOffset())
+ : file;
+ const auto extracted = FileSys::ExtractRomFS(romfs, false);
+ if (extracted == nullptr) {
+ failed();
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto out = VfsFilesystemCreateDirectoryWrapper(vfs, path, FileSys::Mode::ReadWrite);
+ if (out == nullptr) {
+ failed();
+ return;
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ const auto res = QInputDialog::getItem(
+ this, tr("Select RomFS Dump Mode"),
+ tr("Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the "
+ "files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory "
+ "structure."),
+ {"Full", "Skeleton"}, 0, false, &ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ failed();
+ const auto full = res == "Full";
+ const static std::function<size_t(const FileSys::VirtualDir&, bool)> calculate_entry_size =
+ [](const FileSys::VirtualDir& dir, bool full) {
+ size_t out = 0;
+ for (const auto& subdir : dir->GetSubdirectories())
+ out += 1 + calculate_entry_size(subdir, full);
+ return out + full ? dir->GetFiles().size() : 0;
+ };
+ const auto entry_size = calculate_entry_size(extracted, full);
+ QProgressDialog progress(tr("Extracting RomFS..."), tr("Cancel"), 0, entry_size, this);
+ progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
+ progress.setMinimumDuration(100);
+ const static std::function<bool(QProgressDialog&, const FileSys::VirtualDir&,
+ const FileSys::VirtualDir&, size_t, bool)>
+ qt_raw_copy = [](QProgressDialog& dialog, const FileSys::VirtualDir& src,
+ const FileSys::VirtualDir& dest, size_t block_size, bool full) {
+ if (src == nullptr || dest == nullptr || !src->IsReadable() || !dest->IsWritable())
+ return false;
+ if (dialog.wasCanceled())
+ return false;
+ if (full) {
+ for (const auto& file : src->GetFiles()) {
+ const auto out = VfsDirectoryCreateFileWrapper(dest, file->GetName());
+ if (!FileSys::VfsRawCopy(file, out, block_size))
+ return false;
+ dialog.setValue(dialog.value() + 1);
+ if (dialog.wasCanceled())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& dir : src->GetSubdirectories()) {
+ const auto out = dest->CreateSubdirectory(dir->GetName());
+ if (!qt_raw_copy(dialog, dir, out, block_size, full))
+ return false;
+ dialog.setValue(dialog.value() + 1);
+ if (dialog.wasCanceled())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ if (qt_raw_copy(progress, extracted, out, 0x400000, full)) {
+ progress.close();
+ QMessageBox::information(this, tr("RomFS Extraction Succeeded!"),
+ tr("The operation completed successfully."));
+ QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QString::fromStdString(path)));
+ } else {
+ progress.close();
+ failed();
+ }
+void GMainWindow::OnGameListCopyTID(u64 program_id) {
+ QClipboard* clipboard = QGuiApplication::clipboard();
+ clipboard->setText(QString::fromStdString(fmt::format("{:016X}", program_id)));
void GMainWindow::OnGameListNavigateToGamedbEntry(u64 program_id,
const CompatibilityList& compatibility_list) {
const auto it = FindMatchingCompatibilityEntry(compatibility_list, program_id);
@@ -790,7 +930,8 @@ void GMainWindow::OnMenuInstallToNAND() {
- const auto qt_raw_copy = [this](FileSys::VirtualFile src, FileSys::VirtualFile dest) {
+ const auto qt_raw_copy = [this](const FileSys::VirtualFile& src,
+ const FileSys::VirtualFile& dest, size_t block_size) {
if (src == nullptr || dest == nullptr)
return false;
if (!dest->Resize(src->GetSize()))