path: root/src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp
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authorMorph <39850852+Morph1984@users.noreply.github.com>2020-10-20 13:55:25 -0400
committerMorph <39850852+Morph1984@users.noreply.github.com>2020-11-15 23:33:20 -0500
commite9e1876e821b8bd1bb5c8254ec93e2cc479e16dd (patch)
tree344b40a5a874cb188c6e7aa7d1622c77a215090d /src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp
parent38110dd485e329fa39e2e4c02b91a89dfebcbc88 (diff)
input_common: Add VibrationDevice and VibrationDeviceFactory
A vibration device is an input device that returns an unsigned byte as status. It represents whether the vibration device supports vibration or not. If the status returns 1, it supports vibration. Otherwise, it does not support vibration.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp b/src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp
index 18fb2ac5e2..a2a83cdc9c 100644
--- a/src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp
+++ b/src/input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.cpp
@@ -85,16 +85,17 @@ public:
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
using std::chrono::steady_clock;
- // Prevent vibrations less than 10ms apart from each other.
- if (duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - last_vibration) < milliseconds(10)) {
+ // Block non-zero vibrations less than 10ms apart from each other.
+ if ((amp_low != 0 || amp_high != 0) &&
+ duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - last_vibration) < milliseconds(10)) {
return false;
- };
+ }
last_vibration = steady_clock::now();
- if (sdl_controller != nullptr) {
+ if (sdl_controller) {
return SDL_GameControllerRumble(sdl_controller.get(), amp_low, amp_high, 0) == 0;
- } else if (sdl_joystick != nullptr) {
+ } else if (sdl_joystick) {
return SDL_JoystickRumble(sdl_joystick.get(), amp_low, amp_high, 0) == 0;
@@ -321,14 +322,6 @@ public:
return joystick->GetButton(button);
- bool SetRumblePlay(f32 amp_low, f32 freq_low, f32 amp_high, f32 freq_high) const override {
- const u16 processed_amp_low =
- static_cast<u16>(pow(amp_low, 0.5f) * (3.0f - 2.0f * pow(amp_low, 0.15f)) * 0xFFFF);
- const u16 processed_amp_high =
- static_cast<u16>(pow(amp_high, 0.5f) * (3.0f - 2.0f * pow(amp_high, 0.15f)) * 0xFFFF);
- return joystick->RumblePlay(processed_amp_low, processed_amp_high);
- }
std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
int button;
@@ -412,6 +405,32 @@ private:
const float range;
+class SDLVibration final : public Input::VibrationDevice {
+ explicit SDLVibration(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_)
+ : joystick(std::move(joystick_)) {}
+ u8 GetStatus() const override {
+ joystick->RumblePlay(1, 1);
+ return joystick->RumblePlay(0, 0);
+ }
+ bool SetRumblePlay(f32 amp_low, f32 freq_low, f32 amp_high, f32 freq_high) const override {
+ const auto process_amplitude = [](f32 amplitude) {
+ return static_cast<u16>(std::pow(amplitude, 0.5f) *
+ (3.0f - 2.0f * std::pow(amplitude, 0.15f)) * 0xFFFF);
+ };
+ const auto processed_amp_low = process_amplitude(amp_low);
+ const auto processed_amp_high = process_amplitude(amp_high);
+ return joystick->RumblePlay(processed_amp_low, processed_amp_high);
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
class SDLDirectionMotion final : public Input::MotionDevice {
explicit SDLDirectionMotion(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_, int hat_, Uint8 direction_)
@@ -554,7 +573,7 @@ class SDLAnalogFactory final : public Input::Factory<Input::AnalogDevice> {
explicit SDLAnalogFactory(SDLState& state_) : state(state_) {}
- * Creates analog device from joystick axes
+ * Creates an analog device from joystick axes
* @param params contains parameters for creating the device:
* - "guid": the guid of the joystick to bind
* - "port": the nth joystick of the same type
@@ -580,6 +599,26 @@ private:
SDLState& state;
+/// An vibration device factory that creates vibration devices from SDL joystick
+class SDLVibrationFactory final : public Input::Factory<Input::VibrationDevice> {
+ explicit SDLVibrationFactory(SDLState& state_) : state(state_) {}
+ /**
+ * Creates a vibration device from a joystick
+ * @param params contains parameters for creating the device:
+ * - "guid": the guid of the joystick to bind
+ * - "port": the nth joystick of the same type
+ */
+ std::unique_ptr<Input::VibrationDevice> Create(const Common::ParamPackage& params) override {
+ const std::string guid = params.Get("guid", "0");
+ const int port = params.Get("port", 0);
+ return std::make_unique<SDLVibration>(state.GetSDLJoystickByGUID(guid, port));
+ }
+ SDLState& state;
/// A motion device factory that creates motion devices from SDL joystick
class SDLMotionFactory final : public Input::Factory<Input::MotionDevice> {
@@ -646,11 +685,13 @@ private:
SDLState::SDLState() {
using namespace Input;
- analog_factory = std::make_shared<SDLAnalogFactory>(*this);
button_factory = std::make_shared<SDLButtonFactory>(*this);
+ analog_factory = std::make_shared<SDLAnalogFactory>(*this);
+ vibration_factory = std::make_shared<SDLVibrationFactory>(*this);
motion_factory = std::make_shared<SDLMotionFactory>(*this);
- RegisterFactory<AnalogDevice>("sdl", analog_factory);
RegisterFactory<ButtonDevice>("sdl", button_factory);
+ RegisterFactory<AnalogDevice>("sdl", analog_factory);
+ RegisterFactory<VibrationDevice>("sdl", vibration_factory);
RegisterFactory<MotionDevice>("sdl", motion_factory);
// If the frontend is going to manage the event loop, then we don't start one here
@@ -687,6 +728,7 @@ SDLState::~SDLState() {
using namespace Input;
+ UnregisterFactory<VibrationDevice>("sdl");