path: root/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Friend/ServiceCreator/IFriendService.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Friend/ServiceCreator/IFriendService.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Friend/ServiceCreator/IFriendService.cs b/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Friend/ServiceCreator/IFriendService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d23e88..00000000
--- a/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Friend/ServiceCreator/IFriendService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-using LibHac.Ns;
-using Ryujinx.Common;
-using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
-using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
-using Ryujinx.Common.Utilities;
-using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Ipc;
-using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading;
-using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Account.Acc;
-using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Friend.ServiceCreator.FriendService;
-using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common;
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Friend.ServiceCreator
- class IFriendService : IpcService
- {
-#pragma warning disable IDE0052 // Remove unread private member
- private readonly FriendServicePermissionLevel _permissionLevel;
-#pragma warning restore IDE0052
- private KEvent _completionEvent;
- public IFriendService(FriendServicePermissionLevel permissionLevel)
- {
- _permissionLevel = permissionLevel;
- }
- [CommandCmif(0)]
- // GetCompletionEvent() -> handle<copy>
- public ResultCode GetCompletionEvent(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- _completionEvent ??= new KEvent(context.Device.System.KernelContext);
- if (context.Process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(_completionEvent.ReadableEvent, out int completionEventHandle) != Result.Success)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Out of handles!");
- }
- _completionEvent.WritableEvent.Signal();
- context.Response.HandleDesc = IpcHandleDesc.MakeCopy(completionEventHandle);
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(1)]
- // nn::friends::Cancel()
- public ResultCode Cancel(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- // TODO: Original service sets an internal field to 1 here. Determine usage.
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend);
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10100)]
- // nn::friends::GetFriendListIds(int offset, nn::account::Uid userId, nn::friends::detail::ipc::SizedFriendFilter friendFilter, ulong pidPlaceHolder, pid)
- // -> int outCount, array<nn::account::NetworkServiceAccountId, 0xa>
- public ResultCode GetFriendListIds(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- int offset = context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- // Padding
- context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- FriendFilter filter = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<FriendFilter>();
- // Pid placeholder
- context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // There are no friends online, so we return 0 because the nn::account::NetworkServiceAccountId array is empty.
- context.ResponseData.Write(0);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new
- {
- UserId = userId.ToString(),
- offset,
- filter.PresenceStatus,
- filter.IsFavoriteOnly,
- filter.IsSameAppPresenceOnly,
- filter.IsSameAppPlayedOnly,
- filter.IsArbitraryAppPlayedOnly,
- filter.PresenceGroupId,
- });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10101)]
- // nn::friends::GetFriendList(int offset, nn::account::Uid userId, nn::friends::detail::ipc::SizedFriendFilter friendFilter, ulong pidPlaceHolder, pid)
- // -> int outCount, array<nn::friends::detail::FriendImpl, 0x6>
- public ResultCode GetFriendList(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- int offset = context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- // Padding
- context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- FriendFilter filter = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<FriendFilter>();
- // Pid placeholder
- context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // There are no friends online, so we return 0 because the nn::account::NetworkServiceAccountId array is empty.
- context.ResponseData.Write(0);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new
- {
- UserId = userId.ToString(),
- offset,
- filter.PresenceStatus,
- filter.IsFavoriteOnly,
- filter.IsSameAppPresenceOnly,
- filter.IsSameAppPlayedOnly,
- filter.IsArbitraryAppPlayedOnly,
- filter.PresenceGroupId,
- });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10120)] // 10.0.0+
- // nn::friends::IsFriendListCacheAvailable(nn::account::Uid userId) -> bool
- public ResultCode IsFriendListCacheAvailable(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // TODO: Service mount the friends:/ system savedata and try to load friend.cache file, returns true if exists, false otherwise.
- // NOTE: If no cache is available, guest then calls nn::friends::EnsureFriendListAvailable, we can avoid that by faking the cache check.
- context.ResponseData.Write(true);
- // TODO: Since we don't support friend features, it's fine to stub it for now.
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10121)] // 10.0.0+
- // nn::friends::EnsureFriendListAvailable(nn::account::Uid userId)
- public ResultCode EnsureFriendListAvailable(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // TODO: Service mount the friends:/ system savedata and create a friend.cache file for the given user id.
- // Since we don't support friend features, it's fine to stub it for now.
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10400)]
- // nn::friends::GetBlockedUserListIds(int offset, nn::account::Uid userId) -> (u32, buffer<nn::account::NetworkServiceAccountId, 0xa>)
- public ResultCode GetBlockedUserListIds(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- int offset = context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- // Padding
- context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- // There are no friends blocked, so we return 0 because the nn::account::NetworkServiceAccountId array is empty.
- context.ResponseData.Write(0);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { offset, UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10420)]
- // nn::friends::CheckBlockedUserListAvailability(nn::account::Uid userId) -> bool
- public ResultCode CheckBlockedUserListAvailability(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- // Yes, it is available.
- context.ResponseData.Write(true);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10600)]
- // nn::friends::DeclareOpenOnlinePlaySession(nn::account::Uid userId)
- public ResultCode DeclareOpenOnlinePlaySession(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- context.Device.System.AccountManager.OpenUserOnlinePlay(userId);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10601)]
- // nn::friends::DeclareCloseOnlinePlaySession(nn::account::Uid userId)
- public ResultCode DeclareCloseOnlinePlaySession(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- context.Device.System.AccountManager.CloseUserOnlinePlay(userId);
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = userId.ToString() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10610)]
- // nn::friends::UpdateUserPresence(nn::account::Uid, u64, pid, buffer<nn::friends::detail::UserPresenceImpl, 0x19>)
- public ResultCode UpdateUserPresence(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId uuid = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- // Pid placeholder
- context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
- ulong position = context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Position;
- ulong size = context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Size;
- ReadOnlySpan<UserPresence> userPresenceInputArray = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, UserPresence>(context.Memory.GetSpan(position, (int)size));
- if (uuid.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend, new { UserId = uuid.ToString(), userPresenceInputArray = userPresenceInputArray.ToArray() });
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10700)]
- // nn::friends::GetPlayHistoryRegistrationKey(b8 unknown, nn::account::Uid) -> buffer<nn::friends::PlayHistoryRegistrationKey, 0x1a>
- public ResultCode GetPlayHistoryRegistrationKey(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- bool unknownBool = context.RequestData.ReadBoolean();
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- context.Response.PtrBuff[0] = context.Response.PtrBuff[0].WithSize(0x40UL);
- ulong bufferPosition = context.Request.RecvListBuff[0].Position;
- if (userId.IsNull)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // NOTE: Calls nn::friends::detail::service::core::PlayHistoryManager::GetInstance and stores the instance.
- byte[] randomBytes = new byte[8];
- Random.Shared.NextBytes(randomBytes);
- // NOTE: Calls nn::friends::detail::service::core::UuidManager::GetInstance and stores the instance.
- // Then call nn::friends::detail::service::core::AccountStorageManager::GetInstance and store the instance.
- // Then it checks if an Uuid is already stored for the UserId, if not it generates a random Uuid.
- // And store it in the savedata 8000000000000080 in the friends:/uid.bin file.
- Array16<byte> randomGuid = new();
- Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().AsSpan().CopyTo(randomGuid.AsSpan());
- PlayHistoryRegistrationKey playHistoryRegistrationKey = new()
- {
- Type = 0x101,
- KeyIndex = (byte)(randomBytes[0] & 7),
- UserIdBool = 0, // TODO: Find it.
- UnknownBool = (byte)(unknownBool ? 1 : 0), // TODO: Find it.
- Reserved = new Array11<byte>(),
- Uuid = randomGuid,
- };
- ReadOnlySpan<byte> playHistoryRegistrationKeyBuffer = SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref playHistoryRegistrationKey);
- /*
- NOTE: The service uses the KeyIndex to get a random key from a keys buffer (since the key index is stored in the returned buffer).
- We currently don't support play history and online services so we can use a blank key for now.
- Code for reference:
- byte[] hmacKey = new byte[0x20];
- HMACSHA256 hmacSha256 = new HMACSHA256(hmacKey);
- byte[] hmacHash = hmacSha256.ComputeHash(playHistoryRegistrationKeyBuffer);
- */
- context.Memory.Write(bufferPosition, playHistoryRegistrationKeyBuffer);
- context.Memory.Write(bufferPosition + 0x20, new byte[0x20]); // HmacHash
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- [CommandCmif(10702)]
- // nn::friends::AddPlayHistory(nn::account::Uid, u64, pid, buffer<nn::friends::PlayHistoryRegistrationKey, 0x19>, buffer<nn::friends::InAppScreenName, 0x19>, buffer<nn::friends::InAppScreenName, 0x19>)
- public ResultCode AddPlayHistory(ServiceCtx context)
- {
- UserId userId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<UserId>();
- // Pid placeholder
- context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
-#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Remove unnecessary value assignment
- ulong pid = context.Request.HandleDesc.PId;
- ulong playHistoryRegistrationKeyPosition = context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Position;
- ulong playHistoryRegistrationKeySize = context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Size;
- ulong inAppScreenName1Position = context.Request.PtrBuff[1].Position;
-#pragma warning restore IDE0059
- ulong inAppScreenName1Size = context.Request.PtrBuff[1].Size;
-#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Remove unnecessary value assignment
- ulong inAppScreenName2Position = context.Request.PtrBuff[2].Position;
-#pragma warning restore IDE0059
- ulong inAppScreenName2Size = context.Request.PtrBuff[2].Size;
- if (userId.IsNull || inAppScreenName1Size > 0x48 || inAppScreenName2Size > 0x48)
- {
- return ResultCode.InvalidArgument;
- }
- // TODO: Call nn::arp::GetApplicationControlProperty here when implemented.
-#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Remove unnecessary value assignment
- ApplicationControlProperty controlProperty = context.Device.Processes.ActiveApplication.ApplicationControlProperties;
-#pragma warning restore IDE0059
- /*
- NOTE: The service calls nn::friends::detail::service::core::PlayHistoryManager to store informations using the registration key computed in GetPlayHistoryRegistrationKey.
- Then calls nn::friends::detail::service::core::FriendListManager to update informations on the friend list.
- We currently don't support play history and online services so it's fine to do nothing.
- */
- Logger.Stub?.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceFriend);
- return ResultCode.Success;
- }
- }