path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs
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authorriperiperi <rhy3756547@hotmail.com>2023-08-14 18:18:47 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-08-14 14:18:47 -0300
commit492a0463358e7706e0fb34537d55810d833ae695 (patch)
tree97f56eaf2813db7305f072a69e959c163586fc6f /src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs
parent550fd4a7338eded794bf961ef6fd0c38643471c8 (diff)
Vulkan: Buffer Mirrors for MacOS performance (#4899)1.1.988
* Initial implementation of buffer mirrors Generally slower right now, goal is to reduce render passes in games that do inline updates Fix support buffer mirrors Reintroduce vertex buffer mirror Add storage buffer support Optimisation part 1 More optimisation Avoid useless data copies. Remove unused cbIndex stuff Properly set write flag for storage buffers. Fix minor issues Not sure why this was here. Fix BufferRangeList Fix some big issues Align storage buffers rather than getting full buffer as a range Improves mirrorability of read-only storage buffers Increase staging buffer size, as it now contains mirrors Fix some issues with buffers not updating Fix buffer SetDataUnchecked offset for one of the paths when using mirrors Fix buffer mirrors interaction with buffer textures Fix mirror rebinding Move GetBuffer calls on indirect draws before BeginRenderPass to avoid draws without render pass Fix mirrors rebase Fix rebase 2023 * Fix crash when using stale vertex buffer Similar to `Get` with a size that's too large, just treat it as a clamp. * Explicitly set support buffer as mirrorable * Address feedback * Remove unused fragment of MVK workaround * Replace logging for staging buffer OOM * Address format issues * Address more format issues * Mini cleanup * Address more things * Rename BufferRangeList * Support bounding range for ClearMirrors and UploadPendingData * Add maximum size for vertex buffer mirrors * Enable index buffer mirrors Enabled on all platforms for the IbStreamer. * Feedback * Remove mystery BufferCache change Probably macos related? * Fix mirrors not creating when staging buffer is empty. * Change log level to debug
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs
index 54635631..c767a57a 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferHolder.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using VkFormat = Silk.NET.Vulkan.Format;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- class BufferHolder : IDisposable
+ class BufferHolder : IDisposable, IMirrorable<DisposableBuffer>, IMirrorable<DisposableBufferView>
private const int MaxUpdateBufferSize = 0x10000;
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
private List<Action> _swapActions;
+ private byte[] _pendingData;
+ private BufferMirrorRangeList _pendingDataRanges;
+ private Dictionary<ulong, StagingBufferReserved> _mirrors;
+ private bool _useMirrors;
public BufferHolder(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device, VkBuffer buffer, MemoryAllocation allocation, int size, BufferAllocationType type, BufferAllocationType currentType)
_gd = gd;
@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
_allocation = allocation;
_allocationAuto = new Auto<MemoryAllocation>(allocation);
_waitable = new MultiFenceHolder(size);
- _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(gd.Api, device, buffer), _waitable, _allocationAuto);
+ _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(gd.Api, device, buffer), this, _waitable, _allocationAuto);
_bufferHandle = buffer.Handle;
Size = size;
_map = allocation.HostPointer;
@@ -81,6 +86,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
DesiredType = currentType;
_flushLock = new ReaderWriterLock();
+ _useMirrors = gd.IsTBDR;
public BufferHolder(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device, VkBuffer buffer, Auto<MemoryAllocation> allocation, int size, BufferAllocationType type, BufferAllocationType currentType, int offset)
@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
_allocationAuto = allocation;
_allocationImported = true;
_waitable = new MultiFenceHolder(size);
- _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(gd.Api, device, buffer), _waitable, _allocationAuto);
+ _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(gd.Api, device, buffer), this, _waitable, _allocationAuto);
_bufferHandle = buffer.Handle;
Size = size;
_map = _allocation.HostPointer + offset;
@@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
// Only swap if the buffer is not used in any queued command buffer.
bool isRented = _buffer.HasRentedCommandBufferDependency(_gd.CommandBufferPool);
- if (!isRented && _gd.CommandBufferPool.OwnedByCurrentThread && !_flushLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
+ if (!isRented && _gd.CommandBufferPool.OwnedByCurrentThread && !_flushLock.IsReaderLockHeld && (_pendingData == null || cbs != null))
var currentAllocation = _allocationAuto;
var currentBuffer = _buffer;
@@ -120,6 +126,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
if (buffer.Handle != 0)
+ if (cbs != null)
+ {
+ ClearMirrors(cbs.Value, 0, Size);
+ }
@@ -128,7 +139,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
_allocation = allocation;
_allocationAuto = new Auto<MemoryAllocation>(allocation);
- _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(_gd.Api, _device, buffer), _waitable, _allocationAuto);
+ _buffer = new Auto<DisposableBuffer>(new DisposableBuffer(_gd.Api, _device, buffer), this, _waitable, _allocationAuto);
_bufferHandle = buffer.Handle;
_map = allocation.HostPointer;
@@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
(_swapActions ??= new List<Action>()).Add(invalidateView);
- return new Auto<DisposableBufferView>(new DisposableBufferView(_gd.Api, _device, bufferView), _waitable, _buffer);
+ return new Auto<DisposableBufferView>(new DisposableBufferView(_gd.Api, _device, bufferView), this, _waitable, _buffer);
public void InheritMetrics(BufferHolder other)
@@ -302,6 +313,82 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ private static ulong ToMirrorKey(int offset, int size)
+ {
+ return ((ulong)offset << 32) | (uint)size;
+ }
+ private static (int offset, int size) FromMirrorKey(ulong key)
+ {
+ return ((int)(key >> 32), (int)key);
+ }
+ private unsafe bool TryGetMirror(CommandBufferScoped cbs, ref int offset, int size, out Auto<DisposableBuffer> buffer)
+ {
+ size = Math.Min(size, Size - offset);
+ // Does this binding need to be mirrored?
+ if (!_pendingDataRanges.OverlapsWith(offset, size))
+ {
+ buffer = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ var key = ToMirrorKey(offset, size);
+ if (_mirrors.TryGetValue(key, out StagingBufferReserved reserved))
+ {
+ buffer = reserved.Buffer.GetBuffer();
+ offset = reserved.Offset;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Is this mirror allowed to exist? Can't be used for write in any in-flight write.
+ if (_waitable.IsBufferRangeInUse(offset, size, true))
+ {
+ // Some of the data is not mirrorable, so upload the whole range.
+ ClearMirrors(cbs, offset, size);
+ buffer = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Build data for the new mirror.
+ var baseData = new Span<byte>((void*)(_map + offset), size);
+ var modData = _pendingData.AsSpan(offset, size);
+ StagingBufferReserved? newMirror = _gd.BufferManager.StagingBuffer.TryReserveData(cbs, size, (int)_gd.Capabilities.MinResourceAlignment);
+ if (newMirror != null)
+ {
+ var mirror = newMirror.Value;
+ _pendingDataRanges.FillData(baseData, modData, offset, new Span<byte>((void*)(mirror.Buffer._map + mirror.Offset), size));
+ if (_mirrors.Count == 0)
+ {
+ _gd.PipelineInternal.RegisterActiveMirror(this);
+ }
+ _mirrors.Add(key, mirror);
+ buffer = mirror.Buffer.GetBuffer();
+ offset = mirror.Offset;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Data could not be placed on the mirror, likely out of space. Force the data to flush.
+ ClearMirrors(cbs, offset, size);
+ buffer = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBuffer()
return _buffer;
@@ -339,6 +426,86 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
return _buffer;
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetMirrorable(CommandBufferScoped cbs, ref int offset, int size, out bool mirrored)
+ {
+ if (_pendingData != null && TryGetMirror(cbs, ref offset, size, out Auto<DisposableBuffer> result))
+ {
+ mirrored = true;
+ return result;
+ }
+ mirrored = false;
+ return _buffer;
+ }
+ Auto<DisposableBufferView> IMirrorable<DisposableBufferView>.GetMirrorable(CommandBufferScoped cbs, ref int offset, int size, out bool mirrored)
+ {
+ // Cannot mirror buffer views right now.
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void ClearMirrors()
+ {
+ // Clear mirrors without forcing a flush. This happens when the command buffer is switched,
+ // as all reserved areas on the staging buffer are released.
+ if (_pendingData != null)
+ {
+ _mirrors.Clear();
+ };
+ }
+ public void ClearMirrors(CommandBufferScoped cbs, int offset, int size)
+ {
+ // Clear mirrors in the given range, and submit overlapping pending data.
+ if (_pendingData != null)
+ {
+ bool hadMirrors = _mirrors.Count > 0 && RemoveOverlappingMirrors(offset, size);
+ if (_pendingDataRanges.Count() != 0)
+ {
+ UploadPendingData(cbs, offset, size);
+ }
+ if (hadMirrors)
+ {
+ _gd.PipelineInternal.Rebind(_buffer, offset, size);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public void UseMirrors()
+ {
+ _useMirrors = true;
+ }
+ private void UploadPendingData(CommandBufferScoped cbs, int offset, int size)
+ {
+ var ranges = _pendingDataRanges.FindOverlaps(offset, size);
+ if (ranges != null)
+ {
+ _pendingDataRanges.Remove(offset, size);
+ foreach (var range in ranges)
+ {
+ int rangeOffset = Math.Max(offset, range.Offset);
+ int rangeSize = Math.Min(offset + size, range.End) - rangeOffset;
+ if (_gd.PipelineInternal.CurrentCommandBuffer.CommandBuffer.Handle == cbs.CommandBuffer.Handle)
+ {
+ SetData(rangeOffset, _pendingData.AsSpan(rangeOffset, rangeSize), cbs, _gd.PipelineInternal.EndRenderPass, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetData(rangeOffset, _pendingData.AsSpan(rangeOffset, rangeSize), cbs, null, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void SignalWrite(int offset, int size)
@@ -472,7 +639,34 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
throw new InvalidOperationException("The buffer is not host mapped.");
- public unsafe void SetData(int offset, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, CommandBufferScoped? cbs = null, Action endRenderPass = null)
+ public bool RemoveOverlappingMirrors(int offset, int size)
+ {
+ List<ulong> toRemove = null;
+ foreach (var key in _mirrors.Keys)
+ {
+ (int keyOffset, int keySize) = FromMirrorKey(key);
+ if (!(offset + size <= keyOffset || offset >= keyOffset + keySize))
+ {
+ toRemove ??= new List<ulong>();
+ toRemove.Add(key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (toRemove != null)
+ {
+ foreach (var key in toRemove)
+ {
+ _mirrors.Remove(key);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public unsafe void SetData(int offset, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, CommandBufferScoped? cbs = null, Action endRenderPass = null, bool allowCbsWait = true)
int dataSize = Math.Min(data.Length, Size - offset);
if (dataSize == 0)
@@ -481,6 +675,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ bool allowMirror = _useMirrors && allowCbsWait && cbs != null && _currentType <= BufferAllocationType.HostMapped;
if (_map != IntPtr.Zero)
@@ -488,7 +683,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
bool isRented = _buffer.HasRentedCommandBufferDependency(_gd.CommandBufferPool);
// If the buffer is rented, take a little more time and check if the use overlaps this handle.
- bool needsFlush = isRented && _waitable.IsBufferRangeInUse(offset, dataSize);
+ bool needsFlush = isRented && _waitable.IsBufferRangeInUse(offset, dataSize, false);
if (!needsFlush)
@@ -496,12 +691,48 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
data[..dataSize].CopyTo(new Span<byte>((void*)(_map + offset), dataSize));
+ if (_pendingData != null)
+ {
+ bool removed = _pendingDataRanges.Remove(offset, dataSize);
+ if (RemoveOverlappingMirrors(offset, dataSize) || removed)
+ {
+ // If any mirrors were removed, rebind the buffer range.
+ _gd.PipelineInternal.Rebind(_buffer, offset, dataSize);
+ }
+ }
SignalWrite(offset, dataSize);
+ // If the buffer does not have an in-flight write (including an inline update), then upload data to a pendingCopy.
+ if (allowMirror && !_waitable.IsBufferRangeInUse(offset, dataSize, true))
+ {
+ if (_pendingData == null)
+ {
+ _pendingData = new byte[Size];
+ _mirrors = new Dictionary<ulong, StagingBufferReserved>();
+ }
+ data[..dataSize].CopyTo(_pendingData.AsSpan(offset, dataSize));
+ _pendingDataRanges.Add(offset, dataSize);
+ // Remove any overlapping mirrors.
+ RemoveOverlappingMirrors(offset, dataSize);
+ // Tell the graphics device to rebind any constant buffer that overlaps the newly modified range, as it should access a mirror.
+ _gd.PipelineInternal.Rebind(_buffer, offset, dataSize);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_pendingData != null)
+ {
+ _pendingDataRanges.Remove(offset, dataSize);
+ }
if (cbs != null &&
_gd.PipelineInternal.RenderPassActive &&
!(_buffer.HasCommandBufferDependency(cbs.Value) &&
@@ -519,7 +750,37 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
data.Length > MaxUpdateBufferSize ||
!TryPushData(cbs.Value, endRenderPass, offset, data))
- _gd.BufferManager.StagingBuffer.PushData(_gd.CommandBufferPool, cbs, endRenderPass, this, offset, data);
+ if (allowCbsWait)
+ {
+ _gd.BufferManager.StagingBuffer.PushData(_gd.CommandBufferPool, cbs, endRenderPass, this, offset, data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool rentCbs = cbs == null;
+ if (rentCbs)
+ {
+ cbs = _gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent();
+ }
+ if (!_gd.BufferManager.StagingBuffer.TryPushData(cbs.Value, endRenderPass, this, offset, data))
+ {
+ // Need to do a slow upload.
+ BufferHolder srcHolder = _gd.BufferManager.Create(_gd, dataSize, baseType: BufferAllocationType.HostMapped);
+ srcHolder.SetDataUnchecked(0, data);
+ var srcBuffer = srcHolder.GetBuffer();
+ var dstBuffer = this.GetBuffer(cbs.Value.CommandBuffer, true);
+ Copy(_gd, cbs.Value, srcBuffer, dstBuffer, 0, offset, dataSize);
+ srcHolder.Dispose();
+ }
+ if (rentCbs)
+ {
+ cbs.Value.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
@@ -558,7 +819,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- var dstBuffer = GetBuffer(cbs.CommandBuffer, dstOffset, data.Length, true).Get(cbs, dstOffset, data.Length).Value;
+ var dstBuffer = GetBuffer(cbs.CommandBuffer, dstOffset, data.Length, true).Get(cbs, dstOffset, data.Length, true).Value;
@@ -608,7 +869,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
bool registerSrcUsage = true)
var srcBuffer = registerSrcUsage ? src.Get(cbs, srcOffset, size).Value : src.GetUnsafe().Value;
- var dstBuffer = dst.Get(cbs, dstOffset, size).Value;
+ var dstBuffer = dst.Get(cbs, dstOffset, size, true).Value;