path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Effects/Shaders/fsr_scaling.glsl
blob: 8e8755db207cdf8604dd04a1cda3fc8e1a247f2c (plain) (tree)

#version 430 core
precision mediump float;
layout (local_size_x = 64) in;
layout(rgba8, binding = 0, location=0) uniform image2D imgOutput;
layout( location=1 ) uniform sampler2D Source;
layout( location=2 ) uniform float srcX0;
layout( location=3 ) uniform float srcX1;
layout( location=4 ) uniform float srcY0;
layout( location=5 ) uniform float srcY1;
layout( location=6 ) uniform float dstX0;
layout( location=7 ) uniform float dstX1;
layout( location=8 ) uniform float dstY0;
layout( location=9 ) uniform float dstY1;
layout( location=10 ) uniform float scaleX;
layout( location=11 ) uniform float scaleY;

#define A_GPU 1
#define A_GLSL 1
#include "ffx_a.h"

#define FSR_EASU_F 1
AU4 con0, con1, con2, con3;
float srcW, srcH, dstW, dstH;
vec2 bLeft, tRight;

AF2 translate(AF2 pos) {
    return AF2(pos.x * scaleX, pos.y * scaleY);

void setBounds(vec2 bottomLeft, vec2 topRight) {
    bLeft = bottomLeft;
    tRight = topRight;

AF2 translateDest(AF2 pos) {
    AF2 translatedPos = AF2(pos.x, pos.y);
    translatedPos.x = dstX1 < dstX0 ? dstX1 - translatedPos.x : translatedPos.x;
    translatedPos.y = dstY0 > dstY1 ? dstY0 + dstY1 - translatedPos.y - 1: translatedPos.y;
    return translatedPos;

AF4 FsrEasuRF(AF2 p) { AF4 res = textureGather(Source, translate(p), 0); return res; }
AF4 FsrEasuGF(AF2 p) { AF4 res = textureGather(Source, translate(p), 1); return res; }
AF4 FsrEasuBF(AF2 p) { AF4 res = textureGather(Source, translate(p), 2); return res; }

#include "ffx_fsr1.h"

float insideBox(vec2 v) {
    vec2 s = step(bLeft, v) - step(tRight, v);
    return s.x * s.y;   

void CurrFilter(AU2 pos)
    if((insideBox(vec2(pos.x, pos.y))) == 0) {
        imageStore(imgOutput, ASU2(pos.x, pos.y), AF4(0,0,0,1));
    AF3 c;
    FsrEasuF(c, AU2(pos.x - bLeft.x, pos.y - bLeft.y), con0, con1, con2, con3);
    imageStore(imgOutput, ASU2(translateDest(pos)), AF4(c, 1));

void main() {
    srcW = abs(srcX1 - srcX0);
    srcH = abs(srcY1 - srcY0);
    dstW = abs(dstX1 - dstX0);
    dstH = abs(dstY1 - dstY0);

    AU2 gxy = ARmp8x8(gl_LocalInvocationID.x) + AU2(gl_WorkGroupID.x << 4u, gl_WorkGroupID.y << 4u);

    setBounds(vec2(dstX0 < dstX1 ? dstX0 : dstX1, dstY0 < dstY1 ? dstY0 : dstY1),
        vec2(dstX1 > dstX0 ? dstX1 : dstX0, dstY1 > dstY0 ? dstY1 : dstY0));

    // Upscaling
    FsrEasuCon(con0, con1, con2, con3,
        srcW, srcH,  // Viewport size (top left aligned) in the input image which is to be scaled.
        srcW, srcH,  // The size of the input image.
        dstW, dstH); // The output resolution.

    gxy.x += 8u;
    gxy.y += 8u;
    gxy.x -= 8u;