// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once #include <compare> #include <optional> #include <span> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp> #include <boost/intrusive/set.hpp> #include "shader_recompiler/environment.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/condition.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/instruction.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/location.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/opcodes.h" #include "shader_recompiler/object_pool.h" namespace Shader::Maxwell::Flow { using FunctionId = size_t; enum class EndClass { Branch, Call, Exit, Return, Kill, }; enum class Token { SSY, PBK, PEXIT, PRET, PCNT, PLONGJMP, }; struct StackEntry { auto operator<=>(const StackEntry&) const noexcept = default; Token token; Location target; }; class Stack { public: void Push(Token token, Location target); [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Location, Stack> Pop(Token token) const; [[nodiscard]] std::optional<Location> Peek(Token token) const; [[nodiscard]] Stack Remove(Token token) const; private: boost::container::small_vector<StackEntry, 3> entries; }; struct Block : boost::intrusive::set_base_hook< // Normal link is ~2.5% faster compared to safe link boost::intrusive::link_mode<boost::intrusive::normal_link>> { [[nodiscard]] bool Contains(Location pc) const noexcept; bool operator<(const Block& rhs) const noexcept { return begin < rhs.begin; } Location begin; Location end; EndClass end_class; Stack stack; IR::Condition cond; union { Block* branch_true; FunctionId function_call; }; union { Block* branch_false; Block* return_block; }; }; struct Label { Location address; Block* block; Stack stack; }; struct Function { explicit Function(ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool, Location start_address); Location entrypoint; boost::container::small_vector<Label, 16> labels; boost::intrusive::set<Block> blocks; }; class CFG { enum class AnalysisState { Branch, Continue, }; public: explicit CFG(Environment& env, ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool, Location start_address); CFG& operator=(const CFG&) = delete; CFG(const CFG&) = delete; CFG& operator=(CFG&&) = delete; CFG(CFG&&) = delete; [[nodiscard]] std::string Dot() const; [[nodiscard]] std::span<const Function> Functions() const noexcept { return std::span(functions.data(), functions.size()); } [[nodiscard]] std::span<Function> Functions() noexcept { return std::span(functions.data(), functions.size()); } private: void AnalyzeLabel(FunctionId function_id, Label& label); /// Inspect already visited blocks. /// Return true when the block has already been visited bool InspectVisitedBlocks(FunctionId function_id, const Label& label); AnalysisState AnalyzeInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc); void AnalyzeCondInst(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, EndClass insn_end_class, IR::Condition cond); /// Return true when the branch instruction is confirmed to be a branch bool AnalyzeBranch(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst, Opcode opcode); void AnalyzeBRA(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute); void AnalyzeBRX(Block* block, Location pc, Instruction inst, bool is_absolute); AnalysisState AnalyzeEXIT(Block* block, FunctionId function_id, Location pc, Instruction inst); /// Return the branch target block id Block* AddLabel(Block* block, Stack stack, Location pc, FunctionId function_id); Environment& env; ObjectPool<Block>& block_pool; boost::container::small_vector<Function, 1> functions; FunctionId current_function_id{0}; }; } // namespace Shader::Maxwell::Flow