// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <ranges> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h" #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h" #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.h" #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/ir_emitter.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h" #include "shader_recompiler/profile.h" namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM { namespace { template <class Func> struct FuncTraits {}; template <class ReturnType_, class... Args> struct FuncTraits<ReturnType_ (*)(Args...)> { using ReturnType = ReturnType_; static constexpr size_t NUM_ARGS = sizeof...(Args); template <size_t I> using ArgType = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<Args...>>; }; template <typename T> struct Identity { Identity(T data_) : data{data_} {} T Extract() { return data; } T data; }; template <bool scalar> class RegWrapper { public: RegWrapper(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& ir_value) : reg_alloc{ctx.reg_alloc} { const Value value{reg_alloc.Peek(ir_value)}; if (value.type == Type::Register) { inst = ir_value.InstRecursive(); reg = Register{value}; } else { const bool is_long{value.type == Type::F64 || value.type == Type::U64}; reg = is_long ? reg_alloc.AllocLongReg() : reg_alloc.AllocReg(); } switch (value.type) { case Type::Register: case Type::Void: break; case Type::U32: ctx.Add("MOV.U {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_u32); break; case Type::S32: ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_s32); break; case Type::F32: ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_f32); break; case Type::U64: ctx.Add("MOV.U64 {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_u64); break; case Type::F64: ctx.Add("MOV.F64 {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_f64); break; } } auto Extract() { if (inst) { reg_alloc.Unref(*inst); } else { reg_alloc.FreeReg(reg); } return std::conditional_t<scalar, ScalarRegister, Register>{Value{reg}}; } private: RegAlloc& reg_alloc; IR::Inst* inst{}; Register reg{}; }; template <typename ArgType> class ValueWrapper { public: ValueWrapper(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& ir_value_) : reg_alloc{ctx.reg_alloc}, ir_value{ir_value_}, value{reg_alloc.Peek(ir_value)} {} ArgType Extract() { if (!ir_value.IsImmediate()) { reg_alloc.Unref(*ir_value.InstRecursive()); } return value; } private: RegAlloc& reg_alloc; const IR::Value& ir_value; ArgType value; }; template <typename ArgType> auto Arg(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& arg) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, Register>) { return RegWrapper<false>{ctx, arg}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, ScalarRegister>) { return RegWrapper<true>{ctx, arg}; } else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Value, ArgType>) { return ValueWrapper<ArgType>{ctx, arg}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, const IR::Value&>) { return Identity<const IR::Value&>{arg}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, u32>) { return Identity{arg.U32()}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Attribute>) { return Identity{arg.Attribute()}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Patch>) { return Identity{arg.Patch()}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Reg>) { return Identity{arg.Reg()}; } } template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst> struct InvokeCall { template <typename... Args> InvokeCall(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Args&&... args) { if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) { func(ctx, *inst, args.Extract()...); } else { func(ctx, args.Extract()...); } } }; template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst, size_t... I> void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, std::index_sequence<I...>) { using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>; if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) { InvokeCall<func, is_first_arg_inst>{ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...}; } else { InvokeCall<func, is_first_arg_inst>{ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...}; } } template <auto func> void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) { using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>; static_assert(Traits::NUM_ARGS >= 1, "Insufficient arguments"); if constexpr (Traits::NUM_ARGS == 1) { Invoke<func, false>(ctx, inst, std::make_index_sequence<0>{}); } else { using FirstArgType = typename Traits::template ArgType<1>; static constexpr bool is_first_arg_inst = std::is_same_v<FirstArgType, IR::Inst&>; using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<Traits::NUM_ARGS - (is_first_arg_inst ? 2 : 1)>; Invoke<func, is_first_arg_inst>(ctx, inst, Indices{}); } } void EmitInst(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) { switch (inst->GetOpcode()) { #define OPCODE(name, result_type, ...) \ case IR::Opcode::name: \ return Invoke<&Emit##name>(ctx, inst); #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/opcodes.inc" #undef OPCODE } throw LogicError("Invalid opcode {}", inst->GetOpcode()); } void Precolor(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Program& program) { for (IR::Block* const block : program.blocks) { for (IR::Inst& phi : block->Instructions() | std::views::take_while(IR::IsPhi)) { switch (phi.Arg(0).Type()) { case IR::Type::U1: case IR::Type::U32: case IR::Type::F32: ctx.reg_alloc.Define(phi); break; case IR::Type::U64: case IR::Type::F64: ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(phi); break; default: throw NotImplementedException("Phi node type {}", phi.Type()); } const size_t num_args{phi.NumArgs()}; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { IR::IREmitter{*phi.PhiBlock(i)}.PhiMove(phi, phi.Arg(i)); } // Add reference to the phi node on the phi predecessor to avoid overwritting it for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { IR::IREmitter{*phi.PhiBlock(i)}.Reference(IR::Value{&phi}); } } } } void EmitCode(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Program& program) { const auto eval{ [&](const IR::U1& cond) { return ScalarS32{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(IR::Value{cond})}; }}; for (const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& node : program.syntax_list) { switch (node.type) { case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block: for (IR::Inst& inst : node.data.block->Instructions()) { EmitInst(ctx, &inst); } break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::If: ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};" "IF NE.x;", eval(node.data.if_node.cond)); break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::EndIf: ctx.Add("ENDIF;"); break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Loop: ctx.Add("REP;"); break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Repeat: if (node.data.repeat.cond.IsImmediate()) { if (node.data.repeat.cond.U1()) { ctx.Add("ENDREP;"); } else { ctx.Add("BRK;" "ENDREP;"); } } else { ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};" "BRK (EQ.x);" "ENDREP;", eval(node.data.repeat.cond)); } break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Break: if (node.data.break_node.cond.IsImmediate()) { if (node.data.break_node.cond.U1()) { ctx.Add("BRK;"); } } else { ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};" "BRK (NE.x);", eval(node.data.break_node.cond)); } break; case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Return: case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Unreachable: ctx.Add("RET;"); break; } } } void SetupOptions(const IR::Program& program, const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info, std::string& header) { const Info& info{program.info}; const Stage stage{program.stage}; // TODO: Track the shared atomic ops header += "OPTION NV_internal;" "OPTION NV_shader_storage_buffer;" "OPTION NV_gpu_program_fp64;" "OPTION NV_bindless_texture;" "OPTION ARB_derivative_control;"; if (info.uses_int64_bit_atomics) { header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_int64;"; } if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) { header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_float;"; } if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) { header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector;"; } if (info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id || info.uses_subgroup_mask || info.uses_subgroup_vote || info.uses_fswzadd) { header += "OPTION NV_shader_thread_group;"; } if (info.uses_subgroup_shuffles) { header += "OPTION NV_shader_thread_shuffle;"; } if (info.uses_sparse_residency) { header += "OPTION EXT_sparse_texture2;"; } if ((info.stores_viewport_index || info.stores_layer) && stage != Stage::Geometry) { if (profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) { header += "OPTION NV_viewport_array2;"; } } if (info.uses_typeless_image_reads && profile.support_typeless_image_loads) { header += "OPTION EXT_shader_image_load_formatted;"; } if (stage == Stage::Fragment && runtime_info.force_early_z != 0) { header += "OPTION NV_early_fragment_tests;"; } const auto non_zero_frag_colors{info.stores_frag_color | std::views::drop(1)}; if (std::ranges::find(non_zero_frag_colors, true) != non_zero_frag_colors.end()) { header += "OPTION ARB_draw_buffers;"; } } std::string_view StageHeader(Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case Stage::VertexA: case Stage::VertexB: return "!!NVvp5.0\n"; case Stage::TessellationControl: return "!!NVtcp5.0\n"; case Stage::TessellationEval: return "!!NVtep5.0\n"; case Stage::Geometry: return "!!NVgp5.0\n"; case Stage::Fragment: return "!!NVfp5.0\n"; case Stage::Compute: return "!!NVcp5.0\n"; } throw InvalidArgument("Invalid stage {}", stage); } std::string_view InputPrimitive(InputTopology topology) { switch (topology) { case InputTopology::Points: return "POINTS"; case InputTopology::Lines: return "LINES"; case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency: return "LINESS_ADJACENCY"; case InputTopology::Triangles: return "TRIANGLES"; case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency: return "TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY"; } throw InvalidArgument("Invalid input topology {}", topology); } std::string_view OutputPrimitive(OutputTopology topology) { switch (topology) { case OutputTopology::PointList: return "POINTS"; case OutputTopology::LineStrip: return "LINE_STRIP"; case OutputTopology::TriangleStrip: return "TRIANGLE_STRIP"; } throw InvalidArgument("Invalid output topology {}", topology); } std::string_view GetTessMode(TessPrimitive primitive) { switch (primitive) { case TessPrimitive::Triangles: return "TRIANGLES"; case TessPrimitive::Quads: return "QUADS"; case TessPrimitive::Isolines: return "ISOLINES"; } throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation primitive {}", primitive); } std::string_view GetTessSpacing(TessSpacing spacing) { switch (spacing) { case TessSpacing::Equal: return "EQUAL"; case TessSpacing::FractionalOdd: return "FRACTIONAL_ODD"; case TessSpacing::FractionalEven: return "FRACTIONAL_EVEN"; } throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation spacing {}", spacing); } } // Anonymous namespace std::string EmitGLASM(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info, IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings) { EmitContext ctx{program, bindings, profile, runtime_info}; Precolor(ctx, program); EmitCode(ctx, program); std::string header{StageHeader(program.stage)}; SetupOptions(program, profile, runtime_info, header); switch (program.stage) { case Stage::TessellationControl: header += fmt::format("VERTICES_OUT {};", program.invocations); break; case Stage::TessellationEval: header += fmt::format("TESS_MODE {};" "TESS_SPACING {};" "TESS_VERTEX_ORDER {};", GetTessMode(runtime_info.tess_primitive), GetTessSpacing(runtime_info.tess_spacing), runtime_info.tess_clockwise ? "CW" : "CCW"); break; case Stage::Geometry: header += fmt::format("PRIMITIVE_IN {};" "PRIMITIVE_OUT {};" "VERTICES_OUT {};", InputPrimitive(runtime_info.input_topology), OutputPrimitive(program.output_topology), program.output_vertices); break; case Stage::Compute: header += fmt::format("GROUP_SIZE {} {} {};", program.workgroup_size[0], program.workgroup_size[1], program.workgroup_size[2]); break; default: break; } if (program.shared_memory_size > 0) { header += fmt::format("SHARED_MEMORY {};", program.shared_memory_size); header += fmt::format("SHARED shared_mem[]={{program.sharedmem}};"); } header += "TEMP "; for (size_t index = 0; index < ctx.reg_alloc.NumUsedRegisters(); ++index) { header += fmt::format("R{},", index); } if (program.local_memory_size > 0) { header += fmt::format("lmem[{}],", program.local_memory_size); } if (program.info.uses_fswzadd) { header += "FSWZA[4],FSWZB[4],"; } header += "RC;" "LONG TEMP "; for (size_t index = 0; index < ctx.reg_alloc.NumUsedLongRegisters(); ++index) { header += fmt::format("D{},", index); } header += "DC;"; if (program.info.uses_fswzadd) { header += "MOV.F FSWZA[0],-1;" "MOV.F FSWZA[1],1;" "MOV.F FSWZA[2],-1;" "MOV.F FSWZA[3],0;" "MOV.F FSWZB[0],-1;" "MOV.F FSWZB[1],-1;" "MOV.F FSWZB[2],1;" "MOV.F FSWZB[3],-1;"; } ctx.code.insert(0, header); ctx.code += "END"; return ctx.code; } } // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM