// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include <algorithm> #include <mutex> #include <thread> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/process/async_pipe.hpp> #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/thread.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/debugger/debugger.h" #include "core/debugger/debugger_interface.h" #include "core/debugger/gdbstub.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/global_scheduler_context.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/k_scheduler.h" template <typename Readable, typename Buffer, typename Callback> static void AsyncReceiveInto(Readable& r, Buffer& buffer, Callback&& c) { static_assert(std::is_trivial_v<Buffer>); auto boost_buffer{boost::asio::buffer(&buffer, sizeof(Buffer))}; r.async_read_some( boost_buffer, [&, c](const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_read) { if (!error.failed()) { const u8* buffer_start = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&buffer); std::span<const u8> received_data{buffer_start, buffer_start + bytes_read}; c(received_data); } AsyncReceiveInto(r, buffer, c); }); } template <typename Readable, typename Buffer> static std::span<const u8> ReceiveInto(Readable& r, Buffer& buffer) { static_assert(std::is_trivial_v<Buffer>); auto boost_buffer{boost::asio::buffer(&buffer, sizeof(Buffer))}; size_t bytes_read = r.read_some(boost_buffer); const u8* buffer_start = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&buffer); std::span<const u8> received_data{buffer_start, buffer_start + bytes_read}; return received_data; } enum class SignalType { Stopped, Watchpoint, ShuttingDown, }; struct SignalInfo { SignalType type; Kernel::KThread* thread; const Kernel::DebugWatchpoint* watchpoint; }; namespace Core { class DebuggerImpl : public DebuggerBackend { public: explicit DebuggerImpl(Core::System& system_, u16 port) : system{system_}, signal_pipe{io_context}, client_socket{io_context} { frontend = std::make_unique<GDBStub>(*this, system); InitializeServer(port); } ~DebuggerImpl() override { ShutdownServer(); } bool SignalDebugger(SignalInfo signal_info) { { std::scoped_lock lk{connection_lock}; if (stopped) { // Do not notify the debugger about another event. // It should be ignored. return false; } // Set up the state. stopped = true; info = signal_info; } // Write a single byte into the pipe to wake up the debug interface. boost::asio::write(signal_pipe, boost::asio::buffer(&stopped, sizeof(stopped))); return true; } std::span<const u8> ReadFromClient() override { return ReceiveInto(client_socket, client_data); } void WriteToClient(std::span<const u8> data) override { boost::asio::write(client_socket, boost::asio::buffer(data.data(), data.size_bytes())); } void SetActiveThread(Kernel::KThread* thread) override { active_thread = thread; } Kernel::KThread* GetActiveThread() override { return active_thread; } private: void InitializeServer(u16 port) { using boost::asio::ip::tcp; LOG_INFO(Debug_GDBStub, "Starting server on port {}...", port); // Run the connection thread. connection_thread = std::jthread([&, port](std::stop_token stop_token) { try { // Initialize the listening socket and accept a new client. tcp::endpoint endpoint{boost::asio::ip::address_v4::any(), port}; tcp::acceptor acceptor{io_context, endpoint}; acceptor.async_accept(client_socket, [](const auto&) {}); io_context.run_one(); io_context.restart(); if (stop_token.stop_requested()) { return; } ThreadLoop(stop_token); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_CRITICAL(Debug_GDBStub, "Stopping server: {}", ex.what()); } }); } void ShutdownServer() { connection_thread.request_stop(); io_context.stop(); connection_thread.join(); } void ThreadLoop(std::stop_token stop_token) { Common::SetCurrentThreadName("yuzu:Debugger"); // Set up the client signals for new data. AsyncReceiveInto(signal_pipe, pipe_data, [&](auto d) { PipeData(d); }); AsyncReceiveInto(client_socket, client_data, [&](auto d) { ClientData(d); }); // Set the active thread. UpdateActiveThread(); // Set up the frontend. frontend->Connected(); // Main event loop. while (!stop_token.stop_requested() && io_context.run()) { } } void PipeData(std::span<const u8> data) { switch (info.type) { case SignalType::Stopped: case SignalType::Watchpoint: // Stop emulation. PauseEmulation(); // Notify the client. active_thread = info.thread; UpdateActiveThread(); if (info.type == SignalType::Watchpoint) { frontend->Watchpoint(active_thread, *info.watchpoint); } else { frontend->Stopped(active_thread); } break; case SignalType::ShuttingDown: frontend->ShuttingDown(); // Wait for emulation to shut down gracefully now. signal_pipe.close(); client_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::socket_base::shutdown_both); LOG_INFO(Debug_GDBStub, "Shut down server"); break; } } void ClientData(std::span<const u8> data) { const auto actions{frontend->ClientData(data)}; for (const auto action : actions) { switch (action) { case DebuggerAction::Interrupt: { { std::scoped_lock lk{connection_lock}; stopped = true; } PauseEmulation(); UpdateActiveThread(); frontend->Stopped(active_thread); break; } case DebuggerAction::Continue: MarkResumed([&] { ResumeEmulation(); }); break; case DebuggerAction::StepThreadUnlocked: MarkResumed([&] { active_thread->SetStepState(Kernel::StepState::StepPending); active_thread->Resume(Kernel::SuspendType::Debug); ResumeEmulation(active_thread); }); break; case DebuggerAction::StepThreadLocked: { MarkResumed([&] { active_thread->SetStepState(Kernel::StepState::StepPending); active_thread->Resume(Kernel::SuspendType::Debug); }); break; } case DebuggerAction::ShutdownEmulation: { // Spawn another thread that will exit after shutdown, // to avoid a deadlock Core::System* system_ref{&system}; std::thread t([system_ref] { system_ref->Exit(); }); t.detach(); break; } } } } void PauseEmulation() { Kernel::KScopedSchedulerLock sl{system.Kernel()}; // Put all threads to sleep on next scheduler round. for (auto* thread : ThreadList()) { thread->RequestSuspend(Kernel::SuspendType::Debug); } } void ResumeEmulation(Kernel::KThread* except = nullptr) { // Wake up all threads. for (auto* thread : ThreadList()) { if (thread == except) { continue; } thread->SetStepState(Kernel::StepState::NotStepping); thread->Resume(Kernel::SuspendType::Debug); } } template <typename Callback> void MarkResumed(Callback&& cb) { Kernel::KScopedSchedulerLock sl{system.Kernel()}; std::scoped_lock cl{connection_lock}; stopped = false; cb(); } void UpdateActiveThread() { const auto& threads{ThreadList()}; if (std::find(threads.begin(), threads.end(), active_thread) == threads.end()) { active_thread = threads[0]; } } const std::vector<Kernel::KThread*>& ThreadList() { return system.GlobalSchedulerContext().GetThreadList(); } private: System& system; std::unique_ptr<DebuggerFrontend> frontend; std::jthread connection_thread; std::mutex connection_lock; boost::asio::io_context io_context; boost::process::async_pipe signal_pipe; boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket client_socket; SignalInfo info; Kernel::KThread* active_thread; bool pipe_data; bool stopped; std::array<u8, 4096> client_data; }; Debugger::Debugger(Core::System& system, u16 port) { try { impl = std::make_unique<DebuggerImpl>(system, port); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_CRITICAL(Debug_GDBStub, "Failed to initialize debugger: {}", ex.what()); } } Debugger::~Debugger() = default; bool Debugger::NotifyThreadStopped(Kernel::KThread* thread) { return impl && impl->SignalDebugger(SignalInfo{SignalType::Stopped, thread, nullptr}); } bool Debugger::NotifyThreadWatchpoint(Kernel::KThread* thread, const Kernel::DebugWatchpoint& watch) { return impl && impl->SignalDebugger(SignalInfo{SignalType::Watchpoint, thread, &watch}); } void Debugger::NotifyShutdown() { if (impl) { impl->SignalDebugger(SignalInfo{SignalType::ShuttingDown, nullptr, nullptr}); } } } // namespace Core