// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <vector> #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/profiler_reporting.h" #include "common/synchronized_wrapper.h" namespace Common { namespace Profiling { ProfilingManager::ProfilingManager() : last_frame_end(Clock::now()), this_frame_start(Clock::now()) {} void ProfilingManager::BeginFrame() { this_frame_start = Clock::now(); } void ProfilingManager::FinishFrame() { Clock::time_point now = Clock::now(); results.interframe_time = now - last_frame_end; results.frame_time = now - this_frame_start; last_frame_end = now; } TimingResultsAggregator::TimingResultsAggregator(size_t window_size) : max_window_size(window_size), window_size(0) { interframe_times.resize(window_size, Duration::zero()); frame_times.resize(window_size, Duration::zero()); } void TimingResultsAggregator::Clear() { window_size = cursor = 0; } void TimingResultsAggregator::AddFrame(const ProfilingFrameResult& frame_result) { interframe_times[cursor] = frame_result.interframe_time; frame_times[cursor] = frame_result.frame_time; ++cursor; if (cursor == max_window_size) cursor = 0; if (window_size < max_window_size) ++window_size; } static AggregatedDuration AggregateField(const std::vector<Duration>& v, size_t len) { AggregatedDuration result; result.avg = Duration::zero(); result.min = result.max = (len == 0 ? Duration::zero() : v[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { Duration value = v[i]; result.avg += value; result.min = std::min(result.min, value); result.max = std::max(result.max, value); } if (len != 0) result.avg /= len; return result; } static float tof(Common::Profiling::Duration dur) { using FloatMs = std::chrono::duration<float, std::chrono::milliseconds::period>; return std::chrono::duration_cast<FloatMs>(dur).count(); } AggregatedFrameResult TimingResultsAggregator::GetAggregatedResults() const { AggregatedFrameResult result; result.interframe_time = AggregateField(interframe_times, window_size); result.frame_time = AggregateField(frame_times, window_size); if (result.interframe_time.avg != Duration::zero()) { result.fps = 1000.0f / tof(result.interframe_time.avg); } else { result.fps = 0.0f; } return result; } ProfilingManager& GetProfilingManager() { // Takes advantage of "magic" static initialization for race-free initialization. static ProfilingManager manager; return manager; } SynchronizedRef<TimingResultsAggregator> GetTimingResultsAggregator() { static SynchronizedWrapper<TimingResultsAggregator> aggregator(30); return SynchronizedRef<TimingResultsAggregator>(aggregator); } } // namespace Profiling } // namespace Common