// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Evan Teran // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // From: https://github.com/eteran/cpp-utilities/blob/master/fixed/include/cpp-utilities/fixed.h // See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79677/whats-the-best-way-to-do-fixed-point-math #pragma once #include <cstddef> // for size_t #include <cstdint> #include <exception> #include <ostream> #include <type_traits> #include <common/concepts.h> namespace Common { template <size_t I, size_t F> class FixedPoint; namespace detail { // helper templates to make magic with types :) // these allow us to determine resonable types from // a desired size, they also let us infer the next largest type // from a type which is nice for the division op template <size_t T> struct type_from_size { using value_type = void; using unsigned_type = void; using signed_type = void; static constexpr bool is_specialized = false; }; #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) template <> struct type_from_size<128> { static constexpr bool is_specialized = true; static constexpr size_t size = 128; using value_type = __int128; using unsigned_type = unsigned __int128; using signed_type = __int128; using next_size = type_from_size<256>; }; #endif template <> struct type_from_size<64> { static constexpr bool is_specialized = true; static constexpr size_t size = 64; using value_type = int64_t; using unsigned_type = std::make_unsigned_t<value_type>; using signed_type = std::make_signed_t<value_type>; using next_size = type_from_size<128>; }; template <> struct type_from_size<32> { static constexpr bool is_specialized = true; static constexpr size_t size = 32; using value_type = int32_t; using unsigned_type = std::make_unsigned_t<value_type>; using signed_type = std::make_signed_t<value_type>; using next_size = type_from_size<64>; }; template <> struct type_from_size<16> { static constexpr bool is_specialized = true; static constexpr size_t size = 16; using value_type = int16_t; using unsigned_type = std::make_unsigned_t<value_type>; using signed_type = std::make_signed_t<value_type>; using next_size = type_from_size<32>; }; template <> struct type_from_size<8> { static constexpr bool is_specialized = true; static constexpr size_t size = 8; using value_type = int8_t; using unsigned_type = std::make_unsigned_t<value_type>; using signed_type = std::make_signed_t<value_type>; using next_size = type_from_size<16>; }; // this is to assist in adding support for non-native base // types (for adding big-int support), this should be fine // unless your bit-int class doesn't nicely support casting template <class B, class N> constexpr B next_to_base(N rhs) { return static_cast<B>(rhs); } struct divide_by_zero : std::exception {}; template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> divide( FixedPoint<I, F> numerator, FixedPoint<I, F> denominator, FixedPoint<I, F>& remainder, std::enable_if_t<type_from_size<I + F>::next_size::is_specialized>* = nullptr) { using next_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::next_type; using base_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::base_type; constexpr size_t fractional_bits = FixedPoint<I, F>::fractional_bits; next_type t(numerator.to_raw()); t <<= fractional_bits; FixedPoint<I, F> quotient; quotient = FixedPoint<I, F>::from_base(next_to_base<base_type>(t / denominator.to_raw())); remainder = FixedPoint<I, F>::from_base(next_to_base<base_type>(t % denominator.to_raw())); return quotient; } template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> divide( FixedPoint<I, F> numerator, FixedPoint<I, F> denominator, FixedPoint<I, F>& remainder, std::enable_if_t<!type_from_size<I + F>::next_size::is_specialized>* = nullptr) { using unsigned_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::unsigned_type; constexpr int bits = FixedPoint<I, F>::total_bits; if (denominator == 0) { throw divide_by_zero(); } else { int sign = 0; FixedPoint<I, F> quotient; if (numerator < 0) { sign ^= 1; numerator = -numerator; } if (denominator < 0) { sign ^= 1; denominator = -denominator; } unsigned_type n = numerator.to_raw(); unsigned_type d = denominator.to_raw(); unsigned_type x = 1; unsigned_type answer = 0; // egyptian division algorithm while ((n >= d) && (((d >> (bits - 1)) & 1) == 0)) { x <<= 1; d <<= 1; } while (x != 0) { if (n >= d) { n -= d; answer += x; } x >>= 1; d >>= 1; } unsigned_type l1 = n; unsigned_type l2 = denominator.to_raw(); // calculate the lower bits (needs to be unsigned) while (l1 >> (bits - F) > 0) { l1 >>= 1; l2 >>= 1; } const unsigned_type lo = (l1 << F) / l2; quotient = FixedPoint<I, F>::from_base((answer << F) | lo); remainder = n; if (sign) { quotient = -quotient; } return quotient; } } // this is the usual implementation of multiplication template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> multiply( FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs, std::enable_if_t<type_from_size<I + F>::next_size::is_specialized>* = nullptr) { using next_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::next_type; using base_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::base_type; constexpr size_t fractional_bits = FixedPoint<I, F>::fractional_bits; next_type t(static_cast<next_type>(lhs.to_raw()) * static_cast<next_type>(rhs.to_raw())); t >>= fractional_bits; return FixedPoint<I, F>::from_base(next_to_base<base_type>(t)); } // this is the fall back version we use when we don't have a next size // it is slightly slower, but is more robust since it doesn't // require and upgraded type template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> multiply( FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs, std::enable_if_t<!type_from_size<I + F>::next_size::is_specialized>* = nullptr) { using base_type = typename FixedPoint<I, F>::base_type; constexpr size_t fractional_bits = FixedPoint<I, F>::fractional_bits; constexpr base_type integer_mask = FixedPoint<I, F>::integer_mask; constexpr base_type fractional_mask = FixedPoint<I, F>::fractional_mask; // more costly but doesn't need a larger type const base_type a_hi = (lhs.to_raw() & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits; const base_type b_hi = (rhs.to_raw() & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits; const base_type a_lo = (lhs.to_raw() & fractional_mask); const base_type b_lo = (rhs.to_raw() & fractional_mask); const base_type x1 = a_hi * b_hi; const base_type x2 = a_hi * b_lo; const base_type x3 = a_lo * b_hi; const base_type x4 = a_lo * b_lo; return FixedPoint<I, F>::from_base((x1 << fractional_bits) + (x3 + x2) + (x4 >> fractional_bits)); } } // namespace detail template <size_t I, size_t F> class FixedPoint { static_assert(detail::type_from_size<I + F>::is_specialized, "invalid combination of sizes"); public: static constexpr size_t fractional_bits = F; static constexpr size_t integer_bits = I; static constexpr size_t total_bits = I + F; using base_type_info = detail::type_from_size<total_bits>; using base_type = typename base_type_info::value_type; using next_type = typename base_type_info::next_size::value_type; using unsigned_type = typename base_type_info::unsigned_type; public: #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverflow" #endif static constexpr base_type fractional_mask = ~(static_cast<unsigned_type>(~base_type(0)) << fractional_bits); static constexpr base_type integer_mask = ~fractional_mask; #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif public: static constexpr base_type one = base_type(1) << fractional_bits; public: // constructors constexpr FixedPoint() = default; constexpr FixedPoint(const FixedPoint&) = default; constexpr FixedPoint& operator=(const FixedPoint&) = default; constexpr FixedPoint(FixedPoint&&) noexcept = default; constexpr FixedPoint& operator=(FixedPoint&&) noexcept = default; template <IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint(Number n) : data_(static_cast<base_type>(n * one)) {} public: // conversion template <size_t I2, size_t F2> constexpr explicit FixedPoint(FixedPoint<I2, F2> other) { static_assert(I2 <= I && F2 <= F, "Scaling conversion can only upgrade types"); using T = FixedPoint<I2, F2>; const base_type fractional = (other.data_ & T::fractional_mask); const base_type integer = (other.data_ & T::integer_mask) >> T::fractional_bits; data_ = (integer << fractional_bits) | (fractional << (fractional_bits - T::fractional_bits)); } private: // this makes it simpler to create a FixedPoint point object from // a native type without scaling // use "FixedPoint::from_base" in order to perform this. struct NoScale {}; constexpr FixedPoint(base_type n, const NoScale&) : data_(n) {} public: static constexpr FixedPoint from_base(base_type n) { return FixedPoint(n, NoScale()); } public: // comparison operators friend constexpr auto operator<=>(FixedPoint lhs, FixedPoint rhs) = default; public: // unary operators [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!() const { return !data_; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr FixedPoint operator~() const { // NOTE(eteran): this will often appear to "just negate" the value // that is not an error, it is because -x == (~x+1) // and that "+1" is adding an infinitesimally small fraction to the // complimented value return FixedPoint::from_base(~data_); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr FixedPoint operator-() const { return FixedPoint::from_base(-data_); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr FixedPoint operator+() const { return FixedPoint::from_base(+data_); } constexpr FixedPoint& operator++() { data_ += one; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint& operator--() { data_ -= one; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint operator++(int) { FixedPoint tmp(*this); data_ += one; return tmp; } constexpr FixedPoint operator--(int) { FixedPoint tmp(*this); data_ -= one; return tmp; } public: // basic math operators constexpr FixedPoint& operator+=(FixedPoint n) { data_ += n.data_; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint& operator-=(FixedPoint n) { data_ -= n.data_; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint& operator*=(FixedPoint n) { return assign(detail::multiply(*this, n)); } constexpr FixedPoint& operator/=(FixedPoint n) { FixedPoint temp; return assign(detail::divide(*this, n, temp)); } private: constexpr FixedPoint& assign(FixedPoint rhs) { data_ = rhs.data_; return *this; } public: // binary math operators, effects underlying bit pattern since these // don't really typically make sense for non-integer values constexpr FixedPoint& operator&=(FixedPoint n) { data_ &= n.data_; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint& operator|=(FixedPoint n) { data_ |= n.data_; return *this; } constexpr FixedPoint& operator^=(FixedPoint n) { data_ ^= n.data_; return *this; } template <IsIntegral Integer> constexpr FixedPoint& operator>>=(Integer n) { data_ >>= n; return *this; } template <IsIntegral Integer> constexpr FixedPoint& operator<<=(Integer n) { data_ <<= n; return *this; } public: // conversion to basic types constexpr void round_up() { data_ += (data_ & fractional_mask) >> 1; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr int to_int() { round_up(); return static_cast<int>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int to_uint() { round_up(); return static_cast<unsigned int>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr int64_t to_long() { round_up(); return static_cast<int64_t>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr int to_int_floor() const { return static_cast<int>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr int64_t to_long_floor() const { return static_cast<int64_t>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int to_uint_floor() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>((data_ & integer_mask) >> fractional_bits); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr float to_float() const { return static_cast<float>(data_) / FixedPoint::one; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr double to_double() const { return static_cast<double>(data_) / FixedPoint::one; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr base_type to_raw() const { return data_; } constexpr void clear_int() { data_ &= fractional_mask; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr base_type get_frac() const { return data_ & fractional_mask; } public: constexpr void swap(FixedPoint& rhs) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(data_, rhs.data_); } public: base_type data_{}; }; // if we have the same fractional portion, but differing integer portions, we trivially upgrade the // smaller type template <size_t I1, size_t I2, size_t F> constexpr std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>> operator+( FixedPoint<I1, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I2, F> rhs) { using T = std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>>; const T l = T::from_base(lhs.to_raw()); const T r = T::from_base(rhs.to_raw()); return l + r; } template <size_t I1, size_t I2, size_t F> constexpr std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>> operator-( FixedPoint<I1, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I2, F> rhs) { using T = std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>>; const T l = T::from_base(lhs.to_raw()); const T r = T::from_base(rhs.to_raw()); return l - r; } template <size_t I1, size_t I2, size_t F> constexpr std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>> operator*( FixedPoint<I1, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I2, F> rhs) { using T = std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>>; const T l = T::from_base(lhs.to_raw()); const T r = T::from_base(rhs.to_raw()); return l * r; } template <size_t I1, size_t I2, size_t F> constexpr std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>> operator/( FixedPoint<I1, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I2, F> rhs) { using T = std::conditional_t<I1 >= I2, FixedPoint<I1, F>, FixedPoint<I2, F>>; const T l = T::from_base(lhs.to_raw()); const T r = T::from_base(rhs.to_raw()); return l / r; } template <size_t I, size_t F> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FixedPoint<I, F> f) { os << f.to_double(); return os; } // basic math operators template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator+(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { lhs += rhs; return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator-(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { lhs -= rhs; return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator*(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { lhs *= rhs; return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator/(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { lhs /= rhs; return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator+(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { lhs += FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator-(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { lhs -= FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator*(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { lhs *= FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator/(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { lhs /= FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator+(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { FixedPoint<I, F> tmp(lhs); tmp += rhs; return tmp; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator-(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { FixedPoint<I, F> tmp(lhs); tmp -= rhs; return tmp; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator*(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { FixedPoint<I, F> tmp(lhs); tmp *= rhs; return tmp; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator/(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { FixedPoint<I, F> tmp(lhs); tmp /= rhs; return tmp; } // shift operators template <size_t I, size_t F, IsIntegral Integer> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator<<(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Integer rhs) { lhs <<= rhs; return lhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsIntegral Integer> constexpr FixedPoint<I, F> operator>>(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Integer rhs) { lhs >>= rhs; return lhs; } // comparison operators template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator>(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs > FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator<(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs < FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator>=(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs >= FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator<=(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs <= FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator==(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs == FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator!=(FixedPoint<I, F> lhs, Number rhs) { return lhs != FixedPoint<I, F>(rhs); } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator>(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) > rhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator<(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) < rhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator>=(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) >= rhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator<=(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) <= rhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator==(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) == rhs; } template <size_t I, size_t F, IsArithmetic Number> constexpr bool operator!=(Number lhs, FixedPoint<I, F> rhs) { return FixedPoint<I, F>(lhs) != rhs; } } // namespace Common