path: root/src/shader_recompiler/frontend
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1 files changed, 107 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/structured_control_flow.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/structured_control_flow.cpp
index 8b3e0a15c7..f124dc8c07 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/structured_control_flow.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/frontend/maxwell/structured_control_flow.cpp
@@ -660,6 +660,9 @@ public:
IR::Block& first_block{*syntax_list.front().data.block};
IR::IREmitter ir(first_block, first_block.begin());
+ if (uses_demote_to_helper) {
+ DemoteCombinationPass();
+ }
@@ -809,7 +812,14 @@ private:
case StatementType::Return: {
- IR::IREmitter{*current_block}.Epilogue();
+ IR::Block* return_block{block_pool.Create(inst_pool)};
+ IR::IREmitter{*return_block}.Epilogue();
+ current_block->AddBranch(return_block);
+ auto& merge{syntax_list.emplace_back()};
+ merge.type = IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block;
+ merge.data.block = return_block;
current_block = nullptr;
syntax_list.emplace_back().type = IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Return;
@@ -824,6 +834,7 @@ private:
auto& merge{syntax_list.emplace_back()};
merge.type = IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block;
merge.data.block = demote_block;
+ uses_demote_to_helper = true;
case StatementType::Unreachable: {
@@ -855,11 +866,106 @@ private:
return block_pool.Create(inst_pool);
+ void DemoteCombinationPass() {
+ using Type = IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type;
+ std::vector<IR::Block*> demote_blocks;
+ std::vector<IR::U1> demote_conds;
+ u32 num_epilogues{};
+ for (const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& node : syntax_list) {
+ if (node.type != Type::Block) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (const IR::Inst& inst : node.data.block->Instructions()) {
+ const IR::Opcode op{inst.GetOpcode()};
+ if (op == IR::Opcode::DemoteToHelperInvocation) {
+ demote_blocks.push_back(node.data.block);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (op == IR::Opcode::Epilogue) {
+ ++num_epilogues;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (demote_blocks.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (num_epilogues > 1) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Shader, "Combining demotes with more than one return is not implemented.");
+ return;
+ }
+ s64 last_iterator_offset{};
+ auto& asl{syntax_list};
+ for (const IR::Block* demote_block : demote_blocks) {
+ const auto start_it{asl.begin() + last_iterator_offset};
+ auto asl_it{std::find_if(start_it, asl.end(), [&](const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& asn) {
+ return asn.type == Type::If && asn.data.if_node.body == demote_block;
+ })};
+ if (asl_it == asl.end()) {
+ // Demote without a conditional branch.
+ // No need to proceed since all fragment instances will be demoted regardless.
+ return;
+ }
+ const IR::Block* const end_if = asl_it->data.if_node.merge;
+ demote_conds.push_back(asl_it->data.if_node.cond);
+ last_iterator_offset = std::distance(asl.begin(), asl_it);
+ asl_it = asl.erase(asl_it);
+ asl_it = std::find_if(asl_it, asl.end(), [&](const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& asn) {
+ return asn.type == Type::Block && asn.data.block == demote_block;
+ });
+ asl_it = asl.erase(asl_it);
+ asl_it = std::find_if(asl_it, asl.end(), [&](const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& asn) {
+ return asn.type == Type::EndIf && asn.data.end_if.merge == end_if;
+ });
+ asl_it = asl.erase(asl_it);
+ }
+ const auto epilogue_func{[](const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& asn) {
+ if (asn.type != Type::Block) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto& inst : asn.data.block->Instructions()) {
+ if (inst.GetOpcode() == IR::Opcode::Epilogue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }};
+ const auto reverse_it{std::find_if(asl.rbegin(), asl.rend(), epilogue_func)};
+ const auto return_block_it{(reverse_it + 1).base()};
+ IR::IREmitter ir{*(return_block_it - 1)->data.block};
+ IR::U1 cond(IR::Value(false));
+ for (const auto& demote_cond : demote_conds) {
+ cond = ir.LogicalOr(cond, demote_cond);
+ }
+ cond.Inst()->DestructiveAddUsage(1);
+ IR::AbstractSyntaxNode demote_if_node{};
+ demote_if_node.type = Type::If;
+ demote_if_node.data.if_node.cond = cond;
+ demote_if_node.data.if_node.body = demote_blocks[0];
+ demote_if_node.data.if_node.merge = return_block_it->data.block;
+ IR::AbstractSyntaxNode demote_node{};
+ demote_node.type = Type::Block;
+ demote_node.data.block = demote_blocks[0];
+ IR::AbstractSyntaxNode demote_endif_node{};
+ demote_endif_node.type = Type::EndIf;
+ demote_endif_node.data.end_if.merge = return_block_it->data.block;
+ asl.insert(return_block_it, demote_endif_node);
+ asl.insert(return_block_it, demote_node);
+ asl.insert(return_block_it, demote_if_node);
+ }
ObjectPool<Statement>& stmt_pool;
ObjectPool<IR::Inst>& inst_pool;
ObjectPool<IR::Block>& block_pool;
Environment& env;
IR::AbstractSyntaxList& syntax_list;
+ bool uses_demote_to_helper{};
// TODO: C++20 Remove this when all compilers support constexpr std::vector
#if __cpp_lib_constexpr_vector >= 201907