path: root/src/shader_recompiler/backend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/shader_recompiler/backend')
73 files changed, 18088 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35503000c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend {
+struct Bindings {
+ u32 unified{};
+ u32 uniform_buffer{};
+ u32 storage_buffer{};
+ u32 texture{};
+ u32 image{};
+} // namespace Shader::Backend
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..069c019ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+std::string_view InterpDecorator(Interpolation interp) {
+ switch (interp) {
+ case Interpolation::Smooth:
+ return "";
+ case Interpolation::Flat:
+ return "FLAT ";
+ case Interpolation::NoPerspective:
+ return "NOPERSPECTIVE ";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid interpolation {}", interp);
+bool IsInputArray(Stage stage) {
+ return stage == Stage::Geometry || stage == Stage::TessellationControl ||
+ stage == Stage::TessellationEval;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+EmitContext::EmitContext(IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings, const Profile& profile_,
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_)
+ : info{program.info}, profile{profile_}, runtime_info{runtime_info_} {
+ // FIXME: Temporary partial implementation
+ u32 cbuf_index{};
+ for (const auto& desc : info.constant_buffer_descriptors) {
+ if (desc.count != 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Constant buffer descriptor array");
+ }
+ Add("CBUFFER c{}[]={{program.buffer[{}]}};", desc.index, cbuf_index);
+ ++cbuf_index;
+ }
+ u32 ssbo_index{};
+ for (const auto& desc : info.storage_buffers_descriptors) {
+ if (desc.count != 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Storage buffer descriptor array");
+ }
+ if (runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ Add("STORAGE ssbo{}[]={{program.storage[{}]}};", ssbo_index, bindings.storage_buffer);
+ ++bindings.storage_buffer;
+ ++ssbo_index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ if (const size_t num = info.storage_buffers_descriptors.size(); num > 0) {
+ Add("PARAM c[{}]={{program.local[0..{}]}};", num, num - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ stage = program.stage;
+ switch (program.stage) {
+ case Stage::VertexA:
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ stage_name = "vertex";
+ attrib_name = "vertex";
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ stage_name = "primitive";
+ attrib_name = "primitive";
+ break;
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ stage_name = "primitive";
+ attrib_name = "vertex";
+ break;
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ stage_name = "fragment";
+ attrib_name = "fragment";
+ break;
+ case Stage::Compute:
+ stage_name = "invocation";
+ break;
+ }
+ const std::string_view attr_stage{stage == Stage::Fragment ? "fragment" : "vertex"};
+ const VaryingState loads{info.loads.mask | info.passthrough.mask};
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (loads.Generic(index)) {
+ Add("{}ATTRIB in_attr{}[]={{{}.attrib[{}..{}]}};",
+ InterpDecorator(info.interpolation[index]), index, attr_stage, index, index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsInputArray(stage) && loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ Add("ATTRIB vertex_position=vertex.position;");
+ }
+ if (info.uses_invocation_id) {
+ Add("ATTRIB primitive_invocation=primitive.invocation;");
+ }
+ if (info.stores_tess_level_outer) {
+ Add("OUTPUT result_patch_tessouter[]={{result.patch.tessouter[0..3]}};");
+ }
+ if (info.stores_tess_level_inner) {
+ Add("OUTPUT result_patch_tessinner[]={{result.patch.tessinner[0..1]}};");
+ }
+ if (info.stores.ClipDistances()) {
+ Add("OUTPUT result_clip[]={{result.clip[0..7]}};");
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < info.uses_patches.size(); ++index) {
+ if (!info.uses_patches[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::TessellationControl) {
+ Add("OUTPUT result_patch_attrib{}[]={{result.patch.attrib[{}..{}]}};"
+ "ATTRIB primitive_out_patch_attrib{}[]={{primitive.out.patch.attrib[{}..{}]}};",
+ index, index, index, index, index, index);
+ } else {
+ Add("ATTRIB primitive_patch_attrib{}[]={{primitive.patch.attrib[{}..{}]}};", index,
+ index, index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ Add("OUTPUT frag_color0=result.color;");
+ for (size_t index = 1; index < info.stores_frag_color.size(); ++index) {
+ Add("OUTPUT frag_color{}=result.color[{}];", index, index);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ Add("OUTPUT out_attr{}[]={{result.attrib[{}..{}]}};", index, index, index);
+ }
+ }
+ image_buffer_bindings.reserve(info.image_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.image_buffer_descriptors) {
+ image_buffer_bindings.push_back(bindings.image);
+ bindings.image += desc.count;
+ }
+ image_bindings.reserve(info.image_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.image_descriptors) {
+ image_bindings.push_back(bindings.image);
+ bindings.image += desc.count;
+ }
+ texture_buffer_bindings.reserve(info.texture_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.texture_buffer_descriptors) {
+ texture_buffer_bindings.push_back(bindings.texture);
+ bindings.texture += desc.count;
+ }
+ texture_bindings.reserve(info.texture_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.texture_descriptors) {
+ texture_bindings.push_back(bindings.texture);
+ bindings.texture += desc.count;
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8433e5c007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/stage.h"
+namespace Shader {
+struct Info;
+struct Profile;
+struct RuntimeInfo;
+} // namespace Shader
+namespace Shader::Backend {
+struct Bindings;
+namespace Shader::IR {
+class Inst;
+struct Program;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+class EmitContext {
+ explicit EmitContext(IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings, const Profile& profile_,
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_);
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void Add(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), reg_alloc.Define(inst),
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ // TODO: Remove this
+ code += '\n';
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void LongAdd(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst),
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ // TODO: Remove this
+ code += '\n';
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void Add(const char* format_str, Args&&... args) {
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ // TODO: Remove this
+ code += '\n';
+ }
+ std::string code;
+ RegAlloc reg_alloc{};
+ const Info& info;
+ const Profile& profile;
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info;
+ std::vector<u32> texture_buffer_bindings;
+ std::vector<u32> image_buffer_bindings;
+ std::vector<u32> texture_bindings;
+ std::vector<u32> image_bindings;
+ Stage stage{};
+ std::string_view stage_name = "invalid";
+ std::string_view attrib_name = "invalid";
+ u32 num_safety_loop_vars{};
+ bool uses_y_direction{};
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5e8c9b6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "common/settings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/ir_emitter.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+template <class Func>
+struct FuncTraits {};
+template <class ReturnType_, class... Args>
+struct FuncTraits<ReturnType_ (*)(Args...)> {
+ using ReturnType = ReturnType_;
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_ARGS = sizeof...(Args);
+ template <size_t I>
+ using ArgType = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<Args...>>;
+template <typename T>
+struct Identity {
+ Identity(T data_) : data{data_} {}
+ T Extract() {
+ return data;
+ }
+ T data;
+template <bool scalar>
+class RegWrapper {
+ RegWrapper(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& ir_value) : reg_alloc{ctx.reg_alloc} {
+ const Value value{reg_alloc.Peek(ir_value)};
+ if (value.type == Type::Register) {
+ inst = ir_value.InstRecursive();
+ reg = Register{value};
+ } else {
+ reg = value.type == Type::U64 ? reg_alloc.AllocLongReg() : reg_alloc.AllocReg();
+ }
+ switch (value.type) {
+ case Type::Register:
+ case Type::Void:
+ break;
+ case Type::U32:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_u32);
+ break;
+ case Type::U64:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U64 {}.x,{};", reg, value.imm_u64);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ auto Extract() {
+ if (inst) {
+ reg_alloc.Unref(*inst);
+ } else {
+ reg_alloc.FreeReg(reg);
+ }
+ return std::conditional_t<scalar, ScalarRegister, Register>{Value{reg}};
+ }
+ RegAlloc& reg_alloc;
+ IR::Inst* inst{};
+ Register reg{};
+template <typename ArgType>
+class ValueWrapper {
+ ValueWrapper(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& ir_value_)
+ : reg_alloc{ctx.reg_alloc}, ir_value{ir_value_}, value{reg_alloc.Peek(ir_value)} {}
+ ArgType Extract() {
+ if (!ir_value.IsImmediate()) {
+ reg_alloc.Unref(*ir_value.InstRecursive());
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ RegAlloc& reg_alloc;
+ const IR::Value& ir_value;
+ ArgType value;
+template <typename ArgType>
+auto Arg(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& arg) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, Register>) {
+ return RegWrapper<false>{ctx, arg};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, ScalarRegister>) {
+ return RegWrapper<true>{ctx, arg};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Value, ArgType>) {
+ return ValueWrapper<ArgType>{ctx, arg};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, const IR::Value&>) {
+ return Identity<const IR::Value&>{arg};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, u32>) {
+ return Identity{arg.U32()};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Attribute>) {
+ return Identity{arg.Attribute()};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Patch>) {
+ return Identity{arg.Patch()};
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Reg>) {
+ return Identity{arg.Reg()};
+ }
+template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst>
+struct InvokeCall {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ InvokeCall(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Args&&... args) {
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ func(ctx, *inst, args.Extract()...);
+ } else {
+ func(ctx, args.Extract()...);
+ }
+ }
+template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst, size_t... I>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ InvokeCall<func, is_first_arg_inst>{
+ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...};
+ } else {
+ InvokeCall<func, is_first_arg_inst>{
+ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...};
+ }
+template <auto func>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ static_assert(Traits::NUM_ARGS >= 1, "Insufficient arguments");
+ if constexpr (Traits::NUM_ARGS == 1) {
+ Invoke<func, false>(ctx, inst, std::make_index_sequence<0>{});
+ } else {
+ using FirstArgType = typename Traits::template ArgType<1>;
+ static constexpr bool is_first_arg_inst = std::is_same_v<FirstArgType, IR::Inst&>;
+ using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<Traits::NUM_ARGS - (is_first_arg_inst ? 2 : 1)>;
+ Invoke<func, is_first_arg_inst>(ctx, inst, Indices{});
+ }
+void EmitInst(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ switch (inst->GetOpcode()) {
+#define OPCODE(name, result_type, ...) \
+ case IR::Opcode::name: \
+ return Invoke<&Emit##name>(ctx, inst);
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/opcodes.inc"
+#undef OPCODE
+ }
+ throw LogicError("Invalid opcode {}", inst->GetOpcode());
+bool IsReference(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ return inst.GetOpcode() == IR::Opcode::Reference;
+void PrecolorInst(IR::Inst& phi) {
+ // Insert phi moves before references to avoid overwritting other phis
+ const size_t num_args{phi.NumArgs()};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ IR::Block& phi_block{*phi.PhiBlock(i)};
+ auto it{std::find_if_not(phi_block.rbegin(), phi_block.rend(), IsReference).base()};
+ IR::IREmitter ir{phi_block, it};
+ const IR::Value arg{phi.Arg(i)};
+ if (arg.IsImmediate()) {
+ ir.PhiMove(phi, arg);
+ } else {
+ ir.PhiMove(phi, IR::Value{&RegAlloc::AliasInst(*arg.Inst())});
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ IR::IREmitter{*phi.PhiBlock(i)}.Reference(IR::Value{&phi});
+ }
+void Precolor(const IR::Program& program) {
+ for (IR::Block* const block : program.blocks) {
+ for (IR::Inst& phi : block->Instructions()) {
+ if (!IR::IsPhi(phi)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PrecolorInst(phi);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitCode(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Program& program) {
+ const auto eval{
+ [&](const IR::U1& cond) { return ScalarS32{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(IR::Value{cond})}; }};
+ for (const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& node : program.syntax_list) {
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block:
+ for (IR::Inst& inst : node.data.block->Instructions()) {
+ EmitInst(ctx, &inst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::If:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};"
+ "IF NE.x;",
+ eval(node.data.if_node.cond));
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::EndIf:
+ ctx.Add("ENDIF;");
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Loop:
+ ctx.Add("REP;");
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Repeat:
+ if (!Settings::values.disable_shader_loop_safety_checks) {
+ const u32 loop_index{ctx.num_safety_loop_vars++};
+ const u32 vector_index{loop_index / 4};
+ const char component{"xyzw"[loop_index % 4]};
+ ctx.Add("SUB.S.CC loop{}.{},loop{}.{},1;"
+ "BRK(LT.{});",
+ vector_index, component, vector_index, component, component);
+ }
+ if (node.data.repeat.cond.IsImmediate()) {
+ if (node.data.repeat.cond.U1()) {
+ ctx.Add("ENDREP;");
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("BRK;"
+ "ENDREP;");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};"
+ "BRK(EQ.x);"
+ "ENDREP;",
+ eval(node.data.repeat.cond));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Break:
+ if (node.data.break_node.cond.IsImmediate()) {
+ if (node.data.break_node.cond.U1()) {
+ ctx.Add("BRK;");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC,{};"
+ "BRK (NE.x);",
+ eval(node.data.break_node.cond));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Return:
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Unreachable:
+ ctx.Add("RET;");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ctx.reg_alloc.IsEmpty()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Register leak after generating code");
+ }
+void SetupOptions(const IR::Program& program, const Profile& profile,
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info, std::string& header) {
+ const Info& info{program.info};
+ const Stage stage{program.stage};
+ // TODO: Track the shared atomic ops
+ header += "OPTION NV_internal;"
+ "OPTION NV_shader_storage_buffer;"
+ "OPTION NV_gpu_program_fp64;";
+ if (info.uses_int64_bit_atomics) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_int64;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_float;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id || info.uses_subgroup_mask || info.uses_subgroup_vote ||
+ info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_shader_thread_group;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_subgroup_shuffles) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_shader_thread_shuffle;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sparse_residency) {
+ header += "OPTION EXT_sparse_texture2;";
+ }
+ const bool stores_viewport_layer{info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex] ||
+ info.stores[IR::Attribute::Layer]};
+ if ((stage != Stage::Geometry && stores_viewport_layer) ||
+ info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportMask]) {
+ if (profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_viewport_array2;";
+ }
+ }
+ if (program.is_geometry_passthrough && profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_geometry_shader_passthrough;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_typeless_image_reads && profile.support_typeless_image_loads) {
+ header += "OPTION EXT_shader_image_load_formatted;";
+ }
+ if (profile.support_derivative_control) {
+ header += "OPTION ARB_derivative_control;";
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment && runtime_info.force_early_z != 0) {
+ header += "OPTION NV_early_fragment_tests;";
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ header += "OPTION ARB_draw_buffers;";
+ }
+std::string_view StageHeader(Stage stage) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::VertexA:
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ return "!!NVvp5.0\n";
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ return "!!NVtcp5.0\n";
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ return "!!NVtep5.0\n";
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ return "!!NVgp5.0\n";
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ return "!!NVfp5.0\n";
+ case Stage::Compute:
+ return "!!NVcp5.0\n";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid stage {}", stage);
+std::string_view InputPrimitive(InputTopology topology) {
+ switch (topology) {
+ case InputTopology::Points:
+ return "POINTS";
+ case InputTopology::Lines:
+ return "LINES";
+ case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency:
+ case InputTopology::Triangles:
+ return "TRIANGLES";
+ case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency:
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid input topology {}", topology);
+std::string_view OutputPrimitive(OutputTopology topology) {
+ switch (topology) {
+ case OutputTopology::PointList:
+ return "POINTS";
+ case OutputTopology::LineStrip:
+ return "LINE_STRIP";
+ case OutputTopology::TriangleStrip:
+ return "TRIANGLE_STRIP";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid output topology {}", topology);
+std::string_view GetTessMode(TessPrimitive primitive) {
+ switch (primitive) {
+ case TessPrimitive::Triangles:
+ return "TRIANGLES";
+ case TessPrimitive::Quads:
+ return "QUADS";
+ case TessPrimitive::Isolines:
+ return "ISOLINES";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation primitive {}", primitive);
+std::string_view GetTessSpacing(TessSpacing spacing) {
+ switch (spacing) {
+ case TessSpacing::Equal:
+ return "EQUAL";
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalOdd:
+ return "FRACTIONAL_ODD";
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalEven:
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation spacing {}", spacing);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+std::string EmitGLASM(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info, IR::Program& program,
+ Bindings& bindings) {
+ EmitContext ctx{program, bindings, profile, runtime_info};
+ Precolor(program);
+ EmitCode(ctx, program);
+ std::string header{StageHeader(program.stage)};
+ SetupOptions(program, profile, runtime_info, header);
+ switch (program.stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ header += fmt::format("VERTICES_OUT {};", program.invocations);
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ header += fmt::format("TESS_MODE {};"
+ GetTessMode(runtime_info.tess_primitive),
+ GetTessSpacing(runtime_info.tess_spacing),
+ runtime_info.tess_clockwise ? "CW" : "CCW");
+ break;
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ header += fmt::format("PRIMITIVE_IN {};", InputPrimitive(runtime_info.input_topology));
+ if (program.is_geometry_passthrough) {
+ if (profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (program.info.passthrough.Generic(index)) {
+ header += fmt::format("PASSTHROUGH result.attrib[{}];", index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (program.info.passthrough.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ header += "PASSTHROUGH result.position;";
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Passthrough geometry program used but not supported");
+ }
+ } else {
+ header +=
+ fmt::format("VERTICES_OUT {};"
+ program.output_vertices, OutputPrimitive(program.output_topology));
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stage::Compute:
+ header += fmt::format("GROUP_SIZE {} {} {};", program.workgroup_size[0],
+ program.workgroup_size[1], program.workgroup_size[2]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (program.shared_memory_size > 0) {
+ header += fmt::format("SHARED_MEMORY {};", program.shared_memory_size);
+ header += fmt::format("SHARED shared_mem[]={{program.sharedmem}};");
+ }
+ header += "TEMP ";
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < ctx.reg_alloc.NumUsedRegisters(); ++index) {
+ header += fmt::format("R{},", index);
+ }
+ if (program.local_memory_size > 0) {
+ header += fmt::format("lmem[{}],", program.local_memory_size);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ header += "FSWZA[4],FSWZB[4],";
+ }
+ const u32 num_safety_loop_vectors{Common::DivCeil(ctx.num_safety_loop_vars, 4u)};
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < num_safety_loop_vectors; ++index) {
+ header += fmt::format("loop{},", index);
+ }
+ header += "RC;"
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < ctx.reg_alloc.NumUsedLongRegisters(); ++index) {
+ header += fmt::format("D{},", index);
+ }
+ header += "DC;";
+ if (program.info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ header += "MOV.F FSWZA[0],-1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZA[1],1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZA[2],-1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZA[3],0;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZB[0],-1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZB[1],-1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZB[2],1;"
+ "MOV.F FSWZB[3],-1;";
+ }
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < num_safety_loop_vectors; ++index) {
+ header += fmt::format("MOV.S loop{},{{0x2000,0x2000,0x2000,0x2000}};", index);
+ }
+ if (ctx.uses_y_direction) {
+ header += "PARAM y_direction[1]={state.material.front.ambient};";
+ }
+ ctx.code.insert(0, header);
+ ctx.code += "END";
+ return ctx.code;
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcb55f0621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+[[nodiscard]] std::string EmitGLASM(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings);
+[[nodiscard]] inline std::string EmitGLASM(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program) {
+ Bindings binding;
+ return EmitGLASM(profile, runtime_info, program, binding);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_barriers.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_barriers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_barriers.cpp
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_bitwise_conversion.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_bitwise_conversion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9201ccd397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_bitwise_conversion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+static void Alias(IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ if (value.IsImmediate()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IR::Inst& value_inst{RegAlloc::AliasInst(*value.Inst())};
+ value_inst.DestructiveAddUsage(inst.UseCount());
+ value_inst.DestructiveRemoveUsage();
+ inst.SetDefinition(value_inst.Definition<Id>());
+void EmitIdentity(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ // Fake one usage to get a real register out of the condition
+ inst.DestructiveAddUsage(1);
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ const ScalarS32 input{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(value)};
+ if (ret != input) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},{};", ret, input);
+ }
+void EmitBitCastU16F16(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastF16U16(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("PK64.U {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("UP64.U {}.xy,{}.x;", inst, value);
+void EmitPackFloat2x16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitUnpackFloat2x16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("PK2H {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("UP2H {}.xy,{}.x;", inst, value);
+void EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("PK64 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("UP64 {}.xy,{}.x;", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_composite.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_composite.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bff0b7c1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_composite.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+template <auto read_imm, char type, typename... Values>
+void CompositeConstruct(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Values&&... elements) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (std::ranges::any_of(std::array{elements...},
+ [](const IR::Value& value) { return value.IsImmediate(); })) {
+ using Type = std::invoke_result_t<decltype(read_imm), IR::Value>;
+ const std::array<Type, 4> values{(elements.IsImmediate() ? (elements.*read_imm)() : 0)...};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} {},{{{},{},{},{}}};", type, ret, fmt::to_string(values[0]),
+ fmt::to_string(values[1]), fmt::to_string(values[2]), fmt::to_string(values[3]));
+ }
+ size_t index{};
+ for (const IR::Value& element : {elements...}) {
+ if (!element.IsImmediate()) {
+ const ScalarU32 value{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(element)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} {}.{},{};", type, ret, "xyzw"[index], value);
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+void CompositeExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index, char type) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (ret == composite && index == 0) {
+ // No need to do anything here, the source and destination are the same register
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} {}.x,{}.{};", type, ret, composite, "xyzw"[index]);
+template <typename ObjectType>
+void CompositeInsert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, ObjectType object,
+ u32 index, char type) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[index]};
+ if (ret != composite && ret == object) {
+ // The object is aliased with the return value, so we have to use a temporary to insert
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} RC,{};"
+ "MOV.{} RC.{},{};"
+ "MOV.{} {},RC;",
+ type, composite, type, swizzle, object, type, ret);
+ } else if (ret != composite) {
+ // The input composite is not aliased with the return value so we have to copy it before
+ // hand. But the insert object is not aliased with the return value, so we don't have to
+ // worry about that
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} {},{};"
+ "MOV.{} {}.{},{};",
+ type, ret, composite, type, ret, swizzle, object);
+ } else {
+ // The return value is alised so we can just insert the object, it doesn't matter if it's
+ // aliased
+ ctx.Add("MOV.{} {}.{},{};", type, ret, swizzle, object);
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::U32, 'U'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::U32, 'U'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2, e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3, const IR::Value& e4) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::U32, 'U'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2, e3, e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'U');
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'U');
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'U');
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 object, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 object, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 object, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register e2) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register e2, [[maybe_unused]] Register e3) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register e2, [[maybe_unused]] Register e3,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register e4) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::F32, 'F'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::F32, 'F'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2, e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3, const IR::Value& e4) {
+ CompositeConstruct<&IR::Value::F32, 'F'>(ctx, inst, e1, e2, e3, e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index) {
+ CompositeExtract(ctx, inst, composite, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index) {
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, inst, composite, object, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index) {
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, inst, composite, object, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index) {
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, inst, composite, object, index, 'F');
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register composite, [[maybe_unused]] Register object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_context_get_set.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_context_get_set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02c9dc6d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_context_get_set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/shader_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+void GetCbuf(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ std::string_view size) {
+ if (!binding.IsImmediate()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect constant buffer loading");
+ }
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (offset.type == Type::U32) {
+ // Avoid reading arrays out of bounds, matching hardware's behavior
+ if (offset.imm_u32 >= 0x10'000) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},0;", ret);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.Add("LDC.{} {},c{}[{}];", size, ret, binding.U32(), offset);
+bool IsInputArray(Stage stage) {
+ return stage == Stage::Geometry || stage == Stage::TessellationControl ||
+ stage == Stage::TessellationEval;
+std::string VertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 vertex) {
+ return IsInputArray(ctx.stage) ? fmt::format("[{}]", vertex) : "";
+u32 TexCoordIndex(IR::Attribute attr) {
+ return (static_cast<u32>(attr) - static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S)) / 4;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U8");
+void EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S8");
+void EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U16");
+void EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S16");
+void EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32");
+void EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "F32");
+void EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ GetCbuf(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32X2");
+void EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr, ScalarU32 vertex) {
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,in_attr{}{}[0].{};", inst, index, VertexIndex(ctx, vertex), swizzle);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture9Q) {
+ const u32 index{TexCoordIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{}.texcoord[{}].{};", inst, ctx.attrib_name, index, swizzle);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,primitive.id;", inst);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW:
+ if (IsInputArray(ctx.stage)) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,vertex_position{}.{};", inst, VertexIndex(ctx, vertex), swizzle);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{}.position.{};", inst, ctx.attrib_name, swizzle);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseA:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{}.color.{};", inst, ctx.attrib_name, swizzle);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteS:
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteT:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{}.pointcoord.{};", inst, ctx.attrib_name, swizzle);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointU:
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointV:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,vertex.tesscoord.{};", inst, swizzle);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::InstanceId:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,{}.instance;", inst, ctx.attrib_name);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::VertexId:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,{}.id;", inst, ctx.attrib_name);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::FrontFace:
+ ctx.Add("CMP.S {}.x,{}.facing.x,0,-1;", inst, ctx.attrib_name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Get attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, ScalarF32 value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 vertex) {
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F out_attr{}[0].{},{};", index, swizzle, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture9R) {
+ const u32 index{TexCoordIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.texcoord[{}].{},{};", index, swizzle, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::Layer:
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry || ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.layer.x,{};", value);
+ } else {
+ "Layer stored outside of geometry shader not supported by device");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex:
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry || ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.viewport.x,{};", value);
+ } else {
+ "Viewport stored outside of geometry shader not supported by device");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportMask:
+ // NV_viewport_array2 is required to access result.viewportmask, regardless of shader stage.
+ if (ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.viewportmask[0].x,{};", value);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Device does not support storing to ViewportMask");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSize:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.pointsize.x,{};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.position.{},{};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseA:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.color.{},{};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularA:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.color.secondary.{},{};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseA:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.color.back.{},{};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularA:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.color.back.secondary.{},{};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::FogCoordinate:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.fogcoord.x,{};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance1:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance2:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance3:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance4:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance5:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance6:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance7: {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(attr) - static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.clip[{}].x,{};", index, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Set attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+void EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 offset, ScalarU32 vertex) {
+ // RC.x = base_index
+ // RC.y = masked_index
+ // RC.z = compare_index
+ ctx.Add("SHR.S RC.x,{},2;"
+ "AND.S RC.y,RC.x,3;"
+ "SHR.S RC.z,{},4;",
+ offset, offset);
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ u32 num_endifs{};
+ const auto read{[&](u32 compare_index, const std::array<std::string, 4>& values) {
+ ++num_endifs;
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S.CC RC.w,RC.z,{};" // compare_index
+ "IF NE.w;"
+ // X
+ "SEQ.S.CC RC.w,RC.y,0;"
+ "IF NE.w;"
+ "MOV {}.x,{};"
+ "ELSE;"
+ // Y
+ "SEQ.S.CC RC.w,RC.y,1;"
+ "IF NE.w;"
+ "MOV {}.x,{};"
+ "ELSE;"
+ // Z
+ "SEQ.S.CC RC.w,RC.y,2;"
+ "IF NE.w;"
+ "MOV {}.x,{};"
+ "ELSE;"
+ // W
+ "MOV {}.x,{};"
+ "ENDIF;"
+ "ENDIF;"
+ "ENDIF;"
+ "ELSE;",
+ compare_index, ret, values[0], ret, values[1], ret, values[2], ret, values[3]);
+ }};
+ const auto read_swizzled{[&](u32 compare_index, std::string_view value) {
+ const std::array values{fmt::format("{}.x", value), fmt::format("{}.y", value),
+ fmt::format("{}.z", value), fmt::format("{}.w", value)};
+ read(compare_index, values);
+ }};
+ if (ctx.info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::PositionX)};
+ if (IsInputArray(ctx.stage)) {
+ read_swizzled(index, fmt::format("vertex_position{}", VertexIndex(ctx, vertex)));
+ } else {
+ read_swizzled(index, fmt::format("{}.position", ctx.attrib_name));
+ }
+ }
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < static_cast<u32>(IR::NUM_GENERICS); ++index) {
+ if (!ctx.info.loads.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ read_swizzled(index, fmt::format("in_attr{}{}[0]", index, VertexIndex(ctx, vertex)));
+ }
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < num_endifs; ++i) {
+ ctx.Add("ENDIF;");
+ }
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarF32 value, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 vertex) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Patch patch) {
+ if (!IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Non-generic patch load");
+ }
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ const std::string_view out{ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? ".out" : ""};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {},primitive{}.patch.attrib[{}].{};", inst, out, index, swizzle);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, ScalarF32 value) {
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.patch.attrib[{}].{},{};", index, "xyzw"[element], value);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (patch) {
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodRight:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodTop:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodBottom: {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(patch) - u32(IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.patch.tessouter[{}].x,{};", index, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorU:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.patch.tessinner[0].x,{};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorV:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.patch.tessinner[1].x,{};", value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Patch {}", patch);
+ }
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F frag_color{}.{},{};", index, "xyzw"[component], value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S result.samplemask.x,{};", value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F result.depth.z,{};", value);
+void EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 word_offset) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},lmem[{}].x;", inst, word_offset);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 word_offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U lmem[{}].x,{};", word_offset, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_control_flow.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_control_flow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_control_flow.cpp
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_convert.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_convert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccdf1cbc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_convert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+std::string_view FpRounding(IR::FpRounding fp_rounding) {
+ switch (fp_rounding) {
+ case IR::FpRounding::DontCare:
+ return "";
+ case IR::FpRounding::RN:
+ return ".ROUND";
+ case IR::FpRounding::RZ:
+ return ".TRUNC";
+ case IR::FpRounding::RM:
+ return ".FLR";
+ case IR::FpRounding::RP:
+ return ".CEIL";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid floating-point rounding {}", fp_rounding);
+template <typename InputType>
+void Convert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, InputType value, std::string_view dest,
+ std::string_view src, bool is_long_result) {
+ const std::string_view fp_rounding{FpRounding(inst.Flags<IR::FpControl>().rounding)};
+ const auto ret{is_long_result ? ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst) : ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("CVT.{}.{}{} {}.x,{};", dest, src, fp_rounding, ret, value);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitConvertS16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S16", "F16", false);
+void EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S16", "F32", false);
+void EmitConvertS16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S16", "F64", false);
+void EmitConvertS32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S32", "F16", false);
+void EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S32", "F32", false);
+void EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S32", "F64", false);
+void EmitConvertS64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S64", "F16", true);
+void EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S64", "F32", true);
+void EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "S64", "F64", true);
+void EmitConvertU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U16", "F16", false);
+void EmitConvertU16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U16", "F32", false);
+void EmitConvertU16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U16", "F64", false);
+void EmitConvertU32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U32", "F16", false);
+void EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U32", "F32", false);
+void EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U32", "F64", false);
+void EmitConvertU64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U64", "F16", true);
+void EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U64", "F32", true);
+void EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U64", "F64", true);
+void EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U64", "U32", true);
+void EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "U32", "U64", false);
+void EmitConvertF16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "F32", false);
+void EmitConvertF32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "F16", false);
+void EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "F64", false);
+void EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "F32", true);
+void EmitConvertF16S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "S8", false);
+void EmitConvertF16S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "S16", false);
+void EmitConvertF16S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "S32", false);
+void EmitConvertF16S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "S64", false);
+void EmitConvertF16U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "U8", false);
+void EmitConvertF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "U16", false);
+void EmitConvertF16U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "U32", false);
+void EmitConvertF16U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F16", "U64", false);
+void EmitConvertF32S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "S8", false);
+void EmitConvertF32S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "S16", false);
+void EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "S32", false);
+void EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "S64", false);
+void EmitConvertF32U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "U8", false);
+void EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "U16", false);
+void EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "U32", false);
+void EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F32", "U64", false);
+void EmitConvertF64S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "S8", true);
+void EmitConvertF64S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "S16", true);
+void EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "S32", true);
+void EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "S64", true);
+void EmitConvertF64U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "U8", true);
+void EmitConvertF64U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "U16", true);
+void EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "U32", true);
+void EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ Convert(ctx, inst, value, "F64", "U64", true);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_floating_point.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_floating_point.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ed58619d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_floating_point.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+template <typename InputType>
+void Compare(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, InputType lhs, InputType rhs, std::string_view op,
+ std::string_view type, bool ordered, bool inequality = false) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("{}.{} RC.x,{},{};", op, type, lhs, rhs);
+ if (ordered && inequality) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.{} RC.y,{},{};"
+ "SEQ.{} RC.z,{},{};"
+ "AND.U RC.x,RC.x,RC.y;"
+ "AND.U RC.x,RC.x,RC.z;"
+ "SNE.S {}.x,RC.x,0;",
+ type, lhs, lhs, type, rhs, rhs, ret);
+ } else if (ordered) {
+ ctx.Add("SNE.S {}.x,RC.x,0;", ret);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("SNE.{} RC.y,{},{};"
+ "SNE.{} RC.z,{},{};"
+ "OR.U RC.x,RC.x,RC.y;"
+ "OR.U RC.x,RC.x,RC.z;"
+ "SNE.S {}.x,RC.x,0;",
+ type, lhs, lhs, type, rhs, rhs, ret);
+ }
+template <typename InputType>
+void Clamp(EmitContext& ctx, Register ret, InputType value, InputType min_value,
+ InputType max_value, std::string_view type) {
+ // Call MAX first to properly clamp nan to min_value instead
+ ctx.Add("MAX.{} RC.x,{},{};"
+ "MIN.{} {}.x,RC.x,{};",
+ type, min_value, value, type, ret, max_value);
+std::string_view Precise(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ const bool precise{inst.Flags<IR::FpControl>().no_contraction};
+ return precise ? ".PREC" : "";
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitFPAbs16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,|{}|;", inst, value);
+void EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MOV.F64 {}.x,|{}|;", inst, value);
+void EmitFPAdd16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register a, [[maybe_unused]] Register b) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("ADD.F{} {}.x,{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst), a, b);
+void EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b) {
+ ctx.Add("ADD.F64{} {}.x,{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst), a, b);
+void EmitFPFma16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register a, [[maybe_unused]] Register b,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register c) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b, ScalarF32 c) {
+ ctx.Add("MAD.F{} {}.x,{},{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst), a, b, c);
+void EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b, ScalarF64 c) {
+ ctx.Add("MAD.F64{} {}.x,{},{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst), a, b, c);
+void EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MAX.F {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MAX.F64 {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MIN.F {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MIN.F64 {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMul16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register a, [[maybe_unused]] Register b) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MUL.F{} {}.x,{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst), a, b);
+void EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MUL.F64{} {}.x,{},{};", Precise(inst), ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst), a, b);
+void EmitFPNeg16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,-{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MOV.F64 {}.x,-{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("SIN {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("COS {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("EX2 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("LG2 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("RCP {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecip64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("RSQ {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("RSQ RC.x,{};RCP {}.x,RC.x;", value, ret);
+void EmitFPSaturate16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F.SAT {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPSaturate64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPClamp16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register min_value, [[maybe_unused]] Register max_value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value, ScalarF32 min_value,
+ ScalarF32 max_value) {
+ Clamp(ctx, ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst), value, min_value, max_value, "F");
+void EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value, ScalarF64 min_value,
+ ScalarF64 max_value) {
+ Clamp(ctx, ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst), value, min_value, max_value, "F64");
+void EmitFPRoundEven16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ROUND.F {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("ROUND.F64 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPFloor16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("FLR.F {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("FLR.F64 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCeil16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("CEIL.F {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("CEIL.F64 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPTrunc16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("TRUNC.F {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("TRUNC.F64 {}.x,{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SEQ", "F", true);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SEQ", "F64", true);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SEQ", "F", false);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SEQ", "F64", false);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SNE", "F", true, true);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SNE", "F64", true, true);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SNE", "F", false, true);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SNE", "F64", false, true);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLT", "F", true);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLT", "F64", true);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLT", "F", false);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLT", "F64", false);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGT", "F", true);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGT", "F64", true);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGT", "F", false);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGT", "F64", false);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLE", "F", true);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLE", "F64", true);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLE", "F", false);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SLE", "F64", false);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGE", "F", true);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGE", "F64", true);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register rhs) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGE", "F", false);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "SGE", "F64", false);
+void EmitFPIsNan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, value, value, "SNE", "F", true, false);
+void EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, value, value, "SNE", "F64", true, false);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_image.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_image.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09e3a9b82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_image.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <utility>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+struct ScopedRegister {
+ ScopedRegister() = default;
+ ScopedRegister(RegAlloc& reg_alloc_) : reg_alloc{&reg_alloc_}, reg{reg_alloc->AllocReg()} {}
+ ~ScopedRegister() {
+ if (reg_alloc) {
+ reg_alloc->FreeReg(reg);
+ }
+ }
+ ScopedRegister& operator=(ScopedRegister&& rhs) noexcept {
+ if (reg_alloc) {
+ reg_alloc->FreeReg(reg);
+ }
+ reg_alloc = std::exchange(rhs.reg_alloc, nullptr);
+ reg = rhs.reg;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ScopedRegister(ScopedRegister&& rhs) noexcept
+ : reg_alloc{std::exchange(rhs.reg_alloc, nullptr)}, reg{rhs.reg} {}
+ ScopedRegister& operator=(const ScopedRegister&) = delete;
+ ScopedRegister(const ScopedRegister&) = delete;
+ RegAlloc* reg_alloc{};
+ Register reg;
+std::string Texture(EmitContext& ctx, IR::TextureInstInfo info,
+ [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& index) {
+ // FIXME: indexed reads
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ return fmt::format("texture[{}]", ctx.texture_buffer_bindings.at(info.descriptor_index));
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format("texture[{}]", ctx.texture_bindings.at(info.descriptor_index));
+ }
+std::string Image(EmitContext& ctx, IR::TextureInstInfo info,
+ [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& index) {
+ // FIXME: indexed reads
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ return fmt::format("image[{}]", ctx.image_buffer_bindings.at(info.descriptor_index));
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format("image[{}]", ctx.image_bindings.at(info.descriptor_index));
+ }
+std::string_view TextureType(IR::TextureInstInfo info) {
+ if (info.is_depth) {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return "SHADOW1D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return "SHADOWARRAY1D";
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return "SHADOW2D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return "SHADOWARRAY2D";
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return "SHADOW3D";
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return "SHADOWCUBE";
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return "SHADOWBUFFER";
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return "1D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return "ARRAY1D";
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return "2D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return "ARRAY2D";
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return "3D";
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return "CUBE";
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return "ARRAYCUBE";
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return "BUFFER";
+ }
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid texture type {}", info.type.Value());
+std::string Offset(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return fmt::format(",offset({})", Register{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(offset)});
+std::pair<ScopedRegister, ScopedRegister> AllocOffsetsRegs(EmitContext& ctx,
+ const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ return {};
+ } else {
+ return {ctx.reg_alloc, ctx.reg_alloc};
+ }
+void SwizzleOffsets(EmitContext& ctx, Register off_x, Register off_y, const IR::Value& offset1,
+ const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ const Register offsets_a{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(offset1)};
+ const Register offsets_b{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(offset2)};
+ // Input swizzle: [XYXY] [XYXY]
+ // Output swizzle: [XXXX] [YYYY]
+ ctx.Add("MOV {}.x,{}.x;"
+ "MOV {}.y,{}.z;"
+ "MOV {}.z,{}.x;"
+ "MOV {}.w,{}.z;"
+ "MOV {}.x,{}.y;"
+ "MOV {}.y,{}.w;"
+ "MOV {}.z,{}.y;"
+ "MOV {}.w,{}.w;",
+ off_x, offsets_a, off_x, offsets_a, off_x, offsets_b, off_x, offsets_b, off_y,
+ offsets_a, off_y, offsets_a, off_y, offsets_b, off_y, offsets_b);
+std::string GradOffset(const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Gradient offset is a scalar immediate");
+ return "";
+ }
+ IR::Inst* const vector{offset.InstRecursive()};
+ if (!vector->AreAllArgsImmediates()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Gradient offset vector is not immediate");
+ return "";
+ }
+ switch (vector->NumArgs()) {
+ case 1:
+ return fmt::format(",({})", static_cast<s32>(vector->Arg(0).U32()));
+ case 2:
+ return fmt::format(",({},{})", static_cast<s32>(vector->Arg(0).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(vector->Arg(1).U32()));
+ default:
+ throw LogicError("Invalid number of gradient offsets {}", vector->NumArgs());
+ }
+std::pair<std::string, ScopedRegister> Coord(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& coord) {
+ if (coord.IsImmediate()) {
+ ScopedRegister scoped_reg(ctx.reg_alloc);
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {}.x,{};", scoped_reg.reg, ScalarU32{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(coord)});
+ return {fmt::to_string(scoped_reg.reg), std::move(scoped_reg)};
+ }
+ std::string coord_vec{fmt::to_string(Register{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(coord)})};
+ if (coord.InstRecursive()->HasUses()) {
+ // Move non-dead coords to a separate register, although this should never happen because
+ // vectors are only assembled for immediate texture instructions
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F RC,{};", coord_vec);
+ coord_vec = "RC";
+ }
+ return {std::move(coord_vec), ScopedRegister{}};
+void StoreSparse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* sparse_inst) {
+ if (!sparse_inst) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const Register sparse_ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(*sparse_inst)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},-1;"
+ sparse_ret, sparse_ret);
+std::string_view FormatStorage(ImageFormat format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case ImageFormat::Typeless:
+ return "U";
+ case ImageFormat::R8_UINT:
+ return "U8";
+ case ImageFormat::R8_SINT:
+ return "S8";
+ case ImageFormat::R16_UINT:
+ return "U16";
+ case ImageFormat::R16_SINT:
+ return "S16";
+ case ImageFormat::R32_UINT:
+ return "U32";
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32_UINT:
+ return "U32X2";
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32B32A32_UINT:
+ return "U32X4";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid image format {}", format);
+template <typename T>
+void ImageAtomic(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord, T value,
+ std::string_view op) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("ATOMIM.{} {},{},{},{},{};", op, ret, value, coord, image, type);
+IR::Inst* PrepareSparse(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ const auto sparse_inst{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSparseFromOp)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ sparse_inst->Invalidate();
+ }
+ return sparse_inst;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, Register bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view lod_clamp_mod{info.has_lod_clamp ? ".LODCLAMP" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [coord_vec, coord_alloc]{Coord(ctx, coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.Add("TXB.F{}{} {},{},{},{},ARRAYCUBE{};", lod_clamp_mod, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ bias_lc, texture, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{}.x;"
+ "TXB.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{}.y,{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, bias_lc, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, bias_lc, texture, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{}.x;"
+ "TXB.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, bias_lc, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp && info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.Add("TEX.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{},{},ARRAYCUBE{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ bias_lc, texture, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("TEX.F{}{} {},{},{},{}{};", lod_clamp_mod, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture,
+ type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, ScalarF32 lod, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [coord_vec, coord_alloc]{Coord(ctx, coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.Add("TXL.F{} {},{},{},{},ARRAYCUBE{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, lod, texture,
+ offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXL.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, lod, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& dref,
+ const IR::Value& bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ // Allocate early to avoid aliases
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ ScopedRegister staging;
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ staging = ScopedRegister{ctx.reg_alloc};
+ }
+ const ScalarF32 dref_val{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(dref)};
+ const Register bias_lc_vec{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(bias_lc)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [coord_vec, coord_alloc]{Coord(ctx, coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.z,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.w,{}.x;"
+ "TXB.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{}.y,{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, coord_vec, bias_lc_vec, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ bias_lc_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXB.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, bias_lc_vec, texture, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Invalid type {} with bias and lod clamp",
+ info.type.Value());
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.z,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.w,{}.x;"
+ "TXB.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, coord_vec, bias_lc_vec, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ texture, type, offset_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXB.F{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, bias_lc_vec, texture, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.y,{}.x;"
+ "TXB.F{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ staging.reg, dref_val, staging.reg, bias_lc_vec, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ staging.reg, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Invalid type {}", info.type.Value());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ if (info.type != TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ const bool w_swizzle{info.type == TextureType::ColorArray2D ||
+ info.type == TextureType::ColorCube};
+ const char dref_swizzle{w_swizzle ? 'w' : 'z'};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.{},{};"
+ "TEX.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_swizzle, dref_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, bias_lc_vec,
+ texture, type, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.y,{};"
+ "TEX.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ staging.reg, dref_val, staging.reg, bias_lc_vec, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ staging.reg, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (info.type != TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ const bool w_swizzle{info.type == TextureType::ColorArray2D ||
+ info.type == TextureType::ColorCube};
+ const char dref_swizzle{w_swizzle ? 'w' : 'z'};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.{},{};"
+ "TEX.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_swizzle, dref_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture,
+ type, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("TEX.F{} {},{},{},{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, dref_val, texture,
+ type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& dref,
+ const IR::Value& lod, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ // Allocate early to avoid aliases
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ ScopedRegister staging;
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ staging = ScopedRegister{ctx.reg_alloc};
+ }
+ const ScalarF32 dref_val{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(dref)};
+ const ScalarF32 lod_val{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(lod)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [coord_vec, coord_alloc]{Coord(ctx, coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.z,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXL.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, coord_vec, lod_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXL.F{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, dref_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, lod_val, texture, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{};"
+ "MOV.F {}.y,{};"
+ "TXL.F{} {},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ staging.reg, dref_val, staging.reg, lod_val, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec,
+ staging.reg, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Invalid type {}", info.type.Value());
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ // Allocate offsets early so they don't overwrite any consumed register
+ const auto [off_x, off_y]{AllocOffsetsRegs(ctx, offset2)};
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const char comp{"xyzw"[info.gather_component]};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const Register coord_vec{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ ctx.Add("TXG.F{} {},{},{}.{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, comp, type,
+ offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ SwizzleOffsets(ctx, off_x.reg, off_y.reg, offset, offset2);
+ ctx.Add("TXGO.F{} {},{},{},{},{}.{},{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, off_x.reg, off_y.reg,
+ texture, comp, type);
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2,
+ const IR::Value& dref) {
+ // FIXME: This instruction is not working as expected
+ // Allocate offsets early so they don't overwrite any consumed register
+ const auto [off_x, off_y]{AllocOffsetsRegs(ctx, offset2)};
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const Register coord_vec{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(coord)};
+ const ScalarF32 dref_value{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(dref)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ std::string args;
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.z,{};", coord_vec, dref_value);
+ args = fmt::to_string(coord_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};", coord_vec, dref_value);
+ args = fmt::to_string(coord_vec);
+ break;
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ args = fmt::format("{},{}", coord_vec, dref_value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Invalid type {}", info.type.Value());
+ }
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ ctx.Add("TXG.F{} {},{},{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, args, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ SwizzleOffsets(ctx, off_x.reg, off_y.reg, offset, offset2);
+ ctx.Add("TXGO.F{} {},{},{},{},{},{};", sparse_mod, ret, args, off_x.reg, off_y.reg, texture,
+ type);
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, ScalarS32 lod, ScalarS32 ms) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{Offset(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [coord_vec, coord_alloc]{Coord(ctx, coord)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ ctx.Add("TXF.F{} {},{},{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ } else if (ms.type != Type::Void) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.w,{};"
+ "TXFMS.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, ms, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.w,{};"
+ "TXF.F{} {},{},{},{}{};",
+ coord_vec, lod, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ ScalarS32 lod) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ ctx.Add("TXQ {},{},{},{};", inst, lod, texture, type);
+void EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ ctx.Add("LOD.F {},{},{},{};", inst, coord, texture, type);
+void EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& derivatives,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& lod_clamp) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ ScopedRegister dpdx, dpdy;
+ const bool multi_component{info.num_derivates > 1 || info.has_lod_clamp};
+ if (multi_component) {
+ // Allocate this early to avoid aliasing other registers
+ dpdx = ScopedRegister{ctx.reg_alloc};
+ dpdy = ScopedRegister{ctx.reg_alloc};
+ }
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const std::string offset_vec{GradOffset(offset)};
+ const Register coord_vec{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(coord)};
+ const Register derivatives_vec{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(derivatives)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (multi_component) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,{}.x;"
+ "MOV.F {}.y,{}.z;"
+ "MOV.F {}.x,{}.y;"
+ "MOV.F {}.y,{}.w;",
+ dpdx.reg, derivatives_vec, dpdx.reg, derivatives_vec, dpdy.reg, derivatives_vec,
+ dpdy.reg, derivatives_vec);
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ const ScalarF32 lod_clamp_value{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(lod_clamp)};
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.w,{};"
+ "TXD.F.LODCLAMP{} {},{},{},{},{},{}{};",
+ dpdy.reg, lod_clamp_value, sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, dpdx.reg, dpdy.reg,
+ texture, type, offset_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("TXD.F{} {},{},{},{},{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, dpdx.reg, dpdy.reg,
+ texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("TXD.F{} {},{},{}.x,{}.y,{},{}{};", sparse_mod, ret, coord_vec, derivatives_vec,
+ derivatives_vec, texture, type, offset_vec);
+ }
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const std::string_view format{FormatStorage(info.image_format)};
+ const std::string_view sparse_mod{sparse_inst ? ".SPARSE" : ""};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("LOADIM.{}{} {},{},{},{};", format, sparse_mod, ret, coord, image, type);
+ StoreSparse(ctx, sparse_inst);
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ Register color) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const std::string_view format{FormatStorage(info.image_format)};
+ const std::string_view type{TextureType(info)};
+ const std::string image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.Add("STOREIM.{} {},{},{},{};", format, image, color, coord, type);
+void EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "ADD.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "MIN.S32");
+void EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "MIN.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "MAX.S32");
+void EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "MAX.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "IWRAP.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "DWRAP.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "AND.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "OR.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "XOR.U32");
+void EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Register coord, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ImageAtomic(ctx, inst, index, coord, value, "EXCH.U32");
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12afda43b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+enum class Attribute : u64;
+enum class Patch : u64;
+class Inst;
+class Value;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+class EmitContext;
+// Microinstruction emitters
+void EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitIdentity(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitReference(EmitContext&, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& phi, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 stream);
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream);
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr, ScalarU32 vertex);
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, ScalarF32 value, ScalarU32 vertex);
+void EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 offset, ScalarU32 vertex);
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarF32 value, ScalarU32 vertex);
+void EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Patch patch);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 word_offset);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 word_offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value);
+void EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ Register value);
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ Register value);
+void EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3, const IR::Value& e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, ScalarU32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, ScalarU32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, ScalarU32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Register e1, Register e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Register e1, Register e2, Register e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Register e1, Register e2, Register e3,
+ Register e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& e1,
+ const IR::Value& e2, const IR::Value& e3, const IR::Value& e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register composite,
+ ScalarF32 object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x2(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x3(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x4(EmitContext& ctx, Register composite, Register object, u32 index);
+void EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value);
+void EmitSelectU8(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value, ScalarS32 false_value);
+void EmitSelectU16(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value, ScalarS32 false_value);
+void EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value);
+void EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, Register true_value,
+ Register false_value);
+void EmitSelectF16(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 cond, Register true_value, Register false_value);
+void EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value);
+void EmitSelectF64(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 cond, Register true_value, Register false_value);
+void EmitBitCastU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitBitCastF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitPackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitUnpackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitFPAbs16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitFPAdd16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b);
+void EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b);
+void EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b);
+void EmitFPFma16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b, Register c);
+void EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b, ScalarF32 c);
+void EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b, ScalarF64 c);
+void EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b);
+void EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b);
+void EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b);
+void EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b);
+void EmitFPMul16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b);
+void EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 a, ScalarF32 b);
+void EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 a, ScalarF64 b);
+void EmitFPNeg16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister value);
+void EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPRecip64(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt64(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPSaturate16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPSaturate64(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPClamp16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value, Register min_value, Register max_value);
+void EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value, ScalarF32 min_value,
+ ScalarF32 max_value);
+void EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value, ScalarF64 min_value,
+ ScalarF64 max_value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitFPFloor16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitFPCeil16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitFPTrunc16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Register lhs, Register rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 lhs, ScalarF32 rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 lhs, ScalarF64 rhs);
+void EmitFPIsNan16(EmitContext& ctx, Register value);
+void EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b);
+void EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b);
+void EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 shift);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base, ScalarU32 shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base,
+ ScalarU32 shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base,
+ ScalarS32 shift);
+void EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 insert,
+ ScalarS32 offset, ScalarS32 count);
+void EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 count);
+void EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 count);
+void EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 a, ScalarU32 b);
+void EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 a, ScalarU32 b);
+void EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value, ScalarS32 min, ScalarS32 max);
+void EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 min, ScalarU32 max);
+void EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs);
+void EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs);
+void EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs);
+void EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b);
+void EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitConvertS16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertS16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertS32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertS64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertU16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertU16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertU32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertU64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertF32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF64 value);
+void EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 value);
+void EmitConvertF16S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitConvertF16S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF16U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitConvertF16U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+void EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, Register bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, ScalarF32 lod, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& dref,
+ const IR::Value& bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& dref,
+ const IR::Value& lod, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2);
+void EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2,
+ const IR::Value& dref);
+void EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& offset, ScalarS32 lod, ScalarS32 ms);
+void EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ ScalarS32 lod);
+void EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord);
+void EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ const IR::Value& coord, const IR::Value& derivatives,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& lod_clamp);
+void EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord);
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ Register color);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarS32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index, Register coord,
+ ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Register coord, ScalarU32 value);
+void EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred);
+void EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred);
+void EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred);
+void EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred);
+void EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask);
+void EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a, ScalarF32 op_b,
+ ScalarU32 swizzle);
+void EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a);
+void EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a);
+void EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a);
+void EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_integer.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_integer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f55c26b767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_integer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+void BitwiseLogicalOp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b,
+ std::string_view lop) {
+ const auto zero = inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetZeroFromOp);
+ const auto sign = inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSignFromOp);
+ if (zero) {
+ zero->Invalidate();
+ }
+ if (sign) {
+ sign->Invalidate();
+ }
+ if (zero || sign) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.InvalidateConditionCodes();
+ }
+ const auto ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("{}.S {}.x,{},{};", lop, ret, a, b);
+ if (zero) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S {},{},0;", *zero, ret);
+ }
+ if (sign) {
+ ctx.Add("SLT.S {},{},0;", *sign, ret);
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ const std::array flags{
+ inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetZeroFromOp),
+ inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSignFromOp),
+ inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetCarryFromOp),
+ inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetOverflowFromOp),
+ };
+ for (IR::Inst* const flag_inst : flags) {
+ if (flag_inst) {
+ flag_inst->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ const bool cc{inst.HasAssociatedPseudoOperation()};
+ const std::string_view cc_mod{cc ? ".CC" : ""};
+ if (cc) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.InvalidateConditionCodes();
+ }
+ const auto ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("ADD.S{} {}.x,{},{};", cc_mod, ret, a, b);
+ if (!cc) {
+ return;
+ }
+ static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 4> masks{"", "SF", "CF", "OF"};
+ for (size_t flag_index = 0; flag_index < flags.size(); ++flag_index) {
+ if (!flags[flag_index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto flag_ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(*flags[flag_index])};
+ if (flag_index == 0) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S {}.x,{}.x,0;", flag_ret, ret);
+ } else {
+ // We could use conditional execution here, but it's broken on Nvidia's compiler
+ ctx.Add("IF {}.x;"
+ "MOV.S {}.x,-1;"
+ "ELSE;"
+ "MOV.S {}.x,0;"
+ "ENDIF;",
+ masks[flag_index], flag_ret, flag_ret);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("ADD.S64 {}.x,{}.x,{}.x;", inst, a, b);
+void EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("SUB.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register a, Register b) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("SUB.S64 {}.x,{}.x,{}.x;", inst, a, b);
+void EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MUL.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ if (value.type != Type::Register && static_cast<s32>(value.imm_u32) < 0) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},{};", inst, -static_cast<s32>(value.imm_u32));
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},-{};", inst, value);
+ }
+void EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MOV.S64 {},-{};", inst, value);
+void EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ABS.S {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 shift) {
+ ctx.Add("SHL.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base,
+ ScalarU32 shift) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("SHL.U64 {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 shift) {
+ ctx.Add("SHR.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base,
+ ScalarU32 shift) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("SHR.U64 {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 shift) {
+ ctx.Add("SHR.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarRegister base,
+ ScalarS32 shift) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("SHR.S64 {}.x,{},{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, "AND");
+void EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, "OR");
+void EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, "XOR");
+void EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 insert,
+ ScalarS32 offset, ScalarS32 count) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (count.type != Type::Register && offset.type != Type::Register) {
+ ctx.Add("BFI.S {},{{{},{},0,0}},{},{};", ret, count, offset, insert, base);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.S RC.y,{};"
+ "BFI.S {},RC,{},{};",
+ count, offset, ret, insert, base);
+ }
+void EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 base, ScalarS32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 count) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (count.type != Type::Register && offset.type != Type::Register) {
+ ctx.Add("BFE.S {},{{{},{},0,0}},{};", ret, count, offset, base);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.S RC.y,{};"
+ "BFE.S {},RC,{};",
+ count, offset, ret, base);
+ }
+void EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 base, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 count) {
+ const auto zero = inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetZeroFromOp);
+ const auto sign = inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSignFromOp);
+ if (zero) {
+ zero->Invalidate();
+ }
+ if (sign) {
+ sign->Invalidate();
+ }
+ if (zero || sign) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.InvalidateConditionCodes();
+ }
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (count.type != Type::Register && offset.type != Type::Register) {
+ ctx.Add("BFE.U {},{{{},{},0,0}},{};", ret, count, offset, base);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.U RC.y,{};"
+ "BFE.U {},RC,{};",
+ count, offset, ret, base);
+ }
+ if (zero) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S {},{},0;", *zero, ret);
+ }
+ if (sign) {
+ ctx.Add("SLT.S {},{},0;", *sign, ret);
+ }
+void EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("BFR {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("BTC {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("NOT.S {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("BTFM.S {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("BTFM.U {},{};", inst, value);
+void EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MIN.S {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 a, ScalarU32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MIN.U {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MAX.S {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 a, ScalarU32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("MAX.U {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value, ScalarS32 min, ScalarS32 max) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("MIN.S RC.x,{},{};"
+ "MAX.S {}.x,RC.x,{};",
+ max, value, ret, min);
+void EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 min, ScalarU32 max) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("MIN.U RC.x,{},{};"
+ "MAX.U {}.x,RC.x,{};",
+ max, value, ret, min);
+void EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SLT.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SLT.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SLE.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SLE.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SGT.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SGT.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SNE.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 lhs, ScalarS32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SGE.S {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 lhs, ScalarU32 rhs) {
+ ctx.Add("SGE.U {}.x,{},{};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_logical.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_logical.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_logical.cpp
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af9fac7c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+namespace {
+void StorageOp(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ std::string_view then_expr, std::string_view else_expr = {}) {
+ // Operate on bindless SSBO, call the expression with bounds checking
+ // address = c[binding].xy
+ // length = c[binding].z
+ const u32 sb_binding{binding.U32()};
+ ctx.Add("PK64.U DC,c[{}];" // pointer = address
+ "CVT.U64.U32 DC.z,{};" // offset = uint64_t(offset)
+ "ADD.U64 DC.x,DC.x,DC.z;" // pointer += offset
+ "SLT.U.CC RC.x,{},c[{}].z;", // cc = offset < length
+ sb_binding, offset, offset, sb_binding);
+ if (else_expr.empty()) {
+ ctx.Add("IF NE.x;{}ENDIF;", then_expr);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("IF NE.x;{}ELSE;{}ENDIF;", then_expr, else_expr);
+ }
+void GlobalStorageOp(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, bool pointer_based, std::string_view expr,
+ std::string_view else_expr = {}) {
+ const size_t num_buffers{ctx.info.storage_buffers_descriptors.size()};
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < num_buffers; ++index) {
+ if (!ctx.info.nvn_buffer_used[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& ssbo{ctx.info.storage_buffers_descriptors[index]};
+ ctx.Add("LDC.U64 DC.x,c{}[{}];" // ssbo_addr
+ "LDC.U32 RC.x,c{}[{}];" // ssbo_size_u32
+ "CVT.U64.U32 DC.y,RC.x;" // ssbo_size = ssbo_size_u32
+ "ADD.U64 DC.y,DC.y,DC.x;" // ssbo_end = ssbo_addr + ssbo_size
+ "SGE.U64 RC.x,{}.x,DC.x;" // a = input_addr >= ssbo_addr ? -1 : 0
+ "SLT.U64 RC.y,{}.x,DC.y;" // b = input_addr < ssbo_end ? -1 : 0
+ "AND.U.CC RC.x,RC.x,RC.y;" // cond = a && b
+ "IF NE.x;" // if cond
+ "SUB.U64 DC.x,{}.x,DC.x;", // offset = input_addr - ssbo_addr
+ ssbo.cbuf_index, ssbo.cbuf_offset, ssbo.cbuf_index, ssbo.cbuf_offset + 8, address,
+ address, address);
+ if (pointer_based) {
+ ctx.Add("PK64.U DC.y,c[{}];" // host_ssbo = cbuf
+ "ADD.U64 DC.x,DC.x,DC.y;" // host_addr = host_ssbo + offset
+ "{}"
+ "ELSE;",
+ index, expr);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("CVT.U32.U64 RC.x,DC.x;"
+ "{},ssbo{}[RC.x];"
+ "ELSE;",
+ expr, index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!else_expr.empty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}", else_expr);
+ }
+ const size_t num_used_buffers{ctx.info.nvn_buffer_used.count()};
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < num_used_buffers; ++index) {
+ ctx.Add("ENDIF;");
+ }
+template <typename ValueType>
+void Write(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ValueType value,
+ std::string_view size) {
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ ctx.Add("STB.{} {},ssbo{}[{}];", size, value, binding.U32(), offset);
+ } else {
+ StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset, fmt::format("STORE.{} {},DC.x;", size, value));
+ }
+void Load(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ std::string_view size) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ ctx.Add("LDB.{} {},ssbo{}[{}];", size, ret, binding.U32(), offset);
+ } else {
+ StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset, fmt::format("LOAD.{} {},DC.x;", size, ret),
+ fmt::format("MOV.U {},{{0,0,0,0}};", ret));
+ }
+template <typename ValueType>
+void GlobalWrite(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, ValueType value, std::string_view size) {
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, false, fmt::format("STB.{} {}", size, value));
+ } else {
+ GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, true, fmt::format("STORE.{} {},DC.x;", size, value));
+ }
+void GlobalLoad(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address, std::string_view size) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, false, fmt::format("LDB.{} {}", size, ret));
+ } else {
+ GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, true, fmt::format("LOAD.{} {},DC.x;", size, ret),
+ fmt::format("MOV.S {},0;", ret));
+ }
+template <typename ValueType>
+void Atom(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ValueType value, std::string_view operation, std::string_view size) {
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMB.{}.{} {},{},ssbo{}[{}];", operation, size, ret, value, binding.U32(),
+ offset);
+ } else {
+ StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset,
+ fmt::format("ATOM.{}.{} {},{},DC.x;", operation, size, ret, value));
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U8");
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "S8");
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U16");
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "S16");
+void EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32");
+void EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32X2");
+void EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) {
+ GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32X4");
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U8");
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "S8");
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U16");
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "S16");
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, ScalarU32 value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32");
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32X2");
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) {
+ GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32X4");
+void EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U8");
+void EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S8");
+void EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U16");
+void EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S16");
+void EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32");
+void EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32X2");
+void EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset) {
+ Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32X4");
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U8");
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "S8");
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U16");
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "S16");
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32");
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ Register value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32X2");
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset,
+ Register value) {
+ Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32X4");
+void EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.ADD.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.MIN.S32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.MIN.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.MAX.S32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.MAX.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.IWRAP.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.DWRAP.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.AND.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.OR.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.XOR.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("ATOMS.EXCH.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset,
+ Register value) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("ATOMS.EXCH.U64 {}.x,{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "S32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "S32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "IWRAP", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "DWRAP", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "AND", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "OR", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "XOR", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "EXCH", "U32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "S64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "S64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "AND", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "OR", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "XOR", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "EXCH", "U64");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, ScalarF32 value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "F32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "F16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "F16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "F16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_not_implemented.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_not_implemented.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff64c69247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_not_implemented.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+#define NotImplemented() throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction {}", __LINE__)
+static void DefinePhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& phi) {
+ switch (phi.Arg(0).Type()) {
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ ctx.reg_alloc.Define(phi);
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(phi);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Phi node type {}", phi.Type());
+ }
+void EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& phi) {
+ const size_t num_args{phi.NumArgs()};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(phi.Arg(i));
+ }
+ if (!phi.Definition<Id>().is_valid) {
+ // The phi node wasn't forward defined
+ DefinePhi(ctx, phi);
+ }
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext&) {}
+void EmitReference(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(value);
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& phi_value, const IR::Value& value) {
+ IR::Inst& phi{RegAlloc::AliasInst(*phi_value.Inst())};
+ if (!phi.Definition<Id>().is_valid) {
+ // The phi node wasn't forward defined
+ DefinePhi(ctx, phi);
+ }
+ const Register phi_reg{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(IR::Value{&phi})};
+ const Value eval_value{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(value)};
+ if (phi_reg == eval_value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (phi.Flags<IR::Type>()) {
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,{};", phi_reg, ScalarS32{eval_value});
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U64 {}.x,{};", phi_reg, ScalarRegister{eval_value});
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Phi node type {}", phi.Type());
+ }
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("KIL TR.x;");
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("BAR;");
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("MEMBAR.CTA;");
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("MEMBAR;");
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ // TODO
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ // TODO
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarS32 stream) {
+ if (stream.type == Type::U32 && stream.imm_u32 == 0) {
+ ctx.Add("EMIT;");
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("EMITS {};", stream);
+ }
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream) {
+ if (!stream.IsImmediate()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Stream is not immediate");
+ }
+ ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(stream);
+ ctx.Add("ENDPRIM;");
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},invocation.groupid;", inst);
+void EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {},invocation.localid;", inst);
+void EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,primitive_invocation.x;", inst);
+void EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,fragment.sampleid.x;", inst);
+void EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,fragment.helperthread.x;", inst);
+void EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.uses_y_direction = true;
+ ctx.Add("MOV.F {}.x,y_direction[0].w;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,0;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,0;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,0;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,0;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.LongAdd("MOV.S64 {}.x,0;", inst);
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("OR.S {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("AND.S {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 a, ScalarS32 b) {
+ ctx.Add("XOR.S {},{},{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("SEQ.S {},{},0;", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_select.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_select.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68fff613c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_select.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+void EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value) {
+ ctx.Add("CMP.S {},{},{},{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectU8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 true_value, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 false_value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitSelectU16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 true_value, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 false_value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value) {
+ ctx.Add("CMP.S {},{},{},{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, Register true_value,
+ Register false_value) {
+ ctx.reg_alloc.InvalidateConditionCodes();
+ const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.LongDefine(inst)};
+ if (ret == true_value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.U64 {}.x(EQ.x),{};",
+ cond, ret, false_value);
+ } else if (ret == false_value) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.U64 {}.x(NE.x),{};",
+ cond, ret, true_value);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S.CC RC.x,{};"
+ "MOV.U64 {}.x,{};"
+ "MOV.U64 {}.x(NE.x),{};",
+ cond, ret, false_value, ret, true_value);
+ }
+void EmitSelectF16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register true_value, [[maybe_unused]] Register false_value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+void EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 cond, ScalarS32 true_value,
+ ScalarS32 false_value) {
+ ctx.Add("CMP.S {},{},{},{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectF64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarS32 cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] Register true_value, [[maybe_unused]] Register false_value) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_shared_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_shared_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1498f449d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_shared_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+void EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.U8 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.S8 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.U16 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.S16 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.U32 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.U32X2 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 offset) {
+ ctx.Add("LDS.U32X4 {},shared_mem[{}];", inst, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("STS.U8 {},shared_mem[{}];", value, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("STS.U16 {},shared_mem[{}];", value, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) {
+ ctx.Add("STS.U32 {},shared_mem[{}];", value, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("STS.U32X2 {},shared_mem[{}];", value, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) {
+ ctx.Add("STS.U32X4 {},shared_mem[{}];", value, offset);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_special.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_special.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_special.cpp
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_undefined.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_undefined.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_undefined.cpp
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_warp.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_warp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..544d475b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_warp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+void EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.S {}.x,{}.threadid;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+void EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred) {
+ ctx.Add("TGALL.S {}.x,{};", inst, pred);
+void EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred) {
+ ctx.Add("TGANY.S {}.x,{};", inst, pred);
+void EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred) {
+ ctx.Add("TGEQ.S {}.x,{};", inst, pred);
+void EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarS32 pred) {
+ ctx.Add("TGBALLOT {}.x,{};", inst, pred);
+void EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},{}.threadeqmask;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+void EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},{}.threadltmask;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+void EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},{}.threadlemask;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+void EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},{}.threadgtmask;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+void EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.Add("MOV.U {},{}.threadgemask;", inst, ctx.stage_name);
+static void Shuffle(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask,
+ std::string_view op) {
+ IR::Inst* const in_bounds{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetInBoundsFromOp)};
+ if (in_bounds) {
+ in_bounds->Invalidate();
+ }
+ std::string mask;
+ if (clamp.IsImmediate() && segmentation_mask.IsImmediate()) {
+ mask = fmt::to_string(clamp.U32() | (segmentation_mask.U32() << 8));
+ } else {
+ mask = "RC";
+ ctx.Add("BFI.U RC.x,{{5,8,0,0}},{},{};",
+ ScalarU32{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(segmentation_mask)},
+ ScalarU32{ctx.reg_alloc.Consume(clamp)});
+ }
+ const Register value_ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ if (in_bounds) {
+ const Register bounds_ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(*in_bounds)};
+ ctx.Add("SHF{}.U {},{},{},{};"
+ "MOV.U {}.x,{}.y;",
+ op, bounds_ret, value, index, mask, value_ret, bounds_ret);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("SHF{}.U {},{},{},{};"
+ "MOV.U {}.x,{}.y;",
+ op, value_ret, value, index, mask, value_ret, value_ret);
+ }
+void EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask) {
+ Shuffle(ctx, inst, value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask, "IDX");
+void EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask) {
+ Shuffle(ctx, inst, value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask, "UP");
+void EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask) {
+ Shuffle(ctx, inst, value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask, "DOWN");
+void EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 value, ScalarU32 index,
+ const IR::Value& clamp, const IR::Value& segmentation_mask) {
+ Shuffle(ctx, inst, value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask, "XOR");
+void EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 op_a, ScalarF32 op_b,
+ ScalarU32 swizzle) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)};
+ ctx.Add("AND.U RC.z,{}.threadid,3;"
+ "SHL.U RC.z,RC.z,1;"
+ "SHR.U RC.z,{},RC.z;"
+ "AND.U RC.z,RC.z,3;"
+ "MUL.F RC.x,{},FSWZA[RC.z];"
+ "MUL.F RC.y,{},FSWZB[RC.z];"
+ "ADD.F {}.x,RC.x,RC.y;",
+ ctx.stage_name, swizzle, op_a, op_b, ret);
+void EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 p) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.Add("DDX.FINE {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Fine derivatives not supported by device");
+ ctx.Add("DDX {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ }
+void EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 p) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.Add("DDY.FINE {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Fine derivatives not supported by device");
+ ctx.Add("DDY {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ }
+void EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 p) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.Add("DDX.COARSE {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Coarse derivatives not supported by device");
+ ctx.Add("DDX {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ }
+void EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarF32 p) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.Add("DDY.COARSE {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLASM, "Coarse derivatives not supported by device");
+ ctx.Add("DDY {}.x,{};", inst, p);
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c046db6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/exception.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+Register RegAlloc::Define(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ return Define(inst, false);
+Register RegAlloc::LongDefine(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ return Define(inst, true);
+Value RegAlloc::Peek(const IR::Value& value) {
+ if (value.IsImmediate()) {
+ return MakeImm(value);
+ } else {
+ return PeekInst(*value.Inst());
+ }
+Value RegAlloc::Consume(const IR::Value& value) {
+ if (value.IsImmediate()) {
+ return MakeImm(value);
+ } else {
+ return ConsumeInst(*value.Inst());
+ }
+void RegAlloc::Unref(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ IR::Inst& value_inst{AliasInst(inst)};
+ value_inst.DestructiveRemoveUsage();
+ if (!value_inst.HasUses()) {
+ Free(value_inst.Definition<Id>());
+ }
+Register RegAlloc::AllocReg() {
+ Register ret;
+ ret.type = Type::Register;
+ ret.id = Alloc(false);
+ return ret;
+Register RegAlloc::AllocLongReg() {
+ Register ret;
+ ret.type = Type::Register;
+ ret.id = Alloc(true);
+ return ret;
+void RegAlloc::FreeReg(Register reg) {
+ Free(reg.id);
+Value RegAlloc::MakeImm(const IR::Value& value) {
+ Value ret;
+ switch (value.Type()) {
+ case IR::Type::Void:
+ ret.type = Type::Void;
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ ret.type = Type::U32;
+ ret.imm_u32 = value.U1() ? 0xffffffff : 0;
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ ret.type = Type::U32;
+ ret.imm_u32 = value.U32();
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ ret.type = Type::U32;
+ ret.imm_u32 = Common::BitCast<u32>(value.F32());
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ ret.type = Type::U64;
+ ret.imm_u64 = value.U64();
+ break;
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ ret.type = Type::U64;
+ ret.imm_u64 = Common::BitCast<u64>(value.F64());
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Immediate type {}", value.Type());
+ }
+ return ret;
+Register RegAlloc::Define(IR::Inst& inst, bool is_long) {
+ if (inst.HasUses()) {
+ inst.SetDefinition<Id>(Alloc(is_long));
+ } else {
+ Id id{};
+ id.is_long.Assign(is_long ? 1 : 0);
+ id.is_null.Assign(1);
+ inst.SetDefinition<Id>(id);
+ }
+ return Register{PeekInst(inst)};
+Value RegAlloc::PeekInst(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ Value ret;
+ ret.type = Type::Register;
+ ret.id = inst.Definition<Id>();
+ return ret;
+Value RegAlloc::ConsumeInst(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ Unref(inst);
+ return PeekInst(inst);
+Id RegAlloc::Alloc(bool is_long) {
+ size_t& num_regs{is_long ? num_used_long_registers : num_used_registers};
+ std::bitset<NUM_REGS>& use{is_long ? long_register_use : register_use};
+ if (num_used_registers + num_used_long_registers < NUM_REGS) {
+ for (size_t reg = 0; reg < NUM_REGS; ++reg) {
+ if (use[reg]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ num_regs = std::max(num_regs, reg + 1);
+ use[reg] = true;
+ Id ret{};
+ ret.is_valid.Assign(1);
+ ret.is_long.Assign(is_long ? 1 : 0);
+ ret.is_spill.Assign(0);
+ ret.is_condition_code.Assign(0);
+ ret.is_null.Assign(0);
+ ret.index.Assign(static_cast<u32>(reg));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ throw NotImplementedException("Register spilling");
+void RegAlloc::Free(Id id) {
+ if (id.is_valid == 0) {
+ throw LogicError("Freeing invalid register");
+ }
+ if (id.is_spill != 0) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Free spill");
+ }
+ if (id.is_long != 0) {
+ long_register_use[id.index] = false;
+ } else {
+ register_use[id.index] = false;
+ }
+/*static*/ bool RegAlloc::IsAliased(const IR::Inst& inst) {
+ switch (inst.GetOpcode()) {
+ case IR::Opcode::Identity:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastU16F16:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastU32F32:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastU64F64:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastF16U16:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastF32U32:
+ case IR::Opcode::BitCastF64U64:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+/*static*/ IR::Inst& RegAlloc::AliasInst(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ IR::Inst* it{&inst};
+ while (IsAliased(*it)) {
+ const IR::Value arg{it->Arg(0)};
+ if (arg.IsImmediate()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ it = arg.InstRecursive();
+ }
+ return *it;
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82aec66c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/reg_alloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <bitset>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "common/bit_cast.h"
+#include "common/bit_field.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/exception.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+class Inst;
+class Value;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM {
+class EmitContext;
+enum class Type : u32 {
+ Void,
+ Register,
+ U32,
+ U64,
+struct Id {
+ union {
+ u32 raw;
+ BitField<0, 1, u32> is_valid;
+ BitField<1, 1, u32> is_long;
+ BitField<2, 1, u32> is_spill;
+ BitField<3, 1, u32> is_condition_code;
+ BitField<4, 1, u32> is_null;
+ BitField<5, 27, u32> index;
+ };
+ bool operator==(Id rhs) const noexcept {
+ return raw == rhs.raw;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(Id rhs) const noexcept {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+ }
+static_assert(sizeof(Id) == sizeof(u32));
+struct Value {
+ Type type;
+ union {
+ Id id;
+ u32 imm_u32;
+ u64 imm_u64;
+ };
+ bool operator==(const Value& rhs) const noexcept {
+ if (type != rhs.type) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case Type::Void:
+ return true;
+ case Type::Register:
+ return id == rhs.id;
+ case Type::U32:
+ return imm_u32 == rhs.imm_u32;
+ case Type::U64:
+ return imm_u64 == rhs.imm_u64;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Value& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+ }
+struct Register : Value {};
+struct ScalarRegister : Value {};
+struct ScalarU32 : Value {};
+struct ScalarS32 : Value {};
+struct ScalarF32 : Value {};
+struct ScalarF64 : Value {};
+class RegAlloc {
+ RegAlloc() = default;
+ Register Define(IR::Inst& inst);
+ Register LongDefine(IR::Inst& inst);
+ [[nodiscard]] Value Peek(const IR::Value& value);
+ Value Consume(const IR::Value& value);
+ void Unref(IR::Inst& inst);
+ [[nodiscard]] Register AllocReg();
+ [[nodiscard]] Register AllocLongReg();
+ void FreeReg(Register reg);
+ void InvalidateConditionCodes() {
+ // This does nothing for now
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumUsedRegisters() const noexcept {
+ return num_used_registers;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumUsedLongRegisters() const noexcept {
+ return num_used_long_registers;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsEmpty() const noexcept {
+ return register_use.none() && long_register_use.none();
+ }
+ /// Returns true if the instruction is expected to be aliased to another
+ static bool IsAliased(const IR::Inst& inst);
+ /// Returns the underlying value out of an alias sequence
+ static IR::Inst& AliasInst(IR::Inst& inst);
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_REGS = 4096;
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_ELEMENTS = 4;
+ Value MakeImm(const IR::Value& value);
+ Register Define(IR::Inst& inst, bool is_long);
+ Value PeekInst(IR::Inst& inst);
+ Value ConsumeInst(IR::Inst& inst);
+ Id Alloc(bool is_long);
+ void Free(Id id);
+ size_t num_used_registers{};
+ size_t num_used_long_registers{};
+ std::bitset<NUM_REGS> register_use{};
+ std::bitset<NUM_REGS> long_register_use{};
+template <bool scalar, typename FormatContext>
+auto FormatTo(FormatContext& ctx, Id id) {
+ if (id.is_condition_code != 0) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Condition code emission");
+ }
+ if (id.is_spill != 0) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Spill emission");
+ }
+ if constexpr (scalar) {
+ if (id.is_null != 0) {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", id.is_long != 0 ? "DC.x" : "RC.x");
+ }
+ if (id.is_long != 0) {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "D{}.x", id.index.Value());
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "R{}.x", id.index.Value());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (id.is_null != 0) {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", id.is_long != 0 ? "DC" : "RC");
+ }
+ if (id.is_long != 0) {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "D{}", id.index.Value());
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "R{}", id.index.Value());
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::Id> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(Shader::Backend::GLASM::Id id, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, id);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::Register> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::Register& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ if (value.type != Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register) {
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Register value type is not register");
+ }
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<false>(ctx, value.id);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarRegister> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarRegister& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ if (value.type != Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register) {
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Register value type is not register");
+ }
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, value.id);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarU32> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarU32& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ switch (value.type) {
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Void:
+ break;
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register:
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, value.id);
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U32:
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", value.imm_u32);
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U64:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Invalid value type {}", value.type);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarS32> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarS32& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ switch (value.type) {
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Void:
+ break;
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register:
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, value.id);
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U32:
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", static_cast<s32>(value.imm_u32));
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U64:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Invalid value type {}", value.type);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarF32> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarF32& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ switch (value.type) {
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Void:
+ break;
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register:
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, value.id);
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U32:
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", Common::BitCast<f32>(value.imm_u32));
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U64:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Invalid value type {}", value.type);
+ }
+template <>
+struct fmt::formatter<Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarF64> {
+ constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) {
+ return ctx.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename FormatContext>
+ auto format(const Shader::Backend::GLASM::ScalarF64& value, FormatContext& ctx) {
+ switch (value.type) {
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Void:
+ break;
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::Register:
+ return Shader::Backend::GLASM::FormatTo<true>(ctx, value.id);
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U32:
+ break;
+ case Shader::Backend::GLASM::Type::U64:
+ return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", Common::BitCast<f64>(value.imm_u64));
+ }
+ throw Shader::InvalidArgument("Invalid value type {}", value.type);
+ }
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e6f2c0fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+u32 CbufIndex(size_t offset) {
+ return (offset / 4) % 4;
+char Swizzle(size_t offset) {
+ return "xyzw"[CbufIndex(offset)];
+std::string_view InterpDecorator(Interpolation interp) {
+ switch (interp) {
+ case Interpolation::Smooth:
+ return "";
+ case Interpolation::Flat:
+ return "flat ";
+ case Interpolation::NoPerspective:
+ return "noperspective ";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid interpolation {}", interp);
+std::string_view InputArrayDecorator(Stage stage) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ return "[]";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+bool StoresPerVertexAttributes(Stage stage) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::VertexA:
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+std::string OutputDecorator(Stage stage, u32 size) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ return fmt::format("[{}]", size);
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+std::string_view SamplerType(TextureType type, bool is_depth) {
+ if (is_depth) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return "sampler1DShadow";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return "sampler1DArrayShadow";
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return "sampler2DShadow";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return "sampler2DArrayShadow";
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return "samplerCubeShadow";
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return "samplerCubeArrayShadow";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Texture type: {}", type);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return "sampler1D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return "sampler1DArray";
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return "sampler2D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return "sampler2DArray";
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return "sampler3D";
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return "samplerCube";
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return "samplerCubeArray";
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return "samplerBuffer";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Texture type: {}", type);
+ }
+std::string_view ImageType(TextureType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return "uimage1D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return "uimage1DArray";
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return "uimage2D";
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return "uimage2DArray";
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return "uimage3D";
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return "uimageCube";
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return "uimageCubeArray";
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return "uimageBuffer";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Image type: {}", type);
+ }
+std::string_view ImageFormatString(ImageFormat format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case ImageFormat::Typeless:
+ return "";
+ case ImageFormat::R8_UINT:
+ return ",r8ui";
+ case ImageFormat::R8_SINT:
+ return ",r8i";
+ case ImageFormat::R16_UINT:
+ return ",r16ui";
+ case ImageFormat::R16_SINT:
+ return ",r16i";
+ case ImageFormat::R32_UINT:
+ return ",r32ui";
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32_UINT:
+ return ",rg32ui";
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32B32A32_UINT:
+ return ",rgba32ui";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Image format: {}", format);
+ }
+std::string_view ImageAccessQualifier(bool is_written, bool is_read) {
+ if (is_written && !is_read) {
+ return "writeonly ";
+ }
+ if (is_read && !is_written) {
+ return "readonly ";
+ }
+ return "";
+std::string_view GetTessMode(TessPrimitive primitive) {
+ switch (primitive) {
+ case TessPrimitive::Triangles:
+ return "triangles";
+ case TessPrimitive::Quads:
+ return "quads";
+ case TessPrimitive::Isolines:
+ return "isolines";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation primitive {}", primitive);
+std::string_view GetTessSpacing(TessSpacing spacing) {
+ switch (spacing) {
+ case TessSpacing::Equal:
+ return "equal_spacing";
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalOdd:
+ return "fractional_odd_spacing";
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalEven:
+ return "fractional_even_spacing";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation spacing {}", spacing);
+std::string_view InputPrimitive(InputTopology topology) {
+ switch (topology) {
+ case InputTopology::Points:
+ return "points";
+ case InputTopology::Lines:
+ return "lines";
+ case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency:
+ return "lines_adjacency";
+ case InputTopology::Triangles:
+ return "triangles";
+ case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency:
+ return "triangles_adjacency";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid input topology {}", topology);
+std::string_view OutputPrimitive(OutputTopology topology) {
+ switch (topology) {
+ case OutputTopology::PointList:
+ return "points";
+ case OutputTopology::LineStrip:
+ return "line_strip";
+ case OutputTopology::TriangleStrip:
+ return "triangle_strip";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid output topology {}", topology);
+void SetupLegacyOutPerVertex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
+ if (!ctx.info.stores.Legacy()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.FixedFunctionTexture()) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_TexCoord[8];";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR)) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_FrontColor;";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularR)) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor;";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseR)) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_BackColor;";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularR)) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor;";
+ }
+void SetupOutPerVertex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
+ if (!StoresPerVertexAttributes(ctx.stage)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx.uses_geometry_passthrough) {
+ return;
+ }
+ header += "out gl_PerVertex{vec4 gl_Position;";
+ if (ctx.info.stores[IR::Attribute::PointSize]) {
+ header += "float gl_PointSize;";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores.ClipDistances()) {
+ header += "float gl_ClipDistance[];";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex] &&
+ ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry && ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry) {
+ header += "int gl_ViewportIndex;";
+ }
+ SetupLegacyOutPerVertex(ctx, header);
+ header += "};";
+ if (ctx.info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex] && ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry) {
+ header += "out int gl_ViewportIndex;";
+ }
+void SetupInPerVertex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
+ // Currently only required for TessellationControl to adhere to
+ // ARB_separate_shader_objects requirements
+ if (ctx.stage != Stage::TessellationControl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const bool loads_position{ctx.info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)};
+ const bool loads_point_size{ctx.info.loads[IR::Attribute::PointSize]};
+ const bool loads_clip_distance{ctx.info.loads.ClipDistances()};
+ const bool loads_per_vertex{loads_position || loads_point_size || loads_clip_distance};
+ if (!loads_per_vertex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ header += "in gl_PerVertex{";
+ if (loads_position) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_Position;";
+ }
+ if (loads_point_size) {
+ header += "float gl_PointSize;";
+ }
+ if (loads_clip_distance) {
+ header += "float gl_ClipDistance[];";
+ }
+ header += "}gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices];";
+void SetupLegacyInPerFragment(EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
+ if (!ctx.info.loads.Legacy()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ header += "in gl_PerFragment{";
+ if (ctx.info.loads.FixedFunctionTexture()) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_TexCoord[8];";
+ }
+ if (ctx.info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR)) {
+ header += "vec4 gl_Color;";
+ }
+ header += "};";
+} // Anonymous namespace
+EmitContext::EmitContext(IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings, const Profile& profile_,
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_)
+ : info{program.info}, profile{profile_}, runtime_info{runtime_info_}, stage{program.stage},
+ uses_geometry_passthrough{program.is_geometry_passthrough &&
+ profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough} {
+ if (profile.need_fastmath_off) {
+ header += "#pragma optionNV(fastmath off)\n";
+ }
+ SetupExtensions();
+ switch (program.stage) {
+ case Stage::VertexA:
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ stage_name = "vs";
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ stage_name = "tcs";
+ header += fmt::format("layout(vertices={})out;", program.invocations);
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ stage_name = "tes";
+ header += fmt::format("layout({},{},{})in;", GetTessMode(runtime_info.tess_primitive),
+ GetTessSpacing(runtime_info.tess_spacing),
+ runtime_info.tess_clockwise ? "cw" : "ccw");
+ break;
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ stage_name = "gs";
+ header += fmt::format("layout({})in;", InputPrimitive(runtime_info.input_topology));
+ if (uses_geometry_passthrough) {
+ header += "layout(passthrough)in gl_PerVertex{vec4 gl_Position;};";
+ break;
+ } else if (program.is_geometry_passthrough &&
+ !profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Passthrough geometry program used but not supported");
+ }
+ header += fmt::format(
+ "layout({},max_vertices={})out;in gl_PerVertex{{vec4 gl_Position;}}gl_in[];",
+ OutputPrimitive(program.output_topology), program.output_vertices);
+ break;
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ stage_name = "fs";
+ position_name = "gl_FragCoord";
+ if (runtime_info.force_early_z) {
+ header += "layout(early_fragment_tests)in;";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sample_id) {
+ header += "in int gl_SampleID;";
+ }
+ if (info.stores_sample_mask) {
+ header += "out int gl_SampleMask[];";
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stage::Compute:
+ stage_name = "cs";
+ const u32 local_x{std::max(program.workgroup_size[0], 1u)};
+ const u32 local_y{std::max(program.workgroup_size[1], 1u)};
+ const u32 local_z{std::max(program.workgroup_size[2], 1u)};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(local_size_x={},local_size_y={},local_size_z={}) in;",
+ local_x, local_y, local_z);
+ break;
+ }
+ SetupOutPerVertex(*this, header);
+ SetupInPerVertex(*this, header);
+ SetupLegacyInPerFragment(*this, header);
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!info.loads.Generic(index) || !runtime_info.previous_stage_stores.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto qualifier{uses_geometry_passthrough ? "passthrough"
+ : fmt::format("location={}", index)};
+ header += fmt::format("layout({}){}in vec4 in_attr{}{};", qualifier,
+ InterpDecorator(info.interpolation[index]), index,
+ InputArrayDecorator(stage));
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < info.uses_patches.size(); ++index) {
+ if (!info.uses_patches[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto qualifier{stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? "out" : "in"};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(location={})patch {} vec4 patch{};", index, qualifier, index);
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < info.stores_frag_color.size(); ++index) {
+ if (!info.stores_frag_color[index] && !profile.need_declared_frag_colors) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ header += fmt::format("layout(location={})out vec4 frag_color{};", index, index);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ DefineGenericOutput(index, program.invocations);
+ }
+ }
+ DefineConstantBuffers(bindings);
+ DefineStorageBuffers(bindings);
+ SetupImages(bindings);
+ SetupTextures(bindings);
+ DefineHelperFunctions();
+ DefineConstants();
+void EmitContext::SetupExtensions() {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n";
+ if (info.uses_shadow_lod && profile.support_gl_texture_shadow_lod) {
+ header += "#extension GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_int64 && profile.support_int64) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_int64_bit_atomics) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_float : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_fp16) {
+ if (profile.support_gl_nv_gpu_shader_5) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (profile.support_gl_amd_gpu_shader_half_float) {
+ header += "#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : enable\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id || info.uses_subgroup_mask || info.uses_subgroup_vote ||
+ info.uses_subgroup_shuffles || info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_shader_ballot : enable\n"
+ "#extension GL_ARB_shader_group_vote : enable\n";
+ if (!info.uses_int64 && profile.support_int64) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (profile.support_gl_warp_intrinsics) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle : enable\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ((info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex] || info.stores[IR::Attribute::Layer]) &&
+ profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry && stage != Stage::Geometry) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sparse_residency && profile.support_gl_sparse_textures) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportMask] && profile.support_viewport_mask) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_viewport_array2 : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_typeless_image_reads) {
+ header += "#extension GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_derivatives && profile.support_gl_derivative_control) {
+ header += "#extension GL_ARB_derivative_control : enable\n";
+ }
+ if (uses_geometry_passthrough) {
+ header += "#extension GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough : enable\n";
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineConstantBuffers(Bindings& bindings) {
+ if (info.constant_buffer_descriptors.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const auto& desc : info.constant_buffer_descriptors) {
+ header += fmt::format(
+ "layout(std140,binding={}) uniform {}_cbuf_{}{{vec4 {}_cbuf{}[{}];}};",
+ bindings.uniform_buffer, stage_name, desc.index, stage_name, desc.index, 4 * 1024);
+ bindings.uniform_buffer += desc.count;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineStorageBuffers(Bindings& bindings) {
+ if (info.storage_buffers_descriptors.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ u32 index{};
+ for (const auto& desc : info.storage_buffers_descriptors) {
+ header += fmt::format("layout(std430,binding={}) buffer {}_ssbo_{}{{uint {}_ssbo{}[];}};",
+ bindings.storage_buffer, stage_name, bindings.storage_buffer,
+ stage_name, index);
+ bindings.storage_buffer += desc.count;
+ index += desc.count;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineGenericOutput(size_t index, u32 invocations) {
+ static constexpr std::string_view swizzle{"xyzw"};
+ const size_t base_index{static_cast<size_t>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) + index * 4};
+ u32 element{0};
+ while (element < 4) {
+ std::string definition{fmt::format("layout(location={}", index)};
+ const u32 remainder{4 - element};
+ const TransformFeedbackVarying* xfb_varying{};
+ if (!runtime_info.xfb_varyings.empty()) {
+ xfb_varying = &runtime_info.xfb_varyings[base_index + element];
+ xfb_varying = xfb_varying && xfb_varying->components > 0 ? xfb_varying : nullptr;
+ }
+ const u32 num_components{xfb_varying ? xfb_varying->components : remainder};
+ if (element > 0) {
+ definition += fmt::format(",component={}", element);
+ }
+ if (xfb_varying) {
+ definition +=
+ fmt::format(",xfb_buffer={},xfb_stride={},xfb_offset={}", xfb_varying->buffer,
+ xfb_varying->stride, xfb_varying->offset);
+ }
+ std::string name{fmt::format("out_attr{}", index)};
+ if (num_components < 4 || element > 0) {
+ name += fmt::format("_{}", swizzle.substr(element, num_components));
+ }
+ const auto type{num_components == 1 ? "float" : fmt::format("vec{}", num_components)};
+ definition += fmt::format(")out {} {}{};", type, name, OutputDecorator(stage, invocations));
+ header += definition;
+ const GenericElementInfo element_info{
+ .name = name,
+ .first_element = element,
+ .num_components = num_components,
+ };
+ std::fill_n(output_generics[index].begin() + element, num_components, element_info);
+ element += num_components;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineHelperFunctions() {
+ header += "\n#define ftoi floatBitsToInt\n#define ftou floatBitsToUint\n"
+ "#define itof intBitsToFloat\n#define utof uintBitsToFloat\n";
+ if (info.uses_global_increment || info.uses_shared_increment) {
+ header += "uint CasIncrement(uint op_a,uint op_b){return op_a>=op_b?0u:(op_a+1u);}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_global_decrement || info.uses_shared_decrement) {
+ header += "uint CasDecrement(uint op_a,uint op_b){"
+ "return op_a==0||op_a>op_b?op_b:(op_a-1u);}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatAdd(uint op_a,float op_b){"
+ "return ftou(utof(op_a)+op_b);}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_add) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatAdd32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){"
+ "return packHalf2x16(unpackHalf2x16(op_a)+op_b);}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_min) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatMin32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){return "
+ "packHalf2x16(min(unpackHalf2x16(op_a),op_b));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_max) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatMax32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){return "
+ "packHalf2x16(max(unpackHalf2x16(op_a),op_b));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatAdd16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
+ "packFloat2x16(unpackFloat2x16(op_a)+op_b);}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatMin16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
+ "packFloat2x16(min(unpackFloat2x16(op_a),op_b));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
+ header += "uint CasFloatMax16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
+ "packFloat2x16(max(unpackFloat2x16(op_a),op_b));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_s32_min) {
+ header += "uint CasMinS32(uint op_a,uint op_b){return uint(min(int(op_a),int(op_b)));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_s32_max) {
+ header += "uint CasMaxS32(uint op_a,uint op_b){return uint(max(int(op_a),int(op_b)));}";
+ }
+ if (info.uses_global_memory && profile.support_int64) {
+ header += DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions();
+ }
+ if (info.loads_indexed_attributes) {
+ const bool is_array{stage == Stage::Geometry};
+ const auto vertex_arg{is_array ? ",uint vertex" : ""};
+ std::string func{
+ fmt::format("float IndexedAttrLoad(int offset{}){{int base_index=offset>>2;uint "
+ "masked_index=uint(base_index)&3u;switch(base_index>>2){{",
+ vertex_arg)};
+ if (info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ const auto position_idx{is_array ? "gl_in[vertex]." : ""};
+ func += fmt::format("case {}:return {}{}[masked_index];",
+ static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::PositionX) >> 2, position_idx,
+ position_name);
+ }
+ const u32 base_attribute_value = static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) >> 2;
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!info.loads.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto vertex_idx{is_array ? "[vertex]" : ""};
+ func += fmt::format("case {}:return in_attr{}{}[masked_index];",
+ base_attribute_value + index, index, vertex_idx);
+ }
+ func += "default: return 0.0;}}";
+ header += func;
+ }
+ if (info.stores_indexed_attributes) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+std::string EmitContext::DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions() {
+ const auto define_body{[&](std::string& func, size_t index, std::string_view return_statement) {
+ const auto& ssbo{info.storage_buffers_descriptors[index]};
+ const u32 size_cbuf_offset{ssbo.cbuf_offset + 8};
+ const auto ssbo_addr{fmt::format("ssbo_addr{}", index)};
+ const auto cbuf{fmt::format("{}_cbuf{}", stage_name, ssbo.cbuf_index)};
+ std::array<std::string, 2> addr_xy;
+ std::array<std::string, 2> size_xy;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < addr_xy.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto addr_loc{ssbo.cbuf_offset + 4 * i};
+ const auto size_loc{size_cbuf_offset + 4 * i};
+ addr_xy[i] = fmt::format("ftou({}[{}].{})", cbuf, addr_loc / 16, Swizzle(addr_loc));
+ size_xy[i] = fmt::format("ftou({}[{}].{})", cbuf, size_loc / 16, Swizzle(size_loc));
+ }
+ const auto addr_pack{fmt::format("packUint2x32(uvec2({},{}))", addr_xy[0], addr_xy[1])};
+ const auto addr_statment{fmt::format("uint64_t {}={};", ssbo_addr, addr_pack)};
+ func += addr_statment;
+ const auto size_vec{fmt::format("uvec2({},{})", size_xy[0], size_xy[1])};
+ const auto comp_lhs{fmt::format("(addr>={})", ssbo_addr)};
+ const auto comp_rhs{fmt::format("(addr<({}+uint64_t({})))", ssbo_addr, size_vec)};
+ const auto comparison{fmt::format("if({}&&{}){{", comp_lhs, comp_rhs)};
+ func += comparison;
+ const auto ssbo_name{fmt::format("{}_ssbo{}", stage_name, index)};
+ func += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(return_statement), ssbo_name, ssbo_addr);
+ }};
+ std::string write_func{"void WriteGlobal32(uint64_t addr,uint data){"};
+ std::string write_func_64{"void WriteGlobal64(uint64_t addr,uvec2 data){"};
+ std::string write_func_128{"void WriteGlobal128(uint64_t addr,uvec4 data){"};
+ std::string load_func{"uint LoadGlobal32(uint64_t addr){"};
+ std::string load_func_64{"uvec2 LoadGlobal64(uint64_t addr){"};
+ std::string load_func_128{"uvec4 LoadGlobal128(uint64_t addr){"};
+ const size_t num_buffers{info.storage_buffers_descriptors.size()};
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < num_buffers; ++index) {
+ if (!info.nvn_buffer_used[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ define_body(write_func, index, "{0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2]=data;return;}}");
+ define_body(write_func_64, index,
+ "{0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2]=data.x;{0}[uint(addr-{1}+4)>>2]=data.y;return;}}");
+ define_body(write_func_128, index,
+ "{0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2]=data.x;{0}[uint(addr-{1}+4)>>2]=data.y;{0}[uint("
+ "addr-{1}+8)>>2]=data.z;{0}[uint(addr-{1}+12)>>2]=data.w;return;}}");
+ define_body(load_func, index, "return {0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2];}}");
+ define_body(load_func_64, index,
+ "return uvec2({0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2],{0}[uint(addr-{1}+4)>>2]);}}");
+ define_body(load_func_128, index,
+ "return uvec4({0}[uint(addr-{1})>>2],{0}[uint(addr-{1}+4)>>2],{0}["
+ "uint(addr-{1}+8)>>2],{0}[uint(addr-{1}+12)>>2]);}}");
+ }
+ write_func += '}';
+ write_func_64 += '}';
+ write_func_128 += '}';
+ load_func += "return 0u;}";
+ load_func_64 += "return uvec2(0);}";
+ load_func_128 += "return uvec4(0);}";
+ return write_func + write_func_64 + write_func_128 + load_func + load_func_64 + load_func_128;
+void EmitContext::SetupImages(Bindings& bindings) {
+ image_buffers.reserve(info.image_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.image_buffer_descriptors) {
+ image_buffers.push_back({bindings.image, desc.count});
+ const auto format{ImageFormatString(desc.format)};
+ const auto qualifier{ImageAccessQualifier(desc.is_written, desc.is_read)};
+ const auto array_decorator{desc.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", desc.count) : ""};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}{}) uniform {}uimageBuffer img{}{};",
+ bindings.image, format, qualifier, bindings.image, array_decorator);
+ bindings.image += desc.count;
+ }
+ images.reserve(info.image_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.image_descriptors) {
+ images.push_back({bindings.image, desc.count});
+ const auto format{ImageFormatString(desc.format)};
+ const auto image_type{ImageType(desc.type)};
+ const auto qualifier{ImageAccessQualifier(desc.is_written, desc.is_read)};
+ const auto array_decorator{desc.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", desc.count) : ""};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}{})uniform {}{} img{}{};", bindings.image, format,
+ qualifier, image_type, bindings.image, array_decorator);
+ bindings.image += desc.count;
+ }
+void EmitContext::SetupTextures(Bindings& bindings) {
+ texture_buffers.reserve(info.texture_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.texture_buffer_descriptors) {
+ texture_buffers.push_back({bindings.texture, desc.count});
+ const auto sampler_type{SamplerType(TextureType::Buffer, false)};
+ const auto array_decorator{desc.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", desc.count) : ""};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}) uniform {} tex{}{};", bindings.texture,
+ sampler_type, bindings.texture, array_decorator);
+ bindings.texture += desc.count;
+ }
+ textures.reserve(info.texture_descriptors.size());
+ for (const auto& desc : info.texture_descriptors) {
+ textures.push_back({bindings.texture, desc.count});
+ const auto sampler_type{SamplerType(desc.type, desc.is_depth)};
+ const auto array_decorator{desc.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", desc.count) : ""};
+ header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}) uniform {} tex{}{};", bindings.texture,
+ sampler_type, bindings.texture, array_decorator);
+ bindings.texture += desc.count;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineConstants() {
+ if (info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ header += "const float FSWZ_A[]=float[4](-1.f,1.f,-1.f,0.f);"
+ "const float FSWZ_B[]=float[4](-1.f,-1.f,1.f,-1.f);";
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9b639d290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/stage.h"
+namespace Shader {
+struct Info;
+struct Profile;
+struct RuntimeInfo;
+} // namespace Shader
+namespace Shader::Backend {
+struct Bindings;
+namespace Shader::IR {
+class Inst;
+struct Program;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+struct GenericElementInfo {
+ std::string name;
+ u32 first_element{};
+ u32 num_components{};
+struct TextureImageDefinition {
+ u32 binding;
+ u32 count;
+class EmitContext {
+ explicit EmitContext(IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings, const Profile& profile_,
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_);
+ template <GlslVarType type, typename... Args>
+ void Add(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ const auto var_def{var_alloc.AddDefine(inst, type)};
+ if (var_def.empty()) {
+ // skip assigment.
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str + 3), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ } else {
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), var_def, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ // TODO: Remove this
+ code += '\n';
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU1(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U1>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF16x2(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F16x2>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU32(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U32>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF32(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F32>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU64(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U64>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF64(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F64>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU32x2(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U32x2>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF32x2(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F32x2>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU32x3(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U32x3>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF32x3(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F32x3>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddU32x4(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::U32x4>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddF32x4(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::F32x4>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddPrecF32(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::PrecF32>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void AddPrecF64(const char* format_str, IR::Inst& inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Add<GlslVarType::PrecF64>(format_str, inst, args...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void Add(const char* format_str, Args&&... args) {
+ code += fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ // TODO: Remove this
+ code += '\n';
+ }
+ std::string header;
+ std::string code;
+ VarAlloc var_alloc;
+ const Info& info;
+ const Profile& profile;
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info;
+ Stage stage{};
+ std::string_view stage_name = "invalid";
+ std::string_view position_name = "gl_Position";
+ std::vector<TextureImageDefinition> texture_buffers;
+ std::vector<TextureImageDefinition> image_buffers;
+ std::vector<TextureImageDefinition> textures;
+ std::vector<TextureImageDefinition> images;
+ std::array<std::array<GenericElementInfo, 4>, 32> output_generics{};
+ u32 num_safety_loop_vars{};
+ bool uses_y_direction{};
+ bool uses_cc_carry{};
+ bool uses_geometry_passthrough{};
+ void SetupExtensions();
+ void DefineConstantBuffers(Bindings& bindings);
+ void DefineStorageBuffers(Bindings& bindings);
+ void DefineGenericOutput(size_t index, u32 invocations);
+ void DefineHelperFunctions();
+ void DefineConstants();
+ std::string DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions();
+ void SetupImages(Bindings& bindings);
+ void SetupTextures(Bindings& bindings);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a430d5739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "common/settings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/ir_emitter.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+template <class Func>
+struct FuncTraits {};
+template <class ReturnType_, class... Args>
+struct FuncTraits<ReturnType_ (*)(Args...)> {
+ using ReturnType = ReturnType_;
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_ARGS = sizeof...(Args);
+ template <size_t I>
+ using ArgType = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<Args...>>;
+template <auto func, typename... Args>
+void SetDefinition(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Args... args) {
+ inst->SetDefinition<Id>(func(ctx, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+template <typename ArgType>
+auto Arg(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& arg) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, std::string_view>) {
+ return ctx.var_alloc.Consume(arg);
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, const IR::Value&>) {
+ return arg;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, u32>) {
+ return arg.U32();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Attribute>) {
+ return arg.Attribute();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Patch>) {
+ return arg.Patch();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Reg>) {
+ return arg.Reg();
+ }
+template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst, size_t... I>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename Traits::ReturnType, Id>) {
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ SetDefinition<func>(
+ ctx, inst, *inst,
+ Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ } else {
+ SetDefinition<func>(
+ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ func(ctx, *inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ } else {
+ func(ctx, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ }
+ }
+template <auto func>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ static_assert(Traits::NUM_ARGS >= 1, "Insufficient arguments");
+ if constexpr (Traits::NUM_ARGS == 1) {
+ Invoke<func, false>(ctx, inst, std::make_index_sequence<0>{});
+ } else {
+ using FirstArgType = typename Traits::template ArgType<1>;
+ static constexpr bool is_first_arg_inst = std::is_same_v<FirstArgType, IR::Inst&>;
+ using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<Traits::NUM_ARGS - (is_first_arg_inst ? 2 : 1)>;
+ Invoke<func, is_first_arg_inst>(ctx, inst, Indices{});
+ }
+void EmitInst(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ switch (inst->GetOpcode()) {
+#define OPCODE(name, result_type, ...) \
+ case IR::Opcode::name: \
+ return Invoke<&Emit##name>(ctx, inst);
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/opcodes.inc"
+#undef OPCODE
+ }
+ throw LogicError("Invalid opcode {}", inst->GetOpcode());
+bool IsReference(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ return inst.GetOpcode() == IR::Opcode::Reference;
+void PrecolorInst(IR::Inst& phi) {
+ // Insert phi moves before references to avoid overwritting other phis
+ const size_t num_args{phi.NumArgs()};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ IR::Block& phi_block{*phi.PhiBlock(i)};
+ auto it{std::find_if_not(phi_block.rbegin(), phi_block.rend(), IsReference).base()};
+ IR::IREmitter ir{phi_block, it};
+ const IR::Value arg{phi.Arg(i)};
+ if (arg.IsImmediate()) {
+ ir.PhiMove(phi, arg);
+ } else {
+ ir.PhiMove(phi, IR::Value{arg.InstRecursive()});
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ IR::IREmitter{*phi.PhiBlock(i)}.Reference(IR::Value{&phi});
+ }
+void Precolor(const IR::Program& program) {
+ for (IR::Block* const block : program.blocks) {
+ for (IR::Inst& phi : block->Instructions()) {
+ if (!IR::IsPhi(phi)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PrecolorInst(phi);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitCode(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Program& program) {
+ for (const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& node : program.syntax_list) {
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block:
+ for (IR::Inst& inst : node.data.block->Instructions()) {
+ EmitInst(ctx, &inst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::If:
+ ctx.Add("if({}){{", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(node.data.if_node.cond));
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::EndIf:
+ ctx.Add("}}");
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Break:
+ if (node.data.break_node.cond.IsImmediate()) {
+ if (node.data.break_node.cond.U1()) {
+ ctx.Add("break;");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("if({}){{break;}}", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(node.data.break_node.cond));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Return:
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Unreachable:
+ ctx.Add("return;");
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Loop:
+ ctx.Add("for(;;){{");
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Repeat:
+ if (Settings::values.disable_shader_loop_safety_checks) {
+ ctx.Add("if(!{}){{break;}}}}", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(node.data.repeat.cond));
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("if(--loop{}<0 || !{}){{break;}}}}", ctx.num_safety_loop_vars++,
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(node.data.repeat.cond));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("AbstractSyntaxNode Type {}", node.type);
+ }
+ }
+std::string GlslVersionSpecifier(const EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.uses_y_direction || ctx.info.stores.Legacy() || ctx.info.loads.Legacy()) {
+ return " compatibility";
+ }
+ return "";
+bool IsPreciseType(GlslVarType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF32:
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF64:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+void DefineVariables(const EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast<u32>(GlslVarType::Void); ++i) {
+ const auto type{static_cast<GlslVarType>(i)};
+ const auto& tracker{ctx.var_alloc.GetUseTracker(type)};
+ const auto type_name{ctx.var_alloc.GetGlslType(type)};
+ const bool has_precise_bug{ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment && ctx.profile.has_gl_precise_bug};
+ const auto precise{!has_precise_bug && IsPreciseType(type) ? "precise " : ""};
+ // Temps/return types that are never used are stored at index 0
+ if (tracker.uses_temp) {
+ header += fmt::format("{}{} t{}={}(0);", precise, type_name,
+ ctx.var_alloc.Representation(0, type), type_name);
+ }
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < tracker.num_used; ++index) {
+ header += fmt::format("{}{} {}={}(0);", precise, type_name,
+ ctx.var_alloc.Representation(index, type), type_name);
+ }
+ }
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < ctx.num_safety_loop_vars; ++i) {
+ header += fmt::format("int loop{}=0x2000;", i);
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+std::string EmitGLSL(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info, IR::Program& program,
+ Bindings& bindings) {
+ EmitContext ctx{program, bindings, profile, runtime_info};
+ Precolor(program);
+ EmitCode(ctx, program);
+ const std::string version{fmt::format("#version 450{}\n", GlslVersionSpecifier(ctx))};
+ ctx.header.insert(0, version);
+ if (program.shared_memory_size > 0) {
+ const auto requested_size{program.shared_memory_size};
+ const auto max_size{profile.gl_max_compute_smem_size};
+ const bool needs_clamp{requested_size > max_size};
+ if (needs_clamp) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Requested shared memory size ({}) exceeds device limit ({})",
+ requested_size, max_size);
+ }
+ const auto smem_size{needs_clamp ? max_size : requested_size};
+ ctx.header += fmt::format("shared uint smem[{}];", Common::DivCeil(smem_size, 4U));
+ }
+ ctx.header += "void main(){\n";
+ if (program.local_memory_size > 0) {
+ ctx.header += fmt::format("uint lmem[{}];", Common::DivCeil(program.local_memory_size, 4U));
+ }
+ DefineVariables(ctx, ctx.header);
+ if (ctx.uses_cc_carry) {
+ ctx.header += "uint carry;";
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_subgroup_shuffles) {
+ ctx.header += "bool shfl_in_bounds;";
+ }
+ ctx.code.insert(0, ctx.header);
+ ctx.code += '}';
+ return ctx.code;
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20e5719e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+[[nodiscard]] std::string EmitGLSL(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings);
+[[nodiscard]] inline std::string EmitGLSL(const Profile& profile, IR::Program& program) {
+ Bindings binding;
+ return EmitGLSL(profile, {}, program, binding);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_atomic.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_atomic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..772acc5a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_atomic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+constexpr char cas_loop[]{
+ "for (;;){{uint old={};{}=atomicCompSwap({},old,{}({},{}));if({}==old){{break;}}}}"};
+void SharedCasFunction(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset,
+ std::string_view value, std::string_view function) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ const std::string smem{fmt::format("smem[{}>>2]", offset)};
+ ctx.Add(cas_loop, smem, ret, smem, function, smem, value, ret);
+void SsboCasFunction(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value, std::string_view function) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ const std::string ssbo{fmt::format("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset))};
+ ctx.Add(cas_loop, ssbo, ret, ssbo, function, ssbo, value, ret);
+void SsboCasFunctionF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view function) {
+ const std::string ssbo{fmt::format("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset))};
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add(cas_loop, ssbo, ret, ssbo, function, ssbo, value, ret);
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=utof({});", inst, ret);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicAdd(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const std::string u32_value{fmt::format("uint({})", value)};
+ SharedCasFunction(ctx, inst, pointer_offset, u32_value, "CasMinS32");
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicMin(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const std::string u32_value{fmt::format("uint({})", value)};
+ SharedCasFunction(ctx, inst, pointer_offset, u32_value, "CasMaxS32");
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicMax(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ SharedCasFunction(ctx, inst, pointer_offset, value, "CasIncrement");
+void EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ SharedCasFunction(ctx, inst, pointer_offset, value, "CasDecrement");
+void EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicAnd(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicOr(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicXor(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicExchange(smem[{}>>2],{});", inst, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2(smem[{}>>2],smem[({}+4)>>2]));", inst, pointer_offset,
+ pointer_offset);
+ ctx.Add("smem[{}>>2]=unpackUint2x32({}).x;smem[({}+4)>>2]=unpackUint2x32({}).y;",
+ pointer_offset, value, pointer_offset, value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicAdd({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ const std::string u32_value{fmt::format("uint({})", value)};
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, u32_value, "CasMinS32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicMin({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ const std::string u32_value{fmt::format("uint({})", value)};
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, u32_value, "CasMaxS32");
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicMax({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasIncrement");
+void EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasDecrement");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicAnd({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicOr({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicXor({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=atomicExchange({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{});", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]));", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset));
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]+=unpackUint2x32({}).x;{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]+=unpackUint2x32({}).y;",
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packInt2x32(ivec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]));", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset));
+ ctx.Add("for(int i=0;i<2;++i){{ "
+ "{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]=uint(min(int({}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]),unpackInt2x32(int64_t({}))[i])"
+ ");}}",
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]));", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset));
+ ctx.Add("for(int i=0;i<2;++i){{ "
+ "{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]=min({}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i],unpackUint2x32(uint64_t({}))[i]);}}",
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packInt2x32(ivec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]));", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset));
+ ctx.Add("for(int i=0;i<2;++i){{ "
+ "{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]=uint(max(int({}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]),unpackInt2x32(int64_t({}))[i])"
+ ");}}",
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1]));", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset));
+ ctx.Add("for(int "
+ "i=0;i<2;++i){{{}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i]=max({}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+i],unpackUint2x32(uint64_t({}"
+ "))[i]);}}",
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64(
+ "{}=packUint2x32(uvec2(atomicAnd({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],unpackUint2x32({}).x),atomicAnd({}_"
+ "ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1],unpackUint2x32({}).y)));",
+ inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2(atomicOr({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],unpackUint2x32({}).x),atomicOr({}_"
+ "ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1],unpackUint2x32({}).y)));",
+ inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64(
+ "{}=packUint2x32(uvec2(atomicXor({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],unpackUint2x32({}).x),atomicXor({}_"
+ "ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1],unpackUint2x32({}).y)));",
+ inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32(uvec2(atomicExchange({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],unpackUint2x32({}).x),"
+ "atomicExchange({}_ssbo{}[({}>>2)+1],unpackUint2x32({}).y)));",
+ inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset), value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunctionF32(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatAdd");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatAdd16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatAdd32x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatMin16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatMin32x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatMax16x2");
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value) {
+ SsboCasFunction(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "CasFloatMax32x2");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("GLSL Instrucion");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_barriers.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_barriers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1d1b558e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_barriers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("barrier();");
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("groupMemoryBarrier();");
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("memoryBarrier();");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_bitwise_conversion.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_bitwise_conversion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c1714e89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_bitwise_conversion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+void Alias(IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ if (value.IsImmediate()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IR::Inst& value_inst{*value.InstRecursive()};
+ value_inst.DestructiveAddUsage(inst.UseCount());
+ value_inst.DestructiveRemoveUsage();
+ inst.SetDefinition(value_inst.Definition<Id>());
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitIdentity(EmitContext&, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ Alias(inst, value);
+void EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value) {
+ // Fake one usage to get a real variable out of the condition
+ inst.DestructiveAddUsage(1);
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U1)};
+ const auto input{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(value)};
+ if (ret != input) {
+ ctx.Add("{}={};", ret, input);
+ }
+void EmitBitCastU16F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=ftou({});", inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=doubleBitsToUint64({});", inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastF16U16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=utof({});", inst, value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=uint64BitsToDouble({});", inst, value);
+void EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=packUint2x32({});", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=unpackUint2x32({});", inst, value);
+void EmitPackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=packFloat2x16({});", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF16x2("{}=unpackFloat2x16({});", inst, value);
+void EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=packHalf2x16({});", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32x2("{}=unpackHalf2x16({});", inst, value);
+void EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=packDouble2x32({});", inst, value);
+void EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=unpackDouble2x32({});", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_composite.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_composite.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49a66e3ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_composite.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+constexpr std::string_view SWIZZLE{"xyzw"};
+void CompositeInsert(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view result, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ if (result == composite) {
+ // The result is aliased with the composite
+ ctx.Add("{}.{}={};", composite, SWIZZLE[index], object);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}={};{}.{}={};", result, composite, result, SWIZZLE[index], object);
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2({},{});", inst, e1, e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3) {
+ ctx.AddU32x3("{}=uvec3({},{},{});", inst, e1, e2, e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3, std::string_view e4) {
+ ctx.AddU32x4("{}=uvec4({},{},{},{});", inst, e1, e2, e3, e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32x2)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32x3)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32x4)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e2) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e2,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e3) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e1,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e2,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e3,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view e4) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view composite,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view object,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u32 index) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2) {
+ ctx.AddF32x2("{}=vec2({},{});", inst, e1, e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3) {
+ ctx.AddF32x3("{}=vec3({},{},{});", inst, e1, e2, e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3, std::string_view e4) {
+ ctx.AddF32x4("{}=vec4({},{},{},{});", inst, e1, e2, e3, e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}.{};", inst, composite, SWIZZLE[index]);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x2)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x3)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ CompositeInsert(ctx, ret, composite, object, index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x2(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.Add("{}.{}={};", composite, SWIZZLE[index], object);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x3(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.Add("{}.{}={};", composite, SWIZZLE[index], object);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x4(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index) {
+ ctx.Add("{}.{}={};", composite, SWIZZLE[index], object);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_context_get_set.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_context_get_set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..580063fa9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_context_get_set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+constexpr char SWIZZLE[]{"xyzw"};
+u32 CbufIndex(u32 offset) {
+ return (offset / 4) % 4;
+char OffsetSwizzle(u32 offset) {
+ return SWIZZLE[CbufIndex(offset)];
+bool IsInputArray(Stage stage) {
+ return stage == Stage::Geometry || stage == Stage::TessellationControl ||
+ stage == Stage::TessellationEval;
+std::string InputVertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view vertex) {
+ return IsInputArray(ctx.stage) ? fmt::format("[{}]", vertex) : "";
+std::string_view OutputVertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? "[gl_InvocationID]" : "";
+void GetCbuf(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view ret, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, u32 num_bits, std::string_view cast = {},
+ std::string_view bit_offset = {}) {
+ const bool is_immediate{offset.IsImmediate()};
+ const bool component_indexing_bug{!is_immediate && ctx.profile.has_gl_component_indexing_bug};
+ if (is_immediate) {
+ const s32 signed_offset{static_cast<s32>(offset.U32())};
+ static constexpr u32 cbuf_size{0x10000};
+ if (signed_offset < 0 || offset.U32() > cbuf_size) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Immediate constant buffer offset is out of bounds");
+ ctx.Add("{}=0u;", ret);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto index{is_immediate ? fmt::format("{}", offset.U32() / 16)
+ : fmt::format("{}>>4", offset_var)};
+ const auto swizzle{is_immediate ? fmt::format(".{}", OffsetSwizzle(offset.U32()))
+ : fmt::format("[({}>>2)%4]", offset_var)};
+ const auto cbuf{fmt::format("{}_cbuf{}", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32())};
+ const auto cbuf_cast{fmt::format("{}({}[{}]{{}})", cast, cbuf, index)};
+ const auto extraction{num_bits == 32 ? cbuf_cast
+ : fmt ::format("bitfieldExtract({},int({}),{})", cbuf_cast,
+ bit_offset, num_bits)};
+ if (!component_indexing_bug) {
+ const auto result{fmt::format(fmt::runtime(extraction), swizzle)};
+ ctx.Add("{}={};", ret, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto cbuf_offset{fmt::format("{}>>2", offset_var)};
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ const auto swizzle_string{fmt::format(".{}", "xyzw"[i])};
+ const auto result{fmt::format(fmt::runtime(extraction), swizzle_string)};
+ ctx.Add("if(({}&3)=={}){}={};", cbuf_offset, i, ret, result);
+ }
+void GetCbuf8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view cast) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("{}", (offset.U32() % 4) * 8)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 8, cast, bit_offset);
+ } else {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("({}%4)*8", offset_var)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 8, cast, bit_offset);
+ }
+void GetCbuf16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view cast) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("{}", ((offset.U32() / 2) % 2) * 16)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 16, cast, bit_offset);
+ } else {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("(({}>>1)%2)*16", offset_var)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 16, cast, bit_offset);
+ }
+u32 TexCoordIndex(IR::Attribute attr) {
+ return (static_cast<u32>(attr) - static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S)) / 4;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ GetCbuf8(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "ftou");
+void EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ GetCbuf8(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "ftoi");
+void EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ GetCbuf16(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "ftou");
+void EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ GetCbuf16(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "ftoi");
+void EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 32, "ftou");
+void EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32)};
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 32);
+void EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto cbuf{fmt::format("{}_cbuf{}", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32())};
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ static constexpr u32 cbuf_size{0x10000};
+ const u32 u32_offset{offset.U32()};
+ const s32 signed_offset{static_cast<s32>(offset.U32())};
+ if (signed_offset < 0 || u32_offset > cbuf_size) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Immediate constant buffer offset is out of bounds");
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(0u);", inst);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (u32_offset % 2 == 0) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=ftou({}[{}].{}{});", inst, cbuf, u32_offset / 16,
+ OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset), OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset + 4));
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(ftou({}[{}].{}),ftou({}[{}].{}));", inst, cbuf, u32_offset / 16,
+ OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset), cbuf, (u32_offset + 4) / 16,
+ OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset + 4));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ if (!ctx.profile.has_gl_component_indexing_bug) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(ftou({}[{}>>4][({}>>2)%4]),ftou({}[({}+4)>>4][(({}+4)>>2)%4]));",
+ inst, cbuf, offset_var, offset_var, cbuf, offset_var, offset_var);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32x2)};
+ const auto cbuf_offset{fmt::format("{}>>2", offset_var)};
+ for (u32 swizzle = 0; swizzle < 4; ++swizzle) {
+ ctx.Add("if(({}&3)=={}){}=uvec2(ftou({}[{}>>4].{}),ftou({}[({}+4)>>4].{}));", cbuf_offset,
+ swizzle, ret, cbuf, offset_var, "xyzw"[swizzle], cbuf, offset_var,
+ "xyzw"[(swizzle + 1) % 4]);
+ }
+void EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr,
+ std::string_view vertex) {
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ if (!ctx.runtime_info.previous_stage_stores.Generic(index, element)) {
+ if (element == 3) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=1.f;", inst, attr);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=0.f;", inst, attr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=in_attr{}{}.{};", inst, index, InputVertexIndex(ctx, vertex), swizzle);
+ return;
+ }
+ // GLSL only exposes 8 legacy texcoords
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture8S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture9Q) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "GLSL does not allow access to gl_TexCoord[{}]",
+ TexCoordIndex(attr));
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=0.f;", inst);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture7Q) {
+ const u32 index{TexCoordIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_TexCoord[{}].{};", inst, index, swizzle);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_PrimitiveID);", inst);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW: {
+ const bool is_array{IsInputArray(ctx.stage)};
+ const auto input_decorator{is_array ? fmt::format("gl_in[{}].", vertex) : ""};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}{}.{};", inst, input_decorator, ctx.position_name, swizzle);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseA:
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_Color.{};", inst, swizzle);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_FrontColor.{};", inst, swizzle);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteS:
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteT:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_PointCoord.{};", inst, swizzle);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointU:
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointV:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_TessCoord.{};", inst, swizzle);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::InstanceId:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_InstanceID);", inst);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::VertexId:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_VertexID);", inst);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::FrontFace:
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_FrontFacing?-1:0);", inst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Get attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, std::string_view value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view vertex) {
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ const u32 attr_element{IR::GenericAttributeElement(attr)};
+ const GenericElementInfo& info{ctx.output_generics.at(index).at(attr_element)};
+ const auto output_decorator{OutputVertexIndex(ctx)};
+ if (info.num_components == 1) {
+ ctx.Add("{}{}={};", info.name, output_decorator, value);
+ } else {
+ const u32 index_element{attr_element - info.first_element};
+ ctx.Add("{}{}.{}={};", info.name, output_decorator, "xyzw"[index_element], value);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ // GLSL only exposes 8 legacy texcoords
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture8S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture9Q) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "GLSL does not allow access to gl_TexCoord[{}]",
+ TexCoordIndex(attr));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attr >= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture0S && attr <= IR::Attribute::FixedFncTexture7Q) {
+ const u32 index{TexCoordIndex(attr)};
+ ctx.Add("gl_TexCoord[{}].{}={};", index, swizzle, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::Layer:
+ if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry &&
+ !ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Shader stores viewport layer but device does not support "
+ "viewport layer extension");
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.Add("gl_Layer=ftoi({});", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex:
+ if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry &&
+ !ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Shader stores viewport index but device does not support "
+ "viewport layer extension");
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.Add("gl_ViewportIndex=ftoi({});", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportMask:
+ if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry && !ctx.profile.support_viewport_mask) {
+ Shader_GLSL,
+ "Shader stores viewport mask but device does not support viewport mask extension");
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.Add("gl_ViewportMask[0]=ftoi({});", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSize:
+ ctx.Add("gl_PointSize={};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW:
+ ctx.Add("gl_Position.{}={};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontDiffuseA:
+ ctx.Add("gl_FrontColor.{}={};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorFrontSpecularA:
+ ctx.Add("gl_FrontSecondaryColor.{}={};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackDiffuseA:
+ ctx.Add("gl_BackColor.{}={};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularR:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularG:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularB:
+ case IR::Attribute::ColorBackSpecularA:
+ ctx.Add("gl_BackSecondaryColor.{}={};", swizzle, value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::FogCoordinate:
+ ctx.Add("gl_FogFragCoord={};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance1:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance2:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance3:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance4:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance5:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance6:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance7: {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(attr) - static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0)};
+ ctx.Add("gl_ClipDistance[{}]={};", index, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Set attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+void EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset,
+ std::string_view vertex) {
+ const bool is_array{ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry};
+ const auto vertex_arg{is_array ? fmt::format(",{}", vertex) : ""};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=IndexedAttrLoad(int({}){});", inst, offset, vertex_arg);
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view offset,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view vertex) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Patch patch) {
+ if (!IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Non-generic patch load");
+ }
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)};
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=patch{}.{};", inst, index, swizzle);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, std::string_view value) {
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)};
+ ctx.Add("patch{}.{}={};", index, "xyzw"[element], value);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (patch) {
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodRight:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodTop:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodBottom: {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(patch) - u32(IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft)};
+ ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelOuter[{}]={};", index, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorU:
+ ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelInner[0]={};", value);
+ break;
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorV:
+ ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelInner[1]={};", value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Patch {}", patch);
+ }
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, std::string_view value) {
+ const char swizzle{"xyzw"[component]};
+ ctx.Add("frag_color{}.{}={};", index, swizzle, value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("gl_SampleMask[0]=int({});", value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("gl_FragDepth={};", value);
+void EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32x3("{}=gl_LocalInvocationID;", inst);
+void EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32x3("{}=gl_WorkGroupID;", inst);
+void EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_InvocationID);", inst);
+void EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SampleID);", inst);
+void EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=gl_HelperInvocation;", inst);
+void EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.uses_y_direction = true;
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_FrontMaterial.ambient.a;", inst);
+void EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view word_offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=lmem[{}];", inst, word_offset);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view word_offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("lmem[{}]={};", word_offset, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_control_flow.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_control_flow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53f8896be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_control_flow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/exception.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Join shouldn't be emitted");
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ ctx.Add("discard;");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_convert.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_convert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeae6562c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_convert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitConvertS16F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=(int({})&0xffff)|(bitfieldExtract(int({}),31,1)<<15);", inst, value, value);
+void EmitConvertS16F64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertS32F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=int({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=int({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertS64F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=int64_t({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=int64_t({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU16F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertU16F32([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertU16F64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertU32F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU64F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=uint64_t({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=uint64_t({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=uint64_t({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF16F32([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32F16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=double({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF16S8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16S16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16S32([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16S64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16U8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16U16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16U32([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF16U64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32S8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32S16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float(int({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float(int64_t({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF32U8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float({}&0xffff);", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=float({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF64S8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF64S16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=double(int({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=double(int64_t({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF64U8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF64U16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=double({});", inst, value);
+void EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=double({});", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_floating_point.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_floating_point.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d423bfb1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_floating_point.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+void Compare(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs,
+ std::string_view op, bool ordered) {
+ const auto nan_op{ordered ? "&&!" : "||"};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}{}{}"
+ "{}isnan({}){}isnan({});",
+ inst, lhs, op, rhs, nan_op, lhs, nan_op, rhs);
+bool IsPrecise(const IR::Inst& inst) {
+ return inst.Flags<IR::FpControl>().no_contraction;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitFPAbs16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=abs({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=abs({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPAdd16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view a, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view b) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF32("{}={}+{};", inst, a, b);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}+{};", inst, a, b);
+ }
+void EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF64("{}={}+{};", inst, a, b);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}={}+{};", inst, a, b);
+ }
+void EmitFPFma16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view a, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view b,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view c) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ std::string_view c) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF32("{}=fma({},{},{});", inst, a, b, c);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=fma({},{},{});", inst, a, b, c);
+ }
+void EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ std::string_view c) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF64("{}=fma({},{},{});", inst, a, b, c);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=fma({},{},{});", inst, a, b, c);
+ }
+void EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=max({},{});", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=max({},{});", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=min({},{});", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=min({},{});", inst, a, b);
+void EmitFPMul16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view a, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view b) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF32("{}={}*{};", inst, a, b);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}*{};", inst, a, b);
+ }
+void EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ if (IsPrecise(inst)) {
+ ctx.AddPrecF64("{}={}*{};", inst, a, b);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}={}*{};", inst, a, b);
+ }
+void EmitFPNeg16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=-({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=-({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=sin({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=cos({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=exp2({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=log2({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=(1.0f)/{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecip64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=1.0/{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt32([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=inversesqrt({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt64([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=sqrt({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPSaturate16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=min(max({},0.0),1.0);", inst, value);
+void EmitFPSaturate64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=min(max({},0.0),1.0);", inst, value);
+void EmitFPClamp16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view min_value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view max_value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view min_value, std::string_view max_value) {
+ // GLSL's clamp does not produce desirable results
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=min(max({},float({})),float({}));", inst, value, min_value, max_value);
+void EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view min_value, std::string_view max_value) {
+ // GLSL's clamp does not produce desirable results
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=min(max({},double({})),double({}));", inst, value, min_value, max_value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=roundEven({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=roundEven({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPFloor16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=floor({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=floor({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCeil16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=ceil({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=ceil({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPTrunc16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=trunc({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}=trunc({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "==", true);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "==", true);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "==", false);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "==", false);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "!=", true);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "!=", true);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "!=", false);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "!=", false);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<", true);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<", true);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<", false);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<", false);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">", true);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">", true);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">", false);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">", false);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<=", true);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<=", true);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<=", false);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, "<=", false);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">=", true);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">=", true);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view lhs,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view rhs) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">=", false);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ Compare(ctx, inst, lhs, rhs, ">=", false);
+void EmitFPIsNan16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=isnan({});", inst, value);
+void EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=isnan({});", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_image.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_image.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..447eb8e0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_image.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+std::string Texture(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::TextureInstInfo& info, const IR::Value& index) {
+ const auto def{info.type == TextureType::Buffer ? ctx.texture_buffers.at(info.descriptor_index)
+ : ctx.textures.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ const auto index_offset{def.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(index)) : ""};
+ return fmt::format("tex{}{}", def.binding, index_offset);
+std::string Image(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::TextureInstInfo& info, const IR::Value& index) {
+ const auto def{info.type == TextureType::Buffer ? ctx.image_buffers.at(info.descriptor_index)
+ : ctx.images.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ const auto index_offset{def.count > 1 ? fmt::format("[{}]", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(index)) : ""};
+ return fmt::format("img{}{}", def.binding, index_offset);
+std::string CastToIntVec(std::string_view value, const IR::TextureInstInfo& info) {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return fmt::format("int({})", value);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return fmt::format("ivec2({})", value);
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return fmt::format("ivec3({})", value);
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return fmt::format("ivec4({})", value);
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Integer cast for TextureType {}", info.type.Value());
+ }
+std::string CoordsCastToInt(std::string_view value, const IR::TextureInstInfo& info) {
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return fmt::format("int({})", value);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return fmt::format("ivec2({})", value);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return fmt::format("ivec3({})", value);
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return fmt::format("ivec4({})", value);
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("TexelFetchCast type {}", info.type.Value());
+ }
+bool NeedsShadowLodExt(TextureType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+std::string GetOffsetVec(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ return fmt::format("int({})", offset.U32());
+ }
+ IR::Inst* const inst{offset.InstRecursive()};
+ if (inst->AreAllArgsImmediates()) {
+ switch (inst->GetOpcode()) {
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x2:
+ return fmt::format("ivec2({},{})", inst->Arg(0).U32(), inst->Arg(1).U32());
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x3:
+ return fmt::format("ivec3({},{},{})", inst->Arg(0).U32(), inst->Arg(1).U32(),
+ inst->Arg(2).U32());
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x4:
+ return fmt::format("ivec4({},{},{},{})", inst->Arg(0).U32(), inst->Arg(1).U32(),
+ inst->Arg(2).U32(), inst->Arg(3).U32());
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const bool has_var_aoffi{ctx.profile.support_gl_variable_aoffi};
+ if (!has_var_aoffi) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support variable texture offsets, STUBBING");
+ }
+ const auto offset_str{has_var_aoffi ? ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset) : "0"};
+ switch (offset.Type()) {
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ return fmt::format("int({})", offset_str);
+ case IR::Type::U32x2:
+ return fmt::format("ivec2({})", offset_str);
+ case IR::Type::U32x3:
+ return fmt::format("ivec3({})", offset_str);
+ case IR::Type::U32x4:
+ return fmt::format("ivec4({})", offset_str);
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Offset type {}", offset.Type());
+ }
+std::string PtpOffsets(const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ const std::array values{offset.InstRecursive(), offset2.InstRecursive()};
+ if (!values[0]->AreAllArgsImmediates() || !values[1]->AreAllArgsImmediates()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Not all arguments in PTP are immediate, STUBBING");
+ return "ivec2[](ivec2(0), ivec2(1), ivec2(2), ivec2(3))";
+ }
+ const IR::Opcode opcode{values[0]->GetOpcode()};
+ if (opcode != values[1]->GetOpcode() || opcode != IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x4) {
+ throw LogicError("Invalid PTP arguments");
+ }
+ auto read{[&](unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { return values[a]->Arg(b).U32(); }};
+ return fmt::format("ivec2[](ivec2({},{}),ivec2({},{}),ivec2({},{}),ivec2({},{}))", read(0, 0),
+ read(0, 1), read(0, 2), read(0, 3), read(1, 0), read(1, 1), read(1, 2),
+ read(1, 3));
+IR::Inst* PrepareSparse(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ const auto sparse_inst{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSparseFromOp)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ sparse_inst->Invalidate();
+ }
+ return sparse_inst;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view bias_lc,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleImplicitLod Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto bias{info.has_bias ? fmt::format(",{}", bias_lc) : ""};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const bool supports_sparse{ctx.profile.support_gl_sparse_textures};
+ if (sparse_inst && !supports_sparse) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support sparse texture queries. STUBBING");
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=true;", *sparse_inst);
+ }
+ if (!sparse_inst || !supports_sparse) {
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ const auto offset_str{GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset)};
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureOffset({},{},{}{});", texel, texture, coords, offset_str, bias);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureLodOffset({},{},0.0,{});", texel, texture, coords, offset_str);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=texture({},{}{});", texel, texture, coords, bias);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureLod({},{},0.0);", texel, texture, coords);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureOffsetARB({},{},{},{}{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, coords, GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset), texel, bias);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureARB({},{},{}{}));", *sparse_inst,
+ texture, coords, texel, bias);
+ }
+void EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view lod_lc,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleExplicitLod Bias texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleExplicitLod Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const bool supports_sparse{ctx.profile.support_gl_sparse_textures};
+ if (sparse_inst && !supports_sparse) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support sparse texture queries. STUBBING");
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=true;", *sparse_inst);
+ }
+ if (!sparse_inst || !supports_sparse) {
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureLodOffset({},{},{},{});", texel, texture, coords, lod_lc,
+ GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset));
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureLod({},{},{});", texel, texture, coords, lod_lc);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTexelFetchOffsetARB({},{},int({}),{},{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), lod_lc,
+ GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset), texel);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureLodARB({},{},{},{}));", *sparse_inst,
+ texture, coords, lod_lc, texel);
+ }
+void EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view dref,
+ std::string_view bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod Sparse texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod Bias texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto bias{info.has_bias ? fmt::format(",{}", bias_lc) : ""};
+ const bool needs_shadow_ext{NeedsShadowLodExt(info.type)};
+ const auto cast{needs_shadow_ext ? "vec4" : "vec3"};
+ const bool use_grad{!ctx.profile.support_gl_texture_shadow_lod &&
+ ctx.stage != Stage::Fragment && needs_shadow_ext};
+ if (use_grad) {
+ "Device lacks GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod. Using textureGrad fallback");
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "textureGrad does not support ColorArrayCube. Stubbing");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=0.0f;", inst);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto d_cast{info.type == TextureType::ColorArray2D ? "vec2" : "vec3"};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureGrad({},{}({},{}),{}(0),{}(0));", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref,
+ d_cast, d_cast);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ const auto offset_str{GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset)};
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureOffset({},{}({},{}),{}{});", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref,
+ offset_str, bias);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLodOffset({},{}({},{}),0.0,{});", inst, texture, cast, coords,
+ dref, offset_str);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=texture({},vec4({}),{});", inst, texture, coords, dref);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=texture({},{}({},{}){});", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref, bias);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLod({},{}({},{}),0.0);", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view dref,
+ std::string_view lod_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod Sparse texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod Bias texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const bool needs_shadow_ext{NeedsShadowLodExt(info.type)};
+ const bool use_grad{!ctx.profile.support_gl_texture_shadow_lod && needs_shadow_ext};
+ const auto cast{needs_shadow_ext ? "vec4" : "vec3"};
+ if (use_grad) {
+ "Device lacks GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod. Using textureGrad fallback");
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "textureGrad does not support ColorArrayCube. Stubbing");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=0.0f;", inst);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto d_cast{info.type == TextureType::ColorArray2D ? "vec2" : "vec3"};
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureGrad({},{}({},{}),{}(0),{}(0));", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref,
+ d_cast, d_cast);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ const auto offset_str{GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset)};
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLodOffset({},{},{},{},{});", inst, texture, coords, dref, lod_lc,
+ offset_str);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLodOffset({},{}({},{}),{},{});", inst, texture, cast, coords,
+ dref, lod_lc, offset_str);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (info.type == TextureType::ColorArrayCube) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLod({},{},{},{});", inst, texture, coords, dref, lod_lc);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=textureLod({},{}({},{}),{});", inst, texture, cast, coords, dref,
+ lod_lc);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const bool supports_sparse{ctx.profile.support_gl_sparse_textures};
+ if (sparse_inst && !supports_sparse) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support sparse texture queries. STUBBING");
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=true;", *sparse_inst);
+ }
+ if (!sparse_inst || !supports_sparse) {
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGather({},{},int({}));", texel, texture, coords,
+ info.gather_component);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGatherOffset({},{},{},int({}));", texel, texture, coords,
+ GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset), info.gather_component);
+ return;
+ }
+ // PTP
+ const auto offsets{PtpOffsets(offset, offset2)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGatherOffsets({},{},{},int({}));", texel, texture, coords, offsets,
+ info.gather_component);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherARB({},{},{},int({})));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, coords, texel, info.gather_component);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherOffsetARB({},{},{},{},int({})));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset),
+ texel, info.gather_component);
+ return;
+ }
+ // PTP
+ const auto offsets{PtpOffsets(offset, offset2)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherOffsetARB({},{},{},{},int({})));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), offsets, texel,
+ info.gather_component);
+void EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2,
+ std::string_view dref) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const bool supports_sparse{ctx.profile.support_gl_sparse_textures};
+ if (sparse_inst && !supports_sparse) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support sparse texture queries. STUBBING");
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=true;", *sparse_inst);
+ }
+ if (!sparse_inst || !supports_sparse) {
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGather({},{},{});", texel, texture, coords, dref);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGatherOffset({},{},{},{});", texel, texture, coords, dref,
+ GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset));
+ return;
+ }
+ // PTP
+ const auto offsets{PtpOffsets(offset, offset2)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGatherOffsets({},{},{},{});", texel, texture, coords, dref, offsets);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherARB({},{},{},{}));", *sparse_inst,
+ texture, coords, dref, texel);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherOffsetARB({},{},{},,{},{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), dref,
+ GetOffsetVec(ctx, offset), texel);
+ return;
+ }
+ // PTP
+ const auto offsets{PtpOffsets(offset, offset2)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTextureGatherOffsetARB({},{},{},,{},{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), dref, offsets, texel);
+void EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view offset, std::string_view lod,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view ms) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.has_bias) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageFetch Bias texture samples");
+ }
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageFetch Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const bool supports_sparse{ctx.profile.support_gl_sparse_textures};
+ if (sparse_inst && !supports_sparse) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support sparse texture queries. STUBBING");
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=true;", *sparse_inst);
+ }
+ if (!sparse_inst || !supports_sparse) {
+ if (!offset.empty()) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=texelFetchOffset({},{},int({}),{});", texel, texture,
+ CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), lod, CoordsCastToInt(offset, info));
+ } else {
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=texelFetch({},int({}));", texel, texture, coords);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}=texelFetch({},{},int({}));", texel, texture,
+ CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), lod);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!offset.empty()) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTexelFetchOffsetARB({},{},int({}),{},{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), lod,
+ CastToIntVec(offset, info), texel);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=sparseTexelsResidentARB(sparseTexelFetchARB({},{},int({}),{}));",
+ *sparse_inst, texture, CastToIntVec(coords, info), lod, texel);
+ }
+void EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view lod) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return ctx.AddU32x4(
+ "{}=uvec4(uint(textureSize({},int({}))),0u,0u,uint(textureQueryLevels({})));", inst,
+ texture, lod, texture);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return ctx.AddU32x4(
+ "{}=uvec4(uvec2(textureSize({},int({}))),0u,uint(textureQueryLevels({})));", inst,
+ texture, lod, texture);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return ctx.AddU32x4(
+ "{}=uvec4(uvec3(textureSize({},int({}))),uint(textureQueryLevels({})));", inst, texture,
+ lod, texture);
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageQueryDimensions Texture buffers");
+ }
+ throw LogicError("Unspecified image type {}", info.type.Value());
+void EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ return ctx.AddF32x4("{}=vec4(textureQueryLod({},{}),0.0,0.0);", inst, texture, coords);
+void EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& derivatives,
+ const IR::Value& offset, [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& lod_clamp) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.has_lod_clamp) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageGradient Lod clamp samples");
+ }
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageGradient Sparse");
+ }
+ if (!offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageGradient offset");
+ }
+ const auto texture{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ const auto texel{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32x4)};
+ const bool multi_component{info.num_derivates > 1 || info.has_lod_clamp};
+ const auto derivatives_vec{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(derivatives)};
+ if (multi_component) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGrad({},{},vec2({}.xz),vec2({}.yz));", texel, texture, coords,
+ derivatives_vec, derivatives_vec);
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}=textureGrad({},{},float({}.x),float({}.y));", texel, texture, coords,
+ derivatives_vec, derivatives_vec);
+ }
+void EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto sparse_inst{PrepareSparse(inst)};
+ if (sparse_inst) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("EmitImageRead Sparse");
+ }
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32x4("{}=uvec4(imageLoad({},{}));", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info));
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view color) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.Add("imageStore({},{},{});", image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), color);
+void EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicAdd({},{},{});", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicMin({},{},int({}));", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info),
+ value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicMin({},{},uint({}));", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info),
+ value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicMax({},{},int({}));", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info),
+ value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicMax({},{},uint({}));", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info),
+ value);
+void EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst&, const IR::Value&, std::string_view,
+ std::string_view) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst&, const IR::Value&, std::string_view,
+ std::string_view) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicAnd({},{},{});", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), value);
+void EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicOr({},{},{});", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), value);
+void EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicXor({},{},{});", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info), value);
+void EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto info{inst.Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const auto image{Image(ctx, info, index)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=imageAtomicExchange({},{},{});", inst, image, CoordsCastToInt(coords, info),
+ value);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5936d086fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <string_view>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+enum class Attribute : u64;
+enum class Patch : u64;
+class Inst;
+class Value;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+class EmitContext;
+#define NotImplemented() throw NotImplementedException("GLSL instruction {}", __func__)
+// Microinstruction emitters
+void EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitIdentity(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitReference(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& phi, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream);
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream);
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr,
+ std::string_view vertex);
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view vertex);
+void EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset,
+ std::string_view vertex);
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view vertex);
+void EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Patch patch);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, std::string_view value);
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, std::string_view value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value);
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view word_offset);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view word_offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitUndefU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address);
+void EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address);
+void EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value);
+void EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3, std::string_view e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view e1, std::string_view e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view e1, std::string_view e2,
+ std::string_view e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view e1, std::string_view e2,
+ std::string_view e3, std::string_view e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view e1,
+ std::string_view e2, std::string_view e3, std::string_view e4);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view composite,
+ std::string_view object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x2(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x3(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeInsertF64x4(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view composite, std::string_view object,
+ u32 index);
+void EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectU8(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view cond, std::string_view true_value,
+ std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectU16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view cond, std::string_view true_value,
+ std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectF16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view cond, std::string_view true_value,
+ std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitSelectF64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value);
+void EmitBitCastU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBitCastF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitPackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitUnpackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitFPAbs16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPAdd16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPFma16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ std::string_view c);
+void EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ std::string_view c);
+void EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ std::string_view c);
+void EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMul16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitFPNeg16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRecip64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRecipSqrt64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPSaturate16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPSaturate64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPClamp16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view min_value, std::string_view max_value);
+void EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view min_value, std::string_view max_value);
+void EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view min_value, std::string_view max_value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPFloor16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPCeil16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPTrunc16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitFPIsNan16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift);
+void EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view insert, std::string_view offset, std::string_view count);
+void EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view offset, std::string_view count);
+void EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view offset, std::string_view count);
+void EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view min,
+ std::string_view max);
+void EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view min,
+ std::string_view max);
+void EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs);
+void EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pointer_offset,
+ std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view value);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
+void EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU16F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU64F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32F16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF16U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64S8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64S16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64U8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64U16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+void EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view bias_lc,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view lod_lc,
+ const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view dref,
+ std::string_view bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view dref,
+ std::string_view lod_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2);
+void EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2,
+ std::string_view dref);
+void EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view offset, std::string_view lod,
+ std::string_view ms);
+void EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view lod);
+void EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords);
+void EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, const IR::Value& derivatives,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& lod_clamp);
+void EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords);
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view color);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+void EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ std::string_view coords, std::string_view value);
+void EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred);
+void EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred);
+void EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred);
+void EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred);
+void EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst);
+void EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view index,
+ std::string_view clamp, std::string_view segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask);
+void EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask);
+void EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a, std::string_view op_b,
+ std::string_view swizzle);
+void EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a);
+void EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a);
+void EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a);
+void EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_integer.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_integer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38419f88f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_integer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+void SetZeroFlag(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view result) {
+ IR::Inst* const zero{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetZeroFromOp)};
+ if (!zero) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}==0;", *zero, result);
+ zero->Invalidate();
+void SetSignFlag(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view result) {
+ IR::Inst* const sign{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSignFromOp)};
+ if (!sign) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})<0;", *sign, result);
+ sign->Invalidate();
+void BitwiseLogicalOp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b,
+ char lop) {
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add("{}={}{}{};", result, a, lop, b);
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ // Compute the overflow CC first as it requires the original operand values,
+ // which may be overwritten by the result of the addition
+ if (IR::Inst * overflow{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetOverflowFromOp)}) {
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55468823/how-to-detect-integer-overflow-in-c
+ constexpr u32 s32_max{static_cast<u32>(std::numeric_limits<s32>::max())};
+ const auto sub_a{fmt::format("{}u-{}", s32_max, a)};
+ const auto positive_result{fmt::format("int({})>int({})", b, sub_a)};
+ const auto negative_result{fmt::format("int({})<int({})", b, sub_a)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})>=0?{}:{};", *overflow, a, positive_result, negative_result);
+ overflow->Invalidate();
+ }
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ if (IR::Inst* const carry{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetCarryFromOp)}) {
+ ctx.uses_cc_carry = true;
+ ctx.Add("{}=uaddCarry({},{},carry);", result, a, b);
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=carry!=0;", *carry);
+ carry->Invalidate();
+ } else {
+ ctx.Add("{}={}+{};", result, a, b);
+ }
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+void EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}={}+{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}-{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}={}-{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint({}*{});", inst, a, b);
+void EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(-({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=-({});", inst, value);
+void EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=abs(int({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}<<{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}={}<<{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}>>{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}={}>>{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=int({})>>{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view shift) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=int64_t({})>>{};", inst, base, shift);
+void EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, '&');
+void EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, '|');
+void EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ BitwiseLogicalOp(ctx, inst, a, b, '^');
+void EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view insert, std::string_view offset, std::string_view count) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldInsert({},{},int({}),int({}));", inst, base, insert, offset, count);
+void EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view offset, std::string_view count) {
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=uint(bitfieldExtract(int({}),int({}),int({})));", result, base, offset, count);
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+void EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view base,
+ std::string_view offset, std::string_view count) {
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=uint(bitfieldExtract(uint({}),int({}),int({})));", result, base, offset, count);
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+void EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldReverse({});", inst, value);
+void EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitCount({});", inst, value);
+void EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=~{};", inst, value);
+void EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=findMSB(int({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=findMSB(uint({}));", inst, value);
+void EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=min(int({}),int({}));", inst, a, b);
+void EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=min(uint({}),uint({}));", inst, a, b);
+void EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=max(int({}),int({}));", inst, a, b);
+void EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=max(uint({}),uint({}));", inst, a, b);
+void EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view min,
+ std::string_view max) {
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=clamp(int({}),int({}),int({}));", result, value, min, max);
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+void EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view min,
+ std::string_view max) {
+ const auto result{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)};
+ ctx.Add("{}=clamp(uint({}),uint({}),uint({}));", result, value, min, max);
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+void EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})<int({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=uint({})<uint({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}=={};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})<=int({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=uint({})<=uint({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})>int({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=uint({})>uint({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}!={};", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=int({})>=int({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+void EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view lhs,
+ std::string_view rhs) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=uint({})>=uint({});", inst, lhs, rhs);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_logical.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_logical.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..338ff4bd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_logical.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}||{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}&&{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}^^{};", inst, a, b);
+void EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=!{};", inst, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3957491fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+constexpr char cas_loop[]{"for(;;){{uint old_value={};uint "
+ "cas_result=atomicCompSwap({},old_value,bitfieldInsert({},{},{},{}));"
+ "if(cas_result==old_value){{break;}}}}"};
+void SsboWriteCas(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, std::string_view offset_var,
+ std::string_view value, std::string_view bit_offset, u32 num_bits) {
+ const auto ssbo{fmt::format("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var)};
+ ctx.Add(cas_loop, ssbo, ssbo, ssbo, value, bit_offset, num_bits);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.AddU32("{}=LoadGlobal32({});", inst, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=0u;", inst);
+void EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.AddU32x2("{}=LoadGlobal64({});", inst, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(0);", inst);
+void EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.AddU32x4("{}=LoadGlobal128({});", inst, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ ctx.AddU32x4("{}=uvec4(0);", inst);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext&) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.Add("WriteGlobal32({},{});", address, value);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.Add("WriteGlobal64({},{});", address, value);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view address, std::string_view value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.Add("WriteGlobal128({},{});", address, value);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+void EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],int({}%4)*8,8);", inst, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), offset_var, offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(int({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]),int({}%4)*8,8);", inst, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), offset_var, offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],int(({}>>1)%2)*16,16);", inst, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), offset_var, offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(int({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]),int(({}>>1)%2)*16,16);", inst,
+ ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}_ssbo{}[{}>>2];", inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}+4)>>2]);", inst, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), offset_var, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var);
+void EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.AddU32x4("{}=uvec4({}_ssbo{}[{}>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}+4)>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}+8)>>2],{}_ssbo{}[({}"
+ "+12)>>2]);",
+ inst, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(),
+ offset_var, ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, ctx.stage_name,
+ binding.U32(), offset_var);
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int({}%4)*8", offset_var)};
+ SsboWriteCas(ctx, binding, offset_var, value, bit_offset, 8);
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int({}%4)*8", offset_var)};
+ SsboWriteCas(ctx, binding, offset_var, value, bit_offset, 8);
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int(({}>>1)%2)*16", offset_var)};
+ SsboWriteCas(ctx, binding, offset_var, value, bit_offset, 16);
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int(({}>>1)%2)*16", offset_var)};
+ SsboWriteCas(ctx, binding, offset_var, value, bit_offset, 16);
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]={};", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]={}.x;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[({}+4)>>2]={}.y;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ std::string_view value) {
+ const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)};
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[{}>>2]={}.x;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[({}+4)>>2]={}.y;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[({}+8)>>2]={}.z;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+ ctx.Add("{}_ssbo{}[({}+12)>>2]={}.w;", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), offset_var, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_not_implemented.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_not_implemented.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f420fe388c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_not_implemented.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ NotImplemented();
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_select.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_select.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49fba9073a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_select.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}={}?{}:{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectU8([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view true_value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view false_value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSelectU16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view true_value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view false_value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}?{}:{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}={}?{}:{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectF16([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view cond,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view true_value,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view false_value) {
+ NotImplemented();
+void EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}={}?{}:{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+void EmitSelectF64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view cond,
+ std::string_view true_value, std::string_view false_value) {
+ ctx.AddF64("{}={}?{}:{};", inst, cond, true_value, false_value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_shared_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_shared_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..518b78f064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_shared_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+constexpr char cas_loop[]{"for(;;){{uint old_value={};uint "
+ "cas_result=atomicCompSwap({},old_value,bitfieldInsert({},{},{},{}));"
+ "if(cas_result==old_value){{break;}}}}"};
+void SharedWriteCas(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view bit_offset, u32 num_bits) {
+ const auto smem{fmt::format("smem[{}>>2]", offset)};
+ ctx.Add(cas_loop, smem, smem, smem, value, bit_offset, num_bits);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(smem[{}>>2],int({}%4)*8,8);", inst, offset, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(int(smem[{}>>2]),int({}%4)*8,8);", inst, offset, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(smem[{}>>2],int(({}>>1)%2)*16,16);", inst, offset, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=bitfieldExtract(int(smem[{}>>2]),int(({}>>1)%2)*16,16);", inst, offset, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=smem[{}>>2];", inst, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(smem[{}>>2],smem[({}+4)>>2]);", inst, offset, offset);
+void EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset) {
+ ctx.AddU32x4("{}=uvec4(smem[{}>>2],smem[({}+4)>>2],smem[({}+8)>>2],smem[({}+12)>>2]);", inst,
+ offset, offset, offset, offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int({}%4)*8", offset)};
+ SharedWriteCas(ctx, offset, value, bit_offset, 8);
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value) {
+ const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("int(({}>>1)%2)*16", offset)};
+ SharedWriteCas(ctx, offset, value, bit_offset, 16);
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("smem[{}>>2]={};", offset, value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("smem[{}>>2]={}.x;", offset, value);
+ ctx.Add("smem[({}+4)>>2]={}.y;", offset, value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view offset, std::string_view value) {
+ ctx.Add("smem[{}>>2]={}.x;", offset, value);
+ ctx.Add("smem[({}+4)>>2]={}.y;", offset, value);
+ ctx.Add("smem[({}+8)>>2]={}.z;", offset, value);
+ ctx.Add("smem[({}+12)>>2]={}.w;", offset, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_special.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_special.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b866f8898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_special.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+std::string_view OutputVertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? "[gl_InvocationID]" : "";
+void InitializeOutputVaryings(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.uses_geometry_passthrough) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::VertexB || ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry) {
+ ctx.Add("gl_Position=vec4(0,0,0,1);");
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!ctx.info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& info_array{ctx.output_generics.at(index)};
+ const auto output_decorator{OutputVertexIndex(ctx)};
+ size_t element{};
+ while (element < info_array.size()) {
+ const auto& info{info_array.at(element)};
+ const auto varying_name{fmt::format("{}{}", info.name, output_decorator)};
+ switch (info.num_components) {
+ case 1: {
+ const char value{element == 3 ? '1' : '0'};
+ ctx.Add("{}={}.f;", varying_name, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ if (element + info.num_components < 4) {
+ ctx.Add("{}=vec{}(0);", varying_name, info.num_components);
+ } else {
+ // last element is the w component, must be initialized to 1
+ const auto zeros{info.num_components == 3 ? "0,0," : "0,"};
+ ctx.Add("{}=vec{}({}1);", varying_name, info.num_components, zeros);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ctx.Add("{}=vec4(0,0,0,1);", varying_name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ element += info.num_components;
+ }
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& phi) {
+ const size_t num_args{phi.NumArgs()};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(phi.Arg(i));
+ }
+ if (!phi.Definition<Id>().is_valid) {
+ // The phi node wasn't forward defined
+ ctx.var_alloc.PhiDefine(phi, phi.Arg(0).Type());
+ }
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext&) {}
+void EmitReference(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value) {
+ ctx.var_alloc.Consume(value);
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& phi_value, const IR::Value& value) {
+ IR::Inst& phi{*phi_value.InstRecursive()};
+ const auto phi_type{phi.Arg(0).Type()};
+ if (!phi.Definition<Id>().is_valid) {
+ // The phi node wasn't forward defined
+ ctx.var_alloc.PhiDefine(phi, phi_type);
+ }
+ const auto phi_reg{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(IR::Value{&phi})};
+ const auto val_reg{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(value)};
+ if (phi_reg == val_reg) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.Add("{}={};", phi_reg, val_reg);
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ InitializeOutputVaryings(ctx);
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext&) {}
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream) {
+ ctx.Add("EmitStreamVertex(int({}));", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(stream));
+ InitializeOutputVaryings(ctx);
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream) {
+ ctx.Add("EndStreamPrimitive(int({}));", ctx.var_alloc.Consume(stream));
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_undefined.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_undefined.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15bf02dd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_undefined.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+void EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=false;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=0u;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=0u;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=0u;", inst);
+void EmitUndefU64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU64("{}=0u;", inst);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_warp.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_warp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a982dd8a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_warp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string_view>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+void SetInBoundsFlag(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ IR::Inst* const in_bounds{inst.GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetInBoundsFromOp)};
+ if (!in_bounds) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=shfl_in_bounds;", *in_bounds);
+ in_bounds->Invalidate();
+std::string ComputeMinThreadId(std::string_view thread_id, std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ return fmt::format("({}&{})", thread_id, segmentation_mask);
+std::string ComputeMaxThreadId(std::string_view min_thread_id, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view not_seg_mask) {
+ return fmt::format("({})|({}&{})", min_thread_id, clamp, not_seg_mask);
+std::string GetMaxThreadId(std::string_view thread_id, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ const auto not_seg_mask{fmt::format("(~{})", segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto min_thread_id{ComputeMinThreadId(thread_id, segmentation_mask)};
+ return ComputeMaxThreadId(min_thread_id, clamp, not_seg_mask);
+void UseShuffleNv(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view shfl_op,
+ std::string_view value, std::string_view index,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view clamp, std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ const auto width{fmt::format("32u>>(bitCount({}&31u))", segmentation_mask)};
+ ctx.AddU32("{}={}({},{},{},shfl_in_bounds);", inst, shfl_op, value, index, width);
+ SetInBoundsFlag(ctx, inst);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=gl_SubGroupInvocationARB&31u;", inst);
+void EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=allInvocationsEqualARB({});", inst, pred);
+ } else {
+ const auto active_mask{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB(true))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]")};
+ const auto ballot{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB({}))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]", pred)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=({}&{})=={};", inst, ballot, active_mask, active_mask);
+ }
+void EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=anyInvocationARB({});", inst, pred);
+ } else {
+ const auto active_mask{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB(true))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]")};
+ const auto ballot{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB({}))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]", pred)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=({}&{})!=0u;", inst, ballot, active_mask, active_mask);
+ }
+void EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=allInvocationsEqualARB({});", inst, pred);
+ } else {
+ const auto active_mask{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB(true))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]")};
+ const auto ballot{fmt::format("uvec2(ballotARB({}))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB]", pred)};
+ const auto value{fmt::format("({}^{})", ballot, active_mask)};
+ ctx.AddU1("{}=({}==0)||({}=={});", inst, value, value, active_mask);
+ }
+void EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uvec2(ballotARB({})).x;", inst, pred);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uvec2(ballotARB({}))[gl_SubGroupInvocationARB];", inst, pred);
+ }
+void EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB.x);", inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB.x);", inst);
+void EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB.x);", inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SubGroupGtMaskARB.x);", inst);
+void EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) {
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SubGroupGeMaskARB.x);", inst);
+void EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_warp_intrinsics) {
+ UseShuffleNv(ctx, inst, "shuffleNV", value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto not_seg_mask{fmt::format("(~{})", segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto thread_id{"gl_SubGroupInvocationARB"};
+ const auto min_thread_id{ComputeMinThreadId(thread_id, segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto max_thread_id{ComputeMaxThreadId(min_thread_id, clamp, not_seg_mask)};
+ const auto lhs{fmt::format("({}&{})", index, not_seg_mask)};
+ const auto src_thread_id{fmt::format("({})|({})", lhs, min_thread_id)};
+ ctx.Add("shfl_in_bounds=int({})<=int({});", src_thread_id, max_thread_id);
+ SetInBoundsFlag(ctx, inst);
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=shfl_in_bounds?readInvocationARB({},{}):{};", inst, value, src_thread_id, value);
+void EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value, std::string_view index,
+ std::string_view clamp, std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_warp_intrinsics) {
+ UseShuffleNv(ctx, inst, "shuffleUpNV", value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto thread_id{"gl_SubGroupInvocationARB"};
+ const auto max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto src_thread_id{fmt::format("({}-{})", thread_id, index)};
+ ctx.Add("shfl_in_bounds=int({})>=int({});", src_thread_id, max_thread_id);
+ SetInBoundsFlag(ctx, inst);
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=shfl_in_bounds?readInvocationARB({},{}):{};", inst, value, src_thread_id, value);
+void EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_warp_intrinsics) {
+ UseShuffleNv(ctx, inst, "shuffleDownNV", value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto thread_id{"gl_SubGroupInvocationARB"};
+ const auto max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto src_thread_id{fmt::format("({}+{})", thread_id, index)};
+ ctx.Add("shfl_in_bounds=int({})<=int({});", src_thread_id, max_thread_id);
+ SetInBoundsFlag(ctx, inst);
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=shfl_in_bounds?readInvocationARB({},{}):{};", inst, value, src_thread_id, value);
+void EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view value,
+ std::string_view index, std::string_view clamp,
+ std::string_view segmentation_mask) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_warp_intrinsics) {
+ UseShuffleNv(ctx, inst, "shuffleXorNV", value, index, clamp, segmentation_mask);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto thread_id{"gl_SubGroupInvocationARB"};
+ const auto max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const auto src_thread_id{fmt::format("({}^{})", thread_id, index)};
+ ctx.Add("shfl_in_bounds=int({})<=int({});", src_thread_id, max_thread_id);
+ SetInBoundsFlag(ctx, inst);
+ ctx.AddU32("{}=shfl_in_bounds?readInvocationARB({},{}):{};", inst, value, src_thread_id, value);
+void EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a, std::string_view op_b,
+ std::string_view swizzle) {
+ const auto mask{fmt::format("({}>>((gl_SubGroupInvocationARB&3)<<1))&3", swizzle)};
+ const std::string modifier_a = fmt::format("FSWZ_A[{}]", mask);
+ const std::string modifier_b = fmt::format("FSWZ_B[{}]", mask);
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=({}*{})+({}*{});", inst, op_a, modifier_a, op_b, modifier_b);
+void EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdxFine({});", inst, op_a);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support dFdxFine, fallback to dFdx");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdx({});", inst, op_a);
+ }
+void EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdyFine({});", inst, op_a);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support dFdyFine, fallback to dFdy");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdy({});", inst, op_a);
+ }
+void EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdxCoarse({});", inst, op_a);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support dFdxCoarse, fallback to dFdx");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdx({});", inst, op_a);
+ }
+void EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view op_a) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_gl_derivative_control) {
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdyCoarse({});", inst, op_a);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Device does not support dFdyCoarse, fallback to dFdy");
+ ctx.AddF32("{}=dFdy({});", inst, op_a);
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..194f926cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <string>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/exception.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+namespace {
+std::string TypePrefix(GlslVarType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case GlslVarType::U1:
+ return "b_";
+ case GlslVarType::F16x2:
+ return "f16x2_";
+ case GlslVarType::U32:
+ return "u_";
+ case GlslVarType::F32:
+ return "f_";
+ case GlslVarType::U64:
+ return "u64_";
+ case GlslVarType::F64:
+ return "d_";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x2:
+ return "u2_";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x2:
+ return "f2_";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x3:
+ return "u3_";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x3:
+ return "f3_";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x4:
+ return "u4_";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x4:
+ return "f4_";
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF32:
+ return "pf_";
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF64:
+ return "pd_";
+ case GlslVarType::Void:
+ return "";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Type {}", type);
+ }
+std::string FormatFloat(std::string_view value, IR::Type type) {
+ // TODO: Confirm FP64 nan/inf
+ if (type == IR::Type::F32) {
+ if (value == "nan") {
+ return "utof(0x7fc00000)";
+ }
+ if (value == "inf") {
+ return "utof(0x7f800000)";
+ }
+ if (value == "-inf") {
+ return "utof(0xff800000)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (value.find_first_of('e') != std::string_view::npos) {
+ // scientific notation
+ const auto cast{type == IR::Type::F32 ? "float" : "double"};
+ return fmt::format("{}({})", cast, value);
+ }
+ const bool needs_dot{value.find_first_of('.') == std::string_view::npos};
+ const bool needs_suffix{!value.ends_with('f')};
+ const auto suffix{type == IR::Type::F32 ? "f" : "lf"};
+ return fmt::format("{}{}{}", value, needs_dot ? "." : "", needs_suffix ? suffix : "");
+std::string MakeImm(const IR::Value& value) {
+ switch (value.Type()) {
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ return fmt::format("{}", value.U1() ? "true" : "false");
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ return fmt::format("{}u", value.U32());
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ return FormatFloat(fmt::format("{}", value.F32()), IR::Type::F32);
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ return fmt::format("{}ul", value.U64());
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ return FormatFloat(fmt::format("{}", value.F64()), IR::Type::F64);
+ case IR::Type::Void:
+ return "";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Immediate type {}", value.Type());
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+std::string VarAlloc::Representation(u32 index, GlslVarType type) const {
+ const auto prefix{TypePrefix(type)};
+ return fmt::format("{}{}", prefix, index);
+std::string VarAlloc::Representation(Id id) const {
+ return Representation(id.index, id.type);
+std::string VarAlloc::Define(IR::Inst& inst, GlslVarType type) {
+ if (inst.HasUses()) {
+ inst.SetDefinition<Id>(Alloc(type));
+ return Representation(inst.Definition<Id>());
+ } else {
+ Id id{};
+ id.type.Assign(type);
+ GetUseTracker(type).uses_temp = true;
+ inst.SetDefinition<Id>(id);
+ return 't' + Representation(inst.Definition<Id>());
+ }
+std::string VarAlloc::Define(IR::Inst& inst, IR::Type type) {
+ return Define(inst, RegType(type));
+std::string VarAlloc::PhiDefine(IR::Inst& inst, IR::Type type) {
+ return AddDefine(inst, RegType(type));
+std::string VarAlloc::AddDefine(IR::Inst& inst, GlslVarType type) {
+ if (inst.HasUses()) {
+ inst.SetDefinition<Id>(Alloc(type));
+ return Representation(inst.Definition<Id>());
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return Representation(inst.Definition<Id>());
+std::string VarAlloc::Consume(const IR::Value& value) {
+ return value.IsImmediate() ? MakeImm(value) : ConsumeInst(*value.InstRecursive());
+std::string VarAlloc::ConsumeInst(IR::Inst& inst) {
+ inst.DestructiveRemoveUsage();
+ if (!inst.HasUses()) {
+ Free(inst.Definition<Id>());
+ }
+ return Representation(inst.Definition<Id>());
+std::string VarAlloc::GetGlslType(IR::Type type) const {
+ return GetGlslType(RegType(type));
+Id VarAlloc::Alloc(GlslVarType type) {
+ auto& use_tracker{GetUseTracker(type)};
+ const auto num_vars{use_tracker.var_use.size()};
+ for (size_t var = 0; var < num_vars; ++var) {
+ if (use_tracker.var_use[var]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ use_tracker.num_used = std::max(use_tracker.num_used, var + 1);
+ use_tracker.var_use[var] = true;
+ Id ret{};
+ ret.is_valid.Assign(1);
+ ret.type.Assign(type);
+ ret.index.Assign(static_cast<u32>(var));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Allocate a new variable
+ use_tracker.var_use.push_back(true);
+ Id ret{};
+ ret.is_valid.Assign(1);
+ ret.type.Assign(type);
+ ret.index.Assign(static_cast<u32>(use_tracker.num_used));
+ ++use_tracker.num_used;
+ return ret;
+void VarAlloc::Free(Id id) {
+ if (id.is_valid == 0) {
+ throw LogicError("Freeing invalid variable");
+ }
+ auto& use_tracker{GetUseTracker(id.type)};
+ use_tracker.var_use[id.index] = false;
+GlslVarType VarAlloc::RegType(IR::Type type) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ return GlslVarType::U1;
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ return GlslVarType::U32;
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ return GlslVarType::F32;
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ return GlslVarType::U64;
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ return GlslVarType::F64;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("IR type {}", type);
+ }
+std::string VarAlloc::GetGlslType(GlslVarType type) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case GlslVarType::U1:
+ return "bool";
+ case GlslVarType::F16x2:
+ return "f16vec2";
+ case GlslVarType::U32:
+ return "uint";
+ case GlslVarType::F32:
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF32:
+ return "float";
+ case GlslVarType::U64:
+ return "uint64_t";
+ case GlslVarType::F64:
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF64:
+ return "double";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x2:
+ return "uvec2";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x2:
+ return "vec2";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x3:
+ return "uvec3";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x3:
+ return "vec3";
+ case GlslVarType::U32x4:
+ return "uvec4";
+ case GlslVarType::F32x4:
+ return "vec4";
+ case GlslVarType::Void:
+ return "";
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Type {}", type);
+ }
+VarAlloc::UseTracker& VarAlloc::GetUseTracker(GlslVarType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case GlslVarType::U1:
+ return var_bool;
+ case GlslVarType::F16x2:
+ return var_f16x2;
+ case GlslVarType::U32:
+ return var_u32;
+ case GlslVarType::F32:
+ return var_f32;
+ case GlslVarType::U64:
+ return var_u64;
+ case GlslVarType::F64:
+ return var_f64;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x2:
+ return var_u32x2;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x2:
+ return var_f32x2;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x3:
+ return var_u32x3;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x3:
+ return var_f32x3;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x4:
+ return var_u32x4;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x4:
+ return var_f32x4;
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF32:
+ return var_precf32;
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF64:
+ return var_precf64;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Type {}", type);
+ }
+const VarAlloc::UseTracker& VarAlloc::GetUseTracker(GlslVarType type) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case GlslVarType::U1:
+ return var_bool;
+ case GlslVarType::F16x2:
+ return var_f16x2;
+ case GlslVarType::U32:
+ return var_u32;
+ case GlslVarType::F32:
+ return var_f32;
+ case GlslVarType::U64:
+ return var_u64;
+ case GlslVarType::F64:
+ return var_f64;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x2:
+ return var_u32x2;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x2:
+ return var_f32x2;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x3:
+ return var_u32x3;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x3:
+ return var_f32x3;
+ case GlslVarType::U32x4:
+ return var_u32x4;
+ case GlslVarType::F32x4:
+ return var_f32x4;
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF32:
+ return var_precf32;
+ case GlslVarType::PrecF64:
+ return var_precf64;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Type {}", type);
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b49f32a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/var_alloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <bitset>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/bit_field.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+class Inst;
+class Value;
+enum class Type;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
+enum class GlslVarType : u32 {
+ U1,
+ F16x2,
+ U32,
+ F32,
+ U64,
+ F64,
+ U32x2,
+ F32x2,
+ U32x3,
+ F32x3,
+ U32x4,
+ F32x4,
+ PrecF32,
+ PrecF64,
+ Void,
+struct Id {
+ union {
+ u32 raw;
+ BitField<0, 1, u32> is_valid;
+ BitField<1, 4, GlslVarType> type;
+ BitField<6, 26, u32> index;
+ };
+ bool operator==(Id rhs) const noexcept {
+ return raw == rhs.raw;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(Id rhs) const noexcept {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+ }
+static_assert(sizeof(Id) == sizeof(u32));
+class VarAlloc {
+ struct UseTracker {
+ bool uses_temp{};
+ size_t num_used{};
+ std::vector<bool> var_use;
+ };
+ /// Used for explicit usages of variables, may revert to temporaries
+ std::string Define(IR::Inst& inst, GlslVarType type);
+ std::string Define(IR::Inst& inst, IR::Type type);
+ /// Used to assign variables used by the IR. May return a blank string if
+ /// the instruction's result is unused in the IR.
+ std::string AddDefine(IR::Inst& inst, GlslVarType type);
+ std::string PhiDefine(IR::Inst& inst, IR::Type type);
+ std::string Consume(const IR::Value& value);
+ std::string ConsumeInst(IR::Inst& inst);
+ std::string GetGlslType(GlslVarType type) const;
+ std::string GetGlslType(IR::Type type) const;
+ const UseTracker& GetUseTracker(GlslVarType type) const;
+ std::string Representation(u32 index, GlslVarType type) const;
+ GlslVarType RegType(IR::Type type) const;
+ Id Alloc(GlslVarType type);
+ void Free(Id id);
+ UseTracker& GetUseTracker(GlslVarType type);
+ std::string Representation(Id id) const;
+ UseTracker var_bool{};
+ UseTracker var_f16x2{};
+ UseTracker var_u32{};
+ UseTracker var_u32x2{};
+ UseTracker var_u32x3{};
+ UseTracker var_u32x4{};
+ UseTracker var_f32{};
+ UseTracker var_f32x2{};
+ UseTracker var_f32x3{};
+ UseTracker var_f32x4{};
+ UseTracker var_u64{};
+ UseTracker var_f64{};
+ UseTracker var_precf32{};
+ UseTracker var_precf64{};
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d29d8c145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1368 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <climits>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+enum class Operation {
+ Increment,
+ Decrement,
+ FPAdd,
+ FPMin,
+ FPMax,
+struct AttrInfo {
+ Id pointer;
+ Id id;
+ bool needs_cast;
+Id ImageType(EmitContext& ctx, const TextureDescriptor& desc) {
+ const spv::ImageFormat format{spv::ImageFormat::Unknown};
+ const Id type{ctx.F32[1]};
+ const bool depth{desc.is_depth};
+ switch (desc.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim1D, depth, false, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim1D, depth, true, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim2D, depth, false, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim2D, depth, true, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim3D, depth, false, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Cube, depth, false, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Cube, depth, true, false, 1, format);
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid texture type {}", desc.type);
+spv::ImageFormat GetImageFormat(ImageFormat format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case ImageFormat::Typeless:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::Unknown;
+ case ImageFormat::R8_UINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::R8ui;
+ case ImageFormat::R8_SINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::R8i;
+ case ImageFormat::R16_UINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::R16ui;
+ case ImageFormat::R16_SINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::R16i;
+ case ImageFormat::R32_UINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::R32ui;
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32_UINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::Rg32ui;
+ case ImageFormat::R32G32B32A32_UINT:
+ return spv::ImageFormat::Rgba32ui;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid image format {}", format);
+Id ImageType(EmitContext& ctx, const ImageDescriptor& desc) {
+ const spv::ImageFormat format{GetImageFormat(desc.format)};
+ const Id type{ctx.U32[1]};
+ switch (desc.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim1D, false, false, false, 2, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim1D, false, true, false, 2, format);
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim2D, false, false, false, 2, format);
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim2D, false, true, false, 2, format);
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ return ctx.TypeImage(type, spv::Dim::Dim3D, false, false, false, 2, format);
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Image buffer");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid texture type {}", desc.type);
+Id DefineVariable(EmitContext& ctx, Id type, std::optional<spv::BuiltIn> builtin,
+ spv::StorageClass storage_class) {
+ const Id pointer_type{ctx.TypePointer(storage_class, type)};
+ const Id id{ctx.AddGlobalVariable(pointer_type, storage_class)};
+ if (builtin) {
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::BuiltIn, *builtin);
+ }
+ ctx.interfaces.push_back(id);
+ return id;
+u32 NumVertices(InputTopology input_topology) {
+ switch (input_topology) {
+ case InputTopology::Points:
+ return 1;
+ case InputTopology::Lines:
+ return 2;
+ case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency:
+ return 4;
+ case InputTopology::Triangles:
+ return 3;
+ case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency:
+ return 6;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid input topology {}", input_topology);
+Id DefineInput(EmitContext& ctx, Id type, bool per_invocation,
+ std::optional<spv::BuiltIn> builtin = std::nullopt) {
+ switch (ctx.stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ if (per_invocation) {
+ type = ctx.TypeArray(type, ctx.Const(32u));
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ if (per_invocation) {
+ const u32 num_vertices{NumVertices(ctx.runtime_info.input_topology)};
+ type = ctx.TypeArray(type, ctx.Const(num_vertices));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefineVariable(ctx, type, builtin, spv::StorageClass::Input);
+Id DefineOutput(EmitContext& ctx, Id type, std::optional<u32> invocations,
+ std::optional<spv::BuiltIn> builtin = std::nullopt) {
+ if (invocations && ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl) {
+ type = ctx.TypeArray(type, ctx.Const(*invocations));
+ }
+ return DefineVariable(ctx, type, builtin, spv::StorageClass::Output);
+void DefineGenericOutput(EmitContext& ctx, size_t index, std::optional<u32> invocations) {
+ static constexpr std::string_view swizzle{"xyzw"};
+ const size_t base_attr_index{static_cast<size_t>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) + index * 4};
+ u32 element{0};
+ while (element < 4) {
+ const u32 remainder{4 - element};
+ const TransformFeedbackVarying* xfb_varying{};
+ if (!ctx.runtime_info.xfb_varyings.empty()) {
+ xfb_varying = &ctx.runtime_info.xfb_varyings[base_attr_index + element];
+ xfb_varying = xfb_varying && xfb_varying->components > 0 ? xfb_varying : nullptr;
+ }
+ const u32 num_components{xfb_varying ? xfb_varying->components : remainder};
+ const Id id{DefineOutput(ctx, ctx.F32[num_components], invocations)};
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Location, static_cast<u32>(index));
+ if (element > 0) {
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Component, element);
+ }
+ if (xfb_varying) {
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::XfbBuffer, xfb_varying->buffer);
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::XfbStride, xfb_varying->stride);
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Offset, xfb_varying->offset);
+ }
+ if (num_components < 4 || element > 0) {
+ const std::string_view subswizzle{swizzle.substr(element, num_components)};
+ ctx.Name(id, fmt::format("out_attr{}_{}", index, subswizzle));
+ } else {
+ ctx.Name(id, fmt::format("out_attr{}", index));
+ }
+ const GenericElementInfo info{
+ .id = id,
+ .first_element = element,
+ .num_components = num_components,
+ };
+ std::fill_n(ctx.output_generics[index].begin() + element, num_components, info);
+ element += num_components;
+ }
+Id GetAttributeType(EmitContext& ctx, AttributeType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case AttributeType::Float:
+ return ctx.F32[4];
+ case AttributeType::SignedInt:
+ return ctx.TypeVector(ctx.TypeInt(32, true), 4);
+ case AttributeType::UnsignedInt:
+ return ctx.U32[4];
+ case AttributeType::Disabled:
+ break;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid attribute type {}", type);
+std::optional<AttrInfo> AttrTypes(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index) {
+ const AttributeType type{ctx.runtime_info.generic_input_types.at(index)};
+ switch (type) {
+ case AttributeType::Float:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_f32, ctx.F32[1], false};
+ case AttributeType::UnsignedInt:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_u32, ctx.U32[1], true};
+ case AttributeType::SignedInt:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_s32, ctx.TypeInt(32, true), true};
+ case AttributeType::Disabled:
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid attribute type {}", type);
+std::string_view StageName(Stage stage) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::VertexA:
+ return "vs_a";
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ return "vs";
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ return "tcs";
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ return "tes";
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ return "gs";
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ return "fs";
+ case Stage::Compute:
+ return "cs";
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid stage {}", stage);
+template <typename... Args>
+void Name(EmitContext& ctx, Id object, std::string_view format_str, Args&&... args) {
+ ctx.Name(object, fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_str), StageName(ctx.stage),
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...)
+ .c_str());
+void DefineConstBuffers(EmitContext& ctx, const Info& info, Id UniformDefinitions::*member_type,
+ u32 binding, Id type, char type_char, u32 element_size) {
+ const Id array_type{ctx.TypeArray(type, ctx.Const(65536U / element_size))};
+ ctx.Decorate(array_type, spv::Decoration::ArrayStride, element_size);
+ const Id struct_type{ctx.TypeStruct(array_type)};
+ Name(ctx, struct_type, "{}_cbuf_block_{}{}", ctx.stage, type_char, element_size * CHAR_BIT);
+ ctx.Decorate(struct_type, spv::Decoration::Block);
+ ctx.MemberName(struct_type, 0, "data");
+ ctx.MemberDecorate(struct_type, 0, spv::Decoration::Offset, 0U);
+ const Id struct_pointer_type{ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Uniform, struct_type)};
+ const Id uniform_type{ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Uniform, type)};
+ ctx.uniform_types.*member_type = uniform_type;
+ for (const ConstantBufferDescriptor& desc : info.constant_buffer_descriptors) {
+ const Id id{ctx.AddGlobalVariable(struct_pointer_type, spv::StorageClass::Uniform)};
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ ctx.Name(id, fmt::format("c{}", desc.index));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < desc.count; ++i) {
+ ctx.cbufs[desc.index + i].*member_type = id;
+ }
+ if (ctx.profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ ctx.interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ binding += desc.count;
+ }
+void DefineSsbos(EmitContext& ctx, StorageTypeDefinition& type_def,
+ Id StorageDefinitions::*member_type, const Info& info, u32 binding, Id type,
+ u32 stride) {
+ const Id array_type{ctx.TypeRuntimeArray(type)};
+ ctx.Decorate(array_type, spv::Decoration::ArrayStride, stride);
+ const Id struct_type{ctx.TypeStruct(array_type)};
+ ctx.Decorate(struct_type, spv::Decoration::Block);
+ ctx.MemberDecorate(struct_type, 0, spv::Decoration::Offset, 0U);
+ const Id struct_pointer{ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer, struct_type)};
+ type_def.array = struct_pointer;
+ type_def.element = ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer, type);
+ u32 index{};
+ for (const StorageBufferDescriptor& desc : info.storage_buffers_descriptors) {
+ const Id id{ctx.AddGlobalVariable(struct_pointer, spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer)};
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ ctx.Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ ctx.Name(id, fmt::format("ssbo{}", index));
+ if (ctx.profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ ctx.interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < desc.count; ++i) {
+ ctx.ssbos[index + i].*member_type = id;
+ }
+ index += desc.count;
+ binding += desc.count;
+ }
+Id CasFunction(EmitContext& ctx, Operation operation, Id value_type) {
+ const Id func_type{ctx.TypeFunction(value_type, value_type, value_type)};
+ const Id func{ctx.OpFunction(value_type, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, func_type)};
+ const Id op_a{ctx.OpFunctionParameter(value_type)};
+ const Id op_b{ctx.OpFunctionParameter(value_type)};
+ ctx.AddLabel();
+ Id result{};
+ switch (operation) {
+ case Operation::Increment: {
+ const Id pred{ctx.OpUGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, op_a, op_b)};
+ const Id incr{ctx.OpIAdd(value_type, op_a, ctx.Constant(value_type, 1))};
+ result = ctx.OpSelect(value_type, pred, ctx.u32_zero_value, incr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Operation::Decrement: {
+ const Id lhs{ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, op_a, ctx.Constant(value_type, 0u))};
+ const Id rhs{ctx.OpUGreaterThan(ctx.U1, op_a, op_b)};
+ const Id pred{ctx.OpLogicalOr(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs)};
+ const Id decr{ctx.OpISub(value_type, op_a, ctx.Constant(value_type, 1))};
+ result = ctx.OpSelect(value_type, pred, op_b, decr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Operation::FPAdd:
+ result = ctx.OpFAdd(value_type, op_a, op_b);
+ break;
+ case Operation::FPMin:
+ result = ctx.OpFMin(value_type, op_a, op_b);
+ break;
+ case Operation::FPMax:
+ result = ctx.OpFMax(value_type, op_a, op_b);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.OpReturnValue(result);
+ ctx.OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func;
+Id CasLoop(EmitContext& ctx, Operation operation, Id array_pointer, Id element_pointer,
+ Id value_type, Id memory_type, spv::Scope scope) {
+ const bool is_shared{scope == spv::Scope::Workgroup};
+ const bool is_struct{!is_shared || ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout};
+ const Id cas_func{CasFunction(ctx, operation, value_type)};
+ const Id zero{ctx.u32_zero_value};
+ const Id scope_id{ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(scope))};
+ const Id loop_header{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id continue_block{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id merge_block{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id func_type{is_shared
+ ? ctx.TypeFunction(value_type, ctx.U32[1], value_type)
+ : ctx.TypeFunction(value_type, ctx.U32[1], value_type, array_pointer)};
+ const Id func{ctx.OpFunction(value_type, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, func_type)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpFunctionParameter(ctx.U32[1])};
+ const Id op_b{ctx.OpFunctionParameter(value_type)};
+ const Id base{is_shared ? ctx.shared_memory_u32 : ctx.OpFunctionParameter(array_pointer)};
+ ctx.AddLabel();
+ ctx.OpBranch(loop_header);
+ ctx.AddLabel(loop_header);
+ ctx.OpLoopMerge(merge_block, continue_block, spv::LoopControlMask::MaskNone);
+ ctx.OpBranch(continue_block);
+ ctx.AddLabel(continue_block);
+ const Id word_pointer{is_struct ? ctx.OpAccessChain(element_pointer, base, zero, index)
+ : ctx.OpAccessChain(element_pointer, base, index)};
+ if (value_type.value == ctx.F32[2].value) {
+ const Id u32_value{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], word_pointer)};
+ const Id value{ctx.OpUnpackHalf2x16(ctx.F32[2], u32_value)};
+ const Id new_value{ctx.OpFunctionCall(value_type, cas_func, value, op_b)};
+ const Id u32_new_value{ctx.OpPackHalf2x16(ctx.U32[1], new_value)};
+ const Id atomic_res{ctx.OpAtomicCompareExchange(ctx.U32[1], word_pointer, scope_id, zero,
+ zero, u32_new_value, u32_value)};
+ const Id success{ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, atomic_res, u32_value)};
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(success, merge_block, loop_header);
+ ctx.AddLabel(merge_block);
+ ctx.OpReturnValue(ctx.OpUnpackHalf2x16(ctx.F32[2], atomic_res));
+ } else {
+ const Id value{ctx.OpLoad(memory_type, word_pointer)};
+ const bool matching_type{value_type.value == memory_type.value};
+ const Id bitcast_value{matching_type ? value : ctx.OpBitcast(value_type, value)};
+ const Id cal_res{ctx.OpFunctionCall(value_type, cas_func, bitcast_value, op_b)};
+ const Id new_value{matching_type ? cal_res : ctx.OpBitcast(memory_type, cal_res)};
+ const Id atomic_res{ctx.OpAtomicCompareExchange(ctx.U32[1], word_pointer, scope_id, zero,
+ zero, new_value, value)};
+ const Id success{ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, atomic_res, value)};
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(success, merge_block, loop_header);
+ ctx.AddLabel(merge_block);
+ ctx.OpReturnValue(ctx.OpBitcast(value_type, atomic_res));
+ }
+ ctx.OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func;
+template <typename Desc>
+std::string NameOf(Stage stage, const Desc& desc, std::string_view prefix) {
+ if (desc.count > 1) {
+ return fmt::format("{}_{}{}_{:02x}x{}", StageName(stage), prefix, desc.cbuf_index,
+ desc.cbuf_offset, desc.count);
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format("{}_{}{}_{:02x}", StageName(stage), prefix, desc.cbuf_index,
+ desc.cbuf_offset);
+ }
+Id DescType(EmitContext& ctx, Id sampled_type, Id pointer_type, u32 count) {
+ if (count > 1) {
+ const Id array_type{ctx.TypeArray(sampled_type, ctx.Const(count))};
+ return ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, array_type);
+ } else {
+ return pointer_type;
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void VectorTypes::Define(Sirit::Module& sirit_ctx, Id base_type, std::string_view name) {
+ defs[0] = sirit_ctx.Name(base_type, name);
+ std::array<char, 6> def_name;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
+ const std::string_view def_name_view(
+ def_name.data(),
+ fmt::format_to_n(def_name.data(), def_name.size(), "{}x{}", name, i + 1).size);
+ defs[static_cast<size_t>(i)] =
+ sirit_ctx.Name(sirit_ctx.TypeVector(base_type, i + 1), def_name_view);
+ }
+EmitContext::EmitContext(const Profile& profile_, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings)
+ : Sirit::Module(profile_.supported_spirv), profile{profile_},
+ runtime_info{runtime_info_}, stage{program.stage} {
+ const bool is_unified{profile.unified_descriptor_binding};
+ u32& uniform_binding{is_unified ? bindings.unified : bindings.uniform_buffer};
+ u32& storage_binding{is_unified ? bindings.unified : bindings.storage_buffer};
+ u32& texture_binding{is_unified ? bindings.unified : bindings.texture};
+ u32& image_binding{is_unified ? bindings.unified : bindings.image};
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Shader);
+ DefineCommonTypes(program.info);
+ DefineCommonConstants();
+ DefineInterfaces(program);
+ DefineLocalMemory(program);
+ DefineSharedMemory(program);
+ DefineSharedMemoryFunctions(program);
+ DefineConstantBuffers(program.info, uniform_binding);
+ DefineStorageBuffers(program.info, storage_binding);
+ DefineTextureBuffers(program.info, texture_binding);
+ DefineImageBuffers(program.info, image_binding);
+ DefineTextures(program.info, texture_binding);
+ DefineImages(program.info, image_binding);
+ DefineAttributeMemAccess(program.info);
+ DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions(program.info);
+EmitContext::~EmitContext() = default;
+Id EmitContext::Def(const IR::Value& value) {
+ if (!value.IsImmediate()) {
+ return value.InstRecursive()->Definition<Id>();
+ }
+ switch (value.Type()) {
+ case IR::Type::Void:
+ // Void instructions are used for optional arguments (e.g. texture offsets)
+ // They are not meant to be used in the SPIR-V module
+ return Id{};
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ return value.U1() ? true_value : false_value;
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ return Const(value.U32());
+ case IR::Type::U64:
+ return Constant(U64, value.U64());
+ case IR::Type::F32:
+ return Const(value.F32());
+ case IR::Type::F64:
+ return Constant(F64[1], value.F64());
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Immediate type {}", value.Type());
+ }
+Id EmitContext::BitOffset8(const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ return Const((offset.U32() % 4) * 8);
+ }
+ return OpBitwiseAnd(U32[1], OpShiftLeftLogical(U32[1], Def(offset), Const(3u)), Const(24u));
+Id EmitContext::BitOffset16(const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ return Const(((offset.U32() / 2) % 2) * 16);
+ }
+ return OpBitwiseAnd(U32[1], OpShiftLeftLogical(U32[1], Def(offset), Const(3u)), Const(16u));
+void EmitContext::DefineCommonTypes(const Info& info) {
+ void_id = TypeVoid();
+ U1 = Name(TypeBool(), "u1");
+ F32.Define(*this, TypeFloat(32), "f32");
+ U32.Define(*this, TypeInt(32, false), "u32");
+ S32.Define(*this, TypeInt(32, true), "s32");
+ private_u32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Private, U32[1]), "private_u32");
+ input_f32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Input, F32[1]), "input_f32");
+ input_u32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Input, U32[1]), "input_u32");
+ input_s32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Input, TypeInt(32, true)), "input_s32");
+ output_f32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Output, F32[1]), "output_f32");
+ output_u32 = Name(TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Output, U32[1]), "output_u32");
+ if (info.uses_int8 && profile.support_int8) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Int8);
+ U8 = Name(TypeInt(8, false), "u8");
+ S8 = Name(TypeInt(8, true), "s8");
+ }
+ if (info.uses_int16 && profile.support_int16) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Int16);
+ U16 = Name(TypeInt(16, false), "u16");
+ S16 = Name(TypeInt(16, true), "s16");
+ }
+ if (info.uses_int64) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Int64);
+ U64 = Name(TypeInt(64, false), "u64");
+ }
+ if (info.uses_fp16) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Float16);
+ F16.Define(*this, TypeFloat(16), "f16");
+ }
+ if (info.uses_fp64) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::Float64);
+ F64.Define(*this, TypeFloat(64), "f64");
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineCommonConstants() {
+ true_value = ConstantTrue(U1);
+ false_value = ConstantFalse(U1);
+ u32_zero_value = Const(0U);
+ f32_zero_value = Const(0.0f);
+void EmitContext::DefineInterfaces(const IR::Program& program) {
+ DefineInputs(program);
+ DefineOutputs(program);
+void EmitContext::DefineLocalMemory(const IR::Program& program) {
+ if (program.local_memory_size == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const u32 num_elements{Common::DivCeil(program.local_memory_size, 4U)};
+ const Id type{TypeArray(U32[1], Const(num_elements))};
+ const Id pointer{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Private, type)};
+ local_memory = AddGlobalVariable(pointer, spv::StorageClass::Private);
+ if (profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ interfaces.push_back(local_memory);
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineSharedMemory(const IR::Program& program) {
+ if (program.shared_memory_size == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto make{[&](Id element_type, u32 element_size) {
+ const u32 num_elements{Common::DivCeil(program.shared_memory_size, element_size)};
+ const Id array_type{TypeArray(element_type, Const(num_elements))};
+ Decorate(array_type, spv::Decoration::ArrayStride, element_size);
+ const Id struct_type{TypeStruct(array_type)};
+ MemberDecorate(struct_type, 0U, spv::Decoration::Offset, 0U);
+ Decorate(struct_type, spv::Decoration::Block);
+ const Id pointer{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Workgroup, struct_type)};
+ const Id element_pointer{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Workgroup, element_type)};
+ const Id variable{AddGlobalVariable(pointer, spv::StorageClass::Workgroup)};
+ Decorate(variable, spv::Decoration::Aliased);
+ interfaces.push_back(variable);
+ return std::make_tuple(variable, element_pointer, pointer);
+ }};
+ if (profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ AddExtension("SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout");
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR);
+ if (program.info.uses_int8) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccessKHR);
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u8, shared_u8, std::ignore) = make(U8, 1);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_int16) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccessKHR);
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u16, shared_u16, std::ignore) = make(U16, 2);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_int64) {
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u64, shared_u64, std::ignore) = make(U64, 8);
+ }
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u32, shared_u32, shared_memory_u32_type) = make(U32[1], 4);
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u32x2, shared_u32x2, std::ignore) = make(U32[2], 8);
+ std::tie(shared_memory_u32x4, shared_u32x4, std::ignore) = make(U32[4], 16);
+ return;
+ }
+ const u32 num_elements{Common::DivCeil(program.shared_memory_size, 4U)};
+ const Id type{TypeArray(U32[1], Const(num_elements))};
+ shared_memory_u32_type = TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Workgroup, type);
+ shared_u32 = TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Workgroup, U32[1]);
+ shared_memory_u32 = AddGlobalVariable(shared_memory_u32_type, spv::StorageClass::Workgroup);
+ interfaces.push_back(shared_memory_u32);
+ const Id func_type{TypeFunction(void_id, U32[1], U32[1])};
+ const auto make_function{[&](u32 mask, u32 size) {
+ const Id loop_header{OpLabel()};
+ const Id continue_block{OpLabel()};
+ const Id merge_block{OpLabel()};
+ const Id func{OpFunction(void_id, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, func_type)};
+ const Id offset{OpFunctionParameter(U32[1])};
+ const Id insert_value{OpFunctionParameter(U32[1])};
+ AddLabel();
+ OpBranch(loop_header);
+ AddLabel(loop_header);
+ const Id word_offset{OpShiftRightArithmetic(U32[1], offset, Const(2U))};
+ const Id shift_offset{OpShiftLeftLogical(U32[1], offset, Const(3U))};
+ const Id bit_offset{OpBitwiseAnd(U32[1], shift_offset, Const(mask))};
+ const Id count{Const(size)};
+ OpLoopMerge(merge_block, continue_block, spv::LoopControlMask::MaskNone);
+ OpBranch(continue_block);
+ AddLabel(continue_block);
+ const Id word_pointer{OpAccessChain(shared_u32, shared_memory_u32, word_offset)};
+ const Id old_value{OpLoad(U32[1], word_pointer)};
+ const Id new_value{OpBitFieldInsert(U32[1], old_value, insert_value, bit_offset, count)};
+ const Id atomic_res{OpAtomicCompareExchange(U32[1], word_pointer, Const(1U), u32_zero_value,
+ u32_zero_value, new_value, old_value)};
+ const Id success{OpIEqual(U1, atomic_res, old_value)};
+ OpBranchConditional(success, merge_block, loop_header);
+ AddLabel(merge_block);
+ OpReturn();
+ OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func;
+ }};
+ if (program.info.uses_int8) {
+ shared_store_u8_func = make_function(24, 8);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_int16) {
+ shared_store_u16_func = make_function(16, 16);
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineSharedMemoryFunctions(const IR::Program& program) {
+ if (program.info.uses_shared_increment) {
+ increment_cas_shared = CasLoop(*this, Operation::Increment, shared_memory_u32_type,
+ shared_u32, U32[1], U32[1], spv::Scope::Workgroup);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_shared_decrement) {
+ decrement_cas_shared = CasLoop(*this, Operation::Decrement, shared_memory_u32_type,
+ shared_u32, U32[1], U32[1], spv::Scope::Workgroup);
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineAttributeMemAccess(const Info& info) {
+ const auto make_load{[&] {
+ const bool is_array{stage == Stage::Geometry};
+ const Id end_block{OpLabel()};
+ const Id default_label{OpLabel()};
+ const Id func_type_load{is_array ? TypeFunction(F32[1], U32[1], U32[1])
+ : TypeFunction(F32[1], U32[1])};
+ const Id func{OpFunction(F32[1], spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, func_type_load)};
+ const Id offset{OpFunctionParameter(U32[1])};
+ const Id vertex{is_array ? OpFunctionParameter(U32[1]) : Id{}};
+ AddLabel();
+ const Id base_index{OpShiftRightArithmetic(U32[1], offset, Const(2U))};
+ const Id masked_index{OpBitwiseAnd(U32[1], base_index, Const(3U))};
+ const Id compare_index{OpShiftRightArithmetic(U32[1], base_index, Const(2U))};
+ std::vector<Sirit::Literal> literals;
+ std::vector<Id> labels;
+ if (info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ literals.push_back(static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::PositionX) >> 2);
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ }
+ const u32 base_attribute_value = static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) >> 2;
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < static_cast<u32>(IR::NUM_GENERICS); ++index) {
+ if (!info.loads.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ literals.push_back(base_attribute_value + index);
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ }
+ OpSelectionMerge(end_block, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ OpSwitch(compare_index, default_label, literals, labels);
+ AddLabel(default_label);
+ OpReturnValue(Const(0.0f));
+ size_t label_index{0};
+ if (info.loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const Id pointer{is_array
+ ? OpAccessChain(input_f32, input_position, vertex, masked_index)
+ : OpAccessChain(input_f32, input_position, masked_index)};
+ const Id result{OpLoad(F32[1], pointer)};
+ OpReturnValue(result);
+ ++label_index;
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!info.loads.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const auto type{AttrTypes(*this, static_cast<u32>(index))};
+ if (!type) {
+ OpReturnValue(Const(0.0f));
+ ++label_index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const Id generic_id{input_generics.at(index)};
+ const Id pointer{is_array
+ ? OpAccessChain(type->pointer, generic_id, vertex, masked_index)
+ : OpAccessChain(type->pointer, generic_id, masked_index)};
+ const Id value{OpLoad(type->id, pointer)};
+ const Id result{type->needs_cast ? OpBitcast(F32[1], value) : value};
+ OpReturnValue(result);
+ ++label_index;
+ }
+ AddLabel(end_block);
+ OpUnreachable();
+ OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func;
+ }};
+ const auto make_store{[&] {
+ const Id end_block{OpLabel()};
+ const Id default_label{OpLabel()};
+ const Id func_type_store{TypeFunction(void_id, U32[1], F32[1])};
+ const Id func{OpFunction(void_id, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, func_type_store)};
+ const Id offset{OpFunctionParameter(U32[1])};
+ const Id store_value{OpFunctionParameter(F32[1])};
+ AddLabel();
+ const Id base_index{OpShiftRightArithmetic(U32[1], offset, Const(2U))};
+ const Id masked_index{OpBitwiseAnd(U32[1], base_index, Const(3U))};
+ const Id compare_index{OpShiftRightArithmetic(U32[1], base_index, Const(2U))};
+ std::vector<Sirit::Literal> literals;
+ std::vector<Id> labels;
+ if (info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ literals.push_back(static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::PositionX) >> 2);
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ }
+ const u32 base_attribute_value = static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) >> 2;
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ literals.push_back(base_attribute_value + static_cast<u32>(index));
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ }
+ if (info.stores.ClipDistances()) {
+ literals.push_back(static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0) >> 2);
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ literals.push_back(static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance4) >> 2);
+ labels.push_back(OpLabel());
+ }
+ OpSelectionMerge(end_block, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ OpSwitch(compare_index, default_label, literals, labels);
+ AddLabel(default_label);
+ OpReturn();
+ size_t label_index{0};
+ if (info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const Id pointer{OpAccessChain(output_f32, output_position, masked_index)};
+ OpStore(pointer, store_value);
+ OpReturn();
+ ++label_index;
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (!info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (output_generics[index][0].num_components != 4) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Physical stores and transform feedbacks");
+ }
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const Id generic_id{output_generics[index][0].id};
+ const Id pointer{OpAccessChain(output_f32, generic_id, masked_index)};
+ OpStore(pointer, store_value);
+ OpReturn();
+ ++label_index;
+ }
+ if (info.stores.ClipDistances()) {
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const Id pointer{OpAccessChain(output_f32, clip_distances, masked_index)};
+ OpStore(pointer, store_value);
+ OpReturn();
+ ++label_index;
+ AddLabel(labels[label_index]);
+ const Id fixed_index{OpIAdd(U32[1], masked_index, Const(4U))};
+ const Id pointer2{OpAccessChain(output_f32, clip_distances, fixed_index)};
+ OpStore(pointer2, store_value);
+ OpReturn();
+ ++label_index;
+ }
+ AddLabel(end_block);
+ OpUnreachable();
+ OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func;
+ }};
+ if (info.loads_indexed_attributes) {
+ indexed_load_func = make_load();
+ }
+ if (info.stores_indexed_attributes) {
+ indexed_store_func = make_store();
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions(const Info& info) {
+ if (!info.uses_global_memory || !profile.support_int64) {
+ return;
+ }
+ using DefPtr = Id StorageDefinitions::*;
+ const Id zero{u32_zero_value};
+ const auto define_body{[&](DefPtr ssbo_member, Id addr, Id element_pointer, u32 shift,
+ auto&& callback) {
+ AddLabel();
+ const size_t num_buffers{info.storage_buffers_descriptors.size()};
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < num_buffers; ++index) {
+ if (!info.nvn_buffer_used[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& ssbo{info.storage_buffers_descriptors[index]};
+ const Id ssbo_addr_cbuf_offset{Const(ssbo.cbuf_offset / 8)};
+ const Id ssbo_size_cbuf_offset{Const(ssbo.cbuf_offset / 4 + 2)};
+ const Id ssbo_addr_pointer{OpAccessChain(
+ uniform_types.U32x2, cbufs[ssbo.cbuf_index].U32x2, zero, ssbo_addr_cbuf_offset)};
+ const Id ssbo_size_pointer{OpAccessChain(uniform_types.U32, cbufs[ssbo.cbuf_index].U32,
+ zero, ssbo_size_cbuf_offset)};
+ const Id ssbo_addr{OpBitcast(U64, OpLoad(U32[2], ssbo_addr_pointer))};
+ const Id ssbo_size{OpUConvert(U64, OpLoad(U32[1], ssbo_size_pointer))};
+ const Id ssbo_end{OpIAdd(U64, ssbo_addr, ssbo_size)};
+ const Id cond{OpLogicalAnd(U1, OpUGreaterThanEqual(U1, addr, ssbo_addr),
+ OpULessThan(U1, addr, ssbo_end))};
+ const Id then_label{OpLabel()};
+ const Id else_label{OpLabel()};
+ OpSelectionMerge(else_label, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ OpBranchConditional(cond, then_label, else_label);
+ AddLabel(then_label);
+ const Id ssbo_id{ssbos[index].*ssbo_member};
+ const Id ssbo_offset{OpUConvert(U32[1], OpISub(U64, addr, ssbo_addr))};
+ const Id ssbo_index{OpShiftRightLogical(U32[1], ssbo_offset, Const(shift))};
+ const Id ssbo_pointer{OpAccessChain(element_pointer, ssbo_id, zero, ssbo_index)};
+ callback(ssbo_pointer);
+ AddLabel(else_label);
+ }
+ }};
+ const auto define_load{[&](DefPtr ssbo_member, Id element_pointer, Id type, u32 shift) {
+ const Id function_type{TypeFunction(type, U64)};
+ const Id func_id{OpFunction(type, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, function_type)};
+ const Id addr{OpFunctionParameter(U64)};
+ define_body(ssbo_member, addr, element_pointer, shift,
+ [&](Id ssbo_pointer) { OpReturnValue(OpLoad(type, ssbo_pointer)); });
+ OpReturnValue(ConstantNull(type));
+ OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func_id;
+ }};
+ const auto define_write{[&](DefPtr ssbo_member, Id element_pointer, Id type, u32 shift) {
+ const Id function_type{TypeFunction(void_id, U64, type)};
+ const Id func_id{OpFunction(void_id, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, function_type)};
+ const Id addr{OpFunctionParameter(U64)};
+ const Id data{OpFunctionParameter(type)};
+ define_body(ssbo_member, addr, element_pointer, shift, [&](Id ssbo_pointer) {
+ OpStore(ssbo_pointer, data);
+ OpReturn();
+ });
+ OpReturn();
+ OpFunctionEnd();
+ return func_id;
+ }};
+ const auto define{
+ [&](DefPtr ssbo_member, const StorageTypeDefinition& type_def, Id type, size_t size) {
+ const Id element_type{type_def.element};
+ const u32 shift{static_cast<u32>(std::countr_zero(size))};
+ const Id load_func{define_load(ssbo_member, element_type, type, shift)};
+ const Id write_func{define_write(ssbo_member, element_type, type, shift)};
+ return std::make_pair(load_func, write_func);
+ }};
+ std::tie(load_global_func_u32, write_global_func_u32) =
+ define(&StorageDefinitions::U32, storage_types.U32, U32[1], sizeof(u32));
+ std::tie(load_global_func_u32x2, write_global_func_u32x2) =
+ define(&StorageDefinitions::U32x2, storage_types.U32x2, U32[2], sizeof(u32[2]));
+ std::tie(load_global_func_u32x4, write_global_func_u32x4) =
+ define(&StorageDefinitions::U32x4, storage_types.U32x4, U32[4], sizeof(u32[4]));
+void EmitContext::DefineConstantBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ if (info.constant_buffer_descriptors.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::U32x4, binding, U32[4], 'u',
+ sizeof(u32[4]));
+ for (const ConstantBufferDescriptor& desc : info.constant_buffer_descriptors) {
+ binding += desc.count;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ IR::Type types{info.used_constant_buffer_types};
+ if (True(types & IR::Type::U8)) {
+ if (profile.support_int8) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::U8, binding, U8, 'u', sizeof(u8));
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::S8, binding, S8, 's', sizeof(s8));
+ } else {
+ types |= IR::Type::U32;
+ }
+ }
+ if (True(types & IR::Type::U16)) {
+ if (profile.support_int16) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::U16, binding, U16, 'u',
+ sizeof(u16));
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::S16, binding, S16, 's',
+ sizeof(s16));
+ } else {
+ types |= IR::Type::U32;
+ }
+ }
+ if (True(types & IR::Type::U32)) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::U32, binding, U32[1], 'u',
+ sizeof(u32));
+ }
+ if (True(types & IR::Type::F32)) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::F32, binding, F32[1], 'f',
+ sizeof(f32));
+ }
+ if (True(types & IR::Type::U32x2)) {
+ DefineConstBuffers(*this, info, &UniformDefinitions::U32x2, binding, U32[2], 'u',
+ sizeof(u32[2]));
+ }
+ binding += static_cast<u32>(info.constant_buffer_descriptors.size());
+void EmitContext::DefineStorageBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ if (info.storage_buffers_descriptors.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AddExtension("SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class");
+ const IR::Type used_types{profile.support_descriptor_aliasing ? info.used_storage_buffer_types
+ : IR::Type::U32};
+ if (profile.support_int8 && True(used_types & IR::Type::U8)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U8, &StorageDefinitions::U8, info, binding, U8,
+ sizeof(u8));
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.S8, &StorageDefinitions::S8, info, binding, S8,
+ sizeof(u8));
+ }
+ if (profile.support_int16 && True(used_types & IR::Type::U16)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U16, &StorageDefinitions::U16, info, binding, U16,
+ sizeof(u16));
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.S16, &StorageDefinitions::S16, info, binding, S16,
+ sizeof(u16));
+ }
+ if (True(used_types & IR::Type::U32)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U32, &StorageDefinitions::U32, info, binding, U32[1],
+ sizeof(u32));
+ }
+ if (True(used_types & IR::Type::F32)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.F32, &StorageDefinitions::F32, info, binding, F32[1],
+ sizeof(f32));
+ }
+ if (True(used_types & IR::Type::U64)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U64, &StorageDefinitions::U64, info, binding, U64,
+ sizeof(u64));
+ }
+ if (True(used_types & IR::Type::U32x2)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U32x2, &StorageDefinitions::U32x2, info, binding, U32[2],
+ sizeof(u32[2]));
+ }
+ if (True(used_types & IR::Type::U32x4)) {
+ DefineSsbos(*this, storage_types.U32x4, &StorageDefinitions::U32x4, info, binding, U32[4],
+ sizeof(u32[4]));
+ }
+ for (const StorageBufferDescriptor& desc : info.storage_buffers_descriptors) {
+ binding += desc.count;
+ }
+ const bool needs_function{
+ info.uses_global_increment || info.uses_global_decrement || info.uses_atomic_f32_add ||
+ info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max ||
+ info.uses_atomic_f32x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f32x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f32x2_max};
+ if (needs_function) {
+ AddCapability(spv::Capability::VariablePointersStorageBuffer);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_global_increment) {
+ increment_cas_ssbo = CasLoop(*this, Operation::Increment, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, U32[1], U32[1], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_global_decrement) {
+ decrement_cas_ssbo = CasLoop(*this, Operation::Decrement, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, U32[1], U32[1], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
+ f32_add_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPAdd, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F32[1], U32[1], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add) {
+ f16x2_add_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPAdd, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F16[2], F16[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min) {
+ f16x2_min_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPMin, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F16[2], F16[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
+ f16x2_max_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPMax, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F16[2], F16[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_add) {
+ f32x2_add_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPAdd, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F32[2], F32[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_min) {
+ f32x2_min_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPMin, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F32[2], F32[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_max) {
+ f32x2_max_cas = CasLoop(*this, Operation::FPMax, storage_types.U32.array,
+ storage_types.U32.element, F32[2], F32[2], spv::Scope::Device);
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineTextureBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ if (info.texture_buffer_descriptors.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const spv::ImageFormat format{spv::ImageFormat::Unknown};
+ image_buffer_type = TypeImage(F32[1], spv::Dim::Buffer, 0U, false, false, 1, format);
+ sampled_texture_buffer_type = TypeSampledImage(image_buffer_type);
+ const Id type{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, sampled_texture_buffer_type)};
+ texture_buffers.reserve(info.texture_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const TextureBufferDescriptor& desc : info.texture_buffer_descriptors) {
+ if (desc.count != 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Array of texture buffers");
+ }
+ const Id id{AddGlobalVariable(type, spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ Name(id, NameOf(stage, desc, "texbuf"));
+ texture_buffers.push_back({
+ .id = id,
+ .count = desc.count,
+ });
+ if (profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ ++binding;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineImageBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ image_buffers.reserve(info.image_buffer_descriptors.size());
+ for (const ImageBufferDescriptor& desc : info.image_buffer_descriptors) {
+ if (desc.count != 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Array of image buffers");
+ }
+ const spv::ImageFormat format{GetImageFormat(desc.format)};
+ const Id image_type{TypeImage(U32[1], spv::Dim::Buffer, false, false, false, 2, format)};
+ const Id pointer_type{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, image_type)};
+ const Id id{AddGlobalVariable(pointer_type, spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ Name(id, NameOf(stage, desc, "imgbuf"));
+ image_buffers.push_back({
+ .id = id,
+ .image_type = image_type,
+ .count = desc.count,
+ });
+ if (profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ ++binding;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineTextures(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ textures.reserve(info.texture_descriptors.size());
+ for (const TextureDescriptor& desc : info.texture_descriptors) {
+ const Id image_type{ImageType(*this, desc)};
+ const Id sampled_type{TypeSampledImage(image_type)};
+ const Id pointer_type{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, sampled_type)};
+ const Id desc_type{DescType(*this, sampled_type, pointer_type, desc.count)};
+ const Id id{AddGlobalVariable(desc_type, spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ Name(id, NameOf(stage, desc, "tex"));
+ textures.push_back({
+ .id = id,
+ .sampled_type = sampled_type,
+ .pointer_type = pointer_type,
+ .image_type = image_type,
+ .count = desc.count,
+ });
+ if (profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ ++binding;
+ }
+ if (info.uses_atomic_image_u32) {
+ image_u32 = TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Image, U32[1]);
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineImages(const Info& info, u32& binding) {
+ images.reserve(info.image_descriptors.size());
+ for (const ImageDescriptor& desc : info.image_descriptors) {
+ if (desc.count != 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Array of images");
+ }
+ const Id image_type{ImageType(*this, desc)};
+ const Id pointer_type{TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, image_type)};
+ const Id id{AddGlobalVariable(pointer_type, spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Binding, binding);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, 0U);
+ Name(id, NameOf(stage, desc, "img"));
+ images.push_back({
+ .id = id,
+ .image_type = image_type,
+ .count = desc.count,
+ });
+ if (profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ interfaces.push_back(id);
+ }
+ ++binding;
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineInputs(const IR::Program& program) {
+ const Info& info{program.info};
+ const VaryingState loads{info.loads.mask | info.passthrough.mask};
+ if (info.uses_workgroup_id) {
+ workgroup_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[3], false, spv::BuiltIn::WorkgroupId);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_local_invocation_id) {
+ local_invocation_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[3], false, spv::BuiltIn::LocalInvocationId);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_invocation_id) {
+ invocation_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], false, spv::BuiltIn::InvocationId);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sample_id) {
+ sample_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], false, spv::BuiltIn::SampleId);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_is_helper_invocation) {
+ is_helper_invocation = DefineInput(*this, U1, false, spv::BuiltIn::HelperInvocation);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_subgroup_mask) {
+ subgroup_mask_eq = DefineInput(*this, U32[4], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupEqMaskKHR);
+ subgroup_mask_lt = DefineInput(*this, U32[4], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupLtMaskKHR);
+ subgroup_mask_le = DefineInput(*this, U32[4], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupLeMaskKHR);
+ subgroup_mask_gt = DefineInput(*this, U32[4], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupGtMaskKHR);
+ subgroup_mask_ge = DefineInput(*this, U32[4], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupGeMaskKHR);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id || info.uses_subgroup_shuffles ||
+ (profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest &&
+ (info.uses_subgroup_vote || info.uses_subgroup_mask))) {
+ subgroup_local_invocation_id =
+ DefineInput(*this, U32[1], false, spv::BuiltIn::SubgroupLocalInvocationId);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_fswzadd) {
+ const Id f32_one{Const(1.0f)};
+ const Id f32_minus_one{Const(-1.0f)};
+ const Id f32_zero{Const(0.0f)};
+ fswzadd_lut_a = ConstantComposite(F32[4], f32_minus_one, f32_one, f32_minus_one, f32_zero);
+ fswzadd_lut_b =
+ ConstantComposite(F32[4], f32_minus_one, f32_minus_one, f32_one, f32_minus_one);
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId]) {
+ primitive_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], false, spv::BuiltIn::PrimitiveId);
+ }
+ if (loads.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ const bool is_fragment{stage != Stage::Fragment};
+ const spv::BuiltIn built_in{is_fragment ? spv::BuiltIn::Position : spv::BuiltIn::FragCoord};
+ input_position = DefineInput(*this, F32[4], true, built_in);
+ if (profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ if (info.passthrough.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX)) {
+ Decorate(input_position, spv::Decoration::PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::InstanceId]) {
+ if (profile.support_vertex_instance_id) {
+ instance_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::InstanceId);
+ } else {
+ instance_index = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::InstanceIndex);
+ base_instance = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::BaseInstance);
+ }
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::VertexId]) {
+ if (profile.support_vertex_instance_id) {
+ vertex_id = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::VertexId);
+ } else {
+ vertex_index = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::VertexIndex);
+ base_vertex = DefineInput(*this, U32[1], true, spv::BuiltIn::BaseVertex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::FrontFace]) {
+ front_face = DefineInput(*this, U1, true, spv::BuiltIn::FrontFacing);
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::PointSpriteS] || loads[IR::Attribute::PointSpriteT]) {
+ point_coord = DefineInput(*this, F32[2], true, spv::BuiltIn::PointCoord);
+ }
+ if (loads[IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointU] ||
+ loads[IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointV]) {
+ tess_coord = DefineInput(*this, F32[3], false, spv::BuiltIn::TessCoord);
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ const AttributeType input_type{runtime_info.generic_input_types[index]};
+ if (!runtime_info.previous_stage_stores.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!loads.Generic(index)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (input_type == AttributeType::Disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const Id type{GetAttributeType(*this, input_type)};
+ const Id id{DefineInput(*this, type, true)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Location, static_cast<u32>(index));
+ Name(id, fmt::format("in_attr{}", index));
+ input_generics[index] = id;
+ if (info.passthrough.Generic(index) && profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ if (stage != Stage::Fragment) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (info.interpolation[index]) {
+ case Interpolation::Smooth:
+ // Default
+ // Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Smooth);
+ break;
+ case Interpolation::NoPerspective:
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::NoPerspective);
+ break;
+ case Interpolation::Flat:
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Flat);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (stage == Stage::TessellationEval) {
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < info.uses_patches.size(); ++index) {
+ if (!info.uses_patches[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const Id id{DefineInput(*this, F32[4], false)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Patch);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Location, static_cast<u32>(index));
+ patches[index] = id;
+ }
+ }
+void EmitContext::DefineOutputs(const IR::Program& program) {
+ const Info& info{program.info};
+ const std::optional<u32> invocations{program.invocations};
+ if (info.stores.AnyComponent(IR::Attribute::PositionX) || stage == Stage::VertexB) {
+ output_position = DefineOutput(*this, F32[4], invocations, spv::BuiltIn::Position);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::PointSize] || runtime_info.fixed_state_point_size) {
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Storing PointSize in fragment stage");
+ }
+ output_point_size = DefineOutput(*this, F32[1], invocations, spv::BuiltIn::PointSize);
+ }
+ if (info.stores.ClipDistances()) {
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Storing ClipDistance in fragment stage");
+ }
+ const Id type{TypeArray(F32[1], Const(8U))};
+ clip_distances = DefineOutput(*this, type, invocations, spv::BuiltIn::ClipDistance);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::Layer] &&
+ (profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry || stage == Stage::Geometry)) {
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Storing Layer in fragment stage");
+ }
+ layer = DefineOutput(*this, U32[1], invocations, spv::BuiltIn::Layer);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex] &&
+ (profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry || stage == Stage::Geometry)) {
+ if (stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Storing ViewportIndex in fragment stage");
+ }
+ viewport_index = DefineOutput(*this, U32[1], invocations, spv::BuiltIn::ViewportIndex);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportMask] && profile.support_viewport_mask) {
+ viewport_mask = DefineOutput(*this, TypeArray(U32[1], Const(1u)), std::nullopt,
+ spv::BuiltIn::ViewportMaskNV);
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < IR::NUM_GENERICS; ++index) {
+ if (info.stores.Generic(index)) {
+ DefineGenericOutput(*this, index, invocations);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ if (info.stores_tess_level_outer) {
+ const Id type{TypeArray(F32[1], Const(4U))};
+ output_tess_level_outer =
+ DefineOutput(*this, type, std::nullopt, spv::BuiltIn::TessLevelOuter);
+ Decorate(output_tess_level_outer, spv::Decoration::Patch);
+ }
+ if (info.stores_tess_level_inner) {
+ const Id type{TypeArray(F32[1], Const(2U))};
+ output_tess_level_inner =
+ DefineOutput(*this, type, std::nullopt, spv::BuiltIn::TessLevelInner);
+ Decorate(output_tess_level_inner, spv::Decoration::Patch);
+ }
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < info.uses_patches.size(); ++index) {
+ if (!info.uses_patches[index]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const Id id{DefineOutput(*this, F32[4], std::nullopt)};
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Patch);
+ Decorate(id, spv::Decoration::Location, static_cast<u32>(index));
+ patches[index] = id;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < 8; ++index) {
+ if (!info.stores_frag_color[index] && !profile.need_declared_frag_colors) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ frag_color[index] = DefineOutput(*this, F32[4], std::nullopt);
+ Decorate(frag_color[index], spv::Decoration::Location, index);
+ Name(frag_color[index], fmt::format("frag_color{}", index));
+ }
+ if (info.stores_frag_depth) {
+ frag_depth = DefineOutput(*this, F32[1], std::nullopt);
+ Decorate(frag_depth, spv::Decoration::BuiltIn, spv::BuiltIn::FragDepth);
+ }
+ if (info.stores_sample_mask) {
+ sample_mask = DefineOutput(*this, U32[1], std::nullopt);
+ Decorate(sample_mask, spv::Decoration::BuiltIn, spv::BuiltIn::SampleMask);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e277bc3580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <sirit/sirit.h>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/shader_info.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+using Sirit::Id;
+class VectorTypes {
+ void Define(Sirit::Module& sirit_ctx, Id base_type, std::string_view name);
+ [[nodiscard]] Id operator[](size_t size) const noexcept {
+ return defs[size - 1];
+ }
+ std::array<Id, 4> defs{};
+struct TextureDefinition {
+ Id id;
+ Id sampled_type;
+ Id pointer_type;
+ Id image_type;
+ u32 count;
+struct TextureBufferDefinition {
+ Id id;
+ u32 count;
+struct ImageBufferDefinition {
+ Id id;
+ Id image_type;
+ u32 count;
+struct ImageDefinition {
+ Id id;
+ Id image_type;
+ u32 count;
+struct UniformDefinitions {
+ Id U8{};
+ Id S8{};
+ Id U16{};
+ Id S16{};
+ Id U32{};
+ Id F32{};
+ Id U32x2{};
+ Id U32x4{};
+struct StorageTypeDefinition {
+ Id array{};
+ Id element{};
+struct StorageTypeDefinitions {
+ StorageTypeDefinition U8{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition S8{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition U16{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition S16{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition U32{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition U64{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition F32{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition U32x2{};
+ StorageTypeDefinition U32x4{};
+struct StorageDefinitions {
+ Id U8{};
+ Id S8{};
+ Id U16{};
+ Id S16{};
+ Id U32{};
+ Id F32{};
+ Id U64{};
+ Id U32x2{};
+ Id U32x4{};
+struct GenericElementInfo {
+ Id id{};
+ u32 first_element{};
+ u32 num_components{};
+class EmitContext final : public Sirit::Module {
+ explicit EmitContext(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& binding);
+ ~EmitContext();
+ [[nodiscard]] Id Def(const IR::Value& value);
+ [[nodiscard]] Id BitOffset8(const IR::Value& offset);
+ [[nodiscard]] Id BitOffset16(const IR::Value& offset);
+ Id Const(u32 value) {
+ return Constant(U32[1], value);
+ }
+ Id Const(u32 element_1, u32 element_2) {
+ return ConstantComposite(U32[2], Const(element_1), Const(element_2));
+ }
+ Id Const(u32 element_1, u32 element_2, u32 element_3) {
+ return ConstantComposite(U32[3], Const(element_1), Const(element_2), Const(element_3));
+ }
+ Id Const(u32 element_1, u32 element_2, u32 element_3, u32 element_4) {
+ return ConstantComposite(U32[4], Const(element_1), Const(element_2), Const(element_3),
+ Const(element_4));
+ }
+ Id SConst(s32 value) {
+ return Constant(S32[1], value);
+ }
+ Id SConst(s32 element_1, s32 element_2) {
+ return ConstantComposite(S32[2], SConst(element_1), SConst(element_2));
+ }
+ Id SConst(s32 element_1, s32 element_2, s32 element_3) {
+ return ConstantComposite(S32[3], SConst(element_1), SConst(element_2), SConst(element_3));
+ }
+ Id SConst(s32 element_1, s32 element_2, s32 element_3, s32 element_4) {
+ return ConstantComposite(S32[4], SConst(element_1), SConst(element_2), SConst(element_3),
+ SConst(element_4));
+ }
+ Id Const(f32 value) {
+ return Constant(F32[1], value);
+ }
+ const Profile& profile;
+ const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info;
+ Stage stage{};
+ Id void_id{};
+ Id U1{};
+ Id U8{};
+ Id S8{};
+ Id U16{};
+ Id S16{};
+ Id U64{};
+ VectorTypes F32;
+ VectorTypes U32;
+ VectorTypes S32;
+ VectorTypes F16;
+ VectorTypes F64;
+ Id true_value{};
+ Id false_value{};
+ Id u32_zero_value{};
+ Id f32_zero_value{};
+ UniformDefinitions uniform_types;
+ StorageTypeDefinitions storage_types;
+ Id private_u32{};
+ Id shared_u8{};
+ Id shared_u16{};
+ Id shared_u32{};
+ Id shared_u64{};
+ Id shared_u32x2{};
+ Id shared_u32x4{};
+ Id input_f32{};
+ Id input_u32{};
+ Id input_s32{};
+ Id output_f32{};
+ Id output_u32{};
+ Id image_buffer_type{};
+ Id sampled_texture_buffer_type{};
+ Id image_u32{};
+ std::array<UniformDefinitions, Info::MAX_CBUFS> cbufs{};
+ std::array<StorageDefinitions, Info::MAX_SSBOS> ssbos{};
+ std::vector<TextureBufferDefinition> texture_buffers;
+ std::vector<ImageBufferDefinition> image_buffers;
+ std::vector<TextureDefinition> textures;
+ std::vector<ImageDefinition> images;
+ Id workgroup_id{};
+ Id local_invocation_id{};
+ Id invocation_id{};
+ Id sample_id{};
+ Id is_helper_invocation{};
+ Id subgroup_local_invocation_id{};
+ Id subgroup_mask_eq{};
+ Id subgroup_mask_lt{};
+ Id subgroup_mask_le{};
+ Id subgroup_mask_gt{};
+ Id subgroup_mask_ge{};
+ Id instance_id{};
+ Id instance_index{};
+ Id base_instance{};
+ Id vertex_id{};
+ Id vertex_index{};
+ Id base_vertex{};
+ Id front_face{};
+ Id point_coord{};
+ Id tess_coord{};
+ Id clip_distances{};
+ Id layer{};
+ Id viewport_index{};
+ Id viewport_mask{};
+ Id primitive_id{};
+ Id fswzadd_lut_a{};
+ Id fswzadd_lut_b{};
+ Id indexed_load_func{};
+ Id indexed_store_func{};
+ Id local_memory{};
+ Id shared_memory_u8{};
+ Id shared_memory_u16{};
+ Id shared_memory_u32{};
+ Id shared_memory_u64{};
+ Id shared_memory_u32x2{};
+ Id shared_memory_u32x4{};
+ Id shared_memory_u32_type{};
+ Id shared_store_u8_func{};
+ Id shared_store_u16_func{};
+ Id increment_cas_shared{};
+ Id increment_cas_ssbo{};
+ Id decrement_cas_shared{};
+ Id decrement_cas_ssbo{};
+ Id f32_add_cas{};
+ Id f16x2_add_cas{};
+ Id f16x2_min_cas{};
+ Id f16x2_max_cas{};
+ Id f32x2_add_cas{};
+ Id f32x2_min_cas{};
+ Id f32x2_max_cas{};
+ Id load_global_func_u32{};
+ Id load_global_func_u32x2{};
+ Id load_global_func_u32x4{};
+ Id write_global_func_u32{};
+ Id write_global_func_u32x2{};
+ Id write_global_func_u32x4{};
+ Id input_position{};
+ std::array<Id, 32> input_generics{};
+ Id output_point_size{};
+ Id output_position{};
+ std::array<std::array<GenericElementInfo, 4>, 32> output_generics{};
+ Id output_tess_level_outer{};
+ Id output_tess_level_inner{};
+ std::array<Id, 30> patches{};
+ std::array<Id, 8> frag_color{};
+ Id sample_mask{};
+ Id frag_depth{};
+ std::vector<Id> interfaces;
+ void DefineCommonTypes(const Info& info);
+ void DefineCommonConstants();
+ void DefineInterfaces(const IR::Program& program);
+ void DefineLocalMemory(const IR::Program& program);
+ void DefineSharedMemory(const IR::Program& program);
+ void DefineSharedMemoryFunctions(const IR::Program& program);
+ void DefineConstantBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineStorageBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineTextureBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineImageBuffers(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineTextures(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineImages(const Info& info, u32& binding);
+ void DefineAttributeMemAccess(const Info& info);
+ void DefineGlobalMemoryFunctions(const Info& info);
+ void DefineInputs(const IR::Program& program);
+ void DefineOutputs(const IR::Program& program);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7a86e2708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <span>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/settings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+template <class Func>
+struct FuncTraits {};
+template <class ReturnType_, class... Args>
+struct FuncTraits<ReturnType_ (*)(Args...)> {
+ using ReturnType = ReturnType_;
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_ARGS = sizeof...(Args);
+ template <size_t I>
+ using ArgType = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<Args...>>;
+template <auto func, typename... Args>
+void SetDefinition(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Args... args) {
+ inst->SetDefinition<Id>(func(ctx, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+template <typename ArgType>
+ArgType Arg(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& arg) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, Id>) {
+ return ctx.Def(arg);
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, const IR::Value&>) {
+ return arg;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, u32>) {
+ return arg.U32();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Attribute>) {
+ return arg.Attribute();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Patch>) {
+ return arg.Patch();
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ArgType, IR::Reg>) {
+ return arg.Reg();
+ }
+template <auto func, bool is_first_arg_inst, size_t... I>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename Traits::ReturnType, Id>) {
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ SetDefinition<func>(
+ ctx, inst, inst,
+ Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ } else {
+ SetDefinition<func>(
+ ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if constexpr (is_first_arg_inst) {
+ func(ctx, inst, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 2>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ } else {
+ func(ctx, Arg<typename Traits::template ArgType<I + 1>>(ctx, inst->Arg(I))...);
+ }
+ }
+template <auto func>
+void Invoke(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ using Traits = FuncTraits<decltype(func)>;
+ static_assert(Traits::NUM_ARGS >= 1, "Insufficient arguments");
+ if constexpr (Traits::NUM_ARGS == 1) {
+ Invoke<func, false>(ctx, inst, std::make_index_sequence<0>{});
+ } else {
+ using FirstArgType = typename Traits::template ArgType<1>;
+ static constexpr bool is_first_arg_inst = std::is_same_v<FirstArgType, IR::Inst*>;
+ using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<Traits::NUM_ARGS - (is_first_arg_inst ? 2 : 1)>;
+ Invoke<func, is_first_arg_inst>(ctx, inst, Indices{});
+ }
+void EmitInst(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ switch (inst->GetOpcode()) {
+#define OPCODE(name, result_type, ...) \
+ case IR::Opcode::name: \
+ return Invoke<&Emit##name>(ctx, inst);
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/opcodes.inc"
+#undef OPCODE
+ }
+ throw LogicError("Invalid opcode {}", inst->GetOpcode());
+Id TypeId(const EmitContext& ctx, IR::Type type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case IR::Type::U1:
+ return ctx.U1;
+ case IR::Type::U32:
+ return ctx.U32[1];
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Phi node type {}", type);
+ }
+void Traverse(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Program& program) {
+ IR::Block* current_block{};
+ for (const IR::AbstractSyntaxNode& node : program.syntax_list) {
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block: {
+ const Id label{node.data.block->Definition<Id>()};
+ if (current_block) {
+ ctx.OpBranch(label);
+ }
+ current_block = node.data.block;
+ ctx.AddLabel(label);
+ for (IR::Inst& inst : node.data.block->Instructions()) {
+ EmitInst(ctx, &inst);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::If: {
+ const Id if_label{node.data.if_node.body->Definition<Id>()};
+ const Id endif_label{node.data.if_node.merge->Definition<Id>()};
+ ctx.OpSelectionMerge(endif_label, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(ctx.Def(node.data.if_node.cond), if_label, endif_label);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Loop: {
+ const Id body_label{node.data.loop.body->Definition<Id>()};
+ const Id continue_label{node.data.loop.continue_block->Definition<Id>()};
+ const Id endloop_label{node.data.loop.merge->Definition<Id>()};
+ ctx.OpLoopMerge(endloop_label, continue_label, spv::LoopControlMask::MaskNone);
+ ctx.OpBranch(body_label);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Break: {
+ const Id break_label{node.data.break_node.merge->Definition<Id>()};
+ const Id skip_label{node.data.break_node.skip->Definition<Id>()};
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(ctx.Def(node.data.break_node.cond), break_label, skip_label);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::EndIf:
+ if (current_block) {
+ ctx.OpBranch(node.data.end_if.merge->Definition<Id>());
+ }
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Repeat: {
+ Id cond{ctx.Def(node.data.repeat.cond)};
+ if (!Settings::values.disable_shader_loop_safety_checks) {
+ const Id pointer_type{ctx.TypePointer(spv::StorageClass::Private, ctx.U32[1])};
+ const Id safety_counter{ctx.AddGlobalVariable(
+ pointer_type, spv::StorageClass::Private, ctx.Const(0x2000u))};
+ if (ctx.profile.supported_spirv >= 0x00010400) {
+ ctx.interfaces.push_back(safety_counter);
+ }
+ const Id old_counter{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], safety_counter)};
+ const Id new_counter{ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], old_counter, ctx.Const(1u))};
+ ctx.OpStore(safety_counter, new_counter);
+ const Id safety_cond{
+ ctx.OpSGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, new_counter, ctx.u32_zero_value)};
+ cond = ctx.OpLogicalAnd(ctx.U1, cond, safety_cond);
+ }
+ const Id loop_header_label{node.data.repeat.loop_header->Definition<Id>()};
+ const Id merge_label{node.data.repeat.merge->Definition<Id>()};
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(cond, loop_header_label, merge_label);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Return:
+ ctx.OpReturn();
+ break;
+ case IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Unreachable:
+ ctx.OpUnreachable();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node.type != IR::AbstractSyntaxNode::Type::Block) {
+ current_block = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+Id DefineMain(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Program& program) {
+ const Id void_function{ctx.TypeFunction(ctx.void_id)};
+ const Id main{ctx.OpFunction(ctx.void_id, spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, void_function)};
+ for (IR::Block* const block : program.blocks) {
+ block->SetDefinition(ctx.OpLabel());
+ }
+ Traverse(ctx, program);
+ ctx.OpFunctionEnd();
+ return main;
+spv::ExecutionMode ExecutionMode(TessPrimitive primitive) {
+ switch (primitive) {
+ case TessPrimitive::Isolines:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::Isolines;
+ case TessPrimitive::Triangles:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::Triangles;
+ case TessPrimitive::Quads:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::Quads;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Tessellation primitive {}", primitive);
+spv::ExecutionMode ExecutionMode(TessSpacing spacing) {
+ switch (spacing) {
+ case TessSpacing::Equal:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::SpacingEqual;
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalOdd:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::SpacingFractionalOdd;
+ case TessSpacing::FractionalEven:
+ return spv::ExecutionMode::SpacingFractionalEven;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Tessellation spacing {}", spacing);
+void DefineEntryPoint(const IR::Program& program, EmitContext& ctx, Id main) {
+ const std::span interfaces(ctx.interfaces.data(), ctx.interfaces.size());
+ spv::ExecutionModel execution_model{};
+ switch (program.stage) {
+ case Stage::Compute: {
+ const std::array<u32, 3> workgroup_size{program.workgroup_size};
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::GLCompute;
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::LocalSize, workgroup_size[0],
+ workgroup_size[1], workgroup_size[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Stage::VertexB:
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::Vertex;
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::TessellationControl;
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::Tessellation);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OutputVertices, program.invocations);
+ break;
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::TessellationEvaluation;
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::Tessellation);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, ExecutionMode(ctx.runtime_info.tess_primitive));
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, ExecutionMode(ctx.runtime_info.tess_spacing));
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, ctx.runtime_info.tess_clockwise
+ ? spv::ExecutionMode::VertexOrderCw
+ : spv::ExecutionMode::VertexOrderCcw);
+ break;
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::Geometry;
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::Geometry);
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::GeometryStreams);
+ switch (ctx.runtime_info.input_topology) {
+ case InputTopology::Points:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::InputPoints);
+ break;
+ case InputTopology::Lines:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::InputLines);
+ break;
+ case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::InputLinesAdjacency);
+ break;
+ case InputTopology::Triangles:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::Triangles);
+ break;
+ case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::InputTrianglesAdjacency);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (program.output_topology) {
+ case OutputTopology::PointList:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OutputPoints);
+ break;
+ case OutputTopology::LineStrip:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OutputLineStrip);
+ break;
+ case OutputTopology::TriangleStrip:
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OutputTriangleStrip);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (program.info.stores[IR::Attribute::PointSize]) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::GeometryPointSize);
+ }
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OutputVertices, program.output_vertices);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::Invocations, program.invocations);
+ if (program.is_geometry_passthrough) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_geometry_shader_passthrough) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::GeometryShaderPassthroughNV);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Geometry shader passthrough used with no support");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stage::Fragment:
+ execution_model = spv::ExecutionModel::Fragment;
+ if (ctx.profile.lower_left_origin_mode) {
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OriginLowerLeft);
+ } else {
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::OriginUpperLeft);
+ }
+ if (program.info.stores_frag_depth) {
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::DepthReplacing);
+ }
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.force_early_z) {
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main, spv::ExecutionMode::EarlyFragmentTests);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Stage {}", program.stage);
+ }
+ ctx.AddEntryPoint(execution_model, main, "main", interfaces);
+void SetupDenormControl(const Profile& profile, const IR::Program& program, EmitContext& ctx,
+ Id main_func) {
+ const Info& info{program.info};
+ if (info.uses_fp32_denorms_flush && info.uses_fp32_denorms_preserve) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Shader_SPIRV, "Fp32 denorm flush and preserve on the same shader");
+ } else if (info.uses_fp32_denorms_flush) {
+ if (profile.support_fp32_denorm_flush) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DenormFlushToZero);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::DenormFlushToZero, 32U);
+ } else {
+ // Drivers will most likely flush denorms by default, no need to warn
+ }
+ } else if (info.uses_fp32_denorms_preserve) {
+ if (profile.support_fp32_denorm_preserve) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DenormPreserve);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::DenormPreserve, 32U);
+ } else {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Shader_SPIRV, "Fp32 denorm preserve used in shader without host support");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!profile.support_separate_denorm_behavior || profile.has_broken_fp16_float_controls) {
+ // No separate denorm behavior
+ return;
+ }
+ if (info.uses_fp16_denorms_flush && info.uses_fp16_denorms_preserve) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Shader_SPIRV, "Fp16 denorm flush and preserve on the same shader");
+ } else if (info.uses_fp16_denorms_flush) {
+ if (profile.support_fp16_denorm_flush) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DenormFlushToZero);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::DenormFlushToZero, 16U);
+ } else {
+ // Same as fp32, no need to warn as most drivers will flush by default
+ }
+ } else if (info.uses_fp16_denorms_preserve) {
+ if (profile.support_fp16_denorm_preserve) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DenormPreserve);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::DenormPreserve, 16U);
+ } else {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Shader_SPIRV, "Fp16 denorm preserve used in shader without host support");
+ }
+ }
+void SetupSignedNanCapabilities(const Profile& profile, const IR::Program& program,
+ EmitContext& ctx, Id main_func) {
+ if (profile.has_broken_fp16_float_controls && program.info.uses_fp16) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_fp16 && profile.support_fp16_signed_zero_nan_preserve) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve, 16U);
+ }
+ if (profile.support_fp32_signed_zero_nan_preserve) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve, 32U);
+ }
+ if (program.info.uses_fp64 && profile.support_fp64_signed_zero_nan_preserve) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve);
+ ctx.AddExecutionMode(main_func, spv::ExecutionMode::SignedZeroInfNanPreserve, 64U);
+ }
+void SetupCapabilities(const Profile& profile, const Info& info, EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (info.uses_sampled_1d) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::Sampled1D);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sparse_residency) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SparseResidency);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_demote_to_helper_invocation && profile.support_demote_to_helper_invocation) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DemoteToHelperInvocationEXT);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex]) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::MultiViewport);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportMask] && profile.support_viewport_mask) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_NV_viewport_array2");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::ShaderViewportMaskNV);
+ }
+ if (info.stores[IR::Attribute::Layer] || info.stores[IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex]) {
+ if (profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry && ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!profile.support_vertex_instance_id &&
+ (info.loads[IR::Attribute::InstanceId] || info.loads[IR::Attribute::VertexId])) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_KHR_shader_draw_parameters");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DrawParameters);
+ }
+ if ((info.uses_subgroup_vote || info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id ||
+ info.uses_subgroup_shuffles) &&
+ profile.support_vote) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_KHR_shader_ballot");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SubgroupBallotKHR);
+ if (!profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ // vote ops are only used when not taking the long path
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_KHR_subgroup_vote");
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SubgroupVoteKHR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (info.uses_int64_bit_atomics && profile.support_int64_atomics) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::Int64Atomics);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_typeless_image_reads && profile.support_typeless_image_loads) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::StorageImageReadWithoutFormat);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_typeless_image_writes) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::StorageImageWriteWithoutFormat);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_image_buffers) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::ImageBuffer);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_sample_id) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SampleRateShading);
+ }
+ if (!ctx.runtime_info.xfb_varyings.empty()) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::TransformFeedback);
+ }
+ if (info.uses_derivatives) {
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::DerivativeControl);
+ }
+ // TODO: Track this usage
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::ImageGatherExtended);
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::ImageQuery);
+ ctx.AddCapability(spv::Capability::SampledBuffer);
+void PatchPhiNodes(IR::Program& program, EmitContext& ctx) {
+ auto inst{program.blocks.front()->begin()};
+ size_t block_index{0};
+ ctx.PatchDeferredPhi([&](size_t phi_arg) {
+ if (phi_arg == 0) {
+ ++inst;
+ if (inst == program.blocks[block_index]->end() ||
+ inst->GetOpcode() != IR::Opcode::Phi) {
+ do {
+ ++block_index;
+ inst = program.blocks[block_index]->begin();
+ } while (inst->GetOpcode() != IR::Opcode::Phi);
+ }
+ }
+ return ctx.Def(inst->Arg(phi_arg));
+ });
+} // Anonymous namespace
+std::vector<u32> EmitSPIRV(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings) {
+ EmitContext ctx{profile, runtime_info, program, bindings};
+ const Id main{DefineMain(ctx, program)};
+ DefineEntryPoint(program, ctx, main);
+ if (profile.support_float_controls) {
+ ctx.AddExtension("SPV_KHR_float_controls");
+ SetupDenormControl(profile, program, ctx, main);
+ SetupSignedNanCapabilities(profile, program, ctx, main);
+ }
+ SetupCapabilities(profile, program.info, ctx);
+ PatchPhiNodes(program, ctx);
+ return ctx.Assemble();
+Id EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst) {
+ const size_t num_args{inst->NumArgs()};
+ boost::container::small_vector<Id, 32> blocks;
+ blocks.reserve(num_args);
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < num_args; ++index) {
+ blocks.push_back(inst->PhiBlock(index)->Definition<Id>());
+ }
+ // The type of a phi instruction is stored in its flags
+ const Id result_type{TypeId(ctx, inst->Flags<IR::Type>())};
+ return ctx.DeferredOpPhi(result_type, std::span(blocks.data(), blocks.size()));
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext&) {}
+Id EmitIdentity(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value) {
+ const Id id{ctx.Def(value)};
+ if (!Sirit::ValidId(id)) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Forward identity declaration");
+ }
+ return id;
+Id EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value) {
+ const Id id{ctx.Def(value)};
+ if (!Sirit::ValidId(id)) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Forward identity declaration");
+ }
+ return id;
+void EmitReference(EmitContext&) {}
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db0c935fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <sirit/sirit.h>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_context.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+[[nodiscard]] std::vector<u32> EmitSPIRV(const Profile& profile, const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info,
+ IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings);
+[[nodiscard]] inline std::vector<u32> EmitSPIRV(const Profile& profile, IR::Program& program) {
+ Bindings binding;
+ return EmitSPIRV(profile, {}, program, binding);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_atomic.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_atomic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9af8bb9e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_atomic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id SharedPointer(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ if (index_offset > 0) {
+ index = ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], index, ctx.Const(index_offset));
+ }
+ return ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout
+ ? ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, ctx.u32_zero_value, index)
+ : ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, index);
+Id StorageIndex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset, size_t element_size) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ const u32 imm_offset{static_cast<u32>(offset.U32() / element_size)};
+ return ctx.Const(imm_offset);
+ }
+ const u32 shift{static_cast<u32>(std::countr_zero(element_size))};
+ const Id index{ctx.Def(offset)};
+ if (shift == 0) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(shift)};
+ return ctx.OpShiftRightLogical(ctx.U32[1], index, shift_id);
+Id StoragePointer(EmitContext& ctx, const StorageTypeDefinition& type_def,
+ Id StorageDefinitions::*member_ptr, const IR::Value& binding,
+ const IR::Value& offset, size_t element_size) {
+ if (!binding.IsImmediate()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Dynamic storage buffer indexing");
+ }
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].*member_ptr};
+ const Id index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, element_size)};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(type_def.element, ssbo, ctx.u32_zero_value, index);
+std::pair<Id, Id> AtomicArgs(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ const Id scope{ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(spv::Scope::Device))};
+ const Id semantics{ctx.u32_zero_value};
+ return {scope, semantics};
+Id SharedAtomicU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value,
+ Id (Sirit::Module::*atomic_func)(Id, Id, Id, Id, Id)) {
+ const Id pointer{SharedPointer(ctx, offset)};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return (ctx.*atomic_func)(ctx.U32[1], pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+Id StorageAtomicU32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, Id value,
+ Id (Sirit::Module::*atomic_func)(Id, Id, Id, Id, Id)) {
+ const Id pointer{StoragePointer(ctx, ctx.storage_types.U32, &StorageDefinitions::U32, binding,
+ offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return (ctx.*atomic_func)(ctx.U32[1], pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+Id StorageAtomicU64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, Id value,
+ Id (Sirit::Module::*atomic_func)(Id, Id, Id, Id, Id),
+ Id (Sirit::Module::*non_atomic_func)(Id, Id, Id)) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64_atomics) {
+ const Id pointer{StoragePointer(ctx, ctx.storage_types.U64, &StorageDefinitions::U64,
+ binding, offset, sizeof(u64))};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return (ctx.*atomic_func)(ctx.U64, pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+ }
+ LOG_ERROR(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ const Id pointer{StoragePointer(ctx, ctx.storage_types.U32x2, &StorageDefinitions::U32x2,
+ binding, offset, sizeof(u32[2]))};
+ const Id original_value{ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U64, ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[2], pointer))};
+ const Id result{(ctx.*non_atomic_func)(ctx.U64, value, original_value)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[2], result));
+ return original_value;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicIAdd);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMin);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMin);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMax);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMax);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[1], ctx.increment_cas_shared, index, value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[1], ctx.decrement_cas_shared, index, value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicAnd);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicOr);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicXor);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ return SharedAtomicU32(ctx, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicExchange);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64_atomics && ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(3U)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ const Id pointer{
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u64, ctx.shared_memory_u64, ctx.u32_zero_value, index)};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return ctx.OpAtomicExchange(ctx.U64, pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+ }
+ LOG_ERROR(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ const Id pointer_1{SharedPointer(ctx, offset, 0)};
+ const Id pointer_2{SharedPointer(ctx, offset, 1)};
+ const Id value_1{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer_1)};
+ const Id value_2{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer_2)};
+ const Id new_vector{ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[2], value)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer_1, ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], new_vector, 0U));
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer_2, ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], new_vector, 1U));
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U64, ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[2], value_1, value_2));
+Id EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicIAdd);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMin);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMin);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMax);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMax);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[1], ctx.increment_cas_ssbo, base_index, value, ssbo);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[1], ctx.decrement_cas_ssbo, base_index, value, ssbo);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicAnd);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicOr);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicXor);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU32(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicExchange);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicIAdd,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpIAdd);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMin,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpSMin);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMin,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpUMin);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMax,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpSMax);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMax,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpUMax);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicAnd,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpBitwiseAnd);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicOr,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpBitwiseOr);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ return StorageAtomicU64(ctx, binding, offset, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicXor,
+ &Sirit::Module::OpBitwiseXor);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64_atomics) {
+ const Id pointer{StoragePointer(ctx, ctx.storage_types.U64, &StorageDefinitions::U64,
+ binding, offset, sizeof(u64))};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return ctx.OpAtomicExchange(ctx.U64, pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+ }
+ LOG_ERROR(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 atomics not supported, fallback to non-atomic");
+ const Id pointer{StoragePointer(ctx, ctx.storage_types.U32x2, &StorageDefinitions::U32x2,
+ binding, offset, sizeof(u32[2]))};
+ const Id original{ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U64, ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[2], pointer))};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+ return original;
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[1], ctx.f32_add_cas, base_index, value, ssbo);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F16[2], ctx.f16x2_add_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[2], ctx.f32x2_add_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpPackHalf2x16(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F16[2], ctx.f16x2_min_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[2], ctx.f32x2_min_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpPackHalf2x16(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F16[2], ctx.f16x2_max_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].U32};
+ const Id base_index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, sizeof(u32))};
+ const Id result{ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[2], ctx.f32x2_max_cas, base_index, value, ssbo)};
+ return ctx.OpPackHalf2x16(ctx.U32[1], result);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_barriers.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_barriers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0b52a0014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_barriers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+void MemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx, spv::Scope scope) {
+ const auto semantics{
+ spv::MemorySemanticsMask::AcquireRelease | spv::MemorySemanticsMask::UniformMemory |
+ spv::MemorySemanticsMask::WorkgroupMemory | spv::MemorySemanticsMask::AtomicCounterMemory |
+ spv::MemorySemanticsMask::ImageMemory};
+ ctx.OpMemoryBarrier(ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(scope)), ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(semantics)));
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ const auto execution{spv::Scope::Workgroup};
+ const auto memory{spv::Scope::Workgroup};
+ const auto memory_semantics{spv::MemorySemanticsMask::AcquireRelease |
+ spv::MemorySemanticsMask::WorkgroupMemory};
+ ctx.OpControlBarrier(ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(execution)),
+ ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(memory)),
+ ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(memory_semantics)));
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ MemoryBarrier(ctx, spv::Scope::Workgroup);
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ MemoryBarrier(ctx, spv::Scope::Device);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_bitwise_conversion.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_bitwise_conversion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb11f4f4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_bitwise_conversion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+void EmitBitCastU16F16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitBitCastF16U16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[2], value);
+Id EmitPackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitUnpackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F16[2], value);
+Id EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpPackHalf2x16(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpUnpackHalf2x16(ctx.F32[2], value);
+Id EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[2], value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_composite.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_composite.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10ff4ecab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_composite.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[2], e1, e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[3], e1, e2, e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], e1, e2, e3, e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.U32[2], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.U32[3], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.U32[4], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F16[2], e1, e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F16[3], e1, e2, e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F16[4], e1, e2, e3, e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F16[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F16[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F16[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F16[2], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F16[3], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F16[4], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F32[2], e1, e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F32[3], e1, e2, e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F32[4], e1, e2, e3, e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F32[2], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F32[3], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F32[4], object, composite, index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F64[2], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F64[3], object, composite, index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F64[4], object, composite, index);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb8c02a77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+struct AttrInfo {
+ Id pointer;
+ Id id;
+ bool needs_cast;
+std::optional<AttrInfo> AttrTypes(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index) {
+ const AttributeType type{ctx.runtime_info.generic_input_types.at(index)};
+ switch (type) {
+ case AttributeType::Float:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_f32, ctx.F32[1], false};
+ case AttributeType::UnsignedInt:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_u32, ctx.U32[1], true};
+ case AttributeType::SignedInt:
+ return AttrInfo{ctx.input_s32, ctx.TypeInt(32, true), true};
+ case AttributeType::Disabled:
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Invalid attribute type {}", type);
+template <typename... Args>
+Id AttrPointer(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_type, Id vertex, Id base, Args&&... args) {
+ switch (ctx.stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(pointer_type, base, vertex, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ default:
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(pointer_type, base, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+template <typename... Args>
+Id OutputAccessChain(EmitContext& ctx, Id result_type, Id base, Args&&... args) {
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl) {
+ const Id invocation_id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.invocation_id)};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(result_type, base, invocation_id, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(result_type, base, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+struct OutAttr {
+ OutAttr(Id pointer_) : pointer{pointer_} {}
+ OutAttr(Id pointer_, Id type_) : pointer{pointer_}, type{type_} {}
+ Id pointer{};
+ Id type{};
+std::optional<OutAttr> OutputAttrPointer(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr) {
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ const u32 element{IR::GenericAttributeElement(attr)};
+ const GenericElementInfo& info{ctx.output_generics.at(index).at(element)};
+ if (info.num_components == 1) {
+ return info.id;
+ } else {
+ const u32 index_element{element - info.first_element};
+ const Id index_id{ctx.Const(index_element)};
+ return OutputAccessChain(ctx, ctx.output_f32, info.id, index_id);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSize:
+ return ctx.output_point_size;
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW: {
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ const Id element_id{ctx.Const(element)};
+ return OutputAccessChain(ctx, ctx.output_f32, ctx.output_position, element_id);
+ }
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance1:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance2:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance3:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance4:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance5:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance6:
+ case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance7: {
+ const u32 base{static_cast<u32>(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0)};
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(attr) - base};
+ const Id clip_num{ctx.Const(index)};
+ return OutputAccessChain(ctx, ctx.output_f32, ctx.clip_distances, clip_num);
+ }
+ case IR::Attribute::Layer:
+ if (ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry ||
+ ctx.stage == Shader::Stage::Geometry) {
+ return OutAttr{ctx.layer, ctx.U32[1]};
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex:
+ if (ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry ||
+ ctx.stage == Shader::Stage::Geometry) {
+ return OutAttr{ctx.viewport_index, ctx.U32[1]};
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+ case IR::Attribute::ViewportMask:
+ if (!ctx.profile.support_viewport_mask) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ return OutAttr{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_u32, ctx.viewport_mask, ctx.u32_zero_value),
+ ctx.U32[1]};
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Read attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+Id GetCbuf(EmitContext& ctx, Id result_type, Id UniformDefinitions::*member_ptr, u32 element_size,
+ const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (!binding.IsImmediate()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Constant buffer indexing");
+ }
+ const Id cbuf{ctx.cbufs[binding.U32()].*member_ptr};
+ const Id uniform_type{ctx.uniform_types.*member_ptr};
+ if (!offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ Id index{ctx.Def(offset)};
+ if (element_size > 1) {
+ const u32 log2_element_size{static_cast<u32>(std::countr_zero(element_size))};
+ const Id shift{ctx.Const(log2_element_size)};
+ index = ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], ctx.Def(offset), shift);
+ }
+ const Id access_chain{ctx.OpAccessChain(uniform_type, cbuf, ctx.u32_zero_value, index)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(result_type, access_chain);
+ }
+ // Hardware been proved to read the aligned offset (e.g. LDC.U32 at 6 will read offset 4)
+ const Id imm_offset{ctx.Const(offset.U32() / element_size)};
+ const Id access_chain{ctx.OpAccessChain(uniform_type, cbuf, ctx.u32_zero_value, imm_offset)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(result_type, access_chain);
+Id GetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ return GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.U32[1], &UniformDefinitions::U32, sizeof(u32), binding, offset);
+Id GetCbufU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ return GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.U32[4], &UniformDefinitions::U32x4, sizeof(u32[4]), binding, offset);
+Id GetCbufElement(EmitContext& ctx, Id vector, const IR::Value& offset, u32 index_offset) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ const u32 element{(offset.U32() / 4) % 4 + index_offset};
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], vector, element);
+ }
+ const Id shift{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], ctx.Def(offset), ctx.Const(2u))};
+ Id element{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], shift, ctx.Const(3u))};
+ if (index_offset > 0) {
+ element = ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], element, ctx.Const(index_offset));
+ }
+ return ctx.OpVectorExtractDynamic(ctx.U32[1], vector, element);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing && ctx.profile.support_int8) {
+ const Id load{GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.U8, &UniformDefinitions::U8, sizeof(u8), binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], load);
+ }
+ Id element{};
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ element = GetCbufU32(ctx, binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ element = GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u);
+ }
+ const Id bit_offset{ctx.BitOffset8(offset)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], element, bit_offset, ctx.Const(8u));
+Id EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing && ctx.profile.support_int8) {
+ const Id load{GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.S8, &UniformDefinitions::S8, sizeof(s8), binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], load);
+ }
+ Id element{};
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ element = GetCbufU32(ctx, binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ element = GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u);
+ }
+ const Id bit_offset{ctx.BitOffset8(offset)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], element, bit_offset, ctx.Const(8u));
+Id EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing && ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ const Id load{
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.U16, &UniformDefinitions::U16, sizeof(u16), binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], load);
+ }
+ Id element{};
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ element = GetCbufU32(ctx, binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ element = GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u);
+ }
+ const Id bit_offset{ctx.BitOffset16(offset)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], element, bit_offset, ctx.Const(16u));
+Id EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing && ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ const Id load{
+ GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.S16, &UniformDefinitions::S16, sizeof(s16), binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], load);
+ }
+ Id element{};
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ element = GetCbufU32(ctx, binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ element = GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u);
+ }
+ const Id bit_offset{ctx.BitOffset16(offset)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], element, bit_offset, ctx.Const(16u));
+Id EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return GetCbufU32(ctx, binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ return GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u);
+ }
+Id EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.F32[1], &UniformDefinitions::F32, sizeof(f32), binding, offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u));
+ }
+Id EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return GetCbuf(ctx, ctx.U32[2], &UniformDefinitions::U32x2, sizeof(u32[2]), binding,
+ offset);
+ } else {
+ const Id vector{GetCbufU32x4(ctx, binding, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[2], GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 0u),
+ GetCbufElement(ctx, vector, offset, 1u));
+ }
+Id EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, Id vertex) {
+ const u32 element{static_cast<u32>(attr) % 4};
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)};
+ const std::optional<AttrInfo> type{AttrTypes(ctx, index)};
+ if (!type) {
+ // Attribute is disabled
+ return ctx.Const(element == 3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
+ }
+ if (!ctx.runtime_info.previous_stage_stores.Generic(index, element)) {
+ // Varying component is not written
+ return ctx.Const(type && element == 3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
+ }
+ const Id generic_id{ctx.input_generics.at(index)};
+ const Id pointer{AttrPointer(ctx, type->pointer, vertex, generic_id, ctx.Const(element))};
+ const Id value{ctx.OpLoad(type->id, pointer)};
+ return type->needs_cast ? ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], value) : value;
+ }
+ switch (attr) {
+ case IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId:
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.primitive_id));
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionX:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionY:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionZ:
+ case IR::Attribute::PositionW:
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1], AttrPointer(ctx, ctx.input_f32, vertex, ctx.input_position,
+ ctx.Const(element)));
+ case IR::Attribute::InstanceId:
+ if (ctx.profile.support_vertex_instance_id) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.instance_id));
+ } else {
+ const Id index{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.instance_index)};
+ const Id base{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.base_instance)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], index, base));
+ }
+ case IR::Attribute::VertexId:
+ if (ctx.profile.support_vertex_instance_id) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.vertex_id));
+ } else {
+ const Id index{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.vertex_index)};
+ const Id base{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.base_vertex)};
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.F32[1], ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], index, base));
+ }
+ case IR::Attribute::FrontFace:
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U1, ctx.front_face),
+ ctx.Const(std::numeric_limits<u32>::max()), ctx.u32_zero_value);
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteS:
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1],
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.input_f32, ctx.point_coord, ctx.u32_zero_value));
+ case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteT:
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1],
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.input_f32, ctx.point_coord, ctx.Const(1U)));
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointU:
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1],
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.input_f32, ctx.tess_coord, ctx.u32_zero_value));
+ case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointV:
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1],
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.input_f32, ctx.tess_coord, ctx.Const(1U)));
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Read attribute {}", attr);
+ }
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, Id value, [[maybe_unused]] Id vertex) {
+ const std::optional<OutAttr> output{OutputAttrPointer(ctx, attr)};
+ if (!output) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Sirit::ValidId(output->type)) {
+ value = ctx.OpBitcast(output->type, value);
+ }
+ ctx.OpStore(output->pointer, value);
+Id EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id vertex) {
+ switch (ctx.stage) {
+ case Stage::TessellationControl:
+ case Stage::TessellationEval:
+ case Stage::Geometry:
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[1], ctx.indexed_load_func, offset, vertex);
+ default:
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.F32[1], ctx.indexed_load_func, offset);
+ }
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value, [[maybe_unused]] Id vertex) {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.indexed_store_func, offset, value);
+Id EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch) {
+ if (!IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Non-generic patch load");
+ }
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const Id element{ctx.Const(IR::GenericPatchElement(patch))};
+ const Id type{ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? ctx.output_f32 : ctx.input_f32};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(type, ctx.patches.at(index), element)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[1], pointer);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, Id value) {
+ const Id pointer{[&] {
+ if (IR::IsGeneric(patch)) {
+ const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)};
+ const Id element{ctx.Const(IR::GenericPatchElement(patch))};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_f32, ctx.patches.at(index), element);
+ }
+ switch (patch) {
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodRight:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodTop:
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodBottom: {
+ const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(patch) - u32(IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft)};
+ const Id index_id{ctx.Const(index)};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_f32, ctx.output_tess_level_outer, index_id);
+ }
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorU:
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_f32, ctx.output_tess_level_inner,
+ ctx.u32_zero_value);
+ case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorV:
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_f32, ctx.output_tess_level_inner, ctx.Const(1u));
+ default:
+ throw NotImplementedException("Patch {}", patch);
+ }
+ }()};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, Id value) {
+ const Id component_id{ctx.Const(component)};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_f32, ctx.frag_color.at(index), component_id)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ ctx.OpStore(ctx.sample_mask, value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ ctx.OpStore(ctx.frag_depth, value);
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[3], ctx.workgroup_id);
+Id EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[3], ctx.local_invocation_id);
+Id EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.invocation_id);
+Id EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.sample_id);
+Id EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U1, ctx.is_helper_invocation);
+Id EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.Const(ctx.runtime_info.y_negate ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
+Id EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, Id word_offset) {
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.private_u32, ctx.local_memory, word_offset)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, Id word_offset, Id value) {
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.private_u32, ctx.local_memory, word_offset)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_control_flow.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_control_flow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d33486f282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_control_flow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Join shouldn't be emitted");
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_demote_to_helper_invocation) {
+ ctx.OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT();
+ } else {
+ const Id kill_label{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id impossible_label{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ ctx.OpSelectionMerge(impossible_label, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(ctx.true_value, kill_label, impossible_label);
+ ctx.AddLabel(kill_label);
+ ctx.OpKill();
+ ctx.AddLabel(impossible_label);
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_convert.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_convert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd42b7a164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_convert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id ExtractU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U16, value);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, ctx.u32_zero_value, ctx.Const(16u));
+ }
+Id ExtractS16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.S16, value);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, ctx.u32_zero_value, ctx.Const(16u));
+ }
+Id ExtractU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int8) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U8, value);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, ctx.u32_zero_value, ctx.Const(8u));
+ }
+Id ExtractS8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int8) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.S8, value);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, ctx.u32_zero_value, ctx.Const(8u));
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitConvertS16F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractS16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractS16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertS16F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractS16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertS32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations) {
+ return ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.S32[1], value));
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value);
+ }
+Id EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToS(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractU16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertU16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractU16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertU16F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ return ExtractU16(ctx, ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value));
+ }
+Id EmitConvertU32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertFToU(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFConvert(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFConvert(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFConvert(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFConvert(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F16[1], ExtractS8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF16S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F16[1], ExtractS16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF16S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F16[1], ExtractU8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F16[1], ExtractU16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF16U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F32[1], ExtractS8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF32S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F32[1], ExtractS16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations) {
+ value = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], value);
+ }
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F32[1], ExtractU8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F32[1], ExtractU16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F64[1], ExtractS8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF64S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F64[1], ExtractS16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations) {
+ value = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], value);
+ }
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertSToF(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F64[1], ExtractU8(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF64U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F64[1], ExtractU16(ctx, value));
+Id EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpConvertUToF(ctx.F64[1], value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_floating_point.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_floating_point.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61cf25f9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_floating_point.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id Decorate(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id op) {
+ const auto flags{inst->Flags<IR::FpControl>()};
+ if (flags.no_contraction) {
+ ctx.Decorate(op, spv::Decoration::NoContraction);
+ }
+ return op;
+Id Clamp(EmitContext& ctx, Id type, Id value, Id zero, Id one) {
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_spirv_clamp) {
+ return ctx.OpFMin(type, ctx.OpFMax(type, value, zero), one);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpFClamp(type, value, zero, one);
+ }
+Id FPOrdNotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ if (ctx.profile.ignore_nan_fp_comparisons) {
+ const Id comp{ctx.OpFOrdEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs)};
+ const Id lhs_not_nan{ctx.OpLogicalNot(ctx.U1, ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, lhs))};
+ const Id rhs_not_nan{ctx.OpLogicalNot(ctx.U1, ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, rhs))};
+ return ctx.OpLogicalAnd(ctx.U1, ctx.OpLogicalAnd(ctx.U1, comp, lhs_not_nan), rhs_not_nan);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdNotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+Id FPUnordCompare(Id (EmitContext::*comp_func)(Id, Id, Id), EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ if (ctx.profile.ignore_nan_fp_comparisons) {
+ const Id lhs_nan{ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, lhs)};
+ const Id rhs_nan{ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, rhs)};
+ const Id comp{(ctx.*comp_func)(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs)};
+ return ctx.OpLogicalOr(ctx.U1, ctx.OpLogicalOr(ctx.U1, comp, lhs_nan), rhs_nan);
+ } else {
+ return (ctx.*comp_func)(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitFPAbs16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFAbs(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFAbs(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFAbs(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPAdd16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFAdd(ctx.F16[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFAdd(ctx.F32[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFAdd(ctx.F64[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPFma16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFma(ctx.F16[1], a, b, c));
+Id EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFma(ctx.F32[1], a, b, c));
+Id EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFma(ctx.F64[1], a, b, c));
+Id EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpFMax(ctx.F32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpFMax(ctx.F64[1], a, b);
+Id EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpFMin(ctx.F32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpFMin(ctx.F64[1], a, b);
+Id EmitFPMul16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFMul(ctx.F16[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFMul(ctx.F32[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, ctx.OpFMul(ctx.F64[1], a, b));
+Id EmitFPNeg16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFNegate(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFNegate(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFNegate(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpSin(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpCos(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpExp2(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpLog2(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFDiv(ctx.F32[1], ctx.Const(1.0f), value);
+Id EmitFPRecip64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFDiv(ctx.F64[1], ctx.Constant(ctx.F64[1], 1.0f), value);
+Id EmitFPRecipSqrt32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpInverseSqrt(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPRecipSqrt64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpInverseSqrt(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpSqrt(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPSaturate16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ const Id zero{ctx.Constant(ctx.F16[1], u16{0})};
+ const Id one{ctx.Constant(ctx.F16[1], u16{0x3c00})};
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F16[1], value, zero, one);
+Id EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ const Id zero{ctx.Const(f32{0.0})};
+ const Id one{ctx.Const(f32{1.0})};
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F32[1], value, zero, one);
+Id EmitFPSaturate64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ const Id zero{ctx.Constant(ctx.F64[1], f64{0.0})};
+ const Id one{ctx.Constant(ctx.F64[1], f64{1.0})};
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F64[1], value, zero, one);
+Id EmitFPClamp16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value) {
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F16[1], value, min_value, max_value);
+Id EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value) {
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F32[1], value, min_value, max_value);
+Id EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value) {
+ return Clamp(ctx, ctx.F64[1], value, min_value, max_value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpRoundEven(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpRoundEven(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpRoundEven(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPFloor16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFloor(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFloor(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFloor(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPCeil16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpCeil(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpCeil(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpCeil(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpTrunc(ctx.F16[1], value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpTrunc(ctx.F32[1], value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpTrunc(ctx.F64[1], value);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPOrdNotEqual(ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPOrdNotEqual(ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPOrdNotEqual(ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFUnordNotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFUnordNotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFUnordNotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThan, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordLessThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return FPUnordCompare(&EmitContext::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual, ctx, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitFPIsNan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, value);
+Id EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, value);
+Id EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpIsNan(ctx.U1, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3588f052ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+class ImageOperands {
+ explicit ImageOperands(EmitContext& ctx, bool has_bias, bool has_lod, bool has_lod_clamp,
+ Id lod, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (has_bias) {
+ const Id bias{has_lod_clamp ? ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], lod, 0) : lod};
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Bias, bias);
+ }
+ if (has_lod) {
+ const Id lod_value{has_lod_clamp ? ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], lod, 0) : lod};
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Lod, lod_value);
+ }
+ AddOffset(ctx, offset);
+ if (has_lod_clamp) {
+ const Id lod_clamp{has_bias ? ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], lod, 1) : lod};
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::MinLod, lod_clamp);
+ }
+ }
+ explicit ImageOperands(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ if (offset2.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Offset, ctx.Def(offset));
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::array values{offset.InstRecursive(), offset2.InstRecursive()};
+ if (!values[0]->AreAllArgsImmediates() || !values[1]->AreAllArgsImmediates()) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Not all arguments in PTP are immediate, ignoring");
+ return;
+ }
+ const IR::Opcode opcode{values[0]->GetOpcode()};
+ if (opcode != values[1]->GetOpcode() || opcode != IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x4) {
+ throw LogicError("Invalid PTP arguments");
+ }
+ auto read{[&](unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { return values[a]->Arg(b).U32(); }};
+ const Id offsets{ctx.ConstantComposite(
+ ctx.TypeArray(ctx.U32[2], ctx.Const(4U)), ctx.Const(read(0, 0), read(0, 1)),
+ ctx.Const(read(0, 2), read(0, 3)), ctx.Const(read(1, 0), read(1, 1)),
+ ctx.Const(read(1, 2), read(1, 3)))};
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::ConstOffsets, offsets);
+ }
+ explicit ImageOperands(Id offset, Id lod, Id ms) {
+ if (Sirit::ValidId(lod)) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Lod, lod);
+ }
+ if (Sirit::ValidId(offset)) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Offset, offset);
+ }
+ if (Sirit::ValidId(ms)) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Sample, ms);
+ }
+ }
+ explicit ImageOperands(EmitContext& ctx, bool has_lod_clamp, Id derivates, u32 num_derivates,
+ Id offset, Id lod_clamp) {
+ if (!Sirit::ValidId(derivates)) {
+ throw LogicError("Derivates must be present");
+ }
+ boost::container::static_vector<Id, 3> deriv_x_accum;
+ boost::container::static_vector<Id, 3> deriv_y_accum;
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < num_derivates; ++i) {
+ deriv_x_accum.push_back(ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], derivates, i * 2));
+ deriv_y_accum.push_back(ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.F32[1], derivates, i * 2 + 1));
+ }
+ const Id derivates_X{ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(
+ ctx.F32[num_derivates], std::span{deriv_x_accum.data(), deriv_x_accum.size()})};
+ const Id derivates_Y{ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(
+ ctx.F32[num_derivates], std::span{deriv_y_accum.data(), deriv_y_accum.size()})};
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Grad, derivates_X, derivates_Y);
+ if (Sirit::ValidId(offset)) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Offset, offset);
+ }
+ if (has_lod_clamp) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::MinLod, lod_clamp);
+ }
+ }
+ std::span<const Id> Span() const noexcept {
+ return std::span{operands.data(), operands.size()};
+ }
+ std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> MaskOptional() const noexcept {
+ return mask != spv::ImageOperandsMask{} ? std::make_optional(mask) : std::nullopt;
+ }
+ spv::ImageOperandsMask Mask() const noexcept {
+ return mask;
+ }
+ void AddOffset(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (offset.IsEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::ConstOffset, ctx.SConst(static_cast<s32>(offset.U32())));
+ return;
+ }
+ IR::Inst* const inst{offset.InstRecursive()};
+ if (inst->AreAllArgsImmediates()) {
+ switch (inst->GetOpcode()) {
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x2:
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::ConstOffset,
+ ctx.SConst(static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(0).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(1).U32())));
+ return;
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x3:
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::ConstOffset,
+ ctx.SConst(static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(0).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(1).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(2).U32())));
+ return;
+ case IR::Opcode::CompositeConstructU32x4:
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::ConstOffset,
+ ctx.SConst(static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(0).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(1).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(2).U32()),
+ static_cast<s32>(inst->Arg(3).U32())));
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask::Offset, ctx.Def(offset));
+ }
+ void Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask new_mask, Id value) {
+ mask = static_cast<spv::ImageOperandsMask>(static_cast<unsigned>(mask) |
+ static_cast<unsigned>(new_mask));
+ operands.push_back(value);
+ }
+ void Add(spv::ImageOperandsMask new_mask, Id value_1, Id value_2) {
+ mask = static_cast<spv::ImageOperandsMask>(static_cast<unsigned>(mask) |
+ static_cast<unsigned>(new_mask));
+ operands.push_back(value_1);
+ operands.push_back(value_2);
+ }
+ boost::container::static_vector<Id, 4> operands;
+ spv::ImageOperandsMask mask{};
+Id Texture(EmitContext& ctx, IR::TextureInstInfo info, [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& index) {
+ const TextureDefinition& def{ctx.textures.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ if (def.count > 1) {
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(def.pointer_type, def.id, ctx.Def(index))};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(def.sampled_type, pointer);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpLoad(def.sampled_type, def.id);
+ }
+Id TextureImage(EmitContext& ctx, IR::TextureInstInfo info, const IR::Value& index) {
+ if (!index.IsImmediate() || index.U32() != 0) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect image indexing");
+ }
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ const TextureBufferDefinition& def{ctx.texture_buffers.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ if (def.count > 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect texture sample");
+ }
+ const Id sampler_id{def.id};
+ const Id id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.sampled_texture_buffer_type, sampler_id)};
+ return ctx.OpImage(ctx.image_buffer_type, id);
+ } else {
+ const TextureDefinition& def{ctx.textures.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ if (def.count > 1) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect texture sample");
+ }
+ return ctx.OpImage(def.image_type, ctx.OpLoad(def.sampled_type, def.id));
+ }
+Id Image(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& index, IR::TextureInstInfo info) {
+ if (!index.IsImmediate() || index.U32() != 0) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect image indexing");
+ }
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ const ImageBufferDefinition def{ctx.image_buffers.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(def.image_type, def.id);
+ } else {
+ const ImageDefinition def{ctx.images.at(info.descriptor_index)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(def.image_type, def.id);
+ }
+Id Decorate(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id sample) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.relaxed_precision != 0) {
+ ctx.Decorate(sample, spv::Decoration::RelaxedPrecision);
+ }
+ return sample;
+template <typename MethodPtrType, typename... Args>
+Id Emit(MethodPtrType sparse_ptr, MethodPtrType non_sparse_ptr, EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst,
+ Id result_type, Args&&... args) {
+ IR::Inst* const sparse{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSparseFromOp)};
+ if (!sparse) {
+ return Decorate(ctx, inst, (ctx.*non_sparse_ptr)(result_type, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ const Id struct_type{ctx.TypeStruct(ctx.U32[1], result_type)};
+ const Id sample{(ctx.*sparse_ptr)(struct_type, std::forward<Args>(args)...)};
+ const Id resident_code{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], sample, 0U)};
+ sparse->SetDefinition(ctx.OpImageSparseTexelsResident(ctx.U1, resident_code));
+ sparse->Invalidate();
+ Decorate(ctx, inst, sample);
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(result_type, sample, 1U);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&) {
+ throw LogicError("Unreachable instruction");
+Id EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, info.has_bias != 0, false, info.has_lod_clamp != 0,
+ bias_lc, offset);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleImplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[4],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, operands.MaskOptional(), operands.Span());
+ } else {
+ // We can't use implicit lods on non-fragment stages on SPIR-V. Maxwell hardware behaves as
+ // if the lod was explicitly zero. This may change on Turing with implicit compute
+ // derivatives
+ const Id lod{ctx.Const(0.0f)};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, false, true, info.has_lod_clamp != 0, lod, offset);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleExplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[4],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, operands.Mask(), operands.Span());
+ }
+Id EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id lod, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, false, true, false, lod, offset);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleExplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[4],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, operands.Mask(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Id coords, Id dref, Id bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, info.has_bias != 0, false, info.has_lod_clamp != 0, bias_lc,
+ offset);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[1],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, dref, operands.MaskOptional(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Id coords, Id dref, Id lod, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, false, true, false, lod, offset);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[1],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, dref, operands.Mask(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, offset, offset2);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseGather, &EmitContext::OpImageGather, ctx, inst,
+ ctx.F32[4], Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, ctx.Const(info.gather_component),
+ operands.MaskOptional(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2, Id dref) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, offset, offset2);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseDrefGather, &EmitContext::OpImageDrefGather, ctx, inst,
+ ctx.F32[4], Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, dref, operands.MaskOptional(),
+ operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords, Id offset,
+ Id lod, Id ms) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ lod = Id{};
+ }
+ const ImageOperands operands(offset, lod, ms);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseFetch, &EmitContext::OpImageFetch, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[4],
+ TextureImage(ctx, info, index), coords, operands.MaskOptional(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id lod) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const Id image{TextureImage(ctx, info, index)};
+ const Id zero{ctx.u32_zero_value};
+ const auto mips{[&] { return ctx.OpImageQueryLevels(ctx.U32[1], image); }};
+ switch (info.type) {
+ case TextureType::Color1D:
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], ctx.OpImageQuerySizeLod(ctx.U32[1], image, lod),
+ zero, zero, mips());
+ case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
+ case TextureType::Color2D:
+ case TextureType::ColorCube:
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], ctx.OpImageQuerySizeLod(ctx.U32[2], image, lod),
+ zero, mips());
+ case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
+ case TextureType::Color3D:
+ case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], ctx.OpImageQuerySizeLod(ctx.U32[3], image, lod),
+ mips());
+ case TextureType::Buffer:
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], ctx.OpImageQuerySize(ctx.U32[1], image), zero,
+ zero, mips());
+ }
+ throw LogicError("Unspecified image type {}", info.type.Value());
+Id EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const Id zero{ctx.f32_zero_value};
+ const Id sampler{Texture(ctx, info, index)};
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.F32[4], ctx.OpImageQueryLod(ctx.F32[2], sampler, coords),
+ zero, zero);
+Id EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id derivates, Id offset, Id lod_clamp) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const ImageOperands operands(ctx, info.has_lod_clamp != 0, derivates, info.num_derivates,
+ offset, lod_clamp);
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod,
+ &EmitContext::OpImageSampleExplicitLod, ctx, inst, ctx.F32[4],
+ Texture(ctx, info, index), coords, operands.Mask(), operands.Span());
+Id EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ if (info.image_format == ImageFormat::Typeless && !ctx.profile.support_typeless_image_loads) {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Typeless image read not supported by host");
+ return ctx.ConstantNull(ctx.U32[4]);
+ }
+ return Emit(&EmitContext::OpImageSparseRead, &EmitContext::OpImageRead, ctx, inst, ctx.U32[4],
+ Image(ctx, index, info), coords, std::nullopt, std::span<const Id>{});
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords, Id color) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ ctx.OpImageWrite(Image(ctx, index, info), coords, color);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image_atomic.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image_atomic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7f1a365a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_image_atomic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id Image(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& index, IR::TextureInstInfo info) {
+ if (!index.IsImmediate()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Indirect image indexing");
+ }
+ if (info.type == TextureType::Buffer) {
+ const ImageBufferDefinition def{ctx.image_buffers.at(index.U32())};
+ return def.id;
+ } else {
+ const ImageDefinition def{ctx.images.at(index.U32())};
+ return def.id;
+ }
+std::pair<Id, Id> AtomicArgs(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ const Id scope{ctx.Const(static_cast<u32>(spv::Scope::Device))};
+ const Id semantics{ctx.u32_zero_value};
+ return {scope, semantics};
+Id ImageAtomicU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords, Id value,
+ Id (Sirit::Module::*atomic_func)(Id, Id, Id, Id, Id)) {
+ const auto info{inst->Flags<IR::TextureInstInfo>()};
+ const Id image{Image(ctx, index, info)};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpImageTexelPointer(ctx.image_u32, image, coords, ctx.Const(0U))};
+ const auto [scope, semantics]{AtomicArgs(ctx)};
+ return (ctx.*atomic_func)(ctx.U32[1], pointer, scope, semantics, value);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicIAdd);
+Id EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMin);
+Id EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMin);
+Id EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicSMax);
+Id EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicUMax);
+Id EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst*, const IR::Value&, Id, Id) {
+ // TODO: This is not yet implemented
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&, IR::Inst*, const IR::Value&, Id, Id) {
+ // TODO: This is not yet implemented
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicAnd);
+Id EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicOr);
+Id EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicXor);
+Id EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value) {
+ return ImageAtomicU32(ctx, inst, index, coords, value, &Sirit::Module::OpAtomicExchange);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f99c02848e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <sirit/sirit.h>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+namespace Shader::IR {
+enum class Attribute : u64;
+enum class Patch : u64;
+class Inst;
+class Value;
+} // namespace Shader::IR
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+using Sirit::Id;
+class EmitContext;
+// Microinstruction emitters
+Id EmitPhi(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst);
+void EmitVoid(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitIdentity(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value);
+Id EmitConditionRef(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& value);
+void EmitReference(EmitContext&);
+void EmitPhiMove(EmitContext&);
+void EmitJoin(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDemoteToHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWorkgroupMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitDeviceMemoryBarrier(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream);
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream);
+void EmitGetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetRegister(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetPred(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetGotoVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetIndirectBranchVariable(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, Id vertex);
+void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, Id value, Id vertex);
+Id EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id vertex);
+void EmitSetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value, Id vertex);
+Id EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch);
+void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, Id value);
+void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, Id value);
+void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+void EmitGetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetZFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetSFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetCFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitSetOFlag(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, Id word_offset);
+void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, Id word_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitUndefU8(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitUndefU16(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitUndefU64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Id address);
+Id EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Id address);
+Id EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Id address);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value);
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value);
+Id EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset);
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+Id EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertU32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF16x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3);
+Id EmitCompositeConstructF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id e1, Id e2, Id e3, Id e4);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeExtractF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF32x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeConstructF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x3(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitCompositeExtractF64x4(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x2(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x3(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitCompositeInsertF64x4(EmitContext& ctx, Id composite, Id object, u32 index);
+Id EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF16(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF64(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value);
+void EmitBitCastU16F16(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitBitCastU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+void EmitBitCastU64F64(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitBitCastF16U16(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitBitCastF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+void EmitBitCastF64U64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitPackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitUnpackUint2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitPackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitUnpackFloat2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitPackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitUnpackHalf2x16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitPackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitUnpackDouble2x32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+void EmitGetZeroFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSignFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetCarryFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetOverflowFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetSparseFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+void EmitGetInBoundsFromOp(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitFPAbs16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPAbs64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPAdd16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPFma16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c);
+Id EmitFPFma32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c);
+Id EmitFPFma64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b, Id c);
+Id EmitFPMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMax64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMin64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMul16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMul32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPMul64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitFPNeg16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPNeg32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPNeg64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPSin(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPCos(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPExp2(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPLog2(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRecip32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRecip64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRecipSqrt32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRecipSqrt64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPSqrt(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPSaturate16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPSaturate32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPSaturate64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPClamp16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value);
+Id EmitFPClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value);
+Id EmitFPClamp64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value, Id min_value, Id max_value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPRoundEven64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPFloor16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPFloor32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPFloor64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPCeil16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPCeil32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPCeil64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPTrunc64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordNotEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordLessThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPOrdGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual16(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual32(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPUnordGreaterThanEqual64(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitFPIsNan16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPIsNan32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFPIsNan64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift);
+Id EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id insert, Id offset, Id count);
+Id EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id base, Id offset, Id count);
+Id EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id base, Id offset, Id count);
+Id EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id min, Id max);
+Id EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id min, Id max);
+Id EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_offset, Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b);
+Id EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS16F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS16F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertS64F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU16F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU16F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU32F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU64F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU64U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertU32U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32F16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32F64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64F32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF16U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF32U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64S64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U8(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U16(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitConvertF64U64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value);
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageGather(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageRead(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageGather(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageGatherDref(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageFetch(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageQueryLod(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageGradient(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageRead(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageWrite(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id lod, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Id coords, Id dref, Id bias_lc, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index,
+ Id coords, Id dref, Id lod, const IR::Value& offset);
+Id EmitImageGather(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2);
+Id EmitImageGatherDref(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ const IR::Value& offset, const IR::Value& offset2, Id dref);
+Id EmitImageFetch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords, Id offset,
+ Id lod, Id ms);
+Id EmitImageQueryDimensions(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id lod);
+Id EmitImageQueryLod(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords);
+Id EmitImageGradient(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id derivates, Id offset, Id lod_clamp);
+Id EmitImageRead(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords);
+void EmitImageWrite(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords, Id color);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBindlessImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitBoundImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&);
+Id EmitImageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitImageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, const IR::Value& index, Id coords,
+ Id value);
+Id EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred);
+Id EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred);
+Id EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred);
+Id EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred);
+Id EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx);
+Id EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask);
+Id EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask);
+Id EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask);
+Id EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask);
+Id EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a, Id op_b, Id swizzle);
+Id EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a);
+Id EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a);
+Id EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a);
+Id EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_integer.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_integer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3501d74953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_integer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+void SetZeroFlag(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id result) {
+ IR::Inst* const zero{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetZeroFromOp)};
+ if (!zero) {
+ return;
+ }
+ zero->SetDefinition(ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, result, ctx.u32_zero_value));
+ zero->Invalidate();
+void SetSignFlag(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id result) {
+ IR::Inst* const sign{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetSignFromOp)};
+ if (!sign) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sign->SetDefinition(ctx.OpSLessThan(ctx.U1, result, ctx.u32_zero_value));
+ sign->Invalidate();
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ Id result{};
+ if (IR::Inst* const carry{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetCarryFromOp)}) {
+ const Id carry_type{ctx.TypeStruct(ctx.U32[1], ctx.U32[1])};
+ const Id carry_result{ctx.OpIAddCarry(carry_type, a, b)};
+ result = ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], carry_result, 0U);
+ const Id carry_value{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], carry_result, 1U)};
+ carry->SetDefinition(ctx.OpINotEqual(ctx.U1, carry_value, ctx.u32_zero_value));
+ carry->Invalidate();
+ } else {
+ result = ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], a, b);
+ }
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ if (IR::Inst * overflow{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetOverflowFromOp)}) {
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55468823/how-to-detect-integer-overflow-in-c
+ constexpr u32 s32_max{static_cast<u32>(std::numeric_limits<s32>::max())};
+ const Id is_positive{ctx.OpSGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, a, ctx.u32_zero_value)};
+ const Id sub_a{ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], ctx.Const(s32_max), a)};
+ const Id positive_test{ctx.OpSGreaterThan(ctx.U1, b, sub_a)};
+ const Id negative_test{ctx.OpSLessThan(ctx.U1, b, sub_a)};
+ const Id carry_flag{ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U1, is_positive, positive_test, negative_test)};
+ overflow->SetDefinition(carry_flag);
+ overflow->Invalidate();
+ }
+ return result;
+Id EmitIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U64, a, b);
+Id EmitISub32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitISub64(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpISub(ctx.U64, a, b);
+Id EmitIMul32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpIMul(ctx.U32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitINeg32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpSNegate(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitINeg64(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpSNegate(ctx.U64, value);
+Id EmitIAbs32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpSAbs(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitShiftLeftLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftLeftLogical(ctx.U32[1], base, shift);
+Id EmitShiftLeftLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftLeftLogical(ctx.U64, base, shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightLogical32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftRightLogical(ctx.U32[1], base, shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightLogical64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftRightLogical(ctx.U64, base, shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightArithmetic32(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], base, shift);
+Id EmitShiftRightArithmetic64(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id shift) {
+ return ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U64, base, shift);
+Id EmitBitwiseAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ const Id result{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], a, b)};
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitBitwiseOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ const Id result{ctx.OpBitwiseOr(ctx.U32[1], a, b)};
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitBitwiseXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id a, Id b) {
+ const Id result{ctx.OpBitwiseXor(ctx.U32[1], a, b)};
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitBitFieldInsert(EmitContext& ctx, Id base, Id insert, Id offset, Id count) {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldInsert(ctx.U32[1], base, insert, offset, count);
+Id EmitBitFieldSExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id base, Id offset, Id count) {
+ const Id result{ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], base, offset, count)};
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitBitFieldUExtract(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id base, Id offset, Id count) {
+ const Id result{ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], base, offset, count)};
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitBitReverse32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitReverse(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitBitCount32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpBitCount(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitBitwiseNot32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpNot(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitFindSMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFindSMsb(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitFindUMsb32(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpFindUMsb(ctx.U32[1], value);
+Id EmitSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ const bool is_broken{ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations};
+ if (is_broken) {
+ a = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], a);
+ b = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], b);
+ }
+ const Id result{ctx.OpSMin(ctx.U32[1], a, b)};
+ return is_broken ? ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result) : result;
+Id EmitUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpUMin(ctx.U32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ const bool is_broken{ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations};
+ if (is_broken) {
+ a = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], a);
+ b = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], b);
+ }
+ const Id result{ctx.OpSMax(ctx.U32[1], a, b)};
+ return is_broken ? ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result) : result;
+Id EmitUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpUMax(ctx.U32[1], a, b);
+Id EmitSClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id min, Id max) {
+ Id result{};
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_signed_operations || ctx.profile.has_broken_spirv_clamp) {
+ value = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], value);
+ min = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], min);
+ max = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.S32[1], max);
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_spirv_clamp) {
+ result = ctx.OpSMax(ctx.S32[1], ctx.OpSMin(ctx.S32[1], value, max), min);
+ } else {
+ result = ctx.OpSClamp(ctx.S32[1], value, min, max);
+ }
+ result = ctx.OpBitcast(ctx.U32[1], result);
+ } else {
+ result = ctx.OpSClamp(ctx.U32[1], value, min, max);
+ }
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitUClamp32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id min, Id max) {
+ Id result{};
+ if (ctx.profile.has_broken_spirv_clamp) {
+ result = ctx.OpUMax(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpUMin(ctx.U32[1], value, max), min);
+ } else {
+ result = ctx.OpUClamp(ctx.U32[1], value, min, max);
+ }
+ SetZeroFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ SetSignFlag(ctx, inst, result);
+ return result;
+Id EmitSLessThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpSLessThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitULessThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpULessThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitIEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitSLessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpSLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitULessThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpULessThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitSGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpSGreaterThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitUGreaterThan(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpUGreaterThan(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitINotEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpINotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitSGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpSGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+Id EmitUGreaterThanEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id lhs, Id rhs) {
+ return ctx.OpUGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, rhs);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_logical.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_logical.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9a9500fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_logical.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+Id EmitLogicalOr(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpLogicalOr(ctx.U1, a, b);
+Id EmitLogicalAnd(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpLogicalAnd(ctx.U1, a, b);
+Id EmitLogicalXor(EmitContext& ctx, Id a, Id b) {
+ return ctx.OpLogicalNotEqual(ctx.U1, a, b);
+Id EmitLogicalNot(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ return ctx.OpLogicalNot(ctx.U1, value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..679ee26847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <bit>
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id StorageIndex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& offset, size_t element_size,
+ u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ if (offset.IsImmediate()) {
+ const u32 imm_offset{static_cast<u32>(offset.U32() / element_size) + index_offset};
+ return ctx.Const(imm_offset);
+ }
+ const u32 shift{static_cast<u32>(std::countr_zero(element_size))};
+ Id index{ctx.Def(offset)};
+ if (shift != 0) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(shift)};
+ index = ctx.OpShiftRightLogical(ctx.U32[1], index, shift_id);
+ }
+ if (index_offset != 0) {
+ index = ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], index, ctx.Const(index_offset));
+ }
+ return index;
+Id StoragePointer(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ const StorageTypeDefinition& type_def, size_t element_size,
+ Id StorageDefinitions::*member_ptr, u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ if (!binding.IsImmediate()) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("Dynamic storage buffer indexing");
+ }
+ const Id ssbo{ctx.ssbos[binding.U32()].*member_ptr};
+ const Id index{StorageIndex(ctx, offset, element_size, index_offset)};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(type_def.element, ssbo, ctx.u32_zero_value, index);
+Id LoadStorage(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, Id result_type,
+ const StorageTypeDefinition& type_def, size_t element_size,
+ Id StorageDefinitions::*member_ptr, u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ const Id pointer{
+ StoragePointer(ctx, binding, offset, type_def, element_size, member_ptr, index_offset)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(result_type, pointer);
+Id LoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ return LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.U32[1], ctx.storage_types.U32, sizeof(u32),
+ &StorageDefinitions::U32, index_offset);
+void WriteStorage(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, Id value,
+ const StorageTypeDefinition& type_def, size_t element_size,
+ Id StorageDefinitions::*member_ptr, u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ const Id pointer{
+ StoragePointer(ctx, binding, offset, type_def, element_size, member_ptr, index_offset)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+void WriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, Id value,
+ u32 index_offset = 0) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, value, ctx.storage_types.U32, sizeof(u32),
+ &StorageDefinitions::U32, index_offset);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Id address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[1], ctx.load_global_func_u32, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ return ctx.Const(0u);
+Id EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Id address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[2], ctx.load_global_func_u32x2, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ return ctx.Const(0u, 0u);
+Id EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Id address) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ return ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.U32[4], ctx.load_global_func_u32x4, address);
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+ return ctx.Const(0u, 0u, 0u, 0u);
+void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.write_global_func_u32, address, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.write_global_func_u32x2, address, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Id address, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int64) {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.write_global_func_u32x4, address, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Int64 not supported, ignoring memory operation");
+Id EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int8 && ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1],
+ LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.U8, ctx.storage_types.U8,
+ sizeof(u8), &StorageDefinitions::U8));
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset),
+ ctx.BitOffset8(offset), ctx.Const(8u));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int8 && ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1],
+ LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.S8, ctx.storage_types.S8,
+ sizeof(s8), &StorageDefinitions::S8));
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset),
+ ctx.BitOffset8(offset), ctx.Const(8u));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16 && ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1],
+ LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.U16, ctx.storage_types.U16,
+ sizeof(u16), &StorageDefinitions::U16));
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset),
+ ctx.BitOffset16(offset), ctx.Const(16u));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_int16 && ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1],
+ LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.S16, ctx.storage_types.S16,
+ sizeof(s16), &StorageDefinitions::S16));
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset),
+ ctx.BitOffset16(offset), ctx.Const(16u));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ return LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset);
+Id EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.U32[2], ctx.storage_types.U32x2,
+ sizeof(u32[2]), &StorageDefinitions::U32x2);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[2], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 0),
+ LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 1));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ return LoadStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.U32[4], ctx.storage_types.U32x4,
+ sizeof(u32[4]), &StorageDefinitions::U32x4);
+ } else {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 0),
+ LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 1),
+ LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 2),
+ LoadStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, 3));
+ }
+void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U8, value), ctx.storage_types.U8,
+ sizeof(u8), &StorageDefinitions::U8);
+void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.S8, value), ctx.storage_types.S8,
+ sizeof(s8), &StorageDefinitions::S8);
+void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U16, value), ctx.storage_types.U16,
+ sizeof(u16), &StorageDefinitions::U16);
+void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.S16, value), ctx.storage_types.S16,
+ sizeof(s16), &StorageDefinitions::S16);
+void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ WriteStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, value);
+void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, value, ctx.storage_types.U32x2, sizeof(u32[2]),
+ &StorageDefinitions::U32x2);
+ } else {
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
+ const Id element{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, index)};
+ WriteStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, element, index);
+ }
+ }
+void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset,
+ Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_descriptor_aliasing) {
+ WriteStorage(ctx, binding, offset, value, ctx.storage_types.U32x4, sizeof(u32[4]),
+ &StorageDefinitions::U32x4);
+ } else {
+ for (u32 index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
+ const Id element{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, index)};
+ WriteStorage32(ctx, binding, offset, element, index);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_select.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_select.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5b4f47208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_select.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+Id EmitSelectU1(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U1, cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU8(EmitContext&, Id, Id, Id) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitSelectU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U16, cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U32[1], cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U64, cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF16(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.F16[1], cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF32(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.F32[1], cond, true_value, false_value);
+Id EmitSelectF64(EmitContext& ctx, Id cond, Id true_value, Id false_value) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.F64[1], cond, true_value, false_value);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_shared_memory.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_shared_memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a79fc7a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_shared_memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id Pointer(EmitContext& ctx, Id pointer_type, Id array, Id offset, u32 shift) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(shift)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ return ctx.OpAccessChain(pointer_type, array, ctx.u32_zero_value, index);
+Id Word(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, index)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer);
+std::pair<Id, Id> ExtractArgs(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, u32 mask, u32 count) {
+ const Id shift{ctx.OpShiftLeftLogical(ctx.U32[1], offset, ctx.Const(3U))};
+ const Id bit{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], shift, ctx.Const(mask))};
+ const Id count_id{ctx.Const(count)};
+ return {bit, count_id};
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitLoadSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u8, ctx.shared_memory_u8, ctx.u32_zero_value, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U8, pointer));
+ } else {
+ const auto [bit, count]{ExtractArgs(ctx, offset, 24, 8)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], Word(ctx, offset), bit, count);
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedS8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u8, ctx.shared_memory_u8, ctx.u32_zero_value, offset)};
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U8, pointer));
+ } else {
+ const auto [bit, count]{ExtractArgs(ctx, offset, 24, 8)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], Word(ctx, offset), bit, count);
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u16, ctx.shared_memory_u16, offset, 1)};
+ return ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U16, pointer));
+ } else {
+ const auto [bit, count]{ExtractArgs(ctx, offset, 16, 16)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldUExtract(ctx.U32[1], Word(ctx, offset), bit, count);
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedS16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u16, ctx.shared_memory_u16, offset, 1)};
+ return ctx.OpSConvert(ctx.U32[1], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U16, pointer));
+ } else {
+ const auto [bit, count]{ExtractArgs(ctx, offset, 16, 16)};
+ return ctx.OpBitFieldSExtract(ctx.U32[1], Word(ctx, offset), bit, count);
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, offset, 2)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer);
+ } else {
+ return Word(ctx, offset);
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32x2, ctx.shared_memory_u32x2, offset, 3)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[2], pointer);
+ } else {
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id base_index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ const Id next_index{ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], base_index, ctx.Const(1U))};
+ const Id lhs_pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, base_index)};
+ const Id rhs_pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, next_index)};
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[2], ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], lhs_pointer),
+ ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], rhs_pointer));
+ }
+Id EmitLoadSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32x4, ctx.shared_memory_u32x4, offset, 4)};
+ return ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[4], pointer);
+ }
+ const Id shift_id{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id base_index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift_id)};
+ std::array<Id, 4> values{};
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ const Id index{i == 0 ? base_index : ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], base_index, ctx.Const(i))};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, index)};
+ values[i] = ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], pointer);
+ }
+ return ctx.OpCompositeConstruct(ctx.U32[4], values);
+void EmitWriteSharedU8(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{
+ ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u8, ctx.shared_memory_u8, ctx.u32_zero_value, offset)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U8, value));
+ } else {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.shared_store_u8_func, offset, value);
+ }
+void EmitWriteSharedU16(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u16, ctx.shared_memory_u16, offset, 1)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, ctx.OpUConvert(ctx.U16, value));
+ } else {
+ ctx.OpFunctionCall(ctx.void_id, ctx.shared_store_u16_func, offset, value);
+ }
+void EmitWriteSharedU32(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ Id pointer{};
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ pointer = Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, offset, 2);
+ } else {
+ const Id shift{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id word_offset{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift)};
+ pointer = ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, word_offset);
+ }
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+void EmitWriteSharedU64(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32x2, ctx.shared_memory_u32x2, offset, 3)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ const Id shift{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id word_offset{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift)};
+ const Id next_offset{ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], word_offset, ctx.Const(1U))};
+ const Id lhs_pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, word_offset)};
+ const Id rhs_pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, next_offset)};
+ ctx.OpStore(lhs_pointer, ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, 0U));
+ ctx.OpStore(rhs_pointer, ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, 1U));
+void EmitWriteSharedU128(EmitContext& ctx, Id offset, Id value) {
+ if (ctx.profile.support_explicit_workgroup_layout) {
+ const Id pointer{Pointer(ctx, ctx.shared_u32x4, ctx.shared_memory_u32x4, offset, 4)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ const Id shift{ctx.Const(2U)};
+ const Id base_index{ctx.OpShiftRightArithmetic(ctx.U32[1], offset, shift)};
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ const Id index{i == 0 ? base_index : ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], base_index, ctx.Const(i))};
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.shared_u32, ctx.shared_memory_u32, index)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, i));
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_special.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_special.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e7eb3cb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_special.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+void ConvertDepthMode(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ const Id type{ctx.F32[1]};
+ const Id position{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[4], ctx.output_position)};
+ const Id z{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(type, position, 2u)};
+ const Id w{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(type, position, 3u)};
+ const Id screen_depth{ctx.OpFMul(type, ctx.OpFAdd(type, z, w), ctx.Constant(type, 0.5f))};
+ const Id vector{ctx.OpCompositeInsert(ctx.F32[4], screen_depth, position, 2u)};
+ ctx.OpStore(ctx.output_position, vector);
+void SetFixedPipelinePointSize(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.fixed_state_point_size) {
+ const float point_size{*ctx.runtime_info.fixed_state_point_size};
+ ctx.OpStore(ctx.output_point_size, ctx.Const(point_size));
+ }
+Id DefaultVarying(EmitContext& ctx, u32 num_components, u32 element, Id zero, Id one,
+ Id default_vector) {
+ switch (num_components) {
+ case 1:
+ return element == 3 ? one : zero;
+ case 2:
+ return ctx.ConstantComposite(ctx.F32[2], zero, element + 1 == 3 ? one : zero);
+ case 3:
+ return ctx.ConstantComposite(ctx.F32[3], zero, zero, element + 2 == 3 ? one : zero);
+ case 4:
+ return default_vector;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Bad element");
+Id ComparisonFunction(EmitContext& ctx, CompareFunction comparison, Id operand_1, Id operand_2) {
+ switch (comparison) {
+ case CompareFunction::Never:
+ return ctx.false_value;
+ case CompareFunction::Less:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThan(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::Equal:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdEqual(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::LessThanEqual:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::Greater:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThan(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::NotEqual:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdNotEqual(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::GreaterThanEqual:
+ return ctx.OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, operand_1, operand_2);
+ case CompareFunction::Always:
+ return ctx.true_value;
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgument("Comparison function {}", comparison);
+void AlphaTest(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (!ctx.runtime_info.alpha_test_func) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto comparison{*ctx.runtime_info.alpha_test_func};
+ if (comparison == CompareFunction::Always) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!Sirit::ValidId(ctx.frag_color[0])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const Id type{ctx.F32[1]};
+ const Id rt0_color{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.F32[4], ctx.frag_color[0])};
+ const Id alpha{ctx.OpCompositeExtract(type, rt0_color, 3u)};
+ const Id true_label{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id discard_label{ctx.OpLabel()};
+ const Id alpha_reference{ctx.Const(ctx.runtime_info.alpha_test_reference)};
+ const Id condition{ComparisonFunction(ctx, comparison, alpha, alpha_reference)};
+ ctx.OpSelectionMerge(true_label, spv::SelectionControlMask::MaskNone);
+ ctx.OpBranchConditional(condition, true_label, discard_label);
+ ctx.AddLabel(discard_label);
+ ctx.OpKill();
+ ctx.AddLabel(true_label);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+void EmitPrologue(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::VertexB) {
+ const Id zero{ctx.Const(0.0f)};
+ const Id one{ctx.Const(1.0f)};
+ const Id default_vector{ctx.ConstantComposite(ctx.F32[4], zero, zero, zero, one)};
+ ctx.OpStore(ctx.output_position, default_vector);
+ for (const auto& info : ctx.output_generics) {
+ if (info[0].num_components == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ u32 element{0};
+ while (element < 4) {
+ const auto& element_info{info[element]};
+ const u32 num{element_info.num_components};
+ const Id value{DefaultVarying(ctx, num, element, zero, one, default_vector)};
+ ctx.OpStore(element_info.id, value);
+ element += num;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::VertexB || ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry) {
+ SetFixedPipelinePointSize(ctx);
+ }
+void EmitEpilogue(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::VertexB && ctx.runtime_info.convert_depth_mode) {
+ ConvertDepthMode(ctx);
+ }
+ if (ctx.stage == Stage::Fragment) {
+ AlphaTest(ctx);
+ }
+void EmitEmitVertex(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream) {
+ if (ctx.runtime_info.convert_depth_mode) {
+ ConvertDepthMode(ctx);
+ }
+ if (stream.IsImmediate()) {
+ ctx.OpEmitStreamVertex(ctx.Def(stream));
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Stream is not immediate");
+ ctx.OpEmitStreamVertex(ctx.u32_zero_value);
+ }
+ // Restore fixed pipeline point size after emitting the vertex
+ SetFixedPipelinePointSize(ctx);
+void EmitEndPrimitive(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& stream) {
+ if (stream.IsImmediate()) {
+ ctx.OpEndStreamPrimitive(ctx.Def(stream));
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNING(Shader_SPIRV, "Stream is not immediate");
+ ctx.OpEndStreamPrimitive(ctx.u32_zero_value);
+ }
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_undefined.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_undefined.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9f469e90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_undefined.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+Id EmitUndefU1(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpUndef(ctx.U1);
+Id EmitUndefU8(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitUndefU16(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+Id EmitUndefU32(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return ctx.OpUndef(ctx.U32[1]);
+Id EmitUndefU64(EmitContext&) {
+ throw NotImplementedException("SPIR-V Instruction");
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_warp.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_warp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78b1e1ba73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_warp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv.h"
+#include "shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_instructions.h"
+namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV {
+namespace {
+Id WarpExtract(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
+ const Id local_index{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ return ctx.OpVectorExtractDynamic(ctx.U32[1], value, local_index);
+Id LoadMask(EmitContext& ctx, Id mask) {
+ const Id value{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[4], mask)};
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], value, 0U);
+ }
+ return WarpExtract(ctx, value);
+void SetInBoundsFlag(IR::Inst* inst, Id result) {
+ IR::Inst* const in_bounds{inst->GetAssociatedPseudoOperation(IR::Opcode::GetInBoundsFromOp)};
+ if (!in_bounds) {
+ return;
+ }
+ in_bounds->SetDefinition(result);
+ in_bounds->Invalidate();
+Id ComputeMinThreadId(EmitContext& ctx, Id thread_id, Id segmentation_mask) {
+ return ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], thread_id, segmentation_mask);
+Id ComputeMaxThreadId(EmitContext& ctx, Id min_thread_id, Id clamp, Id not_seg_mask) {
+ return ctx.OpBitwiseOr(ctx.U32[1], min_thread_id,
+ ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], clamp, not_seg_mask));
+Id GetMaxThreadId(EmitContext& ctx, Id thread_id, Id clamp, Id segmentation_mask) {
+ const Id not_seg_mask{ctx.OpNot(ctx.U32[1], segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id min_thread_id{ComputeMinThreadId(ctx, thread_id, segmentation_mask)};
+ return ComputeMaxThreadId(ctx, min_thread_id, clamp, not_seg_mask);
+Id SelectValue(EmitContext& ctx, Id in_range, Id value, Id src_thread_id) {
+ return ctx.OpSelect(ctx.U32[1], in_range,
+ ctx.OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR(ctx.U32[1], value, src_thread_id), value);
+} // Anonymous namespace
+Id EmitLaneId(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ const Id id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return id;
+ }
+ return ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], id, ctx.Const(31U));
+Id EmitVoteAll(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return ctx.OpSubgroupAllKHR(ctx.U1, pred);
+ }
+ const Id mask_ballot{ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], ctx.true_value)};
+ const Id active_mask{WarpExtract(ctx, mask_ballot)};
+ const Id ballot{WarpExtract(ctx, ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], pred))};
+ const Id lhs{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], ballot, active_mask)};
+ return ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, active_mask);
+Id EmitVoteAny(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return ctx.OpSubgroupAnyKHR(ctx.U1, pred);
+ }
+ const Id mask_ballot{ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], ctx.true_value)};
+ const Id active_mask{WarpExtract(ctx, mask_ballot)};
+ const Id ballot{WarpExtract(ctx, ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], pred))};
+ const Id lhs{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], ballot, active_mask)};
+ return ctx.OpINotEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, ctx.u32_zero_value);
+Id EmitVoteEqual(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred) {
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return ctx.OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR(ctx.U1, pred);
+ }
+ const Id mask_ballot{ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], ctx.true_value)};
+ const Id active_mask{WarpExtract(ctx, mask_ballot)};
+ const Id ballot{WarpExtract(ctx, ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], pred))};
+ const Id lhs{ctx.OpBitwiseXor(ctx.U32[1], ballot, active_mask)};
+ return ctx.OpLogicalOr(ctx.U1, ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, ctx.u32_zero_value),
+ ctx.OpIEqual(ctx.U1, lhs, active_mask));
+Id EmitSubgroupBallot(EmitContext& ctx, Id pred) {
+ const Id ballot{ctx.OpSubgroupBallotKHR(ctx.U32[4], pred)};
+ if (!ctx.profile.warp_size_potentially_larger_than_guest) {
+ return ctx.OpCompositeExtract(ctx.U32[1], ballot, 0U);
+ }
+ return WarpExtract(ctx, ballot);
+Id EmitSubgroupEqMask(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return LoadMask(ctx, ctx.subgroup_mask_eq);
+Id EmitSubgroupLtMask(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return LoadMask(ctx, ctx.subgroup_mask_lt);
+Id EmitSubgroupLeMask(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return LoadMask(ctx, ctx.subgroup_mask_le);
+Id EmitSubgroupGtMask(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return LoadMask(ctx, ctx.subgroup_mask_gt);
+Id EmitSubgroupGeMask(EmitContext& ctx) {
+ return LoadMask(ctx, ctx.subgroup_mask_ge);
+Id EmitShuffleIndex(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask) {
+ const Id not_seg_mask{ctx.OpNot(ctx.U32[1], segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id thread_id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ const Id min_thread_id{ComputeMinThreadId(ctx, thread_id, segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id max_thread_id{ComputeMaxThreadId(ctx, min_thread_id, clamp, not_seg_mask)};
+ const Id lhs{ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], index, not_seg_mask)};
+ const Id src_thread_id{ctx.OpBitwiseOr(ctx.U32[1], lhs, min_thread_id)};
+ const Id in_range{ctx.OpSLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, src_thread_id, max_thread_id)};
+ SetInBoundsFlag(inst, in_range);
+ return SelectValue(ctx, in_range, value, src_thread_id);
+Id EmitShuffleUp(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask) {
+ const Id thread_id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ const Id max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(ctx, thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id src_thread_id{ctx.OpISub(ctx.U32[1], thread_id, index)};
+ const Id in_range{ctx.OpSGreaterThanEqual(ctx.U1, src_thread_id, max_thread_id)};
+ SetInBoundsFlag(inst, in_range);
+ return SelectValue(ctx, in_range, value, src_thread_id);
+Id EmitShuffleDown(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask) {
+ const Id thread_id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ const Id max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(ctx, thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id src_thread_id{ctx.OpIAdd(ctx.U32[1], thread_id, index)};
+ const Id in_range{ctx.OpSLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, src_thread_id, max_thread_id)};
+ SetInBoundsFlag(inst, in_range);
+ return SelectValue(ctx, in_range, value, src_thread_id);
+Id EmitShuffleButterfly(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst* inst, Id value, Id index, Id clamp,
+ Id segmentation_mask) {
+ const Id thread_id{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ const Id max_thread_id{GetMaxThreadId(ctx, thread_id, clamp, segmentation_mask)};
+ const Id src_thread_id{ctx.OpBitwiseXor(ctx.U32[1], thread_id, index)};
+ const Id in_range{ctx.OpSLessThanEqual(ctx.U1, src_thread_id, max_thread_id)};
+ SetInBoundsFlag(inst, in_range);
+ return SelectValue(ctx, in_range, value, src_thread_id);
+Id EmitFSwizzleAdd(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a, Id op_b, Id swizzle) {
+ const Id three{ctx.Const(3U)};
+ Id mask{ctx.OpLoad(ctx.U32[1], ctx.subgroup_local_invocation_id)};
+ mask = ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], mask, three);
+ mask = ctx.OpShiftLeftLogical(ctx.U32[1], mask, ctx.Const(1U));
+ mask = ctx.OpShiftRightLogical(ctx.U32[1], swizzle, mask);
+ mask = ctx.OpBitwiseAnd(ctx.U32[1], mask, three);
+ const Id modifier_a{ctx.OpVectorExtractDynamic(ctx.F32[1], ctx.fswzadd_lut_a, mask)};
+ const Id modifier_b{ctx.OpVectorExtractDynamic(ctx.F32[1], ctx.fswzadd_lut_b, mask)};
+ const Id result_a{ctx.OpFMul(ctx.F32[1], op_a, modifier_a)};
+ const Id result_b{ctx.OpFMul(ctx.F32[1], op_b, modifier_b)};
+ return ctx.OpFAdd(ctx.F32[1], result_a, result_b);
+Id EmitDPdxFine(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a) {
+ return ctx.OpDPdxFine(ctx.F32[1], op_a);
+Id EmitDPdyFine(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a) {
+ return ctx.OpDPdyFine(ctx.F32[1], op_a);
+Id EmitDPdxCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a) {
+ return ctx.OpDPdxCoarse(ctx.F32[1], op_a);
+Id EmitDPdyCoarse(EmitContext& ctx, Id op_a) {
+ return ctx.OpDPdyCoarse(ctx.F32[1], op_a);
+} // namespace Shader::Backend::SPIRV