diff options
authorFernando Sahmkow <fsahmkow27@gmail.com>2023-05-04 13:23:36 +0200
committerFernando Sahmkow <fsahmkow27@gmail.com>2023-05-07 23:46:12 +0200
commit36c302fa32b475abb1b211934eab14fe0cad936a (patch)
parent6f90dff2938b5bd5e9311e924e8a29945f16ac18 (diff)
Buffer cache: always use async buffer downloads and fix regression.
4 files changed, 70 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp b/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
index 3981907a22..6187936683 100644
--- a/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
@@ -535,12 +535,12 @@ TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Cached write downloads") {
memory_track->MarkRegionAsGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
int num = 0;
memory_track->ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ REQUIRE(num == 0);
num = 0;
memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
REQUIRE(num == 0);
REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
index 474822354c..0b15944d68 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ BufferCache<P>::BufferCache(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_,
inline_buffer_id = NULL_BUFFER_ID;
- active_async_buffers = !Settings::IsGPULevelHigh();
if (!runtime.CanReportMemoryUsage()) {
critical_memory = DEFAULT_CRITICAL_MEMORY;
@@ -75,8 +73,6 @@ void BufferCache<P>::TickFrame() {
uniform_cache_hits[0] = 0;
uniform_cache_shots[0] = 0;
- active_async_buffers = !Settings::IsGPULevelHigh();
const bool skip_preferred = hits * 256 < shots * 251;
uniform_buffer_skip_cache_size = skip_preferred ? DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE : 0;
@@ -491,9 +487,8 @@ void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushesHigh() {
if (committed_ranges.empty()) {
- if (active_async_buffers) {
- async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
- }
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
@@ -554,64 +549,65 @@ void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushesHigh() {
if (downloads.empty()) {
- if (active_async_buffers) {
- async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
- }
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
- if (active_async_buffers) {
- auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes, true);
- boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4> normalized_copies;
- IntervalSet new_async_range{};
- runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
- for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
- const std::array copies{copy};
- BufferCopy second_copy{copy};
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- second_copy.src_offset = static_cast<size_t>(buffer.CpuAddr()) + copy.src_offset;
- VAddr orig_cpu_addr = static_cast<VAddr>(second_copy.src_offset);
- const IntervalType base_interval{orig_cpu_addr, orig_cpu_addr + copy.size};
- async_downloads += std::make_pair(base_interval, 1);
- runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, buffer, copies, false);
- normalized_copies.push_back(second_copy);
- }
- runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
- pending_downloads.emplace_back(std::move(normalized_copies));
- async_buffers.emplace_back(download_staging);
- } else {
- committed_ranges.clear();
- uncommitted_ranges.clear();
+ auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes, true);
+ boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4> normalized_copies;
+ IntervalSet new_async_range{};
+ runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
+ for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
+ const std::array copies{copy};
+ BufferCopy second_copy{copy};
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ second_copy.src_offset = static_cast<size_t>(buffer.CpuAddr()) + copy.src_offset;
+ VAddr orig_cpu_addr = static_cast<VAddr>(second_copy.src_offset);
+ const IntervalType base_interval{orig_cpu_addr, orig_cpu_addr + copy.size};
+ async_downloads += std::make_pair(base_interval, 1);
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, buffer, copies, false);
+ normalized_copies.push_back(second_copy);
+ runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
+ pending_downloads.emplace_back(std::move(normalized_copies));
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(download_staging);
} else {
- if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
- auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
- runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
- for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- // Have in mind the staging buffer offset for the copy
- copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
- const std::array copies{copy};
- runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, slot_buffers[buffer_id], copies, false);
- }
- runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
- runtime.Finish();
- for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- const Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
- // Undo the modified offset
- const u64 dst_offset = copy.dst_offset - download_staging.offset;
- const u8* read_mapped_memory = download_staging.mapped_span.data() + dst_offset;
- cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, read_mapped_memory, copy.size);
- }
+ if (!Settings::IsGPULevelHigh()) {
+ committed_ranges.clear();
+ uncommitted_ranges.clear();
} else {
- const std::span<u8> immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
- for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- buffer.ImmediateDownload(copy.src_offset, immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size));
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
- cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, immediate_buffer.data(), copy.size);
+ if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
+ auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
+ runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
+ for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ // Have in mind the staging buffer offset for the copy
+ copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
+ const std::array copies{copy};
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, slot_buffers[buffer_id], copies,
+ false);
+ }
+ runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
+ runtime.Finish();
+ for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ const Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
+ // Undo the modified offset
+ const u64 dst_offset = copy.dst_offset - download_staging.offset;
+ const u8* read_mapped_memory = download_staging.mapped_span.data() + dst_offset;
+ cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, read_mapped_memory, copy.size);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const std::span<u8> immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
+ for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ buffer.ImmediateDownload(copy.src_offset,
+ immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size));
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
+ cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, immediate_buffer.data(), copy.size);
+ }
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
index e3914a53a3..0445ec47f4 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
@@ -572,8 +572,6 @@ private:
u64 critical_memory = 0;
BufferId inline_buffer_id;
- bool active_async_buffers = false;
std::array<BufferId, ((1ULL << 39) >> CACHING_PAGEBITS)> page_table;
std::vector<u8> tmp_buffer;
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
index 0fb199a54d..a336bde418 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
@@ -302,6 +302,9 @@ public:
(pending_pointer - pending_offset) * BYTES_PER_PAGE);
IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ mask &= ~untracked_words[index];
+ }
const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
if constexpr (clear) {
if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
@@ -350,8 +353,13 @@ public:
static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
const std::span<const u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] const std::span<const u64> untracked_words =
+ words.template Span<Type::Untracked>();
bool result = false;
IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ mask &= ~untracked_words[index];
+ }
const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
if (word != 0) {
result = true;
@@ -372,9 +380,14 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedRegion(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
const std::span<const u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] const std::span<const u64> untracked_words =
+ words.template Span<Type::Untracked>();
u64 begin = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
u64 end = 0;
IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ mask &= ~untracked_words[index];
+ }
const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
if (word == 0) {