3 1 10 101 1 5 1 1 31 1 5 23 1 5 59 1 5 1 12 1 5 2000 2060 1 10 0 True True False Ryujinx - Settings True center 650 650 True False vertical True True in True False True True True False 5 10 5 vertical True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 General False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical Enable Discord Rich Presence True True False Choose whether or not to display Ryujinx on your "currently playing" Discord activity start True False True 5 0 Check for Updates on Launch True True False start True False True 5 1 Show "Confirm Exit" Dialog True True False start True False True 5 2 True False True False end Hide Cursor: False True 5 2 Never True True False start 5 5 True True False True 3 On Idle True True False start 5 5 True _hideCursorNever False True 4 Always True True False start 5 5 True _hideCursorNever False True 5 False True 5 4 True True 1 False True 5 1 True False 5 5 False True 5 2 True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 Game Directories False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical True True 10 in True True False False True True 0 True False True True Enter a game directory to add to the list True True 0 Add 80 True True True Add a game directory to the list 5 False True 1 Remove 80 True True True Remove selected game directory 5 False True 3 False True 1 True True 1 True True 5 4 True False 5 5 False True 5 5 True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 Themes False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical Use Custom Theme True True False Enable or disable custom themes in the GUI start True False True 5 1 True False True False Path to custom GUI theme Custom Theme Path: False True 5 0 True True Path to custom GUI theme center True True 1 Browse... 80 True True True Browse for a custom GUI theme 5 False True 2 False True 10 2 False True 1 False True 5 6 True False General False True False 5 10 5 vertical True False 5 5 Enable Docked Mode True True False Docked mode makes the emulated system behave as a docked Nintendo Switch. This improves graphical fidelity in most games. Conversely, disabling this will make the emulated system behave as a handheld Nintendo Switch, reducing graphics quality. Configure player 1 controls if planning to use docked mode; configure handheld controls if planning to use handheld mode. Leave ON if unsure. True False True 10 0 Direct Keyboard Access True True False Direct keyboard access (HID) support. Provides games access to your keyboard as a text entry device. True False False 10 1 Direct Mouse Access True True False Direct mouse access (HID) support. Provides games access to your mouse as a pointing device. True False False 10 2 False True 5 0 True False False True 1 True False center center 20 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 1 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 0 0 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 3 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 4 0 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 2 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 2 0 True False vertical True False 20 20 Handheld False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 4 4 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 6 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 4 2 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 5 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 2 2 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 7 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 0 4 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 4 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 0 2 True False vertical True False 20 20 Player 8 False True 0 Configure True True True 20 20 20 20 False True 1 2 4 True False 1 0 True False 3 0 True False 3 2 True False 3 4 True False 1 2 True False 1 4 True False 1 1 True False 1 3 True False 3 1 True False 3 3 True False 0 1 True False 2 1 True False 4 1 True False 0 3 True False 2 3 True False 4 3 True True 2 True False False True 3 1 True False Input 1 False True False 5 10 5 vertical True False start 5 5 vertical True False start 5 Core False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical True False True False Change System Region end System Region: False True 5 2 True False Change System Region 5 Japan USA Europe Australia China Korea Taiwan False True 3 False True 5 0 True False True False Change System Language end System Language: False True 5 0 True False Change System Language American English British English Canadian French Chinese Dutch French German Italian Japanese Korean Latin American Spanish Portuguese Russian Simplified Chinese Spanish Taiwanese Traditional Chinese Brazilian Portuguese False True 1 False True 5 1 True False True False Change System TimeZone end System TimeZone: False True 5 1 True True Change System TimeZone 5 _systemTimeZoneCompletion False True 2 False True 5 2 True False True False Change System Time end System Time: False True 5 0 True True 2000 vertical _systemTimeYearSpinAdjustment True 2000 False True 1 True False end - False True 5 2 True True 1 vertical _systemTimeMonthSpinAdjustment True 1 False True 3 True False end - False True 5 4 True True 1 vertical _systemTimeDaySpinAdjustment True 1 False True 5 True True 0 vertical _systemTimeHourSpinAdjustment True False True 6 True False end : False True 5 7 True True 0 vertical _systemTimeMinuteSpinAdjustment True False True 8 False True 5 3 Enable VSync True True False Emulated console's Vertical Sync. Essentially a frame-limiter for the majority of games; disabling it may cause games to run at higher speed or make loading screens take longer or get stuck. Can be toggled in-game with a hotkey of your preference. We recommend doing this if you plan on disabling it. Leave ON if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 4 Enable PPTC (Profiled Persistent Translation Cache) True True False Saves translated JIT functions so that they do not need to be translated every time the game loads. Reduces stuttering and significantly speeds up boot times after the first boot of a game. Leave ON if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 6 Enable Guest Internet Access True True False Allows the emulated application to connect to the Internet. Games with a LAN mode can connect to each other when this is enabled and the systems are connected to the same access point. This includes real consoles as well. Does NOT allow connecting to Nintendo servers. May cause crashing in certain games that try to connect to the Internet. Leave OFF if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 7 Enable FS Integrity Checks True True False Checks for corrupt files when booting a game, and if corrupt files are detected, displays a hash error in the log. Has no impact on performance and is meant to help troubleshooting. Leave ON if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 8 True True 1 True False True False Changes the backend used to render audio. SDL2 is the preferred one, while OpenAL and SoundIO are used as fallbacks. Dummy will have no sound. Set to SDL2 if unsure. end 5 Audio Backend: False True 5 2 False True 5 2 True False True False Change how guest memory is mapped and accessed. Greatly affects emulated CPU performance. Set to HOST UNCHECKED if unsure. end 5 Memory Manager Mode: False True 5 2 Software True True False Use a software page table for address translation. Highest accuracy but slowest performance. start 5 5 True False True 3 Host (fast) True True False Directly map memory in the host address space. Much faster JIT compilation and execution. start 5 5 True _mmSoftware False True 4 Host Unchecked (fastest, unsafe) True True False Directly map memory, but do not mask the address within the guest address space before access. Faster, but at the cost of safety. The guest application can access memory from anywhere in Ryujinx, so only run programs you trust with this mode. start 5 5 True _mmSoftware False True 5 False True 5 3 False True 5 0 True False 5 5 False True 5 1 True False start 5 5 vertical True False True False start 5 Hacks False True 0 True False start 5 (may cause instability) False True 1 False True 1 True False 10 10 vertical Use alternative memory layout (Developers) True True False Utilizes an alternative MemoryMode layout to mimic a Switch development model. This is only useful for higher-resolution texture packs or 4k resolution mods. Does NOT improve performance. Leave OFF if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 0 Ignore Missing Services True True False Ignores unimplemented Horizon OS services. This may help in bypassing crashes when booting certain games. Leave OFF if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 1 True True 2 False True 5 4 2 True False end System 2 False True False 5 vertical True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 5 5 Features False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical True False 5 5 True False Executes graphics backend commands on a second thread. Speeds up shader compilation, reduces stuttering, and improves performance on GPU drivers without multithreading support of their own. Slightly better performance on drivers with multithreading. Set to AUTO if unsure. Graphics Backend Multithreading: False True 5 0 True False Executes graphics backend commands on a second thread. Speeds up shader compilation, reduces stuttering, and improves performance on GPU drivers without multithreading support of their own. Slightly better performance on drivers with multithreading. Set to AUTO if unsure. -1 Auto Off On False True 1 False True 5 0 True False 5 5 True False Graphics Backend to use Graphics Backend: False True 5 0 True False Graphics Backend to use -1 Vulkan OpenGL False True 1 False True 5 1 True False 5 5 True False Preferred GPU (Vulkan only) Preferred GPU: False True 5 0 True False Preferred GPU (Vulkan only) -1 False True 1 False True 5 2 False True 2 False True 5 0 True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 5 5 Enhancements False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical Enable Shader Cache True True False Saves a disk shader cache which reduces stuttering in subsequent runs. Leave ON if unsure. start 5 5 True False True 0 Enable Texture Recompression True True False Enables or disables Texture Recompression. Reduces VRAM usage at the cost of texture quality, and may also increase stuttering start 5 5 True False True 1 Enable Macro HLE True True False Enables or disables high-level emulation of Macro code. Improves performance but may cause graphical glitches in some games start 5 5 True False True 2 True False 5 5 True False Resolution Scale applied to applicable render targets. Resolution Scale: False True 5 0 True False Resolution Scale applied to applicable render targets. 1 Native (720p/1080p) 2x (1440p/2160p) 3x (2160p/3240p) 4x (2880p/4320p) Custom (not recommended) False True 1 True True Floating point resolution scale, such as 1.5. Non-integral scales are more likely to cause issues or crash. center False 1.0 number True True 2 False True 5 3 True False 5 5 True False Applies a final effect to the game render Post Processing Effect: False True 5 0 True False Applies anti-aliasing to the game render 1 None FXAA SMAA Low SMAA Medium SMAA High SMAA Ultra False True 1 False True 5 4 100 True False 5 5 True False Enables Framebuffer Upscaling Upscale: False True 5 0 True False Enables Framebuffer Upscaling 1 Bilinear Nearest FSR False True 1 200 True True 5 _scalingFilterLevel 1 right False True 3 False True 5 5 True False 5 5 True False Level of Anisotropic Filtering (set to Auto to use the value requested by the game) Anisotropic Filtering: False True 5 0 True False Level of Anisotropic Filtering (set to Auto to use the value requested by the game) -1 Auto 2x 4x 8x 16x False True 1 False True 5 6 True False 5 5 True False Aspect Ratio applied to the renderer window. Aspect Ratio: False True 5 0 True False Aspect Ratio applied to the renderer window. 1 4:3 16:9 16:10 21:9 32:9 Stretch to Fit Window False True 1 False True 5 7 False True 2 False True 5 2 True False False True 5 3 True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 5 5 Developer Options False True 0 True False 10 10 vertical True False 5 5 True False Graphics Shaders Dump Path Graphics Shaders Dump Path: False True 5 0 True True Graphics Shaders Dump Path center False True True 1 False True 5 0 False True 1 False True 5 4 3 True False Graphics 3 False True False 5 10 5 vertical True False 5 5 vertical True False start 5 Logging False True 0 True False start 10 10 vertical Enable Logging to File True True False Saves console logging to a log file on disk. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 0 Enable Stub Logs True True False Prints stub log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 3 Enable Info Logs True True False Prints info log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 4 Enable Warning Logs True True False Prints warning log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 5 Enable Error Logs True True False Prints error log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 6 Enable Guest Logs True True False Prints guest log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 7 Enable Fs Access Logs True True False Enables FS access log output to the console. Possible modes are 0-3 start 5 5 True False True 8 True False True False Enables FS access log output to the console. Possible modes are 0-3 Fs Global Access Log Mode: False True 5 0 True True Enables FS access log output to the console. Possible modes are 0-3 0 _fsLogSpinAdjustment True True 1 False True 5 9 True True 1 False True 5 0 True False 5 5 10 vertical True False Use with care start 5 Developer Options (WARNING: Will reduce performance) False True 0 True False start 10 10 vertical True False 5 True False Requires appropriate log levels enabled. Graphics Backend Log Level False True 5 22 True False Requires appropriate log levels enabled. 5 False True 22 False True 1 Enable Debug Logs True True False Prints debug log messages in the console. Only use this if specifically instructed by a staff member, as it will make logs difficult to read and worsen emulator performance. start 5 5 True False True 21 Enable Trace Logs True True False Prints trace log messages in the console. Does not affect performance. start 5 5 True False True 22 False True 1 False True 5 22 4 True False Logging 4 False True False 5 10 5 vertical True False start 5 5 vertical True False start 5 LAN Mode False True 0 True False start 10 10 vertical True False True False The network interface used for LAN features end Network Interface: False True 5 0 True False The network interface used for LAN features 0 Default False True 1 False True 5 1 True False start 5 To use LAN functionality in games, Enable Guest Internet Access must be checked in System. True False True 1 True True 2 False True 5 1 5 True False Multiplayer 5 False True True 0 True False 5 3 3 5 end Save True True True False False 0 Close True True True False False 1 Apply True True True True True 2 False False 1