using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Input; using Avalonia.Platform; using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Helper; using SPB.Graphics; using SPB.Platform; using SPB.Platform.GLX; using SPB.Platform.X11; using SPB.Windowing; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Helpers.Win32NativeInterop; namespace Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Renderer { public class EmbeddedWindow : NativeControlHost { private WindowProc _wndProcDelegate; private string _className; protected GLXWindow X11Window { get; set; } protected IntPtr WindowHandle { get; set; } protected IntPtr X11Display { get; set; } protected IntPtr NsView { get; set; } protected IntPtr MetalLayer { get; set; } public delegate void UpdateBoundsCallbackDelegate(Rect rect); private UpdateBoundsCallbackDelegate _updateBoundsCallback; public event EventHandler WindowCreated; public event EventHandler BoundsChanged; public EmbeddedWindow() { this.GetObservable(BoundsProperty).Subscribe(StateChanged); Initialized += OnNativeEmbeddedWindowCreated; } public virtual void OnWindowCreated() { } protected virtual void OnWindowDestroyed() { } protected virtual void OnWindowDestroying() { WindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero; X11Display = IntPtr.Zero; NsView = IntPtr.Zero; MetalLayer = IntPtr.Zero; } private void OnNativeEmbeddedWindowCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnWindowCreated(); Task.Run(() => { WindowCreated?.Invoke(this, WindowHandle); }); } private void StateChanged(Rect rect) { BoundsChanged?.Invoke(this, rect.Size); _updateBoundsCallback?.Invoke(rect); } protected override IPlatformHandle CreateNativeControlCore(IPlatformHandle control) { if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux()) { return CreateLinux(control); } if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows()) { return CreateWin32(control); } if (OperatingSystem.IsMacOS()) { return CreateMacOS(); } return base.CreateNativeControlCore(control); } protected override void DestroyNativeControlCore(IPlatformHandle control) { OnWindowDestroying(); if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux()) { DestroyLinux(); } else if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows()) { DestroyWin32(control); } else if (OperatingSystem.IsMacOS()) { DestroyMacOS(); } else { base.DestroyNativeControlCore(control); } OnWindowDestroyed(); } [SupportedOSPlatform("linux")] private IPlatformHandle CreateLinux(IPlatformHandle control) { if (ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.GraphicsBackend.Value == GraphicsBackend.Vulkan) { X11Window = new GLXWindow(new NativeHandle(X11.DefaultDisplay), new NativeHandle(control.Handle)); X11Window.Hide(); } else { X11Window = PlatformHelper.CreateOpenGLWindow(new FramebufferFormat(new ColorFormat(8, 8, 8, 0), 16, 0, ColorFormat.Zero, 0, 2, false), 0, 0, 100, 100) as GLXWindow; } WindowHandle = X11Window.WindowHandle.RawHandle; X11Display = X11Window.DisplayHandle.RawHandle; return new PlatformHandle(WindowHandle, "X11"); } [SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] IPlatformHandle CreateWin32(IPlatformHandle control) { _className = "NativeWindow-" + Guid.NewGuid(); _wndProcDelegate = delegate (IntPtr hWnd, WindowsMessages msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { switch (msg) { case WindowsMessages.NcHitTest: return -1; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }; WndClassEx wndClassEx = new() { cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(), hInstance = GetModuleHandle(null), lpfnWndProc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_wndProcDelegate), style = ClassStyles.CsOwndc, lpszClassName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(_className), hCursor = CreateArrowCursor() }; RegisterClassEx(ref wndClassEx); WindowHandle = CreateWindowEx(0, _className, "NativeWindow", WindowStyles.WsChild, 0, 0, 640, 480, control.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); SetWindowLongPtrW(control.Handle, GWLP_WNDPROC, wndClassEx.lpfnWndProc); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(wndClassEx.lpszClassName); return new PlatformHandle(WindowHandle, "HWND"); } [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] IPlatformHandle CreateMacOS() { // Create a new CAMetalLayer. ObjectiveC.Object layerObject = new("CAMetalLayer"); ObjectiveC.Object metalLayer = layerObject.GetFromMessage("alloc"); metalLayer.SendMessage("init"); // Create a child NSView to render into. ObjectiveC.Object nsViewObject = new("NSView"); ObjectiveC.Object child = nsViewObject.GetFromMessage("alloc"); child.SendMessage("init", new ObjectiveC.NSRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); // Make its renderer our metal layer. child.SendMessage("setWantsLayer:", 1); child.SendMessage("setLayer:", metalLayer); metalLayer.SendMessage("setContentsScale:", Program.DesktopScaleFactor); // Ensure the scale factor is up to date. _updateBoundsCallback = rect => { metalLayer.SendMessage("setContentsScale:", Program.DesktopScaleFactor); }; IntPtr nsView = child.ObjPtr; MetalLayer = metalLayer.ObjPtr; NsView = nsView; return new PlatformHandle(nsView, "NSView"); } [SupportedOSPlatform("Linux")] void DestroyLinux() { X11Window?.Dispose(); } [SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] void DestroyWin32(IPlatformHandle handle) { DestroyWindow(handle.Handle); UnregisterClass(_className, GetModuleHandle(null)); } [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static void DestroyMacOS() { // TODO } #pragma warning restore CA1822 } }