using NUnit.Framework; using Ryujinx.Memory; using Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.Tests.Memory { public class TrackingTests { private const int RndCnt = 3; private const ulong MemorySize = 0x8000; private const int PageSize = 4096; private MemoryBlock _memoryBlock; private MemoryTracking _tracking; private MockVirtualMemoryManager _memoryManager; [SetUp] public void Setup() { _memoryBlock = new MemoryBlock(MemorySize); _memoryManager = new MockVirtualMemoryManager(MemorySize, PageSize); _tracking = new MemoryTracking(_memoryManager, PageSize); } [TearDown] public void Teardown() { _memoryBlock.Dispose(); } private bool TestSingleWrite(RegionHandle handle, ulong address, ulong size) { handle.Reprotect(); _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(address, size, true); return handle.Dirty; } [Test] public void SingleRegion() { RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize, 0); (ulong address, ulong size)? readTrackingTriggered = null; handle.RegisterAction((address, size) => { readTrackingTriggered = (address, size); }); bool dirtyInitial = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyInitial); // Handle starts dirty. handle.Reprotect(); bool dirtyAfterReprotect = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterReprotect); // Handle is no longer dirty. _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 2, 4, true); _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 2, 4, false); bool dirtyAfterUnrelatedReadWrite = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterUnrelatedReadWrite); // Not dirtied, as the write was to an unrelated address. Assert.IsNull(readTrackingTriggered); // Hasn't been triggered yet _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, false); bool dirtyAfterRelatedRead = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterRelatedRead); // Only triggers on write. Assert.AreEqual(readTrackingTriggered, (0UL, 4UL)); // Read action was triggered. readTrackingTriggered = null; _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, true); bool dirtyAfterRelatedWrite = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyAfterRelatedWrite); // Dirty flag should now be set. _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(4, 4, true); bool dirtyAfterRelatedWrite2 = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyAfterRelatedWrite2); // Dirty flag should still be set. handle.Reprotect(); bool dirtyAfterReprotect2 = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterReprotect2); // Handle is no longer dirty. handle.Dispose(); bool dirtyAfterDispose = TestSingleWrite(handle, 0, 4); Assert.False(dirtyAfterDispose); // Handle cannot be triggered when disposed } [Test] public void OverlappingRegions() { RegionHandle allHandle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize * 16, 0); allHandle.Reprotect(); (ulong address, ulong size)? readTrackingTriggeredAll = null; Action registerReadAction = () => { readTrackingTriggeredAll = null; allHandle.RegisterAction((address, size) => { readTrackingTriggeredAll = (address, size); }); }; registerReadAction(); // Create 16 page sized handles contained within the allHandle. RegionHandle[] containedHandles = new RegionHandle[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { containedHandles[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, 0); containedHandles[i].Reprotect(); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // No handles are dirty. Assert.False(allHandle.Dirty); Assert.IsNull(readTrackingTriggeredAll); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { Assert.False(containedHandles[j].Dirty); } _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, 1, true); // Only the handle covering the entire range and the relevant contained handle are dirty. Assert.True(allHandle.Dirty); Assert.AreEqual(readTrackingTriggeredAll, ((ulong)i * PageSize, 1UL)); // Triggered read tracking for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (j == i) { Assert.True(containedHandles[j].Dirty); } else { Assert.False(containedHandles[j].Dirty); } } // Clear flags and reset read action. registerReadAction(); allHandle.Reprotect(); containedHandles[i].Reprotect(); } } [Test] public void PageAlignment( [Values(1ul, 512ul, 2048ul, 4096ul, 65536ul)] [Random(1ul, 65536ul, RndCnt)] ulong address, [Values(1ul, 4ul, 1024ul, 4096ul, 65536ul)] [Random(1ul, 65536ul, RndCnt)] ulong size) { ulong alignedStart = (address / PageSize) * PageSize; ulong alignedEnd = ((address + size + PageSize - 1) / PageSize) * PageSize; ulong alignedSize = alignedEnd - alignedStart; RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(address, size, 0); // Anywhere inside the pages the region is contained on should trigger. bool originalRangeTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, address, size); Assert.True(originalRangeTriggers); bool alignedRangeTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, alignedStart, alignedSize); Assert.True(alignedRangeTriggers); bool alignedStartTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, alignedStart, 1); Assert.True(alignedStartTriggers); bool alignedEndTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, alignedEnd - 1, 1); Assert.True(alignedEndTriggers); // Outside the tracked range should not trigger. bool alignedBeforeTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, alignedStart - 1, 1); Assert.False(alignedBeforeTriggers); bool alignedAfterTriggers = TestSingleWrite(handle, alignedEnd, 1); Assert.False(alignedAfterTriggers); } [Test, Explicit, Timeout(1000)] public void Multithreading() { // Multithreading sanity test // Multiple threads can easily read/write memory regions from any existing handle. // Handles can also be owned by different threads, though they should have one owner thread. // Handles can be created and disposed at any time, by any thread. // This test should not throw or deadlock due to invalid state. const int threadCount = 1; const int handlesPerThread = 16; long finishedTime = 0; RegionHandle[] handles = new RegionHandle[threadCount * handlesPerThread]; Random globalRand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++) { handles[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, 0); handles[i].Reprotect(); } List testThreads = new List(); // Dirty flag consumer threads int dirtyFlagReprotects = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { int randSeed = i; testThreads.Add(new Thread(() => { int handleBase = randSeed * handlesPerThread; while (Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() < finishedTime) { Random random = new Random(randSeed); RegionHandle handle = handles[handleBase + random.Next(handlesPerThread)]; if (handle.Dirty) { handle.Reprotect(); Interlocked.Increment(ref dirtyFlagReprotects); } } })); } // Write trigger threads int writeTriggers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { int randSeed = i; testThreads.Add(new Thread(() => { Random random = new Random(randSeed); ulong handleBase = (ulong)(randSeed * handlesPerThread * PageSize); while (Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() < finishedTime) { _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(handleBase + (ulong)random.Next(PageSize * handlesPerThread), PageSize / 2, true); Interlocked.Increment(ref writeTriggers); } })); } // Handle create/delete threads int handleLifecycles = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { int randSeed = i; testThreads.Add(new Thread(() => { int maxAddress = threadCount * handlesPerThread * PageSize; Random random = new Random(randSeed + 512); while (Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() < finishedTime) { RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking((ulong)random.Next(maxAddress), (ulong)random.Next(65536), 0); handle.Dispose(); Interlocked.Increment(ref handleLifecycles); } })); } finishedTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() + Stopwatch.Frequency / 2; // Run for 500ms; foreach (Thread thread in testThreads) { thread.Start(); } foreach (Thread thread in testThreads) { thread.Join(); } Assert.Greater(dirtyFlagReprotects, 10); Assert.Greater(writeTriggers, 10); Assert.Greater(handleLifecycles, 10); } [Test] public void ReadActionThreadConsumption() { // Read actions should only be triggered once for each registration. // The implementation should use an interlocked exchange to make sure other threads can't get the action. RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize, 0); int triggeredCount = 0; int registeredCount = 0; int signalThreadsDone = 0; bool isRegistered = false; Action registerReadAction = () => { registeredCount++; handle.RegisterAction((address, size) => { isRegistered = false; Interlocked.Increment(ref triggeredCount); }); }; const int threadCount = 16; const int iterationCount = 10000; Thread[] signalThreads = new Thread[threadCount]; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { int randSeed = i; signalThreads[i] = new Thread(() => { Random random = new Random(randSeed); for (int j = 0; j < iterationCount; j++) { _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)random.Next(PageSize), 4, false); } Interlocked.Increment(ref signalThreadsDone); }); } for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { signalThreads[i].Start(); } while (signalThreadsDone != -1) { if (signalThreadsDone == threadCount) { signalThreadsDone = -1; } if (!isRegistered) { isRegistered = true; registerReadAction(); } } // The action should trigger exactly once for every registration, // then we register once after all the threads signalling it cease. Assert.AreEqual(registeredCount, triggeredCount + 1); } [Test] public void DisposeHandles() { // Ensure that disposed handles correctly remove their virtual and physical regions. RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize, 0); handle.Reprotect(); Assert.AreEqual(1, _tracking.GetRegionCount()); handle.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount()); // Two handles, small entirely contains big. // We expect there to be three regions after creating both, one for the small region and two covering the big one around it. // Regions are always split to avoid overlapping, which is why there are three instead of two. RegionHandle handleSmall = _tracking.BeginTracking(PageSize, PageSize, 0); RegionHandle handleBig = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize * 4, 0); Assert.AreEqual(3, _tracking.GetRegionCount()); // After disposing the big region, only the small one will remain. handleBig.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(1, _tracking.GetRegionCount()); handleSmall.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount()); } [Test] public void ReadAndWriteProtection() { MemoryPermission protection = MemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite; _memoryManager.OnProtect += (va, size, newProtection) => { Assert.AreEqual((0, PageSize), (va, size)); // Should protect the exact region all the operations use. protection = newProtection; }; RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize, 0); // After creating the handle, there is no protection yet. Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite, protection); bool dirtyInitial = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyInitial); // Handle starts dirty. handle.Reprotect(); // After a reprotect, there is write protection, which will set a dirty flag when any write happens. Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPermission.Read, protection); (ulong address, ulong size)? readTrackingTriggered = null; handle.RegisterAction((address, size) => { readTrackingTriggered = (address, size); }); // Registering an action adds read/write protection. Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPermission.None, protection); bool dirtyAfterReprotect = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterReprotect); // Handle is no longer dirty. // First we should read, which will trigger the action. This _should not_ remove write protection on the memory. _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, false); bool dirtyAfterRead = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterRead); // Not dirtied, as this was a read. Assert.AreEqual(readTrackingTriggered, (0UL, 4UL)); // Read action was triggered. Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPermission.Read, protection); // Write protection is still present. readTrackingTriggered = null; // Now, perform a write. _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, true); bool dirtyAfterWriteAfterRead = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyAfterWriteAfterRead); // Should be dirty. Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite, protection); // All protection is now be removed from the memory. Assert.IsNull(readTrackingTriggered); // Read tracking was removed when the action fired, as it can only fire once. handle.Dispose(); } [Test] public void PreciseAction() { RegionHandle handle = _tracking.BeginTracking(0, PageSize, 0); (ulong address, ulong size, bool write)? preciseTriggered = null; handle.RegisterPreciseAction((address, size, write) => { preciseTriggered = (address, size, write); return true; }); (ulong address, ulong size)? readTrackingTriggered = null; handle.RegisterAction((address, size) => { readTrackingTriggered = (address, size); }); handle.Reprotect(); _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, false, precise: true); Assert.IsNull(readTrackingTriggered); // Hasn't been triggered - precise action returned true. Assert.AreEqual(preciseTriggered, (0UL, 4UL, false)); // Precise action was triggered. _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, 4, true, precise: true); Assert.IsNull(readTrackingTriggered); // Still hasn't been triggered. bool dirtyAfterPreciseActionTrue = handle.Dirty; Assert.False(dirtyAfterPreciseActionTrue); // Not dirtied - precise action returned true. Assert.AreEqual(preciseTriggered, (0UL, 4UL, true)); // Precise action was triggered. // Handle is now dirty. handle.Reprotect(true); preciseTriggered = null; _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(4, 4, true, precise: true); Assert.AreEqual(preciseTriggered, (4UL, 4UL, true)); // Precise action was triggered even though handle was dirty. handle.Reprotect(); handle.RegisterPreciseAction((address, size, write) => { preciseTriggered = (address, size, write); return false; // Now, we return false, which indicates that the regular read/write behaviours should trigger. }); _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(8, 4, true, precise: true); Assert.AreEqual(readTrackingTriggered, (8UL, 4UL)); // Read action triggered, as precise action returned false. bool dirtyAfterPreciseActionFalse = handle.Dirty; Assert.True(dirtyAfterPreciseActionFalse); // Dirtied, as precise action returned false. Assert.AreEqual(preciseTriggered, (8UL, 4UL, true)); // Precise action was triggered. } } }