using LibHac.Account; using LibHac.Common; using LibHac.Fs; using LibHac.Fs.Fsa; using LibHac.Fs.Shim; using LibHac.Loader; using LibHac.Ncm; using LibHac.Ns; using LibHac.Tools.Fs; using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem; using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem.NcaUtils; using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Common; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Memory; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Executables; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Processes.Extensions; using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common; using Ryujinx.Horizon.Sdk.Arp; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ApplicationId = LibHac.Ncm.ApplicationId; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Processes { static class ProcessLoaderHelper { // NOTE: If you want to change this value make sure to increment the InternalVersion of Ptc and PtcProfiler. // You also need to add a new migration path and adjust the existing ones. // TODO: Remove this workaround when ASLR is implemented. private const ulong CodeStartOffset = 0x500000UL; public static LibHac.Result RegisterProgramMapInfo(Switch device, IFileSystem partitionFileSystem) { ulong applicationId = 0; int programCount = 0; Span hasIndex = stackalloc bool[0x10]; foreach (DirectoryEntryEx fileEntry in partitionFileSystem.EnumerateEntries("/", "*.nca")) { Nca nca = partitionFileSystem.GetNca(device.FileSystem.KeySet, fileEntry.FullPath); if (!nca.IsProgram()) { continue; } ulong currentMainProgramId = nca.GetProgramIdBase(); if (applicationId == 0 && currentMainProgramId != 0) { applicationId = currentMainProgramId; } if (applicationId != currentMainProgramId) { // Currently there aren't any known multi-application game cards containing multi-program applications, // so because multi-application game cards are the only way we could run into multiple applications // we'll just return that there's a single program. programCount = 1; break; } hasIndex[nca.GetProgramIndex()] = true; } if (programCount == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hasIndex.Length && hasIndex[i]; i++) { programCount++; } } if (programCount <= 0) { return LibHac.Result.Success; } Span mapInfo = stackalloc ProgramIndexMapInfo[0x10]; for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) { mapInfo[i].ProgramId = new ProgramId(applicationId + (uint)i); mapInfo[i].MainProgramId = new ApplicationId(applicationId); mapInfo[i].ProgramIndex = (byte)i; } return device.System.LibHacHorizonManager.NsClient.Fs.RegisterProgramIndexMapInfo(mapInfo[..programCount]); } public static LibHac.Result EnsureSaveData(Switch device, ApplicationId applicationId, BlitStruct applicationControlProperty) { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, "Ensuring required savedata exists."); ref ApplicationControlProperty control = ref applicationControlProperty.Value; if (LibHac.Common.Utilities.IsZeros(applicationControlProperty.ByteSpan)) { // If the current application doesn't have a loaded control property, create a dummy one and set the savedata sizes so a user savedata will be created. control = ref new BlitStruct(1).Value; // The set sizes don't actually matter as long as they're non-zero because we use directory savedata. control.UserAccountSaveDataSize = 0x4000; control.UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize = 0x4000; control.SaveDataOwnerId = applicationId.Value; Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "No control file was found for this game. Using a dummy one instead. This may cause inaccuracies in some games."); } LibHac.Result resultCode = device.System.LibHacHorizonManager.RyujinxClient.Fs.EnsureApplicationCacheStorage(out _, out _, applicationId, in control); if (resultCode.IsFailure()) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Error calling EnsureApplicationCacheStorage. Result code {resultCode.ToStringWithName()}"); return resultCode; } Uid userId = device.System.AccountManager.LastOpenedUser.UserId.ToLibHacUid(); resultCode = device.System.LibHacHorizonManager.RyujinxClient.Fs.EnsureApplicationSaveData(out _, applicationId, in control, in userId); if (resultCode.IsFailure()) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Error calling EnsureApplicationSaveData. Result code {resultCode.ToStringWithName()}"); } return resultCode; } public static bool LoadKip(KernelContext context, KipExecutable kip) { uint endOffset = kip.DataOffset + (uint)kip.Data.Length; if (kip.BssSize != 0) { endOffset = kip.BssOffset + kip.BssSize; } uint codeSize = BitUtils.AlignUp(kip.TextOffset + endOffset, KPageTableBase.PageSize); int codePagesCount = (int)(codeSize / KPageTableBase.PageSize); ulong codeBaseAddress = kip.Is64BitAddressSpace ? 0x8000000UL : 0x200000UL; ulong codeAddress = codeBaseAddress + kip.TextOffset; ProcessCreationFlags flags = 0; if (ProcessConst.AslrEnabled) { // TODO: Randomization. flags |= ProcessCreationFlags.EnableAslr; } if (kip.Is64BitAddressSpace) { flags |= ProcessCreationFlags.AddressSpace64Bit; } if (kip.Is64Bit) { flags |= ProcessCreationFlags.Is64Bit; } ProcessCreationInfo creationInfo = new(kip.Name, kip.Version, kip.ProgramId, codeAddress, codePagesCount, flags, 0, 0); MemoryRegion memoryRegion = kip.UsesSecureMemory ? MemoryRegion.Service : MemoryRegion.Application; KMemoryRegionManager region = context.MemoryManager.MemoryRegions[(int)memoryRegion]; Result result = region.AllocatePages(out KPageList pageList, (ulong)codePagesCount); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization returned error \"{result}\"."); return false; } KProcess process = new(context); var processContextFactory = new ArmProcessContextFactory( context.Device.System.TickSource, context.Device.Gpu, string.Empty, string.Empty, false, codeAddress, codeSize); result = process.InitializeKip(creationInfo, kip.Capabilities, pageList, context.ResourceLimit, memoryRegion, processContextFactory); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization returned error \"{result}\"."); return false; } result = LoadIntoMemory(process, kip, codeBaseAddress); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization returned error \"{result}\"."); return false; } process.DefaultCpuCore = kip.IdealCoreId; result = process.Start(kip.Priority, (ulong)kip.StackSize); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process start returned error \"{result}\"."); return false; } context.Processes.TryAdd(process.Pid, process); return true; } public static ProcessResult LoadNsos( Switch device, KernelContext context, MetaLoader metaLoader, BlitStruct applicationControlProperties, bool diskCacheEnabled, bool allowCodeMemoryForJit, string name, ulong programId, byte programIndex, byte[] arguments = null, params IExecutable[] executables) { context.Device.System.ServiceTable.WaitServicesReady(); LibHac.Result resultCode = metaLoader.GetNpdm(out var npdm); if (resultCode.IsFailure()) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization failed getting npdm. Result Code {resultCode.ToStringWithName()}"); return ProcessResult.Failed; } ref readonly var meta = ref npdm.Meta; ulong argsStart = 0; uint argsSize = 0; ulong codeStart = ((meta.Flags & 1) != 0 ? 0x8000000UL : 0x200000UL) + CodeStartOffset; uint codeSize = 0; var buildIds = executables.Select(e => (e switch { NsoExecutable nso => Convert.ToHexString(nso.BuildId.ItemsRo.ToArray()), NroExecutable nro => Convert.ToHexString(nro.Header.BuildId), _ => "", }).ToUpper()); ulong[] nsoBase = new ulong[executables.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < executables.Length; index++) { IExecutable nso = executables[index]; uint textEnd = nso.TextOffset + (uint)nso.Text.Length; uint roEnd = nso.RoOffset + (uint)nso.Ro.Length; uint dataEnd = nso.DataOffset + (uint)nso.Data.Length + nso.BssSize; uint nsoSize = textEnd; if (nsoSize < roEnd) { nsoSize = roEnd; } if (nsoSize < dataEnd) { nsoSize = dataEnd; } nsoSize = BitUtils.AlignUp(nsoSize, KPageTableBase.PageSize); nsoBase[index] = codeStart + codeSize; codeSize += nsoSize; if (arguments != null && argsSize == 0) { argsStart = codeSize; argsSize = (uint)BitUtils.AlignDown(arguments.Length * 2 + ProcessConst.NsoArgsTotalSize - 1, KPageTableBase.PageSize); codeSize += argsSize; } } int codePagesCount = (int)(codeSize / KPageTableBase.PageSize); int personalMmHeapPagesCount = (int)(meta.SystemResourceSize / KPageTableBase.PageSize); ProcessCreationInfo creationInfo = new( name, (int)meta.Version, programId, codeStart, codePagesCount, (ProcessCreationFlags)meta.Flags | ProcessCreationFlags.IsApplication, 0, personalMmHeapPagesCount); context.Device.System.LibHacHorizonManager.InitializeApplicationClient(new ProgramId(programId), in npdm); Result result; KResourceLimit resourceLimit = new(context); long applicationRgSize = (long)context.MemoryManager.MemoryRegions[(int)MemoryRegion.Application].Size; result = resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(LimitableResource.Memory, applicationRgSize); if (result.IsSuccess) { result = resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(LimitableResource.Thread, 608); } if (result.IsSuccess) { result = resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(LimitableResource.Event, 700); } if (result.IsSuccess) { result = resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(LimitableResource.TransferMemory, 128); } if (result.IsSuccess) { result = resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(LimitableResource.Session, 894); } if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, "Process initialization failed setting resource limit values."); return ProcessResult.Failed; } KProcess process = new(context, allowCodeMemoryForJit); // NOTE: This field doesn't exists one firmware pre-5.0.0, a workaround have to be found. MemoryRegion memoryRegion = (MemoryRegion)(npdm.Acid.Flags >> 2 & 0xf); if (memoryRegion > MemoryRegion.NvServices) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, "Process initialization failed due to invalid ACID flags."); return ProcessResult.Failed; } string displayVersion; if (metaLoader.GetProgramId() > 0x0100000000007FFF) { displayVersion = applicationControlProperties.Value.DisplayVersionString.ToString(); } else { displayVersion = device.System.ContentManager.GetCurrentFirmwareVersion()?.VersionString ?? string.Empty; } var processContextFactory = new ArmProcessContextFactory( context.Device.System.TickSource, context.Device.Gpu, $"{programId:x16}", displayVersion, diskCacheEnabled, codeStart, codeSize); result = process.Initialize( creationInfo, MemoryMarshal.Cast(npdm.KernelCapabilityData), resourceLimit, memoryRegion, processContextFactory); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization returned error \"{result}\"."); return ProcessResult.Failed; } for (int index = 0; index < executables.Length; index++) { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Loading image {index} at 0x{nsoBase[index]:x16}..."); result = LoadIntoMemory(process, executables[index], nsoBase[index]); if (result != Result.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Loader, $"Process initialization returned error \"{result}\"."); return ProcessResult.Failed; } } process.DefaultCpuCore = meta.DefaultCpuId; context.Processes.TryAdd(process.Pid, process); // Keep the build ids because the tamper machine uses them to know which process to associate a // tamper to and also keep the starting address of each executable inside a process because some // memory modifications are relative to this address. ProcessTamperInfo tamperInfo = new( process, buildIds, nsoBase, process.MemoryManager.HeapRegionStart, process.MemoryManager.AliasRegionStart, process.MemoryManager.CodeRegionStart); // Once everything is loaded, we can load cheats. device.Configuration.VirtualFileSystem.ModLoader.LoadCheats(programId, tamperInfo, device.TamperMachine); ProcessResult processResult = new( metaLoader, applicationControlProperties, diskCacheEnabled, allowCodeMemoryForJit, processContextFactory.DiskCacheLoadState, process.Pid, meta.MainThreadPriority, meta.MainThreadStackSize, device.System.State.DesiredTitleLanguage); // Register everything in arp service. device.System.ServiceTable.ArpWriter.AcquireRegistrar(out IRegistrar registrar); registrar.SetApplicationControlProperty(MemoryMarshal.Cast(applicationControlProperties.ByteSpan)[0]); // TODO: Handle Version and StorageId when it will be needed. registrar.SetApplicationLaunchProperty(new ApplicationLaunchProperty() { ApplicationId = new Horizon.Sdk.Ncm.ApplicationId(programId), Version = 0x00, Storage = Horizon.Sdk.Ncm.StorageId.BuiltInUser, PatchStorage = Horizon.Sdk.Ncm.StorageId.None, ApplicationKind = ApplicationKind.Application, }); device.System.ServiceTable.ArpReader.GetApplicationInstanceId(out ulong applicationInstanceId, process.Pid); device.System.ServiceTable.ArpWriter.AcquireApplicationProcessPropertyUpdater(out IUpdater updater, applicationInstanceId); updater.SetApplicationProcessProperty(process.Pid, new ApplicationProcessProperty() { ProgramIndex = programIndex }); return processResult; } public static Result LoadIntoMemory(KProcess process, IExecutable image, ulong baseAddress) { ulong textStart = baseAddress + image.TextOffset; ulong roStart = baseAddress + image.RoOffset; ulong dataStart = baseAddress + image.DataOffset; ulong bssStart = baseAddress + image.BssOffset; ulong end = dataStart + (ulong)image.Data.Length; if (image.BssSize != 0) { end = bssStart + image.BssSize; } process.CpuMemory.Write(textStart, image.Text); process.CpuMemory.Write(roStart, image.Ro); process.CpuMemory.Write(dataStart, image.Data); process.CpuMemory.Fill(bssStart, image.BssSize, 0); Result SetProcessMemoryPermission(ulong address, ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { if (size == 0) { return Result.Success; } size = BitUtils.AlignUp(size, KPageTableBase.PageSize); return process.MemoryManager.SetProcessMemoryPermission(address, size, permission); } Result result = SetProcessMemoryPermission(textStart, (ulong)image.Text.Length, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndExecute); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } result = SetProcessMemoryPermission(roStart, (ulong)image.Ro.Length, KMemoryPermission.Read); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } return SetProcessMemoryPermission(dataStart, end - dataStart, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite); } } }