using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Common.Memory; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Ipc; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Ipc; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading; using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common; using System; using System.Buffers; using System.Buffers.Binary; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services { class ServerBase : IDisposable { // Must be the maximum value used by services (highest one know is the one used by nvservices = 0x8000). // Having a size that is too low will cause failures as data copy will fail if the receiving buffer is // not large enough. private const int PointerBufferSize = 0x8000; private readonly static uint[] DefaultCapabilities = new uint[] { 0x030363F7, 0x1FFFFFCF, 0x207FFFEF, 0x47E0060F, 0x0048BFFF, 0x01007FFF }; // The amount of time Dispose() will wait to Join() the thread executing the ServerLoop() private static readonly TimeSpan ThreadJoinTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3); private readonly KernelContext _context; private KProcess _selfProcess; private KThread _selfThread; private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _handleLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); private readonly Dictionary<int, IpcService> _sessions = new Dictionary<int, IpcService>(); private readonly Dictionary<int, Func<IpcService>> _ports = new Dictionary<int, Func<IpcService>>(); private readonly MemoryStream _requestDataStream; private readonly BinaryReader _requestDataReader; private readonly MemoryStream _responseDataStream; private readonly BinaryWriter _responseDataWriter; private int _isDisposed = 0; public ManualResetEvent InitDone { get; } public string Name { get; } public Func<IpcService> SmObjectFactory { get; } public ServerBase(KernelContext context, string name, Func<IpcService> smObjectFactory = null) { _context = context; _requestDataStream = MemoryStreamManager.Shared.GetStream(); _requestDataReader = new BinaryReader(_requestDataStream); _responseDataStream = MemoryStreamManager.Shared.GetStream(); _responseDataWriter = new BinaryWriter(_responseDataStream); InitDone = new ManualResetEvent(false); Name = name; SmObjectFactory = smObjectFactory; const ProcessCreationFlags Flags = ProcessCreationFlags.EnableAslr | ProcessCreationFlags.AddressSpace64Bit | ProcessCreationFlags.Is64Bit | ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionSystem; ProcessCreationInfo creationInfo = new ProcessCreationInfo("Service", 1, 0, 0x8000000, 1, Flags, 0, 0); KernelStatic.StartInitialProcess(context, creationInfo, DefaultCapabilities, 44, Main); } private void AddPort(int serverPortHandle, Func<IpcService> objectFactory) { bool lockTaken = false; try { lockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterWriteLock(Timeout.Infinite); _ports.Add(serverPortHandle, objectFactory); } finally { if (lockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } public void AddSessionObj(KServerSession serverSession, IpcService obj) { // Ensure that the sever loop is running. InitDone.WaitOne(); _selfProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(serverSession, out int serverSessionHandle); AddSessionObj(serverSessionHandle, obj); } public void AddSessionObj(int serverSessionHandle, IpcService obj) { bool lockTaken = false; try { lockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterWriteLock(Timeout.Infinite); _sessions.Add(serverSessionHandle, obj); } finally { if (lockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } private IpcService GetSessionObj(int serverSessionHandle) { bool lockTaken = false; try { lockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterReadLock(Timeout.Infinite); return _sessions[serverSessionHandle]; } finally { if (lockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitReadLock(); } } } private bool RemoveSessionObj(int serverSessionHandle, out IpcService obj) { bool lockTaken = false; try { lockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterWriteLock(Timeout.Infinite); return _sessions.Remove(serverSessionHandle, out obj); } finally { if (lockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } private void Main() { ServerLoop(); } private void ServerLoop() { _selfProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); _selfThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if (SmObjectFactory != null) { _context.Syscall.ManageNamedPort(out int serverPortHandle, "sm:", 50); AddPort(serverPortHandle, SmObjectFactory); } InitDone.Set(); ulong messagePtr = _selfThread.TlsAddress; _context.Syscall.SetHeapSize(out ulong heapAddr, 0x200000); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x0, 0); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x4, 2 << 10); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x8, heapAddr | ((ulong)PointerBufferSize << 48)); int replyTargetHandle = 0; while (true) { int portHandleCount; int handleCount; int[] handles; bool handleLockTaken = false; try { handleLockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterReadLock(Timeout.Infinite); portHandleCount = _ports.Count; handleCount = portHandleCount + _sessions.Count; handles = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.Rent(handleCount); _ports.Keys.CopyTo(handles, 0); _sessions.Keys.CopyTo(handles, portHandleCount); } finally { if (handleLockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitReadLock(); } } // We still need a timeout here to allow the service to pick up and listen new sessions... var rc = _context.Syscall.ReplyAndReceive(out int signaledIndex, handles.AsSpan(0, handleCount), replyTargetHandle, 1000000L); _selfThread.HandlePostSyscall(); if (!_selfThread.Context.Running) { break; } replyTargetHandle = 0; if (rc == Result.Success && signaledIndex >= portHandleCount) { // We got a IPC request, process it, pass to the appropriate service if needed. int signaledHandle = handles[signaledIndex]; if (Process(signaledHandle, heapAddr)) { replyTargetHandle = signaledHandle; } } else { if (rc == Result.Success) { // We got a new connection, accept the session to allow servicing future requests. if (_context.Syscall.AcceptSession(out int serverSessionHandle, handles[signaledIndex]) == Result.Success) { bool handleWriteLockTaken = false; try { handleWriteLockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterWriteLock(Timeout.Infinite); IpcService obj = _ports[handles[signaledIndex]].Invoke(); _sessions.Add(serverSessionHandle, obj); } finally { if (handleWriteLockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } } _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x0, 0); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x4, 2 << 10); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(messagePtr + 0x8, heapAddr | ((ulong)PointerBufferSize << 48)); } ArrayPool<int>.Shared.Return(handles); } Dispose(); } private bool Process(int serverSessionHandle, ulong recvListAddr) { IpcMessage request = ReadRequest(); IpcMessage response = new IpcMessage(); ulong tempAddr = recvListAddr; int sizesOffset = request.RawData.Length - ((request.RecvListBuff.Count * 2 + 3) & ~3); bool noReceive = true; for (int i = 0; i < request.ReceiveBuff.Count; i++) { noReceive &= (request.ReceiveBuff[i].Position == 0); } if (noReceive) { response.PtrBuff.EnsureCapacity(request.RecvListBuff.Count); for (int i = 0; i < request.RecvListBuff.Count; i++) { ulong size = (ulong)BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt16LittleEndian(request.RawData.AsSpan(sizesOffset + i * 2, 2)); response.PtrBuff.Add(new IpcPtrBuffDesc(tempAddr, (uint)i, size)); request.RecvListBuff[i] = new IpcRecvListBuffDesc(tempAddr, size); tempAddr += size; } } bool shouldReply = true; bool isTipcCommunication = false; _requestDataStream.SetLength(0); _requestDataStream.Write(request.RawData); _requestDataStream.Position = 0; if (request.Type == IpcMessageType.CmifRequest || request.Type == IpcMessageType.CmifRequestWithContext) { response.Type = IpcMessageType.CmifResponse; _responseDataStream.SetLength(0); ServiceCtx context = new ServiceCtx( _context.Device, _selfProcess, _selfProcess.CpuMemory, _selfThread, request, response, _requestDataReader, _responseDataWriter); GetSessionObj(serverSessionHandle).CallCmifMethod(context); response.RawData = _responseDataStream.ToArray(); } else if (request.Type == IpcMessageType.CmifControl || request.Type == IpcMessageType.CmifControlWithContext) { uint magic = (uint)_requestDataReader.ReadUInt64(); uint cmdId = (uint)_requestDataReader.ReadUInt64(); switch (cmdId) { case 0: FillHipcResponse(response, 0, GetSessionObj(serverSessionHandle).ConvertToDomain()); break; case 3: FillHipcResponse(response, 0, PointerBufferSize); break; // TODO: Whats the difference between IpcDuplicateSession/Ex? case 2: case 4: { _ = _requestDataReader.ReadInt32(); _context.Syscall.CreateSession(out int dupServerSessionHandle, out int dupClientSessionHandle, false, 0); bool writeLockTaken = false; try { writeLockTaken = _handleLock.TryEnterWriteLock(Timeout.Infinite); _sessions[dupServerSessionHandle] = _sessions[serverSessionHandle]; } finally { if (writeLockTaken) { _handleLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } response.HandleDesc = IpcHandleDesc.MakeMove(dupClientSessionHandle); FillHipcResponse(response, 0); break; } default: throw new NotImplementedException(cmdId.ToString()); } } else if (request.Type == IpcMessageType.CmifCloseSession || request.Type == IpcMessageType.TipcCloseSession) { _context.Syscall.CloseHandle(serverSessionHandle); if (RemoveSessionObj(serverSessionHandle, out var session)) { (session as IDisposable)?.Dispose(); } shouldReply = false; } // If the type is past 0xF, we are using TIPC else if (request.Type > IpcMessageType.TipcCloseSession) { isTipcCommunication = true; // Response type is always the same as request on TIPC. response.Type = request.Type; _responseDataStream.SetLength(0); ServiceCtx context = new ServiceCtx( _context.Device, _selfProcess, _selfProcess.CpuMemory, _selfThread, request, response, _requestDataReader, _responseDataWriter); GetSessionObj(serverSessionHandle).CallTipcMethod(context); response.RawData = _responseDataStream.ToArray(); using var responseStream = response.GetStreamTipc(); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(_selfThread.TlsAddress, responseStream.GetReadOnlySequence()); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(request.Type.ToString()); } if (!isTipcCommunication) { using var responseStream = response.GetStream((long)_selfThread.TlsAddress, recvListAddr | ((ulong)PointerBufferSize << 48)); _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Write(_selfThread.TlsAddress, responseStream.GetReadOnlySequence()); } return shouldReply; } private IpcMessage ReadRequest() { const int messageSize = 0x100; using IMemoryOwner<byte> reqDataOwner = ByteMemoryPool.Shared.Rent(messageSize); Span<byte> reqDataSpan = reqDataOwner.Memory.Span; _selfProcess.CpuMemory.Read(_selfThread.TlsAddress, reqDataSpan); IpcMessage request = new IpcMessage(reqDataSpan, (long)_selfThread.TlsAddress); return request; } private void FillHipcResponse(IpcMessage response, long result) { FillHipcResponse(response, result, ReadOnlySpan<byte>.Empty); } private void FillHipcResponse(IpcMessage response, long result, int value) { Span<byte> span = stackalloc byte[sizeof(int)]; BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(span, value); FillHipcResponse(response, result, span); } private void FillHipcResponse(IpcMessage response, long result, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) { response.Type = IpcMessageType.CmifResponse; _responseDataStream.SetLength(0); _responseDataStream.Write(IpcMagic.Sfco); _responseDataStream.Write(result); _responseDataStream.Write(data); response.RawData = _responseDataStream.ToArray(); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && _selfThread != null) { if (_selfThread.HostThread.ManagedThreadId != Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId && _selfThread.HostThread.Join(ThreadJoinTimeout) == false) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Service, $"The ServerBase thread didn't terminate within {ThreadJoinTimeout:g}, waiting longer."); _selfThread.HostThread.Join(Timeout.Infinite); } if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isDisposed, 1) == 0) { foreach (IpcService service in _sessions.Values) { (service as IDisposable)?.Dispose(); service.DestroyAtExit(); } _sessions.Clear(); _ports.Clear(); _handleLock.Dispose(); _requestDataReader.Dispose(); _requestDataStream.Dispose(); _responseDataWriter.Dispose(); _responseDataStream.Dispose(); InitDone.Dispose(); } } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } } }