using Ryujinx.Common.Memory; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Caps.Types; using SkiaSharp; using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Caps { class CaptureManager { private readonly string _sdCardPath; private uint _shimLibraryVersion; public CaptureManager(Switch device) { _sdCardPath = FileSystem.VirtualFileSystem.GetSdCardPath(); } public ResultCode SetShimLibraryVersion(ServiceCtx context) { ulong shimLibraryVersion = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64(); #pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Remove unnecessary value assignment ulong appletResourceUserId = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64(); #pragma warning restore IDE0059 // TODO: Service checks if the pid is present in an internal list and returns ResultCode.BlacklistedPid if it is. // The list contents needs to be determined. ResultCode resultCode = ResultCode.OutOfRange; if (shimLibraryVersion != 0) { if (_shimLibraryVersion == shimLibraryVersion) { resultCode = ResultCode.Success; } else if (_shimLibraryVersion != 0) { resultCode = ResultCode.ShimLibraryVersionAlreadySet; } else if (shimLibraryVersion == 1) { resultCode = ResultCode.Success; _shimLibraryVersion = 1; } } return resultCode; } public ResultCode SaveScreenShot(byte[] screenshotData, ulong appletResourceUserId, ulong titleId, out ApplicationAlbumEntry applicationAlbumEntry) { applicationAlbumEntry = default; if (screenshotData.Length == 0) { return ResultCode.NullInputBuffer; } /* // NOTE: On our current implementation, appletResourceUserId starts at 0, disable it for now. if (appletResourceUserId == 0) { return ResultCode.InvalidArgument; } */ /* // Doesn't occur in our case. if (applicationAlbumEntry == null) { return ResultCode.NullOutputBuffer; } */ if (screenshotData.Length >= 0x384000) { DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now; applicationAlbumEntry = new ApplicationAlbumEntry() { Size = (ulong)Unsafe.SizeOf(), TitleId = titleId, AlbumFileDateTime = new AlbumFileDateTime() { Year = (ushort)currentDateTime.Year, Month = (byte)currentDateTime.Month, Day = (byte)currentDateTime.Day, Hour = (byte)currentDateTime.Hour, Minute = (byte)currentDateTime.Minute, Second = (byte)currentDateTime.Second, UniqueId = 0, }, AlbumStorage = AlbumStorage.Sd, ContentType = ContentType.Screenshot, Padding = new Array5(), Unknown0x1f = 1, }; // NOTE: The hex hash is a HMAC-SHA256 (first 32 bytes) using a hardcoded secret key over the titleId, we can simulate it by hashing the titleId instead. string hash = Convert.ToHexString(SHA256.HashData(BitConverter.GetBytes(titleId))).Remove(0x20); string folderPath = Path.Combine(_sdCardPath, "Nintendo", "Album", currentDateTime.Year.ToString("00"), currentDateTime.Month.ToString("00"), currentDateTime.Day.ToString("00")); string filePath = GenerateFilePath(folderPath, applicationAlbumEntry, currentDateTime, hash); // TODO: Handle that using the FS service implementation and return the right error code instead of throwing exceptions. Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); while (File.Exists(filePath)) { applicationAlbumEntry.AlbumFileDateTime.UniqueId++; filePath = GenerateFilePath(folderPath, applicationAlbumEntry, currentDateTime, hash); } // NOTE: The saved JPEG file doesn't have the limitation in the extra EXIF data. using var bitmap = new SKBitmap(new SKImageInfo(1280, 720, SKColorType.Rgba8888)); Marshal.Copy(screenshotData, 0, bitmap.GetPixels(), screenshotData.Length); using var data = bitmap.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, 80); using var file = File.OpenWrite(filePath); data.SaveTo(file); return ResultCode.Success; } return ResultCode.NullInputBuffer; } private string GenerateFilePath(string folderPath, ApplicationAlbumEntry applicationAlbumEntry, DateTime currentDateTime, string hash) { string fileName = $"{currentDateTime:yyyyMMddHHmmss}{applicationAlbumEntry.AlbumFileDateTime.UniqueId:00}-{hash}.jpg"; return Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName); } } }