using LibHac.Common; using LibHac.Fs; using LibHac.Fs.Fsa; using LibHac.FsSystem; using LibHac.Loader; using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem; using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem.RomFs; using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Common.Utilities; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Executables; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Mods; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Processes; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using LazyFile = Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Fs.FileSystemProxy.LazyFile; using Path = System.IO.Path; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS { public class ModLoader { private const string RomfsDir = "romfs"; private const string ExefsDir = "exefs"; private const string CheatDir = "cheats"; private const string RomfsContainer = "romfs.bin"; private const string ExefsContainer = "exefs.nsp"; private const string StubExtension = ".stub"; private const string CheatExtension = ".txt"; private const string DefaultCheatName = ""; private const string AmsContentsDir = "contents"; private const string AmsNsoPatchDir = "exefs_patches"; private const string AmsNroPatchDir = "nro_patches"; private const string AmsKipPatchDir = "kip_patches"; private static readonly ModMetadataJsonSerializerContext _serializerContext = new(JsonHelper.GetDefaultSerializerOptions()); public readonly struct Mod where T : FileSystemInfo { public readonly string Name; public readonly T Path; public readonly bool Enabled; public Mod(string name, T path, bool enabled) { Name = name; Path = path; Enabled = enabled; } } public struct Cheat { // Atmosphere identifies the executables with the first 8 bytes // of the build id, which is equivalent to 16 hex digits. public const int CheatIdSize = 16; public readonly string Name; public readonly FileInfo Path; public readonly IEnumerable Instructions; public Cheat(string name, FileInfo path, IEnumerable instructions) { Name = name; Path = path; Instructions = instructions; } } // Application dependent mods public class ModCache { public List> RomfsContainers { get; } public List> ExefsContainers { get; } public List> RomfsDirs { get; } public List> ExefsDirs { get; } public List Cheats { get; } public ModCache() { RomfsContainers = new List>(); ExefsContainers = new List>(); RomfsDirs = new List>(); ExefsDirs = new List>(); Cheats = new List(); } } // Application independent mods private class PatchCache { public List> NsoPatches { get; } public List> NroPatches { get; } public List> KipPatches { get; } internal bool Initialized { get; set; } public PatchCache() { NsoPatches = new List>(); NroPatches = new List>(); KipPatches = new List>(); Initialized = false; } } private readonly Dictionary _appMods; // key is ApplicationId private PatchCache _patches; private static readonly EnumerationOptions _dirEnumOptions; static ModLoader() { _dirEnumOptions = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive, MatchType = MatchType.Simple, RecurseSubdirectories = false, ReturnSpecialDirectories = false, }; } public ModLoader() { _appMods = new Dictionary(); _patches = new PatchCache(); } private void Clear() { _appMods.Clear(); _patches = new PatchCache(); } private static bool StrEquals(string s1, string s2) => string.Equals(s1, s2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); public static string GetModsBasePath() => EnsureBaseDirStructure(AppDataManager.GetModsPath()); public static string GetSdModsBasePath() => EnsureBaseDirStructure(AppDataManager.GetSdModsPath()); private static string EnsureBaseDirStructure(string modsBasePath) { var modsDir = new DirectoryInfo(modsBasePath); modsDir.CreateSubdirectory(AmsContentsDir); modsDir.CreateSubdirectory(AmsNsoPatchDir); modsDir.CreateSubdirectory(AmsNroPatchDir); // TODO: uncomment when KIPs are supported // modsDir.CreateSubdirectory(AmsKipPatchDir); return modsDir.FullName; } private static DirectoryInfo FindApplicationDir(DirectoryInfo contentsDir, string applicationId) => contentsDir.EnumerateDirectories(applicationId, _dirEnumOptions).FirstOrDefault(); private static void AddModsFromDirectory(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo dir, ModMetadata modMetadata) { System.Text.StringBuilder types = new(); foreach (var modDir in dir.EnumerateDirectories()) { types.Clear(); Mod mod = new("", null, true); if (StrEquals(RomfsDir, modDir.Name)) { var modData = modMetadata.Mods.Find(x => modDir.FullName.Contains(x.Path)); var enabled = modData?.Enabled ?? true; mods.RomfsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod(dir.Name, modDir, enabled)); types.Append('R'); } else if (StrEquals(ExefsDir, modDir.Name)) { var modData = modMetadata.Mods.Find(x => modDir.FullName.Contains(x.Path)); var enabled = modData?.Enabled ?? true; mods.ExefsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod(dir.Name, modDir, enabled)); types.Append('E'); } else if (StrEquals(CheatDir, modDir.Name)) { types.Append('C', QueryCheatsDir(mods, modDir)); } else { AddModsFromDirectory(mods, modDir, modMetadata); } if (types.Length > 0) { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found {(mod.Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")} mod '{mod.Name}' [{types}]"); } } } public static string GetApplicationDir(string modsBasePath, string applicationId) { var contentsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(modsBasePath, AmsContentsDir)); var applicationModsPath = FindApplicationDir(contentsDir, applicationId); if (applicationModsPath == null) { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Creating mods directory for Application {applicationId.ToUpper()}"); applicationModsPath = contentsDir.CreateSubdirectory(applicationId); } return applicationModsPath.FullName; } // Static Query Methods private static void QueryPatchDirs(PatchCache cache, DirectoryInfo patchDir) { if (cache.Initialized || !patchDir.Exists) { return; } List> patches; string type; if (StrEquals(AmsNsoPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.NsoPatches; type = "NSO"; } else if (StrEquals(AmsNroPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.NroPatches; type = "NRO"; } else if (StrEquals(AmsKipPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.KipPatches; type = "KIP"; } else { return; } foreach (var modDir in patchDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { patches.Add(new Mod(modDir.Name, modDir, true)); Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found {type} patch '{modDir.Name}'"); } } private static void QueryApplicationDir(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo applicationDir, ulong applicationId) { if (!applicationDir.Exists) { return; } string modJsonPath = Path.Combine(AppDataManager.GamesDirPath, applicationId.ToString("x16"), "mods.json"); ModMetadata modMetadata = new(); if (File.Exists(modJsonPath)) { try { modMetadata = JsonHelper.DeserializeFromFile(modJsonPath, _serializerContext.ModMetadata); } catch { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Failed to deserialize mod data for {applicationId:X16} at {modJsonPath}"); } } var fsFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(applicationDir.FullName, RomfsContainer)); if (fsFile.Exists) { var modData = modMetadata.Mods.Find(x => fsFile.FullName.Contains(x.Path)); var enabled = modData == null || modData.Enabled; mods.RomfsContainers.Add(new Mod($"<{applicationDir.Name} RomFs>", fsFile, enabled)); } fsFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(applicationDir.FullName, ExefsContainer)); if (fsFile.Exists) { var modData = modMetadata.Mods.Find(x => fsFile.FullName.Contains(x.Path)); var enabled = modData == null || modData.Enabled; mods.ExefsContainers.Add(new Mod($"<{applicationDir.Name} ExeFs>", fsFile, enabled)); } AddModsFromDirectory(mods, applicationDir, modMetadata); } public static void QueryContentsDir(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo contentsDir, ulong applicationId) { if (!contentsDir.Exists) { return; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Searching mods for {((applicationId & 0x1000) != 0 ? "DLC" : "Application")} {applicationId:X16} in \"{contentsDir.FullName}\""); var applicationDir = FindApplicationDir(contentsDir, $"{applicationId:x16}"); if (applicationDir != null) { QueryApplicationDir(mods, applicationDir, applicationId); } } private static int QueryCheatsDir(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo cheatsDir) { if (!cheatsDir.Exists) { return 0; } int numMods = 0; foreach (FileInfo file in cheatsDir.EnumerateFiles()) { if (!StrEquals(CheatExtension, file.Extension)) { continue; } string cheatId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name); if (cheatId.Length != Cheat.CheatIdSize) { continue; } if (!ulong.TryParse(cheatId, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _)) { continue; } int oldCheatsCount = mods.Cheats.Count; // A cheat file can contain several cheats for the same executable, so the file must be parsed in // order to properly enumerate them. mods.Cheats.AddRange(GetCheatsInFile(file)); if (mods.Cheats.Count - oldCheatsCount > 0) { numMods++; } } return numMods; } private static IEnumerable GetCheatsInFile(FileInfo cheatFile) { string cheatName = DefaultCheatName; List instructions = new(); List cheats = new(); using StreamReader cheatData = cheatFile.OpenText(); while (cheatData.ReadLine() is { } line) { line = line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith('[')) { // This line starts a new cheat section. if (!line.EndsWith(']') || line.Length < 3) { // Skip the entire file if there's any error while parsing the cheat file. Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Ignoring cheat '{cheatFile.FullName}' because it is malformed"); return Array.Empty(); } // Add the previous section to the list. if (instructions.Count > 0) { cheats.Add(new Cheat($"<{cheatName} Cheat>", cheatFile, instructions)); } // Start a new cheat section. cheatName = line[1..^1]; instructions = new List(); } else if (line.Length > 0) { // The line contains an instruction. instructions.Add(line); } } // Add the last section being processed. if (instructions.Count > 0) { cheats.Add(new Cheat($"<{cheatName} Cheat>", cheatFile, instructions)); } return cheats; } // Assumes searchDirPaths don't overlap private static void CollectMods(Dictionary modCaches, PatchCache patches, params string[] searchDirPaths) { static bool IsPatchesDir(string name) => StrEquals(AmsNsoPatchDir, name) || StrEquals(AmsNroPatchDir, name) || StrEquals(AmsKipPatchDir, name); static bool IsContentsDir(string name) => StrEquals(AmsContentsDir, name); static bool TryQuery(DirectoryInfo searchDir, PatchCache patches, Dictionary modCaches) { if (IsContentsDir(searchDir.Name)) { foreach ((ulong applicationId, ModCache cache) in modCaches) { QueryContentsDir(cache, searchDir, applicationId); } return true; } else if (IsPatchesDir(searchDir.Name)) { QueryPatchDirs(patches, searchDir); return true; } return false; } foreach (var path in searchDirPaths) { var searchDir = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!searchDir.Exists) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Mod Search Dir '{searchDir.FullName}' doesn't exist"); return; } if (!TryQuery(searchDir, patches, modCaches)) { foreach (var subdir in searchDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { TryQuery(subdir, patches, modCaches); } } } patches.Initialized = true; } public void CollectMods(IEnumerable applications, params string[] searchDirPaths) { Clear(); foreach (ulong applicationId in applications) { _appMods[applicationId] = new ModCache(); } CollectMods(_appMods, _patches, searchDirPaths); } internal IStorage ApplyRomFsMods(ulong applicationId, IStorage baseStorage) { if (!_appMods.TryGetValue(applicationId, out ModCache mods) || mods.RomfsDirs.Count + mods.RomfsContainers.Count == 0) { return baseStorage; } var fileSet = new HashSet(); var builder = new RomFsBuilder(); int count = 0; Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Applying RomFS mods for Application {applicationId:X16}"); // Prioritize loose files first foreach (var mod in mods.RomfsDirs) { if (!mod.Enabled) { continue; } using (IFileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem(mod.Path.FullName)) { AddFiles(fs, mod.Name, mod.Path.FullName, fileSet, builder); } count++; } // Then files inside images foreach (var mod in mods.RomfsContainers) { if (!mod.Enabled) { continue; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found 'romfs.bin' for Application {applicationId:X16}"); using (IFileSystem fs = new RomFsFileSystem(mod.Path.OpenRead().AsStorage())) { AddFiles(fs, mod.Name, mod.Path.FullName, fileSet, builder); } count++; } if (fileSet.Count == 0) { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "No files found. Using base RomFS"); return baseStorage; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Replaced {fileSet.Count} file(s) over {count} mod(s). Processing base storage..."); // And finally, the base romfs var baseRom = new RomFsFileSystem(baseStorage); foreach (var entry in baseRom.EnumerateEntries() .Where(f => f.Type == DirectoryEntryType.File && !fileSet.Contains(f.FullPath)) .OrderBy(f => f.FullPath, StringComparer.Ordinal)) { using var file = new UniqueRef(); baseRom.OpenFile(ref file.Ref, entry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure(); builder.AddFile(entry.FullPath, file.Release()); } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Building new RomFS..."); IStorage newStorage = builder.Build(); Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Using modded RomFS"); return newStorage; } private static void AddFiles(IFileSystem fs, string modName, string rootPath, ISet fileSet, RomFsBuilder builder) { foreach (var entry in fs.EnumerateEntries() .AsParallel() .Where(f => f.Type == DirectoryEntryType.File) .OrderBy(f => f.FullPath, StringComparer.Ordinal)) { var file = new LazyFile(entry.FullPath, rootPath, fs); if (fileSet.Add(entry.FullPath)) { builder.AddFile(entry.FullPath, file); } else { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $" Skipped duplicate file '{entry.FullPath}' from '{modName}'", "ApplyRomFsMods"); } } } internal bool ReplaceExefsPartition(ulong applicationId, ref IFileSystem exefs) { if (!_appMods.TryGetValue(applicationId, out ModCache mods) || mods.ExefsContainers.Count == 0) { return false; } if (mods.ExefsContainers.Count > 1) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Multiple ExeFS partition replacements detected"); } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Using replacement ExeFS partition"); var pfs = new PartitionFileSystem(); pfs.Initialize(mods.ExefsContainers[0].Path.OpenRead().AsStorage()).ThrowIfFailure(); exefs = pfs; return true; } public struct ModLoadResult { public BitVector32 Stubs; public BitVector32 Replaces; public MetaLoader Npdm; public bool Modified => (Stubs.Data | Replaces.Data) != 0; } internal ModLoadResult ApplyExefsMods(ulong applicationId, NsoExecutable[] nsos) { ModLoadResult modLoadResult = new() { Stubs = new BitVector32(), Replaces = new BitVector32(), }; if (!_appMods.TryGetValue(applicationId, out ModCache mods) || mods.ExefsDirs.Count == 0) { return modLoadResult; } if (nsos.Length != ProcessConst.ExeFsPrefixes.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(nsos), nsos.Length, "NSO Count is incorrect"); } var exeMods = mods.ExefsDirs; foreach (var mod in exeMods) { if (!mod.Enabled) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ProcessConst.ExeFsPrefixes.Length; ++i) { var nsoName = ProcessConst.ExeFsPrefixes[i]; FileInfo nsoFile = new(Path.Combine(mod.Path.FullName, nsoName)); if (nsoFile.Exists) { if (modLoadResult.Replaces[1 << i]) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Multiple replacements to '{nsoName}'"); continue; } modLoadResult.Replaces[1 << i] = true; nsos[i] = new NsoExecutable(nsoFile.OpenRead().AsStorage(), nsoName); Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"NSO '{nsoName}' replaced"); } modLoadResult.Stubs[1 << i] |= File.Exists(Path.Combine(mod.Path.FullName, nsoName + StubExtension)); } FileInfo npdmFile = new(Path.Combine(mod.Path.FullName, "main.npdm")); if (npdmFile.Exists) { if (modLoadResult.Npdm != null) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Multiple replacements to 'main.npdm'"); continue; } modLoadResult.Npdm = new MetaLoader(); modLoadResult.Npdm.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(npdmFile.FullName)); Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "main.npdm replaced"); } } for (int i = ProcessConst.ExeFsPrefixes.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (modLoadResult.Stubs[1 << i] && !modLoadResult.Replaces[1 << i]) // Prioritizes replacements over stubs { Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $" NSO '{nsos[i].Name}' stubbed"); nsos[i] = null; } } return modLoadResult; } internal void ApplyNroPatches(NroExecutable nro) { var nroPatches = _patches.NroPatches; if (nroPatches.Count == 0) { return; } // NRO patches aren't offset relative to header unlike NSO // according to Atmosphere's ro patcher module ApplyProgramPatches(nroPatches, 0, nro); } internal bool ApplyNsoPatches(ulong applicationId, params IExecutable[] programs) { IEnumerable> nsoMods = _patches.NsoPatches; if (_appMods.TryGetValue(applicationId, out ModCache mods)) { nsoMods = nsoMods.Concat(mods.ExefsDirs); } // NSO patches are created with offset 0 according to Atmosphere's patcher module // But `Program` doesn't contain the header which is 0x100 bytes. So, we adjust for that here return ApplyProgramPatches(nsoMods, 0x100, programs); } internal void LoadCheats(ulong applicationId, ProcessTamperInfo tamperInfo, TamperMachine tamperMachine) { if (tamperInfo?.BuildIds == null || tamperInfo.CodeAddresses == null) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, "Unable to install cheat because the associated process is invalid"); return; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Build ids found for application {applicationId:X16}:\n {String.Join("\n ", tamperInfo.BuildIds)}"); if (!_appMods.TryGetValue(applicationId, out ModCache mods) || mods.Cheats.Count == 0) { return; } var cheats = mods.Cheats; var processExes = tamperInfo.BuildIds.Zip(tamperInfo.CodeAddresses, (k, v) => new { k, v }) .ToDictionary(x => x.k[..Math.Min(Cheat.CheatIdSize, x.k.Length)], x => x.v); foreach (var cheat in cheats) { string cheatId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cheat.Path.Name).ToUpper(); if (!processExes.TryGetValue(cheatId, out ulong exeAddress)) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Skipping cheat '{cheat.Name}' because no executable matches its BuildId {cheatId} (check if the game title and version are correct)"); continue; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Installing cheat '{cheat.Name}'"); tamperMachine.InstallAtmosphereCheat(cheat.Name, cheatId, cheat.Instructions, tamperInfo, exeAddress); } EnableCheats(applicationId, tamperMachine); } internal static void EnableCheats(ulong applicationId, TamperMachine tamperMachine) { var contentDirectory = FindApplicationDir(new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(GetModsBasePath(), AmsContentsDir)), $"{applicationId:x16}"); string enabledCheatsPath = Path.Combine(contentDirectory.FullName, CheatDir, "enabled.txt"); if (File.Exists(enabledCheatsPath)) { tamperMachine.EnableCheats(File.ReadAllLines(enabledCheatsPath)); } } private static bool ApplyProgramPatches(IEnumerable> mods, int protectedOffset, params IExecutable[] programs) { int count = 0; MemPatch[] patches = new MemPatch[programs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < patches.Length; ++i) { patches[i] = new MemPatch(); } var buildIds = programs.Select(p => p switch { NsoExecutable nso => Convert.ToHexString(nso.BuildId.ItemsRo.ToArray()).TrimEnd('0'), NroExecutable nro => Convert.ToHexString(nro.Header.BuildId).TrimEnd('0'), _ => string.Empty, }).ToList(); int GetIndex(string buildId) => buildIds.FindIndex(id => id == buildId); // O(n) but list is small // Collect patches foreach (var mod in mods) { if (!mod.Enabled) { continue; } var patchDir = mod.Path; foreach (var patchFile in patchDir.EnumerateFiles()) { if (StrEquals(".ips", patchFile.Extension)) // IPS|IPS32 { string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(patchFile.FullName).Split('.')[0]; string buildId = filename.TrimEnd('0'); int index = GetIndex(buildId); if (index == -1) { continue; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Matching IPS patch '{patchFile.Name}' in '{mod.Name}' bid={buildId}"); using var fs = patchFile.OpenRead(); using var reader = new BinaryReader(fs); var patcher = new IpsPatcher(reader); patcher.AddPatches(patches[index]); } else if (StrEquals(".pchtxt", patchFile.Extension)) // IPSwitch { using var fs = patchFile.OpenRead(); using var reader = new StreamReader(fs); var patcher = new IPSwitchPatcher(reader); int index = GetIndex(patcher.BuildId); if (index == -1) { continue; } Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Matching IPSwitch patch '{patchFile.Name}' in '{mod.Name}' bid={patcher.BuildId}"); patcher.AddPatches(patches[index]); } } } // Apply patches for (int i = 0; i < programs.Length; ++i) { count += patches[i].Patch(programs[i].Program, protectedOffset); } return count > 0; } } }