using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using System; using System.Numerics; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading { partial class KScheduler : IDisposable { public const int PrioritiesCount = 64; public const int CpuCoresCount = 4; private const int RoundRobinTimeQuantumMs = 10; private static readonly int[] _preemptionPriorities = { 59, 59, 59, 63 }; private static readonly int[] _srcCoresHighestPrioThreads = new int[CpuCoresCount]; private readonly KernelContext _context; private readonly int _coreId; private struct SchedulingState { public volatile bool NeedsScheduling; public volatile KThread SelectedThread; } private SchedulingState _state; private KThread _previousThread; private KThread _currentThread; private int _coreIdleLock; private bool _idleSignalled = true; private bool _idleActive = true; private long _idleTimeRunning; public KThread PreviousThread => _previousThread; public KThread CurrentThread => _currentThread; public long LastContextSwitchTime { get; private set; } public long TotalIdleTimeTicks => _idleTimeRunning; public KScheduler(KernelContext context, int coreId) { _context = context; _coreId = coreId; _currentThread = null; } public static ulong SelectThreads(KernelContext context) { if (context.ThreadReselectionRequested) { return SelectThreadsImpl(context); } else { return 0UL; } } private static ulong SelectThreadsImpl(KernelContext context) { context.ThreadReselectionRequested = false; ulong scheduledCoresMask = 0UL; for (int core = 0; core < CpuCoresCount; core++) { KThread thread = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsFirstOrDefault(core); if (thread != null && thread.Owner != null && thread.Owner.PinnedThreads[core] != null && thread.Owner.PinnedThreads[core] != thread) { KThread candidate = thread.Owner.PinnedThreads[core]; if (candidate.KernelWaitersCount == 0 && !KProcess.IsExceptionUserThread(candidate)) { if (candidate.SchedFlags == ThreadSchedState.Running) { thread = candidate; } else { thread = null; } } } scheduledCoresMask |= context.Schedulers[core].SelectThread(thread); } for (int core = 0; core < CpuCoresCount; core++) { // If the core is not idle (there's already a thread running on it), // then we don't need to attempt load balancing. if (context.PriorityQueue.HasScheduledThreads(core)) { continue; } Array.Fill(_srcCoresHighestPrioThreads, 0); int srcCoresHighestPrioThreadsCount = 0; KThread dst = null; // Select candidate threads that could run on this core. // Give preference to threads that are not yet selected. foreach (KThread suggested in context.PriorityQueue.SuggestedThreads(core)) { if (suggested.ActiveCore < 0 || suggested != context.Schedulers[suggested.ActiveCore]._state.SelectedThread) { dst = suggested; break; } _srcCoresHighestPrioThreads[srcCoresHighestPrioThreadsCount++] = suggested.ActiveCore; } // Not yet selected candidate found. if (dst != null) { // Priorities < 2 are used for the kernel message dispatching // threads, we should skip load balancing entirely. if (dst.DynamicPriority >= 2) { context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(dst.DynamicPriority, core, dst); scheduledCoresMask |= context.Schedulers[core].SelectThread(dst); } continue; } // All candidates are already selected, choose the best one // (the first one that doesn't make the source core idle if moved). for (int index = 0; index < srcCoresHighestPrioThreadsCount; index++) { int srcCore = _srcCoresHighestPrioThreads[index]; KThread src = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsElementAtOrDefault(srcCore, 1); if (src != null) { // Run the second thread on the queue on the source core, // move the first one to the current core. KThread origSelectedCoreSrc = context.Schedulers[srcCore]._state.SelectedThread; scheduledCoresMask |= context.Schedulers[srcCore].SelectThread(src); context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(origSelectedCoreSrc.DynamicPriority, core, origSelectedCoreSrc); scheduledCoresMask |= context.Schedulers[core].SelectThread(origSelectedCoreSrc); } } } return scheduledCoresMask; } private ulong SelectThread(KThread nextThread) { KThread previousThread = _state.SelectedThread; if (previousThread != nextThread) { if (previousThread != null) { previousThread.LastScheduledTime = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks; } _state.SelectedThread = nextThread; _state.NeedsScheduling = true; return 1UL << _coreId; } else { return 0UL; } } public static void EnableScheduling(KernelContext context, ulong scheduledCoresMask) { KScheduler currentScheduler = context.Schedulers[KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread().CurrentCore]; // Note that "RescheduleCurrentCore" will block, so "RescheduleOtherCores" must be done first. currentScheduler.RescheduleOtherCores(scheduledCoresMask); currentScheduler.RescheduleCurrentCore(); } public static void EnableSchedulingFromForeignThread(KernelContext context, ulong scheduledCoresMask) { RescheduleOtherCores(context, scheduledCoresMask); } private void RescheduleCurrentCore() { if (_state.NeedsScheduling) { Schedule(); } } private void RescheduleOtherCores(ulong scheduledCoresMask) { RescheduleOtherCores(_context, scheduledCoresMask & ~(1UL << _coreId)); } private static void RescheduleOtherCores(KernelContext context, ulong scheduledCoresMask) { while (scheduledCoresMask != 0) { int coreToSignal = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(scheduledCoresMask); KThread threadToSignal = context.Schedulers[coreToSignal]._currentThread; // Request the thread running on that core to stop and reschedule, if we have one. threadToSignal?.Context.RequestInterrupt(); // If the core is idle, ensure that the idle thread is awaken. context.Schedulers[coreToSignal].NotifyIdleThread(); scheduledCoresMask &= ~(1UL << coreToSignal); } } private void ActivateIdleThread() { while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _coreIdleLock, 1, 0) != 0) { Thread.SpinWait(1); } Thread.MemoryBarrier(); // Signals that idle thread is now active on this core. _idleActive = true; TryLeaveIdle(); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _coreIdleLock, 0); } private void NotifyIdleThread() { while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _coreIdleLock, 1, 0) != 0) { Thread.SpinWait(1); } Thread.MemoryBarrier(); // Signals that the idle core may be able to exit idle. _idleSignalled = true; TryLeaveIdle(); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _coreIdleLock, 0); } public void TryLeaveIdle() { if (_idleSignalled && _idleActive) { _state.NeedsScheduling = false; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); KThread nextThread = PickNextThread(null, _state.SelectedThread); if (nextThread != null) { _idleActive = false; nextThread.SchedulerWaitEvent.Set(); } _idleSignalled = false; } } public void Schedule() { _state.NeedsScheduling = false; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); KThread selectedThread = _state.SelectedThread; // If the thread is already scheduled and running on the core, we have nothing to do. if (currentThread == selectedThread) { return; } currentThread.SchedulerWaitEvent.Reset(); currentThread.ThreadContext.Unlock(); // Wake all the threads that might be waiting until this thread context is unlocked. for (int core = 0; core < CpuCoresCount; core++) { _context.Schedulers[core].NotifyIdleThread(); } KThread nextThread = PickNextThread(KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(), selectedThread); if (currentThread.Context.Running) { // Wait until this thread is scheduled again, and allow the next thread to run. if (nextThread == null) { ActivateIdleThread(); currentThread.SchedulerWaitEvent.WaitOne(); } else { WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(nextThread.SchedulerWaitEvent, currentThread.SchedulerWaitEvent); } } else { // Allow the next thread to run. if (nextThread == null) { ActivateIdleThread(); } else { nextThread.SchedulerWaitEvent.Set(); } // We don't need to wait since the thread is exiting, however we need to // make sure this thread will never call the scheduler again, since it is // no longer assigned to a core. currentThread.MakeUnschedulable(); // Just to be sure, set the core to a invalid value. // This will trigger a exception if it attempts to call schedule again, // rather than leaving the scheduler in a invalid state. currentThread.CurrentCore = -1; } } private KThread PickNextThread(KThread currentThread, KThread selectedThread) { while (true) { if (selectedThread != null) { // Try to run the selected thread. // We need to acquire the context lock to be sure the thread is not // already running on another core. If it is, then we return here // and the caller should try again once there is something available for scheduling. // The thread currently running on the core should have been requested to // interrupt so this is not expected to take long. // The idle thread must also be paused if we are scheduling a thread // on the core, as the scheduled thread will handle the next switch. if (selectedThread.ThreadContext.Lock()) { SwitchTo(currentThread, selectedThread); if (!_state.NeedsScheduling) { return selectedThread; } selectedThread.ThreadContext.Unlock(); } else { return null; } } else { // The core is idle now, make sure that the idle thread can run // and switch the core when a thread is available. SwitchTo(currentThread, null); return null; } _state.NeedsScheduling = false; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); selectedThread = _state.SelectedThread; } } private void SwitchTo(KThread currentThread, KThread nextThread) { KProcess currentProcess = currentThread?.Owner; if (currentThread != nextThread) { long previousTicks = LastContextSwitchTime; long currentTicks = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks; long ticksDelta = currentTicks - previousTicks; if (currentThread == null) { Interlocked.Add(ref _idleTimeRunning, ticksDelta); } else { currentThread.AddCpuTime(ticksDelta); } currentProcess?.AddCpuTime(ticksDelta); LastContextSwitchTime = currentTicks; if (currentProcess != null) { _previousThread = !currentThread.TerminationRequested && currentThread.ActiveCore == _coreId ? currentThread : null; } else if (currentThread == null) { _previousThread = null; } } if (nextThread != null && nextThread.CurrentCore != _coreId) { nextThread.CurrentCore = _coreId; } _currentThread = nextThread; } public static void PreemptionThreadLoop(KernelContext context) { while (context.Running) { context.CriticalSection.Enter(); for (int core = 0; core < CpuCoresCount; core++) { RotateScheduledQueue(context, core, _preemptionPriorities[core]); } context.CriticalSection.Leave(); Thread.Sleep(RoundRobinTimeQuantumMs); } } private static void RotateScheduledQueue(KernelContext context, int core, int prio) { KThread selectedThread = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsWithDynamicPriorityFirstOrDefault(core, prio); KThread nextThread = null; // Yield priority queue. if (selectedThread != null) { nextThread = context.PriorityQueue.Reschedule(prio, core, selectedThread); } static KThread FirstSuitableCandidateOrDefault(KernelContext context, int core, KThread selectedThread, KThread nextThread, Predicate predicate) { foreach (KThread suggested in context.PriorityQueue.SuggestedThreads(core)) { int suggestedCore = suggested.ActiveCore; if (suggestedCore >= 0) { KThread selectedSuggestedCore = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsFirstOrDefault(suggestedCore); if (selectedSuggestedCore == suggested || (selectedSuggestedCore != null && selectedSuggestedCore.DynamicPriority < 2)) { continue; } } // If the candidate was scheduled after the current thread, then it's not worth it. if (nextThread == selectedThread || nextThread == null || nextThread.LastScheduledTime >= suggested.LastScheduledTime) { if (predicate(suggested)) { return suggested; } } } return null; } // Select candidate threads that could run on this core. // Only take into account threads that are not yet selected. KThread dst = FirstSuitableCandidateOrDefault(context, core, selectedThread, nextThread, x => x.DynamicPriority == prio); if (dst != null) { context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(prio, core, dst); } // If the priority of the currently selected thread is lower or same as the preemption priority, // then try to migrate a thread with lower priority. KThread bestCandidate = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsFirstOrDefault(core); if (bestCandidate != null && bestCandidate.DynamicPriority >= prio) { dst = FirstSuitableCandidateOrDefault(context, core, selectedThread, nextThread, x => x.DynamicPriority < bestCandidate.DynamicPriority); if (dst != null) { context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(dst.DynamicPriority, core, dst); } } context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } public static void Yield(KernelContext context) { KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if (!currentThread.IsSchedulable) { return; } context.CriticalSection.Enter(); if (currentThread.SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { context.CriticalSection.Leave(); return; } KThread nextThread = context.PriorityQueue.Reschedule(currentThread.DynamicPriority, currentThread.ActiveCore, currentThread); if (nextThread != currentThread) { context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } context.CriticalSection.Leave(); } public static void YieldWithLoadBalancing(KernelContext context) { KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if (!currentThread.IsSchedulable) { return; } context.CriticalSection.Enter(); if (currentThread.SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { context.CriticalSection.Leave(); return; } int prio = currentThread.DynamicPriority; int core = currentThread.ActiveCore; // Move current thread to the end of the queue. KThread nextThread = context.PriorityQueue.Reschedule(prio, core, currentThread); static KThread FirstSuitableCandidateOrDefault(KernelContext context, int core, KThread nextThread, int lessThanOrEqualPriority) { foreach (KThread suggested in context.PriorityQueue.SuggestedThreads(core)) { int suggestedCore = suggested.ActiveCore; if (suggestedCore >= 0) { KThread selectedSuggestedCore = context.Schedulers[suggestedCore]._state.SelectedThread; if (selectedSuggestedCore == suggested || (selectedSuggestedCore != null && selectedSuggestedCore.DynamicPriority < 2)) { continue; } } // If the candidate was scheduled after the current thread, then it's not worth it, // unless the priority is higher than the current one. if (suggested.LastScheduledTime <= nextThread.LastScheduledTime || suggested.DynamicPriority < nextThread.DynamicPriority) { if (suggested.DynamicPriority <= lessThanOrEqualPriority) { return suggested; } } } return null; } KThread dst = FirstSuitableCandidateOrDefault(context, core, nextThread, prio); if (dst != null) { context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(dst.DynamicPriority, core, dst); context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } else if (currentThread != nextThread) { context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } context.CriticalSection.Leave(); } public static void YieldToAnyThread(KernelContext context) { KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if (!currentThread.IsSchedulable) { return; } context.CriticalSection.Enter(); if (currentThread.SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { context.CriticalSection.Leave(); return; } int core = currentThread.ActiveCore; context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(currentThread.DynamicPriority, -1, currentThread); if (!context.PriorityQueue.HasScheduledThreads(core)) { KThread selectedThread = null; foreach (KThread suggested in context.PriorityQueue.SuggestedThreads(core)) { int suggestedCore = suggested.ActiveCore; if (suggestedCore < 0) { continue; } KThread firstCandidate = context.PriorityQueue.ScheduledThreadsFirstOrDefault(suggestedCore); if (firstCandidate == suggested) { continue; } if (firstCandidate == null || firstCandidate.DynamicPriority >= 2) { context.PriorityQueue.TransferToCore(suggested.DynamicPriority, core, suggested); } selectedThread = suggested; break; } if (currentThread != selectedThread) { context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } } else { context.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } context.CriticalSection.Leave(); } public void Dispose() { // No resources to dispose for now. } } }