using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Cpu; using Ryujinx.HLE.Exceptions; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Common; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Ipc; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Memory; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading; using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common; using System; using System.Buffers; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.SupervisorCall { [SvcImpl] class Syscall : ISyscallApi { private readonly KernelContext _context; public Syscall(KernelContext context) { _context = context; } // Process [Svc(0x24)] public Result GetProcessId(out ulong pid, int handle) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess process = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetKProcess(handle); if (process == null) { KThread thread = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread != null) { process = thread.Owner; } // TODO: KDebugEvent. } pid = process?.Pid ?? 0; return process != null ? Result.Success : KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } public Result CreateProcess( out int handle, ProcessCreationInfo info, ReadOnlySpan<uint> capabilities, IProcessContextFactory contextFactory, ThreadStart customThreadStart = null) { handle = 0; if ((info.Flags & ~ProcessCreationFlags.All) != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } // TODO: Address space check. if ((info.Flags & ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionMask) > ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionSystemNonSecure) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } if ((info.CodeAddress & 0x1fffff) != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (info.CodePagesCount < 0 || info.SystemResourcePagesCount < 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (info.Flags.HasFlag(ProcessCreationFlags.OptimizeMemoryAllocation) && !info.Flags.HasFlag(ProcessCreationFlags.IsApplication)) { return KernelResult.InvalidThread; } KHandleTable handleTable = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable; KProcess process = new(_context); using var _ = new OnScopeExit(process.DecrementReferenceCount); KResourceLimit resourceLimit; if (info.ResourceLimitHandle != 0) { resourceLimit = handleTable.GetObject<KResourceLimit>(info.ResourceLimitHandle); if (resourceLimit == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } else { resourceLimit = _context.ResourceLimit; } MemoryRegion memRegion = (info.Flags & ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionMask) switch { ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionApplication => MemoryRegion.Application, ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionApplet => MemoryRegion.Applet, ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionSystem => MemoryRegion.Service, ProcessCreationFlags.PoolPartitionSystemNonSecure => MemoryRegion.NvServices, _ => MemoryRegion.NvServices, }; Result result = process.Initialize( info, capabilities, resourceLimit, memRegion, contextFactory, customThreadStart); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } _context.Processes.TryAdd(process.Pid, process); return handleTable.GenerateHandle(process, out handle); } #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result StartProcess(int handle, int priority, int cpuCore, ulong mainThreadStackSize) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (process == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if ((uint)cpuCore >= KScheduler.CpuCoresCount || !process.IsCpuCoreAllowed(cpuCore)) { return KernelResult.InvalidCpuCore; } if ((uint)priority >= KScheduler.PrioritiesCount || !process.IsPriorityAllowed(priority)) { return KernelResult.InvalidPriority; } process.DefaultCpuCore = cpuCore; Result result = process.Start(priority, mainThreadStackSize); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } process.IncrementReferenceCount(); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x5f)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result FlushProcessDataCache(int processHandle, ulong address, ulong size) { // FIXME: This needs to be implemented as ARMv7 doesn't have any way to do cache maintenance operations on EL0. // As we don't support (and don't actually need) to flush the cache, this is stubbed. return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 // IPC [Svc(0x1f)] public Result ConnectToNamedPort(out int handle, [PointerSized] ulong namePtr) { handle = 0; if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernelString(out string name, namePtr, 12)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } return ConnectToNamedPort(out handle, name); } public Result ConnectToNamedPort(out int handle, string name) { handle = 0; if (name.Length > 11) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KAutoObject autoObj = KAutoObject.FindNamedObject(_context, name); if (autoObj is not KClientPort clientPort) { return KernelResult.NotFound; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = currentProcess.HandleTable.ReserveHandle(out handle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } result = clientPort.Connect(out KClientSession clientSession); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CancelHandleReservation(handle); return result; } currentProcess.HandleTable.SetReservedHandleObj(handle, clientSession); clientSession.DecrementReferenceCount(); return result; } [Svc(0x21)] public Result SendSyncRequest(int handle) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KClientSession session = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KClientSession>(handle); if (session == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } return session.SendSyncRequest(); } [Svc(0x22)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SendSyncRequestWithUserBuffer( [PointerSized] ulong messagePtr, [PointerSized] ulong messageSize, int handle) { if (!PageAligned(messagePtr)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(messageSize) || messageSize == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (messagePtr + messageSize <= messagePtr) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = currentProcess.MemoryManager.BorrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } KClientSession session = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KClientSession>(handle); if (session == null) { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } else { result = session.SendSyncRequest(messagePtr, messageSize); } Result result2 = currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); if (result == Result.Success) { result = result2; } return result; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x23)] public Result SendAsyncRequestWithUserBuffer( out int doneEventHandle, [PointerSized] ulong messagePtr, [PointerSized] ulong messageSize, int handle) { doneEventHandle = 0; if (!PageAligned(messagePtr)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(messageSize) || messageSize == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (messagePtr + messageSize <= messagePtr) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = currentProcess.MemoryManager.BorrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } KResourceLimit resourceLimit = currentProcess.ResourceLimit; if (resourceLimit != null && !resourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.Event, 1)) { currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded; } KClientSession session = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KClientSession>(handle); if (session == null) { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } else { KEvent doneEvent = new(_context); result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(doneEvent.ReadableEvent, out doneEventHandle); if (result == Result.Success) { result = session.SendAsyncRequest(doneEvent.WritableEvent, messagePtr, messageSize); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(doneEventHandle); } } } if (result != Result.Success) { resourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.Event, 1); currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); } return result; } [Svc(0x40)] public Result CreateSession( out int serverSessionHandle, out int clientSessionHandle, bool isLight, [PointerSized] ulong namePtr) { return CreateSession(out serverSessionHandle, out clientSessionHandle, isLight, null); } public Result CreateSession( out int serverSessionHandle, out int clientSessionHandle, bool isLight, string name) { serverSessionHandle = 0; clientSessionHandle = 0; KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KResourceLimit resourceLimit = currentProcess.ResourceLimit; if (resourceLimit != null && !resourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.Session, 1)) { return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded; } Result result; if (isLight) { KLightSession session = new(_context); result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(session.ServerSession, out serverSessionHandle); if (result == Result.Success) { result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(session.ClientSession, out clientSessionHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(serverSessionHandle); serverSessionHandle = 0; } } session.ServerSession.DecrementReferenceCount(); session.ClientSession.DecrementReferenceCount(); } else { KSession session = new(_context); result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(session.ServerSession, out serverSessionHandle); if (result == Result.Success) { result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(session.ClientSession, out clientSessionHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(serverSessionHandle); serverSessionHandle = 0; } } session.ServerSession.DecrementReferenceCount(); session.ClientSession.DecrementReferenceCount(); } return result; } [Svc(0x41)] public Result AcceptSession(out int sessionHandle, int portHandle) { sessionHandle = 0; KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KServerPort serverPort = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KServerPort>(portHandle); if (serverPort == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } Result result = currentProcess.HandleTable.ReserveHandle(out int handle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } KAutoObject session; if (serverPort.IsLight) { session = serverPort.AcceptIncomingLightConnection(); } else { session = serverPort.AcceptIncomingConnection(); } if (session != null) { currentProcess.HandleTable.SetReservedHandleObj(handle, session); session.DecrementReferenceCount(); sessionHandle = handle; result = Result.Success; } else { currentProcess.HandleTable.CancelHandleReservation(handle); result = KernelResult.NotFound; } return result; } [Svc(0x43)] public Result ReplyAndReceive( out int handleIndex, [PointerSized] ulong handlesPtr, int handlesCount, int replyTargetHandle, long timeout) { handleIndex = 0; if ((uint)handlesCount > 0x40) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); ulong copySize = (ulong)((long)handlesCount * 4); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(handlesPtr, copySize)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } if (handlesPtr + copySize < handlesPtr) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } int[] handles = new int[handlesCount]; if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernelArray<int>(handlesPtr, handles)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } return ReplyAndReceive(out handleIndex, handles, replyTargetHandle, timeout); } public Result ReplyAndReceive(out int handleIndex, ReadOnlySpan<int> handles, int replyTargetHandle, long timeout) { handleIndex = 0; KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KSynchronizationObject[] syncObjsArray = ArrayPool<KSynchronizationObject>.Shared.Rent(handles.Length); Span<KSynchronizationObject> syncObjs = syncObjsArray.AsSpan(0, handles.Length); for (int index = 0; index < handles.Length; index++) { KSynchronizationObject obj = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KSynchronizationObject>(handles[index]); if (obj == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } syncObjs[index] = obj; } Result result = Result.Success; if (replyTargetHandle != 0) { KServerSession replyTarget = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KServerSession>(replyTargetHandle); if (replyTarget == null) { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } else { result = replyTarget.Reply(); } } if (result == Result.Success) { if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } while ((result = _context.Synchronization.WaitFor(syncObjs, timeout, out handleIndex)) == Result.Success) { KServerSession session = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KServerSession>(handles[handleIndex]); if (session == null) { break; } if ((result = session.Receive()) != KernelResult.NotFound) { break; } } } ArrayPool<KSynchronizationObject>.Shared.Return(syncObjsArray); return result; } [Svc(0x44)] public Result ReplyAndReceiveWithUserBuffer( out int handleIndex, [PointerSized] ulong messagePtr, [PointerSized] ulong messageSize, [PointerSized] ulong handlesPtr, int handlesCount, int replyTargetHandle, long timeout) { handleIndex = 0; if ((uint)handlesCount > 0x40) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); ulong copySize = (ulong)((long)handlesCount * 4); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(handlesPtr, copySize)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } if (handlesPtr + copySize < handlesPtr) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } Result result = currentProcess.MemoryManager.BorrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } int[] handles = new int[handlesCount]; if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernelArray<int>(handlesPtr, handles)) { currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } KSynchronizationObject[] syncObjs = new KSynchronizationObject[handlesCount]; for (int index = 0; index < handlesCount; index++) { KSynchronizationObject obj = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KSynchronizationObject>(handles[index]); if (obj == null) { currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } syncObjs[index] = obj; } if (replyTargetHandle != 0) { KServerSession replyTarget = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KServerSession>(replyTargetHandle); if (replyTarget == null) { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } else { result = replyTarget.Reply(messagePtr, messageSize); } } if (result == Result.Success) { if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } while ((result = _context.Synchronization.WaitFor(syncObjs, timeout, out handleIndex)) == Result.Success) { KServerSession session = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KServerSession>(handles[handleIndex]); if (session == null) { break; } if ((result = session.Receive(messagePtr, messageSize)) != KernelResult.NotFound) { break; } } } currentProcess.MemoryManager.UnborrowIpcBuffer(messagePtr, messageSize); return result; } [Svc(0x70)] public Result CreatePort( out int serverPortHandle, out int clientPortHandle, int maxSessions, bool isLight, [PointerSized] ulong namePtr) { // The kernel doesn't use the name pointer, so we can just pass null as the name. return CreatePort(out serverPortHandle, out clientPortHandle, maxSessions, isLight, null); } public Result CreatePort( out int serverPortHandle, out int clientPortHandle, int maxSessions, bool isLight, string name) { serverPortHandle = clientPortHandle = 0; if (maxSessions < 1) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KPort port = new(_context, maxSessions, isLight, name); KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(port.ClientPort, out clientPortHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(port.ServerPort, out serverPortHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(clientPortHandle); } return result; } [Svc(0x71)] public Result ManageNamedPort(out int handle, [PointerSized] ulong namePtr, int maxSessions) { handle = 0; if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernelString(out string name, namePtr, 12)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } if (name.Length > 11) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } return ManageNamedPort(out handle, name, maxSessions); } public Result ManageNamedPort(out int handle, string name, int maxSessions) { handle = 0; if (maxSessions < 0) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } if (maxSessions == 0) { return KAutoObject.RemoveName(_context, name); } KPort port = new(_context, maxSessions, false, null); KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(port.ServerPort, out handle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } result = port.ClientPort.SetName(name); if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(handle); } return result; } [Svc(0x72)] public Result ConnectToPort(out int clientSessionHandle, int clientPortHandle) { clientSessionHandle = 0; KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KClientPort clientPort = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KClientPort>(clientPortHandle); if (clientPort == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } Result result = currentProcess.HandleTable.ReserveHandle(out int handle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } KAutoObject session; if (clientPort.IsLight) { result = clientPort.ConnectLight(out KLightClientSession clientSession); session = clientSession; } else { result = clientPort.Connect(out KClientSession clientSession); session = clientSession; } if (result != Result.Success) { currentProcess.HandleTable.CancelHandleReservation(handle); return result; } currentProcess.HandleTable.SetReservedHandleObj(handle, session); session.DecrementReferenceCount(); clientSessionHandle = handle; return result; } // Memory [Svc(1)] public Result SetHeapSize([PointerSized] out ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if ((size & 0xfffffffe001fffff) != 0) { address = 0; return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.MemoryManager.SetHeapSize(size, out address); } [Svc(2)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetMemoryPermission([PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.None && (permission | KMemoryPermission.Write) != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return currentProcess.MemoryManager.SetMemoryPermission(address, size, permission); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(3)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetMemoryAttribute( [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size, MemoryAttribute attributeMask, MemoryAttribute attributeValue) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } MemoryAttribute attributes = attributeMask | attributeValue; const MemoryAttribute SupportedAttributes = MemoryAttribute.Uncached | MemoryAttribute.PermissionLocked; if (attributes != attributeMask || (attributes | SupportedAttributes) != SupportedAttributes) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } // The permission locked attribute can't be unset. if ((attributeMask & MemoryAttribute.PermissionLocked) != (attributeValue & MemoryAttribute.PermissionLocked)) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (!process.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } Result result = process.MemoryManager.SetMemoryAttribute( address, size, attributeMask, attributeValue); return result; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(4)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapMemory([PointerSized] ulong dst, [PointerSized] ulong src, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(src | dst)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (src + size <= src || dst + size <= dst) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(src, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideStackRegion(dst, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(dst, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(dst, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.MemoryManager.Map(dst, src, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(5)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapMemory([PointerSized] ulong dst, [PointerSized] ulong src, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(src | dst)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (src + size <= src || dst + size <= dst) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(src, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideStackRegion(dst, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(dst, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(dst, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.MemoryManager.Unmap(dst, src, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(6)] public Result QueryMemory([PointerSized] ulong infoPtr, [PointerSized] out ulong pageInfo, [PointerSized] ulong address) { Result result = QueryMemory(out MemoryInfo info, out pageInfo, address); if (result == Result.Success) { return KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(infoPtr, info) ? Result.Success : KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return result; } #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result QueryMemory(out MemoryInfo info, out ulong pageInfo, ulong address) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KMemoryInfo blockInfo = process.MemoryManager.QueryMemory(address); info = new MemoryInfo( blockInfo.Address, blockInfo.Size, blockInfo.State & MemoryState.UserMask, blockInfo.Attribute, blockInfo.Permission & KMemoryPermission.UserMask, blockInfo.IpcRefCount, blockInfo.DeviceRefCount); pageInfo = 0; return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x13)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapSharedMemory(int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if ((permission | KMemoryPermission.Write) != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KSharedMemory sharedMemory = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KSharedMemory>(handle); if (sharedMemory == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.IsInvalidRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } return sharedMemory.MapIntoProcess( currentProcess.MemoryManager, address, size, currentProcess, permission); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x14)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapSharedMemory(int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KSharedMemory sharedMemory = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KSharedMemory>(handle); if (sharedMemory == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.IsInvalidRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } return sharedMemory.UnmapFromProcess( currentProcess.MemoryManager, address, size, currentProcess); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x15)] public Result CreateTransferMemory(out int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { handle = 0; if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (permission > KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite || permission == KMemoryPermission.Write) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KResourceLimit resourceLimit = process.ResourceLimit; if (resourceLimit != null && !resourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.TransferMemory, 1)) { return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded; } void CleanUpForError() { resourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.TransferMemory, 1); } if (!process.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size)) { CleanUpForError(); return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KTransferMemory transferMemory = new(_context); Result result = transferMemory.Initialize(address, size, permission); if (result != Result.Success) { CleanUpForError(); return result; } result = process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(transferMemory, out handle); transferMemory.DecrementReferenceCount(); return result; } [Svc(0x51)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapTransferMemory(int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (permission > KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite || permission == KMemoryPermission.Write) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KTransferMemory transferMemory = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KTransferMemory>(handle); if (transferMemory == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.IsInvalidRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } return transferMemory.MapIntoProcess( currentProcess.MemoryManager, address, size, currentProcess, permission); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x52)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapTransferMemory(int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KTransferMemory transferMemory = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KTransferMemory>(handle); if (transferMemory == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.IsInvalidRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } return transferMemory.UnmapFromProcess( currentProcess.MemoryManager, address, size, currentProcess); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x2c)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapPhysicalMemory([PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if ((currentProcess.PersonalMmHeapPagesCount & 0xfffffffffffff) == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidState; } if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.MemoryManager.MapPhysicalMemory(address, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x2d)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapPhysicalMemory([PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (address + size <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if ((currentProcess.PersonalMmHeapPagesCount & 0xfffffffffffff) == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidState; } if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size) || currentProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAliasRegion(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.MemoryManager.UnmapPhysicalMemory(address, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x4b)] public Result CreateCodeMemory(out int handle, [PointerSized] ulong address, [PointerSized] ulong size) { handle = 0; if (!PageAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (size + address <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } KCodeMemory codeMemory = new(_context); using var _ = new OnScopeExit(codeMemory.DecrementReferenceCount); KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(address, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } Result result = codeMemory.Initialize(address, size); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } return currentProcess.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(codeMemory, out handle); } [Svc(0x4c)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result ControlCodeMemory( int handle, CodeMemoryOperation op, ulong address, ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KCodeMemory codeMemory = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KCodeMemory>(handle); // Newer versions of the kernel also returns an error here if the owner and process // where the operation will happen are the same. We do not return an error here // for homebrew because some of them requires this to be patched out to work (for JIT). if (codeMemory == null || (!currentProcess.AllowCodeMemoryForJit && codeMemory.Owner == currentProcess)) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } switch (op) { case CodeMemoryOperation.Map: if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(address, size, MemoryState.CodeWritable)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } return codeMemory.Map(address, size, permission); case CodeMemoryOperation.MapToOwner: if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(address, size, MemoryState.CodeReadOnly)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.Read && permission != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndExecute) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } return codeMemory.MapToOwner(address, size, permission); case CodeMemoryOperation.Unmap: if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(address, size, MemoryState.CodeWritable)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.None) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } return codeMemory.Unmap(address, size); case CodeMemoryOperation.UnmapFromOwner: if (!currentProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(address, size, MemoryState.CodeReadOnly)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.None) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } return codeMemory.UnmapFromOwner(address, size); default: return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x73)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetProcessMemoryPermission( int handle, [PointerSized] ulong src, [PointerSized] ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission) { if (!PageAligned(src)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (permission != KMemoryPermission.None && permission != KMemoryPermission.Read && permission != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite && permission != KMemoryPermission.ReadAndExecute) { return KernelResult.InvalidPermission; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess targetProcess = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (targetProcess == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (targetProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(src, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return targetProcess.MemoryManager.SetProcessMemoryPermission(src, size, permission); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x74)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapProcessMemory( [PointerSized] ulong dst, int handle, ulong src, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(src) || !PageAligned(dst)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (dst + size <= dst || src + size <= src) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess dstProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess srcProcess = dstProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (srcProcess == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (!srcProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(src, size) || !dstProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(dst, size, MemoryState.ProcessMemory)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KPageList pageList = new(); Result result = srcProcess.MemoryManager.GetPagesIfStateEquals( src, size, MemoryState.MapProcessAllowed, MemoryState.MapProcessAllowed, KMemoryPermission.None, KMemoryPermission.None, MemoryAttribute.Mask, MemoryAttribute.None, pageList); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } return dstProcess.MemoryManager.MapPages(dst, pageList, MemoryState.ProcessMemory, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x75)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapProcessMemory( [PointerSized] ulong dst, int handle, ulong src, [PointerSized] ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(src) || !PageAligned(dst)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } if (dst + size <= dst || src + size <= src) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } KProcess dstProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess srcProcess = dstProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (srcProcess == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (!srcProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAddrSpace(src, size) || !dstProcess.MemoryManager.CanContain(dst, size, MemoryState.ProcessMemory)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } Result result = dstProcess.MemoryManager.UnmapProcessMemory(dst, size, srcProcess.MemoryManager, src); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x77)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result MapProcessCodeMemory(int handle, ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(dst) || !PageAligned(src)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess targetProcess = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (targetProcess == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (targetProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(dst, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(src, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(dst, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(dst, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (size + dst <= dst || size + src <= src) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return targetProcess.MemoryManager.MapProcessCodeMemory(dst, src, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x78)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result UnmapProcessCodeMemory(int handle, ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size) { if (!PageAligned(dst) || !PageAligned(src)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } if (!PageAligned(size) || size == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidSize; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess targetProcess = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); if (targetProcess == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (targetProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(dst, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(src, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.InsideAliasRegion(dst, size) || targetProcess.MemoryManager.InsideHeapRegion(dst, size)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange; } if (size + dst <= dst || size + src <= src) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return targetProcess.MemoryManager.UnmapProcessCodeMemory(dst, src, size); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 private static bool PageAligned(ulong address) { return (address & (KPageTableBase.PageSize - 1)) == 0; } // System [Svc(0x7b)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result TerminateProcess(int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); process = process.HandleTable.GetObject<KProcess>(handle); Result result; if (process != null) { if (process == KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess()) { result = Result.Success; process.DecrementToZeroWhileTerminatingCurrent(); } else { result = process.Terminate(); process.DecrementReferenceCount(); } } else { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } return result; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(7)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public void ExitProcess() { KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().TerminateCurrentProcess(); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x11)] public Result SignalEvent(int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KWritableEvent writableEvent = process.HandleTable.GetObject<KWritableEvent>(handle); Result result; if (writableEvent != null) { writableEvent.Signal(); result = Result.Success; } else { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } return result; } [Svc(0x12)] public Result ClearEvent(int handle) { Result result; KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KWritableEvent writableEvent = process.HandleTable.GetObject<KWritableEvent>(handle); if (writableEvent == null) { KReadableEvent readableEvent = process.HandleTable.GetObject<KReadableEvent>(handle); result = readableEvent?.Clear() ?? KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } else { result = writableEvent.Clear(); } return result; } [Svc(0x16)] public Result CloseHandle(int handle) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return currentProcess.HandleTable.CloseHandle(handle) ? Result.Success : KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } [Svc(0x17)] public Result ResetSignal(int handle) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KReadableEvent readableEvent = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KReadableEvent>(handle); Result result; if (readableEvent != null) { result = readableEvent.ClearIfSignaled(); } else { KProcess process = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetKProcess(handle); if (process != null) { result = process.ClearIfNotExited(); } else { result = KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } return result; } [Svc(0x1e)] public ulong GetSystemTick() { return _context.TickSource.Counter; } [Svc(0x26)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public void Break(ulong reason) { KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if ((reason & (1UL << 31)) == 0) { currentThread.PrintGuestStackTrace(); currentThread.PrintGuestRegisterPrintout(); // As the process is exiting, this is probably caused by emulation termination. if (currentThread.Owner.State == ProcessState.Exiting) { return; } // TODO: Debug events. currentThread.Owner.TerminateCurrentProcess(); throw new GuestBrokeExecutionException(); } else { Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.KernelSvc, "Debugger triggered."); } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x27)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public void OutputDebugString([PointerSized] ulong strPtr, [PointerSized] ulong size) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); string str = MemoryHelper.ReadAsciiString(process.CpuMemory, strPtr, (long)size); Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.KernelSvc, str); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x29)] public Result GetInfo(out ulong value, InfoType id, int handle, long subId) { value = 0; switch (id) { case InfoType.CoreMask: case InfoType.PriorityMask: case InfoType.AliasRegionAddress: case InfoType.AliasRegionSize: case InfoType.HeapRegionAddress: case InfoType.HeapRegionSize: case InfoType.TotalMemorySize: case InfoType.UsedMemorySize: case InfoType.AslrRegionAddress: case InfoType.AslrRegionSize: case InfoType.StackRegionAddress: case InfoType.StackRegionSize: case InfoType.SystemResourceSizeTotal: case InfoType.SystemResourceSizeUsed: case InfoType.ProgramId: case InfoType.UserExceptionContextAddress: case InfoType.TotalNonSystemMemorySize: case InfoType.UsedNonSystemMemorySize: case InfoType.IsApplication: case InfoType.FreeThreadCount: { if (subId != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KProcess process = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetKProcess(handle); if (process == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } switch (id) { case InfoType.CoreMask: value = process.Capabilities.AllowedCpuCoresMask; break; case InfoType.PriorityMask: value = process.Capabilities.AllowedThreadPriosMask; break; case InfoType.AliasRegionAddress: value = process.MemoryManager.AliasRegionStart; break; case InfoType.AliasRegionSize: value = (process.MemoryManager.AliasRegionEnd - process.MemoryManager.AliasRegionStart); break; case InfoType.HeapRegionAddress: value = process.MemoryManager.HeapRegionStart; break; case InfoType.HeapRegionSize: value = (process.MemoryManager.HeapRegionEnd - process.MemoryManager.HeapRegionStart); break; case InfoType.TotalMemorySize: value = process.GetMemoryCapacity(); break; case InfoType.UsedMemorySize: value = process.GetMemoryUsage(); break; case InfoType.AslrRegionAddress: value = process.MemoryManager.GetAddrSpaceBaseAddr(); break; case InfoType.AslrRegionSize: value = process.MemoryManager.GetAddrSpaceSize(); break; case InfoType.StackRegionAddress: value = process.MemoryManager.StackRegionStart; break; case InfoType.StackRegionSize: value = (process.MemoryManager.StackRegionEnd - process.MemoryManager.StackRegionStart); break; case InfoType.SystemResourceSizeTotal: value = process.PersonalMmHeapPagesCount * KPageTableBase.PageSize; break; case InfoType.SystemResourceSizeUsed: if (process.PersonalMmHeapPagesCount != 0) { value = process.MemoryManager.GetMmUsedPages() * KPageTableBase.PageSize; } break; case InfoType.ProgramId: value = process.TitleId; break; case InfoType.UserExceptionContextAddress: value = process.UserExceptionContextAddress; break; case InfoType.TotalNonSystemMemorySize: value = process.GetMemoryCapacityWithoutPersonalMmHeap(); break; case InfoType.UsedNonSystemMemorySize: value = process.GetMemoryUsageWithoutPersonalMmHeap(); break; case InfoType.IsApplication: value = process.IsApplication ? 1UL : 0UL; break; case InfoType.FreeThreadCount: if (process.ResourceLimit != null) { value = (ulong)(process.ResourceLimit.GetLimitValue(LimitableResource.Thread) - process.ResourceLimit.GetCurrentValue(LimitableResource.Thread)); } else { value = 0; } break; } break; } case InfoType.DebuggerAttached: { if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (subId != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } value = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().Debug ? 1UL : 0UL; break; } case InfoType.ResourceLimit: { if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (subId != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (currentProcess.ResourceLimit != null) { KHandleTable handleTable = currentProcess.HandleTable; KResourceLimit resourceLimit = currentProcess.ResourceLimit; Result result = handleTable.GenerateHandle(resourceLimit, out int resLimHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } value = (uint)resLimHandle; } break; } case InfoType.IdleTickCount: { if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } int currentCore = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread().CurrentCore; if (subId != -1 && subId != currentCore) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } value = (ulong)KTimeManager.ConvertHostTicksToTicks(_context.Schedulers[currentCore].TotalIdleTimeTicks); break; } case InfoType.RandomEntropy: { if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if ((ulong)subId > 3) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); value = currentProcess.RandomEntropy[subId]; break; } case InfoType.ThreadTickCount: { if (subId < -1 || subId > 3) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KThread thread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); int currentCore = currentThread.CurrentCore; if (subId != -1 && subId != currentCore) { return Result.Success; } KScheduler scheduler = _context.Schedulers[currentCore]; long timeDelta = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks - scheduler.LastContextSwitchTime; if (subId != -1) { value = (ulong)KTimeManager.ConvertHostTicksToTicks(timeDelta); } else { long totalTimeRunning = thread.TotalTimeRunning; if (thread == currentThread) { totalTimeRunning += timeDelta; } value = (ulong)KTimeManager.ConvertHostTicksToTicks(totalTimeRunning); } break; } case InfoType.MesosphereCurrentProcess: { if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if ((ulong)subId != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KHandleTable handleTable = currentProcess.HandleTable; Result result = handleTable.GenerateHandle(currentProcess, out int outHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { return result; } value = (ulong)outHandle; break; } default: return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } return Result.Success; } [Svc(0x45)] public Result CreateEvent(out int wEventHandle, out int rEventHandle) { KEvent Event = new(_context); KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); Result result = process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(Event.WritableEvent, out wEventHandle); if (result == Result.Success) { result = process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(Event.ReadableEvent, out rEventHandle); if (result != Result.Success) { process.HandleTable.CloseHandle(wEventHandle); } } else { rEventHandle = 0; } return result; } [Svc(0x65)] public Result GetProcessList(out int count, [PointerSized] ulong address, int maxCount) { count = 0; if ((maxCount >> 28) != 0) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } if (maxCount != 0) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); ulong copySize = (ulong)maxCount * 8; if (address + copySize <= address) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.OutsideAddrSpace(address, copySize)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } } int copyCount = 0; lock (_context.Processes) { foreach (KProcess process in _context.Processes.Values) { if (copyCount < maxCount) { if (!KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(address + (ulong)copyCount * 8, process.Pid)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } } copyCount++; } } count = copyCount; return Result.Success; } [Svc(0x6f)] public Result GetSystemInfo(out long value, uint id, int handle, long subId) { value = 0; if (id > 2) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } if (handle != 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (id < 2) { if ((ulong)subId > 3) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } KMemoryRegionManager region = _context.MemoryManager.MemoryRegions[subId]; switch (id) { // Memory region capacity. case 0: value = (long)region.Size; break; // Memory region free space. case 1: { ulong freePagesCount = region.GetFreePages(); value = (long)(freePagesCount * KPageTableBase.PageSize); break; } } } else /* if (Id == 2) */ { if ((ulong)subId > 1) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } switch (subId) { case 0: value = _context.PrivilegedProcessLowestId; break; case 1: value = _context.PrivilegedProcessHighestId; break; } } return Result.Success; } [Svc(0x30)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetResourceLimitLimitValue(out long limitValue, int handle, LimitableResource resource) { limitValue = 0; if (resource >= LimitableResource.Count) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } KResourceLimit resourceLimit = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetObject<KResourceLimit>(handle); if (resourceLimit == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } limitValue = resourceLimit.GetLimitValue(resource); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x31)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetResourceLimitCurrentValue(out long limitValue, int handle, LimitableResource resource) { limitValue = 0; if (resource >= LimitableResource.Count) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } KResourceLimit resourceLimit = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetObject<KResourceLimit>(handle); if (resourceLimit == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } limitValue = resourceLimit.GetCurrentValue(resource); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x37)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetResourceLimitPeakValue(out long peak, int handle, LimitableResource resource) { peak = 0; if (resource >= LimitableResource.Count) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } KResourceLimit resourceLimit = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetObject<KResourceLimit>(handle); if (resourceLimit == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } peak = resourceLimit.GetPeakValue(resource); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x7d)] public Result CreateResourceLimit(out int handle) { KResourceLimit limit = new(_context); KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(limit, out handle); } [Svc(0x7e)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetResourceLimitLimitValue(int handle, LimitableResource resource, long limitValue) { if (resource >= LimitableResource.Count) { return KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue; } KResourceLimit resourceLimit = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess().HandleTable.GetObject<KResourceLimit>(handle); if (resourceLimit == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } return resourceLimit.SetLimitValue(resource, limitValue); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 // Thread [Svc(8)] public Result CreateThread( out int handle, [PointerSized] ulong entrypoint, [PointerSized] ulong argsPtr, [PointerSized] ulong stackTop, int priority, int cpuCore) { return CreateThread(out handle, entrypoint, argsPtr, stackTop, priority, cpuCore, null); } public Result CreateThread( out int handle, ulong entrypoint, ulong argsPtr, ulong stackTop, int priority, int cpuCore, ThreadStart customThreadStart) { handle = 0; KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (cpuCore == -2) { cpuCore = currentProcess.DefaultCpuCore; } if ((uint)cpuCore >= KScheduler.CpuCoresCount || !currentProcess.IsCpuCoreAllowed(cpuCore)) { return KernelResult.InvalidCpuCore; } if ((uint)priority >= KScheduler.PrioritiesCount || !currentProcess.IsPriorityAllowed(priority)) { return KernelResult.InvalidPriority; } long timeout = KTimeManager.ConvertMillisecondsToNanoseconds(100); if (currentProcess.ResourceLimit != null && !currentProcess.ResourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.Thread, 1, timeout)) { return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded; } KThread thread = new(_context); Result result = currentProcess.InitializeThread( thread, entrypoint, argsPtr, stackTop, priority, cpuCore, customThreadStart); if (result == Result.Success) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); result = process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(thread, out handle); } else { currentProcess.ResourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.Thread, 1); } thread.DecrementReferenceCount(); return result; } [Svc(9)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result StartThread(int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread != null) { thread.IncrementReferenceCount(); Result result = thread.Start(); if (result == Result.Success) { thread.IncrementReferenceCount(); } thread.DecrementReferenceCount(); return result; } else { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0xa)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public void ExitThread() { KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); currentThread.Exit(); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0xb)] public void SleepThread(long timeout) { if (timeout < 1) { switch (timeout) { case 0: KScheduler.Yield(_context); break; case -1: KScheduler.YieldWithLoadBalancing(_context); break; case -2: KScheduler.YieldToAnyThread(_context); break; } } else { KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread().Sleep(timeout + KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds); } } [Svc(0xc)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetThreadPriority(out int priority, int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread != null) { priority = thread.DynamicPriority; return Result.Success; } else { priority = 0; return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0xd)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetThreadPriority(int handle, int priority) { // TODO: NPDM check. KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } thread.SetPriority(priority); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0xe)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetThreadCoreMask(out int preferredCore, out ulong affinityMask, int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread != null) { preferredCore = thread.PreferredCore; affinityMask = thread.AffinityMask; return Result.Success; } else { preferredCore = 0; affinityMask = 0; return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0xf)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetThreadCoreMask(int handle, int preferredCore, ulong affinityMask) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (preferredCore == -2) { preferredCore = currentProcess.DefaultCpuCore; affinityMask = 1UL << preferredCore; } else { if ((currentProcess.Capabilities.AllowedCpuCoresMask | affinityMask) != currentProcess.Capabilities.AllowedCpuCoresMask) { return KernelResult.InvalidCpuCore; } if (affinityMask == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } if ((uint)preferredCore > 3) { if ((preferredCore | 2) != -1) { return KernelResult.InvalidCpuCore; } } else if ((affinityMask & (1UL << preferredCore)) == 0) { return KernelResult.InvalidCombination; } } KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } return thread.SetCoreAndAffinityMask(preferredCore, affinityMask); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x10)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public int GetCurrentProcessorNumber() { return KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread().CurrentCore; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x25)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetThreadId(out ulong threadUid, int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread != null) { threadUid = thread.ThreadUid; return Result.Success; } else { threadUid = 0; return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x32)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SetThreadActivity(int handle, bool pause) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetObject<KThread>(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (thread.Owner != process) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (thread == KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread()) { return KernelResult.InvalidThread; } return thread.SetActivity(pause); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x33)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result GetThreadContext3([PointerSized] ulong address, int handle) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); KThread thread = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KThread>(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (thread.Owner != currentProcess) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } if (currentThread == thread) { return KernelResult.InvalidThread; } Result result = thread.GetThreadContext3(out ThreadContext context); if (result == Result.Success) { return KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(address, context) ? Result.Success : KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } return result; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 // Thread synchronization [Svc(0x18)] public Result WaitSynchronization(out int handleIndex, [PointerSized] ulong handlesPtr, int handlesCount, long timeout) { handleIndex = 0; if ((uint)handlesCount > KThread.MaxWaitSyncObjects) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); if (handlesCount != 0) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (currentProcess.MemoryManager.AddrSpaceStart > handlesPtr) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } long handlesSize = handlesCount * 4; if (handlesPtr + (ulong)handlesSize <= handlesPtr) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } if (handlesPtr + (ulong)handlesSize - 1 > currentProcess.MemoryManager.AddrSpaceEnd - 1) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } Span<int> handles = new Span<int>(currentThread.WaitSyncHandles)[..handlesCount]; if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernelArray(handlesPtr, handles)) { return KernelResult.UserCopyFailed; } return WaitSynchronization(out handleIndex, handles, timeout); } return WaitSynchronization(out handleIndex, ReadOnlySpan<int>.Empty, timeout); } public Result WaitSynchronization(out int handleIndex, ReadOnlySpan<int> handles, long timeout) { handleIndex = 0; if ((uint)handles.Length > KThread.MaxWaitSyncObjects) { return KernelResult.MaximumExceeded; } KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread(); var syncObjs = new Span<KSynchronizationObject>(currentThread.WaitSyncObjects)[..handles.Length]; if (handles.Length != 0) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); int processedHandles = 0; for (; processedHandles < handles.Length; processedHandles++) { KSynchronizationObject syncObj = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KSynchronizationObject>(handles[processedHandles]); if (syncObj == null) { break; } syncObjs[processedHandles] = syncObj; syncObj.IncrementReferenceCount(); } if (processedHandles != handles.Length) { // One or more handles are invalid. for (int index = 0; index < processedHandles; index++) { currentThread.WaitSyncObjects[index].DecrementReferenceCount(); } return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } } if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } Result result = _context.Synchronization.WaitFor(syncObjs, timeout, out handleIndex); if (result == KernelResult.PortRemoteClosed) { result = Result.Success; } for (int index = 0; index < handles.Length; index++) { currentThread.WaitSyncObjects[index].DecrementReferenceCount(); } return result; } [Svc(0x19)] public Result CancelSynchronization(int handle) { KProcess process = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); KThread thread = process.HandleTable.GetKThread(handle); if (thread == null) { return KernelResult.InvalidHandle; } thread.CancelSynchronization(); return Result.Success; } [Svc(0x1a)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result ArbitrateLock(int ownerHandle, [PointerSized] ulong mutexAddress, int requesterHandle) { if (IsPointingInsideKernel(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (IsAddressNotWordAligned(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return currentProcess.AddressArbiter.ArbitrateLock(ownerHandle, mutexAddress, requesterHandle); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x1b)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result ArbitrateUnlock([PointerSized] ulong mutexAddress) { if (IsPointingInsideKernel(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (IsAddressNotWordAligned(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return currentProcess.AddressArbiter.ArbitrateUnlock(mutexAddress); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x1c)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic( [PointerSized] ulong mutexAddress, [PointerSized] ulong condVarAddress, int handle, long timeout) { if (IsPointingInsideKernel(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (IsAddressNotWordAligned(mutexAddress)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } return currentProcess.AddressArbiter.WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic( mutexAddress, condVarAddress, handle, timeout); } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x1d)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SignalProcessWideKey([PointerSized] ulong address, int count) { KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); currentProcess.AddressArbiter.SignalProcessWideKey(address, count); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x34)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result WaitForAddress([PointerSized] ulong address, ArbitrationType type, int value, long timeout) { if (IsPointingInsideKernel(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (IsAddressNotWordAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); if (timeout > 0) { timeout += KTimeManager.DefaultTimeIncrementNanoseconds; } return type switch { ArbitrationType.WaitIfLessThan => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.WaitForAddressIfLessThan(address, value, false, timeout), ArbitrationType.DecrementAndWaitIfLessThan => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.WaitForAddressIfLessThan(address, value, true, timeout), ArbitrationType.WaitIfEqual => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.WaitForAddressIfEqual(address, value, timeout), _ => KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue, }; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x35)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SignalToAddress([PointerSized] ulong address, SignalType type, int value, int count) { if (IsPointingInsideKernel(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidMemState; } if (IsAddressNotWordAligned(address)) { return KernelResult.InvalidAddress; } KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess(); return type switch { SignalType.Signal => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.Signal(address, count), SignalType.SignalAndIncrementIfEqual => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.SignalAndIncrementIfEqual(address, value, count), SignalType.SignalAndModifyIfEqual => currentProcess.AddressArbiter.SignalAndModifyIfEqual(address, value, count), _ => KernelResult.InvalidEnumValue, }; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 [Svc(0x36)] #pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark member as static public Result SynchronizePreemptionState() { KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread().SynchronizePreemptionState(); return Result.Success; } #pragma warning restore CA1822 private static bool IsPointingInsideKernel(ulong address) { return (address + 0x1000000000) < 0xffffff000; } private static bool IsAddressNotWordAligned(ulong address) { return (address & 3) != 0; } } }