using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Applets.SoftwareKeyboard { /// <summary> /// A structure with appearance configurations for the software keyboard when running in inline mode. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] struct SoftwareKeyboardAppear { public const int OkTextLength = SoftwareKeyboardAppearEx.OkTextLength; public KeyboardMode KeyboardMode; /// <summary> /// The string displayed in the Submit button. /// </summary> [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = OkTextLength + 1)] public string OkText; /// <summary> /// The character displayed in the left button of the numeric keyboard. /// </summary> public char LeftOptionalSymbolKey; /// <summary> /// The character displayed in the right button of the numeric keyboard. /// </summary> public char RightOptionalSymbolKey; /// <summary> /// When set, predictive typing is enabled making use of the system dictionary, and any custom user dictionary. /// </summary> [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public bool PredictionEnabled; /// <summary> /// When set, there is only the option to accept the input. /// </summary> [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public bool CancelButtonDisabled; /// <summary> /// Specifies prohibited characters that cannot be input into the text entry area. /// </summary> public InvalidCharFlags InvalidChars; /// <summary> /// Maximum text length allowed. /// </summary> public int TextMaxLength; /// <summary> /// Minimum text length allowed. /// </summary> public int TextMinLength; /// <summary> /// Indicates the return button is enabled in the keyboard. This allows for input with multiple lines. /// </summary> [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public bool UseNewLine; /// <summary> /// [10.0.0+] If value is 1 or 2, then keytopAsFloating=0 and footerScalable=1 in Calc. /// </summary> public KeyboardMiniaturizationMode MiniaturizationMode; public byte Reserved1; public byte Reserved2; /// <summary> /// Bit field with invalid buttons for the keyboard. /// </summary> public InvalidButtonFlags InvalidButtons; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public bool UseSaveData; public uint Reserved3; public ushort Reserved4; public byte Reserved5; public ulong Reserved6; public ulong Reserved7; public SoftwareKeyboardAppearEx ToExtended() { SoftwareKeyboardAppearEx appear = new() { KeyboardMode = KeyboardMode, OkText = OkText, LeftOptionalSymbolKey = LeftOptionalSymbolKey, RightOptionalSymbolKey = RightOptionalSymbolKey, PredictionEnabled = PredictionEnabled, CancelButtonDisabled = CancelButtonDisabled, InvalidChars = InvalidChars, TextMaxLength = TextMaxLength, TextMinLength = TextMinLength, UseNewLine = UseNewLine, MiniaturizationMode = MiniaturizationMode, Reserved1 = Reserved1, Reserved2 = Reserved2, InvalidButtons = InvalidButtons, UseSaveData = UseSaveData, Reserved3 = Reserved3, Reserved4 = Reserved4, Reserved5 = Reserved5, Uid0 = Reserved6, Uid1 = Reserved7, SamplingNumber = 0, Reserved6 = 0, Reserved7 = 0, Reserved8 = 0, Reserved9 = 0, }; return appear; } } }