using Gdk; using Gtk; using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Common.Utilities; using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Models.Amiibo; using Ryujinx.UI.Widgets; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Window = Gtk.Window; namespace Ryujinx.UI.Windows { public partial class AmiiboWindow : Window { private const string DefaultJson = "{ \"amiibo\": [] }"; public string AmiiboId { get; private set; } public int DeviceId { get; set; } public string TitleId { get; set; } public string LastScannedAmiiboId { get; set; } public bool LastScannedAmiiboShowAll { get; set; } public ResponseType Response { get; private set; } public bool UseRandomUuid { get { return _randomUuidCheckBox.Active; } } private readonly HttpClient _httpClient; private readonly string _amiiboJsonPath; private readonly byte[] _amiiboLogoBytes; private List _amiiboList; private static readonly AmiiboJsonSerializerContext _serializerContext = new(JsonHelper.GetDefaultSerializerOptions()); public AmiiboWindow() : base($"Ryujinx {Program.Version} - Amiibo") { Icon = new Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.UI.Common.Resources.Logo_Ryujinx.png"); InitializeComponent(); _httpClient = new HttpClient { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), }; Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Join(AppDataManager.BaseDirPath, "system", "amiibo")); _amiiboJsonPath = System.IO.Path.Join(AppDataManager.BaseDirPath, "system", "amiibo", "Amiibo.json"); _amiiboList = new List(); _amiiboLogoBytes = EmbeddedResources.Read("Ryujinx.UI.Common/Resources/Logo_Amiibo.png"); _amiiboImage.Pixbuf = new Pixbuf(_amiiboLogoBytes); _scanButton.Sensitive = false; _randomUuidCheckBox.Sensitive = false; _ = LoadContentAsync(); } private static bool TryGetAmiiboJson(string json, out AmiiboJson amiiboJson) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { amiiboJson = JsonHelper.Deserialize(DefaultJson, _serializerContext.AmiiboJson); return false; } try { amiiboJson = JsonHelper.Deserialize(json, _serializerContext.AmiiboJson); return true; } catch (JsonException exception) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unable to deserialize amiibo data: {exception}"); amiiboJson = JsonHelper.Deserialize(DefaultJson, _serializerContext.AmiiboJson); return false; } } private async Task GetMostRecentAmiiboListOrDefaultJson() { bool localIsValid = false; bool remoteIsValid = false; AmiiboJson amiiboJson = new(); try { try { if (File.Exists(_amiiboJsonPath)) { localIsValid = TryGetAmiiboJson(await File.ReadAllTextAsync(_amiiboJsonPath), out amiiboJson); } } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unable to read data from '{_amiiboJsonPath}': {exception}"); } if (!localIsValid || await NeedsUpdate(amiiboJson.LastUpdated)) { remoteIsValid = TryGetAmiiboJson(await DownloadAmiiboJson(), out amiiboJson); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (!(localIsValid || remoteIsValid)) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Couldn't get valid amiibo data: {exception}"); // Neither local or remote files are valid JSON, close window. ShowInfoDialog(); Close(); } else if (!remoteIsValid) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Couldn't update amiibo data: {exception}"); // Only the local file is valid, the local one should be used // but the user should be warned. ShowInfoDialog(); } } return amiiboJson; } private async Task LoadContentAsync() { AmiiboJson amiiboJson = await GetMostRecentAmiiboListOrDefaultJson(); _amiiboList = amiiboJson.Amiibo.OrderBy(amiibo => amiibo.AmiiboSeries).ToList(); if (LastScannedAmiiboShowAll) { _showAllCheckBox.Click(); } ParseAmiiboData(); _showAllCheckBox.Clicked += ShowAllCheckBox_Clicked; } private void ParseAmiiboData() { List comboxItemList = new(); for (int i = 0; i < _amiiboList.Count; i++) { if (!comboxItemList.Contains(_amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries)) { if (!_showAllCheckBox.Active) { foreach (var game in _amiiboList[i].GamesSwitch) { if (game != null) { if (game.GameId.Contains(TitleId)) { comboxItemList.Add(_amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries); _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Append(_amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries, _amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries); break; } } } } else { comboxItemList.Add(_amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries); _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Append(_amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries, _amiiboList[i].AmiiboSeries); } } } _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Changed += SeriesComboBox_Changed; _amiiboCharsComboBox.Changed += CharacterComboBox_Changed; if (LastScannedAmiiboId != "") { SelectLastScannedAmiibo(); } else { _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Active = 0; } } private void SelectLastScannedAmiibo() { bool isSet = _amiiboSeriesComboBox.SetActiveId(_amiiboList.Find(amiibo => amiibo.Head + amiibo.Tail == LastScannedAmiiboId).AmiiboSeries); isSet = _amiiboCharsComboBox.SetActiveId(LastScannedAmiiboId); if (isSet == false) { _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Active = 0; } } private async Task NeedsUpdate(DateTime oldLastModified) { try { HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, "")); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return response.Content.Headers.LastModified != oldLastModified; } } catch (HttpRequestException exception) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unable to check for amiibo data updates: {exception}"); } return false; } private async Task DownloadAmiiboJson() { try { HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(""); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string amiiboJsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); try { using FileStream dlcJsonStream = File.Create(_amiiboJsonPath, 4096, FileOptions.WriteThrough); dlcJsonStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(amiiboJsonString)); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Couldn't write amiibo data to file '{_amiiboJsonPath}: {exception}'"); } return amiiboJsonString; } Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to download amiibo data. Response status code: {response.StatusCode}"); } catch (HttpRequestException exception) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to request amiibo data: {exception}"); } GtkDialog.CreateInfoDialog("Amiibo API", "An error occured while fetching information from the API."); return null; } private async Task UpdateAmiiboPreview(string imageUrl) { HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(imageUrl); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { byte[] amiiboPreviewBytes = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); Pixbuf amiiboPreview = new(amiiboPreviewBytes); float ratio = Math.Min((float)_amiiboImage.AllocatedWidth / amiiboPreview.Width, (float)_amiiboImage.AllocatedHeight / amiiboPreview.Height); int resizeHeight = (int)(amiiboPreview.Height * ratio); int resizeWidth = (int)(amiiboPreview.Width * ratio); _amiiboImage.Pixbuf = amiiboPreview.ScaleSimple(resizeWidth, resizeHeight, InterpType.Bilinear); } else { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to get amiibo preview. Response status code: {response.StatusCode}"); } } private static void ShowInfoDialog() { GtkDialog.CreateInfoDialog("Amiibo API", "Unable to connect to Amiibo API server. The service may be down or you may need to verify your internet connection is online."); } // // Events // private void SeriesComboBox_Changed(object sender, EventArgs args) { _amiiboCharsComboBox.Changed -= CharacterComboBox_Changed; _amiiboCharsComboBox.RemoveAll(); List amiiboSortedList = _amiiboList.Where(amiibo => amiibo.AmiiboSeries == _amiiboSeriesComboBox.ActiveId).OrderBy(amiibo => amiibo.Name).ToList(); List comboxItemList = new(); for (int i = 0; i < amiiboSortedList.Count; i++) { if (!comboxItemList.Contains(amiiboSortedList[i].Head + amiiboSortedList[i].Tail)) { if (!_showAllCheckBox.Active) { foreach (var game in amiiboSortedList[i].GamesSwitch) { if (game != null) { if (game.GameId.Contains(TitleId)) { comboxItemList.Add(amiiboSortedList[i].Head + amiiboSortedList[i].Tail); _amiiboCharsComboBox.Append(amiiboSortedList[i].Head + amiiboSortedList[i].Tail, amiiboSortedList[i].Name); break; } } } } else { comboxItemList.Add(amiiboSortedList[i].Head + amiiboSortedList[i].Tail); _amiiboCharsComboBox.Append(amiiboSortedList[i].Head + amiiboSortedList[i].Tail, amiiboSortedList[i].Name); } } } _amiiboCharsComboBox.Changed += CharacterComboBox_Changed; _amiiboCharsComboBox.Active = 0; _scanButton.Sensitive = true; _randomUuidCheckBox.Sensitive = true; } private void CharacterComboBox_Changed(object sender, EventArgs args) { AmiiboId = _amiiboCharsComboBox.ActiveId; _amiiboImage.Pixbuf = new Pixbuf(_amiiboLogoBytes); string imageUrl = _amiiboList.Find(amiibo => amiibo.Head + amiibo.Tail == _amiiboCharsComboBox.ActiveId).Image; var usageStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < _amiiboList.Count; i++) { if (_amiiboList[i].Head + _amiiboList[i].Tail == _amiiboCharsComboBox.ActiveId) { bool writable = false; foreach (var item in _amiiboList[i].GamesSwitch) { if (item.GameId.Contains(TitleId)) { foreach (AmiiboApiUsage usageItem in item.AmiiboUsage) { usageStringBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); usageStringBuilder.Append($"- {usageItem.Usage.Replace("/", Environment.NewLine + "-")}"); writable = usageItem.Write; } } } if (usageStringBuilder.Length == 0) { usageStringBuilder.Append("Unknown."); } _gameUsageLabel.Text = $"Usage{(writable ? " (Writable)" : "")} : {usageStringBuilder}"; } } _ = UpdateAmiiboPreview(imageUrl); } private void ShowAllCheckBox_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { _amiiboImage.Pixbuf = new Pixbuf(_amiiboLogoBytes); _amiiboSeriesComboBox.Changed -= SeriesComboBox_Changed; _amiiboCharsComboBox.Changed -= CharacterComboBox_Changed; _amiiboSeriesComboBox.RemoveAll(); _amiiboCharsComboBox.RemoveAll(); _scanButton.Sensitive = false; _randomUuidCheckBox.Sensitive = false; new Task(ParseAmiiboData).Start(); } private void ScanButton_Pressed(object sender, EventArgs args) { LastScannedAmiiboShowAll = _showAllCheckBox.Active; Response = ResponseType.Ok; Close(); } private void CancelButton_Pressed(object sender, EventArgs args) { AmiiboId = ""; LastScannedAmiiboId = ""; LastScannedAmiiboShowAll = false; Response = ResponseType.Cancel; Close(); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { _httpClient.Dispose(); base.Dispose(disposing); } } }