using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Input.HLE;
using SPB.Graphics;
using SPB.Graphics.Exceptions;
using SPB.Graphics.OpenGL;
using SPB.Platform;
using SPB.Platform.GLX;
using SPB.Platform.WGL;
using SPB.Windowing;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Ryujinx.UI
    public partial class OpenGLRenderer : RendererWidgetBase
        private readonly GraphicsDebugLevel _glLogLevel;

        private bool _initializedOpenGL;

        private OpenGLContextBase _openGLContext;
        private SwappableNativeWindowBase _nativeWindow;

        public OpenGLRenderer(InputManager inputManager, GraphicsDebugLevel glLogLevel) : base(inputManager, glLogLevel)
            _glLogLevel = glLogLevel;

        protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
            if (!_initializedOpenGL)

            return true;

        private void IntializeOpenGL()
            _nativeWindow = RetrieveNativeWindow();


            _openGLContext = PlatformHelper.CreateOpenGLContext(GetGraphicsMode(), 3, 3, _glLogLevel == GraphicsDebugLevel.None ? OpenGLContextFlags.Compat : OpenGLContextFlags.Compat | OpenGLContextFlags.Debug);

            // Release the GL exclusivity that SPB gave us as we aren't going to use it in GTK Thread.


            _initializedOpenGL = true;

        private SwappableNativeWindowBase RetrieveNativeWindow()
            if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
                IntPtr windowHandle = gdk_win32_window_get_handle(Window.Handle);

                return new WGLWindow(new NativeHandle(windowHandle));
            else if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux())
                IntPtr displayHandle = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(Display.Handle);
                IntPtr windowHandle = gdk_x11_window_get_xid(Window.Handle);

                return new GLXWindow(new NativeHandle(displayHandle), new NativeHandle(windowHandle));

            throw new NotImplementedException();

        private static partial IntPtr gdk_win32_window_get_handle(IntPtr d);

        private static partial IntPtr gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(IntPtr gdkDisplay);

        private static partial IntPtr gdk_x11_window_get_xid(IntPtr gdkWindow);

        private static FramebufferFormat GetGraphicsMode()
            return Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix ? new FramebufferFormat(new ColorFormat(8, 8, 8, 0), 16, 0, ColorFormat.Zero, 0, 2, false) : FramebufferFormat.Default;

        public override void InitializeRenderer()
            // First take exclusivity on the OpenGL context.


            GL.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1.0f);

        public override void SwapBuffers()

        protected override string GetGpuBackendName()
            return "OpenGL";

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            // Try to bind the OpenGL context before calling the shutdown event.
            catch (ContextException e)
                Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.UI, $"Failed to bind OpenGL context: {e}");


            // Unbind context and destroy everything.
            catch (ContextException e)
                Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.UI, $"Failed to unbind OpenGL context: {e}");
