using BufferHandle = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.BufferHandle; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { internal struct VertexBufferState { public static VertexBufferState Null => new VertexBufferState(null, 0, 0, 0); private readonly int _offset; private readonly int _size; private readonly int _stride; private readonly BufferHandle _handle; private Auto<DisposableBuffer> _buffer; internal readonly int DescriptorIndex; internal int AttributeScalarAlignment; public VertexBufferState(Auto<DisposableBuffer> buffer, int descriptorIndex, int offset, int size, int stride = 0) { _buffer = buffer; _handle = BufferHandle.Null; _offset = offset; _size = size; _stride = stride; DescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex; AttributeScalarAlignment = 1; buffer?.IncrementReferenceCount(); } public VertexBufferState(BufferHandle handle, int descriptorIndex, int offset, int size, int stride = 0) { // This buffer state may be rewritten at bind time, so it must be retrieved on bind. _buffer = null; _handle = handle; _offset = offset; _size = size; _stride = stride; DescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex; AttributeScalarAlignment = 1; } public void BindVertexBuffer(VulkanRenderer gd, CommandBufferScoped cbs, uint binding, ref PipelineState state, VertexBufferUpdater updater) { var autoBuffer = _buffer; if (_handle != BufferHandle.Null) { // May need to restride the vertex buffer. if (gd.NeedsVertexBufferAlignment(AttributeScalarAlignment, out int alignment) && (_stride % alignment) != 0) { autoBuffer = gd.BufferManager.GetAlignedVertexBuffer(cbs, _handle, _offset, _size, _stride, alignment); if (autoBuffer != null) { int stride = (_stride + (alignment - 1)) & -alignment; int newSize = (_size / _stride) * stride; var buffer = autoBuffer.Get(cbs, 0, newSize).Value; updater.BindVertexBuffer(cbs, binding, buffer, 0, (ulong)newSize, (ulong)stride); _buffer = autoBuffer; state.Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[DescriptorIndex].Stride = (uint)stride; } return; } else { autoBuffer = gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(cbs.CommandBuffer, _handle, false, out int size); // The original stride must be reapplied in case it was rewritten. state.Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[DescriptorIndex].Stride = (uint)_stride; if (_offset >= size) { autoBuffer = null; } } } if (autoBuffer != null) { var buffer = autoBuffer.Get(cbs, _offset, _size).Value; updater.BindVertexBuffer(cbs, binding, buffer, (ulong)_offset, (ulong)_size, (ulong)_stride); } } public bool BoundEquals(Auto<DisposableBuffer> buffer) { return _buffer == buffer; } public bool Matches(Auto<DisposableBuffer> buffer, int descriptorIndex, int offset, int size, int stride = 0) { return _buffer == buffer && DescriptorIndex == descriptorIndex && _offset == offset && _size == size && _stride == stride; } public void Swap(Auto<DisposableBuffer> from, Auto<DisposableBuffer> to) { if (_buffer == from) { _buffer.DecrementReferenceCount(); to.IncrementReferenceCount(); _buffer = to; } } public void Dispose() { // Only dispose if this buffer is not refetched on each bind. if (_handle == BufferHandle.Null) { _buffer?.DecrementReferenceCount(); } } } }