using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { class TextureArray : ResourceArray, ITextureArray { private readonly VulkanRenderer _gd; private struct TextureRef { public TextureStorage Storage; public Auto<DisposableImageView> View; public Auto<DisposableSampler> Sampler; } private readonly TextureRef[] _textureRefs; private readonly TextureBuffer[] _bufferTextureRefs; private readonly DescriptorImageInfo[] _textures; private readonly BufferView[] _bufferTextures; private HashSet<TextureStorage> _storages; private int _cachedCommandBufferIndex; private int _cachedSubmissionCount; private readonly bool _isBuffer; public TextureArray(VulkanRenderer gd, int size, bool isBuffer) { _gd = gd; if (isBuffer) { _bufferTextureRefs = new TextureBuffer[size]; _bufferTextures = new BufferView[size]; } else { _textureRefs = new TextureRef[size]; _textures = new DescriptorImageInfo[size]; } _storages = null; _cachedCommandBufferIndex = -1; _cachedSubmissionCount = 0; _isBuffer = isBuffer; } public void SetSamplers(int index, ISampler[] samplers) { for (int i = 0; i < samplers.Length; i++) { ISampler sampler = samplers[i]; if (sampler is SamplerHolder samplerHolder) { _textureRefs[index + i].Sampler = samplerHolder.GetSampler(); } else { _textureRefs[index + i].Sampler = default; } } SetDirty(); } public void SetTextures(int index, ITexture[] textures) { for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { ITexture texture = textures[i]; if (texture is TextureBuffer textureBuffer) { _bufferTextureRefs[index + i] = textureBuffer; } else if (texture is TextureView view) { _textureRefs[index + i].Storage = view.Storage; _textureRefs[index + i].View = view.GetImageView(); } else if (!_isBuffer) { _textureRefs[index + i].Storage = null; _textureRefs[index + i].View = default; } else { _bufferTextureRefs[index + i] = null; } } SetDirty(); } private void SetDirty() { _cachedCommandBufferIndex = -1; _storages = null; SetDirty(_gd); } public void QueueWriteToReadBarriers(CommandBufferScoped cbs, PipelineStageFlags stageFlags) { HashSet<TextureStorage> storages = _storages; if (storages == null) { storages = new HashSet<TextureStorage>(); for (int index = 0; index < _textureRefs.Length; index++) { if (_textureRefs[index].Storage != null) { storages.Add(_textureRefs[index].Storage); } } _storages = storages; } foreach (TextureStorage storage in storages) { storage.QueueWriteToReadBarrier(cbs, AccessFlags.ShaderReadBit, stageFlags); } } public ReadOnlySpan<DescriptorImageInfo> GetImageInfos(VulkanRenderer gd, CommandBufferScoped cbs, TextureView dummyTexture, SamplerHolder dummySampler) { int submissionCount = gd.CommandBufferPool.GetSubmissionCount(cbs.CommandBufferIndex); Span<DescriptorImageInfo> textures = _textures; if (cbs.CommandBufferIndex == _cachedCommandBufferIndex && submissionCount == _cachedSubmissionCount) { return textures; } _cachedCommandBufferIndex = cbs.CommandBufferIndex; _cachedSubmissionCount = submissionCount; for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { ref var texture = ref textures[i]; ref var refs = ref _textureRefs[i]; if (i > 0 && _textureRefs[i - 1].View == refs.View && _textureRefs[i - 1].Sampler == refs.Sampler) { texture = textures[i - 1]; continue; } texture.ImageLayout = ImageLayout.General; texture.ImageView = refs.View?.Get(cbs).Value ?? default; texture.Sampler = refs.Sampler?.Get(cbs).Value ?? default; if (texture.ImageView.Handle == 0) { texture.ImageView = dummyTexture.GetImageView().Get(cbs).Value; } if (texture.Sampler.Handle == 0) { texture.Sampler = dummySampler.GetSampler().Get(cbs).Value; } } return textures; } public ReadOnlySpan<BufferView> GetBufferViews(CommandBufferScoped cbs) { Span<BufferView> bufferTextures = _bufferTextures; for (int i = 0; i < bufferTextures.Length; i++) { bufferTextures[i] = _bufferTextureRefs[i]?.GetBufferView(cbs, false) ?? default; } return bufferTextures; } public DescriptorSet[] GetDescriptorSets( Device device, CommandBufferScoped cbs, DescriptorSetTemplateUpdater templateUpdater, ShaderCollection program, int setIndex, TextureView dummyTexture, SamplerHolder dummySampler) { if (TryGetCachedDescriptorSets(cbs, program, setIndex, out DescriptorSet[] sets)) { // We still need to ensure the current command buffer holds a reference to all used textures. if (!_isBuffer) { GetImageInfos(_gd, cbs, dummyTexture, dummySampler); } else { GetBufferViews(cbs); } return sets; } DescriptorSetTemplate template = program.Templates[setIndex]; DescriptorSetTemplateWriter tu = templateUpdater.Begin(template); if (!_isBuffer) { tu.Push(GetImageInfos(_gd, cbs, dummyTexture, dummySampler)); } else { tu.Push(GetBufferViews(cbs)); } templateUpdater.Commit(_gd, device, sets[0]); return sets; } } }