using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using shaderc; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { class Shader : IDisposable { // The dependency's Options constructor and dispose are not thread safe. // Take this lock when using them. private static readonly object _shaderOptionsLock = new(); private static readonly IntPtr _ptrMainEntryPointName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("main"); private readonly Vk _api; private readonly Device _device; private readonly ShaderStageFlags _stage; private bool _disposed; private ShaderModule _module; public ShaderStageFlags StageFlags => _stage; public ProgramLinkStatus CompileStatus { private set; get; } public readonly Task CompileTask; public unsafe Shader(Vk api, Device device, ShaderSource shaderSource) { _api = api; _device = device; CompileStatus = ProgramLinkStatus.Incomplete; _stage = shaderSource.Stage.Convert(); CompileTask = Task.Run(() => { byte[] spirv = shaderSource.BinaryCode; if (spirv == null) { spirv = GlslToSpirv(shaderSource.Code, shaderSource.Stage); if (spirv == null) { CompileStatus = ProgramLinkStatus.Failure; return; } } fixed (byte* pCode = spirv) { var shaderModuleCreateInfo = new ShaderModuleCreateInfo { SType = StructureType.ShaderModuleCreateInfo, CodeSize = (uint)spirv.Length, PCode = (uint*)pCode, }; api.CreateShaderModule(device, in shaderModuleCreateInfo, null, out _module).ThrowOnError(); } CompileStatus = ProgramLinkStatus.Success; }); } private unsafe static byte[] GlslToSpirv(string glsl, ShaderStage stage) { Options options; lock (_shaderOptionsLock) { options = new Options(false) { SourceLanguage = SourceLanguage.Glsl, TargetSpirVVersion = new SpirVVersion(1, 5), }; } options.SetTargetEnvironment(TargetEnvironment.Vulkan, EnvironmentVersion.Vulkan_1_2); Compiler compiler = new(options); var scr = compiler.Compile(glsl, "Ryu", GetShaderCShaderStage(stage)); lock (_shaderOptionsLock) { options.Dispose(); } if (scr.Status != Status.Success) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Shader compilation error: {scr.Status} {scr.ErrorMessage}"); return null; } var spirvBytes = new Span((void*)scr.CodePointer, (int)scr.CodeLength); byte[] code = new byte[(scr.CodeLength + 3) & ~3]; spirvBytes.CopyTo(code.AsSpan()[..(int)scr.CodeLength]); return code; } private static ShaderKind GetShaderCShaderStage(ShaderStage stage) { switch (stage) { case ShaderStage.Vertex: return ShaderKind.GlslVertexShader; case ShaderStage.Geometry: return ShaderKind.GlslGeometryShader; case ShaderStage.TessellationControl: return ShaderKind.GlslTessControlShader; case ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation: return ShaderKind.GlslTessEvaluationShader; case ShaderStage.Fragment: return ShaderKind.GlslFragmentShader; case ShaderStage.Compute: return ShaderKind.GlslComputeShader; } Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Invalid {nameof(ShaderStage)} enum value: {stage}."); return ShaderKind.GlslVertexShader; } public unsafe PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo GetInfo() { return new PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo { SType = StructureType.PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo, Stage = _stage, Module = _module, PName = (byte*)_ptrMainEntryPointName, }; } public void WaitForCompile() { CompileTask.Wait(); } public unsafe void Dispose() { if (!_disposed) { _api.DestroyShaderModule(_device, _module, null); _disposed = true; } } } }