using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.Queries { class CounterQueue : IDisposable { private const int QueryPoolInitialSize = 100; private readonly VulkanRenderer _gd; private readonly Device _device; private readonly PipelineFull _pipeline; public CounterType Type { get; } public bool Disposed { get; private set; } private readonly Queue<CounterQueueEvent> _events = new(); private CounterQueueEvent _current; private ulong _accumulatedCounter; private int _waiterCount; private readonly object _lock = new(); private readonly Queue<BufferedQuery> _queryPool; private readonly AutoResetEvent _queuedEvent = new(false); private readonly AutoResetEvent _wakeSignal = new(false); private readonly AutoResetEvent _eventConsumed = new(false); private readonly Thread _consumerThread; public int ResetSequence { get; private set; } internal CounterQueue(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device, PipelineFull pipeline, CounterType type) { _gd = gd; _device = device; _pipeline = pipeline; Type = type; _queryPool = new Queue<BufferedQuery>(QueryPoolInitialSize); for (int i = 0; i < QueryPoolInitialSize; i++) { // AMD Polaris GPUs on Windows seem to have issues reporting 64-bit query results. _queryPool.Enqueue(new BufferedQuery(_gd, _device, _pipeline, type, gd.IsAmdWindows)); } _current = new CounterQueueEvent(this, type, 0); _consumerThread = new Thread(EventConsumer); _consumerThread.Start(); } public void ResetCounterPool() { ResetSequence++; } public void ResetFutureCounters(CommandBuffer cmd, int count) { // Pre-emptively reset queries to avoid render pass splitting. lock (_queryPool) { count = Math.Min(count, _queryPool.Count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _queryPool.ElementAt(i).PoolReset(cmd, ResetSequence); } } } private void EventConsumer() { while (!Disposed) { CounterQueueEvent evt = null; lock (_lock) { if (_events.Count > 0) { evt = _events.Dequeue(); } } if (evt == null) { _queuedEvent.WaitOne(); // No more events to go through, wait for more. } else { // Spin-wait rather than sleeping if there are any waiters, by passing null instead of the wake signal. evt.TryConsume(ref _accumulatedCounter, true, _waiterCount == 0 ? _wakeSignal : null); } if (_waiterCount > 0) { _eventConsumed.Set(); } } } internal BufferedQuery GetQueryObject() { // Creating/disposing query objects on a context we're sharing with will cause issues. // So instead, make a lot of query objects on the main thread and reuse them. lock (_lock) { if (_queryPool.Count > 0) { BufferedQuery result = _queryPool.Dequeue(); return result; } return new BufferedQuery(_gd, _device, _pipeline, Type, _gd.IsAmdWindows); } } internal void ReturnQueryObject(BufferedQuery query) { lock (_lock) { // The query will be reset when it dequeues. _queryPool.Enqueue(query); } } public CounterQueueEvent QueueReport(EventHandler<ulong> resultHandler, float divisor, ulong lastDrawIndex, bool hostReserved) { CounterQueueEvent result; ulong draws = lastDrawIndex - _current.DrawIndex; lock (_lock) { // A query's result only matters if more than one draw was performed during it. // Otherwise, dummy it out and return 0 immediately. if (hostReserved) { // This counter event is guaranteed to be available for host conditional rendering. _current.ReserveForHostAccess(); } _current.Complete(draws > 0 && Type != CounterType.TransformFeedbackPrimitivesWritten, divisor); _events.Enqueue(_current); _current.OnResult += resultHandler; result = _current; _current = new CounterQueueEvent(this, Type, lastDrawIndex); } _queuedEvent.Set(); return result; } public void QueueReset(ulong lastDrawIndex) { ulong draws = lastDrawIndex - _current.DrawIndex; lock (_lock) { _current.Clear(draws != 0); } } public void Flush(bool blocking) { if (!blocking) { // Just wake the consumer thread - it will update the queries. _wakeSignal.Set(); return; } lock (_lock) { // Tell the queue to process all events. while (_events.Count > 0) { CounterQueueEvent flush = _events.Peek(); if (!flush.TryConsume(ref _accumulatedCounter, true)) { return; // If not blocking, then return when we encounter an event that is not ready yet. } _events.Dequeue(); } } } public void FlushTo(CounterQueueEvent evt) { // Flush the counter queue on the main thread. Interlocked.Increment(ref _waiterCount); _wakeSignal.Set(); while (!evt.Disposed) { _eventConsumed.WaitOne(1); } Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waiterCount); } public void Dispose() { lock (_lock) { while (_events.Count > 0) { CounterQueueEvent evt = _events.Dequeue(); evt.Dispose(); } Disposed = true; } _queuedEvent.Set(); _consumerThread.Join(); _current?.Dispose(); foreach (BufferedQuery query in _queryPool) { query.Dispose(); } _queuedEvent.Dispose(); _wakeSignal.Dispose(); _eventConsumed.Dispose(); } } }