using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { class PipelineLayoutCacheEntry { private const int MaxPoolSizesPerSet = 8; private readonly VulkanRenderer _gd; private readonly Device _device; public DescriptorSetLayout[] DescriptorSetLayouts { get; } public PipelineLayout PipelineLayout { get; } private readonly int[] _consumedDescriptorsPerSet; private readonly DescriptorPoolSize[][] _poolSizes; private readonly DescriptorSetManager _descriptorSetManager; private readonly List<Auto<DescriptorSetCollection>>[][] _dsCache; private List<Auto<DescriptorSetCollection>>[] _currentDsCache; private readonly int[] _dsCacheCursor; private int _dsLastCbIndex; private int _dsLastSubmissionCount; private readonly Dictionary<long, DescriptorSetTemplate> _pdTemplates; private readonly ResourceDescriptorCollection _pdDescriptors; private long _lastPdUsage; private DescriptorSetTemplate _lastPdTemplate; private PipelineLayoutCacheEntry(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device, int setsCount) { _gd = gd; _device = device; _dsCache = new List<Auto<DescriptorSetCollection>>[CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers][]; for (int i = 0; i < CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers; i++) { _dsCache[i] = new List<Auto<DescriptorSetCollection>>[setsCount]; for (int j = 0; j < _dsCache[i].Length; j++) { _dsCache[i][j] = new List<Auto<DescriptorSetCollection>>(); } } _dsCacheCursor = new int[setsCount]; } public PipelineLayoutCacheEntry( VulkanRenderer gd, Device device, ReadOnlyCollection<ResourceDescriptorCollection> setDescriptors, bool usePushDescriptors) : this(gd, device, setDescriptors.Count) { (DescriptorSetLayouts, PipelineLayout) = PipelineLayoutFactory.Create(gd, device, setDescriptors, usePushDescriptors); _consumedDescriptorsPerSet = new int[setDescriptors.Count]; _poolSizes = new DescriptorPoolSize[setDescriptors.Count][]; Span<DescriptorPoolSize> poolSizes = stackalloc DescriptorPoolSize[MaxPoolSizesPerSet]; for (int setIndex = 0; setIndex < setDescriptors.Count; setIndex++) { int count = 0; foreach (var descriptor in setDescriptors[setIndex].Descriptors) { count += descriptor.Count; } _consumedDescriptorsPerSet[setIndex] = count; _poolSizes[setIndex] = GetDescriptorPoolSizes(poolSizes, setDescriptors[setIndex], DescriptorSetManager.MaxSets).ToArray(); } if (usePushDescriptors) { _pdDescriptors = setDescriptors[0]; _pdTemplates = new(); } _descriptorSetManager = new DescriptorSetManager(_device, setDescriptors.Count); } public void UpdateCommandBufferIndex(int commandBufferIndex) { int submissionCount = _gd.CommandBufferPool.GetSubmissionCount(commandBufferIndex); if (_dsLastCbIndex != commandBufferIndex || _dsLastSubmissionCount != submissionCount) { _dsLastCbIndex = commandBufferIndex; _dsLastSubmissionCount = submissionCount; Array.Clear(_dsCacheCursor); } _currentDsCache = _dsCache[commandBufferIndex]; } public Auto<DescriptorSetCollection> GetNewDescriptorSetCollection(int setIndex, out bool isNew) { var list = _currentDsCache[setIndex]; int index = _dsCacheCursor[setIndex]++; if (index == list.Count) { var dsc = _descriptorSetManager.AllocateDescriptorSet( _gd.Api, DescriptorSetLayouts[setIndex], _poolSizes[setIndex], setIndex, _consumedDescriptorsPerSet[setIndex], false); list.Add(dsc); isNew = true; return dsc; } isNew = false; return list[index]; } private static Span<DescriptorPoolSize> GetDescriptorPoolSizes(Span<DescriptorPoolSize> output, ResourceDescriptorCollection setDescriptor, uint multiplier) { int count = 0; for (int index = 0; index < setDescriptor.Descriptors.Count; index++) { ResourceDescriptor descriptor = setDescriptor.Descriptors[index]; DescriptorType descriptorType = descriptor.Type.Convert(); bool found = false; for (int poolSizeIndex = 0; poolSizeIndex < count; poolSizeIndex++) { if (output[poolSizeIndex].Type == descriptorType) { output[poolSizeIndex].DescriptorCount += (uint)descriptor.Count * multiplier; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { output[count++] = new DescriptorPoolSize() { Type = descriptorType, DescriptorCount = (uint)descriptor.Count, }; } } return output[..count]; } public DescriptorSetTemplate GetPushDescriptorTemplate(PipelineBindPoint pbp, long updateMask) { if (_lastPdUsage == updateMask && _lastPdTemplate != null) { // Most likely result is that it asks to update the same buffers. return _lastPdTemplate; } if (!_pdTemplates.TryGetValue(updateMask, out DescriptorSetTemplate template)) { template = new DescriptorSetTemplate(_gd, _device, _pdDescriptors, updateMask, this, pbp, 0); _pdTemplates.Add(updateMask, template); } _lastPdUsage = updateMask; _lastPdTemplate = template; return template; } protected virtual unsafe void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (_pdTemplates != null) { foreach (DescriptorSetTemplate template in _pdTemplates.Values) { template.Dispose(); } } for (int i = 0; i < _dsCache.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _dsCache[i].Length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < _dsCache[i][j].Count; k++) { _dsCache[i][j][k].Dispose(); } _dsCache[i][j].Clear(); } } _gd.Api.DestroyPipelineLayout(_device, PipelineLayout, null); for (int i = 0; i < DescriptorSetLayouts.Length; i++) { _gd.Api.DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(_device, DescriptorSetLayouts[i], null); } _descriptorSetManager.Dispose(); } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } } }