using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using CompareOp = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.CompareOp; using Format = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Format; using FrontFace = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.FrontFace; using IndexType = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.IndexType; using PolygonMode = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.PolygonMode; using PrimitiveTopology = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.PrimitiveTopology; using Viewport = Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Viewport; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { class PipelineBase : IDisposable { public const int DescriptorSetLayouts = 4; public const int UniformSetIndex = 0; public const int StorageSetIndex = 1; public const int TextureSetIndex = 2; public const int ImageSetIndex = 3; protected readonly VulkanRenderer Gd; protected readonly Device Device; public readonly PipelineCache PipelineCache; public readonly AutoFlushCounter AutoFlush; public readonly Action EndRenderPassDelegate; protected PipelineDynamicState DynamicState; protected bool IsMainPipeline; private PipelineState _newState; private bool _graphicsStateDirty; private bool _computeStateDirty; private bool _bindingBarriersDirty; private PrimitiveTopology _topology; private ulong _currentPipelineHandle; protected Auto Pipeline; protected PipelineBindPoint Pbp; protected CommandBufferScoped Cbs; protected CommandBufferScoped? PreloadCbs; protected CommandBuffer CommandBuffer; public CommandBufferScoped CurrentCommandBuffer => Cbs; private ShaderCollection _program; protected FramebufferParams FramebufferParams; private Auto _framebuffer; private RenderPassHolder _rpHolder; private Auto _renderPass; private RenderPassHolder _nullRenderPass; private int _writtenAttachmentCount; private bool _framebufferUsingColorWriteMask; private ITexture[] _preMaskColors; private ITexture _preMaskDepthStencil; private readonly DescriptorSetUpdater _descriptorSetUpdater; private IndexBufferState _indexBuffer; private IndexBufferPattern _indexBufferPattern; private readonly BufferState[] _transformFeedbackBuffers; private readonly VertexBufferState[] _vertexBuffers; private ulong _vertexBuffersDirty; protected Rectangle ClearScissor; private readonly VertexBufferUpdater _vertexBufferUpdater; public IndexBufferPattern QuadsToTrisPattern; public IndexBufferPattern TriFanToTrisPattern; private bool _needsIndexBufferRebind; private bool _needsTransformFeedbackBuffersRebind; private bool _tfEnabled; private bool _tfActive; private FeedbackLoopAspects _feedbackLoop; private bool _passWritesDepthStencil; private readonly PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState[] _storedBlend; public ulong DrawCount { get; private set; } public bool RenderPassActive { get; private set; } public unsafe PipelineBase(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device) { Gd = gd; Device = device; AutoFlush = new AutoFlushCounter(gd); EndRenderPassDelegate = EndRenderPass; var pipelineCacheCreateInfo = new PipelineCacheCreateInfo { SType = StructureType.PipelineCacheCreateInfo, }; gd.Api.CreatePipelineCache(device, in pipelineCacheCreateInfo, null, out PipelineCache).ThrowOnError(); _descriptorSetUpdater = new DescriptorSetUpdater(gd, device); _vertexBufferUpdater = new VertexBufferUpdater(gd); _transformFeedbackBuffers = new BufferState[Constants.MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers]; _vertexBuffers = new VertexBufferState[Constants.MaxVertexBuffers + 1]; const int EmptyVbSize = 16; using var emptyVb = gd.BufferManager.Create(gd, EmptyVbSize); emptyVb.SetData(0, new byte[EmptyVbSize]); _vertexBuffers[0] = new VertexBufferState(emptyVb.GetBuffer(), 0, 0, EmptyVbSize); _vertexBuffersDirty = ulong.MaxValue >> (64 - _vertexBuffers.Length); ClearScissor = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff); _storedBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState[Constants.MaxRenderTargets]; _newState.Initialize(); } public void Initialize() { _descriptorSetUpdater.Initialize(IsMainPipeline); QuadsToTrisPattern = new IndexBufferPattern(Gd, 4, 6, 0, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }, 4, false); TriFanToTrisPattern = new IndexBufferPattern(Gd, 3, 3, 2, new[] { int.MinValue, -1, 0 }, 1, true); } public unsafe void Barrier() { Gd.Barriers.QueueMemoryBarrier(); } public void ComputeBarrier() { MemoryBarrier memoryBarrier = new() { SType = StructureType.MemoryBarrier, SrcAccessMask = AccessFlags.MemoryReadBit | AccessFlags.MemoryWriteBit, DstAccessMask = AccessFlags.MemoryReadBit | AccessFlags.MemoryWriteBit, }; Gd.Api.CmdPipelineBarrier( CommandBuffer, PipelineStageFlags.ComputeShaderBit, PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit, 0, 1, new ReadOnlySpan(in memoryBarrier), 0, ReadOnlySpan.Empty, 0, ReadOnlySpan.Empty); } public void BeginTransformFeedback(PrimitiveTopology topology) { Gd.Barriers.EnableTfbBarriers(true); _tfEnabled = true; } public void ClearBuffer(BufferHandle destination, int offset, int size, uint value) { EndRenderPass(); var dst = Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, destination, offset, size, true).Get(Cbs, offset, size, true).Value; BufferHolder.InsertBufferBarrier( Gd, Cbs.CommandBuffer, dst, BufferHolder.DefaultAccessFlags, AccessFlags.TransferWriteBit, PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit, PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit, offset, size); Gd.Api.CmdFillBuffer(CommandBuffer, dst, (ulong)offset, (ulong)size, value); BufferHolder.InsertBufferBarrier( Gd, Cbs.CommandBuffer, dst, AccessFlags.TransferWriteBit, BufferHolder.DefaultAccessFlags, PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit, PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit, offset, size); } public unsafe void ClearRenderTargetColor(int index, int layer, int layerCount, ColorF color) { if (FramebufferParams == null || !FramebufferParams.IsValidColorAttachment(index)) { return; } if (_renderPass == null) { CreateRenderPass(); } Gd.Barriers.Flush(Cbs, RenderPassActive, _rpHolder, EndRenderPassDelegate); BeginRenderPass(); var clearValue = new ClearValue(new ClearColorValue(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Alpha)); var attachment = new ClearAttachment(ImageAspectFlags.ColorBit, (uint)index, clearValue); var clearRect = FramebufferParams.GetClearRect(ClearScissor, layer, layerCount); Gd.Api.CmdClearAttachments(CommandBuffer, 1, &attachment, 1, &clearRect); } public unsafe void ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil(int layer, int layerCount, float depthValue, bool depthMask, int stencilValue, bool stencilMask) { if (FramebufferParams == null || !FramebufferParams.HasDepthStencil) { return; } var clearValue = new ClearValue(null, new ClearDepthStencilValue(depthValue, (uint)stencilValue)); var flags = depthMask ? ImageAspectFlags.DepthBit : 0; if (stencilMask) { flags |= ImageAspectFlags.StencilBit; } flags &= FramebufferParams.GetDepthStencilAspectFlags(); if (flags == ImageAspectFlags.None) { return; } if (_renderPass == null) { CreateRenderPass(); } Gd.Barriers.Flush(Cbs, RenderPassActive, _rpHolder, EndRenderPassDelegate); BeginRenderPass(); var attachment = new ClearAttachment(flags, 0, clearValue); var clearRect = FramebufferParams.GetClearRect(ClearScissor, layer, layerCount); Gd.Api.CmdClearAttachments(CommandBuffer, 1, &attachment, 1, &clearRect); } public unsafe void CommandBufferBarrier() { Gd.Barriers.QueueCommandBufferBarrier(); } public void CopyBuffer(BufferHandle source, BufferHandle destination, int srcOffset, int dstOffset, int size) { EndRenderPass(); var src = Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, source, srcOffset, size, false); var dst = Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, destination, dstOffset, size, true); BufferHolder.Copy(Gd, Cbs, src, dst, srcOffset, dstOffset, size); } public void DirtyVertexBuffer(Auto buffer) { for (int i = 0; i < _vertexBuffers.Length; i++) { if (_vertexBuffers[i].BoundEquals(buffer)) { _vertexBuffersDirty |= 1UL << i; } } } public void DirtyIndexBuffer(Auto buffer) { if (_indexBuffer.BoundEquals(buffer)) { _needsIndexBufferRebind = true; } } public void DispatchCompute(int groupsX, int groupsY, int groupsZ) { if (!_program.IsLinked) { return; } EndRenderPass(); RecreateComputePipelineIfNeeded(); Gd.Api.CmdDispatch(CommandBuffer, (uint)groupsX, (uint)groupsY, (uint)groupsZ); } public void DispatchComputeIndirect(Auto indirectBuffer, int indirectBufferOffset) { if (!_program.IsLinked) { return; } EndRenderPass(); RecreateComputePipelineIfNeeded(); Gd.Api.CmdDispatchIndirect(CommandBuffer, indirectBuffer.Get(Cbs, indirectBufferOffset, 12).Value, (ulong)indirectBufferOffset); } public void Draw(int vertexCount, int instanceCount, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { if (vertexCount == 0) { return; } if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); DrawCount++; if (Gd.TopologyUnsupported(_topology)) { // Temporarily bind a conversion pattern as an index buffer. _needsIndexBufferRebind = true; IndexBufferPattern pattern = _topology switch { PrimitiveTopology.Quads => QuadsToTrisPattern, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => TriFanToTrisPattern, _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported topology: {_topology}"), }; BufferHandle handle = pattern.GetRepeatingBuffer(vertexCount, out int indexCount); var buffer = Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, handle, false); Gd.Api.CmdBindIndexBuffer(CommandBuffer, buffer.Get(Cbs, 0, indexCount * sizeof(int)).Value, 0, Silk.NET.Vulkan.IndexType.Uint32); BeginRenderPass(); // May have been interrupted to set buffer data. ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexed(CommandBuffer, (uint)indexCount, (uint)instanceCount, 0, firstVertex, (uint)firstInstance); } else { ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDraw(CommandBuffer, (uint)vertexCount, (uint)instanceCount, (uint)firstVertex, (uint)firstInstance); } } private void UpdateIndexBufferPattern() { IndexBufferPattern pattern = null; if (Gd.TopologyUnsupported(_topology)) { pattern = _topology switch { PrimitiveTopology.Quads => QuadsToTrisPattern, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => TriFanToTrisPattern, _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported topology: {_topology}"), }; } if (_indexBufferPattern != pattern) { _indexBufferPattern = pattern; _needsIndexBufferRebind = true; } } public void DrawIndexed(int indexCount, int instanceCount, int firstIndex, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { if (indexCount == 0) { return; } UpdateIndexBufferPattern(); if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); DrawCount++; if (_indexBufferPattern != null) { // Convert the index buffer into a supported topology. IndexBufferPattern pattern = _indexBufferPattern; int convertedCount = pattern.GetConvertedCount(indexCount); if (_needsIndexBufferRebind) { _indexBuffer.BindConvertedIndexBuffer(Gd, Cbs, firstIndex, indexCount, convertedCount, pattern); _needsIndexBufferRebind = false; } BeginRenderPass(); // May have been interrupted to set buffer data. ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexed(CommandBuffer, (uint)convertedCount, (uint)instanceCount, 0, firstVertex, (uint)firstInstance); } else { ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexed(CommandBuffer, (uint)indexCount, (uint)instanceCount, (uint)firstIndex, firstVertex, (uint)firstInstance); } } public void DrawIndexedIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { var buffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, indirectBuffer.Handle, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size).Value; UpdateIndexBufferPattern(); if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); DrawCount++; if (_indexBufferPattern != null) { // Convert the index buffer into a supported topology. IndexBufferPattern pattern = _indexBufferPattern; Auto indirectBufferAuto = _indexBuffer.BindConvertedIndexBufferIndirect( Gd, Cbs, indirectBuffer, BufferRange.Empty, pattern, false, 1, indirectBuffer.Size); _needsIndexBufferRebind = false; BeginRenderPass(); // May have been interrupted to set buffer data. ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(CommandBuffer, indirectBufferAuto.Get(Cbs, 0, indirectBuffer.Size).Value, 0, 1, (uint)indirectBuffer.Size); } else { ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(CommandBuffer, buffer, (ulong)indirectBuffer.Offset, 1, (uint)indirectBuffer.Size); } } public void DrawIndexedIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { var countBuffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, parameterBuffer.Handle, parameterBuffer.Offset, parameterBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, parameterBuffer.Offset, parameterBuffer.Size).Value; var buffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, indirectBuffer.Handle, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size).Value; UpdateIndexBufferPattern(); if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); DrawCount++; if (_indexBufferPattern != null) { // Convert the index buffer into a supported topology. IndexBufferPattern pattern = _indexBufferPattern; Auto indirectBufferAuto = _indexBuffer.BindConvertedIndexBufferIndirect( Gd, Cbs, indirectBuffer, parameterBuffer, pattern, true, maxDrawCount, stride); _needsIndexBufferRebind = false; BeginRenderPass(); // May have been interrupted to set buffer data. ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsIndirectParameters) { Gd.DrawIndirectCountApi.CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount( CommandBuffer, indirectBufferAuto.Get(Cbs, 0, indirectBuffer.Size).Value, 0, countBuffer, (ulong)parameterBuffer.Offset, (uint)maxDrawCount, (uint)stride); } else { // This is also fine because the indirect data conversion always zeros // the entries that are past the current draw count. Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexedIndirect( CommandBuffer, indirectBufferAuto.Get(Cbs, 0, indirectBuffer.Size).Value, 0, (uint)maxDrawCount, (uint)stride); } } else { ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsIndirectParameters) { Gd.DrawIndirectCountApi.CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount( CommandBuffer, buffer, (ulong)indirectBuffer.Offset, countBuffer, (ulong)parameterBuffer.Offset, (uint)maxDrawCount, (uint)stride); } else { // Not fully correct, but we can't do much better if the host does not support indirect count. Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndexedIndirect( CommandBuffer, buffer, (ulong)indirectBuffer.Offset, (uint)maxDrawCount, (uint)stride); } } } public void DrawIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { // TODO: Support quads and other unsupported topologies. var buffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, indirectBuffer.Handle, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false).Value; if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); DrawCount++; Gd.Api.CmdDrawIndirect(CommandBuffer, buffer, (ulong)indirectBuffer.Offset, 1, (uint)indirectBuffer.Size); } public void DrawIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { if (!Gd.Capabilities.SupportsIndirectParameters) { // TODO: Fallback for when this is not supported. throw new NotSupportedException(); } var buffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, indirectBuffer.Handle, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, false).Value; var countBuffer = Gd.BufferManager .GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, parameterBuffer.Handle, parameterBuffer.Offset, parameterBuffer.Size, false) .Get(Cbs, parameterBuffer.Offset, parameterBuffer.Size, false).Value; // TODO: Support quads and other unsupported topologies. if (!RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded()) { return; } BeginRenderPass(); ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal(); DrawCount++; Gd.DrawIndirectCountApi.CmdDrawIndirectCount( CommandBuffer, buffer, (ulong)indirectBuffer.Offset, countBuffer, (ulong)parameterBuffer.Offset, (uint)maxDrawCount, (uint)stride); } public void DrawTexture(ITexture texture, ISampler sampler, Extents2DF srcRegion, Extents2DF dstRegion) { if (texture is TextureView srcTexture) { var oldCullMode = _newState.CullMode; var oldStencilTestEnable = _newState.StencilTestEnable; var oldDepthTestEnable = _newState.DepthTestEnable; var oldDepthWriteEnable = _newState.DepthWriteEnable; var oldViewports = DynamicState.Viewports; var oldViewportsCount = _newState.ViewportsCount; var oldTopology = _topology; _newState.CullMode = CullModeFlags.None; _newState.StencilTestEnable = false; _newState.DepthTestEnable = false; _newState.DepthWriteEnable = false; SignalStateChange(); Gd.HelperShader.DrawTexture( Gd, this, srcTexture, sampler, srcRegion, dstRegion); _newState.CullMode = oldCullMode; _newState.StencilTestEnable = oldStencilTestEnable; _newState.DepthTestEnable = oldDepthTestEnable; _newState.DepthWriteEnable = oldDepthWriteEnable; SetPrimitiveTopology(oldTopology); DynamicState.SetViewports(ref oldViewports, oldViewportsCount); _newState.ViewportsCount = oldViewportsCount; SignalStateChange(); } } public void EndTransformFeedback() { Gd.Barriers.EnableTfbBarriers(false); PauseTransformFeedbackInternal(); _tfEnabled = false; } public bool IsCommandBufferActive(CommandBuffer cb) { return CommandBuffer.Handle == cb.Handle; } internal void Rebind(Auto buffer, int offset, int size) { _descriptorSetUpdater.Rebind(buffer, offset, size); if (_indexBuffer.Overlaps(buffer, offset, size)) { _indexBuffer.BindIndexBuffer(Gd, Cbs); } for (int i = 0; i < _vertexBuffers.Length; i++) { if (_vertexBuffers[i].Overlaps(buffer, offset, size)) { _vertexBuffers[i].BindVertexBuffer(Gd, Cbs, (uint)i, ref _newState, _vertexBufferUpdater); } } _vertexBufferUpdater.Commit(Cbs); } public void SetAlphaTest(bool enable, float reference, CompareOp op) { // This is currently handled using shader specialization, as Vulkan does not support alpha test. // In the future, we may want to use this to write the reference value into the support buffer, // to avoid creating one version of the shader per reference value used. } public void SetBlendState(AdvancedBlendDescriptor blend) { for (int index = 0; index < Constants.MaxRenderTargets; index++) { ref var vkBlend = ref _newState.Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[index]; if (index == 0) { var blendOp = blend.Op.Convert(); vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState( blendEnable: true, colorBlendOp: blendOp, alphaBlendOp: blendOp, colorWriteMask: vkBlend.ColorWriteMask); if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsBlendEquationAdvancedNonPreMultipliedSrcColor) { _newState.AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied = blend.SrcPreMultiplied; } if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsBlendEquationAdvancedCorrelatedOverlap) { _newState.AdvancedBlendOverlap = blend.Overlap.Convert(); } } else { vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState( colorWriteMask: vkBlend.ColorWriteMask); } if (vkBlend.ColorWriteMask == 0) { _storedBlend[index] = vkBlend; vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState(); } } SignalStateChange(); } public void SetBlendState(int index, BlendDescriptor blend) { ref var vkBlend = ref _newState.Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[index]; if (blend.Enable) { vkBlend.BlendEnable = blend.Enable; vkBlend.SrcColorBlendFactor = blend.ColorSrcFactor.Convert(); vkBlend.DstColorBlendFactor = blend.ColorDstFactor.Convert(); vkBlend.ColorBlendOp = blend.ColorOp.Convert(); vkBlend.SrcAlphaBlendFactor = blend.AlphaSrcFactor.Convert(); vkBlend.DstAlphaBlendFactor = blend.AlphaDstFactor.Convert(); vkBlend.AlphaBlendOp = blend.AlphaOp.Convert(); } else { vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState( colorWriteMask: vkBlend.ColorWriteMask); } if (vkBlend.ColorWriteMask == 0) { _storedBlend[index] = vkBlend; vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState(); } DynamicState.SetBlendConstants( blend.BlendConstant.Red, blend.BlendConstant.Green, blend.BlendConstant.Blue, blend.BlendConstant.Alpha); // Reset advanced blend state back defaults to the cache to help the pipeline cache. _newState.AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied = true; _newState.AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied = true; _newState.AdvancedBlendOverlap = BlendOverlapEXT.UncorrelatedExt; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetDepthBias(PolygonModeMask enables, float factor, float units, float clamp) { DynamicState.SetDepthBias(factor, units, clamp); _newState.DepthBiasEnable = enables != 0; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetDepthClamp(bool clamp) { _newState.DepthClampEnable = clamp; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetDepthMode(DepthMode mode) { bool oldMode = _newState.DepthMode; _newState.DepthMode = mode == DepthMode.MinusOneToOne; if (_newState.DepthMode != oldMode) { SignalStateChange(); } } public void SetDepthTest(DepthTestDescriptor depthTest) { _newState.DepthTestEnable = depthTest.TestEnable; _newState.DepthWriteEnable = depthTest.WriteEnable; _newState.DepthCompareOp = depthTest.Func.Convert(); UpdatePassDepthStencil(); SignalStateChange(); } public void SetFaceCulling(bool enable, Face face) { _newState.CullMode = enable ? face.Convert() : CullModeFlags.None; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetFrontFace(FrontFace frontFace) { _newState.FrontFace = frontFace.Convert(); SignalStateChange(); } public void SetImage(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture image) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetImage(Cbs, stage, binding, image); } public void SetImage(int binding, Auto image) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetImage(binding, image); } public void SetImageArray(ShaderStage stage, int binding, IImageArray array) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetImageArray(Cbs, stage, binding, array); } public void SetImageArraySeparate(ShaderStage stage, int setIndex, IImageArray array) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetImageArraySeparate(Cbs, stage, setIndex, array); } public void SetIndexBuffer(BufferRange buffer, IndexType type) { if (buffer.Handle != BufferHandle.Null) { _indexBuffer = new IndexBufferState(buffer.Handle, buffer.Offset, buffer.Size, type.Convert()); } else { _indexBuffer = IndexBufferState.Null; } _needsIndexBufferRebind = true; } public void SetLineParameters(float width, bool smooth) { _newState.LineWidth = width; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetLogicOpState(bool enable, LogicalOp op) { _newState.LogicOpEnable = enable; _newState.LogicOp = op.Convert(); SignalStateChange(); } public void SetMultisampleState(MultisampleDescriptor multisample) { _newState.AlphaToCoverageEnable = multisample.AlphaToCoverageEnable; _newState.AlphaToOneEnable = multisample.AlphaToOneEnable; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetPatchParameters(int vertices, ReadOnlySpan defaultOuterLevel, ReadOnlySpan defaultInnerLevel) { _newState.PatchControlPoints = (uint)vertices; SignalStateChange(); // TODO: Default levels (likely needs emulation on shaders?) } public void SetPointParameters(float size, bool isProgramPointSize, bool enablePointSprite, Origin origin) { // TODO. } public void SetPolygonMode(PolygonMode frontMode, PolygonMode backMode) { // TODO. } public void SetPrimitiveRestart(bool enable, int index) { _newState.PrimitiveRestartEnable = enable; // TODO: What to do about the index? SignalStateChange(); } public void SetPrimitiveTopology(PrimitiveTopology topology) { _topology = topology; var vkTopology = Gd.TopologyRemap(topology).Convert(); _newState.Topology = vkTopology; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetProgram(IProgram program) { var internalProgram = (ShaderCollection)program; var stages = internalProgram.GetInfos(); _program = internalProgram; _descriptorSetUpdater.SetProgram(Cbs, internalProgram, _currentPipelineHandle != 0); _bindingBarriersDirty = true; _newState.PipelineLayout = internalProgram.PipelineLayout; _newState.HasTessellationControlShader = internalProgram.HasTessellationControlShader; _newState.StagesCount = (uint)stages.Length; stages.CopyTo(_newState.Stages.AsSpan()[..stages.Length]); SignalStateChange(); if (internalProgram.IsCompute) { EndRenderPass(); } } public void Specialize(in T data) where T : unmanaged { var dataSpan = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpan(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in data), 1)); if (!dataSpan.SequenceEqual(_newState.SpecializationData.Span)) { _newState.SpecializationData = new SpecData(dataSpan); SignalStateChange(); } } protected virtual void SignalAttachmentChange() { } public void SetRasterizerDiscard(bool discard) { _newState.RasterizerDiscardEnable = discard; SignalStateChange(); if (!discard && Gd.IsQualcommProprietary) { // On Adreno, enabling rasterizer discard somehow corrupts the viewport state. // Force it to be updated on next use to work around this bug. DynamicState.ForceAllDirty(); } } public void SetRenderTargetColorMasks(ReadOnlySpan componentMask) { int count = Math.Min(Constants.MaxRenderTargets, componentMask.Length); int writtenAttachments = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ref var vkBlend = ref _newState.Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i]; var newMask = (ColorComponentFlags)componentMask[i]; // When color write mask is 0, remove all blend state to help the pipeline cache. // Restore it when the mask becomes non-zero. if (vkBlend.ColorWriteMask != newMask) { if (newMask == 0) { _storedBlend[i] = vkBlend; vkBlend = new PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState(); } else if (vkBlend.ColorWriteMask == 0) { vkBlend = _storedBlend[i]; } } vkBlend.ColorWriteMask = newMask; if (componentMask[i] != 0) { writtenAttachments++; } } if (_framebufferUsingColorWriteMask) { SetRenderTargetsInternal(_preMaskColors, _preMaskDepthStencil, true); } else { SignalStateChange(); if (writtenAttachments != _writtenAttachmentCount) { SignalAttachmentChange(); _writtenAttachmentCount = writtenAttachments; } } } private void SetRenderTargetsInternal(ITexture[] colors, ITexture depthStencil, bool filterWriteMasked) { CreateFramebuffer(colors, depthStencil, filterWriteMasked); CreateRenderPass(); SignalStateChange(); SignalAttachmentChange(); } public void SetRenderTargets(ITexture[] colors, ITexture depthStencil) { _framebufferUsingColorWriteMask = false; SetRenderTargetsInternal(colors, depthStencil, Gd.IsTBDR); } public void SetScissors(ReadOnlySpan> regions) { int maxScissors = Gd.Capabilities.SupportsMultiView ? Constants.MaxViewports : 1; int count = Math.Min(maxScissors, regions.Length); if (count > 0) { ClearScissor = regions[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var region = regions[i]; var offset = new Offset2D(region.X, region.Y); var extent = new Extent2D((uint)region.Width, (uint)region.Height); DynamicState.SetScissor(i, new Rect2D(offset, extent)); } DynamicState.ScissorsCount = count; _newState.ScissorsCount = (uint)count; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetStencilTest(StencilTestDescriptor stencilTest) { DynamicState.SetStencilMasks( (uint)stencilTest.BackFuncMask, (uint)stencilTest.BackMask, (uint)stencilTest.BackFuncRef, (uint)stencilTest.FrontFuncMask, (uint)stencilTest.FrontMask, (uint)stencilTest.FrontFuncRef); _newState.StencilTestEnable = stencilTest.TestEnable; _newState.StencilBackFailOp = stencilTest.BackSFail.Convert(); _newState.StencilBackPassOp = stencilTest.BackDpPass.Convert(); _newState.StencilBackDepthFailOp = stencilTest.BackDpFail.Convert(); _newState.StencilBackCompareOp = stencilTest.BackFunc.Convert(); _newState.StencilFrontFailOp = stencilTest.FrontSFail.Convert(); _newState.StencilFrontPassOp = stencilTest.FrontDpPass.Convert(); _newState.StencilFrontDepthFailOp = stencilTest.FrontDpFail.Convert(); _newState.StencilFrontCompareOp = stencilTest.FrontFunc.Convert(); UpdatePassDepthStencil(); SignalStateChange(); } public void SetStorageBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetStorageBuffers(CommandBuffer, buffers); } public void SetStorageBuffers(int first, ReadOnlySpan> buffers) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetStorageBuffers(CommandBuffer, first, buffers); } public void SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture texture, ISampler sampler) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetTextureAndSampler(Cbs, stage, binding, texture, sampler); } public void SetTextureAndSamplerIdentitySwizzle(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture texture, ISampler sampler) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetTextureAndSamplerIdentitySwizzle(Cbs, stage, binding, texture, sampler); } public void SetTextureArray(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITextureArray array) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetTextureArray(Cbs, stage, binding, array); } public void SetTextureArraySeparate(ShaderStage stage, int setIndex, ITextureArray array) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetTextureArraySeparate(Cbs, stage, setIndex, array); } public void SetTransformFeedbackBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { PauseTransformFeedbackInternal(); int count = Math.Min(Constants.MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers, buffers.Length); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var range = buffers[i]; _transformFeedbackBuffers[i].Dispose(); if (range.Handle != BufferHandle.Null) { _transformFeedbackBuffers[i] = new BufferState(Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, range.Handle, range.Offset, range.Size, true), range.Offset, range.Size); _transformFeedbackBuffers[i].BindTransformFeedbackBuffer(Gd, Cbs, (uint)i); } else { _transformFeedbackBuffers[i] = BufferState.Null; } } } public void SetUniformBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { _descriptorSetUpdater.SetUniformBuffers(CommandBuffer, buffers); } public void SetUserClipDistance(int index, bool enableClip) { // TODO. } public void SetVertexAttribs(ReadOnlySpan vertexAttribs) { var formatCapabilities = Gd.FormatCapabilities; Span newVbScalarSizes = stackalloc int[Constants.MaxVertexBuffers]; int count = Math.Min(Constants.MaxVertexAttributes, vertexAttribs.Length); uint dirtyVbSizes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var attribute = vertexAttribs[i]; var rawIndex = attribute.BufferIndex; var bufferIndex = attribute.IsZero ? 0 : rawIndex + 1; if (!attribute.IsZero) { newVbScalarSizes[rawIndex] = Math.Max(newVbScalarSizes[rawIndex], attribute.Format.GetScalarSize()); dirtyVbSizes |= 1u << rawIndex; } _newState.Internal.VertexAttributeDescriptions[i] = new VertexInputAttributeDescription( (uint)i, (uint)bufferIndex, formatCapabilities.ConvertToVertexVkFormat(attribute.Format), (uint)attribute.Offset); } while (dirtyVbSizes != 0) { int dirtyBit = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(dirtyVbSizes); ref var buffer = ref _vertexBuffers[dirtyBit + 1]; if (buffer.AttributeScalarAlignment != newVbScalarSizes[dirtyBit]) { _vertexBuffersDirty |= 1UL << (dirtyBit + 1); buffer.AttributeScalarAlignment = newVbScalarSizes[dirtyBit]; } dirtyVbSizes &= ~(1u << dirtyBit); } _newState.VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount = (uint)count; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetVertexBuffers(ReadOnlySpan vertexBuffers) { int count = Math.Min(Constants.MaxVertexBuffers, vertexBuffers.Length); _newState.Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[0] = new VertexInputBindingDescription(0, 0, VertexInputRate.Vertex); int validCount = 1; BufferHandle lastHandle = default; Auto lastBuffer = default; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var vertexBuffer = vertexBuffers[i]; // TODO: Support divisor > 1 var inputRate = vertexBuffer.Divisor != 0 ? VertexInputRate.Instance : VertexInputRate.Vertex; if (vertexBuffer.Buffer.Handle != BufferHandle.Null) { Auto vb = (vertexBuffer.Buffer.Handle == lastHandle) ? lastBuffer : Gd.BufferManager.GetBuffer(CommandBuffer, vertexBuffer.Buffer.Handle, false); lastHandle = vertexBuffer.Buffer.Handle; lastBuffer = vb; if (vb != null) { int binding = i + 1; int descriptorIndex = validCount++; _newState.Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[descriptorIndex] = new VertexInputBindingDescription( (uint)binding, (uint)vertexBuffer.Stride, inputRate); int vbSize = vertexBuffer.Buffer.Size; if (Gd.Vendor == Vendor.Amd && !Gd.IsMoltenVk && vertexBuffer.Stride > 0) { // AMD has a bug where if offset + stride * count is greater than // the size, then the last attribute will have the wrong value. // As a workaround, simply use the full buffer size. int remainder = vbSize % vertexBuffer.Stride; if (remainder != 0) { vbSize += vertexBuffer.Stride - remainder; } } ref var buffer = ref _vertexBuffers[binding]; int oldScalarAlign = buffer.AttributeScalarAlignment; if (Gd.Capabilities.VertexBufferAlignment < 2 && (vertexBuffer.Stride % FormatExtensions.MaxBufferFormatScalarSize) == 0) { if (!buffer.Matches(vb, descriptorIndex, vertexBuffer.Buffer.Offset, vbSize, vertexBuffer.Stride)) { buffer.Dispose(); buffer = new VertexBufferState( vb, descriptorIndex, vertexBuffer.Buffer.Offset, vbSize, vertexBuffer.Stride); buffer.BindVertexBuffer(Gd, Cbs, (uint)binding, ref _newState, _vertexBufferUpdater); } } else { // May need to be rewritten. Bind this buffer before draw. buffer.Dispose(); buffer = new VertexBufferState( vertexBuffer.Buffer.Handle, descriptorIndex, vertexBuffer.Buffer.Offset, vbSize, vertexBuffer.Stride); _vertexBuffersDirty |= 1UL << binding; } buffer.AttributeScalarAlignment = oldScalarAlign; } } } _vertexBufferUpdater.Commit(Cbs); _newState.VertexBindingDescriptionsCount = (uint)validCount; SignalStateChange(); } public void SetViewports(ReadOnlySpan viewports) { int maxViewports = Gd.Capabilities.SupportsMultiView ? Constants.MaxViewports : 1; int count = Math.Min(maxViewports, viewports.Length); static float Clamp(float value) { return Math.Clamp(value, 0f, 1f); } DynamicState.ViewportsCount = (uint)count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var viewport = viewports[i]; DynamicState.SetViewport(i, new Silk.NET.Vulkan.Viewport( viewport.Region.X, viewport.Region.Y, viewport.Region.Width == 0f ? 1f : viewport.Region.Width, viewport.Region.Height == 0f ? 1f : viewport.Region.Height, Clamp(viewport.DepthNear), Clamp(viewport.DepthFar))); } _newState.ViewportsCount = (uint)count; SignalStateChange(); } public void SwapBuffer(Auto from, Auto to) { _indexBuffer.Swap(from, to); for (int i = 0; i < _vertexBuffers.Length; i++) { _vertexBuffers[i].Swap(from, to); } for (int i = 0; i < _transformFeedbackBuffers.Length; i++) { _transformFeedbackBuffers[i].Swap(from, to); } _descriptorSetUpdater.SwapBuffer(from, to); SignalCommandBufferChange(); } public void ForceTextureDirty() { _descriptorSetUpdater.ForceTextureDirty(); } public void ForceImageDirty() { _descriptorSetUpdater.ForceImageDirty(); } public unsafe void TextureBarrier() { Gd.Barriers.QueueTextureBarrier(); } public void TextureBarrierTiled() { TextureBarrier(); } protected void SignalCommandBufferChange() { _needsIndexBufferRebind = true; _needsTransformFeedbackBuffersRebind = true; _vertexBuffersDirty = ulong.MaxValue >> (64 - _vertexBuffers.Length); _descriptorSetUpdater.SignalCommandBufferChange(); DynamicState.ForceAllDirty(); _currentPipelineHandle = 0; } private void CreateFramebuffer(ITexture[] colors, ITexture depthStencil, bool filterWriteMasked) { if (filterWriteMasked) { // TBDR GPUs don't work properly if the same attachment is bound to multiple targets, // due to each attachment being a copy of the real attachment, rather than a direct write. // Just try to remove duplicate attachments. // Save a copy of the array to rebind when mask changes. void MaskOut() { if (!_framebufferUsingColorWriteMask) { _preMaskColors = colors.ToArray(); _preMaskDepthStencil = depthStencil; } // If true, then the framebuffer must be recreated when the mask changes. _framebufferUsingColorWriteMask = true; } // Look for textures that are masked out. for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) { if (colors[i] == null) { continue; } ref var vkBlend = ref _newState.Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Check each binding for a duplicate binding before it. if (colors[i] == colors[j]) { // Prefer the binding with no write mask. ref var vkBlend2 = ref _newState.Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[j]; if (vkBlend.ColorWriteMask == 0) { colors[i] = null; MaskOut(); } else if (vkBlend2.ColorWriteMask == 0) { colors[j] = null; MaskOut(); } } } } } if (IsMainPipeline) { FramebufferParams?.ClearBindings(); } FramebufferParams = new FramebufferParams(Device, colors, depthStencil); if (IsMainPipeline) { FramebufferParams.AddBindings(); _newState.FeedbackLoopAspects = FeedbackLoopAspects.None; _bindingBarriersDirty = true; } _passWritesDepthStencil = false; UpdatePassDepthStencil(); UpdatePipelineAttachmentFormats(); } protected void UpdatePipelineAttachmentFormats() { var dstAttachmentFormats = _newState.Internal.AttachmentFormats.AsSpan(); FramebufferParams.AttachmentFormats.CopyTo(dstAttachmentFormats); _newState.Internal.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask = FramebufferParams.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask; _newState.Internal.LogicOpsAllowed = FramebufferParams.LogicOpsAllowed; for (int i = FramebufferParams.AttachmentFormats.Length; i < dstAttachmentFormats.Length; i++) { dstAttachmentFormats[i] = 0; } _newState.ColorBlendAttachmentStateCount = (uint)(FramebufferParams.MaxColorAttachmentIndex + 1); _newState.HasDepthStencil = FramebufferParams.HasDepthStencil; _newState.SamplesCount = FramebufferParams.AttachmentSamples.Length != 0 ? FramebufferParams.AttachmentSamples[0] : 1; } protected unsafe void CreateRenderPass() { var hasFramebuffer = FramebufferParams != null; EndRenderPass(); if (!hasFramebuffer || FramebufferParams.AttachmentsCount == 0) { // Use the null framebuffer. _nullRenderPass ??= new RenderPassHolder(Gd, Device, new RenderPassCacheKey(), FramebufferParams); _rpHolder = _nullRenderPass; _renderPass = _nullRenderPass.GetRenderPass(); _framebuffer = _nullRenderPass.GetFramebuffer(Gd, Cbs, FramebufferParams); } else { (_rpHolder, _framebuffer) = FramebufferParams.GetPassAndFramebuffer(Gd, Device, Cbs); _renderPass = _rpHolder.GetRenderPass(); } } protected void SignalStateChange() { _graphicsStateDirty = true; _computeStateDirty = true; } private void RecreateComputePipelineIfNeeded() { if (_computeStateDirty || Pbp != PipelineBindPoint.Compute) { CreatePipeline(PipelineBindPoint.Compute); _computeStateDirty = false; Pbp = PipelineBindPoint.Compute; if (_bindingBarriersDirty) { // Stale barriers may have been activated by switching program. Emit any that are relevant. _descriptorSetUpdater.InsertBindingBarriers(Cbs); _bindingBarriersDirty = false; } } Gd.Barriers.Flush(Cbs, _program, _feedbackLoop != 0, RenderPassActive, _rpHolder, EndRenderPassDelegate); _descriptorSetUpdater.UpdateAndBindDescriptorSets(Cbs, PipelineBindPoint.Compute); } private bool ChangeFeedbackLoop(FeedbackLoopAspects aspects) { if (_feedbackLoop != aspects) { if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsDynamicAttachmentFeedbackLoop) { DynamicState.SetFeedbackLoop(aspects); } else { _newState.FeedbackLoopAspects = aspects; } _feedbackLoop = aspects; return true; } return false; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool UpdateFeedbackLoop() { List hazards = _descriptorSetUpdater.FeedbackLoopHazards; if ((hazards?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { FeedbackLoopAspects aspects = 0; foreach (TextureView view in hazards) { // May need to enforce feedback loop layout here in the future. // Though technically, it should always work with the general layout. if (view.Info.Format.IsDepthOrStencil()) { if (_passWritesDepthStencil) { // If depth/stencil isn't written in the pass, it doesn't count as a feedback loop. aspects |= FeedbackLoopAspects.Depth; } } else { aspects |= FeedbackLoopAspects.Color; } } return ChangeFeedbackLoop(aspects); } else if (_feedbackLoop != 0) { return ChangeFeedbackLoop(FeedbackLoopAspects.None); } return false; } private void UpdatePassDepthStencil() { if (!RenderPassActive) { _passWritesDepthStencil = false; } // Stencil test being enabled doesn't necessarily mean a write, but it's not critical to check. _passWritesDepthStencil |= (_newState.DepthTestEnable && _newState.DepthWriteEnable) || _newState.StencilTestEnable; } private bool RecreateGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded() { if (AutoFlush.ShouldFlushDraw(DrawCount)) { Gd.FlushAllCommands(); } DynamicState.ReplayIfDirty(Gd, CommandBuffer); if (_needsIndexBufferRebind && _indexBufferPattern == null) { _indexBuffer.BindIndexBuffer(Gd, Cbs); _needsIndexBufferRebind = false; } if (_needsTransformFeedbackBuffersRebind) { PauseTransformFeedbackInternal(); for (int i = 0; i < Constants.MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers; i++) { _transformFeedbackBuffers[i].BindTransformFeedbackBuffer(Gd, Cbs, (uint)i); } _needsTransformFeedbackBuffersRebind = false; } if (_vertexBuffersDirty != 0) { while (_vertexBuffersDirty != 0) { int i = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(_vertexBuffersDirty); _vertexBuffers[i].BindVertexBuffer(Gd, Cbs, (uint)i, ref _newState, _vertexBufferUpdater); _vertexBuffersDirty &= ~(1UL << i); } _vertexBufferUpdater.Commit(Cbs); } if (_bindingBarriersDirty) { // Stale barriers may have been activated by switching program. Emit any that are relevant. _descriptorSetUpdater.InsertBindingBarriers(Cbs); _bindingBarriersDirty = false; } if (UpdateFeedbackLoop() || _graphicsStateDirty || Pbp != PipelineBindPoint.Graphics) { if (!CreatePipeline(PipelineBindPoint.Graphics)) { return false; } _graphicsStateDirty = false; Pbp = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics; } Gd.Barriers.Flush(Cbs, _program, _feedbackLoop != 0, RenderPassActive, _rpHolder, EndRenderPassDelegate); _descriptorSetUpdater.UpdateAndBindDescriptorSets(Cbs, PipelineBindPoint.Graphics); return true; } private bool CreatePipeline(PipelineBindPoint pbp) { // We can only create a pipeline if the have the shader stages set. if (_newState.Stages != null) { if (pbp == PipelineBindPoint.Graphics && _renderPass == null) { CreateRenderPass(); } if (!_program.IsLinked) { // Background compile failed, we likely can't create the pipeline because the shader is broken // or the driver failed to compile it. return false; } var pipeline = pbp == PipelineBindPoint.Compute ? _newState.CreateComputePipeline(Gd, Device, _program, PipelineCache) : _newState.CreateGraphicsPipeline(Gd, Device, _program, PipelineCache, _renderPass.Get(Cbs).Value); if (pipeline == null) { // Host failed to create the pipeline, likely due to driver bugs. return false; } ulong pipelineHandle = pipeline.GetUnsafe().Value.Handle; if (_currentPipelineHandle != pipelineHandle) { _currentPipelineHandle = pipelineHandle; Pipeline = pipeline; PauseTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdBindPipeline(CommandBuffer, pbp, Pipeline.Get(Cbs).Value); } } return true; } private unsafe void BeginRenderPass() { if (!RenderPassActive) { FramebufferParams.InsertLoadOpBarriers(Gd, Cbs); var renderArea = new Rect2D(null, new Extent2D(FramebufferParams.Width, FramebufferParams.Height)); var clearValue = new ClearValue(); var renderPassBeginInfo = new RenderPassBeginInfo { SType = StructureType.RenderPassBeginInfo, RenderPass = _renderPass.Get(Cbs).Value, Framebuffer = _framebuffer.Get(Cbs).Value, RenderArea = renderArea, PClearValues = &clearValue, ClearValueCount = 1, }; Gd.Api.CmdBeginRenderPass(CommandBuffer, in renderPassBeginInfo, SubpassContents.Inline); RenderPassActive = true; } } public void EndRenderPass() { if (RenderPassActive) { FramebufferParams.AddStoreOpUsage(); PauseTransformFeedbackInternal(); Gd.Api.CmdEndRenderPass(CommandBuffer); SignalRenderPassEnd(); RenderPassActive = false; } } protected virtual void SignalRenderPassEnd() { } private void PauseTransformFeedbackInternal() { if (_tfEnabled && _tfActive) { EndTransformFeedbackInternal(); _tfActive = false; } } private void ResumeTransformFeedbackInternal() { if (_tfEnabled && !_tfActive) { BeginTransformFeedbackInternal(); _tfActive = true; } } private unsafe void BeginTransformFeedbackInternal() { Gd.TransformFeedbackApi.CmdBeginTransformFeedback(CommandBuffer, 0, 0, null, null); } private unsafe void EndTransformFeedbackInternal() { Gd.TransformFeedbackApi.CmdEndTransformFeedback(CommandBuffer, 0, 0, null, null); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _nullRenderPass?.Dispose(); _newState.Dispose(); _descriptorSetUpdater.Dispose(); _vertexBufferUpdater.Dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < _vertexBuffers.Length; i++) { _vertexBuffers[i].Dispose(); } for (int i = 0; i < _transformFeedbackBuffers.Length; i++) { _transformFeedbackBuffers[i].Dispose(); } Pipeline?.Dispose(); unsafe { Gd.Api.DestroyPipelineCache(Device, PipelineCache, null); } } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } } }