using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Collections;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
using Silk.NET.Vulkan.Extensions.EXT;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
    internal class HostMemoryAllocator
        private struct HostMemoryAllocation
            public readonly Auto<MemoryAllocation> Allocation;
            public readonly IntPtr Pointer;
            public readonly ulong Size;

            public ulong Start => (ulong)Pointer;
            public ulong End => (ulong)Pointer + Size;

            public HostMemoryAllocation(Auto<MemoryAllocation> allocation, IntPtr pointer, ulong size)
                Allocation = allocation;
                Pointer = pointer;
                Size = size;

        private readonly MemoryAllocator _allocator;
        private readonly Vk _api;
        private readonly ExtExternalMemoryHost _hostMemoryApi;
        private readonly Device _device;
        private readonly object _lock = new();

        private List<HostMemoryAllocation> _allocations;
        private IntervalTree<ulong, HostMemoryAllocation> _allocationTree;

        public HostMemoryAllocator(MemoryAllocator allocator, Vk api, ExtExternalMemoryHost hostMemoryApi, Device device)
            _allocator = allocator;
            _api = api;
            _hostMemoryApi = hostMemoryApi;
            _device = device;

            _allocations = new List<HostMemoryAllocation>();
            _allocationTree = new IntervalTree<ulong, HostMemoryAllocation>();

        public unsafe bool TryImport(
            MemoryRequirements requirements,
            MemoryPropertyFlags flags,
            IntPtr pointer,
            ulong size)
            lock (_lock)
                // Does a compatible allocation exist in the tree?
                var allocations = new HostMemoryAllocation[10];

                ulong start = (ulong)pointer;
                ulong end = start + size;

                int count = _allocationTree.Get(start, end, ref allocations);

                // A compatible range is one that where the start and end completely cover the requested range.
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    HostMemoryAllocation existing = allocations[i];

                    if (start >= existing.Start && end <= existing.End)

                            return true;
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            // Can throw if the allocation has been disposed.
                            // Just continue the search if this happens.

                nint pageAlignedPointer = BitUtils.AlignDown(pointer, Environment.SystemPageSize);
                nint pageAlignedEnd = BitUtils.AlignUp((nint)((ulong)pointer + size), Environment.SystemPageSize);
                ulong pageAlignedSize = (ulong)(pageAlignedEnd - pageAlignedPointer);

                Result getResult = _hostMemoryApi.GetMemoryHostPointerProperties(_device, ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags.HostAllocationBitExt, (void*)pageAlignedPointer, out MemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT properties);
                if (getResult < Result.Success)
                    return false;

                int memoryTypeIndex = _allocator.FindSuitableMemoryTypeIndex(properties.MemoryTypeBits & requirements.MemoryTypeBits, flags);
                if (memoryTypeIndex < 0)
                    return false;

                ImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT importInfo = new ImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT()
                    SType = StructureType.ImportMemoryHostPointerInfoExt,
                    HandleType = ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags.HostAllocationBitExt,
                    PHostPointer = (void*)pageAlignedPointer

                var memoryAllocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo()
                    SType = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                    AllocationSize = pageAlignedSize,
                    MemoryTypeIndex = (uint)memoryTypeIndex,
                    PNext = &importInfo

                Result result = _api.AllocateMemory(_device, memoryAllocateInfo, null, out var deviceMemory);

                if (result < Result.Success)
                    Logger.Debug?.PrintMsg(LogClass.Gpu, $"Host mapping import 0x{pageAlignedPointer:x16} 0x{pageAlignedSize:x8} failed.");
                    return false;

                var allocation = new MemoryAllocation(this, deviceMemory, pageAlignedPointer, 0, pageAlignedSize);
                var allocAuto = new Auto<MemoryAllocation>(allocation);
                var hostAlloc = new HostMemoryAllocation(allocAuto, pageAlignedPointer, pageAlignedSize);

                allocAuto.Dispose(); // Kept alive by ref count only.

                // Register this mapping for future use.

                _allocationTree.Add(hostAlloc.Start, hostAlloc.End, hostAlloc);

            return true;

        public (Auto<MemoryAllocation>, ulong) GetExistingAllocation(IntPtr pointer, ulong size)
            lock (_lock)
                // Does a compatible allocation exist in the tree?
                var allocations = new HostMemoryAllocation[10];

                ulong start = (ulong)pointer;
                ulong end = start + size;

                int count = _allocationTree.Get(start, end, ref allocations);

                // A compatible range is one that where the start and end completely cover the requested range.
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    HostMemoryAllocation existing = allocations[i];

                    if (start >= existing.Start && end <= existing.End)
                        return (existing.Allocation, start - existing.Start);

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"No host allocation was prepared for requested range 0x{pointer:x16}:0x{size:x16}.");

        public void Free(DeviceMemory memory, ulong offset, ulong size)
            lock (_lock)
                _allocations.RemoveAll(allocation =>
                    if (allocation.Allocation.GetUnsafe().Memory.Handle == memory.Handle)
                        _allocationTree.Remove(allocation.Start, allocation);
                        return true;

                    return false;

            _api.FreeMemory(_device, memory, ReadOnlySpan<AllocationCallbacks>.Empty);