namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { internal class BufferUsageBitmap { private readonly BitMap _bitmap; private readonly int _size; private readonly int _granularity; private readonly int _bits; private readonly int _writeBitOffset; private readonly int _intsPerCb; private readonly int _bitsPerCb; public BufferUsageBitmap(int size, int granularity) { _size = size; _granularity = granularity; // There are two sets of bits - one for read tracking, and the other for write. int bits = (size + (granularity - 1)) / granularity; _writeBitOffset = bits; _bits = bits << 1; _intsPerCb = (_bits + (BitMap.IntSize - 1)) / BitMap.IntSize; _bitsPerCb = _intsPerCb * BitMap.IntSize; _bitmap = new BitMap(_bitsPerCb * CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers); } public void Add(int cbIndex, int offset, int size, bool write) { if (size == 0) { return; } // Some usages can be out of bounds (vertex buffer on amd), so bound if necessary. if (offset + size > _size) { size = _size - offset; } int cbBase = cbIndex * _bitsPerCb + (write ? _writeBitOffset : 0); int start = cbBase + offset / _granularity; int end = cbBase + (offset + size - 1) / _granularity; _bitmap.SetRange(start, end); } public bool OverlapsWith(int cbIndex, int offset, int size, bool write = false) { if (size == 0) { return false; } int cbBase = cbIndex * _bitsPerCb + (write ? _writeBitOffset : 0); int start = cbBase + offset / _granularity; int end = cbBase + (offset + size - 1) / _granularity; return _bitmap.IsSet(start, end); } public bool OverlapsWith(int offset, int size, bool write) { for (int i = 0; i < CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers; i++) { if (OverlapsWith(i, offset, size, write)) { return true; } } return false; } public void Clear(int cbIndex) { _bitmap.ClearInt(cbIndex * _intsPerCb, (cbIndex + 1) * _intsPerCb - 1); } } }