using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Vic.Types;
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Vic.Image.SurfaceCommon;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vic.Image
    static class SurfaceReader
        public static Surface Read(
            ResourceManager rm,
            ref SlotConfig config,
            ref SlotSurfaceConfig surfaceConfig,
            ref Array8<PlaneOffsets> offsets)
            switch (surfaceConfig.SlotPixelFormat)
                case PixelFormat.Y8___V8U8_N420:
                    return ReadNv12(rm, ref config, ref surfaceConfig, ref offsets);

            Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Vic, $"Unsupported pixel format \"{surfaceConfig.SlotPixelFormat}\".");

            int lw = surfaceConfig.SlotLumaWidth + 1;
            int lh = surfaceConfig.SlotLumaHeight + 1;

            return new Surface(rm.SurfacePool, lw, lh);

        private unsafe static Surface ReadNv12(
            ResourceManager rm,
            ref SlotConfig config,
            ref SlotSurfaceConfig surfaceConfig,
            ref Array8<PlaneOffsets> offsets)
            InputSurface input = ReadSurface(rm, ref config, ref surfaceConfig, ref offsets, 1, 2);

            int width = input.Width;
            int height = input.Height;

            int yStride = GetPitch(width, 1);
            int uvStride = GetPitch(input.UvWidth, 2);

            Surface output = new(rm.SurfacePool, width, height);

            if (Sse41.IsSupported)
                Vector128<byte> shufMask = Vector128.Create(
                    (byte)0, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)1,
                    (byte)4, (byte)6, (byte)7, (byte)5,
                    (byte)8, (byte)10, (byte)11, (byte)9,
                    (byte)12, (byte)14, (byte)15, (byte)13);
                Vector128<short> alphaMask = Vector128.Create(0xff << 24).AsInt16();

                int yStrideGap = yStride - width;
                int uvStrideGap = uvStride - input.UvWidth;

                int widthTrunc = width & ~0xf;

                fixed (Pixel* dstPtr = output.Data)
                    Pixel* op = dstPtr;

                    fixed (byte* src0Ptr = input.Buffer0, src1Ptr = input.Buffer1)
                        byte* i0p = src0Ptr;

                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            byte* i1p = src1Ptr + (y >> 1) * uvStride;

                            int x = 0;

                            for (; x < widthTrunc; x += 16, i0p += 16, i1p += 16)
                                Vector128<short> ya0 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(i0p);
                                Vector128<short> ya1 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(i0p + 8);

                                Vector128<byte> uv = Sse2.LoadVector128(i1p);

                                Vector128<short> uv0 = Sse2.UnpackLow(uv.AsInt16(), uv.AsInt16());
                                Vector128<short> uv1 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(uv.AsInt16(), uv.AsInt16());

                                Vector128<short> rgba0 = Sse2.UnpackLow(ya0, uv0);
                                Vector128<short> rgba1 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(ya0, uv0);
                                Vector128<short> rgba2 = Sse2.UnpackLow(ya1, uv1);
                                Vector128<short> rgba3 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(ya1, uv1);

                                rgba0 = Ssse3.Shuffle(rgba0.AsByte(), shufMask).AsInt16();
                                rgba1 = Ssse3.Shuffle(rgba1.AsByte(), shufMask).AsInt16();
                                rgba2 = Ssse3.Shuffle(rgba2.AsByte(), shufMask).AsInt16();
                                rgba3 = Ssse3.Shuffle(rgba3.AsByte(), shufMask).AsInt16();

                                rgba0 = Sse2.Or(rgba0, alphaMask);
                                rgba1 = Sse2.Or(rgba1, alphaMask);
                                rgba2 = Sse2.Or(rgba2, alphaMask);
                                rgba3 = Sse2.Or(rgba3, alphaMask);

                                Vector128<short> rgba16_0 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(rgba0.AsByte());
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_1 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(HighToLow(rgba0.AsByte()));
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_2 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(rgba1.AsByte());
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_3 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(HighToLow(rgba1.AsByte()));
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_4 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(rgba2.AsByte());
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_5 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(HighToLow(rgba2.AsByte()));
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_6 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(rgba3.AsByte());
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_7 = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(HighToLow(rgba3.AsByte()));

                                rgba16_0 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_0, 2);
                                rgba16_1 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_1, 2);
                                rgba16_2 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_2, 2);
                                rgba16_3 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_3, 2);
                                rgba16_4 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_4, 2);
                                rgba16_5 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_5, 2);
                                rgba16_6 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_6, 2);
                                rgba16_7 = Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_7, 2);

                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 0), rgba16_0);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 2), rgba16_1);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 4), rgba16_2);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 6), rgba16_3);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 8), rgba16_4);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 10), rgba16_5);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 12), rgba16_6);
                                Sse2.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 14), rgba16_7);

                            for (; x < width; x++, i1p += (x & 1) * 2)
                                Pixel* px = op + (uint)x;

                                px->R = Upsample(*i0p++);
                                px->G = Upsample(*i1p);
                                px->B = Upsample(*(i1p + 1));
                                px->A = 0x3ff;

                            op += width;
                            i0p += yStrideGap;
                            i1p += uvStrideGap;
            else if (AdvSimd.Arm64.IsSupported)
                Vector128<int> alphaMask = Vector128.Create(0xffu << 24).AsInt32();

                int yStrideGap = yStride - width;
                int uvStrideGap = uvStride - input.UvWidth;

                int widthTrunc = width & ~0xf;

                fixed (Pixel* dstPtr = output.Data)
                    Pixel* op = dstPtr;

                    fixed (byte* src0Ptr = input.Buffer0, src1Ptr = input.Buffer1)
                        byte* i0p = src0Ptr;

                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            byte* i1p = src1Ptr + (y >> 1) * uvStride;

                            int x = 0;

                            for (; x < widthTrunc; x += 16, i0p += 16, i1p += 16)
                                Vector128<byte> ya = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(i0p);
                                Vector128<byte> uv = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(i1p);

                                Vector128<short> ya0 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningLower(ya.GetLower()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> ya1 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningUpper(ya).AsInt16();

                                Vector128<short> uv0 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipLow(uv.AsInt16(), uv.AsInt16());
                                Vector128<short> uv1 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipHigh(uv.AsInt16(), uv.AsInt16());

                                ya0 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(ya0, 8);
                                ya1 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(ya1, 8);

                                Vector128<short> rgba0 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipLow(ya0, uv0);
                                Vector128<short> rgba1 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipHigh(ya0, uv0);
                                Vector128<short> rgba2 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipLow(ya1, uv1);
                                Vector128<short> rgba3 = AdvSimd.Arm64.ZipHigh(ya1, uv1);

                                rgba0 = AdvSimd.ShiftRightLogicalAdd(alphaMask, rgba0.AsInt32(), 8).AsInt16();
                                rgba1 = AdvSimd.ShiftRightLogicalAdd(alphaMask, rgba1.AsInt32(), 8).AsInt16();
                                rgba2 = AdvSimd.ShiftRightLogicalAdd(alphaMask, rgba2.AsInt32(), 8).AsInt16();
                                rgba3 = AdvSimd.ShiftRightLogicalAdd(alphaMask, rgba3.AsInt32(), 8).AsInt16();

                                Vector128<short> rgba16_0 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningLower(rgba0.AsByte().GetLower()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_1 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningUpper(rgba0.AsByte()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_2 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningLower(rgba1.AsByte().GetLower()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_3 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningUpper(rgba1.AsByte()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_4 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningLower(rgba2.AsByte().GetLower()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_5 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningUpper(rgba2.AsByte()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_6 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningLower(rgba3.AsByte().GetLower()).AsInt16();
                                Vector128<short> rgba16_7 = AdvSimd.ZeroExtendWideningUpper(rgba3.AsByte()).AsInt16();

                                rgba16_0 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_0, 2);
                                rgba16_1 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_1, 2);
                                rgba16_2 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_2, 2);
                                rgba16_3 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_3, 2);
                                rgba16_4 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_4, 2);
                                rgba16_5 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_5, 2);
                                rgba16_6 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_6, 2);
                                rgba16_7 = AdvSimd.ShiftLeftLogical(rgba16_7, 2);

                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 0), rgba16_0);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 2), rgba16_1);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 4), rgba16_2);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 6), rgba16_3);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 8), rgba16_4);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 10), rgba16_5);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 12), rgba16_6);
                                AdvSimd.Store((short*)(op + (uint)x + 14), rgba16_7);

                            for (; x < width; x++, i1p += (x & 1) * 2)
                                Pixel* px = op + (uint)x;

                                px->R = Upsample(*i0p++);
                                px->G = Upsample(*i1p);
                                px->B = Upsample(*(i1p + 1));
                                px->A = 0x3ff;

                            op += width;
                            i0p += yStrideGap;
                            i1p += uvStrideGap;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    int uvBase = (y >> 1) * uvStride;

                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        output.SetR(x, y, Upsample(input.Buffer0[y * yStride + x]));

                        int uvOffs = uvBase + (x & ~1);

                        output.SetG(x, y, Upsample(input.Buffer1[uvOffs]));
                        output.SetB(x, y, Upsample(input.Buffer1[uvOffs + 1]));
                        output.SetA(x, y, 0x3ff);


            return output;

        private static Vector128<byte> HighToLow(Vector128<byte> value)
            return Sse.MoveHighToLow(value.AsSingle(), value.AsSingle()).AsByte();

        private static InputSurface ReadSurface(
            ResourceManager rm,
            ref SlotConfig config,
            ref SlotSurfaceConfig surfaceConfig,
            ref Array8<PlaneOffsets> offsets,
            int bytesPerPixel,
            int planes)
            InputSurface surface = new();


            int gobBlocksInY = 1 << surfaceConfig.SlotBlkHeight;

            bool linear = surfaceConfig.SlotBlkKind == 0;

            int lw = surfaceConfig.SlotLumaWidth + 1;
            int lh = surfaceConfig.SlotLumaHeight + 1;

            int cw = surfaceConfig.SlotChromaWidth + 1;
            int ch = surfaceConfig.SlotChromaHeight + 1;

            // Interlaced inputs have double the height when deinterlaced.
            int heightShift = config.FrameFormat.IsField() ? 1 : 0;

            surface.Width = lw;
            surface.Height = lh << heightShift;
            surface.UvWidth = cw;
            surface.UvHeight = ch << heightShift;

            if (planes > 0)
                surface.SetBuffer0(ReadBuffer(rm, ref config, ref offsets, linear, 0, lw, lh, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY));

            if (planes > 1)
                surface.SetBuffer1(ReadBuffer(rm, ref config, ref offsets, linear, 1, cw, ch, planes == 2 ? 2 : 1, gobBlocksInY));

            if (planes > 2)
                surface.SetBuffer2(ReadBuffer(rm, ref config, ref offsets, linear, 2, cw, ch, 1, gobBlocksInY));

            return surface;

        private static RentedBuffer ReadBuffer(
            ResourceManager rm,
            scoped ref SlotConfig config,
            scoped ref Array8<PlaneOffsets> offsets,
            bool linear,
            int plane,
            int width,
            int height,
            int bytesPerPixel,
            int gobBlocksInY)
            FrameFormat frameFormat = config.FrameFormat;
            bool isLuma = plane == 0;
            bool isField = frameFormat.IsField();
            bool isTopField = frameFormat.IsTopField(isLuma);
            int stride = GetPitch(width, bytesPerPixel);
            uint offset = GetOffset(ref offsets[0], plane);

            int dstStart = 0;
            int dstStride = stride;

            if (isField)
                dstStart = isTopField ? 0 : stride;
                dstStride = stride * 2;

            RentedBuffer buffer;

            if (linear)
                buffer = ReadBufferLinear(rm, offset, width, height, dstStart, dstStride, bytesPerPixel);
                buffer = ReadBufferBlockLinear(rm, offset, width, height, dstStart, dstStride, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY);

            if (isField || frameFormat.IsInterlaced())
                RentedBuffer prevBuffer = RentedBuffer.Empty;
                RentedBuffer nextBuffer = RentedBuffer.Empty;

                if (config.PrevFieldEnable)
                    prevBuffer = ReadBufferNoDeinterlace(rm, ref offsets[1], linear, plane, width, height, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY);

                if (config.NextFieldEnable)
                    nextBuffer = ReadBufferNoDeinterlace(rm, ref offsets[2], linear, plane, width, height, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY);

                int w = width * bytesPerPixel;

                switch (config.DeinterlaceMode)
                    case DeinterlaceMode.Weave:
                        Scaler.DeinterlaceWeave(buffer.Data, prevBuffer.Data, w, stride, isTopField);
                    case DeinterlaceMode.BobField:
                        Scaler.DeinterlaceBob(buffer.Data, w, stride, isTopField);
                    case DeinterlaceMode.Bob:
                        bool isCurrentTop = isLuma ? config.IsEven : config.ChromaEven;
                        Scaler.DeinterlaceBob(buffer.Data, w, stride, isCurrentTop ^ frameFormat.IsInterlacedBottomFirst());
                    case DeinterlaceMode.NewBob:
                    case DeinterlaceMode.Disi1:
                        Scaler.DeinterlaceMotionAdaptive(buffer.Data, prevBuffer.Data, nextBuffer.Data, w, stride, isTopField);
                    case DeinterlaceMode.WeaveLumaBobFieldChroma:
                        if (isLuma)
                            Scaler.DeinterlaceWeave(buffer.Data, prevBuffer.Data, w, stride, isTopField);
                            Scaler.DeinterlaceBob(buffer.Data, w, stride, isTopField);
                        Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Vic, $"Unsupported deinterlace mode \"{config.DeinterlaceMode}\".");


            return buffer;

        private static uint GetOffset(ref PlaneOffsets offsets, int plane)
            return plane switch
                0 => offsets.LumaOffset,
                1 => offsets.ChromaUOffset,
                2 => offsets.ChromaVOffset,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(plane))

        private static RentedBuffer ReadBufferNoDeinterlace(
            ResourceManager rm,
            ref PlaneOffsets offsets,
            bool linear,
            int plane,
            int width,
            int height,
            int bytesPerPixel,
            int gobBlocksInY)
            int stride = GetPitch(width, bytesPerPixel);
            uint offset = GetOffset(ref offsets, plane);

            if (linear)
                return ReadBufferLinear(rm, offset, width, height, 0, stride, bytesPerPixel);

            return ReadBufferBlockLinear(rm, offset, width, height, 0, stride, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY);

        private static RentedBuffer ReadBufferLinear(
            ResourceManager rm,
            uint offset,
            int width,
            int height,
            int dstStart,
            int dstStride,
            int bytesPerPixel)
            int srcStride = GetPitch(width, bytesPerPixel);
            int inSize = srcStride * height;

            ReadOnlySpan<byte> src = rm.Gmm.GetSpan(ExtendOffset(offset), inSize);

            int outSize = dstStride * height;
            int bufferIndex = rm.BufferPool.RentMinimum(outSize, out byte[] buffer);
            Span<byte> dst = buffer;
            dst = dst[..outSize];

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                src.Slice(y * srcStride, srcStride).CopyTo(dst.Slice(dstStart + y * dstStride, srcStride));

            return new RentedBuffer(dst, bufferIndex);

        private static RentedBuffer ReadBufferBlockLinear(
            ResourceManager rm,
            uint offset,
            int width,
            int height,
            int dstStart,
            int dstStride,
            int bytesPerPixel,
            int gobBlocksInY)
            int inSize = GetBlockLinearSize(width, height, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY);

            ReadOnlySpan<byte> src = rm.Gmm.GetSpan(ExtendOffset(offset), inSize);

            int outSize = dstStride * height;
            int bufferIndex = rm.BufferPool.RentMinimum(outSize, out byte[] buffer);
            Span<byte> dst = buffer;
            dst = dst[..outSize];

            LayoutConverter.ConvertBlockLinearToLinear(dst[dstStart..], width, height, dstStride, bytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY, src);

            return new RentedBuffer(dst, bufferIndex);