using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Memory; using System; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture.BlockLinearConstants; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture { public static class LayoutConverter { public const int HostStrideAlignment = 4; public static void ConvertBlockLinearToLinear( Span dst, int width, int height, int stride, int bytesPerPixel, int gobBlocksInY, ReadOnlySpan data) { int gobHeight = gobBlocksInY * GobHeight; int strideTrunc = BitUtils.AlignDown(width * bytesPerPixel, 16); int strideTrunc64 = BitUtils.AlignDown(width * bytesPerPixel, 64); int xStart = strideTrunc / bytesPerPixel; int outStrideGap = stride - width * bytesPerPixel; int alignment = GobStride / bytesPerPixel; int wAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(width, alignment); BlockLinearLayout layoutConverter = new(wAligned, height, gobBlocksInY, 1, bytesPerPixel); unsafe bool Convert(Span output, ReadOnlySpan data) where T : unmanaged { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output, dataPtr = data) { byte* outPtr = outputPtr; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { layoutConverter.SetY(y); for (int x = 0; x < strideTrunc64; x += 64, outPtr += 64) { byte* offset = dataPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset64(x); byte* offset2 = offset + 0x20; byte* offset3 = offset + 0x100; byte* offset4 = offset + 0x120; Vector128 value = *(Vector128*)offset; Vector128 value2 = *(Vector128*)offset2; Vector128 value3 = *(Vector128*)offset3; Vector128 value4 = *(Vector128*)offset4; *(Vector128*)outPtr = value; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 16) = value2; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 32) = value3; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 48) = value4; } for (int x = strideTrunc64; x < strideTrunc; x += 16, outPtr += 16) { byte* offset = dataPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset16(x); *(Vector128*)outPtr = *(Vector128*)offset; } for (int x = xStart; x < width; x++, outPtr += bytesPerPixel) { byte* offset = dataPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffset(x); *(T*)outPtr = *(T*)offset; } outPtr += outStrideGap; } } return true; } bool _ = bytesPerPixel switch { 1 => Convert(dst, data), 2 => Convert(dst, data), 4 => Convert(dst, data), 8 => Convert(dst, data), 12 => Convert(dst, data), 16 => Convert>(dst, data), _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to convert ${bytesPerPixel} bpp pixel format."), }; } public static MemoryOwner ConvertBlockLinearToLinear( int width, int height, int depth, int sliceDepth, int levels, int layers, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int bytesPerPixel, int gobBlocksInY, int gobBlocksInZ, int gobBlocksInTileX, SizeInfo sizeInfo, ReadOnlySpan data) { int outSize = GetTextureSize( width, height, sliceDepth, levels, layers, blockWidth, blockHeight, bytesPerPixel); MemoryOwner outputOwner = MemoryOwner.Rent(outSize); Span output = outputOwner.Span; int outOffs = 0; int mipGobBlocksInY = gobBlocksInY; int mipGobBlocksInZ = gobBlocksInZ; int gobWidth = (GobStride / bytesPerPixel) * gobBlocksInTileX; int gobHeight = gobBlocksInY * GobHeight; for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++) { int w = Math.Max(1, width >> level); int h = Math.Max(1, height >> level); int d = Math.Max(1, depth >> level); w = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(w, blockWidth); h = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(h, blockHeight); while (h <= (mipGobBlocksInY >> 1) * GobHeight && mipGobBlocksInY != 1) { mipGobBlocksInY >>= 1; } if (level > 0 && d <= (mipGobBlocksInZ >> 1) && mipGobBlocksInZ != 1) { mipGobBlocksInZ >>= 1; } int strideTrunc = BitUtils.AlignDown(w * bytesPerPixel, 16); int strideTrunc64 = BitUtils.AlignDown(w * bytesPerPixel, 64); int xStart = strideTrunc / bytesPerPixel; int stride = BitUtils.AlignUp(w * bytesPerPixel, HostStrideAlignment); int outStrideGap = stride - w * bytesPerPixel; int alignment = gobWidth; if (d < gobBlocksInZ || w <= gobWidth || h <= gobHeight) { alignment = GobStride / bytesPerPixel; } int wAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(w, alignment); BlockLinearLayout layoutConverter = new( wAligned, h, mipGobBlocksInY, mipGobBlocksInZ, bytesPerPixel); int sd = Math.Max(1, sliceDepth >> level); unsafe bool Convert(Span output, ReadOnlySpan data) where T : unmanaged { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output, dataPtr = data) { byte* outPtr = outputPtr + outOffs; for (int layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) { byte* inBaseOffset = dataPtr + (layer * sizeInfo.LayerSize + sizeInfo.GetMipOffset(level)); for (int z = 0; z < sd; z++) { layoutConverter.SetZ(z); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { layoutConverter.SetY(y); for (int x = 0; x < strideTrunc64; x += 64, outPtr += 64) { byte* offset = inBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset64(x); byte* offset2 = offset + 0x20; byte* offset3 = offset + 0x100; byte* offset4 = offset + 0x120; Vector128 value = *(Vector128*)offset; Vector128 value2 = *(Vector128*)offset2; Vector128 value3 = *(Vector128*)offset3; Vector128 value4 = *(Vector128*)offset4; *(Vector128*)outPtr = value; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 16) = value2; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 32) = value3; *(Vector128*)(outPtr + 48) = value4; } for (int x = strideTrunc64; x < strideTrunc; x += 16, outPtr += 16) { byte* offset = inBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset16(x); *(Vector128*)outPtr = *(Vector128*)offset; } for (int x = xStart; x < w; x++, outPtr += bytesPerPixel) { byte* offset = inBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffset(x); *(T*)outPtr = *(T*)offset; } outPtr += outStrideGap; } } } outOffs += stride * h * d * layers; } return true; } bool _ = bytesPerPixel switch { 1 => Convert(output, data), 2 => Convert(output, data), 4 => Convert(output, data), 8 => Convert(output, data), 12 => Convert(output, data), 16 => Convert>(output, data), _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to convert ${bytesPerPixel} bpp pixel format."), }; } return outputOwner; } public static MemoryOwner ConvertLinearStridedToLinear( int width, int height, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int lineSize, int stride, int bytesPerPixel, ReadOnlySpan data) { int w = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(width, blockWidth); int h = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(height, blockHeight); int outStride = BitUtils.AlignUp(w * bytesPerPixel, HostStrideAlignment); lineSize = Math.Min(lineSize, outStride); MemoryOwner output = MemoryOwner.Rent(h * outStride); Span outSpan = output.Span; int outOffs = 0; int inOffs = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { data.Slice(inOffs, lineSize).CopyTo(outSpan.Slice(outOffs, lineSize)); inOffs += stride; outOffs += outStride; } return output; } public static void ConvertLinearToBlockLinear( Span dst, int width, int height, int stride, int bytesPerPixel, int gobBlocksInY, ReadOnlySpan data) { int gobHeight = gobBlocksInY * GobHeight; int strideTrunc = BitUtils.AlignDown(width * bytesPerPixel, 16); int strideTrunc64 = BitUtils.AlignDown(width * bytesPerPixel, 64); int xStart = strideTrunc / bytesPerPixel; int inStrideGap = stride - width * bytesPerPixel; int alignment = GobStride / bytesPerPixel; int wAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(width, alignment); BlockLinearLayout layoutConverter = new(wAligned, height, gobBlocksInY, 1, bytesPerPixel); unsafe bool Convert(Span output, ReadOnlySpan data) where T : unmanaged { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output, dataPtr = data) { byte* inPtr = dataPtr; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { layoutConverter.SetY(y); for (int x = 0; x < strideTrunc64; x += 64, inPtr += 64) { byte* offset = outputPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset64(x); byte* offset2 = offset + 0x20; byte* offset3 = offset + 0x100; byte* offset4 = offset + 0x120; Vector128 value = *(Vector128*)inPtr; Vector128 value2 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 16); Vector128 value3 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 32); Vector128 value4 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 48); *(Vector128*)offset = value; *(Vector128*)offset2 = value2; *(Vector128*)offset3 = value3; *(Vector128*)offset4 = value4; } for (int x = strideTrunc64; x < strideTrunc; x += 16, inPtr += 16) { byte* offset = outputPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset16(x); *(Vector128*)offset = *(Vector128*)inPtr; } for (int x = xStart; x < width; x++, inPtr += bytesPerPixel) { byte* offset = outputPtr + layoutConverter.GetOffset(x); *(T*)offset = *(T*)inPtr; } inPtr += inStrideGap; } } return true; } bool _ = bytesPerPixel switch { 1 => Convert(dst, data), 2 => Convert(dst, data), 4 => Convert(dst, data), 8 => Convert(dst, data), 12 => Convert(dst, data), 16 => Convert>(dst, data), _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to convert ${bytesPerPixel} bpp pixel format."), }; } public static ReadOnlySpan ConvertLinearToBlockLinear( Span output, int width, int height, int depth, int sliceDepth, int levels, int layers, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int bytesPerPixel, int gobBlocksInY, int gobBlocksInZ, int gobBlocksInTileX, SizeInfo sizeInfo, ReadOnlySpan data) { if (output.Length == 0) { output = new byte[sizeInfo.TotalSize]; } int inOffs = 0; int mipGobBlocksInY = gobBlocksInY; int mipGobBlocksInZ = gobBlocksInZ; int gobWidth = (GobStride / bytesPerPixel) * gobBlocksInTileX; int gobHeight = gobBlocksInY * GobHeight; for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++) { int w = Math.Max(1, width >> level); int h = Math.Max(1, height >> level); int d = Math.Max(1, depth >> level); w = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(w, blockWidth); h = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(h, blockHeight); while (h <= (mipGobBlocksInY >> 1) * GobHeight && mipGobBlocksInY != 1) { mipGobBlocksInY >>= 1; } if (level > 0 && d <= (mipGobBlocksInZ >> 1) && mipGobBlocksInZ != 1) { mipGobBlocksInZ >>= 1; } int strideTrunc = BitUtils.AlignDown(w * bytesPerPixel, 16); int strideTrunc64 = BitUtils.AlignDown(w * bytesPerPixel, 64); int xStart = strideTrunc / bytesPerPixel; int stride = BitUtils.AlignUp(w * bytesPerPixel, HostStrideAlignment); int inStrideGap = stride - w * bytesPerPixel; int alignment = gobWidth; if (d < gobBlocksInZ || w <= gobWidth || h <= gobHeight) { alignment = GobStride / bytesPerPixel; } int wAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(w, alignment); BlockLinearLayout layoutConverter = new( wAligned, h, mipGobBlocksInY, mipGobBlocksInZ, bytesPerPixel); int sd = Math.Max(1, sliceDepth >> level); unsafe bool Convert(Span output, ReadOnlySpan data) where T : unmanaged { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output, dataPtr = data) { byte* inPtr = dataPtr + inOffs; for (int layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) { byte* outBaseOffset = outputPtr + (layer * sizeInfo.LayerSize + sizeInfo.GetMipOffset(level)); for (int z = 0; z < sd; z++) { layoutConverter.SetZ(z); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { layoutConverter.SetY(y); for (int x = 0; x < strideTrunc64; x += 64, inPtr += 64) { byte* offset = outBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset64(x); byte* offset2 = offset + 0x20; byte* offset3 = offset + 0x100; byte* offset4 = offset + 0x120; Vector128 value = *(Vector128*)inPtr; Vector128 value2 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 16); Vector128 value3 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 32); Vector128 value4 = *(Vector128*)(inPtr + 48); *(Vector128*)offset = value; *(Vector128*)offset2 = value2; *(Vector128*)offset3 = value3; *(Vector128*)offset4 = value4; } for (int x = strideTrunc64; x < strideTrunc; x += 16, inPtr += 16) { byte* offset = outBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffsetWithLineOffset16(x); *(Vector128*)offset = *(Vector128*)inPtr; } for (int x = xStart; x < w; x++, inPtr += bytesPerPixel) { byte* offset = outBaseOffset + layoutConverter.GetOffset(x); *(T*)offset = *(T*)inPtr; } inPtr += inStrideGap; } } } inOffs += stride * h * d * layers; } return true; } bool _ = bytesPerPixel switch { 1 => Convert(output, data), 2 => Convert(output, data), 4 => Convert(output, data), 8 => Convert(output, data), 12 => Convert(output, data), 16 => Convert>(output, data), _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to convert ${bytesPerPixel} bpp pixel format."), }; } return output; } public static ReadOnlySpan ConvertLinearToLinearStrided( Span output, int width, int height, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int stride, int bytesPerPixel, ReadOnlySpan data) { int w = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(width, blockWidth); int h = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(height, blockHeight); int inStride = BitUtils.AlignUp(w * bytesPerPixel, HostStrideAlignment); int lineSize = width * bytesPerPixel; if (inStride == stride) { if (output.Length != 0) { data.CopyTo(output); return output; } else { return data; } } if (output.Length == 0) { output = new byte[h * stride]; } int inOffs = 0; int outOffs = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { data.Slice(inOffs, lineSize).CopyTo(output.Slice(outOffs, lineSize)); inOffs += inStride; outOffs += stride; } return output; } private static int GetTextureSize( int width, int height, int depth, int levels, int layers, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int bytesPerPixel) { int layerSize = 0; for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++) { int w = Math.Max(1, width >> level); int h = Math.Max(1, height >> level); int d = Math.Max(1, depth >> level); w = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(w, blockWidth); h = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(h, blockHeight); int stride = BitUtils.AlignUp(w * bytesPerPixel, HostStrideAlignment); layerSize += stride * h * d; } return layerSize * layers; } } }