using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture.Utils; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture.Encoders { static class BC7Encoder { private const int MinColorVarianceForModeChange = 160; public static void Encode(Memory outputStorage, ReadOnlyMemory data, int width, int height, EncodeMode mode) { int widthInBlocks = (width + 3) / 4; int heightInBlocks = (height + 3) / 4; bool fastMode = (mode & EncodeMode.ModeMask) == EncodeMode.Fast; if (mode.HasFlag(EncodeMode.Multithreaded)) { Parallel.For(0, heightInBlocks, (yInBlocks) => { Span output = MemoryMarshal.Cast(outputStorage.Span); int y = yInBlocks * 4; for (int xInBlocks = 0; xInBlocks < widthInBlocks; xInBlocks++) { int x = xInBlocks * 4; Block block = CompressBlock(data.Span, x, y, width, height, fastMode); int offset = (yInBlocks * widthInBlocks + xInBlocks) * 2; output[offset] = block.Low; output[offset + 1] = block.High; } }); } else { Span output = MemoryMarshal.Cast(outputStorage.Span); int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { Block block = CompressBlock(data.Span, x, y, width, height, fastMode); output[offset++] = block.Low; output[offset++] = block.High; } } } } private static readonly int[] _mostFrequentPartitions = new int[] { 0, 13, 2, 1, 15, 14, 10, 23, }; private static Block CompressBlock(ReadOnlySpan data, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool fastMode) { int w = Math.Min(4, width - x); int h = Math.Min(4, height - y); var dataUint = MemoryMarshal.Cast(data); int baseOffset = y * width + x; Span tile = stackalloc uint[w * h]; for (int ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) { int rowOffset = baseOffset + ty * width; for (int tx = 0; tx < w; tx++) { tile[ty * w + tx] = dataUint[rowOffset + tx]; } } return fastMode ? EncodeFast(tile, w, h) : EncodeExhaustive(tile, w, h); } private static Block EncodeFast(ReadOnlySpan tile, int w, int h) { (RgbaColor8 minColor, RgbaColor8 maxColor) = BC67Utils.GetMinMaxColors(tile, w, h); bool alphaNotOne = minColor.A != 255 || maxColor.A != 255; int variance = BC67Utils.SquaredDifference(minColor.GetColor32(), maxColor.GetColor32()); int selectedMode; int indexMode = 0; if (alphaNotOne) { bool constantAlpha = minColor.A == maxColor.A; if (constantAlpha) { selectedMode = variance > MinColorVarianceForModeChange ? 7 : 6; } else { if (variance > MinColorVarianceForModeChange) { Span uniqueRGB = stackalloc uint[16]; Span uniqueAlpha = stackalloc uint[16]; int uniqueRGBCount = 0; int uniqueAlphaCount = 0; uint rgbMask = new RgbaColor8(255, 255, 255, 0).ToUInt32(); uint alphaMask = new RgbaColor8(0, 0, 0, 255).ToUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < tile.Length; i++) { uint c = tile[i]; if (!uniqueRGB[..uniqueRGBCount].Contains(c & rgbMask)) { uniqueRGB[uniqueRGBCount++] = c & rgbMask; } if (!uniqueAlpha[..uniqueAlphaCount].Contains(c & alphaMask)) { uniqueAlpha[uniqueAlphaCount++] = c & alphaMask; } } selectedMode = 4; indexMode = uniqueRGBCount > uniqueAlphaCount ? 1 : 0; } else { selectedMode = 5; } } } else { if (variance > MinColorVarianceForModeChange) { selectedMode = 1; } else { selectedMode = 6; } } int selectedPartition = 0; if (selectedMode == 1 || selectedMode == 7) { int partitionSelectionLowestError = int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < _mostFrequentPartitions.Length; i++) { int p = _mostFrequentPartitions[i]; int error = GetEndPointSelectionErrorFast(tile, 2, p, w, h, partitionSelectionLowestError); if (error < partitionSelectionLowestError) { partitionSelectionLowestError = error; selectedPartition = p; } } } return Encode(selectedMode, selectedPartition, 0, indexMode, fastMode: true, tile, w, h, out _); } private static Block EncodeExhaustive(ReadOnlySpan tile, int w, int h) { Block bestBlock = default; int lowestError = int.MaxValue; int lowestErrorSubsets = int.MaxValue; for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (int r = 0; r < (m == 4 || m == 5 ? 4 : 1); r++) { for (int im = 0; im < (m == 4 ? 2 : 1); im++) { for (int p = 0; p < 1 << BC67Tables.BC7ModeInfos[m].PartitionBitCount; p++) { Block block = Encode(m, p, r, im, fastMode: false, tile, w, h, out int maxError); if (maxError < lowestError || (maxError == lowestError && BC67Tables.BC7ModeInfos[m].SubsetCount < lowestErrorSubsets)) { lowestError = maxError; lowestErrorSubsets = BC67Tables.BC7ModeInfos[m].SubsetCount; bestBlock = block; } } } } } return bestBlock; } private static Block Encode( int mode, int partition, int rotation, int indexMode, bool fastMode, ReadOnlySpan tile, int w, int h, out int errorSum) { BC7ModeInfo modeInfo = BC67Tables.BC7ModeInfos[mode]; int subsetCount = modeInfo.SubsetCount; int partitionBitCount = modeInfo.PartitionBitCount; int rotationBitCount = modeInfo.RotationBitCount; int indexModeBitCount = modeInfo.IndexModeBitCount; int colorDepth = modeInfo.ColorDepth; int alphaDepth = modeInfo.AlphaDepth; int pBits = modeInfo.PBits; int colorIndexBitCount = modeInfo.ColorIndexBitCount; int alphaIndexBitCount = modeInfo.AlphaIndexBitCount; bool separateAlphaIndices = alphaIndexBitCount != 0; uint alphaMask; if (separateAlphaIndices) { alphaMask = rotation switch { 1 => new RgbaColor8(255, 0, 0, 0).ToUInt32(), 2 => new RgbaColor8(0, 255, 0, 0).ToUInt32(), 3 => new RgbaColor8(0, 0, 255, 0).ToUInt32(), _ => new RgbaColor8(0, 0, 0, 255).ToUInt32(), }; } else { alphaMask = new RgbaColor8(0, 0, 0, 0).ToUInt32(); } if (indexMode != 0) { alphaMask = ~alphaMask; } // // Select color palette. // Span endPoints0 = stackalloc uint[subsetCount]; Span endPoints1 = stackalloc uint[subsetCount]; SelectEndPoints( tile, w, h, endPoints0, endPoints1, subsetCount, partition, colorIndexBitCount, colorDepth, alphaDepth, ~alphaMask, fastMode); if (separateAlphaIndices) { SelectEndPoints( tile, w, h, endPoints0, endPoints1, subsetCount, partition, alphaIndexBitCount, colorDepth, alphaDepth, alphaMask, fastMode); } Span pBitValues = stackalloc int[pBits]; for (int i = 0; i < pBits; i++) { int pBit; if (pBits == subsetCount) { pBit = GetPBit(endPoints0[i], endPoints1[i], colorDepth, alphaDepth); } else { int subset = i >> 1; uint color = (i & 1) == 0 ? endPoints0[subset] : endPoints1[subset]; pBit = GetPBit(color, colorDepth, alphaDepth); } pBitValues[i] = pBit; } int colorIndexCount = 1 << colorIndexBitCount; int alphaIndexCount = 1 << alphaIndexBitCount; Span colorIndices = stackalloc byte[16]; Span alphaIndices = stackalloc byte[16]; errorSum = BC67Utils.SelectIndices( tile, w, h, endPoints0, endPoints1, pBitValues, colorIndices, subsetCount, partition, colorIndexBitCount, colorIndexCount, colorDepth, alphaDepth, pBits, alphaMask); if (separateAlphaIndices) { errorSum += BC67Utils.SelectIndices( tile, w, h, endPoints0, endPoints1, pBitValues, alphaIndices, subsetCount, partition, alphaIndexBitCount, alphaIndexCount, colorDepth, alphaDepth, pBits, ~alphaMask); } Span colorSwapSubset = stackalloc bool[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { colorSwapSubset[i] = colorIndices[BC67Tables.FixUpIndices[subsetCount - 1][partition][i]] >= (colorIndexCount >> 1); } bool alphaSwapSubset = alphaIndices[0] >= (alphaIndexCount >> 1); Block block = new(); int offset = 0; block.Encode(1UL << mode, ref offset, mode + 1); block.Encode((ulong)partition, ref offset, partitionBitCount); block.Encode((ulong)rotation, ref offset, rotationBitCount); block.Encode((ulong)indexMode, ref offset, indexModeBitCount); for (int comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++) { int rotatedComp = comp; if (((comp + 1) & 3) == rotation) { rotatedComp = 3; } for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { RgbaColor8 color0 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(endPoints0[subset]); RgbaColor8 color1 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(endPoints1[subset]); int pBit0 = -1, pBit1 = -1; if (pBits == subsetCount) { pBit0 = pBit1 = pBitValues[subset]; } else if (pBits != 0) { pBit0 = pBitValues[subset * 2]; pBit1 = pBitValues[subset * 2 + 1]; } if (indexMode == 0 ? colorSwapSubset[subset] : alphaSwapSubset) { block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color1.GetComponent(rotatedComp), colorDepth, pBit1), ref offset, colorDepth); block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color0.GetComponent(rotatedComp), colorDepth, pBit0), ref offset, colorDepth); } else { block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color0.GetComponent(rotatedComp), colorDepth, pBit0), ref offset, colorDepth); block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color1.GetComponent(rotatedComp), colorDepth, pBit1), ref offset, colorDepth); } } } if (alphaDepth != 0) { int rotatedComp = (rotation - 1) & 3; for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { RgbaColor8 color0 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(endPoints0[subset]); RgbaColor8 color1 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(endPoints1[subset]); int pBit0 = -1, pBit1 = -1; if (pBits == subsetCount) { pBit0 = pBit1 = pBitValues[subset]; } else if (pBits != 0) { pBit0 = pBitValues[subset * 2]; pBit1 = pBitValues[subset * 2 + 1]; } if (separateAlphaIndices && indexMode == 0 ? alphaSwapSubset : colorSwapSubset[subset]) { block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color1.GetComponent(rotatedComp), alphaDepth, pBit1), ref offset, alphaDepth); block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color0.GetComponent(rotatedComp), alphaDepth, pBit0), ref offset, alphaDepth); } else { block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color0.GetComponent(rotatedComp), alphaDepth, pBit0), ref offset, alphaDepth); block.Encode(BC67Utils.QuantizeComponent(color1.GetComponent(rotatedComp), alphaDepth, pBit1), ref offset, alphaDepth); } } } for (int i = 0; i < pBits; i++) { block.Encode((ulong)pBitValues[i], ref offset, 1); } byte[] fixUpTable = BC67Tables.FixUpIndices[subsetCount - 1][partition]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int subset = BC67Tables.PartitionTable[subsetCount - 1][partition][i]; byte index = colorIndices[i]; if (colorSwapSubset[subset]) { index = (byte)(index ^ (colorIndexCount - 1)); } int finalIndexBitCount = i == fixUpTable[subset] ? colorIndexBitCount - 1 : colorIndexBitCount; Debug.Assert(index < (1 << finalIndexBitCount)); block.Encode(index, ref offset, finalIndexBitCount); } if (separateAlphaIndices) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { byte index = alphaIndices[i]; if (alphaSwapSubset) { index = (byte)(index ^ (alphaIndexCount - 1)); } int finalIndexBitCount = i == 0 ? alphaIndexBitCount - 1 : alphaIndexBitCount; Debug.Assert(index < (1 << finalIndexBitCount)); block.Encode(index, ref offset, finalIndexBitCount); } } return block; } private static unsafe int GetEndPointSelectionErrorFast(ReadOnlySpan tile, int subsetCount, int partition, int w, int h, int maxError) { byte[] partitionTable = BC67Tables.PartitionTable[subsetCount - 1][partition]; Span minColors = stackalloc RgbaColor8[subsetCount]; Span maxColors = stackalloc RgbaColor8[subsetCount]; BC67Utils.GetMinMaxColors(partitionTable, tile, w, h, minColors, maxColors, subsetCount); Span endPoints0 = stackalloc uint[subsetCount]; Span endPoints1 = stackalloc uint[subsetCount]; SelectEndPointsFast(partitionTable, tile, w, h, subsetCount, minColors, maxColors, endPoints0, endPoints1, uint.MaxValue); Span palette = stackalloc RgbaColor32[8]; int errorSum = 0; for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { RgbaColor32 blockDir = maxColors[subset].GetColor32() - minColors[subset].GetColor32(); int sum = blockDir.R + blockDir.G + blockDir.B + blockDir.A; if (sum != 0) { blockDir = (blockDir << 6) / new RgbaColor32(sum); } uint c0 = endPoints0[subset]; uint c1 = endPoints1[subset]; int pBit0 = GetPBit(c0, 6, 0); int pBit1 = GetPBit(c1, 6, 0); c0 = BC67Utils.Quantize(RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(c0), 6, 0, pBit0).ToUInt32(); c1 = BC67Utils.Quantize(RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(c1), 6, 0, pBit1).ToUInt32(); if (Sse41.IsSupported) { Vector128 c0Rep = Vector128.Create(c0).AsByte(); Vector128 c1Rep = Vector128.Create(c1).AsByte(); Vector128 c0c1 = Sse2.UnpackLow(c0Rep, c1Rep); Vector128 rWeights; Vector128 lWeights; fixed (byte* pWeights = BC67Tables.Weights[1], pInvWeights = BC67Tables.InverseWeights[1]) { rWeights = Sse2.LoadScalarVector128((ulong*)pWeights).AsByte(); lWeights = Sse2.LoadScalarVector128((ulong*)pInvWeights).AsByte(); } Vector128 iWeights = Sse2.UnpackLow(rWeights, lWeights); Vector128 iWeights01 = Sse2.UnpackLow(iWeights.AsInt16(), iWeights.AsInt16()).AsByte(); Vector128 iWeights23 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(iWeights.AsInt16(), iWeights.AsInt16()).AsByte(); Vector128 iWeights0 = Sse2.UnpackLow(iWeights01.AsInt16(), iWeights01.AsInt16()).AsByte(); Vector128 iWeights1 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(iWeights01.AsInt16(), iWeights01.AsInt16()).AsByte(); Vector128 iWeights2 = Sse2.UnpackLow(iWeights23.AsInt16(), iWeights23.AsInt16()).AsByte(); Vector128 iWeights3 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(iWeights23.AsInt16(), iWeights23.AsInt16()).AsByte(); static Vector128 ShiftRoundToNearest(Vector128 x) { return Sse2.ShiftRightLogical(Sse2.Add(x, Vector128.Create((short)32)), 6); } Vector128 pal0 = ShiftRoundToNearest(Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(c0c1, iWeights0.AsSByte())); Vector128 pal1 = ShiftRoundToNearest(Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(c0c1, iWeights1.AsSByte())); Vector128 pal2 = ShiftRoundToNearest(Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(c0c1, iWeights2.AsSByte())); Vector128 pal3 = ShiftRoundToNearest(Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(c0c1, iWeights3.AsSByte())); for (int i = 0; i < tile.Length; i++) { if (partitionTable[i] != subset) { continue; } uint c = tile[i]; Vector128 color = Sse41.ConvertToVector128Int16(Vector128.Create(c).AsByte()); Vector128 delta0 = Sse2.Subtract(color, pal0); Vector128 delta1 = Sse2.Subtract(color, pal1); Vector128 delta2 = Sse2.Subtract(color, pal2); Vector128 delta3 = Sse2.Subtract(color, pal3); Vector128 deltaSum0 = Sse2.MultiplyAddAdjacent(delta0, delta0); Vector128 deltaSum1 = Sse2.MultiplyAddAdjacent(delta1, delta1); Vector128 deltaSum2 = Sse2.MultiplyAddAdjacent(delta2, delta2); Vector128 deltaSum3 = Sse2.MultiplyAddAdjacent(delta3, delta3); Vector128 deltaSum01 = Ssse3.HorizontalAdd(deltaSum0, deltaSum1); Vector128 deltaSum23 = Ssse3.HorizontalAdd(deltaSum2, deltaSum3); Vector128 delta = Sse41.PackUnsignedSaturate(deltaSum01, deltaSum23); Vector128 min = Sse41.MinHorizontal(delta); errorSum += min.GetElement(0); } } else { RgbaColor32 e032 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(c0).GetColor32(); RgbaColor32 e132 = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(c1).GetColor32(); palette[0] = e032; palette[^1] = e132; for (int i = 1; i < palette.Length - 1; i++) { palette[i] = BC67Utils.Interpolate(e032, e132, i, 3); } for (int i = 0; i < tile.Length; i++) { if (partitionTable[i] != subset) { continue; } uint c = tile[i]; RgbaColor32 color = Unsafe.As(ref c).GetColor32(); int bestMatchScore = int.MaxValue; for (int j = 0; j < palette.Length; j++) { int score = BC67Utils.SquaredDifference(color, palette[j]); if (score < bestMatchScore) { bestMatchScore = score; } } errorSum += bestMatchScore; } } // No point in continuing if we are already above maximum. if (errorSum >= maxError) { return int.MaxValue; } } return errorSum; } private static void SelectEndPoints( ReadOnlySpan tile, int w, int h, Span endPoints0, Span endPoints1, int subsetCount, int partition, int indexBitCount, int colorDepth, int alphaDepth, uint writeMask, bool fastMode) { byte[] partitionTable = BC67Tables.PartitionTable[subsetCount - 1][partition]; Span minColors = stackalloc RgbaColor8[subsetCount]; Span maxColors = stackalloc RgbaColor8[subsetCount]; BC67Utils.GetMinMaxColors(partitionTable, tile, w, h, minColors, maxColors, subsetCount); uint inverseMask = ~writeMask; for (int i = 0; i < subsetCount; i++) { Unsafe.As(ref minColors[i]) |= inverseMask; Unsafe.As(ref maxColors[i]) |= inverseMask; } if (fastMode) { SelectEndPointsFast(partitionTable, tile, w, h, subsetCount, minColors, maxColors, endPoints0, endPoints1, writeMask); } else { Span colors = stackalloc RgbaColor8[subsetCount * 16]; Span counts = stackalloc byte[subsetCount]; int i = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < w; tx++) { int subset = partitionTable[ty * 4 + tx]; RgbaColor8 color = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(tile[i++] | inverseMask); static void AddIfNew(Span values, RgbaColor8 value, int subset, ref byte count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (values[subset * 16 + i] == value) { return; } } values[subset * 16 + count++] = value; } AddIfNew(colors, color, subset, ref counts[subset]); } } for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { int offset = subset * 16; RgbaColor8 minColor = minColors[subset]; RgbaColor8 maxColor = maxColors[subset]; ReadOnlySpan subsetColors = colors.Slice(offset, counts[subset]); (RgbaColor8 e0, RgbaColor8 e1) = SelectEndPoints(subsetColors, minColor, maxColor, indexBitCount, colorDepth, alphaDepth, inverseMask); endPoints0[subset] = (endPoints0[subset] & inverseMask) | (e0.ToUInt32() & writeMask); endPoints1[subset] = (endPoints1[subset] & inverseMask) | (e1.ToUInt32() & writeMask); } } } private static unsafe void SelectEndPointsFast( ReadOnlySpan partitionTable, ReadOnlySpan tile, int w, int h, int subsetCount, ReadOnlySpan minColors, ReadOnlySpan maxColors, Span endPoints0, Span endPoints1, uint writeMask) { uint inverseMask = ~writeMask; if (Sse41.IsSupported && w == 4 && h == 4) { Vector128 row0, row1, row2, row3; Vector128 ones = Vector128.AllBitsSet; fixed (uint* pTile = tile) { row0 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pTile).AsByte(); row1 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pTile + 4).AsByte(); row2 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pTile + 8).AsByte(); row3 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pTile + 12).AsByte(); } Vector128 partitionMask; fixed (byte* pPartitionTable = partitionTable) { partitionMask = Sse2.LoadVector128(pPartitionTable); } for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { RgbaColor32 blockDir = maxColors[subset].GetColor32() - minColors[subset].GetColor32(); int sum = blockDir.R + blockDir.G + blockDir.B + blockDir.A; if (sum != 0) { blockDir = (blockDir << 6) / new RgbaColor32(sum); } Vector128 bd = Vector128.Create(blockDir.GetColor8().ToUInt32()).AsByte(); Vector128 delta0 = Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(row0, bd.AsSByte()); Vector128 delta1 = Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(row1, bd.AsSByte()); Vector128 delta2 = Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(row2, bd.AsSByte()); Vector128 delta3 = Ssse3.MultiplyAddAdjacent(row3, bd.AsSByte()); Vector128 delta01 = Ssse3.HorizontalAdd(delta0, delta1); Vector128 delta23 = Ssse3.HorizontalAdd(delta2, delta3); Vector128 subsetMask = Sse2.Xor(Sse2.CompareEqual(partitionMask, Vector128.Create((byte)subset)), ones.AsByte()); Vector128 subsetMask01 = Sse2.UnpackLow(subsetMask, subsetMask).AsInt16(); Vector128 subsetMask23 = Sse2.UnpackHigh(subsetMask, subsetMask).AsInt16(); Vector128 min01 = Sse41.MinHorizontal(Sse2.Or(delta01, subsetMask01).AsUInt16()); Vector128 min23 = Sse41.MinHorizontal(Sse2.Or(delta23, subsetMask23).AsUInt16()); Vector128 max01 = Sse41.MinHorizontal(Sse2.Xor(Sse2.AndNot(subsetMask01, delta01), ones).AsUInt16()); Vector128 max23 = Sse41.MinHorizontal(Sse2.Xor(Sse2.AndNot(subsetMask23, delta23), ones).AsUInt16()); uint minPos01 = min01.AsUInt32().GetElement(0); uint minPos23 = min23.AsUInt32().GetElement(0); uint maxPos01 = max01.AsUInt32().GetElement(0); uint maxPos23 = max23.AsUInt32().GetElement(0); uint minDistColor = (ushort)minPos23 < (ushort)minPos01 ? tile[(int)(minPos23 >> 16) + 8] : tile[(int)(minPos01 >> 16)]; // Note that we calculate the maximum as the minimum of the inverse, so less here is actually greater. uint maxDistColor = (ushort)maxPos23 < (ushort)maxPos01 ? tile[(int)(maxPos23 >> 16) + 8] : tile[(int)(maxPos01 >> 16)]; endPoints0[subset] = (endPoints0[subset] & inverseMask) | (minDistColor & writeMask); endPoints1[subset] = (endPoints1[subset] & inverseMask) | (maxDistColor & writeMask); } } else { for (int subset = 0; subset < subsetCount; subset++) { RgbaColor32 blockDir = maxColors[subset].GetColor32() - minColors[subset].GetColor32(); blockDir = RgbaColor32.DivideGuarded(blockDir << 6, new RgbaColor32(blockDir.R + blockDir.G + blockDir.B + blockDir.A), 0); int minDist = int.MaxValue; int maxDist = int.MinValue; RgbaColor8 minDistColor = default; RgbaColor8 maxDistColor = default; int i = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < w; tx++, i++) { if (partitionTable[ty * 4 + tx] != subset) { continue; } RgbaColor8 color = RgbaColor8.FromUInt32(tile[i]); int dist = RgbaColor32.Dot(color.GetColor32(), blockDir); if (minDist > dist) { minDist = dist; minDistColor = color; } if (maxDist < dist) { maxDist = dist; maxDistColor = color; } } } endPoints0[subset] = (endPoints0[subset] & inverseMask) | (minDistColor.ToUInt32() & writeMask); endPoints1[subset] = (endPoints1[subset] & inverseMask) | (maxDistColor.ToUInt32() & writeMask); } } } private static (RgbaColor8, RgbaColor8) SelectEndPoints( ReadOnlySpan values, RgbaColor8 minValue, RgbaColor8 maxValue, int indexBitCount, int colorDepth, int alphaDepth, uint alphaMask) { int n = values.Length; int numInterpolatedColors = 1 << indexBitCount; int numInterpolatedColorsMinus1 = numInterpolatedColors - 1; if (n == 0) { return (default, default); } minValue = BC67Utils.Quantize(minValue, colorDepth, alphaDepth); maxValue = BC67Utils.Quantize(maxValue, colorDepth, alphaDepth); RgbaColor32 blockDir = maxValue.GetColor32() - minValue.GetColor32(); blockDir = RgbaColor32.DivideGuarded(blockDir << 6, new RgbaColor32(blockDir.R + blockDir.G + blockDir.B + blockDir.A), 0); int minDist = int.MaxValue; int maxDist = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { RgbaColor8 color = values[i]; int dist = RgbaColor32.Dot(BC67Utils.Quantize(color, colorDepth, alphaDepth).GetColor32(), blockDir); if (minDist >= dist) { minDist = dist; } if (maxDist <= dist) { maxDist = dist; } } Span palette = stackalloc RgbaColor8[numInterpolatedColors]; int distRange = Math.Max(1, maxDist - minDist); RgbaColor32 nV = new(n); int bestErrorSum = int.MaxValue; RgbaColor8 bestE0 = default; RgbaColor8 bestE1 = default; Span indices = stackalloc int[n]; Span colors = stackalloc RgbaColor32[n]; for (int maxIndex = numInterpolatedColorsMinus1; maxIndex >= 1; maxIndex--) { int sumX = 0; int sumXX = 0; int sumXXIncrement = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { RgbaColor32 color = values[i].GetColor32(); int dist = RgbaColor32.Dot(color, blockDir); int normalizedValue = ((dist - minDist) << 6) / distRange; int texelIndex = (normalizedValue * maxIndex + 32) >> 6; indices[i] = texelIndex; colors[i] = color; sumX += texelIndex; sumXX += texelIndex * texelIndex; sumXXIncrement += 1 + texelIndex * 2; } for (int start = 0; start < numInterpolatedColors - maxIndex; start++) { RgbaColor32 sumY = new(0); RgbaColor32 sumXY = new(0); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++) { RgbaColor32 y = colors[i]; sumY += y; sumXY += new RgbaColor32(start + indices[i]) * y; } RgbaColor32 sumXV = new(sumX); RgbaColor32 sumXXV = new(sumXX); RgbaColor32 m = RgbaColor32.DivideGuarded((nV * sumXY - sumXV * sumY) << 6, nV * sumXXV - sumXV * sumXV, 0); RgbaColor32 b = ((sumY << 6) - m * sumXV) / nV; RgbaColor8 candidateE0 = (b >> 6).GetColor8(); RgbaColor8 candidateE1 = ((b + m * new RgbaColor32(numInterpolatedColorsMinus1)) >> 6).GetColor8(); int pBit0 = GetPBit(candidateE0.ToUInt32(), colorDepth, alphaDepth); int pBit1 = GetPBit(candidateE1.ToUInt32(), colorDepth, alphaDepth); int errorSum = BC67Utils.SelectIndices( MemoryMarshal.Cast(values), candidateE0.ToUInt32(), candidateE1.ToUInt32(), pBit0, pBit1, indexBitCount, numInterpolatedColors, colorDepth, alphaDepth, alphaMask); if (errorSum <= bestErrorSum) { bestErrorSum = errorSum; bestE0 = candidateE0; bestE1 = candidateE1; } sumX += n; sumXX += sumXXIncrement; sumXXIncrement += 2 * n; } } return (bestE0, bestE1); } private static int GetPBit(uint color, int colorDepth, int alphaDepth) { uint mask = 0x808080u >> colorDepth; if (alphaDepth != 0) { // If alpha is 0, let's assume the color information is not too important and prefer // to preserve alpha instead. if ((color >> 24) == 0) { return 0; } mask |= 0x80000000u >> alphaDepth; } color &= 0x7f7f7f7fu; color += mask >> 1; int onesCount = BitOperations.PopCount(color & mask); return onesCount >= 2 ? 1 : 0; } private static int GetPBit(uint c0, uint c1, int colorDepth, int alphaDepth) { // Giving preference to the first endpoint yields better results, // might be a side effect of the endpoint selection algorithm? return GetPBit(c0, colorDepth, alphaDepth); } } }