using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using System.Collections.Generic; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.GlobalMemory; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations { static class GlobalToStorage { private struct SearchResult { public static SearchResult NotFound => new SearchResult(-1, 0); public bool Found => SbCbSlot != -1; public int SbCbSlot { get; } public int SbCbOffset { get; } public SearchResult(int sbCbSlot, int sbCbOffset) { SbCbSlot = sbCbSlot; SbCbOffset = sbCbOffset; } } public static void RunPass(BasicBlock block, ShaderConfig config, ref int sbUseMask, ref int ubeUseMask) { int sbStart = GetStorageBaseCbOffset(config.Stage); int sbEnd = sbStart + StorageDescsSize; int ubeStart = UbeBaseOffset; int ubeEnd = UbeBaseOffset + UbeDescsSize; for (LinkedListNode<INode> node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = node.Next) { for (int index = 0; index < node.Value.SourcesCount; index++) { Operand src = node.Value.GetSource(index); int storageIndex = GetStorageIndex(src, sbStart, sbEnd); if (storageIndex >= 0) { sbUseMask |= 1 << storageIndex; } if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute) { int constantIndex = GetStorageIndex(src, ubeStart, ubeEnd); if (constantIndex >= 0) { ubeUseMask |= 1 << constantIndex; } } } if (!(node.Value is Operation operation)) { continue; } if (UsesGlobalMemory(operation.Inst, operation.StorageKind)) { Operand source = operation.GetSource(0); var result = SearchForStorageBase(config, block, source); if (!result.Found) { continue; } if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute && operation.Inst == Instruction.LoadGlobal && result.SbCbSlot == DriverReservedCb && result.SbCbOffset >= UbeBaseOffset && result.SbCbOffset < UbeBaseOffset + UbeDescsSize) { // Here we effectively try to replace a LDG instruction with LDC. // The hardware only supports a limited amount of constant buffers // so NVN "emulates" more constant buffers using global memory access. // Here we try to replace the global access back to a constant buffer // load. node = ReplaceLdgWithLdc(node, config, (result.SbCbOffset - UbeBaseOffset) / StorageDescSize); } else { // Storage buffers are implemented using global memory access. // If we know from where the base address of the access is loaded, // we can guess which storage buffer it is accessing. // We can then replace the global memory access with a storage // buffer access. node = ReplaceGlobalWithStorage(block, node, config, config.GetSbSlot((byte)result.SbCbSlot, (ushort)result.SbCbOffset)); } } } config.SetAccessibleBufferMasks(sbUseMask, ubeUseMask); } private static LinkedListNode<INode> ReplaceGlobalWithStorage(BasicBlock block, LinkedListNode<INode> node, ShaderConfig config, int storageIndex) { Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value; bool isAtomic = operation.Inst.IsAtomic(); bool isStg16Or8 = operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal16 || operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal8; bool isWrite = isAtomic || operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal || isStg16Or8; config.SetUsedStorageBuffer(storageIndex, isWrite); Operand[] sources = new Operand[operation.SourcesCount]; sources[0] = Const(storageIndex); sources[1] = GetStorageOffset(block, node, config, storageIndex, operation.GetSource(0), isStg16Or8); for (int index = 2; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { sources[index] = operation.GetSource(index); } Operation storageOp; if (isAtomic) { storageOp = new Operation(operation.Inst, StorageKind.StorageBuffer, operation.Dest, sources); } else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.LoadGlobal) { storageOp = new Operation(Instruction.LoadStorage, operation.Dest, sources); } else { Instruction storeInst = operation.Inst switch { Instruction.StoreGlobal16 => Instruction.StoreStorage16, Instruction.StoreGlobal8 => Instruction.StoreStorage8, _ => Instruction.StoreStorage }; storageOp = new Operation(storeInst, null, sources); } for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { operation.SetSource(index, null); } LinkedListNode<INode> oldNode = node; node = node.List.AddBefore(node, storageOp); node.List.Remove(oldNode); return node; } private static Operand GetStorageOffset( BasicBlock block, LinkedListNode<INode> node, ShaderConfig config, int storageIndex, Operand addrLow, bool isStg16Or8) { (int sbCbSlot, int sbCbOffset) = config.GetSbCbInfo(storageIndex); bool storageAligned = !(config.GpuAccessor.QueryHasUnalignedStorageBuffer() || config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment() > Constants.StorageAlignment); (Operand byteOffset, int constantOffset) = storageAligned ? GetStorageOffset(block, Utils.FindLastOperation(addrLow, block), sbCbSlot, sbCbOffset) : (null, 0); if (byteOffset != null) { ReplaceAddressAlignment(node.List, addrLow, byteOffset, constantOffset); } if (byteOffset == null) { Operand baseAddrLow = Cbuf(sbCbSlot, sbCbOffset); Operand baseAddrTrunc = Local(); Operand alignMask = Const(-config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment()); Operation andOp = new Operation(Instruction.BitwiseAnd, baseAddrTrunc, baseAddrLow, alignMask); node.List.AddBefore(node, andOp); Operand offset = Local(); Operation subOp = new Operation(Instruction.Subtract, offset, addrLow, baseAddrTrunc); node.List.AddBefore(node, subOp); byteOffset = offset; } else if (constantOffset != 0) { Operand offset = Local(); Operation addOp = new Operation(Instruction.Add, offset, byteOffset, Const(constantOffset)); node.List.AddBefore(node, addOp); byteOffset = offset; } if (isStg16Or8) { return byteOffset; } Operand wordOffset = Local(); Operation shrOp = new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, wordOffset, byteOffset, Const(2)); node.List.AddBefore(node, shrOp); return wordOffset; } private static bool IsCbOffset(Operand operand, int slot, int offset) { return operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer && operand.GetCbufSlot() == slot && operand.GetCbufOffset() == offset; } private static void ReplaceAddressAlignment(LinkedList<INode> list, Operand address, Operand byteOffset, int constantOffset) { // When we emit 16/8-bit LDG, we add extra code to determine the address alignment. // Eliminate the storage buffer base address from this too, leaving only the byte offset. foreach (INode useNode in address.UseOps) { if (useNode is Operation op && op.Inst == Instruction.BitwiseAnd) { Operand src1 = op.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = op.GetSource(1); int addressIndex = -1; if (src1 == address && src2.Type == OperandType.Constant && src2.Value == 3) { addressIndex = 0; } else if (src2 == address && src1.Type == OperandType.Constant && src1.Value == 3) { addressIndex = 1; } if (addressIndex != -1) { LinkedListNode<INode> node = list.Find(op); // Add offset calculation before the use. Needs to be on the same block. if (node != null) { Operand offset = Local(); Operation addOp = new Operation(Instruction.Add, offset, byteOffset, Const(constantOffset)); list.AddBefore(node, addOp); op.SetSource(addressIndex, offset); } } } } } private static (Operand, int) GetStorageOffset(BasicBlock block, Operand address, int cbSlot, int baseAddressCbOffset) { if (IsCbOffset(address, cbSlot, baseAddressCbOffset)) { // Direct offset: zero. return (Const(0), 0); } (address, int constantOffset) = GetStorageConstantOffset(block, address); address = Utils.FindLastOperation(address, block); if (IsCbOffset(address, cbSlot, baseAddressCbOffset)) { // Only constant offset return (Const(0), constantOffset); } if (!(address.AsgOp is Operation offsetAdd) || offsetAdd.Inst != Instruction.Add) { return (null, 0); } Operand src1 = offsetAdd.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = Utils.FindLastOperation(offsetAdd.GetSource(1), block); if (IsCbOffset(src2, cbSlot, baseAddressCbOffset)) { return (src1, constantOffset); } else if (IsCbOffset(src1, cbSlot, baseAddressCbOffset)) { return (src2, constantOffset); } return (null, 0); } private static (Operand, int) GetStorageConstantOffset(BasicBlock block, Operand address) { if (!(address.AsgOp is Operation offsetAdd) || offsetAdd.Inst != Instruction.Add) { return (address, 0); } Operand src1 = offsetAdd.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = offsetAdd.GetSource(1); if (src2.Type != OperandType.Constant) { return (address, 0); } return (src1, src2.Value); } private static LinkedListNode<INode> ReplaceLdgWithLdc(LinkedListNode<INode> node, ShaderConfig config, int storageIndex) { Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value; Operand GetCbufOffset() { Operand addrLow = operation.GetSource(0); Operand baseAddrLow = Cbuf(0, UbeBaseOffset + storageIndex * StorageDescSize); Operand baseAddrTrunc = Local(); Operand alignMask = Const(-config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment()); Operation andOp = new Operation(Instruction.BitwiseAnd, baseAddrTrunc, baseAddrLow, alignMask); node.List.AddBefore(node, andOp); Operand byteOffset = Local(); Operand wordOffset = Local(); Operation subOp = new Operation(Instruction.Subtract, byteOffset, addrLow, baseAddrTrunc); Operation shrOp = new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, wordOffset, byteOffset, Const(2)); node.List.AddBefore(node, subOp); node.List.AddBefore(node, shrOp); return wordOffset; } Operand cbufOffset = GetCbufOffset(); Operand vecIndex = Local(); Operand elemIndex = Local(); node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, 0, vecIndex, cbufOffset, Const(2))); node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.BitwiseAnd, 0, elemIndex, cbufOffset, Const(3))); Operand[] sources = new Operand[4]; int cbSlot = UbeFirstCbuf + storageIndex; sources[0] = Const(config.ResourceManager.GetConstantBufferBinding(cbSlot)); sources[1] = Const(0); sources[2] = vecIndex; sources[3] = elemIndex; Operation ldcOp = new Operation(Instruction.Load, StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, operation.Dest, sources); for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { operation.SetSource(index, null); } LinkedListNode<INode> oldNode = node; node = node.List.AddBefore(node, ldcOp); node.List.Remove(oldNode); return node; } private static SearchResult SearchForStorageBase(ShaderConfig config, BasicBlock block, Operand globalAddress) { globalAddress = Utils.FindLastOperation(globalAddress, block); if (globalAddress.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer) { return GetStorageIndex(config, globalAddress); } Operation operation = globalAddress.AsgOp as Operation; if (operation == null || operation.Inst != Instruction.Add) { return SearchResult.NotFound; } Operand src1 = operation.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = operation.GetSource(1); if ((src1.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable && src2.Type == OperandType.Constant) || (src2.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable && src1.Type == OperandType.Constant)) { Operand baseAddr; if (src1.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable) { baseAddr = Utils.FindLastOperation(src1, block); } else { baseAddr = Utils.FindLastOperation(src2, block); } var result = GetStorageIndex(config, baseAddr); if (result.Found) { return result; } operation = baseAddr.AsgOp as Operation; if (operation == null || operation.Inst != Instruction.Add) { return SearchResult.NotFound; } } var selectedResult = SearchResult.NotFound; for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { Operand source = operation.GetSource(index); var result = GetStorageIndex(config, source); // If we already have a result, we give preference to the ones from // the driver reserved constant buffer, as those are the ones that // contains the base address. if (result.Found && (!selectedResult.Found || result.SbCbSlot == GlobalMemory.DriverReservedCb)) { selectedResult = result; } } return selectedResult; } private static SearchResult GetStorageIndex(ShaderConfig config, Operand operand) { if (operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer) { int slot = operand.GetCbufSlot(); int offset = operand.GetCbufOffset(); if ((offset & 3) == 0) { return new SearchResult(slot, offset); } } return SearchResult.NotFound; } private static int GetStorageIndex(Operand operand, int sbStart, int sbEnd) { if (operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer) { int slot = operand.GetCbufSlot(); int offset = operand.GetCbufOffset(); if (slot == 0 && offset >= sbStart && offset < sbEnd) { int storageIndex = (offset - sbStart) / StorageDescSize; return storageIndex; } } return -1; } } }