using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System.Collections.Generic; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions { static class AttributeMap { private enum StagesMask : byte { None = 0, Compute = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.Compute, Vertex = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.Vertex, TessellationControl = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.TessellationControl, TessellationEvaluation = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation, Geometry = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.Geometry, Fragment = 1 << (int)ShaderStage.Fragment, Tessellation = TessellationControl | TessellationEvaluation, VertexTessellationGeometry = Vertex | Tessellation | Geometry, TessellationGeometryFragment = Tessellation | Geometry | Fragment, AllGraphics = Vertex | Tessellation | Geometry | Fragment, } private readonly struct AttributeEntry { public int BaseOffset { get; } public AggregateType Type { get; } public IoVariable IoVariable { get; } public StagesMask InputMask { get; } public StagesMask OutputMask { get; } public AttributeEntry( int baseOffset, AggregateType type, IoVariable ioVariable, StagesMask inputMask, StagesMask outputMask) { BaseOffset = baseOffset; Type = type; IoVariable = ioVariable; InputMask = inputMask; OutputMask = outputMask; } } private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<int, AttributeEntry> _attributes; private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<int, AttributeEntry> _attributesPerPatch; static AttributeMap() { _attributes = CreateMap(); _attributesPerPatch = CreatePerPatchMap(); } private static IReadOnlyDictionary<int, AttributeEntry> CreateMap() { var map = new Dictionary<int, AttributeEntry>(); Add(map, 0x060, AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.PrimitiveId, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.Geometry); Add(map, 0x064, AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.Layer, StagesMask.Fragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x068, AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.ViewportIndex, StagesMask.Fragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x06c, AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.PointSize, StagesMask.None, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x070, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.Position, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x080, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.UserDefined, StagesMask.AllGraphics, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry, 32); Add(map, 0x280, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.FrontColorDiffuse, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x290, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.FrontColorSpecular, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x2a0, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.BackColorDiffuse, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x2b0, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.BackColorSpecular, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x2c0, AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.ClipDistance, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry, 8); Add(map, 0x2e0, AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.PointCoord, StagesMask.Fragment, StagesMask.None); Add(map, 0x2e8, AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.FogCoord, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x2f0, AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.TessellationCoord, StagesMask.TessellationEvaluation, StagesMask.None); Add(map, 0x2f8, AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.InstanceId, StagesMask.Vertex, StagesMask.None); Add(map, 0x2fc, AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.VertexId, StagesMask.Vertex, StagesMask.None); Add(map, 0x300, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.TextureCoord, StagesMask.TessellationGeometryFragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x3a0, AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.S32, IoVariable.ViewportMask, StagesMask.Fragment, StagesMask.VertexTessellationGeometry); Add(map, 0x3fc, AggregateType.Bool, IoVariable.FrontFacing, StagesMask.Fragment, StagesMask.None); return map; } private static IReadOnlyDictionary<int, AttributeEntry> CreatePerPatchMap() { var map = new Dictionary<int, AttributeEntry>(); Add(map, 0x000, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.TessellationLevelOuter, StagesMask.TessellationEvaluation, StagesMask.TessellationControl); Add(map, 0x010, AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.TessellationLevelInner, StagesMask.TessellationEvaluation, StagesMask.TessellationControl); Add(map, 0x018, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, IoVariable.UserDefined, StagesMask.TessellationEvaluation, StagesMask.TessellationControl, 31, 0x200); return map; } private static void Add( Dictionary<int, AttributeEntry> attributes, int offset, AggregateType type, IoVariable ioVariable, StagesMask inputMask, StagesMask outputMask, int count = 1, int upperBound = 0x400) { int baseOffset = offset; int elementsCount = GetElementCount(type); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementsCount; elementIndex++) { attributes.Add(offset, new AttributeEntry(baseOffset, type, ioVariable, inputMask, outputMask)); offset += 4; if (offset >= upperBound) { return; } } } } public static Operand GenerateAttributeLoad(EmitterContext context, Operand primVertex, int offset, bool isOutput, bool isPerPatch) { if (!(isPerPatch ? _attributesPerPatch : _attributes).TryGetValue(offset, out AttributeEntry entry)) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} is not valid."); return Const(0); } StagesMask validUseMask = isOutput ? entry.OutputMask : entry.InputMask; if (((StagesMask)(1 << (int)context.Config.Stage) & validUseMask) == StagesMask.None) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} ({entry.IoVariable}) is not valid for stage {context.Config.Stage}."); return Const(0); } if (!IsSupportedByHost(context.Config.GpuAccessor, context.Config.Stage, entry.IoVariable)) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} ({entry.IoVariable}) is not supported by the host for stage {context.Config.Stage}."); return Const(0); } if (HasInvocationId(context.Config.Stage, isOutput) && !isPerPatch) { primVertex = context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.InvocationId); } int innerOffset = offset - entry.BaseOffset; int innerIndex = innerOffset / 4; StorageKind storageKind = isPerPatch ? (isOutput ? StorageKind.OutputPerPatch : StorageKind.InputPerPatch) : (isOutput ? StorageKind.Output : StorageKind.Input); IoVariable ioVariable = GetIoVariable(context.Config.Stage, in entry); AggregateType type = GetType(context.Config, isOutput, innerIndex, in entry); int elementCount = GetElementCount(type); bool isArray = type.HasFlag(AggregateType.Array); bool hasArrayIndex = isArray || context.Config.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput); bool hasElementIndex = elementCount > 1; if (hasArrayIndex && hasElementIndex) { int arrayIndex = innerIndex / elementCount; int elementIndex = innerIndex - (arrayIndex * elementCount); return primVertex == null || isArray ? context.Load(storageKind, ioVariable, primVertex, Const(arrayIndex), Const(elementIndex)) : context.Load(storageKind, ioVariable, Const(arrayIndex), primVertex, Const(elementIndex)); } else if (hasArrayIndex || hasElementIndex) { return primVertex == null || isArray || !hasArrayIndex ? context.Load(storageKind, ioVariable, primVertex, Const(innerIndex)) : context.Load(storageKind, ioVariable, Const(innerIndex), primVertex); } else { return context.Load(storageKind, ioVariable, primVertex); } } public static void GenerateAttributeStore(EmitterContext context, int offset, bool isPerPatch, Operand value) { if (!(isPerPatch ? _attributesPerPatch : _attributes).TryGetValue(offset, out AttributeEntry entry)) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} is not valid."); return; } if (((StagesMask)(1 << (int)context.Config.Stage) & entry.OutputMask) == StagesMask.None) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} ({entry.IoVariable}) is not valid for stage {context.Config.Stage}."); return; } if (!IsSupportedByHost(context.Config.GpuAccessor, context.Config.Stage, entry.IoVariable)) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Attribute offset 0x{offset:X} ({entry.IoVariable}) is not supported by the host for stage {context.Config.Stage}."); return; } Operand invocationId = null; if (HasInvocationId(context.Config.Stage, isOutput: true) && !isPerPatch) { invocationId = context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.InvocationId); } int innerOffset = offset - entry.BaseOffset; int innerIndex = innerOffset / 4; StorageKind storageKind = isPerPatch ? StorageKind.OutputPerPatch : StorageKind.Output; IoVariable ioVariable = GetIoVariable(context.Config.Stage, in entry); AggregateType type = GetType(context.Config, isOutput: true, innerIndex, in entry); int elementCount = GetElementCount(type); bool isArray = type.HasFlag(AggregateType.Array); bool hasArrayIndex = isArray || context.Config.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput: true); bool hasElementIndex = elementCount > 1; if (hasArrayIndex && hasElementIndex) { int arrayIndex = innerIndex / elementCount; int elementIndex = innerIndex - (arrayIndex * elementCount); if (invocationId == null || isArray) { context.Store(storageKind, ioVariable, invocationId, Const(arrayIndex), Const(elementIndex), value); } else { context.Store(storageKind, ioVariable, Const(arrayIndex), invocationId, Const(elementIndex), value); } } else if (hasArrayIndex || hasElementIndex) { if (invocationId == null || isArray || !hasArrayIndex) { context.Store(storageKind, ioVariable, invocationId, Const(innerIndex), value); } else { context.Store(storageKind, ioVariable, Const(innerIndex), invocationId, value); } } else { context.Store(storageKind, ioVariable, invocationId, value); } } private static bool IsSupportedByHost(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ShaderStage stage, IoVariable ioVariable) { if (ioVariable == IoVariable.ViewportIndex && stage != ShaderStage.Geometry && stage != ShaderStage.Fragment) { return gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation(); } else if (ioVariable == IoVariable.ViewportMask) { return gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportMask(); } return true; } public static IoVariable GetIoVariable(ShaderConfig config, int offset, out int location) { location = 0; if (!_attributes.TryGetValue(offset, out AttributeEntry entry)) { return IoVariable.Invalid; } if (((StagesMask)(1 << (int)config.Stage) & entry.OutputMask) == StagesMask.None) { return IoVariable.Invalid; } if (config.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(entry.IoVariable, isOutput: true)) { location = (offset - entry.BaseOffset) / 16; } return GetIoVariable(config.Stage, in entry); } private static IoVariable GetIoVariable(ShaderStage stage, in AttributeEntry entry) { if (entry.IoVariable == IoVariable.Position && stage == ShaderStage.Fragment) { return IoVariable.FragmentCoord; } return entry.IoVariable; } private static AggregateType GetType(ShaderConfig config, bool isOutput, int innerIndex, in AttributeEntry entry) { AggregateType type = entry.Type; if (entry.IoVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined) { type = config.GetUserDefinedType(innerIndex / 4, isOutput); } else if (entry.IoVariable == IoVariable.FragmentOutputColor) { type = config.GetFragmentOutputColorType(innerIndex / 4); } return type; } public static bool HasPrimitiveVertex(ShaderStage stage, bool isOutput) { if (isOutput) { return false; } return stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl || stage == ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation || stage == ShaderStage.Geometry; } public static bool HasInvocationId(ShaderStage stage, bool isOutput) { return isOutput && stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl; } private static int GetElementCount(AggregateType type) { return (type & AggregateType.ElementCountMask) switch { AggregateType.Vector2 => 2, AggregateType.Vector3 => 3, AggregateType.Vector4 => 4, _ => 1, }; } } }