using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl { class OperandManager { private static readonly string[] _stagePrefixes = new string[] { "cp", "vp", "tcp", "tep", "gp", "fp" }; private Dictionary<AstOperand, string> _locals; public OperandManager() { _locals = new Dictionary<AstOperand, string>(); } public string DeclareLocal(AstOperand operand) { string name = $"{DefaultNames.LocalNamePrefix}_{_locals.Count}"; _locals.Add(operand, name); return name; } public string GetExpression(CodeGenContext context, AstOperand operand) { return operand.Type switch { OperandType.Argument => GetArgumentName(operand.Value), OperandType.Constant => NumberFormatter.FormatInt(operand.Value), OperandType.LocalVariable => _locals[operand], OperandType.Undefined => DefaultNames.UndefinedName, _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid operand type \"{operand.Type}\".") }; } public static string GetSamplerName(ShaderStage stage, AstTextureOperation texOp, string indexExpr) { return GetSamplerName(stage, texOp.CbufSlot, texOp.Handle, texOp.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed), indexExpr); } public static string GetSamplerName(ShaderStage stage, int cbufSlot, int handle, bool indexed, string indexExpr) { string suffix = cbufSlot < 0 ? $"_tcb_{handle:X}" : $"_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}"; if (indexed) { suffix += $"a[{indexExpr}]"; } return GetShaderStagePrefix(stage) + "_" + DefaultNames.SamplerNamePrefix + suffix; } public static string GetImageName(ShaderStage stage, AstTextureOperation texOp, string indexExpr) { return GetImageName(stage, texOp.CbufSlot, texOp.Handle, texOp.Format, texOp.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed), indexExpr); } public static string GetImageName( ShaderStage stage, int cbufSlot, int handle, TextureFormat format, bool indexed, string indexExpr) { string suffix = cbufSlot < 0 ? $"_tcb_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}" : $"_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}"; if (indexed) { suffix += $"a[{indexExpr}]"; } return GetShaderStagePrefix(stage) + "_" + DefaultNames.ImageNamePrefix + suffix; } public static string GetShaderStagePrefix(ShaderStage stage) { int index = (int)stage; if ((uint)index >= _stagePrefixes.Length) { return "invalid"; } return _stagePrefixes[index]; } private static char GetSwizzleMask(int value) { return "xyzw"[value]; } public static string GetArgumentName(int argIndex) { return $"{DefaultNames.ArgumentNamePrefix}{argIndex}"; } public static AggregateType GetNodeDestType(CodeGenContext context, IAstNode node) { // TODO: Get rid of that function entirely and return the type from the operation generation // functions directly, like SPIR-V does. if (node is AstOperation operation) { if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Load) { switch (operation.StorageKind) { case StorageKind.ConstantBuffer: case StorageKind.StorageBuffer: if (!(operation.GetSource(0) is AstOperand bindingIndex) || bindingIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {operation.StorageKind} storage must be a constant operand."); } if (!(operation.GetSource(1) is AstOperand fieldIndex) || fieldIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {operation.StorageKind} storage must be a constant operand."); } BufferDefinition buffer = operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.ConstantBuffer ? context.Config.Properties.ConstantBuffers[bindingIndex.Value] : context.Config.Properties.StorageBuffers[bindingIndex.Value]; StructureField field = buffer.Type.Fields[fieldIndex.Value]; return field.Type & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask; case StorageKind.Input: case StorageKind.InputPerPatch: case StorageKind.Output: case StorageKind.OutputPerPatch: if (!(operation.GetSource(0) is AstOperand varId) || varId.Type != OperandType.Constant) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {operation.StorageKind} storage must be a constant operand."); } IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)varId.Value; bool isOutput = operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output || operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.OutputPerPatch; bool isPerPatch = operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.InputPerPatch || operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.OutputPerPatch; int location = 0; int component = 0; if (context.Config.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput)) { if (!(operation.GetSource(1) is AstOperand vecIndex) || vecIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {operation.StorageKind} storage must be a constant operand."); } location = vecIndex.Value; if (operation.SourcesCount > 2 && operation.GetSource(2) is AstOperand elemIndex && elemIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant && context.Config.HasPerLocationInputOrOutputComponent(ioVariable, location, elemIndex.Value, isOutput)) { component = elemIndex.Value; } } (_, AggregateType varType) = IoMap.GetGlslVariable(context.Config, ioVariable, location, component, isOutput, isPerPatch); return varType & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask; } } else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Call) { AstOperand funcId = (AstOperand)operation.GetSource(0); Debug.Assert(funcId.Type == OperandType.Constant); return context.GetFunction(funcId.Value).ReturnType; } else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.VectorExtract) { return GetNodeDestType(context, operation.GetSource(0)) & ~AggregateType.ElementCountMask; } else if (operation is AstTextureOperation texOp) { if (texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageLoad || texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageStore || texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic) { return texOp.GetVectorType(texOp.Format.GetComponentType()); } else if (texOp.Inst == Instruction.TextureSample) { return texOp.GetVectorType(GetDestVarType(operation.Inst)); } } return GetDestVarType(operation.Inst); } else if (node is AstOperand operand) { if (operand.Type == OperandType.Argument) { int argIndex = operand.Value; return context.CurrentFunction.GetArgumentType(argIndex); } return OperandInfo.GetVarType(operand); } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid node type \"{node?.GetType().Name ?? "null"}\"."); } } } }