using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;

using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenBallot;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenCall;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenFSI;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenMemory;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenPacking;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenVector;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions
    static class InstGen
        public static string GetExpression(CodeGenContext context, IAstNode node)
            if (node is AstOperation operation)
                return GetExpression(context, operation);
            else if (node is AstOperand operand)
                return context.OperandManager.GetExpression(context, operand);

            throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid node type \"{node?.GetType().Name ?? "null"}\".");

        public static string Negate(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation, InstInfo info)
            IAstNode src = operation.GetSource(0);

            AggregateType type = GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0);

            string srcExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src, type);
            string zero;

            if (type == AggregateType.FP64)
                zero = "0.0";
                NumberFormatter.TryFormat(0, type, out zero);

            // Starting in the 496.13 NVIDIA driver, there's an issue with assigning variables to negated expressions.
            // (-expr) does not work, but (0.0 - expr) does. This should be removed once the issue is resolved.

            return $"{zero} - {Enclose(srcExpr, src, operation.Inst, info, false)}";

        private static string GetExpression(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
            Instruction inst = operation.Inst;

            InstInfo info = GetInstructionInfo(inst);

            if ((info.Type & InstType.Call) != 0)
                bool atomic = (info.Type & InstType.Atomic) != 0;

                int arity = (int)(info.Type & InstType.ArityMask);

                string args = string.Empty;

                if (atomic && (operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.StorageBuffer || operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.SharedMemory))
                    args = GenerateLoadOrStore(context, operation, isStore: false);

                    AggregateType dstType = operation.Inst == Instruction.AtomicMaxS32 || operation.Inst == Instruction.AtomicMinS32
                        ? AggregateType.S32
                        : AggregateType.U32;

                    for (int argIndex = operation.SourcesCount - arity + 2; argIndex < operation.SourcesCount; argIndex++)
                        args += ", " + GetSoureExpr(context, operation.GetSource(argIndex), dstType);
                    for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < arity; argIndex++)
                        if (argIndex != 0)
                            args += ", ";

                        AggregateType dstType = GetSrcVarType(inst, argIndex);

                        args += GetSoureExpr(context, operation.GetSource(argIndex), dstType);

                return info.OpName + '(' + args + ')';
            else if ((info.Type & InstType.Op) != 0)
                string op = info.OpName;

                // Return may optionally have a return value (and in this case it is unary).
                if (inst == Instruction.Return && operation.SourcesCount != 0)
                    return $"{op} {GetSoureExpr(context, operation.GetSource(0), context.CurrentFunction.ReturnType)}";

                int arity = (int)(info.Type & InstType.ArityMask);

                string[] expr = new string[arity];

                for (int index = 0; index < arity; index++)
                    IAstNode src = operation.GetSource(index);

                    string srcExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src, GetSrcVarType(inst, index));

                    bool isLhs = arity == 2 && index == 0;

                    expr[index] = Enclose(srcExpr, src, inst, info, isLhs);

                switch (arity)
                    case 0:
                        return op;

                    case 1:
                        return op + expr[0];

                    case 2:
                        return $"{expr[0]} {op} {expr[1]}";

                    case 3:
                        return $"{expr[0]} {op[0]} {expr[1]} {op[1]} {expr[2]}";
            else if ((info.Type & InstType.Special) != 0)
                switch (inst & Instruction.Mask)
                    case Instruction.Ballot:
                        return Ballot(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.Call:
                        return Call(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.FSIBegin:
                        return FSIBegin(context);

                    case Instruction.FSIEnd:
                        return FSIEnd(context);

                    case Instruction.ImageLoad:
                    case Instruction.ImageStore:
                    case Instruction.ImageAtomic:
                        return ImageLoadOrStore(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.Load:
                        return Load(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.Lod:
                        return Lod(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.Negate:
                        return Negate(context, operation, info);

                    case Instruction.PackDouble2x32:
                        return PackDouble2x32(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.PackHalf2x16:
                        return PackHalf2x16(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.Store:
                        return Store(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.TextureSample:
                        return TextureSample(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.TextureSize:
                        return TextureSize(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.UnpackDouble2x32:
                        return UnpackDouble2x32(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.UnpackHalf2x16:
                        return UnpackHalf2x16(context, operation);

                    case Instruction.VectorExtract:
                        return VectorExtract(context, operation);

            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected instruction type \"{info.Type}\".");