#version 430 core precision mediump float; layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in; layout(rgba8, binding = 0, location=0) uniform image2D imgOutput; layout( location=1 ) uniform sampler2D Source; layout( location=2 ) uniform float srcX0; layout( location=3 ) uniform float srcX1; layout( location=4 ) uniform float srcY0; layout( location=5 ) uniform float srcY1; layout( location=6 ) uniform float dstX0; layout( location=7 ) uniform float dstX1; layout( location=8 ) uniform float dstY0; layout( location=9 ) uniform float dstY1; /***** Area Sampling *****/ // By Sam Belliveau and Filippo Tarpini. Public Domain license. // Effectively a more accurate sharp bilinear filter when upscaling, // that also works as a mathematically perfect downscale filter. // https://entropymine.com/imageworsener/pixelmixing/ // https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/pull/1715 // https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/filter/ vec4 AreaSampling(vec2 xy) { // Determine the sizes of the source and target images. vec2 source_size = vec2(abs(srcX1 - srcX0), abs(srcY1 - srcY0)); vec2 target_size = vec2(abs(dstX1 - dstX0), abs(dstY1 - dstY0)); vec2 inverted_target_size = vec2(1.0) / target_size; // Compute the top-left and bottom-right corners of the target pixel box. vec2 t_beg = floor(xy - vec2(dstX0 < dstX1 ? dstX0 : dstX1, dstY0 < dstY1 ? dstY0 : dstY1)); vec2 t_end = t_beg + vec2(1.0, 1.0); // Convert the target pixel box to source pixel box. vec2 beg = t_beg * inverted_target_size * source_size; vec2 end = t_end * inverted_target_size * source_size; // Compute the top-left and bottom-right corners of the pixel box. ivec2 f_beg = ivec2(beg); ivec2 f_end = ivec2(end); // Compute how much of the start and end pixels are covered horizontally & vertically. float area_w = 1.0 - fract(beg.x); float area_n = 1.0 - fract(beg.y); float area_e = fract(end.x); float area_s = fract(end.y); // Compute the areas of the corner pixels in the pixel box. float area_nw = area_n * area_w; float area_ne = area_n * area_e; float area_sw = area_s * area_w; float area_se = area_s * area_e; // Initialize the color accumulator. vec4 avg_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Accumulate corner pixels. avg_color += area_nw * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_beg.x, f_beg.y), 0); avg_color += area_ne * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_end.x, f_beg.y), 0); avg_color += area_sw * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_beg.x, f_end.y), 0); avg_color += area_se * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_end.x, f_end.y), 0); // Determine the size of the pixel box. int x_range = int(f_end.x - f_beg.x - 0.5); int y_range = int(f_end.y - f_beg.y - 0.5); // Accumulate top and bottom edge pixels. for (int x = f_beg.x + 1; x <= f_beg.x + x_range; ++x) { avg_color += area_n * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(x, f_beg.y), 0); avg_color += area_s * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(x, f_end.y), 0); } // Accumulate left and right edge pixels and all the pixels in between. for (int y = f_beg.y + 1; y <= f_beg.y + y_range; ++y) { avg_color += area_w * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_beg.x, y), 0); avg_color += area_e * texelFetch(Source, ivec2(f_end.x, y), 0); for (int x = f_beg.x + 1; x <= f_beg.x + x_range; ++x) { avg_color += texelFetch(Source, ivec2(x, y), 0); } } // Compute the area of the pixel box that was sampled. float area_corners = area_nw + area_ne + area_sw + area_se; float area_edges = float(x_range) * (area_n + area_s) + float(y_range) * (area_w + area_e); float area_center = float(x_range) * float(y_range); // Return the normalized average color. return avg_color / (area_corners + area_edges + area_center); } float insideBox(vec2 v, vec2 bLeft, vec2 tRight) { vec2 s = step(bLeft, v) - step(tRight, v); return s.x * s.y; } vec2 translateDest(vec2 pos) { vec2 translatedPos = vec2(pos.x, pos.y); translatedPos.x = dstX1 < dstX0 ? dstX1 - translatedPos.x : translatedPos.x; translatedPos.y = dstY0 > dstY1 ? dstY0 + dstY1 - translatedPos.y - 1 : translatedPos.y; return translatedPos; } void main() { vec2 bLeft = vec2(dstX0 < dstX1 ? dstX0 : dstX1, dstY0 < dstY1 ? dstY0 : dstY1); vec2 tRight = vec2(dstX1 > dstX0 ? dstX1 : dstX0, dstY1 > dstY0 ? dstY1 : dstY0); ivec2 loc = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y); if (insideBox(loc, bLeft, tRight) == 0) { imageStore(imgOutput, loc, vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)); return; } vec4 outColor = AreaSampling(loc); imageStore(imgOutput, ivec2(translateDest(loc)), vec4(outColor.rgb, 1)); }