using Ryujinx.Common.Memory; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Vp9.Common; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Video; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Vp9.Types { internal struct Vp9Common { public MacroBlockD Mb; public ArrayPtr TileWorkerData; public InternalErrorInfo Error; public int Width; public int Height; public int SubsamplingX; public int SubsamplingY; public ArrayPtr PrevFrameMvs; public ArrayPtr CurFrameMvs; public Array3 FrameRefs; public FrameType FrameType; // Flag signaling that the frame is encoded using only Intra modes. public bool IntraOnly; public bool AllowHighPrecisionMv; // MBs, MbRows/Cols is in 16-pixel units; MiRows/Cols is in // ModeInfo (8-pixel) units. public int MBs; public int MbRows, MiRows; public int MbCols, MiCols; public int MiStride; /* Profile settings */ public TxMode TxMode; public int BaseQindex; public int YDcDeltaQ; public int UvDcDeltaQ; public int UvAcDeltaQ; public Array8> YDequant; public Array8> UvDequant; /* We allocate a ModeInfo struct for each macroblock, together with an extra row on top and column on the left to simplify prediction. */ public ArrayPtr Mip; /* Base of allocated array */ public ArrayPtr Mi; /* Corresponds to upper left visible macroblock */ public ArrayPtr> MiGridBase; public ArrayPtr> MiGridVisible; // Whether to use previous frame's motion vectors for prediction. public bool UsePrevFrameMvs; // Persistent mb segment id map used in prediction. public int SegMapIdx; public int PrevSegMapIdx; public Array2> SegMapArray; public ArrayPtr LastFrameSegMap; public ArrayPtr CurrentFrameSegMap; public byte InterpFilter; public LoopFilterInfoN LfInfo; public Array4 RefFrameSignBias; /* Two state 0, 1 */ public LoopFilter Lf; public Segmentation Seg; // Context probabilities for reference frame prediction public sbyte CompFixedRef; public Array2 CompVarRef; public ReferenceMode ReferenceMode; public Ptr Fc; public Ptr Counts; public int Log2TileCols, Log2TileRows; public ArrayPtr AboveSegContext; public ArrayPtr AboveContext; public readonly bool FrameIsIntraOnly() { return FrameType == FrameType.KeyFrame || IntraOnly; } public bool CompoundReferenceAllowed() { int i; for (i = 1; i < Constants.RefsPerFrame; ++i) { if (RefFrameSignBias[i + 1] != RefFrameSignBias[1]) { return true; } } return false; } private static int CalcMiSize(int len) { // Len is in mi units. return len + Constants.MiBlockSize; } public void SetMbMi(int width, int height) { int alignedWidth = BitUtils.AlignPowerOfTwo(width, Constants.MiSizeLog2); int alignedHeight = BitUtils.AlignPowerOfTwo(height, Constants.MiSizeLog2); MiCols = alignedWidth >> Constants.MiSizeLog2; MiRows = alignedHeight >> Constants.MiSizeLog2; MiStride = CalcMiSize(MiCols); MbCols = (MiCols + 1) >> 1; MbRows = (MiRows + 1) >> 1; MBs = MbRows * MbCols; } public void AllocTileWorkerData(MemoryAllocator allocator, int tileCols, int tileRows, int maxThreads) { TileWorkerData = allocator.Allocate(tileCols * tileRows + (maxThreads > 1 ? maxThreads : 0)); } public readonly void FreeTileWorkerData(MemoryAllocator allocator) { allocator.Free(TileWorkerData); } private void AllocSegMap(MemoryAllocator allocator, int segMapSize) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Constants.NumPingPongBuffers; ++i) { SegMapArray[i] = allocator.Allocate(segMapSize); } // Init the index. SegMapIdx = 0; PrevSegMapIdx = 1; CurrentFrameSegMap = SegMapArray[SegMapIdx]; LastFrameSegMap = SegMapArray[PrevSegMapIdx]; } private void FreeSegMap(MemoryAllocator allocator) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Constants.NumPingPongBuffers; ++i) { allocator.Free(SegMapArray[i]); SegMapArray[i] = ArrayPtr.Null; } CurrentFrameSegMap = ArrayPtr.Null; LastFrameSegMap = ArrayPtr.Null; } private void DecAllocMi(MemoryAllocator allocator, int miSize) { Mip = allocator.Allocate(miSize); MiGridBase = allocator.Allocate>(miSize); } private void DecFreeMi(MemoryAllocator allocator) { allocator.Free(Mip); Mip = ArrayPtr.Null; allocator.Free(MiGridBase); MiGridBase = ArrayPtr>.Null; } public void FreeContextBuffers(MemoryAllocator allocator) { DecFreeMi(allocator); FreeSegMap(allocator); allocator.Free(AboveContext); AboveContext = ArrayPtr.Null; allocator.Free(AboveSegContext); AboveSegContext = ArrayPtr.Null; allocator.Free(Lf.Lfm); Lf.Lfm = ArrayPtr.Null; allocator.Free(CurFrameMvs); CurFrameMvs = ArrayPtr.Null; if (UsePrevFrameMvs) { allocator.Free(PrevFrameMvs); PrevFrameMvs = ArrayPtr.Null; } } private void AllocLoopFilter(MemoryAllocator allocator) { // Each lfm holds bit masks for all the 8x8 blocks in a 64x64 region. The // stride and rows are rounded up / truncated to a multiple of 8. Lf.LfmStride = (MiCols + (Constants.MiBlockSize - 1)) >> 3; Lf.Lfm = allocator.Allocate(((MiRows + (Constants.MiBlockSize - 1)) >> 3) * Lf.LfmStride); } public void AllocContextBuffers(MemoryAllocator allocator, int width, int height) { SetMbMi(width, height); int newMiSize = MiStride * CalcMiSize(MiRows); if (newMiSize != 0) { DecAllocMi(allocator, newMiSize); } if (MiRows * MiCols != 0) { // Create the segmentation map structure and set to 0. AllocSegMap(allocator, MiRows * MiCols); } if (MiCols != 0) { AboveContext = allocator.Allocate(2 * TileInfo.MiColsAlignedToSb(MiCols) * Constants.MaxMbPlane); AboveSegContext = allocator.Allocate(TileInfo.MiColsAlignedToSb(MiCols)); } AllocLoopFilter(allocator); CurFrameMvs = allocator.Allocate(MiRows * MiCols); // Using the same size as the current frame is fine here, // as this is never true when we have a resolution change. if (UsePrevFrameMvs) { PrevFrameMvs = allocator.Allocate(MiRows * MiCols); } } private unsafe void DecSetupMi() { Mi = Mip.Slice(MiStride + 1); MiGridVisible = MiGridBase.Slice(MiStride + 1); MemoryUtil.Fill(MiGridBase.ToPointer(), Ptr.Null, MiStride * (MiRows + 1)); } public unsafe void InitContextBuffers() { DecSetupMi(); if (!LastFrameSegMap.IsNull) { MemoryUtil.Fill(LastFrameSegMap.ToPointer(), (byte)0, MiRows * MiCols); } } private readonly void SetPartitionProbs(ref MacroBlockD xd) { xd.PartitionProbs = FrameIsIntraOnly() ? new ArrayPtr>(ref Fc.Value.KfPartitionProb[0], 16) : new ArrayPtr>(ref Fc.Value.PartitionProb[0], 16); } internal void InitMacroBlockD(ref MacroBlockD xd, ArrayPtr dqcoeff) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Constants.MaxMbPlane; ++i) { xd.Plane[i].DqCoeff = dqcoeff; xd.AboveContext[i] = AboveContext.Slice(i * 2 * TileInfo.MiColsAlignedToSb(MiCols)); if (i == 0) { MemoryUtil.Copy(ref xd.Plane[i].SegDequant, ref YDequant); } else { MemoryUtil.Copy(ref xd.Plane[i].SegDequant, ref UvDequant); } xd.Fc = new Ptr(ref Fc.Value); } xd.AboveSegContext = AboveSegContext; xd.MiStride = MiStride; xd.ErrorInfo = new Ptr(ref Error); SetPartitionProbs(ref xd); } public void SetupSegmentationDequant() { const BitDepth BitDepth = BitDepth.Bits8; // TODO: Configurable // Build y/uv dequant values based on segmentation. if (Seg.Enabled) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Constants.MaxSegments; ++i) { int qIndex = QuantCommon.GetQIndex(ref Seg, i, BaseQindex); YDequant[i][0] = QuantCommon.DcQuant(qIndex, YDcDeltaQ, BitDepth); YDequant[i][1] = QuantCommon.AcQuant(qIndex, 0, BitDepth); UvDequant[i][0] = QuantCommon.DcQuant(qIndex, UvDcDeltaQ, BitDepth); UvDequant[i][1] = QuantCommon.AcQuant(qIndex, UvAcDeltaQ, BitDepth); } } else { int qIndex = BaseQindex; // When segmentation is disabled, only the first value is used. The // remaining are don't cares. YDequant[0][0] = QuantCommon.DcQuant(qIndex, YDcDeltaQ, BitDepth); YDequant[0][1] = QuantCommon.AcQuant(qIndex, 0, BitDepth); UvDequant[0][0] = QuantCommon.DcQuant(qIndex, UvDcDeltaQ, BitDepth); UvDequant[0][1] = QuantCommon.AcQuant(qIndex, UvAcDeltaQ, BitDepth); } } public void SetupScaleFactors() { for (int i = 0; i < Constants.RefsPerFrame; ++i) { ref RefBuffer refBuf = ref FrameRefs[i]; refBuf.Sf.SetupScaleFactorsForFrame(refBuf.Buf.Width, refBuf.Buf.Height, Width, Height); } } } }