using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture;
using Ryujinx.Memory.Range;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image
/// Texture pool.
class TexturePool : Pool, IPool
/// A request to dereference a texture from a pool.
private readonly struct DereferenceRequest
/// Whether the dereference is due to a mapping change or not.
public readonly bool IsRemapped;
/// The texture being dereferenced.
public readonly Texture Texture;
/// The ID of the pool entry this reference belonged to.
public readonly int ID;
/// Create a dereference request for a texture with a specific pool ID, and remapped flag.
/// Whether the dereference is due to a mapping change or not
/// The texture being dereferenced
/// The ID of the pool entry, used to restore remapped textures
private DereferenceRequest(bool isRemapped, Texture texture, int id)
IsRemapped = isRemapped;
Texture = texture;
ID = id;
/// Create a dereference request for a texture removal.
/// The texture being removed
/// A texture removal dereference request
public static DereferenceRequest Remove(Texture texture)
return new DereferenceRequest(false, texture, 0);
/// Create a dereference request for a texture remapping with a specific pool ID.
/// The texture being remapped
/// The ID of the pool entry, used to restore remapped textures
/// A remap dereference request
public static DereferenceRequest Remap(Texture texture, int id)
return new DereferenceRequest(true, texture, id);
private readonly GpuChannel _channel;
private readonly ConcurrentQueue _dereferenceQueue = new();
private TextureDescriptor _defaultDescriptor;
/// List of textures that shares the same memory region, but have different formats.
private class TextureAliasList
/// Alias texture.
/// Texture format
/// Texture
private readonly record struct Alias(Format Format, Texture Texture);
/// List of texture aliases.
private readonly List _aliases;
/// Creates a new instance of the texture alias list.
public TextureAliasList()
_aliases = new List();
/// Adds a new texture alias.
/// Alias format
/// Alias texture
public void Add(Format format, Texture texture)
_aliases.Add(new Alias(format, texture));
/// Finds a texture with the requested format, or returns null if not found.
/// Format to find
/// Texture with the requested format, or null if not found
public Texture Find(Format format)
foreach (var alias in _aliases)
if (alias.Format == format)
return alias.Texture;
return null;
/// Removes all alias textures.
public void Destroy()
foreach (var entry in _aliases)
private readonly Dictionary _aliasLists;
/// Linked list node used on the texture pool cache.
public LinkedListNode CacheNode { get; set; }
/// Timestamp used by the texture pool cache, updated on every use of this texture pool.
public ulong CacheTimestamp { get; set; }
/// Creates a new instance of the texture pool.
/// GPU context that the texture pool belongs to
/// GPU channel that the texture pool belongs to
/// Address of the texture pool in guest memory
/// Maximum texture ID of the texture pool (equal to maximum textures minus one)
public TexturePool(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, ulong address, int maximumId) : base(context, channel.MemoryManager.Physical, address, maximumId)
_channel = channel;
_aliasLists = new Dictionary();
/// Gets the texture descripor and texture with the given ID with no bounds check or synchronization.
/// ID of the texture. This is effectively a zero-based index
/// The texture with the given ID
/// The texture descriptor with the given ID
private ref readonly TextureDescriptor GetInternal(int id, out Texture texture)
texture = Items[id];
ref readonly TextureDescriptor descriptor = ref GetDescriptorRef(id);
if (texture == null)
texture = PhysicalMemory.TextureCache.FindShortCache(descriptor);
if (texture == null)
// The dereference queue can put our texture back on the cache.
if ((texture = ProcessDereferenceQueue(id)) != null)
return ref descriptor;
TextureInfo info = GetInfo(descriptor, out int layerSize);
texture = PhysicalMemory.TextureCache.FindOrCreateTexture(_channel.MemoryManager, TextureSearchFlags.ForSampler, info, layerSize);
// If this happens, then the texture address is invalid, we can't add it to the cache.
if (texture == null)
return ref descriptor;
Items[id] = texture;
texture.IncrementReferenceCount(this, id, descriptor.UnpackAddress());
DescriptorCache[id] = descriptor;
// On the path above (texture not yet in the pool), memory is automatically synchronized on texture creation.
return ref descriptor;
/// Gets the texture with the given ID.
/// ID of the texture. This is effectively a zero-based index
/// The texture with the given ID
public override Texture Get(int id)
if ((uint)id >= Items.Length)
return null;
if (SequenceNumber != Context.SequenceNumber)
SequenceNumber = Context.SequenceNumber;
GetInternal(id, out Texture texture);
return texture;
/// Gets the texture descriptor and texture with the given ID.
/// This method assumes that the pool has been manually synchronized before doing binding.
/// ID of the texture. This is effectively a zero-based index
/// The texture with the given ID
/// The texture descriptor with the given ID
public ref readonly TextureDescriptor GetForBinding(int id, out Texture texture)
if ((uint)id >= Items.Length)
texture = null;
return ref _defaultDescriptor;
// When getting for binding, assume the pool has already been synchronized.
return ref GetInternal(id, out texture);
/// Gets the texture descriptor and texture with the given ID.
/// This method assumes that the pool has been manually synchronized before doing binding.
/// ID of the texture. This is effectively a zero-based index
/// Texture format information
/// The texture with the given ID
/// The texture descriptor with the given ID
public ref readonly TextureDescriptor GetForBinding(int id, FormatInfo formatInfo, out Texture texture)
if ((uint)id >= Items.Length)
texture = null;
return ref _defaultDescriptor;
ref readonly TextureDescriptor descriptor = ref GetInternal(id, out texture);
if (texture != null && formatInfo.Format != 0 && texture.Format != formatInfo.Format)
if (!_aliasLists.TryGetValue(texture, out TextureAliasList aliasList))
_aliasLists.Add(texture, aliasList = new TextureAliasList());
texture = aliasList.Find(formatInfo.Format);
if (texture == null)
TextureInfo info = GetInfo(descriptor, out int layerSize);
info = ChangeFormat(info, formatInfo);
texture = PhysicalMemory.TextureCache.FindOrCreateTexture(_channel.MemoryManager, TextureSearchFlags.ForSampler, info, layerSize);
if (texture != null)
aliasList.Add(formatInfo.Format, texture);
return ref descriptor;
/// Checks if the pool was modified, and returns the last sequence number where a modification was detected.
/// A number that increments each time a modification is detected
public int CheckModified()
if (SequenceNumber != Context.SequenceNumber)
SequenceNumber = Context.SequenceNumber;
return ModifiedSequenceNumber;
/// Forcibly remove a texture from this pool's items.
/// If deferred, the dereference will be queued to occur on the render thread.
/// The texture being removed
/// The ID of the texture in this pool
/// If true, queue the dereference to happen on the render thread, otherwise dereference immediately
public void ForceRemove(Texture texture, int id, bool deferred)
var previous = Interlocked.Exchange(ref Items[id], null);
if (deferred)
if (previous != null)
/// Queues a request to update a texture's mapping.
/// Mapping is updated later to avoid deleting the texture if it is still sparsely mapped.
/// Texture with potential mapping change
/// ID in cache of texture with potential mapping change
public void QueueUpdateMapping(Texture texture, int id)
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref Items[id], null) == texture)
_dereferenceQueue.Enqueue(DereferenceRequest.Remap(texture, id));
/// Process the dereference queue, decrementing the reference count for each texture in it.
/// This is used to ensure that texture disposal happens on the render thread.
/// The ID of the entry that triggered this method
/// Texture that matches the entry ID if it has been readded to the cache.
private Texture ProcessDereferenceQueue(int id = -1)
while (_dereferenceQueue.TryDequeue(out DereferenceRequest request))
Texture texture = request.Texture;
// Unmapped storage textures can swap their ranges. The texture must be storage with no views or dependencies.
// TODO: Would need to update ranges on views, or guarantee that ones where the range changes can be instantly deleted.
if (request.IsRemapped && texture.Group.Storage == texture && !texture.HasViews && !texture.Group.HasCopyDependencies)
// Has the mapping for this texture changed?
ref readonly TextureDescriptor descriptor = ref GetDescriptorRef(request.ID);
ulong address = descriptor.UnpackAddress();
if (!descriptor.Equals(ref DescriptorCache[request.ID]))
// If the pool entry has already been replaced, just remove the texture.
MultiRange range = _channel.MemoryManager.Physical.TextureCache.UpdatePartiallyMapped(_channel.MemoryManager, address, texture);
// If the texture is not mapped at all, delete its reference.
if (range.Count == 1 && range.GetSubRange(0).Address == MemoryManager.PteUnmapped)
Items[request.ID] = texture;
// Create a new pool reference, as the last one was removed on unmap.
texture.IncrementReferenceCount(this, request.ID, address);
// Refetch the range. Changes since the last check could have been lost
// as the cache entry was not restored (required to queue mapping change).
range = _channel.MemoryManager.GetPhysicalRegions(address, texture.Size);
if (!range.Equals(texture.Range))
// Part of the texture was mapped or unmapped. Replace the range and regenerate tracking handles.
if (!_channel.MemoryManager.Physical.TextureCache.UpdateMapping(texture, range))
// Texture could not be remapped due to a collision, just delete it.
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref Items[request.ID], null) != null)
// If this is null, a request was already queued to decrement reference.
texture.DecrementReferenceCount(this, request.ID);
if (request.ID == id)
return texture;
return null;
/// Implementation of the texture pool range invalidation.
/// Start address of the range of the texture pool
/// Size of the range being invalidated
protected override void InvalidateRangeImpl(ulong address, ulong size)
ulong endAddress = address + size;
for (; address < endAddress; address += DescriptorSize)
int id = (int)((address - Address) / DescriptorSize);
Texture texture = Items[id];
if (texture != null)
ref TextureDescriptor cachedDescriptor = ref DescriptorCache[id];
ref readonly TextureDescriptor descriptor = ref GetDescriptorRefAddress(address);
// If the descriptors are the same, the texture is the same,
// we don't need to remove as it was not modified. Just continue.
if (descriptor.Equals(ref cachedDescriptor))
if (texture.HasOneReference())
_channel.MemoryManager.Physical.TextureCache.AddShortCache(texture, ref cachedDescriptor);
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref Items[id], null) != null)
texture.DecrementReferenceCount(this, id);
/// Gets texture information from a texture descriptor.
/// The texture descriptor
/// Layer size for textures using a sub-range of mipmap levels, otherwise 0
/// The texture information
private static TextureInfo GetInfo(in TextureDescriptor descriptor, out int layerSize)
int depthOrLayers = descriptor.UnpackDepth();
int levels = descriptor.UnpackLevels();
TextureMsaaMode msaaMode = descriptor.UnpackTextureMsaaMode();
int samplesInX = msaaMode.SamplesInX();
int samplesInY = msaaMode.SamplesInY();
int stride = descriptor.UnpackStride();
TextureDescriptorType descriptorType = descriptor.UnpackTextureDescriptorType();
bool isLinear = descriptorType == TextureDescriptorType.Linear;
Target target = descriptor.UnpackTextureTarget().Convert((samplesInX | samplesInY) != 1);
int width = target == Target.TextureBuffer ? descriptor.UnpackBufferTextureWidth() : descriptor.UnpackWidth();
int height = descriptor.UnpackHeight();
if (target == Target.Texture2DMultisample || target == Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray)
// This is divided back before the backend texture is created.
width *= samplesInX;
height *= samplesInY;
// We use 2D targets for 1D textures as that makes texture cache
// management easier. We don't know the target for render target
// and copies, so those would normally use 2D targets, which are
// not compatible with 1D targets. By doing that we also allow those
// to match when looking for compatible textures on the cache.
if (target == Target.Texture1D)
target = Target.Texture2D;
height = 1;
else if (target == Target.Texture1DArray)
target = Target.Texture2DArray;
height = 1;
uint format = descriptor.UnpackFormat();
bool srgb = descriptor.UnpackSrgb();
ulong gpuVa = descriptor.UnpackAddress();
if (!FormatTable.TryGetTextureFormat(format, srgb, out FormatInfo formatInfo))
if (gpuVa != 0 && format != 0)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Invalid texture format 0x{format:X} (sRGB: {srgb}).");
formatInfo = FormatInfo.Default;
int gobBlocksInY = descriptor.UnpackGobBlocksInY();
int gobBlocksInZ = descriptor.UnpackGobBlocksInZ();
int gobBlocksInTileX = descriptor.UnpackGobBlocksInTileX();
layerSize = 0;
int minLod = descriptor.UnpackBaseLevel();
int maxLod = descriptor.UnpackMaxLevelInclusive();
// Linear textures don't support mipmaps, so we don't handle this case here.
if ((minLod != 0 || maxLod + 1 != levels) && target != Target.TextureBuffer && !isLinear)
int depth = TextureInfo.GetDepth(target, depthOrLayers);
int layers = TextureInfo.GetLayers(target, depthOrLayers);
SizeInfo sizeInfo = SizeCalculator.GetBlockLinearTextureSize(
layerSize = sizeInfo.LayerSize;
if (minLod != 0 && minLod < levels)
// If the base level is not zero, we additionally add the mip level offset
// to the address, this allows the texture manager to find the base level from the
// address if there is a overlapping texture on the cache that can contain the new texture.
gpuVa += (ulong)sizeInfo.GetMipOffset(minLod);
width = Math.Max(1, width >> minLod);
height = Math.Max(1, height >> minLod);
if (target == Target.Texture3D)
depthOrLayers = Math.Max(1, depthOrLayers >> minLod);
(gobBlocksInY, gobBlocksInZ) = SizeCalculator.GetMipGobBlockSizes(height, depth, formatInfo.BlockHeight, gobBlocksInY, gobBlocksInZ, minLod);
levels = (maxLod - minLod) + 1;
levels = ClampLevels(target, width, height, depthOrLayers, levels);
SwizzleComponent swizzleR = descriptor.UnpackSwizzleR().Convert();
SwizzleComponent swizzleG = descriptor.UnpackSwizzleG().Convert();
SwizzleComponent swizzleB = descriptor.UnpackSwizzleB().Convert();
SwizzleComponent swizzleA = descriptor.UnpackSwizzleA().Convert();
DepthStencilMode depthStencilMode = GetDepthStencilMode(
if (formatInfo.Format.IsDepthOrStencil())
swizzleR = SwizzleComponent.Red;
swizzleG = SwizzleComponent.Red;
swizzleB = SwizzleComponent.Red;
if (depthStencilMode == DepthStencilMode.Depth)
swizzleA = SwizzleComponent.One;
swizzleA = SwizzleComponent.Red;
return new TextureInfo(
/// Clamps the amount of mipmap levels to the maximum allowed for the given texture dimensions.
/// Number of texture dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, Cube, etc)
/// Width of the texture
/// Height of the texture, ignored for 1D textures
/// Depth of the texture for 3D textures, otherwise ignored
/// Original amount of mipmap levels
/// Clamped mipmap levels
private static int ClampLevels(Target target, int width, int height, int depthOrLayers, int levels)
int maxSize = width;
if (target != Target.Texture1D &&
target != Target.Texture1DArray)
maxSize = Math.Max(maxSize, height);
if (target == Target.Texture3D)
maxSize = Math.Max(maxSize, depthOrLayers);
int maxLevels = BitOperations.Log2((uint)maxSize) + 1;
return Math.Min(levels, maxLevels);
/// Gets the texture depth-stencil mode, based on the swizzle components of each color channel.
/// The depth-stencil mode is determined based on how the driver sets those parameters.
/// The format of the texture
/// The texture swizzle components
/// The depth-stencil mode
private static DepthStencilMode GetDepthStencilMode(Format format, params SwizzleComponent[] components)
// R = Depth, G = Stencil.
// On 24-bits depth formats, this is inverted (Stencil is R etc).
// NVN setup:
// For depth, A is set to 1.0f, the other components are set to Depth.
// For stencil, all components are set to Stencil.
SwizzleComponent component = components[0];
for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !IsRG(component); index++)
component = components[index];
if (!IsRG(component))
return DepthStencilMode.Depth;
if (format == Format.D24UnormS8Uint)
return component == SwizzleComponent.Red
? DepthStencilMode.Stencil
: DepthStencilMode.Depth;
return component == SwizzleComponent.Red
? DepthStencilMode.Depth
: DepthStencilMode.Stencil;
/// Checks if the swizzle component is equal to the red or green channels.
/// The swizzle component to check
/// True if the swizzle component is equal to the red or green, false otherwise
private static bool IsRG(SwizzleComponent component)
return component == SwizzleComponent.Red ||
component == SwizzleComponent.Green;
/// Changes the format on the texture information structure, and also adjusts the width for the new format if needed.
/// Texture information
/// New format
/// Texture information with the new format
private static TextureInfo ChangeFormat(in TextureInfo info, FormatInfo dstFormat)
int width = info.Width;
if (info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel != dstFormat.BytesPerPixel)
int stride = width * info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel;
width = stride / dstFormat.BytesPerPixel;
return new TextureInfo(
/// Removes all aliases for a texture.
/// Texture to have the aliases removed
private void RemoveAliasList(Texture texture)
if (_aliasLists.TryGetValue(texture, out TextureAliasList aliasList))
/// Decrements the reference count of the texture.
/// This indicates that the texture pool is not using it anymore.
/// The texture to be deleted
protected override void Delete(Texture item)
if (item != null)
public override void Dispose()