using Ryujinx.Cpu.Tracking; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Synchronization; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image { /// <summary> /// A tracking handle for a texture group, which represents a range of views in a storage texture. /// Retains a list of overlapping texture views, a modified flag, and tracking for each /// CPU VA range that the views cover. /// Also tracks copy dependencies for the handle - references to other handles that must be kept /// in sync with this one before use. /// </summary> class TextureGroupHandle : ISyncActionHandler, IDisposable { private const int FlushBalanceIncrement = 6; private const int FlushBalanceWriteCost = 1; private const int FlushBalanceThreshold = 7; private const int FlushBalanceMax = 60; private const int FlushBalanceMin = -10; private TextureGroup _group; private int _bindCount; private int _firstLevel; private int _firstLayer; // Sync state for texture flush. /// <summary> /// The sync number last registered. /// </summary> private ulong _registeredSync; private ulong _registeredBufferSync = ulong.MaxValue; private ulong _registeredBufferGuestSync = ulong.MaxValue; /// <summary> /// The sync number when the texture was last modified by GPU. /// </summary> private ulong _modifiedSync; /// <summary> /// Whether a tracking action is currently registered or not. (0/1) /// </summary> private int _actionRegistered; /// <summary> /// Whether a sync action is currently registered or not. /// </summary> private bool _syncActionRegistered; /// <summary> /// Determines the balance of synced writes to flushes. /// Used to determine if the texture should always write data to a persistent buffer for flush. /// </summary> private int _flushBalance; /// <summary> /// The byte offset from the start of the storage of this handle. /// </summary> public int Offset { get; } /// <summary> /// The size in bytes covered by this handle. /// </summary> public int Size { get; } /// <summary> /// The base slice index for this handle. /// </summary> public int BaseSlice { get; } /// <summary> /// The number of slices covered by this handle. /// </summary> public int SliceCount { get; } /// <summary> /// The textures which this handle overlaps with. /// </summary> public List<Texture> Overlaps { get; } /// <summary> /// The CPU memory tracking handles that cover this handle. /// </summary> public CpuRegionHandle[] Handles { get; } /// <summary> /// True if a texture overlapping this handle has been modified. Is set false when the flush action is called. /// </summary> public bool Modified { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Dependencies to handles from other texture groups. /// </summary> public List<TextureDependency> Dependencies { get; } /// <summary> /// A flag indicating that a copy is required from one of the dependencies. /// </summary> public bool NeedsCopy => DeferredCopy != null; /// <summary> /// A data copy that must be acknowledged the next time this handle is used. /// </summary> public TextureGroupHandle DeferredCopy { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Create a new texture group handle, representing a range of views in a storage texture. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">The TextureGroup that the handle belongs to</param> /// <param name="offset">The byte offset from the start of the storage of the handle</param> /// <param name="size">The size in bytes covered by the handle</param> /// <param name="views">All views of the storage texture, used to calculate overlaps</param> /// <param name="firstLayer">The first layer of this handle in the storage texture</param> /// <param name="firstLevel">The first level of this handle in the storage texture</param> /// <param name="baseSlice">The base slice index of this handle</param> /// <param name="sliceCount">The number of slices this handle covers</param> /// <param name="handles">The memory tracking handles that cover this handle</param> public TextureGroupHandle(TextureGroup group, int offset, ulong size, List<Texture> views, int firstLayer, int firstLevel, int baseSlice, int sliceCount, CpuRegionHandle[] handles) { _group = group; _firstLayer = firstLayer; _firstLevel = firstLevel; Offset = offset; Size = (int)size; Overlaps = new List<Texture>(); Dependencies = new List<TextureDependency>(); BaseSlice = baseSlice; SliceCount = sliceCount; if (views != null) { RecalculateOverlaps(group, views); } Handles = handles; if (group.Storage.Info.IsLinear) { // Linear textures are presumed to be used for readback initially. _flushBalance = FlushBalanceThreshold + FlushBalanceIncrement; } } /// <summary> /// Calculate a list of which views overlap this handle. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">The parent texture group, used to find a view's base CPU VA offset</param> /// <param name="views">The list of views to search for overlaps</param> public void RecalculateOverlaps(TextureGroup group, List<Texture> views) { // Overlaps can be accessed from the memory tracking signal handler, so access must be atomic. lock (Overlaps) { int endOffset = Offset + Size; Overlaps.Clear(); foreach (Texture view in views) { int viewOffset = group.FindOffset(view); if (viewOffset < endOffset && Offset < viewOffset + (int)view.Size) { Overlaps.Add(view); } } } } /// <summary> /// Determine if the next sync will copy into the flush buffer. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if it will copy, false otherwise</returns> private bool NextSyncCopies() { return _flushBalance - FlushBalanceWriteCost > FlushBalanceThreshold; } /// <summary> /// Alters the flush balance by the given value. Should increase significantly with each sync, decrease with each write. /// A flush balance higher than the threshold will cause a texture to repeatedly copy to a flush buffer on each use. /// </summary> /// <param name="modifier">Value to add to the existing flush balance</param> /// <returns>True if the new balance is over the threshold, false otherwise</returns> private bool ModifyFlushBalance(int modifier) { int result; int existingBalance; do { existingBalance = _flushBalance; result = Math.Max(FlushBalanceMin, Math.Min(FlushBalanceMax, existingBalance + modifier)); } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _flushBalance, result, existingBalance) != existingBalance); return result > FlushBalanceThreshold; } /// <summary> /// Adds a single texture view as an overlap if its range overlaps. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">The offset of the view in the group</param> /// <param name="view">The texture to add as an overlap</param> public void AddOverlap(int offset, Texture view) { // Overlaps can be accessed from the memory tracking signal handler, so access must be atomic. if (OverlapsWith(offset, (int)view.Size)) { lock (Overlaps) { Overlaps.Add(view); } } } /// <summary> /// Removes a single texture view as an overlap if its range overlaps. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">The offset of the view in the group</param> /// <param name="view">The texture to add as an overlap</param> public void RemoveOverlap(int offset, Texture view) { // Overlaps can be accessed from the memory tracking signal handler, so access must be atomic. if (OverlapsWith(offset, (int)view.Size)) { lock (Overlaps) { Overlaps.Remove(view); } } } /// <summary> /// Registers a sync action to happen for this handle, and an interim flush action on the tracking handle. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The GPU context to register a sync action on</param> private void RegisterSync(GpuContext context) { if (!_syncActionRegistered) { _modifiedSync = context.SyncNumber; context.RegisterSyncAction(this, true); _syncActionRegistered = true; } if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _actionRegistered, 1) == 0) { _group.RegisterAction(this); } } /// <summary> /// Signal that this handle has been modified to any existing dependencies, and set the modified flag. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The GPU context to register a sync action on</param> public void SignalModified(GpuContext context) { Modified = true; // If this handle has any copy dependencies, notify the other handle that a copy needs to be performed. foreach (TextureDependency dependency in Dependencies) { dependency.SignalModified(); } RegisterSync(context); } /// <summary> /// Signal that this handle has either started or ended being modified. /// </summary> /// <param name="bound">True if this handle is being bound, false if unbound</param> /// <param name="context">The GPU context to register a sync action on</param> public void SignalModifying(bool bound, GpuContext context) { SignalModified(context); if (!bound && _syncActionRegistered && NextSyncCopies()) { // On unbind, textures that flush often should immediately create sync so their result can be obtained as soon as possible. context.CreateHostSyncIfNeeded(HostSyncFlags.Force); } // Note: Bind count currently resets to 0 on inherit for safety, as the handle <-> view relationship can change. _bindCount = Math.Max(0, _bindCount + (bound ? 1 : -1)); } /// <summary> /// Synchronize dependent textures, if any of them have deferred a copy from this texture. /// </summary> public void SynchronizeDependents() { foreach (TextureDependency dependency in Dependencies) { TextureGroupHandle otherHandle = dependency.Other.Handle; if (otherHandle.DeferredCopy == this) { otherHandle._group.Storage.SynchronizeMemory(); } } } /// <summary> /// Wait for the latest sync number that the texture handle was written to, /// removing the modified flag if it was reached, or leaving it set if it has not yet been created. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The GPU context used to wait for sync</param> /// <returns>True if the texture data can be read from the flush buffer</returns> public bool Sync(GpuContext context) { // Currently assumes the calling thread is a guest thread. bool inBuffer = _registeredBufferGuestSync != ulong.MaxValue; ulong sync = inBuffer ? _registeredBufferGuestSync : _registeredSync; long diff = (long)(context.SyncNumber - sync); ModifyFlushBalance(FlushBalanceIncrement); if (diff > 0) { context.Renderer.WaitSync(sync); if ((long)(_modifiedSync - sync) > 0) { // Flush the data in a previous state. Do not remove the modified flag - it will be removed to ignore following writes. return inBuffer; } Modified = false; return inBuffer; } // If the difference is <= 0, no data is not ready yet. Flush any data we can without waiting or removing modified flag. return false; } /// <summary> /// Clears the action registered variable, indicating that the tracking action should be /// re-registered on the next modification. /// </summary> public void ClearActionRegistered() { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _actionRegistered, 0); } /// <summary> /// Action to perform before a sync number is registered after modification. /// This action will copy the texture data to the flush buffer if this texture /// flushes often enough, which is determined by the flush balance. /// </summary> /// <inheritdoc/> public void SyncPreAction(bool syncpoint) { if (syncpoint || NextSyncCopies()) { if (ModifyFlushBalance(0) && _registeredBufferSync != _modifiedSync) { _group.FlushIntoBuffer(this); _registeredBufferSync = _modifiedSync; } } } /// <summary> /// Action to perform when a sync number is registered after modification. /// This action will register a read tracking action on the memory tracking handle so that a flush from CPU can happen. /// </summary> /// <inheritdoc/> public bool SyncAction(bool syncpoint) { // The storage will need to signal modified again to update the sync number in future. _group.Storage.SignalModifiedDirty(); bool lastInBuffer = _registeredBufferSync == _modifiedSync; if (!lastInBuffer) { _registeredBufferSync = ulong.MaxValue; } lock (Overlaps) { foreach (Texture texture in Overlaps) { texture.SignalModifiedDirty(); } } // Register region tracking for CPU? (again) _registeredSync = _modifiedSync; _syncActionRegistered = false; if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _actionRegistered, 1) == 0) { _group.RegisterAction(this); } if (syncpoint) { _registeredBufferGuestSync = _registeredBufferSync; } // If the last modification is in the buffer, keep this sync action alive until it sees a syncpoint. return syncpoint || !lastInBuffer; } /// <summary> /// Signal that a copy dependent texture has been modified, and must have its data copied to this one. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyFrom">The texture handle that must defer a copy to this one</param> public void DeferCopy(TextureGroupHandle copyFrom) { Modified = false; DeferredCopy = copyFrom; _group.Storage.SignalGroupDirty(); foreach (Texture overlap in Overlaps) { overlap.SignalGroupDirty(); } } /// <summary> /// Create a copy dependency between this handle, and another. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">The handle to create a copy dependency to</param> /// <param name="copyToOther">True if a copy should be deferred to all of the other handle's dependencies</param> public void CreateCopyDependency(TextureGroupHandle other, bool copyToOther = false) { // Does this dependency already exist? foreach (TextureDependency existing in Dependencies) { if (existing.Other.Handle == other) { // Do not need to create it again. May need to set the dirty flag. return; } } _group.HasCopyDependencies = true; other._group.HasCopyDependencies = true; TextureDependency dependency = new TextureDependency(this); TextureDependency otherDependency = new TextureDependency(other); dependency.Other = otherDependency; otherDependency.Other = dependency; Dependencies.Add(dependency); other.Dependencies.Add(otherDependency); // Recursively create dependency: // All of this handle's dependencies must depend on the other. foreach (TextureDependency existing in Dependencies.ToArray()) { if (existing != dependency && existing.Other.Handle != other) { existing.Other.Handle.CreateCopyDependency(other); } } // All of the other handle's dependencies must depend on this. foreach (TextureDependency existing in other.Dependencies.ToArray()) { if (existing != otherDependency && existing.Other.Handle != this) { existing.Other.Handle.CreateCopyDependency(this); if (copyToOther) { existing.Other.Handle.DeferCopy(this); } } } } /// <summary> /// Remove a dependency from this handle's dependency list. /// </summary> /// <param name="dependency">The dependency to remove</param> public void RemoveDependency(TextureDependency dependency) { Dependencies.Remove(dependency); } /// <summary> /// Check if any of this handle's memory tracking handles are dirty. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if at least one of the handles is dirty</returns> private bool CheckDirty() { return Handles.Any(handle => handle.Dirty); } /// <summary> /// Perform a copy from the provided handle to this one, or perform a deferred copy if none is provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">GPU context to register sync for modified handles</param> /// <param name="fromHandle">The handle to copy from. If not provided, this method will copy from and clear the deferred copy instead</param> /// <returns>True if the copy was performed, false otherwise</returns> public bool Copy(GpuContext context, TextureGroupHandle fromHandle = null) { bool result = false; bool shouldCopy = false; if (fromHandle == null) { fromHandle = DeferredCopy; if (fromHandle != null) { // Only copy if the copy texture is still modified. // It will be set as unmodified if new data is written from CPU, as the data previously in the texture will flush. // It will also set as unmodified if a copy is deferred to it. shouldCopy = fromHandle.Modified; if (fromHandle._bindCount == 0) { // Repeat the copy in future if the bind count is greater than 0. DeferredCopy = null; } } } else { // Copies happen directly when initializing a copy dependency. // If dirty, do not copy. Its data no longer matters, and this handle should also be dirty. // Also, only direct copy if the data in this handle is not already modified (can be set by copies from modified handles). shouldCopy = !fromHandle.CheckDirty() && (fromHandle.Modified || !Modified); } if (shouldCopy) { Texture from = fromHandle._group.Storage; Texture to = _group.Storage; if (from.ScaleFactor != to.ScaleFactor) { to.PropagateScale(from); } from.HostTexture.CopyTo( to.HostTexture, fromHandle._firstLayer, _firstLayer, fromHandle._firstLevel, _firstLevel); if (fromHandle.Modified) { Modified = true; RegisterSync(context); } result = true; } return result; } /// <summary> /// Check if this handle has a dependency to a given texture group. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">The texture group to check for</param> /// <returns>True if there is a dependency, false otherwise</returns> public bool HasDependencyTo(TextureGroup group) { foreach (TextureDependency dep in Dependencies) { if (dep.Other.Handle._group == group) { return true; } } return false; } /// <summary> /// Inherit modified flags and dependencies from another texture handle. /// </summary> /// <param name="old">The texture handle to inherit from</param> /// <param name="withCopies">Whether the handle should inherit copy dependencies or not</param> public void Inherit(TextureGroupHandle old, bool withCopies) { Modified |= old.Modified; if (withCopies) { foreach (TextureDependency dependency in old.Dependencies.ToArray()) { CreateCopyDependency(dependency.Other.Handle); if (dependency.Other.Handle.DeferredCopy == old) { dependency.Other.Handle.DeferredCopy = this; } } DeferredCopy = old.DeferredCopy; } } /// <summary> /// Check if this region overlaps with another. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">Base address</param> /// <param name="size">Size of the region</param> /// <returns>True if overlapping, false otherwise</returns> public bool OverlapsWith(int offset, int size) { return Offset < offset + size && offset < Offset + Size; } /// <summary> /// Dispose this texture group handle, removing all its dependencies and disposing its memory tracking handles. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { foreach (CpuRegionHandle handle in Handles) { handle.Dispose(); } foreach (TextureDependency dependency in Dependencies.ToArray()) { dependency.Other.Handle.RemoveDependency(dependency.Other); } } } }