using Ryujinx.Common.Memory; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.InlineToMemory; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed { /// /// Shader stage name. /// enum ShaderType { Vertex, TessellationControl, TessellationEvaluation, Geometry, Fragment, } /// /// Tessellation mode. /// struct TessMode { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint Packed; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks the tessellation abstract patch type. /// /// Abtract patch type public readonly TessPatchType UnpackPatchType() { return (TessPatchType)(Packed & 3); } /// /// Unpacks the spacing between tessellated vertices of the patch. /// /// Spacing between tessellated vertices public readonly TessSpacing UnpackSpacing() { return (TessSpacing)((Packed >> 4) & 3); } /// /// Unpacks the primitive winding order. /// /// True if clockwise, false if counter-clockwise public readonly bool UnpackCw() { return (Packed & (1 << 8)) != 0; } } /// /// Transform feedback buffer state. /// struct TfBufferState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 Enable; public GpuVa Address; public int Size; public int Offset; public uint Padding0; public uint Padding1; public uint Padding2; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Transform feedback state. /// struct TfState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public int BufferIndex; public int VaryingsCount; public int Stride; public uint Padding; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Render target color buffer state. /// struct RtColorState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public GpuVa Address; public int WidthOrStride; public int Height; public ColorFormat Format; public MemoryLayout MemoryLayout; public int Depth; public int LayerSize; public int BaseLayer; public int Unknown0x24; public int Padding0; public int Padding1; public int Padding2; public int Padding3; public int Padding4; public int Padding5; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Viewport transform parameters, for viewport transformation. /// struct ViewportTransform { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public float ScaleX; public float ScaleY; public float ScaleZ; public float TranslateX; public float TranslateY; public float TranslateZ; public uint Swizzle; public uint SubpixelPrecisionBias; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks viewport swizzle of the position X component. /// /// Swizzle enum value public readonly ViewportSwizzle UnpackSwizzleX() { return (ViewportSwizzle)(Swizzle & 7); } /// /// Unpacks viewport swizzle of the position Y component. /// /// Swizzle enum value public readonly ViewportSwizzle UnpackSwizzleY() { return (ViewportSwizzle)((Swizzle >> 4) & 7); } /// /// Unpacks viewport swizzle of the position Z component. /// /// Swizzle enum value public readonly ViewportSwizzle UnpackSwizzleZ() { return (ViewportSwizzle)((Swizzle >> 8) & 7); } /// /// Unpacks viewport swizzle of the position W component. /// /// Swizzle enum value public readonly ViewportSwizzle UnpackSwizzleW() { return (ViewportSwizzle)((Swizzle >> 12) & 7); } } /// /// Viewport extents for viewport clipping, also includes depth range. /// struct ViewportExtents { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public ushort X; public ushort Width; public ushort Y; public ushort Height; public float DepthNear; public float DepthFar; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Draw state for non-indexed draws. /// struct VertexBufferDrawState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public int First; public int Count; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Color buffer clear color. /// struct ClearColors { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public float Red; public float Green; public float Blue; public float Alpha; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Depth bias (also called polygon offset) parameters. /// struct DepthBiasState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 PointEnable; public Boolean32 LineEnable; public Boolean32 FillEnable; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Indicates whenever the blend microcode processes RGB and alpha components. /// enum BlendUcodeEnable { Disabled = 0, EnableRGB = 1, EnableAlpha = 2, EnableRGBA = 3, } /// /// Scissor state. /// struct ScissorState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 Enable; public ushort X1; public ushort X2; public ushort Y1; public ushort Y2; public uint Padding; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Stencil test masks for back tests. /// struct StencilBackMasks { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public int FuncRef; public int Mask; public int FuncMask; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Render target depth-stencil buffer state. /// struct RtDepthStencilState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public GpuVa Address; public ZetaFormat Format; public MemoryLayout MemoryLayout; public int LayerSize; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Screen scissor state. /// struct ScreenScissorState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public ushort X; public ushort Width; public ushort Y; public ushort Height; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Vertex attribute vector and component size. /// enum VertexAttribSize { Size32x4 = 1, Size32x3 = 2, Size16x4 = 3, Size32x2 = 4, Size16x3 = 5, Size8x4 = 0xa, Size16x2 = 0xf, Size32 = 0x12, Size8x3 = 0x13, Size8x2 = 0x18, Size16 = 0x1b, Size8 = 0x1d, Rgb10A2 = 0x30, Rg11B10 = 0x31, } /// /// Vertex attribute component type. /// enum VertexAttribType { Snorm = 1, Unorm = 2, Sint = 3, Uint = 4, Uscaled = 5, Sscaled = 6, Float = 7, } /// /// Vertex buffer attribute state. /// struct VertexAttribState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint Attribute; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks the index of the vertex buffer this attribute belongs to. /// /// Vertex buffer index public readonly int UnpackBufferIndex() { return (int)(Attribute & 0x1f); } /// /// Unpacks the attribute constant flag. /// /// True if the attribute is constant, false otherwise public readonly bool UnpackIsConstant() { return (Attribute & 0x40) != 0; } /// /// Unpacks the offset, in bytes, of the attribute on the vertex buffer. /// /// Attribute offset in bytes public readonly int UnpackOffset() { return (int)((Attribute >> 7) & 0x3fff); } /// /// Unpacks the Maxwell attribute format integer. /// /// Attribute format integer public readonly uint UnpackFormat() { return Attribute & 0x3fe00000; } /// /// Unpacks the Maxwell attribute size. /// /// Attribute size public readonly VertexAttribSize UnpackSize() { return (VertexAttribSize)((Attribute >> 21) & 0x3f); } /// /// Unpacks the Maxwell attribute component type. /// /// Attribute component type public readonly VertexAttribType UnpackType() { return (VertexAttribType)((Attribute >> 27) & 7); } } /// /// Render target draw buffers control. /// struct RtControl { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint Packed; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks the number of active draw buffers. /// /// Number of active draw buffers public readonly int UnpackCount() { return (int)(Packed & 0xf); } /// /// Unpacks the color attachment index for a given draw buffer. /// /// Index of the draw buffer /// Attachment index public readonly int UnpackPermutationIndex(int index) { return (int)((Packed >> (4 + index * 3)) & 7); } } /// /// 3D, 2D or 1D texture size. /// struct Size3D { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public int Width; public int Height; public ushort Depth; public ushort Flags; public readonly bool UnpackIsLayered() { return (Flags & 1) == 0; } #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Stencil front test state and masks. /// struct StencilTestState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 Enable; public StencilOp FrontSFail; public StencilOp FrontDpFail; public StencilOp FrontDpPass; public CompareOp FrontFunc; public int FrontFuncRef; public int FrontFuncMask; public int FrontMask; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Screen Y control register. /// [Flags] enum YControl { NegateY = 1 << 0, TriangleRastFlip = 1 << 4, } /// /// RGB color components packed as 16-bit float values. /// struct RgbHalf { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint R; public uint G; public uint B; public uint Padding; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks the red color component as a 16-bit float value. /// /// The component value public readonly Half UnpackR() { ushort value = (ushort)R; return Unsafe.As(ref value); } /// /// Unpacks the green color component as a 16-bit float value. /// /// The component value public readonly Half UnpackG() { ushort value = (ushort)G; return Unsafe.As(ref value); } /// /// Unpacks the blue color component as a 16-bit float value. /// /// The component value public readonly Half UnpackB() { ushort value = (ushort)B; return Unsafe.As(ref value); } } /// /// Condition for conditional rendering. /// enum Condition { Never, Always, ResultNonZero, Equal, NotEqual, } /// /// Texture or sampler pool state. /// struct PoolState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public GpuVa Address; public int MaximumId; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Stencil back test state. /// struct StencilBackTestState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 TwoSided; public StencilOp BackSFail; public StencilOp BackDpFail; public StencilOp BackDpPass; public CompareOp BackFunc; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Primitive restart state. /// struct PrimitiveRestartState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 Enable; public int Index; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// GPU index buffer state. /// This is used on indexed draws. /// struct IndexBufferState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public GpuVa Address; public GpuVa EndAddress; public IndexType Type; public int First; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Face culling and orientation parameters. /// struct FaceState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 CullEnable; public FrontFace FrontFace; public Face CullFace; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// View volume clip control. /// [Flags] enum ViewVolumeClipControl { ForceDepthRangeZeroToOne = 1 << 0, DepthClampDisabled = 1 << 11, } /// /// Logical operation state. /// struct LogicalOpState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 Enable; public LogicalOp LogicalOp; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Render target color buffer mask. /// This defines which color channels are written to the color buffer. /// struct RtColorMask { public uint Packed; public RtColorMask(uint packed) { Packed = packed; } /// /// Unpacks red channel enable. /// /// True to write the new red channel color, false to keep the old value public readonly bool UnpackRed() { return (Packed & 0x1) != 0; } /// /// Unpacks green channel enable. /// /// True to write the new green channel color, false to keep the old value public readonly bool UnpackGreen() { return (Packed & 0x10) != 0; } /// /// Unpacks blue channel enable. /// /// True to write the new blue channel color, false to keep the old value public readonly bool UnpackBlue() { return (Packed & 0x100) != 0; } /// /// Unpacks alpha channel enable. /// /// True to write the new alpha channel color, false to keep the old value public readonly bool UnpackAlpha() { return (Packed & 0x1000) != 0; } } /// /// Vertex buffer state. /// struct VertexBufferState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint Control; public GpuVa Address; public int Divisor; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Vertex buffer stride, defined as the number of bytes occupied by each vertex in memory. /// /// Vertex buffer stride public readonly int UnpackStride() { return (int)(Control & 0xfff); } /// /// Vertex buffer enable. /// /// True if the vertex buffer is enabled, false otherwise public readonly bool UnpackEnable() { return (Control & (1 << 12)) != 0; } } /// /// Color buffer blending parameters, shared by all color buffers. /// struct BlendStateCommon { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 SeparateAlpha; public BlendOp ColorOp; public BlendFactor ColorSrcFactor; public BlendFactor ColorDstFactor; public BlendOp AlphaOp; public BlendFactor AlphaSrcFactor; public uint Unknown0x1354; public BlendFactor AlphaDstFactor; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Color buffer blending parameters. /// struct BlendState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public Boolean32 SeparateAlpha; public BlendOp ColorOp; public BlendFactor ColorSrcFactor; public BlendFactor ColorDstFactor; public BlendOp AlphaOp; public BlendFactor AlphaSrcFactor; public BlendFactor AlphaDstFactor; public uint Padding; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } /// /// Graphics shader stage state. /// struct ShaderState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint Control; public uint Offset; public uint Unknown0x8; public int MaxRegisters; public ShaderType Type; public uint Unknown0x14; public uint Unknown0x18; public uint Unknown0x1c; public uint Unknown0x20; public uint Unknown0x24; public uint Unknown0x28; public uint Unknown0x2c; public uint Unknown0x30; public uint Unknown0x34; public uint Unknown0x38; public uint Unknown0x3c; #pragma warning restore CS0649 /// /// Unpacks shader enable information. /// Must be ignored for vertex shaders, those are always enabled. /// /// True if the stage is enabled, false otherwise public readonly bool UnpackEnable() { return (Control & 1) != 0; } } /// /// Uniform buffer state for the uniform buffer currently being modified. /// struct UniformBufferState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public int Size; public GpuVa Address; public int Offset; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } unsafe struct ThreedClassState : IShadowState { #pragma warning disable CS0649 // Field is never assigned to public uint SetObject; public readonly int SetObjectClassId => (int)(SetObject & 0xFFFF); public readonly int SetObjectEngineId => (int)((SetObject >> 16) & 0x1F); public fixed uint Reserved04[63]; public uint NoOperation; public uint SetNotifyA; public readonly int SetNotifyAAddressUpper => (int)(SetNotifyA & 0xFF); public uint SetNotifyB; public uint Notify; public readonly NotifyType NotifyType => (NotifyType)(Notify); public uint WaitForIdle; public uint LoadMmeInstructionRamPointer; public uint LoadMmeInstructionRam; public uint LoadMmeStartAddressRamPointer; public uint LoadMmeStartAddressRam; public uint SetMmeShadowRamControl; public readonly SetMmeShadowRamControlMode SetMmeShadowRamControlMode => (SetMmeShadowRamControlMode)(SetMmeShadowRamControl & 0x3); public fixed uint Reserved128[2]; public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableA; public readonly int SetGlobalRenderEnableAOffsetUpper => (int)(SetGlobalRenderEnableA & 0xFF); public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableB; public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableC; public readonly int SetGlobalRenderEnableCMode => (int)(SetGlobalRenderEnableC & 0x7); public uint SendGoIdle; public uint PmTrigger; public uint PmTriggerWfi; public fixed uint Reserved148[2]; public uint SetInstrumentationMethodHeader; public uint SetInstrumentationMethodData; public fixed uint Reserved158[10]; public uint LineLengthIn; public uint LineCount; public uint OffsetOutUpper; public readonly int OffsetOutUpperValue => (int)(OffsetOutUpper & 0xFF); public uint OffsetOut; public uint PitchOut; public uint SetDstBlockSize; public readonly SetDstBlockSizeWidth SetDstBlockSizeWidth => (SetDstBlockSizeWidth)(SetDstBlockSize & 0xF); public readonly SetDstBlockSizeHeight SetDstBlockSizeHeight => (SetDstBlockSizeHeight)((SetDstBlockSize >> 4) & 0xF); public readonly SetDstBlockSizeDepth SetDstBlockSizeDepth => (SetDstBlockSizeDepth)((SetDstBlockSize >> 8) & 0xF); public uint SetDstWidth; public uint SetDstHeight; public uint SetDstDepth; public uint SetDstLayer; public uint SetDstOriginBytesX; public readonly int SetDstOriginBytesXV => (int)(SetDstOriginBytesX & 0xFFFFF); public uint SetDstOriginSamplesY; public readonly int SetDstOriginSamplesYV => (int)(SetDstOriginSamplesY & 0xFFFF); public uint LaunchDma; public readonly LaunchDmaDstMemoryLayout LaunchDmaDstMemoryLayout => (LaunchDmaDstMemoryLayout)(LaunchDma & 0x1); public readonly LaunchDmaCompletionType LaunchDmaCompletionType => (LaunchDmaCompletionType)((LaunchDma >> 4) & 0x3); public readonly LaunchDmaInterruptType LaunchDmaInterruptType => (LaunchDmaInterruptType)((LaunchDma >> 8) & 0x3); public readonly LaunchDmaSemaphoreStructSize LaunchDmaSemaphoreStructSize => (LaunchDmaSemaphoreStructSize)((LaunchDma >> 12) & 0x1); public readonly bool LaunchDmaReductionEnable => (LaunchDma & 0x2) != 0; public readonly LaunchDmaReductionOp LaunchDmaReductionOp => (LaunchDmaReductionOp)((LaunchDma >> 13) & 0x7); public readonly LaunchDmaReductionFormat LaunchDmaReductionFormat => (LaunchDmaReductionFormat)((LaunchDma >> 2) & 0x3); public readonly bool LaunchDmaSysmembarDisable => (LaunchDma & 0x40) != 0; public uint LoadInlineData; public fixed uint Reserved1B8[22]; public Boolean32 EarlyZForce; public fixed uint Reserved214[45]; public uint SyncpointAction; public fixed uint Reserved2CC[10]; public uint BlendUcodeNormalizedDst; public fixed uint Reserved2F8[10]; public TessMode TessMode; public Array4 TessOuterLevel; public Array2 TessInnerLevel; public fixed uint Reserved33C[16]; public Boolean32 RasterizeEnable; public Array4 TfBufferState; public fixed uint Reserved400[192]; public Array4 TfState; public fixed uint Reserved740[1]; public Boolean32 TfEnable; public fixed uint Reserved748[46]; public Array8 RtColorState; public Array16 ViewportTransform; public Array16 ViewportExtents; public fixed uint ReservedD00[29]; public VertexBufferDrawState VertexBufferDrawState; public uint DepthMode; public ClearColors ClearColors; public float ClearDepthValue; public fixed uint ReservedD94[3]; public uint ClearStencilValue; public fixed uint ReservedDA4[2]; public PolygonMode PolygonModeFront; public PolygonMode PolygonModeBack; public Boolean32 PolygonSmoothEnable; public fixed uint ReservedDB8[2]; public DepthBiasState DepthBiasState; public int PatchVertices; public BlendUcodeEnable BlendUcodeEnable; public uint BlendUcodeSize; public fixed uint ReservedDD8[2]; public uint TextureBarrier; public uint WatchdogTimer; public Boolean32 PrimitiveRestartDrawArrays; public uint ReservedDEC; public uint LoadBlendUcodeStart; public uint LoadBlendUcodeInstruction; public fixed uint ReservedDF8[2]; public Array16 ScissorState; public fixed uint ReservedF00[21]; public StencilBackMasks StencilBackMasks; public fixed uint ReservedF60[5]; public uint InvalidateTextures; public fixed uint ReservedF78[1]; public uint TextureBarrierTiled; public fixed uint ReservedF80[4]; public Boolean32 RtColorMaskShared; public fixed uint ReservedF94[19]; public RtDepthStencilState RtDepthStencilState; public ScreenScissorState ScreenScissorState; public fixed uint ReservedFFC[33]; public int DrawTextureDstX; public int DrawTextureDstY; public int DrawTextureDstWidth; public int DrawTextureDstHeight; public long DrawTextureDuDx; public long DrawTextureDvDy; public int DrawTextureSamplerId; public int DrawTextureTextureId; public int DrawTextureSrcX; public int DrawTextureSrcY; public fixed uint Reserved10B0[18]; public uint ClearFlags; public fixed uint Reserved10FC[25]; public Array32 VertexAttribState; public fixed uint Reserved11E0[13]; public uint DrawVertexArrayBeginEndInstanceFirst; public uint DrawVertexArrayBeginEndInstanceSubsequent; public RtControl RtControl; public fixed uint Reserved1220[2]; public Size3D RtDepthStencilSize; public SamplerIndex SamplerIndex; public fixed uint Reserved1238[37]; public Boolean32 DepthTestEnable; public fixed uint Reserved12D0[4]; public Boolean32 AlphaToCoverageDitherEnable; public Boolean32 BlendIndependent; public Boolean32 DepthWriteEnable; public Boolean32 AlphaTestEnable; public fixed uint Reserved12F0[5]; public uint VbElementU8; public uint Reserved1308; public CompareOp DepthTestFunc; public float AlphaTestRef; public CompareOp AlphaTestFunc; public uint Reserved1318; public ColorF BlendConstant; public fixed uint Reserved132C[4]; public BlendStateCommon BlendStateCommon; public Boolean32 BlendEnableCommon; public Array8 BlendEnable; public StencilTestState StencilTestState; public fixed uint Reserved13A0[3]; public YControl YControl; public float LineWidthSmooth; public float LineWidthAliased; public fixed uint Reserved13B8[27]; public uint InvalidateSamplerCacheNoWfi; public uint InvalidateTextureHeaderCacheNoWfi; public fixed uint Reserved142C[2]; public uint FirstVertex; public uint FirstInstance; public fixed uint Reserved143C[17]; public Array8 BlendUcodeConstants; public fixed uint Reserved1500[4]; public uint ClipDistanceEnable; public uint Reserved1514; public float PointSize; public uint Reserved151C; public Boolean32 PointSpriteEnable; public fixed uint Reserved1524[3]; public uint ResetCounter; public Boolean32 MultisampleEnable; public Boolean32 RtDepthStencilEnable; public uint MultisampleControl; public fixed uint Reserved1540[4]; public GpuVa RenderEnableAddress; public Condition RenderEnableCondition; public PoolState SamplerPoolState; public uint Reserved1568; public float DepthBiasFactor; public Boolean32 LineSmoothEnable; public PoolState TexturePoolState; public fixed uint Reserved1580[5]; public StencilBackTestState StencilBackTestState; public fixed uint Reserved15A8[5]; public float DepthBiasUnits; public fixed uint Reserved15C0[4]; public TextureMsaaMode RtMsaaMode; public fixed uint Reserved15D4[5]; public uint VbElementU32; public uint Reserved15EC; public uint VbElementU16; public fixed uint Reserved15F4[4]; public uint PointCoordReplace; public GpuVa ShaderBaseAddress; public uint Reserved1610; public uint DrawEnd; public uint DrawBegin; public fixed uint Reserved161C[10]; public PrimitiveRestartState PrimitiveRestartState; public fixed uint Reserved164C[95]; public IndexBufferState IndexBufferState; public uint IndexBufferCount; public uint DrawIndexBuffer32BeginEndInstanceFirst; public uint DrawIndexBuffer16BeginEndInstanceFirst; public uint DrawIndexBuffer8BeginEndInstanceFirst; public uint DrawIndexBuffer32BeginEndInstanceSubsequent; public uint DrawIndexBuffer16BeginEndInstanceSubsequent; public uint DrawIndexBuffer8BeginEndInstanceSubsequent; public fixed uint Reserved17FC[32]; public float DepthBiasClamp; public Array16 VertexBufferInstanced; public fixed uint Reserved18C0[20]; public Boolean32 VertexProgramPointSize; public uint Reserved1914; public FaceState FaceState; public fixed uint Reserved1924[2]; public uint ViewportTransformEnable; public fixed uint Reserved1930[3]; public ViewVolumeClipControl ViewVolumeClipControl; public fixed uint Reserved1940[2]; public Boolean32 PrimitiveTypeOverrideEnable; public fixed uint Reserved194C[9]; public PrimitiveTypeOverride PrimitiveTypeOverride; public fixed uint Reserved1974[20]; public LogicalOpState LogicOpState; public uint Reserved19CC; public uint Clear; public fixed uint Reserved19D4[11]; public Array8 RtColorMask; public fixed uint Reserved1A20[56]; public GpuVa SemaphoreAddress; public int SemaphorePayload; public uint SemaphoreControl; public fixed uint Reserved1B10[60]; public Array16 VertexBufferState; public fixed uint Reserved1D00[64]; public Array8 BlendState; public Array16 VertexBufferEndAddress; public fixed uint Reserved1F80[32]; public Array6 ShaderState; public fixed uint Reserved2180[96]; public uint SetFalcon00; public uint SetFalcon01; public uint SetFalcon02; public uint SetFalcon03; public uint SetFalcon04; public uint SetFalcon05; public uint SetFalcon06; public uint SetFalcon07; public uint SetFalcon08; public uint SetFalcon09; public uint SetFalcon10; public uint SetFalcon11; public uint SetFalcon12; public uint SetFalcon13; public uint SetFalcon14; public uint SetFalcon15; public uint SetFalcon16; public uint SetFalcon17; public uint SetFalcon18; public uint SetFalcon19; public uint SetFalcon20; public uint SetFalcon21; public uint SetFalcon22; public uint SetFalcon23; public uint SetFalcon24; public uint SetFalcon25; public uint SetFalcon26; public uint SetFalcon27; public uint SetFalcon28; public uint SetFalcon29; public uint SetFalcon30; public uint SetFalcon31; public UniformBufferState UniformBufferState; public Array16 UniformBufferUpdateData; public fixed uint Reserved23D0[16]; public uint UniformBufferBindVertex; public fixed uint Reserved2414[7]; public uint UniformBufferBindTessControl; public fixed uint Reserved2434[7]; public uint UniformBufferBindTessEvaluation; public fixed uint Reserved2454[7]; public uint UniformBufferBindGeometry; public fixed uint Reserved2474[7]; public uint UniformBufferBindFragment; public fixed uint Reserved2494[93]; public uint TextureBufferIndex; public fixed uint Reserved260C[125]; public Array4> TfVaryingLocations; public fixed uint Reserved2A00[640]; public Array256 SetMmeShadowScratch; #pragma warning restore CS0649 } }