using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw
/// Vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader state.
struct VtgAsComputeState
private const int ComputeLocalSize = 32;
private readonly GpuContext _context;
private readonly GpuChannel _channel;
private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow _state;
private readonly VtgAsComputeContext _vacContext;
private readonly ThreedClass _engine;
private readonly ShaderAsCompute _vertexAsCompute;
private readonly ShaderAsCompute _geometryAsCompute;
private readonly IProgram _vertexPassthroughProgram;
private readonly PrimitiveTopology _topology;
private readonly int _count;
private readonly int _instanceCount;
private readonly int _firstIndex;
private readonly int _firstVertex;
private readonly int _firstInstance;
private readonly bool _indexed;
private readonly int _vertexDataOffset;
private readonly int _vertexDataSize;
private readonly int _geometryVertexDataOffset;
private readonly int _geometryVertexDataSize;
private readonly int _geometryIndexDataOffset;
private readonly int _geometryIndexDataSize;
private readonly int _geometryIndexDataCount;
/// Creates a new vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader state.
/// GPU context
/// GPU channel
/// 3D engine state
/// Vertex as compute context
/// 3D engine
/// Vertex shader converted to compute
/// Optional geometry shader converted to compute
/// Fragment shader with a vertex passthrough shader to feed the compute output into the fragment stage
/// Primitive topology of the draw
/// Index or vertex count of the draw
/// Instance count
/// First index on the index buffer, for indexed draws
/// First vertex on the vertex buffer
/// First instance
/// Whether the draw is indexed
public VtgAsComputeState(
GpuContext context,
GpuChannel channel,
DeviceStateWithShadow state,
VtgAsComputeContext vacContext,
ThreedClass engine,
ShaderAsCompute vertexAsCompute,
ShaderAsCompute geometryAsCompute,
IProgram vertexPassthroughProgram,
PrimitiveTopology topology,
int count,
int instanceCount,
int firstIndex,
int firstVertex,
int firstInstance,
bool indexed)
_context = context;
_channel = channel;
_state = state;
_vacContext = vacContext;
_engine = engine;
_vertexAsCompute = vertexAsCompute;
_geometryAsCompute = geometryAsCompute;
_vertexPassthroughProgram = vertexPassthroughProgram;
_topology = topology;
_count = count;
_instanceCount = instanceCount;
_firstIndex = firstIndex;
_firstVertex = firstVertex;
_firstInstance = firstInstance;
_indexed = indexed;
int vertexDataSize = vertexAsCompute.Reservations.OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation * count * instanceCount;
(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize) = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBuffer(vertexDataSize);
if (geometryAsCompute != null)
int totalPrimitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(topology, count * instanceCount);
int maxCompleteStrips = GetMaxCompleteStrips(geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive, geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryMaxOutputVertices);
int totalVerticesCount = totalPrimitivesCount * geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryMaxOutputVertices * geometryAsCompute.Info.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
int geometryVbDataSize = totalVerticesCount * geometryAsCompute.Reservations.OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation;
int geometryIbDataCount = totalVerticesCount + totalPrimitivesCount * maxCompleteStrips;
int geometryIbDataSize = geometryIbDataCount * sizeof(uint);
(_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize) = vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBuffer(geometryVbDataSize);
(_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize) = vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBuffer(geometryIbDataSize);
_geometryIndexDataCount = geometryIbDataCount;
/// Emulates the vertex stage using compute.
public readonly void RunVertex()
int primitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(_topology, _count);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
for (int index = 0; index < Constants.TotalVertexAttribs; index++)
var vertexAttrib = _state.State.VertexAttribState[index];
if (!FormatTable.TryGetSingleComponentAttribFormat(vertexAttrib.UnpackFormat(), out Format format, out int componentsCount))
Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Invalid attribute format 0x{vertexAttrib.UnpackFormat():X}.");
format = vertexAttrib.UnpackType() switch
VertexAttribType.Sint => Format.R32Sint,
VertexAttribType.Uint => Format.R32Uint,
_ => Format.R32Float
componentsCount = 4;
if (vertexAttrib.UnpackIsConstant())
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, 0, componentsCount);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, 0, 0);
SetDummyBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format);
int bufferIndex = vertexAttrib.UnpackBufferIndex();
GpuVa endAddress = _state.State.VertexBufferEndAddress[bufferIndex];
var vertexBuffer = _state.State.VertexBufferState[bufferIndex];
bool instanced = _state.State.VertexBufferInstanced[bufferIndex];
ulong address = vertexBuffer.Address.Pack();
if (!vertexBuffer.UnpackEnable() || !_channel.MemoryManager.IsMapped(address))
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, 0, componentsCount);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, 0, 0);
SetDummyBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format);
int vbStride = vertexBuffer.UnpackStride();
ulong vbSize = GetVertexBufferSize(address, endAddress.Pack(), vbStride, _indexed, instanced, _firstVertex, _count);
ulong oldVbSize = vbSize;
ulong attributeOffset = (ulong)vertexAttrib.UnpackOffset();
int componentSize = format.GetScalarSize();
address += attributeOffset;
ulong misalign = address & ((ulong)_context.Capabilities.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment - 1);
vbSize = Align(vbSize - attributeOffset + misalign, componentSize);
SetBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format, address - misalign, vbSize);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, vbStride / componentSize, componentsCount);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, (int)misalign / componentSize, instanced ? vertexBuffer.Divisor : 0);
if (_indexed)
SetIndexBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, _firstIndex, _count, out int ibOffset);
SetSequentialIndexBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, _count);
int vertexInfoBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
BufferRange vertexInfoRange = new(_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Handle, 0, VertexInfoBuffer.RequiredSize);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexInfoBinding, vertexInfoRange) });
int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize, write: true);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange) });
BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_count, ComputeLocalSize),
BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_instanceCount, ComputeLocalSize),
/// Emulates the geometry stage using compute, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
public readonly void RunGeometry()
if (_geometryAsCompute == null)
int primitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(_topology, _count);
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
int vertexInfoBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
BufferRange vertexInfoRange = new(_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Handle, 0, VertexInfoBuffer.RequiredSize);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexInfoBinding, vertexInfoRange) });
int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
// Wait until compute is done.
// TODO: Batch compute and draw operations to avoid pipeline stalls.
SetTopologyRemapBufferTexture(_geometryAsCompute.Reservations, _topology, _count);
int geometryVbBinding = _geometryAsCompute.Reservations.GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
int geometryIbBinding = _geometryAsCompute.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize, write: false);
BufferRange vertexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBufferRange(_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize, write: true);
BufferRange indexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBufferRange(_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize, write: true);
new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange),
new BufferAssignment(geometryVbBinding, vertexBuffer),
new BufferAssignment(geometryIbBinding, indexBuffer),
BitUtils.DivRoundUp(primitivesCount, ComputeLocalSize),
BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_instanceCount, ComputeLocalSize),
/// Performs a draw using the data produced on the vertex, tessellation and geometry stages,
/// if rasterizer discard is disabled.
public readonly void RunFragment()
bool tfEnabled = _state.State.TfEnable;
if (!_state.State.RasterizeEnable && (!tfEnabled || !_context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback))
// No need to run fragment if rasterizer discard is enabled,
// and we are emulating transform feedback or transform feedback is disabled.
// Note: We might skip geometry shader here, but right now, this is fine,
// because the only cases that triggers VTG to compute are geometry shader
// being not supported, or the vertex pipeline doing store operations.
// If the geometry shader does not do any store and rasterizer discard is enabled, the geometry shader can be skipped.
// If the geometry shader does have stores, it would have been converted to compute too if stores are not supported.
int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
if (_geometryAsCompute != null)
BufferRange vertexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBufferRange(_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize, write: false);
BufferRange indexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBufferRange(_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize, write: false);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, IndexType.UInt);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexBuffer) });
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetPrimitiveRestart(true, -1);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(_geometryIndexDataCount, 1, 0, 0, 0);
BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize, write: false);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange) });
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(_count, _instanceCount, 0, 0);
/// Gets a strip primitive topology from the vertices per primitive count.
/// Vertices per primitive count
/// Primitive topology
private static PrimitiveTopology GetGeometryOutputTopology(int verticesPerPrimitive)
return verticesPerPrimitive switch
3 => PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip,
2 => PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip,
_ => PrimitiveTopology.Points,
/// Gets the maximum number of complete primitive strips for a vertex count.
/// Vertices per primitive count
/// Maximum geometry shader output vertices count
/// Maximum number of complete primitive strips
private static int GetMaxCompleteStrips(int verticesPerPrimitive, int maxOutputVertices)
return maxOutputVertices / verticesPerPrimitive;
/// Binds a dummy buffer as vertex buffer into a buffer texture.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// Buffer texture index
/// Buffer texture format
private readonly void SetDummyBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int index, Format format)
ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(index + 2, format);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(index), bufferTexture, null);
/// Binds a vertex buffer into a buffer texture.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// Buffer texture index
/// Buffer texture format
/// Address of the vertex buffer
/// Size of the buffer in bytes
private readonly void SetBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int index, Format format, ulong address, ulong size)
var memoryManager = _channel.MemoryManager;
address = memoryManager.Translate(address);
BufferRange range = memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(address, size);
ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(index + 2, format);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(index), bufferTexture, null);
/// Binds the index buffer into a buffer texture.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// First index of the index buffer
/// Index count
/// Offset that should be added when accessing the buffer texture on the shader
private readonly void SetIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int firstIndex, int count, out int misalignedOffset)
ulong address = _state.State.IndexBufferState.Address.Pack();
ulong indexOffset = (ulong)firstIndex;
ulong size = (ulong)count;
int shift = 0;
Format format = Format.R8Uint;
switch (_state.State.IndexBufferState.Type)
case IndexType.UShort:
shift = 1;
format = Format.R16Uint;
case IndexType.UInt:
shift = 2;
format = Format.R32Uint;
indexOffset <<= shift;
size <<= shift;
var memoryManager = _channel.MemoryManager;
address = memoryManager.Translate(address + indexOffset);
ulong misalign = address & ((ulong)_context.Capabilities.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment - 1);
BufferRange range = memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(address - misalign, size + misalign);
misalignedOffset = (int)misalign >> shift;
SetIndexBufferTexture(reservations, range, format);
/// Sets the host buffer texture for the index buffer.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// Index buffer range
/// Index buffer format
private readonly void SetIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, BufferRange range, Format format)
ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(0, format);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
/// Sets the host buffer texture for the topology remap buffer.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// Input topology
/// Input vertex count
private readonly void SetTopologyRemapBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, PrimitiveTopology topology, int count)
ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(1, Format.R32Uint);
bufferTexture.SetStorage(_vacContext.GetOrCreateTopologyRemapBuffer(topology, count));
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
/// Sets the host buffer texture to a generated sequential index buffer.
/// Shader resource binding reservations
/// Vertex count
private readonly void SetSequentialIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int count)
BufferHandle sequentialIndexBuffer = _vacContext.GetSequentialIndexBuffer(count);
ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(0, Format.R32Uint);
bufferTexture.SetStorage(new BufferRange(sequentialIndexBuffer, 0, count * sizeof(uint)));
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
/// Gets the size of a vertex buffer based on the current 3D engine state.
/// Vertex buffer address
/// Vertex buffer end address (exclusive)
/// Vertex buffer stride
/// Whether the draw is indexed
/// Whether the draw is instanced
/// First vertex index
/// Vertex count
/// Size of the vertex buffer, in bytes
private readonly ulong GetVertexBufferSize(ulong vbAddress, ulong vbEndAddress, int vbStride, bool indexed, bool instanced, int firstVertex, int vertexCount)
IndexType indexType = _state.State.IndexBufferState.Type;
bool indexTypeSmall = indexType == IndexType.UByte || indexType == IndexType.UShort;
ulong vbSize = vbEndAddress - vbAddress + 1;
ulong size;
if (indexed || vbStride == 0 || instanced)
// This size may be (much) larger than the real vertex buffer size.
// Avoid calculating it this way, unless we don't have any other option.
size = vbSize;
if (vbStride > 0 && indexTypeSmall && indexed && !instanced)
// If the index type is a small integer type, then we might be still able
// to reduce the vertex buffer size based on the maximum possible index value.
ulong maxVertexBufferSize = indexType == IndexType.UByte ? 0x100UL : 0x10000UL;
maxVertexBufferSize += _state.State.FirstVertex;
maxVertexBufferSize *= (uint)vbStride;
size = Math.Min(size, maxVertexBufferSize);
// For non-indexed draws, we can guess the size from the vertex count
// and stride.
int firstInstance = (int)_state.State.FirstInstance;
size = Math.Min(vbSize, (ulong)((firstInstance + firstVertex + vertexCount) * vbStride));
return size;
/// Aligns a size to a given alignment value.
/// Size
/// Alignment
/// Aligned size
private static ulong Align(ulong size, int alignment)
ulong align = (ulong)alignment;
size += align - 1;
size /= align;
size *= align;
return size;