using ARMeilleure.Signal; using Ryujinx.Memory; using Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Ryujinx.Cpu { public class MemoryEhMeilleure : IDisposable { private delegate bool TrackingEventDelegate(ulong address, ulong size, bool write); private readonly TrackingEventDelegate _trackingEvent; private readonly ulong _baseAddress; private readonly ulong _mirrorAddress; public MemoryEhMeilleure(MemoryBlock addressSpace, MemoryBlock addressSpaceMirror, MemoryTracking tracking) { _baseAddress = (ulong)addressSpace.Pointer; ulong endAddress = _baseAddress + addressSpace.Size; _trackingEvent = tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent; bool added = NativeSignalHandler.AddTrackedRegion((nuint)_baseAddress, (nuint)endAddress, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_trackingEvent)); if (!added) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of allowed tracked regions exceeded."); } if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows()) { // Add a tracking event with no signal handler for the mirror on Windows. // The native handler has its own code to check for the partial overlap race when regions are protected by accident, // and when there is no signal handler present. _mirrorAddress = (ulong)addressSpaceMirror.Pointer; ulong endAddressMirror = _mirrorAddress + addressSpace.Size; bool addedMirror = NativeSignalHandler.AddTrackedRegion((nuint)_mirrorAddress, (nuint)endAddressMirror, IntPtr.Zero); if (!addedMirror) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of allowed tracked regions exceeded."); } } } public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); NativeSignalHandler.RemoveTrackedRegion((nuint)_baseAddress); if (_mirrorAddress != 0) { NativeSignalHandler.RemoveTrackedRegion((nuint)_mirrorAddress); } } } }