using MsgPack; using System; using System.Text; namespace Ryujinx.Common.Utilities { public static class MessagePackObjectFormatter { public static string ToString(this MessagePackObject obj, bool pretty) { if (pretty) { return Format(obj); } return obj.ToString(); } public static string Format(MessagePackObject obj) { var builder = new IndentedStringBuilder(); FormatMsgPackObj(obj, builder); return builder.ToString(); } private static void FormatMsgPackObj(MessagePackObject obj, IndentedStringBuilder builder) { if (obj.IsMap || obj.IsDictionary) { FormatMsgPackMap(obj, builder); } else if (obj.IsArray || obj.IsList) { FormatMsgPackArray(obj, builder); } else if (obj.IsNil) { builder.Append("null"); } else { var literal = obj.ToObject(); if (literal is String) { builder.AppendQuotedString(obj.AsStringUtf16()); } else if (literal is byte[] byteArray) { FormatByteArray(byteArray, builder); } else if (literal is MessagePackExtendedTypeObject extObject) { builder.Append('{'); // Indent builder.IncreaseIndent() .AppendLine(); // Print TypeCode field builder.AppendQuotedString("TypeCode") .Append(": ") .Append(extObject.TypeCode) .AppendLine(","); // Print Value field builder.AppendQuotedString("Value") .Append(": "); FormatByteArrayAsString(extObject.GetBody(), builder, true); // Unindent builder.DecreaseIndent() .AppendLine(); builder.Append('}'); } else { builder.Append(literal); } } } private static void FormatByteArray(byte[] arr, IndentedStringBuilder builder) { builder.Append("[ "); foreach (var b in arr) { builder.Append("0x"); builder.Append(ToHexChar(b >> 4)); builder.Append(ToHexChar(b & 0xF)); builder.Append(", "); } // Remove trailing comma builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2); builder.Append(" ]"); } private static void FormatByteArrayAsString(byte[] arr, IndentedStringBuilder builder, bool withPrefix) { builder.Append('"'); if (withPrefix) { builder.Append("0x"); } foreach (var b in arr) { builder.Append(ToHexChar(b >> 4)); builder.Append(ToHexChar(b & 0xF)); } builder.Append('"'); } private static void FormatMsgPackMap(MessagePackObject obj, IndentedStringBuilder builder) { var map = obj.AsDictionary(); builder.Append('{'); // Indent builder.IncreaseIndent() .AppendLine(); foreach (var item in map) { FormatMsgPackObj(item.Key, builder); builder.Append(": "); FormatMsgPackObj(item.Value, builder); builder.AppendLine(","); } // Remove the trailing new line and comma builder.TrimLastLine() .Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1); // Unindent builder.DecreaseIndent() .AppendLine(); builder.Append('}'); } private static void FormatMsgPackArray(MessagePackObject obj, IndentedStringBuilder builder) { var arr = obj.AsList(); builder.Append("[ "); foreach (var item in arr) { FormatMsgPackObj(item, builder); builder.Append(", "); } // Remove trailing comma builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2); builder.Append(" ]"); } private static char ToHexChar(int b) { if (b < 10) { return unchecked((char)('0' + b)); } return unchecked((char)('A' + (b - 10))); } internal class IndentedStringBuilder { const string DefaultIndent = " "; private int _indentCount; private int _newLineIndex; private readonly StringBuilder _builder; public string IndentString { get; set; } = DefaultIndent; public IndentedStringBuilder(StringBuilder builder) { _builder = builder; } public IndentedStringBuilder() : this(new StringBuilder()) { } public IndentedStringBuilder(string str) : this(new StringBuilder(str)) { } public IndentedStringBuilder(int length) : this(new StringBuilder(length)) { } public int Length { get => _builder.Length; } public IndentedStringBuilder IncreaseIndent() { _indentCount++; return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder DecreaseIndent() { _indentCount--; return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder Append(char value) { _builder.Append(value); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder Append(string value) { _builder.Append(value); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder Append(object value) { this.Append(value.ToString()); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder AppendQuotedString(string value) { _builder.Append('"'); _builder.Append(value); _builder.Append('"'); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder AppendLine() { _newLineIndex = _builder.Length; _builder.AppendLine(); for (int i = 0; i < _indentCount; i++) _builder.Append(IndentString); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder AppendLine(string value) { _builder.Append(value); this.AppendLine(); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder TrimLastLine() { _builder.Remove(_newLineIndex, _builder.Length - _newLineIndex); return this; } public IndentedStringBuilder Remove(int startIndex, int length) { _builder.Remove(startIndex, length); return this; } public override string ToString() { return _builder.ToString(); } } } }