using System; namespace Ryujinx.Common.Collections { /// <summary> /// Tree that provides the ability for O(logN) lookups for keys that exist in the tree, and O(logN) lookups for keys immediately greater than or less than a specified key. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Derived node type</typeparam> public class IntrusiveRedBlackTreeImpl<T> where T : IntrusiveRedBlackTreeNode<T> { protected const bool Black = true; protected const bool Red = false; protected T Root; internal T RootNode => Root; /// <summary> /// Number of nodes on the tree. /// </summary> public int Count { get; protected set; } /// <summary> /// Removes all nodes on the tree. /// </summary> public void Clear() { Root = null; Count = 0; } /// <summary> /// Finds the node whose key is immediately greater than <paramref name="node"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to find the successor of</param> /// <returns>Successor of <paramref name="node"/></returns> internal static T SuccessorOf(T node) { if (node.Right != null) { return Minimum(node.Right); } T parent = node.Parent; while (parent != null && node == parent.Right) { node = parent; parent = parent.Parent; } return parent; } /// <summary> /// Finds the node whose key is immediately less than <paramref name="node"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to find the predecessor of</param> /// <returns>Predecessor of <paramref name="node"/></returns> internal static T PredecessorOf(T node) { if (node.Left != null) { return Maximum(node.Left); } T parent = node.Parent; while (parent != null && node == parent.Left) { node = parent; parent = parent.Parent; } return parent; } /// <summary> /// Returns the node with the largest key where <paramref name="node"/> is considered the root node. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Root node</param> /// <returns>Node with the maximum key in the tree of <paramref name="node"/></returns> protected static T Maximum(T node) { T tmp = node; while (tmp.Right != null) { tmp = tmp.Right; } return tmp; } /// <summary> /// Returns the node with the smallest key where <paramref name="node"/> is considered the root node. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Root node</param> /// <returns>Node with the minimum key in the tree of <paramref name="node"/></returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="node"/> is null</exception> protected static T Minimum(T node) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(node); T tmp = node; while (tmp.Left != null) { tmp = tmp.Left; } return tmp; } protected void RestoreBalanceAfterRemoval(T balanceNode) { T ptr = balanceNode; while (ptr != Root && ColorOf(ptr) == Black) { if (ptr == LeftOf(ParentOf(ptr))) { T sibling = RightOf(ParentOf(ptr)); if (ColorOf(sibling) == Red) { SetColor(sibling, Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ptr), Red); RotateLeft(ParentOf(ptr)); sibling = RightOf(ParentOf(ptr)); } if (ColorOf(LeftOf(sibling)) == Black && ColorOf(RightOf(sibling)) == Black) { SetColor(sibling, Red); ptr = ParentOf(ptr); } else { if (ColorOf(RightOf(sibling)) == Black) { SetColor(LeftOf(sibling), Black); SetColor(sibling, Red); RotateRight(sibling); sibling = RightOf(ParentOf(ptr)); } SetColor(sibling, ColorOf(ParentOf(ptr))); SetColor(ParentOf(ptr), Black); SetColor(RightOf(sibling), Black); RotateLeft(ParentOf(ptr)); ptr = Root; } } else { T sibling = LeftOf(ParentOf(ptr)); if (ColorOf(sibling) == Red) { SetColor(sibling, Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ptr), Red); RotateRight(ParentOf(ptr)); sibling = LeftOf(ParentOf(ptr)); } if (ColorOf(RightOf(sibling)) == Black && ColorOf(LeftOf(sibling)) == Black) { SetColor(sibling, Red); ptr = ParentOf(ptr); } else { if (ColorOf(LeftOf(sibling)) == Black) { SetColor(RightOf(sibling), Black); SetColor(sibling, Red); RotateLeft(sibling); sibling = LeftOf(ParentOf(ptr)); } SetColor(sibling, ColorOf(ParentOf(ptr))); SetColor(ParentOf(ptr), Black); SetColor(LeftOf(sibling), Black); RotateRight(ParentOf(ptr)); ptr = Root; } } } SetColor(ptr, Black); } protected void RestoreBalanceAfterInsertion(T balanceNode) { SetColor(balanceNode, Red); while (balanceNode != null && balanceNode != Root && ColorOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)) == Red) { if (ParentOf(balanceNode) == LeftOf(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)))) { T sibling = RightOf(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))); if (ColorOf(sibling) == Red) { SetColor(ParentOf(balanceNode), Black); SetColor(sibling, Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)), Red); balanceNode = ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)); } else { if (balanceNode == RightOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))) { balanceNode = ParentOf(balanceNode); RotateLeft(balanceNode); } SetColor(ParentOf(balanceNode), Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)), Red); RotateRight(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))); } } else { T sibling = LeftOf(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))); if (ColorOf(sibling) == Red) { SetColor(ParentOf(balanceNode), Black); SetColor(sibling, Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)), Red); balanceNode = ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)); } else { if (balanceNode == LeftOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))) { balanceNode = ParentOf(balanceNode); RotateRight(balanceNode); } SetColor(ParentOf(balanceNode), Black); SetColor(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode)), Red); RotateLeft(ParentOf(ParentOf(balanceNode))); } } } SetColor(Root, Black); } protected virtual void RotateLeft(T node) { if (node != null) { T right = RightOf(node); node.Right = LeftOf(right); if (node.Right != null) { node.Right.Parent = node; } T nodeParent = ParentOf(node); right.Parent = nodeParent; if (nodeParent == null) { Root = right; } else if (node == LeftOf(nodeParent)) { nodeParent.Left = right; } else { nodeParent.Right = right; } right.Left = node; node.Parent = right; } } protected virtual void RotateRight(T node) { if (node != null) { T left = LeftOf(node); node.Left = RightOf(left); if (node.Left != null) { node.Left.Parent = node; } T nodeParent = ParentOf(node); left.Parent = nodeParent; if (nodeParent == null) { Root = left; } else if (node == RightOf(nodeParent)) { nodeParent.Right = left; } else { nodeParent.Left = left; } left.Right = node; node.Parent = left; } } #region Safety-Methods // These methods save memory by allowing us to forego sentinel nil nodes, as well as serve as protection against NullReferenceExceptions. /// <summary> /// Returns the color of <paramref name="node"/>, or Black if it is null. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node</param> /// <returns>The boolean color of <paramref name="node"/>, or black if null</returns> protected static bool ColorOf(T node) { return node == null || node.Color; } /// <summary> /// Sets the color of <paramref name="node"/> node to <paramref name="color"/>. /// <br></br> /// This method does nothing if <paramref name="node"/> is null. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to set the color of</param> /// <param name="color">Color (Boolean)</param> protected static void SetColor(T node, bool color) { if (node != null) { node.Color = color; } } /// <summary> /// This method returns the left node of <paramref name="node"/>, or null if <paramref name="node"/> is null. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to retrieve the left child from</param> /// <returns>Left child of <paramref name="node"/></returns> protected static T LeftOf(T node) { return node?.Left; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the right node of <paramref name="node"/>, or null if <paramref name="node"/> is null. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to retrieve the right child from</param> /// <returns>Right child of <paramref name="node"/></returns> protected static T RightOf(T node) { return node?.Right; } /// <summary> /// Returns the parent node of <paramref name="node"/>, or null if <paramref name="node"/> is null. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Node to retrieve the parent from</param> /// <returns>Parent of <paramref name="node"/></returns> protected static T ParentOf(T node) { return node?.Parent; } #endregion } }